def set_p(self, p):
        """ Sets which value p should have """
        if (is_prime(p) is False):
            print("[Error] The value of p must be a prime!")
            return None

        if (euler_phi(p) < self.std_length):
            print("[Warning] Weak value for p. Only " + str(euler_phi(p)) +
                  " possible values for e and k")
        if (euler_phi(p - 1) < self.std_length):
            print("[Warning] Weak value for p-1. Only " +
                  str(euler_phi(p - 1)) + " possible values for n")
        self.p = p
 def compute(self, save=True):
     emf_logger.debug("in compute for WebChar number {0} of modulus {1}".format(self.number, self.modulus))
     c = self.character
     changed = False
     if self.conductor == 0:
         self.conductor = c.conductor()
         changed = True
     if self.order == 0:
         self.order = c.multiplicative_order()
         changed = True
     if self.latex_name == "":
         self.latex_name = "\chi_{" + str(self.modulus) + "}(" + str(self.number) + ", \cdot)"
         changed = True
     if self._values_algebraic == {} or self._values_float == {}:
         changed = True
         for i in range(self.modulus):
             self.value(i, value_format="float")
             self.value(i, value_format="algebraic")
     if self.modulus_euler_phi == 0:
         changed = True
         self.modulus_euler_phi = euler_phi(self.modulus)
     if changed and save:
         emf_logger.debug("Not saving.")
 def compute(self, save=True):
         'in compute for WebChar number {0} of modulus {1}'.format(
             self.number, self.modulus))
     c = self.character
     changed = False
     if self.conductor == 0:
         self.conductor = c.conductor()
         changed = True
     if self.order == 0:
         self.order = c.multiplicative_order()
         changed = True
     if self.latex_name == '':
         self.latex_name = "\chi_{" + str(self.modulus) + "}(" + str(
             self.number) + ", \cdot)"
         changed = True
     if self._values_algebraic == {} or self._values_float == {}:
         changed = True
         for i in range(self.modulus):
             self.value(i, value_format='float')
             self.value(i, value_format='algebraic')
     if self.modulus_euler_phi == 0:
         changed = True
         self.modulus_euler_phi = euler_phi(self.modulus)
     if changed and save:
         emf_logger.debug('Not saving.')
 def init_dynamic_properties(self, embeddings=False):
     if self.number is not None:
         emf_logger.debug('number: {0}'.format(self.number))
         self.character = DirichletCharacter_conrey(
             DirichletGroup_conrey(self.modulus), self.number)
         if not self.number == 1:
             self.sage_character = self.character.sage_character()
             self.sage_character = trivial_character(self.modulus) = "Character nr. {0} of modulus {1}".format(
             self.number, self.modulus)
         if embeddings:
             from lmfdb.modular_forms.elliptic_modular_forms.backend.emf_utils import dirichlet_character_conrey_galois_orbit_embeddings
             emb = dirichlet_character_conrey_galois_orbit_embeddings(
                 self.modulus, self.number)
         c = self.character
         if self.conductor == 0:
             self.conductor = c.conductor()
         if self.order == 0:
             self.order = c.multiplicative_order()
         if self.modulus_euler_phi == 0:
             self.modulus_euler_phi = euler_phi(self.modulus)
         if self.latex_name == '':
             self.latex_name = "\chi_{" + str(self.modulus) + "}(" + str(
                 self.number) + ", \cdot)"
 def check_char_degree(self, rec, verbose=False):
     check that char_degree = euler_phi(order)
     # TIME about 20s for full table
     return self._test_equality(rec['char_degree'], euler_phi(rec['order']),
def notpvec(A,p):
    Ap = []
    for a in A:
        ap, aprime = pnotp(a,p)
    return Ap
def modvecupper(A,p):
    Ap = []
    for a in A:
        ap, aprime = pnotp(a,p)
    return Ap
def _dir_knowl_data(label, orbit=False):
    modulus, number = label.split('.')
    modulus = int(modulus)
        numbers = label_to_number(modulus, number, all=True)
    except ValueError:
        return "Invalid label for Dirichlet character: %s" % label
    if isinstance(numbers, list):
        number = numbers[0]

        def conrey_link(i):
            return "<a href='%s'> %s.%s</a>" % (url_for(
                number=i), modulus, i)

        if len(numbers) <= 2:
            numbers = [conrey_link(k) for k in numbers]
            numbers = [
                conrey_link(numbers[0]), '&#8230;',
        number = numbers
        numbers = None
    args = {'type': 'Dirichlet', 'modulus': modulus, 'number': number}
    webchar = make_webchar(args)
    if orbit and modulus <= 10000:
        inf = "Dirichlet character orbit %d.%s\n" % (modulus,
        inf = r"Dirichlet character \(\chi_{%d}(%d, \cdot)\)" % (modulus,
                                                                 number) + "\n"
    inf += "<div><table class='chardata'>\n"

    def row_wrap(header, val):
        return "<tr><td>%s: </td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % (header, val)

    inf += row_wrap('Conductor', webchar.conductor)
    inf += row_wrap('Order', webchar.order)
    inf += row_wrap('Degree', euler_phi(webchar.order))
    inf += row_wrap('Minimal', webchar.isminimal)
    inf += row_wrap('Parity', webchar.parity)
    if numbers:
        inf += row_wrap('Characters', ",&nbsp;".join(numbers))
    if modulus <= 10000:
        if not orbit:
            inf += row_wrap('Orbit label',
                            '%d.%s' % (modulus, webchar.orbit_label))
        inf += row_wrap('Orbit Index', webchar.orbit_index)
    inf += '</table></div>\n'
    if numbers is None:
        inf += '<div align="right">\n'
        inf += '<a href="%s">%s home page</a>\n' % (str(
                    number=number)), label)
        inf += '</div>\n'
    return inf
 def from_cyclo(cls, n):
     if euler_phi(n) > 23:
         return cls('none')  # Forced to fail
     pol = pari.polcyclo(n)
     R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
     coeffs = R(pol.polredabs()).coefficients(sparse=False)
     return cls.from_coeffs(coeffs)
 def compute(self, save=True):
     emf_logger.debug('in compute for WebChar number {0} of modulus {1}'.format(self.number, self.modulus))
     c = self.character
     changed = False
     if self.conductor == 0:            
         self.conductor = c.conductor()
         changed = True
     if self.order == 0:
         self.order = c.multiplicative_order()
         changed = True
     if self.latex_name == '':
         self.latex_name = "\chi_{" + str(self.modulus) + "}(" + str(self.number) + ", \cdot)"
         changed = True
     if self._values_algebraic == {} or self._values_float == {}:
         changed = True
         for i in range(self.modulus):
     if self.modulus_euler_phi == 0:
         changed = True
         self.modulus_euler_phi = euler_phi(self.modulus)
     if changed and save and False:  # temporary hack to prevent fatal error when save_to_db fails
         emf_logger.debug('Not saving.')
 def from_cyclo(cls, n):
     if euler_phi(n) > 23:
         return cls('none')  # Forced to fail
     pol = pari.polcyclo(n)
     R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x')
     coeffs = R(pol.polredabs()).coefficients(sparse=False)
     return cls.from_coeffs(coeffs)
 def check_character_values(self, rec, verbose=False):
     The x's listed in values and values_gens should be coprime to the modulus N in the label.
     For x's that appear in both values and values_gens, the value should be the same.
     # TIME about 3000s for full table
     N = Integer(rec['modulus'])
     v2, u2 = N.val_unit(2)
     if v2 == 1:
         # Z/2 doesn't contribute generators, but 2 divides N
         adjust2 = -1
     elif v2 >= 3:
         # Z/8 and above requires two generators
         adjust2 = 1
         adjust2 = 0
     if N == 1:
         # The character stores a value in the case N=1
         ngens = 1
         ngens = len(N.factor()) + adjust2
     vals = rec['values']
     val_gens = rec['values_gens']
     val_gens_dict = dict(val_gens)
     if len(vals) != min(12, euler_phi(N)) or len(val_gens) != ngens:
         if verbose:
             print "Length failure", len(vals), euler_phi(N), len(
                 val_gens), ngens
         return False
     if N > 2 and (vals[0][0] != N - 1 or vals[1][0] != 1 or vals[1][1] != 0
                   or vals[0][1] not in [0, rec['order'] // 2]):
         if verbose:
             print "Initial value failure", N, rec['order'], vals[:2]
         return False
     if any(N.gcd(g) > 1 for g, gval in val_gens + vals):
         if verbose:
             print "gcd failure", [
                 g for g, gval in val_gens + vals if N.gcd(g) > 1
         return False
     for g, val in vals:
         if g in val_gens_dict and val != val_gens_dict[g]:
             if verbose:
                 print "Mismatch failure", g, val, val_gens_dict[g]
             return False
     return True
def modvecupper(A, p):
    Ap = []
    for a in A:
        v = valuation(a, p)
        ap = p**v
        aprime = a / ap
        Ap.extend([aprime] * euler_phi(ap))
    return Ap
def get_sage_genvalues(modulus, order, genvalues, zeta_order):
        Helper method for computing correct genvalues when constructing
        the sage character
    phi_mod = euler_phi(modulus)
    exponent_factor = phi_mod / order
    genvalues_exponent = [x * exponent_factor for x in genvalues]
    return [x * zeta_order / phi_mod for x in genvalues_exponent]
def id_dirichlet(fun, N, n):
    N = Integer(N)
    if N == 1:
        return (1, 1)
    p2 = valuation(N, 2)
    N2 = 2**p2
    Nodd = N // N2
    Nfact = list(factor(Nodd))
    #print "n = "+str(n)
    #for j in range(20):
    #    print "chi(%d) = e(%d/%d)"%(j+2, fun(j+2,n), n)
    plist = [z[0] for z in Nfact]
    ppows = [z[0]**z[1] for z in Nfact]
    ppows2 = list(ppows)
    idems = [1 for z in Nfact]
    proots = [primitive_root(z) for z in ppows]
    # Get CRT idempotents
    if p2 > 0:
    for j in range(len(plist)):
        exps = [1 for z in idems]
        if p2 > 0:
        exps[j] = proots[j]
        idems[j] = crt(exps, ppows2)
    idemvals = [fun(z, n) for z in idems]
    # now normalize to right root of unity base
    idemvals = [
        idemvals[j] * euler_phi(ppows[j]) / n for j in range(len(idemvals))
    ans = [
        Integer(mod(proots[j], ppows[j])**idemvals[j])
        for j in range(len(proots))
    ans = crt(ans, ppows)
    # There are cases depending on 2-part of N
    if p2 == 0:
        return (N, ans)
    if p2 == 1:
        return (N, crt([1, ans], [2, Nodd]))
    if p2 == 2:
        my3 = crt([3, 1], [N2, Nodd])
        if fun(my3, n) == 0:
            return (N, crt([1, ans], [4, Nodd]))
            return (N, crt([3, ans], [4, Nodd]))
    # Final case 2^3 | N

    my5 = crt([5, 1], [N2, Nodd])
    test1 = fun(my5, n) * N2 / 4 / n
    test1 = Integer(mod(5, N2)**test1)
    minusone = crt([-1, 1], [N2, Nodd])
    test2 = (fun(minusone, n) * N2 / 4 / n) % (N2 / 4)
    if test2 > 0:
        test1 = Integer(mod(-test1, N2))
    return (N, crt([test1, ans], [N2, Nodd]))
 def gauss_sum_numerical(self, a):
     # There seems to be a bug in pari when a is a multiple of the modulus,
     # so we deal with that separately
     if self.modulus.divides(a):
         if self.conductor() == 1:
             return euler_phi(self.modulus)
             return Integer(0)
         return pari("znchargauss(%s,%s,a=%d)" % (self.G, self.chi_pari, a))
 def check_character_values(self, rec, verbose=False):
     The x's listed in values and values_gens should be coprime to the modulus N in the label.
     For x's that appear in both values and values_gens, the value should be the same.
     # TIME about 3000s for full table
     N = Integer(rec['modulus'])
     v2, u2 = N.val_unit(2)
     if v2 == 1:
         # Z/2 doesn't contribute generators, but 2 divides N
         adjust2 = -1
     elif v2 >= 3:
         # Z/8 and above requires two generators
         adjust2 = 1
         adjust2 = 0
     if N == 1:
         # The character stores a value in the case N=1
         ngens = 1
         ngens = len(N.factor()) + adjust2
     vals = rec['values']
     val_gens = rec['values_gens']
     val_gens_dict = dict(val_gens)
     if len(vals) != min(12, euler_phi(N)) or len(val_gens) != ngens:
         if verbose:
             print "Length failure", len(vals), euler_phi(N), len(val_gens), ngens
         return False
     if N > 2 and (vals[0][0] != N-1 or vals[1][0] != 1 or vals[1][1] != 0 or vals[0][1] not in [0, rec['order']//2]):
         if verbose:
             print "Initial value failure", N, rec['order'], vals[:2]
         return False
     if any(N.gcd(g) > 1 for g, gval in val_gens+vals):
         if verbose:
             print "gcd failure", [g for g, gval in val_gens+vals if N.gcd(g) > 1]
         return False
     for g, val in vals:
         if g in val_gens_dict and val != val_gens_dict[g]:
             if verbose:
                 print "Mismatch failure", g, val, val_gens_dict[g]
             return False
     return True
def degree_cusp(i,N):
    Function DegreeCusp in Mark his code 
    returns the degree over Q of the cusp $q^(i/n)\zeta_n^j$ on X_1(N)
    i = ZZ(i); N = ZZ(N)
    d = euler_phi(gcd(i,N))
    if i == 0 or 2*i == N:
        return ceil(d/2)
    return d
def parse_field_string(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == 'Q':
        return ''
    if F == 'Qi':
        return ''
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    F = F.replace(u'\u2212', '-')
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    F = F.decode('utf8').encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    fail_string = str(
        F + ' is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ')
    if len(F) == 0:
        return "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == 'Q':
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == 'zeta':
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d < 1:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 23:
                return '%s is not ' % F
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return '%s.0.%s.1' % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F1 = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        return str(F + ' is not ')
    return F
    def dbd(self, d):
        Return matrix of <d>.


            - `d` -- integer


            - a matrix modulo 2


            sage: from mdsage import *
            sage: C = KamiennyCriterion(29)
            sage: C.dbd(2)
            22 x 22 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 2 (use the '.str()' method to see the entries)
            sage: C.dbd(2)^14==1
            sage: C.dbd(2)[0]
            (0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
        if self.verbose: tm = cputime(); mem = get_memory_usage(); print "dbd start"
        try: return self._dbd[d % self.p]
        except AttributeError: pass
        # Find generators of the integers modulo p:
        gens = Integers(self.p).unit_gens()
        orders = [g.multiplicative_order() for g in gens]
        # Compute corresponding <z> operator on integral cuspidal modular symbols
        X = [self.M.diamond_bracket_operator(z).matrix() for z in gens]
        if self.verbose: print "time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "create d"
        X = [x.restrict(self.S_integral, check=False) for x in X]
        if self.verbose: print "time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "restrict d"
        X = [matrix_modp(x) for x in X]
        if self.verbose: print "time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "mod d"
        # Take combinations to make list self._dbd of all dbd's such that
        # self._dbd[d] = <d>
        from itertools import product
        v = [None] * self.p
        for ei in product(*[range(i) for i in orders]):
            di = prod(g**e for e,g in zip(ei,gens)).lift()
            m = prod(g**e for e,g in zip(ei,X))
            v[di] = m
        if self.verbose: print "time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "mul"

        assert v.count(None) == (self.p-euler_phi(self.p))
        self._dbd = v
        if self.verbose: print "time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "bdb finnished"
        return v[d % self.p]
    def dbd(self, d):
        Return matrix of <d>.


            - `d` -- integer


            - a matrix modulo 2


            sage: from mdsage import *
            sage: C = KamiennyCriterion(29)
            sage: C.dbd(2)
            22 x 22 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 2 (use the '.str()' method to see the entries)
            sage: C.dbd(2)^14==1
            sage: C.dbd(2)[0]
            (0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1)
        if self.verbose: tm = cputime(); mem = get_memory_usage(); print("dbd start")
        try: return self._dbd[d % self.p]
        except AttributeError: pass
        # Find generators of the integers modulo p:
        gens = Integers(self.p).unit_gens()
        orders = [g.multiplicative_order() for g in gens]
        # Compute corresponding <z> operator on integral cuspidal modular symbols
        X = [self.M.diamond_bracket_operator(z).matrix() for z in gens]
        if self.verbose: print("time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "create d")
        X = [x.restrict(self.S_integral, check=False) for x in X]
        if self.verbose: print("time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "restrict d")
        X = [matrix_modp(x) for x in X]
        if self.verbose: print("time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "mod d")
        # Take combinations to make list self._dbd of all dbd's such that
        # self._dbd[d] = <d>
        from itertools import product
        v = [None] * self.p
        for ei in product(*[list(range(i)) for i in orders]):
            di = prod(g**e for e,g in zip(ei,gens)).lift()
            m = prod(g**e for e,g in zip(ei,X))
            v[di] = m
        if self.verbose: print("time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "mul")

        assert v.count(None) == (self.p-euler_phi(self.p))
        self._dbd = v
        if self.verbose: print("time and mem", cputime(tm), get_memory_usage(mem), "bdb finnished")
        return v[d % self.p]
def parse_field_string(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == "Q":
        return ""
    if F == "Qi":
        return ""
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    F = F.replace(u"\u2212", "-")
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    F = F.decode("utf8").encode("ascii", "ignore")
    fail_string = str(F + " is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ")
    if len(F) == 0:
        return "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == "Q":
        if F[1:5] in ["sqrt", "root"]:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return "2.%s.%s.1" % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == "zeta":
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d < 1:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ""
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 23:
                return "%s is not " % F
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return "%s.0.%s.1" % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace("X", "x")
    if "x" in F:
        F1 = F.replace("^", "**")
        # print F
        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        return str(F + " is not ")
    return F
def parse_field_string(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == 'Q':
        return ''
    if F == 'Qi':
        return ''
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    F = F.replace(u'\u2212', '-')
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    F = F.decode('utf8').encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    fail_string = str(F + ' is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ')
    if len(F) == 0:
        return "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == 'Q':
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == 'zeta':
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d < 1:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 23:
                return '%s is not ' % F
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return '%s.0.%s.1' % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F1 = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        return str(F + ' is not ')
    return F
def id_dirichlet(fun, N, n):
    N = Integer(N)
    if N == 1:
        return (1, 1)
    p2 = valuation(N, 2)
    N2 = 2 ** p2
    Nodd = N / N2
    Nfact = list(factor(Nodd))
    # print "n = "+str(n)
    # for j in range(20):
    #    print "chi(%d) = e(%d/%d)"%(j+2, fun(j+2,n), n)
    plist = [z[0] for z in Nfact]
    ppows = [z[0] ** z[1] for z in Nfact]
    ppows2 = list(ppows)
    idems = [1 for z in Nfact]
    proots = [primitive_root(z) for z in ppows]
    # Get CRT idempotents
    if p2 > 0:
    for j in range(len(plist)):
        exps = [1 for z in idems]
        if p2 > 0:
        exps[j] = proots[j]
        idems[j] = crt(exps, ppows2)
    idemvals = [fun(z, n) for z in idems]
    # now normalize to right root of unity base
    idemvals = [idemvals[j] * euler_phi(ppows[j]) / n for j in range(len(idemvals))]
    ans = [Integer(mod(proots[j], ppows[j]) ** idemvals[j]) for j in range(len(proots))]
    ans = crt(ans, ppows)
    # There are cases depending on 2-part of N
    if p2 == 0:
        return (N, ans)
    if p2 == 1:
        return (N, crt([1, ans], [2, Nodd]))
    if p2 == 2:
        my3 = crt([3, 1], [N2, Nodd])
        if fun(my3, n) == 0:
            return (N, crt([1, ans], [4, Nodd]))
            return (N, crt([3, ans], [4, Nodd]))
    # Final case 2^3 | N

    my5 = crt([5, 1], [N2, Nodd])
    test1 = fun(my5, n) * N2 / 4 / n
    test1 = Integer(mod(5, N2) ** test1)
    minusone = crt([-1, 1], [N2, Nodd])
    test2 = (fun(minusone, n) * N2 / 4 / n) % (N2 / 4)
    if test2 > 0:
        test1 = Integer(mod(-test1, N2))
    return (N, crt([test1, ans], [N2, Nodd]))
def parse_field_string(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == 'Q':
        return ''
    if F == 'Qi':
        return ''
    fail_string = str(
        F + ' is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ')
    if len(F) == 0:
        return "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == 'Q':
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == 'zeta':
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d < 1:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 20:
                return fail_string
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return '%s.0.%s.1' % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        F = poly_to_field_label(F)
        if F:
            return F
        return fail_string
    return F
def parse_field_string(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == "Q":
        return ""
    if F == "Qi":
        return ""
    fail_string = str(F + " is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ")
    if len(F) == 0:
        return "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == "Q":
        if F[1:5] in ["sqrt", "root"]:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return "2.%s.%s.1" % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == "zeta":
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d < 1:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ""
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 20:
                return fail_string
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return "%s.0.%s.1" % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace("X", "x")
    if "x" in F:
        F = F.replace("^", "**")
        # print F
        F = poly_to_field_label(F)
        if F:
            return F
        return fail_string
    return F
def parse_field_string(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == 'Q':
        return ''
    if F == 'Qi':
        return ''
    fail_string = str(F + ' is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ')
    if len(F) == 0:
        return "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == 'Q':
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == 'zeta':
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                return fail_string
            if d < 1:
                return fail_string
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 20:
                return fail_string
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return '%s.0.%s.1' % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        F = poly_to_field_label(F)
        if F:
            return F
        return fail_string
    return F
def NewSpace(N, k, chi_number,Detail=0):
    G = pari(N).znstar(1)
    chi_dc = char_orbit_index_to_DC_number(N,chi_number)
    chi_gp = G.znconreylog(chi_dc)
    chi_order = ZZ(G.charorder(chi_gp))
    chi_degree = euler_phi(chi_order)
    if Detail:
        print("order(chi) = {}, [Q(chi):Q] = {}".format(chi_order, chi_degree))
        print("pari character = {}".format(chi_gp))
    NK = [N,k,[G,chi_gp]]
    Snew = pari(NK).mfinit(0)
    rel_degree = Snew.mfdim()
    dim = chi_degree*rel_degree
    if Detail:
        print("Relative dimension = {}".format(rel_degree))
        print("dim({}:{}:{}) = {}*{} = {}".format(N,k,chi_number,chi_degree,rel_degree,dim))
    return NK, Snew
文件: 项目: jvoight/lmfdb
def _dir_knowl_data(label, orbit=False):
    modulus, number = label.split('.')
    modulus = int(modulus)
    numbers = label_to_number(modulus, number, all=True)
    if numbers == 0:
        return "Invalid label for Dirichlet character: %s" % label
    if isinstance(numbers, list):
        number = numbers[0]
        def conrey_link(i):
            return "<a href='%s'> %s.%s</a>" % (url_for("characters.render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=i), modulus, i)
        if len(numbers) <= 2:
            numbers = map(conrey_link, numbers)
            numbers = [conrey_link(numbers[0]), '&#8230;', conrey_link(numbers[-1])]
        number = numbers
        numbers = None
    args={'type': 'Dirichlet', 'modulus': modulus, 'number': number}
    webchar = make_webchar(args)
    if orbit and modulus <= 10000:
        inf = "Dirichlet Character Orbit %d.%s\n" % (modulus, webchar.orbit_label)
        inf = r"Dirichlet Character \(\chi_{%d}(%d, \cdot)\)" % (modulus, number) + "\n"
    inf += "<div><table class='chardata'>\n"
    def row_wrap(header, val):
        return "<tr><td>%s: </td><td>%s</td></tr>\n" % (header, val)
    inf += row_wrap('Conductor', webchar.conductor)
    inf += row_wrap('Order', webchar.order)
    inf += row_wrap('Degree', euler_phi(webchar.order))
    inf += row_wrap('Parity', "Even" if webchar.parity == 1 else "Odd")
    if numbers:
        inf += row_wrap('Characters', ",&nbsp;".join(numbers))
    if modulus <= 10000:
        if not orbit:
            inf += row_wrap('Orbit Label', '%d.%s' % (modulus, webchar.orbit_label))
        inf += row_wrap('Orbit Index', webchar.orbit_index)
    inf += '</table></div>\n'
    if numbers is None:
        inf += '<div align="right">\n'
        inf += '<a href="%s">%s home page</a>\n' % (str(url_for("characters.render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=number)), label)
        inf += '</div>\n'
    return inf
    def dirichlet_group(self, prime_bound=10000):
        f = self.conductor()
        if f == 1:  # To make the trivial case work correctly
            return [1]
        if euler_phi(f) > dir_group_size_bound:
            return []
        # Can do quadratic fields directly
        if == 2:
            if is_odd(f):
                return [1, f - 1]
            f1 = f / 4
            if is_odd(f1):
                return [1, f - 1]
            # we now want f with all powers of 2 removed
            f1 = f1 / 2
            if is_even(f1):
                raise Exception('Invalid conductor')
            if (self.disc() / 8) % 4 == 3:
                return [1, 4 * f1 - 1]
            # Finally we want congruent to 5 mod 8 and -1 mod f1
            if (f1 % 4) == 3:
                return [1, 2 * f1 - 1]
            return [1, 6 * f1 - 1]

        from dirichlet_conrey import DirichletGroup_conrey
        G = DirichletGroup_conrey(f)
        K = self.K()
        S = Set(G[1].kernel())  # trivial character, kernel is whole group

        for P in K.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(ZZ(prime_bound)):
            a = P.norm() % f
            if gcd(a, f) > 1:
            S = S.intersection(Set(G[a].kernel()))
            if len(S) ==
                return list(S)

        raise Exception(
            'Failure in dirichlet group for K=%s using prime bound %s' %
            (K, prime_bound))
 def init_dynamic_properties(self, embeddings=False):
     if self.number is not None:            
         emf_logger.debug('number: {0}'.format(self.number))
         self.character = DirichletCharacter_conrey(DirichletGroup_conrey(self.modulus),self.number)
         if not self.number == 1:
             self.sage_character = self.character.sage_character()
             self.sage_character = trivial_character(self.modulus) = "Character nr. {0} of modulus {1}".format(self.number,self.modulus)
         if embeddings:
             from lmfdb.modular_forms.elliptic_modular_forms.backend.emf_utils import dirichlet_character_conrey_galois_orbit_embeddings
             emb = dirichlet_character_conrey_galois_orbit_embeddings(self.modulus,self.number)
         c = self.character
         if self.conductor == 0:            
             self.conductor = c.conductor()
         if self.order == 0:
             self.order = c.multiplicative_order()
         if self.modulus_euler_phi == 0:
             self.modulus_euler_phi = euler_phi(self.modulus)
         if self.latex_name == '':
             self.latex_name = "\chi_{" + str(self.modulus) + "}(" + str(self.number) + ", \cdot)"
def run(num_bits, k):
        Runs the Dupont-Enge-Morain method multiple times until a valid curve is found
        num_bits - number of bits
        k - an embedding degree
        (q,t,r,k,D) - an elliptic curve;
                      if no curve is found, the algorithm returns (0,0,0,k,0)
    j, r, q, t = 0, 0, 0, 0
    num_generates = 512
    h = num_bits / (euler_phi(k))
    tried = [(0, 0)]  # keep track of random values tried for efficiency
    for i in range(0, num_generates):
        D = 0
        y = 0
        while (D, y) in tried:  # find a pair that we have not tried
            D = -randint(1,
                         1024)  # pick a small D so that the CM method is fast
            D = fundamental_discriminant(D)
            m = 0.5 * (h - log(-D).n() / (2 * log(2)).n())
            if m < 1:
                m = 1
            y = randint(floor(2**(m - 1)), floor(2**m))
        tried.append((D, y))
        q, t, r, k, D = method(num_bits, k, D, y)  # run DEM
        if q != 0 and t != 0 and r != 0 and k != 0 and D != 0:  # found an answer, so output it
            assert is_valid_curve(q, t, r, k, D), 'Invalid output'
            return q, t, r, k, D
    return 0, 0, 0, k, 0  # found nothing
    def dirichlet_group(self, prime_bound=10000):
        f = self.conductor()
        if f == 1:  # To make the trivial case work correctly
            return [1]
        if euler_phi(f) > dir_group_size_bound:
            return []
        # Can do quadratic fields directly
        if == 2:
            if is_odd(f):
                return [1, f-1]
            f1 = f/4
            if is_odd(f1):
                return [1, f-1]
            # we now want f with all powers of 2 removed
            f1 = f1/2
            if is_even(f1):
                raise Exception('Invalid conductor')
            if (self.disc()/8) % 4 == 3:
                return [1, 4*f1-1]
            # Finally we want congruent to 5 mod 8 and -1 mod f1
            if (f1 % 4) == 3:
                return [1, 2*f1-1]
            return [1, 6*f1-1]

        from dirichlet_conrey import DirichletGroup_conrey
        G = DirichletGroup_conrey(f)
        K = self.K()
        S = Set(G[1].kernel()) # trivial character, kernel is whole group

        for P in K.primes_of_bounded_norm_iter(ZZ(prime_bound)):
            a = P.norm() % f
            if gcd(a,f)>1:
            S = S.intersection(Set(G[a].kernel()))
            if len(S) ==
                return list(S)

        raise Exception('Failure in dirichlet group for K=%s using prime bound %s' % (K,prime_bound))
def run(num_bits,k):
        Runs the Dupont-Enge-Morain method multiple times until a valid curve is found
        num_bits - number of bits
        k - an embedding degree
        (q,t,r,k,D) - an elliptic curve;
                      if no curve is found, the algorithm returns (0,0,0,k,0)
    j,r,q,t = 0,0,0,0
    num_generates = 512
    h = num_bits/(euler_phi(k))
    tried = [(0,0)] # keep track of random values tried for efficiency
    for i in range(0,num_generates):
        D = 0
        y = 0
        while (D,y) in tried: # find a pair that we have not tried
            D = -randint(1, 1024) # pick a small D so that the CM method is fast
            D = fundamental_discriminant(D)
            m = 0.5*(h - log(-D).n()/(2*log(2)).n())
            if m < 1:
                m = 1
            y = randint(floor(2**(m-1)), floor(2**m))
        q,t,r,k,D = method(num_bits,k,D,y) # run DEM
        if q != 0 and t != 0 and r != 0 and k != 0 and D != 0: # found an answer, so output it
            assert is_valid_curve(q,t,r,k,D), 'Invalid output'
            return q,t,r,k,D
    return 0,0,0,k,0 # found nothing
def compare_formulas_1(D, k):
    DG = DirichletGroup(abs(D))
    chi = DG(kronecker_character(D))
    d1 = dimension_new_cusp_forms(chi, k)
    #if D>0:
    #    lvals=sage.lfunctions.all.lcalc.twist_values(1,2,D)
    #    lvals=sage.lfunctions.all.lcalc.twist_values(1,D,0)
    #s1=RR(sum([sqrt(abs(lv[0]))*lv[1]*2**len(prime_factors(D/lv[0])) for lv in lvals if lv[0].divides(D) and Zmod(lv[0])(abs(D/lv[0])).is_square()]))
    d2 = 0
    for d in divisors(D):
        if is_fundamental_discriminant(-d):
            K = QuadraticField(-d)
            DD = old_div(ZZ(D), ZZ(d))
            ep = euler_phi((chi * DG(kronecker_character(-d))).conductor())
            print("ep=", ep, D, d)
            ids = [a for a in K.ideals_of_bdd_norm(-DD)[-DD]]
            eulers1 = []
            for a in ids:
                e = a.euler_phi()
                if e != 1 and ep == 1:
                    if K(-1).mod(a) != K(1).mod(a):
                        e = old_div(e, (2 * ep))
                    e = old_div(e, ep)
            print(eulers1, ep)
            s = sum(eulers1)
            if ep == 1 and not (d.divides(DD) or abs(DD) == 1):
            print(d, s)
            if len(eulers1) > 0:
                d2 += s * K.class_number()
    return d1 - d2
    def set_twist_info(self, prec=10,insert_in_db=True):
        Try to find forms of lower level which get twisted into self.

        -''[t,l]'' -- tuple of a Bool t and a list l. The list l contains all tuples of forms which twists to the given form.
        The actual minimal one is the first element of this list.
             t is set to True if self is minimal and False otherwise


        if(len(self._twist_info) > 0):
            return self._twist_info
        N = self.level()
        k = self.weight()
            self._twist_info = [True, None ]
            return [True, None]

        # We need to check all square factors of N
        twist_candidates = list()
        KF = self.base_ring()
        # check how many Hecke eigenvalues we need to check
        max_nump = self._number_of_hecke_eigenvalues_to_check()
        maxp = max(primes_first_n(max_nump))
        for d in divisors(N):
            if(d == 1):
            # we look at all d such that d^2 divdes N
            if(not ZZ(d ** 2).divides(ZZ(N))):
            D = DirichletGroup(d)
            # check possible candidates to twist into f
            # g in S_k(M,chi) wit M=N/d^2
            M = ZZ(N / d ** 2)
            if(self._verbose > 0):
                wmf_logger.debug("Checking level {0}".format(M))
            for xig in range(euler_phi(M)):
                (t, glist) = _get_newform(M,k, xig)
                if(not t):
                    return glist
                for g in glist:
                    if(self._verbose > 1):
                        wmf_logger.debug("Comparing to function {0}".format(g))
                    KG = g.base_ring()
                    # we now see if twisting of g by xi in D gives us f
                    for xi in D:
                            for p in primes_first_n(max_nump):
                                bf = self.as_factor().q_eigenform(maxp + 1, names='x')[p]
                                bg = g.q_expansion(maxp + 1)[p]
                                if(bf == 0 and bg == 0):
                                elif(bf == 0 and bg != 0 or bg == 0 and bf != 0):
                                    raise StopIteration()
                                    raise ArithmeticError("")
                                xip = xi(p)
                                # make a preliminary check that the base rings match with respect to being
                                # real or not
                                    XF = QQ
                                    if(KF != QQ or KG != QQ):
                                        raise StopIteration
                                except TypeError:
                                    # we have a  non-rational (i.e. complex) value of the character
                                    XF = xip.parent()
                                    if((KF.absolute_degree() == 1 or KF.is_totally_real()) and (KG.absolute_degre() == 1 or KG.is_totally_real())):
                                        raise StopIteration
                            ## it is diffcult to compare elements from diferent rings in general but we make some checcks
                            # is it possible to see if there is a larger ring which everything can be
                            # coerced into?
                                ok = False
                                    a = KF(bg / xip)
                                    b = KF(bf)
                                    ok = True
                                    if(a != b):
                                        raise StopIteration()
                                except TypeError:
                                    a = KG(bg)
                                    b = KG(xip * bf)
                                    ok = True
                                    if(a != b):
                                        raise StopIteration()
                                except TypeError:
                                if(not ok):  # we could coerce and the coefficients were equal
                                    return "Could not compare against possible candidates!"
                                # otherwise if we are here we are ok and found a candidate
                            twist_candidates.append([M, g.q_expansion(prec), xi])
                        except StopIteration:
                            # they are not equal
        self._twist_info = (False, twist_candidates)
        if(len(twist_candidates) == 0):
            self._twist_info = [True, None]
            self._twist_info = [False, twist_candidates]
        return self._twist_info
 def check_hecke_ring_character_values_and_an(self, rec, verbose=False):
     check that hecke_ring_character_values has the correct format, depending on whether hecke_ring_cyclotomic_generator is set or not
     check that an has length 100 and that each entry is either a list of integers of length hecke_ring_rank (if hecke_ring_cyclotomic_generator=0) or a list of pairs
     check that ap has length pi(maxp) and that each entry is formatted correctly (as for an)
     # TIME about 4000s for full table
     an = rec['an']
     if len(an) != 100:
         if verbose:
             print("Length an", len(an))
         return False
     ap = rec['ap']
     maxp = rec['maxp']
     if len(ap) != prime_pi(maxp):
         if verbose:
             print("Length ap", len(ap), prime_pi(maxp))
         return False
     if maxp < 997:
         if verbose:
             print("Maxp", maxp)
         return False
     m = rec['hecke_ring_cyclotomic_generator']
     d = rec['hecke_ring_rank']
     def check_val(val):
         if not isinstance(val, list):
             return False
         if m == 0:
             return len(val) == d and all(isinstance(c, integer_types) for c in val)
             for pair in val:
                 if len(pair) != 2:
                     return False
                 if not isinstance(pair[0], integer_types):
                     return False
                 e = pair[1]
                 if not (isinstance(e, integer_types) and 0 <= 2*e < m):
                     return False
             return True
     if not all(check_val(a) for a in an):
         if verbose:
             for n, a in enumerate(an, 1):
                 if not check_val(a):
                     print("Check an failure (m=%s, d=%s)"%(m, d), n, a)
         return False
     if not all(check_val(a) for a in ap):
         if verbose:
             for p, a in zip(prime_range(maxp), ap):
                 if not check_val(a):
                     print("Check ap failure (m=%s, d=%s)"%(m, d), p, a)
         return False
     for p, a in zip(prime_range(100), ap):
         if a != an[p-1]:
             if verbose:
                 print("Match failure", p, a, an[p-1])
             return False
     if rec['char_orbit_index'] != 1:
         if rec.get('hecke_ring_character_values') is None:
             if verbose:
                 print("No hecke_ring_character_values")
             return False
         N = rec['level']
         total_order = 1
         for g, val in rec['hecke_ring_character_values']:
             total_order *= mod(g, N).multiplicative_order()
             if not check_val(val):
                 if verbose:
                     print("Bad character val (m=%s, d=%s)"%(m, d), g, val)
                 return False
         success = (total_order == euler_phi(N))
         if not success and verbose:
             print("Generators failed", total_order, euler_phi(N))
         return success
     return True
def nf_string_to_label(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == "Q":
        return ""
    if F == "Qi":
        return ""
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    F = F.replace(u"\u2212", "-")
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    F = F.decode("utf8").encode("ascii", "ignore")
    fail_string = str(F + " is not a valid field label or name or polynomial, or is not ")
    if len(F) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == "Q":
        if F[1:5] in ["sqrt", "root"]:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except ValueError:
                d = 0
            if d == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "After {0}, the remainder must be a nonzero integer.  Use {0}5 or {0}-11 for example.".format(F[:5])
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return "2.%s.%s.1" % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == "zeta":
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                d = 0
            if d < 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "After {0}, the remainder must be a positive integer.  Use {0}5 for example.".format(F[:5])
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ""
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 23:
                raise ValueError("%s is not in the database." % F)
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return "%s.0.%s.1" % (deg, adisc)
        return fail_string
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace("X", "x")
    if "x" in F:
        F1 = F.replace("^", "**")
        # print F
        from lmfdb.number_fields.number_field import poly_to_field_label

        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        raise ValueError("%s is not in the database." % F)
    # Expand out factored labels, like 11.11.11e20.1
    parts = F.split(".")
    if len(parts) != 4:
        raise ValueError("It must be of the form <deg>.<real_emb>.<absdisc>.<number>, such as")

    def raise_power(ab):
        if ab.count("e") == 0:
            return ZZ(ab)
        elif ab.count("e") == 1:
            a, b = ab.split("e")
            return ZZ(a) ** ZZ(b)
            raise ValueError(
                "Malformed absolute discriminant.  It must be a sequence of strings AeB for A and B integers, joined by _s.  For example, 2e7_3e5_11."

    parts[2] = str(prod(raise_power(c) for c in parts[2].split("_")))
    return ".".join(parts)
def nf_string_to_label(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == 'Q':
        return ''
    if F == 'Qi' or F == 'Q(i)':
        return ''
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    F = F.replace(u'\u2212', '-')
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    F = F.decode('utf8').encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    if len(F) == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial."
    if F[0] == 'Q':
        if '(' in F and ')' in F:
            F = F.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                d = 0
            if d == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "After {0}, the remainder must be a nonzero integer.  Use {0}5 or {0}-11 for example."
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == 'zeta':
            if '_' in F:
                F = F.replace('_', '')
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                d = 0
            if d < 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "After {0}, the remainder must be a positive integer.  Use {0}5 for example."
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 23:
                raise ValueError('%s is not in the database.' % F)
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return '%s.0.%s.1' % (deg, adisc)
        raise ValueError(
            'It is not a valid field name or label, or a defining polynomial.')
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F1 = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        from lmfdb.number_fields.number_field import poly_to_field_label
        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        raise ValueError('%s does not define a number field in the database.' %
    # Expand out factored labels, like 11.11.11e20.1
    if not re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.[0-9e_]+\.\d+', F):
        raise ValueError("It must be of the form d.r.D.n, such as")
    parts = F.split(".")

    def raise_power(ab):
        if ab.count("e") == 0:
            return ZZ(ab)
        elif ab.count("e") == 1:
            a, b = ab.split("e")
            return ZZ(a)**ZZ(b)
            raise ValueError(
                "Malformed absolute discriminant.  It must be a sequence of strings AeB for A and B integers, joined by _s.  For example, 2e7_3e5_11."

    parts[2] = str(prod(raise_power(c) for c in parts[2].split("_")))
    return ".".join(parts)
def NChars(N):
    return ZZ(
            1 / euler_phi(Mod(i, N).multiplicative_order()) for i in range(N)
            if gcd(i, N) == 1
文件: 项目: roed314/CMFs
def Newforms_v2(N, k, chi_number, dmax=20, nan=100, Detail=0):
    t0 = time.time()
    G = pari(N).znstar(1)
    chi_dc = char_orbit_index_to_DC_number(N, chi_number)
    chi_gp = G.znconreylog(chi_dc)
    chi_order = ZZ(G.charorder(chi_gp))
    if Detail:
        print("Decomposing space {}:{}:{}".format(N, k, chi_number))
    NK = [N, k, [G, chi_gp]]
    pNK = pari(NK)
    if Detail > 1:
        print("NK = {} (gp character = {})".format(NK, chi_gp))
    SturmBound = pNK.mfsturm()
    Snew = pNK.mfinit(0)
    total_dim = Snew.mfdim(
    )  # this is the relative dimension i.e. degree over Q(chi)
    # Get the character polynomial

    # Note that if the character order is 2*m with m odd then Pari uses the
    # m'th cyclotomic polynomial and not the 2m'th (e.g. for a
    # character of order 6 it uses t^2+t+1 and not t^2-t+1).

    chi_order_2 = chi_order // 2 if chi_order % 4 == 2 else chi_order
    chipoly = cyclotomic_polynomial(chi_order_2, 't')
    chi_degree =
    assert chi_degree == euler_phi(chi_order) == euler_phi(chi_order_2)
    t05 = time.time()
    if Detail:
            "Computed newspace {}:{}:{} in {:0.3f}, dimension={}*{}={}, now splitting into irreducible subspaces"
            .format(N, k, chi_number, t05 - t0, chi_degree, total_dim,
                    chi_degree * total_dim))
        if Detail > 1:
            print("Sturm bound = {}".format(SturmBound))
            print("character order = {}".format(chi_order))

    if total_dim == 0:
        if Detail:
            print("The space {}:{}:{} is empty".format(N, k, chi_number))
        return []

    # First just compute Hecke matrices one at a time, to find a splitting operator
    def Hecke_op_iter():
        p = ZZ(1)
        while True:
            p = p.next_prime()
            # while p.divides(N):
            #     p=p.next_prime()
            #print("Computing T_{}".format(p))
            yield p, Snew.mfheckemat(p)

    Tp_iter = Hecke_op_iter()
    p, op =
    s1 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("testing T_{}".format(p))
    ok = is_semisimple_modular(op, chi_order_2)
    # f = op.charpoly()
    # ok = f.issquarefree()
    if ok:
        if Detail:
            print("Lucky first time: semisimple. Finding char poly")
        f = op.charpoly()
    ops = [(p, op)]
    while not ok:
        pi, opi =
        if Detail:
            print("testing T_{}".format(pi))
        ok = is_semisimple_modular(op, chi_order_2)
        # f = opi.charpoly()
        # ok = f.issquarefree()
        if ok:
            if Detail:
                print("success using T_{}. Finding char poly".format(pi))
            op = opi
            f = op.charpoly()
            ops += [(pi, opi)]
            if Detail:
                print("T_{} not semisimple".format(pi))
                print("testing combinations...")
            for j in range(5):
                co = [ZZ.random_element(-5, 5) for _ in ops]
                while not co:
                    co = [ZZ.random_element(-5, 5) for _ in ops]

                if Detail:
                    print("Testing lin comb of {} ops with coeffs {}".format(
                        len(co), co))
                op = sum([ci * opj[1] for ci, opj in zip(co, ops)])
                ok = is_semisimple_modular(op, chi_order_2)
                # f=op.charpoly()
                # ok = f.issquarefree()
                if ok:
                    if Detail:
                            "success using {}-combo of T_p for p in {}. Finding char poly"
                            .format(co, [opj[0] for opj in ops]))
                    f = op.charpoly()

    if not ok:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "failed to find a 0,1-combination of Tp which is semisimple")
    ffac = f.factor()
    nnf = ffac.matsize()[0]
    gp_pols = pari_col1(ffac)
    pols = [pol for pol in gp_pols]
    reldims = [pol.poldegree() for pol in pols]
    dims = [d * chi_degree for d in reldims]
    # We'll need the coefficients an, if any newforms have dimension >1 and <=dmax.
    an_needed = [
        i for i, d in enumerate(dims) if d > 1 and (dmax == 0 or d <= dmax)
    if Detail:
        print("Need to compute a_n for {} newforms: {}".format(
            len(an_needed), an_needed))

    s2 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("Computed splitting in {:0.3f}, # newforms = {}".format(
            s2 - s1, nnf))
        print("relative dims = {},  absolute dims = {}".format(reldims, dims))

    # Compute AL-matrices if character is trivial:
    if chi_order == 1:
        Qlist = [(pr, pr**e) for pr, e in ZZ(N).factor()]
        ALs = [Snew.mfatkininit(Q[1])[1] for Q in Qlist]
        if Detail:
            for Q, AL in zip(Qlist, ALs):
                print("W_{}={}".format(Q[1], AL))

    if nnf == 1 and dims[0] > dmax and dmax > 0:
        if Detail:
                "Only one newform and dim={}, so use traceform to get traces".
        traces = pNK.mftraceform().mfcoefs(nan)
        if Detail > 1:
            print("raw traces: {}".format(traces))
        if chi_degree > 1:
            # This is faster than the more simple
            # traces = [c.trace() for c in traces]
            gptrace = pari_trace(chi_degree)
            traces = pari.apply(gptrace, traces)
            if Detail > 1:
                print("traces to QQ: {}".format(traces))
        traces = gen_to_sage(traces)[1:]
        traces[0] = dims[0]
        if Detail > 1:
            print("final traces: {}".format(traces))
        traces = [traces]
    else:  # >1 newform, or just one but its absolute dim is <=dmax
        hs = [f / fi for fi in pols]
        if Detail > 1:
            print("fs: {}".format(pols))
            print("hs: {}".format(hs))
            print("  with degrees {}".format([h.poldegree() for h in hs]))
        if Detail > 1:
            print("Starting to compute gcds")
        As = [(hi * (fi.gcdext(hi)[2])).subst(pari_x, op)
              for fi, hi in zip(pols, hs)]
        if Detail:
            print("Computed idempotent matrix decomposition")
        ims = [A.matimage() for A in As]
        U = pari.matconcat(ims)
        Uinv = U**(-1)
        if Detail:
            print("Computed U and U^-1")
        starts = [1 + sum(d for d in reldims[:i]) for i in range(len(reldims))]
        stops = [sum(d for d in reldims[:i + 1]) for i in range(len(reldims))]
        slicers = [pari_row_slice(r1, r2) for r1, r2 in zip(starts, stops)]
        ums = [slice(Uinv) for slice in slicers]
        imums = [imA * umA for imA, umA in zip(ims, ums)]
        s3 = time.time()
        if Detail:
            print("Computed projectors in {:0.3f}".format(s3 - s2))
            print("Starting to compute {} Hecke matrices T_n".format(nan))
        heckemats = Snew.mfheckemat(pari(range(1, nan + 1)))
        s4 = time.time()
        if Detail:
            print("Computed {} Hecke matrices in {:0.3f}s".format(
                nan, s4 - s3))

        # If we are going to compute any a_n then we now compute
        # umA*T*imA for all Hecke matrices T, whose traces give the
        # traces and whose first columns (or any row or column) give
        # the coefficients of the a_n with respect to some
        # Q(chi)-basis for the Hecke field.

        # But if we only need the traces then it is faster to
        # precompute imA*umA=imAumA and then the traces are
        # trace(imAumA*T).   NB trace(UMV)=trace(VUM)!

        if Detail:
            print("Computing traces")
        # Note that computing the trace of a matrix product is faster
        # than first computing the product and then the trace:
        gptrace = pari(
        traces = [[
            gen_to_sage(gptrace(pari_trace_product(T, imum)))
            for T in heckemats
        ] for imum in imums]
        s4 = time.time()
        if Detail:
            print("Computed traces to Z in {:0.3f}".format(s4 - s3))
            for tr in traces:

    ans = [None for _ in range(nnf)]
    bases = [None for _ in range(nnf)]
    if an_needed:
        if Detail:
            print("...computing a_n...")
        for i in an_needed:
            dr = reldims[i]
            if Detail:
                print("newform #{}/{}, relative dimension {}".format(
                    i, nnf, dr))

            # method: for each irreducible component we have matrices
            # um and im (sizes dr x n and n x dr where n is the
            # relative dimension of the whole space) such that for
            # each Hecke matrix T, its restriction to the component is
            # um*T*im.  To get the eigenvalue in a suitable basis all
            # we need do is take any one column (or row): we choose
            # the first column.  So the computation can be done as
            # um*(T*im[,1]) (NB the placing of parentheses).

            imsicol1 = pari_col1(ims[i])
            umsi = ums[i]
            ans[i] = [(umsi * (T * imsicol1)).Vec() for T in heckemats]
            if Detail:
                print("ans done")
                if Detail > 1:
                    print("an: {}...".format(ans[i]))

            # Now compute the bases (of the relative Hecke field over
            # Q(chi) w.r.t which these coefficients are given.  Here
            # we use e1 because we picked the first column just now.

            B = ums[i] * op * ims[i]
            e1 = pari_e1(dr)
            cols = [e1]
            while len(cols) < dr:
                cols.append(B * cols[-1])
            W = pari.matconcat(cols)
            bases[i] = W.mattranspose()**(-1)
            if Detail > 1:
                print("basis = {}".format(bases[i].lift()))

    # Compute AL-eigenvalues if character is trivial:
    if chi_order == 1:
        ALeigs = [[[Q[0],
                    gen_to_sage((umA * (AL * (pari_col1(imA))))[0])]
                   for Q, AL in zip(Qlist, ALs)] for umA, imA in zip(ums, ims)]
        if Detail > 1: print("ALeigs: {}".format(ALeigs))
        ALeigs = [[] for _ in range(nnf)]

    Nko = (N, k, chi_number)
    #print("len(traces) = {}".format(len(traces)))
    #print("len(newforms) = {}".format(len(newforms)))
    #print("len(pols) = {}".format(len(pols)))
    #print("len(ans) = {}".format(len(ans)))
    #print("len(ALeigs) = {}".format(len(ALeigs)))

    pari_nfs = [{
        'Nko': Nko,
        'SB': SturmBound,
        'chipoly': chipoly,
        'poly': pols[i],
        'ans': ans[i],
        'basis': bases[i],
        'ALeigs': ALeigs[i],
        'traces': traces[i],
    } for i in range(nnf)]

    # We could return these as they are but the next processing step
    # will fail if the underlying gp process has quit, so we do the
    # processing here.

    # This processing returns full data but the polynomials have not
    # yet been polredbested and the an coefficients have not been
    # optimized (or even made integral):
    #return pari_nfs

    t1 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished constructing pari newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
            Nko, t1 - t0))
    nfs = [process_pari_nf(nf, dmax, Detail) for nf in pari_nfs]
    if len(nfs) > 1:
        nfs.sort(key=lambda f: f['traces'])
    t2 = time.time()
    if Detail:
            "{}: finished first processing of newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
                Nko, t2 - t1))
        if Detail > 2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
    nfs = [bestify_newform(nf, dmax, Detail) for nf in nfs]
    t3 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished bestifying newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
            Nko, t3 - t2))
        if Detail > 2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
    nfs = [integralify_newform(nf, dmax, Detail) for nf in nfs]
    t4 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished integralifying newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
            Nko, t4 - t3))
        if Detail > 2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
        print("Total time for space {}: {:0.3f}".format(Nko, t4 - t0))
    return nfs
文件: 项目: roed314/CMFs
def Newforms_v1(N, k, chi_number, dmax=20, nan=100, Detail=0):
    t0 = time.time()
    G = pari(N).znstar(1)
    chi_dc = char_orbit_index_to_DC_number(N, chi_number)
    chi_gp = G.znconreylog(chi_dc)
    chi_order = ZZ(G.charorder(chi_gp))
    if Detail:
        print("Decomposing space {}:{}:{}".format(N, k, chi_number))
    NK = [N, k, [G, chi_gp]]
    pNK = pari(NK)
    if Detail > 1:
        print("NK = {} (gp character = {})".format(NK, chi_gp))
    SturmBound = pNK.mfsturm()
    Snew = pNK.mfinit(0)
    total_dim = Snew.mfdim()
    # Get the character polynomial

    # Note that if the character order is 2*m with m odd then Pari uses the
    # m'th cyclotomic polynomial and not the 2m'th (e.g. for a
    # character of order 6 it uses t^2+t+1 and not t^2-t+1).

    chi_order_2 = chi_order // 2 if chi_order % 4 == 2 else chi_order
    chipoly = cyclotomic_polynomial(chi_order_2, 't')
    chi_degree =
    assert chi_degree == euler_phi(chi_order) == euler_phi(chi_order_2)
    if Detail:
            "Computed newspace {}:{}:{}, dimension={}*{}={}, now splitting into irreducible subspaces"
            .format(N, k, chi_number, chi_degree, total_dim,
                    chi_degree * total_dim))
        if Detail > 1:
            print("Sturm bound = {}".format(SturmBound))
            print("character order = {}".format(chi_order))

    # Get the relative polynomials:  these are polynomials in y with coefficients either integers or polmods with modulus chipoly

    pols = Snew.mfsplit(0, 1)[1]
    if Detail > 2: print("pols[GP] = {}".format(pols))
    nnf = len(pols)
    dims = [chi_degree * f.poldegree() for f in pols]
    if nnf == 0:
        if Detail:
            print("The space {}:{}:{} is empty".format(N, k, chi_number))
        return []
    if Detail:
        print("The space {}:{}:{} has {} newforms, dimensions {}".format(
            N, k, chi_number, nnf, dims))

    # Get the traces.  NB (1) mftraceform will only give the trace
    # form on the whole space so we only use this when nnf==1,
    # i.e. the space is irreducible.  Otherwise we'll need to compute
    # traces from the ans.  (2) these are only traces down to Q(chi)
    # so when that has degree>1 (and only then) we need to take an
    # additional trace.
    traces = [None for _ in range(nnf)]
    if nnf == 1:
        d = ZZ(chi_degree * (pols[0]).poldegree())
        if Detail:
            print("Only one newform so use traceform to get traces")
        traces = pNK.mftraceform().mfcoefs(nan)
        if Detail > 1:
            print("raw traces: {}".format(traces))
        if chi_degree > 1:
            # This is faster than the more simple
            # traces = [c.trace() for c in traces]
            gptrace = pari_trace(chi_degree)
            traces = pari.apply(gptrace, traces)
            if Detail > 1:
                print("traces to QQ: {}".format(traces))
        traces = gen_to_sage(traces)[1:]
        traces[0] = d
        if Detail > 1:
            print("final traces: {}".format(traces))
        traces = [traces]

    # Get the coefficients an.  We'll need these for a newform f if
    # either (1) its dimension is >1 and <= dmax, when we want to
    # store them, or (2) there is more than one newform, so we can
    # later compute the traces from them.  So we don't need them if
    # nnf==1 and the dimension>dmax.

    if dmax == 0 or nnf > 1 or ((chi_degree * (pols[0]).poldegree()) <= dmax):
        if Detail > 1:
            print("...computing mfeigenbasis...")
        newforms = Snew.mfeigenbasis()
        if Detail > 1:
            print("...computing {} mfcoefs...".format(nan))
        coeffs = Snew.mfcoefs(nan)
        ans = [coeffs * Snew.mftobasis(nf) for nf in newforms]
        if Detail > 2:
            print("ans[GP] = {}".format(ans))
        # there is only one newform (so we have the traces) and its
        # dimension is >dmax (so we will not need the a_n):
        ans = [None for _ in range(nnf)]
        newforms = [None for _ in range(nnf)]

    # Compute AL-eigenvalues if character is trivial:
    if chi_order == 1:
        Qlist = [(p, p**e) for p, e in ZZ(N).factor()]
        ALs = [gen_to_sage(Snew.mfatkineigenvalues(Q[1])) for Q in Qlist]
        if Detail: print("ALs: {}".format(ALs))
        # "transpose" this list of lists:
        ALeigs = [[[Q[0], ALs[i][j][0]] for i, Q in enumerate(Qlist)]
                  for j in range(nnf)]
        if Detail: print("ALeigs: {}".format(ALeigs))
        ALeigs = [[] for _ in range(nnf)]

    Nko = (N, k, chi_number)
    # print("len(traces) = {}".format(len(traces)))
    # print("len(newforms) = {}".format(len(newforms)))
    # print("len(pols) = {}".format(len(pols)))
    # print("len(ans) = {}".format(len(ans)))
    # print("len(ALeigs) = {}".format(len(ALeigs)))

    pari_nfs = [{
        'Nko': Nko,
        'SB': SturmBound,
        'chipoly': chipoly,
        'pari_newform': newforms[i],
        'poly': pols[i],
        'ans': ans[i],
        'ALeigs': ALeigs[i],
        'traces': traces[i],
    } for i in range(nnf)]

    # This processing returns full data but the polynomials have not
    # yet been polredbested and the an coefficients have not been
    # optimized (or even made integral):
    #return pari_nfs

    t1 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished constructing GP newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
            Nko, t1 - t0))
    nfs = [process_pari_nf_v1(nf, dmax, Detail) for nf in pari_nfs]
    if len(nfs) > 1:
        nfs.sort(key=lambda f: f['traces'])
    t2 = time.time()
    if Detail:
            "{}: finished first processing of newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
                Nko, t2 - t1))
        if Detail > 2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
    nfs = [bestify_newform(nf, dmax, Detail) for nf in nfs]
    t3 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished bestifying newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
            Nko, t3 - t2))
        if Detail > 2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
    nfs = [integralify_newform(nf, dmax, Detail) for nf in nfs]
    t4 = time.time()
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished integralifying newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(
            Nko, t4 - t3))
        if Detail > 2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
        print("Total time for space {}: {:0.3f}".format(Nko, t4 - t0))
    return nfs
 def order(self):
     return euler_phi(self.modulus)
def Newforms_v1(N, k, chi_number, dmax=20, nan=100, Detail=0, dims_only=False):
    G = pari(N).znstar(1)
    Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
    chi_dc = char_orbit_index_to_DC_number(N,chi_number)
    chi_gp = G.znconreylog(chi_dc)
    chi_order = ZZ(G.charorder(chi_gp))
    if Detail:
        print("Decomposing space {}:{}:{}".format(N,k,chi_number))
    NK = [N,k,[G,chi_gp]]
    pNK = pari(NK)
    if Detail>1:
        print("NK = {} (gp character = {})".format(NK,chi_gp))
    SturmBound = pNK.mfsturm()
    Snew = pNK.mfinit(0)
    reldim = Snew.mfdim()
    if reldim==0:
        if Detail:
            print("The space {}:{}:{} is empty".format(N,k,chi_number))
        return []

    # Get the character polynomial
    # Note that if the character order is 2*m with m odd then Pari uses the
    # m'th cyclotomic polynomial and not the 2m'th (e.g. for a
    # character of order 6 it uses t^2+t+1 and not t^2-t+1).

    chi_order_2 = chi_order//2 if chi_order%4==2 else chi_order
    chipoly = cyclotomic_polynomial(chi_order_2,'t')
    chi_degree =
    totdim = reldim * chi_degree
    assert chi_degree==euler_phi(chi_order)==euler_phi(chi_order_2)
    if Detail:
        print("Computed newspace {}:{}:{}, dimension={}*{}={}, now splitting into irreducible subspaces".format(N,k,chi_number, chi_degree, reldim, totdim))
        if Detail>1:
            print("Sturm bound = {}".format(SturmBound))
            print("character order = {}".format(chi_order))

    # Get the relative polynomials:  these are polynomials in y with coefficients either integers or polmods with modulus chipoly
    # But we only need the poly for the largest space if its absolute dimension is less than 20
    d = max(reldim // 2, dmax // chi_degree) if dmax else 0
    if dims_only:
        if Detail: t1=time.time(); print("...calling mfsplit({},{})...".format(d,1))
        forms, pols = Snew.mfsplit(d,1)
        if Detail: print("Call to mfsplit took {:.3f} secs".format(time.time()-t1))
        if Detail>2: print("mfsplit({},1) returned pols[GP] = {}".format(d,pols))
        dims = [chi_degree*f.poldegree() for f in pols]
        dims += [] if sum(dims+[0]) == totdim else [totdim-sum(dims+[0])] # add dimension of largest newform if needed
        nnf = len(dims)
        if Detail:
            print("The space {}:{}:{} has {} newforms, dimensions {}".format(N,k,chi_number,nnf,dims))
        pari_nfs = [
            { 'Nko': (N,k,chi_number),
              'SB': SturmBound,
              'chipoly': chipoly,
              'dim': dims[i],
              'traces': [],
              'ALeigs': [],
              'ans': [],
              'poly': Qx.gen() if dims[i] == 1 else (pols[i] if dims[i] <= dmax else None),
            }   for i in range(nnf)]
        return pari_nfs

    if Detail: t1=time.time(); print("...calling mfsplit({},{})...".format(d,d))
    forms, pols = Snew.mfsplit(d,d)
    if Detail: print("Call to mfsplit took {:.3f} secs".format(time.time()-t1))
    if Detail>2: print("mfsplit({},1) returned pols[GP] = {}".format(d,pols))
    dims = [chi_degree*f.poldegree() for f in pols]
    dims += [] if sum(dims+[0]) == totdim else [totdim-sum(dims+[0])] # add dimension of largest newform if needed
    nnf = len(dims)
    if Detail:
        print("The space {}:{}:{} has {} newforms, dimensions {}".format(N,k,chi_number,nnf,dims))

    # Compute trace forms using a combination of mftraceform and mfsplit (this avoids the need to compute a complete eigenbasis)
    # When the newspace contains a large irreducible subspace (and zero or more small ones) this saves a huge amount of time (e.g. 1000x faster)
    traces = [None for _ in range(nnf)]
    if Detail: t1=time.time(); print("...calling mftraceform...")
    straces = pNK.mftraceform().mfcoefs(nan)
    if Detail: print("Call to mftraceform took {:.3f} secs".format(time.time()-t1))
    straces = gen_to_sage(pari.apply(pari_trace(chi_degree),straces))
    if Detail>1: print("Newspace traceform: {}".format(straces))

    # Compute coefficients here (but note that we don't need them if there is only one newform and its dimension is > dmax)
    if nnf>1 or dmax==0 or dims[0] <= dmax:
        if Detail: t1=time.time(); print("...computing {} mfcoefs...".format(nan))
        coeffs = Snew.mfcoefs(nan)
        if Detail: print("Call to mfcoefs took {:.3f} secs".format(time.time()-t1))

    if nnf==1:
        traces[0] = straces[1:]
        if Detail: s0=time.time()
        tforms = [pari.apply("trace",forms[i]) if pols[i].poldegree() > 1 else forms[i] for i in range(nnf-1)]
        ttraces = [pari.apply(pari_trace(chi_degree),coeffs*nf) for nf in tforms]
        ltraces = [straces[i] - sum([ttraces[j][i] for j in range(len(ttraces))]) for i in range(nan+1)]
        traces = [list(t)[1:] for t in ttraces] + [ltraces[1:]]
        if Detail>1: print("Traceforms: {}".format(traces))
        if Detail: print("Spent {:.3f} secs computing traceforms".format(time.time()-s0))

    # Get coefficients an for all newforms f of dim <= dmax (if dmax is set)
    # Note that even if there are only dimension 1 forms we want to compute an so that pari puts the AL-eigenvalues in the right order
    # m = max([d for d in dims if (dmax==0 or d<=dmax)] + [0])
    d1 = len([d for d in dims if d == 1])
    dm = len([i for i in range(nnf) if dmax==0 or dims[i] <= dmax])
    ans = [traces[i] for i in range(d1)] + [coeffs*forms[i] for i in range(d1,dm)] + [None for i in range(dm,nnf)]
    if Detail>2: print("ans[GP] = {}".format(ans))
    newforms = [None for i in range(d1)] + [forms[i] for i in range(d1,dm)] + [None for i in range(dm,nnf)]

    # Compute AL-eigenvalues if character is trivial:
    if chi_order==1:
        Qlist = [(p,p**e) for p,e in ZZ(N).factor()]
        ALs = [gen_to_sage(Snew.mfatkineigenvalues(Q[1])) for Q in Qlist]
        if Detail: print("ALs: {}".format(ALs))
        # "transpose" this list of lists:
        ALeigs = [[[Q[0],ALs[i][j][0]] for i,Q in enumerate(Qlist)] for j in range(nnf)]
        if Detail: print("ALeigs: {}".format(ALeigs))
        ALeigs = [[] for _ in range(nnf)]

    Nko = (N,k,chi_number)
    if Detail: print("traces set = {}".format([1 if t else 0 for t in traces]))
    if Detail: print("ans set = {}".format([1 if a else 0 for a in ans]))
    pari_nfs = [
        { 'Nko': Nko,
          'SB': SturmBound,
          'chipoly': chipoly,
          'dim': dims[i],
          'pari_newform': newforms[i],
          'poly': Qx.gen() if dims[i] == 1 else (pols[i] if dims[i] <= dmax else None),
          'best_poly': Qx.gen() if dims[i] == 1 else None,
          'ans': ans[i],
          'ALeigs': ALeigs[i],
          'traces': traces[i],
        }   for i in range(nnf)]
    if len(pari_nfs)>1:
        pari_nfs.sort(key=lambda f: f['traces'])
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished constructing GP newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(Nko,t1-t0))
    if d1 == dm:
        return pari_nfs

    # At this point we have everything we need, but the ans have not been optimized (or even made integral)
    nfs = [process_pari_nf_v1(pari_nfs[i], dmax, Detail) for i in range(d1,dm)]

    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished first processing of newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(Nko,t2-t1))
        if Detail>2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
    nfs = [bestify_newform(nf,dmax,Detail) for nf in nfs]
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished bestifying newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(Nko,t3-t2))
        if Detail>2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
    nfs = [integralify_newform(nf,dmax,Detail) for nf in nfs]
    if Detail:
        print("{}: finished integralifying newforms (time {:0.3f})".format(Nko,t4-t3))
        if Detail>2:
            for nf in nfs:
                if 'eigdata' in nf:
        print("Total time for space {}: {:0.3f}".format(Nko,t4-t0))
    return [pari_nfs[i] for i in range(d1)] + nfs + [pari_nfs[i] for i in range(dm,nnf)]
        Z[i] = None
d = {"X": X, "Y": Y, "Z": Z}
save_pickle(d, FOLDER, "crt.pkl")

# Number theory functions

set_seed(SEED + 201)
X = [random.randint(1, 1_000_000_000) for _ in range(20)]
Z = [0,]*len(X)
for i in range(len(X)):
    x = X[i]
    z = euler_phi(x)
    Z[i] = int(z)
d = {"X": X, "Z": Z}
save_pickle(d, FOLDER, "euler_phi.pkl")

set_seed(SEED + 202)
X = [random.randint(1, 1_000_000_000) for _ in range(20)]
Z = [0,]*len(X)
for i in range(len(X)):
    x = X[i]
    z = carmichael_lambda(x)
    Z[i] = int(z)
d = {"X": X, "Z": Z}
save_pickle(d, FOLDER, "carmichael_lambda.pkl")

set_seed(SEED + 203)
def Phi(d):
    Function Phi in Mark his code
    d = ZZ(d)
    return euler_phi(d) / d
 def check_hecke_ring_character_values_and_an(self, rec, verbose=False):
     check that hecke_ring_character_values has the correct format, depending on whether hecke_ring_cyclotomic_generator is set or not
     check that an has length 100 and that each entry is either a list of integers of length hecke_ring_rank (if hecke_ring_cyclotomic_generator=0) or a list of pairs
     check that ap has length pi(maxp) and that each entry is formatted correctly (as for an)
     # TIME about 4000s for full table
     an = rec['an']
     if len(an) != 100:
         if verbose:
             print "Length an", len(an)
         return False
     ap = rec['ap']
     maxp = rec['maxp']
     if len(ap) != prime_pi(maxp):
         if verbose:
             print "Length ap", len(ap), prime_pi(maxp)
         return False
     if maxp < 997:
         if verbose:
             print "Maxp", maxp
         return False
     m = rec['hecke_ring_cyclotomic_generator']
     d = rec['hecke_ring_rank']
     def check_val(val):
         if not isinstance(val, list):
             return False
         if m == 0:
             return len(val) == d and all(isinstance(c, integer_types) for c in val)
             for pair in val:
                 if len(pair) != 2:
                     return False
                 if not isinstance(pair[0], integer_types):
                     return False
                 e = pair[1]
                 if not (isinstance(e, integer_types) and 0 <= 2*e < m):
                     return False
             return True
     if not all(check_val(a) for a in an):
         if verbose:
             for n, a in enumerate(an, 1):
                 if not check_val(a):
                     print "Check an failure (m=%s, d=%s)"%(m, d), n, a
         return False
     if not all(check_val(a) for a in ap):
         if verbose:
             for p, a in zip(prime_range(maxp), ap):
                 if not check_val(a):
                     print "Check ap failure (m=%s, d=%s)"%(m, d), p, a
         return False
     for p, a in zip(prime_range(100), ap):
         if a != an[p-1]:
             if verbose:
                 print "Match failure", p, a, an[p-1]
             return False
     if rec['char_orbit_index'] != 1:
         if rec.get('hecke_ring_character_values') is None:
             if verbose:
                 print "No hecke_ring_character_values"
             return False
         N = rec['level']
         total_order = 1
         for g, val in rec['hecke_ring_character_values']:
             total_order *= mod(g, N).multiplicative_order()
             if not check_val(val):
                 if verbose:
                     print "Bad character val (m=%s, d=%s)"%(m, d), g, val
                 return False
         success = (total_order == euler_phi(N))
         if not success and verbose:
             print "Generators failed", total_order, euler_phi(N)
         return success
     return True
 def check_char_degree(self, rec, verbose=False):
     check that char_degree = euler_phi(order)
     # TIME about 20s for full table
     return self._test_equality(rec['char_degree'], euler_phi(rec['order']), verbose)
def nf_string_to_label(F):  # parse Q, Qsqrt2, Qsqrt-4, Qzeta5, etc
    if F == 'Q':
        return ''
    if F == 'Qi' or F == 'Q(i)':
        return ''
    # Change unicode dash with minus sign
    F = F.replace(u'\u2212', '-')
    # remove non-ascii characters from F
    F = F.decode('utf8').encode('ascii', 'ignore')
    if len(F) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Entry for the field was left blank.  You need to enter a field label, field name, or a polynomial.")
    if F[0] == 'Q':
        if '(' in F and ')' in F:
        if F[1:5] in ['sqrt', 'root']:
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:])).squarefree_part()
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                d = 0
            if d == 0:
                raise ValueError("After {0}, the remainder must be a nonzero integer.  Use {0}5 or {0}-11 for example.".format(F[:5]))
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            if d % 4 in [2, 3]:
                D = 4 * d
                D = d
            absD = D.abs()
            s = 0 if D < 0 else 2
            return '2.%s.%s.1' % (s, str(absD))
        if F[1:5] == 'zeta':
            if '_' in F:
                F = F.replace('_','')
                d = ZZ(str(F[5:]))
            except ValueError:
                d = 0
            if d < 1:
                raise ValueError("After {0}, the remainder must be a positive integer.  Use {0}5 for example.".format(F[:5]))
            if d % 4 == 2:
                d /= 2  # Q(zeta_6)=Q(zeta_3), etc)
            if d == 1:
                return ''
            deg = euler_phi(d)
            if deg > 23:
                raise ValueError('%s is not in the database.' % F)
            adisc = CyclotomicField(d).discriminant().abs()  # uses formula!
            return '%s.0.%s.1' % (deg, adisc)
        raise ValueError('It is not a valid field name or label, or a defining polynomial.')
    # check if a polynomial was entered
    F = F.replace('X', 'x')
    if 'x' in F:
        F1 = F.replace('^', '**')
        # print F
        from lmfdb.number_fields.number_field import poly_to_field_label
        F1 = poly_to_field_label(F1)
        if F1:
            return F1
        raise ValueError('%s does not define a number field in the database.'%F)
    # Expand out factored labels, like 11.11.11e20.1
    if not re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.[0-9e_]+\.\d+',F):
        raise ValueError("It must be of the form d.r.D.n, such as")
    parts = F.split(".")
    def raise_power(ab):
        if ab.count("e") == 0:
            return ZZ(ab)
        elif ab.count("e") == 1:
            a,b = ab.split("e")
            return ZZ(a)**ZZ(b)
            raise ValueError("Malformed absolute discriminant.  It must be a sequence of strings AeB for A and B integers, joined by _s.  For example, 2e7_3e5_11.")
    parts[2] = str(prod(raise_power(c) for c in parts[2].split("_")))
    return ".".join(parts)