    def test_clip_geometry(self):
        """Test that we can clip a geometry using another geometry."""
        geometry = QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([
            QgsPoint(10, 10),
            QgsPoint(20, 20),
            QgsPoint(30, 30),
            QgsPoint(40, 40)

        clip_polygon = QgsGeometry.fromPolygon([[
            QgsPoint(20, 20),
            QgsPoint(20, 30),
            QgsPoint(30, 30),
            QgsPoint(30, 20),
            QgsPoint(20, 20)

        result = clip_geometry(clip_polygon, geometry)

        expected_wkt = 'LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 30.0 30.0)'
        # There should only be one feature that intersects this clip
        # poly so this assertion should work.
        assert compare_wkt(expected_wkt, str(result.exportToWkt()))

        # Now poly on poly clip test
        clip_polygon = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(
            'POLYGON((106.8218 -6.1842,106.8232 -6.1842,'
            '106.82304963 -6.18317148,106.82179736 -6.18314774,'
            '106.8218 -6.1842))')
        geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(
            'POLYGON((106.8216869 -6.1852067,106.8213233 -6.1843051,'
            '106.8212891 -6.1835559,106.8222566 -6.1835184,'
            '106.8227557 -6.1835076,106.8228588 -6.1851204,'
            '106.8216869 -6.1852067))')
        result = clip_geometry(clip_polygon, geometry)

        expected_wkt = (
            'POLYGON((106.82179833 -6.18353616,106.8222566 -6.1835184,'
            '106.8227557 -6.1835076,106.82279996 -6.1842,'
            '106.8218 -6.1842,106.82179833 -6.18353616))')
        # There should only be one feature that intersects this clip
        # poly so this assertion should work.
        assert compare_wkt(expected_wkt, str(result.exportToWkt()))

        # Now point on poly test clip

        geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt('POINT(106.82241 -6.18369)')
        result = clip_geometry(clip_polygon, geometry)

        if qgis_version() > 10800:
            expected_wkt = 'POINT(106.82241 -6.18369)'
            expected_wkt = 'POINT(106.822410 -6.183690)'
            # There should only be one feature that intersects this clip
        # poly so this assertion should work.
        assert compare_wkt(expected_wkt, str(result.exportToWkt()))
    def test_clip_geometry(self):
        """Test that we can clip a geometry using another geometry."""
        geometry = QgsGeometry.fromPolyline([
            QgsPoint(10, 10), QgsPoint(20, 20), QgsPoint(30, 30),
            QgsPoint(40, 40)])

        clip_polygon = QgsGeometry.fromPolygon([
            [QgsPoint(20, 20),
             QgsPoint(20, 30),
             QgsPoint(30, 30),
             QgsPoint(30, 20),
             QgsPoint(20, 20)]])

        result = clip_geometry(clip_polygon, geometry)

        expected_wkt = 'LINESTRING(20.0 20.0, 30.0 30.0)'
        # There should only be one feature that intersects this clip
        # poly so this assertion should work.
        assert compare_wkt(expected_wkt, str(result.exportToWkt()))

        # Now poly on poly clip test
        clip_polygon = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(
            'POLYGON((106.8218 -6.1842,106.8232 -6.1842,'
            '106.82304963 -6.18317148,106.82179736 -6.18314774,'
            '106.8218 -6.1842))')
        geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt(
            'POLYGON((106.8216869 -6.1852067,106.8213233 -6.1843051,'
            '106.8212891 -6.1835559,106.8222566 -6.1835184,'
            '106.8227557 -6.1835076,106.8228588 -6.1851204,'
            '106.8216869 -6.1852067))')
        result = clip_geometry(clip_polygon, geometry)

        expected_wkt = (
            'POLYGON((106.82179833 -6.18353616,106.8222566 -6.1835184,'
            '106.8227557 -6.1835076,106.82279996 -6.1842,'
            '106.8218 -6.1842,106.82179833 -6.18353616))')
        # There should only be one feature that intersects this clip
        # poly so this assertion should work.
        assert compare_wkt(expected_wkt, str(result.exportToWkt()))

        # Now point on poly test clip

        geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt('POINT(106.82241 -6.18369)')
        result = clip_geometry(clip_polygon, geometry)

        if qgis_version() > 10800:
            expected_wkt = 'POINT(106.82241 -6.18369)'
            expected_wkt = 'POINT(106.822410 -6.183690)'
            # There should only be one feature that intersects this clip
        # poly so this assertion should work.
        assert compare_wkt(expected_wkt, str(result.exportToWkt()))