def string2number(s):
    # a start to replace p2sage (used for the paramters in the FE)
    strs = str(s).replace(' ','')
        if 'e' in strs:
            # check for e(m/n) := exp(2*pi*i*m/n), used by Dirichlet characters, for example
            r = re.match(r'^\$?e\\left\(\\frac\{(?P<num>\d+)\}\{(?P<den>\d+)\}\\right\)\$?$',strs)
            if not r:
                r = re.match(r'^e\((?P<num>\d+)/(?P<den>\d+)\)$',strs)
            if r:
                q = Rational(r.groupdict()['num'])/Rational(r.groupdict()['den'])
                return CDF(exp(2*pi*I*q))
        if 'I' in strs:
            return CDF(strs)
        elif (type(s) is list or type(s) is tuple) and len(s) == 2:
            return CDF(tuple(s))
        elif '/' in strs:
            return Rational(strs)
        elif strs=='0.5':  # Temporary fix because 0.5 in db for EC
            return Rational('1/2')
        elif '.' in strs:
            return float(strs)
            return Integer(strs)
        return s
def specialValueTriple(L, s, sLatex_analytic, sLatex_arithmetic):
    ''' Returns [L_arithmetic, L_analytic, L_val]
        Currently only used for genus 2 curves
        and Dirichlet characters.
        Eventually want to use for all L-functions.
    number_of_decimals = 10
    val = None
    if L.fromDB:  #getattr(L, 'fromDB', False):
        s_alg = s + L.analytic_normalization
        for x in L.values:
            # the numbers here are always half integers
            # so this comparison is exact
            if x[0] == s_alg:
                val = x[1]
    if val is None:
        if L.fromDB:
            val = "not computed"
            val = L.sageLfunction.value(s)
                "a value of an L-function has been computed on the fly")

    if sLatex_arithmetic:
        lfunction_value_tex_arithmetic = L.texname_arithmetic.replace(
            's)', sLatex_arithmetic + ')')
        lfunction_value_tex_arithmetic = ''
    if sLatex_analytic:
        lfunction_value_tex_analytic = L.texname.replace(
            '(s', '(' + sLatex_analytic)
        lfunction_value_tex_analytic = ''

    if isinstance(val, string_types):
        Lval = val
        ccval = CDF(val)
        # We must test for NaN first, since it would show as zero otherwise
        # Try "RR(NaN) < float(1e-10)" in sage -- GT
        if ccval.real().is_NaN():
            Lval = r"$\infty$"
            Lval = display_complex(ccval.real(), ccval.imag(),

    return [lfunction_value_tex_analytic, lfunction_value_tex_arithmetic, Lval]
def verify_embeddings(nf):
    if nf['dim'] <= 20 and  nf['dim'] > 1:
        hoc = nf['hecke_orbit_code']
        embeddings = list(db.mf_hecke_cc.search({'hecke_orbit_code':hoc}, projection = ['embedding_root_imag','embedding_root_real']))
        # we have the right number of embeddings
        assert len(embeddings) == nf['dim'], str(hoc)
        # they are all distinct
        assert len(set([ CDF(elt['embedding_root_real'], elt['embedding_root_imag']) for elt in embeddings ])) == nf['dim'], str(hoc)
def specialValueTriple(L, s, sLatex_analytic, sLatex_arithmetic):
    ''' Returns [L_arithmetic, L_analytic, L_val]
        Currently only used for genus 2 curves
        and Dirichlet characters.
        Eventually want to use for all L-functions.
    number_of_decimals = 10
    val = None
    if L.fromDB: #getattr(L, 'fromDB', False):
        s_alg = s + L.analytic_normalization
        for x in L.values:
            # the numbers here are always half integers
            # so this comparison is exact
            if x[0] == s_alg:
                val = x[1]
    if val is None:
        if L.fromDB:
            val = "not computed"
            val = L.sageLfunction.value(s)
            logger.warning("a value of an L-function has been computed on the fly")

    if sLatex_arithmetic:
        lfunction_value_tex_arithmetic = L.texname_arithmetic.replace('s)',  sLatex_arithmetic + ')')
        lfunction_value_tex_arithmetic = ''
    if sLatex_analytic:
        lfunction_value_tex_analytic = L.texname.replace('(s', '(' + sLatex_analytic)
        lfunction_value_tex_analytic = ''

    if isinstance(val, basestring):
        Lval = val
        ccval = CDF(val)
        # We must test for NaN first, since it would show as zero otherwise
        # Try "RR(NaN) < float(1e-10)" in sage -- GT
        if ccval.real().is_NaN():
            Lval = "$\\infty$"
            Lval = display_complex(ccval.real(), ccval.imag(), number_of_decimals)

    return [lfunction_value_tex_analytic, lfunction_value_tex_arithmetic, Lval]
def lfuncFEtex(L, fmt):
    """ Returns the LaTex for displaying the Functional equation of the L-function L.
        fmt could be any of the values: "analytic", "selberg"
    if fmt == "arithmetic":
        mu_list = [mu - L.motivic_weight/2 for mu in L.mu_fe]
        nu_list = [nu - L.motivic_weight/2 for nu in L.nu_fe]
        texname = L.texname_arithmetic
            tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds_arithmetic
            tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms_arithmetic
        except AttributeError:
            tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds
            tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms

        mu_list = L.mu_fe[:]
        nu_list = L.nu_fe[:]
        texname = L.texname
        tex_name_s = L.texnamecompleteds
        tex_name_1ms = L.texnamecompleted1ms
    ans = ""
    if fmt == "arithmetic" or fmt == "analytic":
        ans = r"\begin{aligned}" + "\n" + tex_name_s + r"=\mathstrut &"
        if L.level > 1:
            if L.level >= 10**8 and not is_prime(int(L.level)):
                ans += r"\left(%s\right)^{s/2}" % latex(L.level_factored)
                ans += latex(L.level) + "^{s/2}"
            ans += r" \, "
        def munu_str(factors_list, field):
            assert field in [r'\R',r'\C']
            # set up to accommodate multiplicity of Gamma factors
            old = ""
            res = ""
            curr_exp = 0
            for elt in factors_list:
                if elt == old:
                    curr_exp += 1
                    old = elt
                    if curr_exp > 1:
                        res += "^{" + str(curr_exp) + "}"
                    if curr_exp > 0:
                        res += r" \, "
                    curr_exp = 1
                    res += r"\Gamma_{" + field + "}(s" + seriescoeff(elt, 0, "signed", "", 3) + ")"
            if curr_exp > 1:
                res += "^{" + str(curr_exp) + "}"
            if res != "":
                res +=  r" \, "
            return res
        ans += munu_str(mu_list, r'\R')
        ans += munu_str(nu_list, r'\C')
        ans += texname + r"\cr" + "\n"
        ans += r"=\mathstrut & "
        if L.sign == 0:
            ans += r"\epsilon \cdot "
            ans += seriescoeff(L.sign, 0, "factor", "", 3) + r"\,"
        ans += tex_name_1ms
        if L.sign == 0 and L.degree == 1:
            ans += r"\quad (\text{with }\epsilon \text{ not computed})"
        if L.sign == 0 and L.degree > 1:
            ans += r"\quad (\text{with }\epsilon \text{ unknown})"
        ans += "\n" + r"\end{aligned}\n"
    elif fmt == "selberg":
        ans += "(" + str(int(L.degree)) + r",\ "
        if L.level >= 10**8 and not is_prime(int(L.level)):
            ans += latex(L.level_factored)
            ans += str(int(L.level))
        ans += r",\ "
        ans += "("
        # this is mostly a hack for GL2 Maass forms
        def real_digits(x):
            return len(str(x).replace('.','').lstrip('-').lstrip('0'))
        def mu_fe_prec(x):
            if L._Ltype == 'maass':
                return real_digits(imag_part(x))
                return 3
        if L.mu_fe != []:
            mus = [ display_complex(CDF(mu).real(), CDF(mu).imag(),  mu_fe_prec(mu), method="round" ) for mu in L.mu_fe ]
            if len(mus) >= 6 and mus == [mus[0]]*len(mus):
                ans += '[%s]^{%d}' % (mus[0], len(mus))
                ans += ", ".join(mus)
            ans += r"\ "
        ans += ":"
        if L.nu_fe != []:
            if len(L.nu_fe) >= 6 and L.nu_fe == [L.nu_fe[0]]*len(L.nu_fe):
                ans += '[%s]^{%d}' % (L.nu_fe[0], len(L.nu_fe))
                ans += ", ".join(map(str, L.nu_fe))
            ans += r"\ "
        ans += r"),\ "
        ans += seriescoeff(L.sign, 0, "literal", "", 3)
        ans += ")"

    def setup_cc_data(self, info):

        - ``info`` -- a dictionary with keys
          - ``m`` -- a string describing the embedding indexes desired
          - ``n`` -- a string describing the a_n desired
          - ``CC_m`` -- a list of embedding indexes
          - ``CC_n`` -- a list of desired a_n
          - ``format`` -- one of 'embed', 'analytic_embed', 'satake', or 'satake_angle'
        an_formats = ['embed','analytic_embed', None]
        angles_formats = ['satake','satake_angle', None]
        analytic_shift_formats = ['embed', None]
        cc_proj = ['conrey_index','embedding_index','embedding_m','embedding_root_real','embedding_root_imag']
        format = info.get('format')
        query = {'hecke_orbit_code':self.hecke_orbit_code}

        # deal with m
        if self.embedding_label is None:
            m = info.get('m','1-%s'%(min(self.dim,20)))
            if '.' in m:
                m = re.sub(r'\d+\.\d+', self.embedding_from_embedding_label, m)
            CC_m = info['CC_m'] if 'CC_m' in info else integer_options(m)
            CC_m = sorted(set(CC_m))
            # if it is a range
            if len(CC_m) - 1 == CC_m[-1] - CC_m[0]:
                query['embedding_m'] = {'$gte':CC_m[0], '$lte':CC_m[-1]}
                query['embedding_m'] = {'$in': CC_m}
            self.embedding_m = None
            self.embedding_m = int(info['CC_m'][0])
            cc_proj.extend(['dual_conrey_index', 'dual_embedding_index'])
            query = {'label' : self.label + '.' + self.embedding_label}

        if format is None and 'CC_n' not in info:
            # for download
            CC_n = (1, self.an_cc_bound)
            n = info.get('n','1-10')
            CC_n = info['CC_n'] if 'CC_n' in info else integer_options(n)
            # convert CC_n to an interval in [1,an_bound]
            CC_n = ( max(1, min(CC_n)), min(self.an_cc_bound, max(CC_n)) )
        an_keys = (CC_n[0]-1, CC_n[1])
        # extra 5 primes in case we hit too many bad primes
        angles_keys = (
                bisect.bisect_left(primes_for_angles, CC_n[0]),
                min(bisect.bisect_right(primes_for_angles, CC_n[1]) + 5,
        an_projection = 'an_normalized[%d:%d]' % an_keys
        angles_projection = 'angles[%d:%d]' % angles_keys
        if format in an_formats:
        if format in angles_formats:

        cc_data= list(db.mf_hecke_cc.search(query, projection = cc_proj))
        if not cc_data:
            self.has_complex_qexp = False
            self.has_complex_qexp = True
            self.cc_data = {}
            for embedded_mf in cc_data:
                if format in an_formats:
                    an_normalized = embedded_mf.pop(an_projection)
                    # we don't store a_0, thus the +1
                    embedded_mf['an_normalized'] = {i: [float(x), float(y)] for i, (x, y) in enumerate(an_normalized, an_keys[0] + 1)}
                if format in angles_formats:
                    embedded_mf['angles'] = {primes_for_angles[i]: theta for i, theta in enumerate(embedded_mf.pop(angles_projection), angles_keys[0])}
                self.cc_data[embedded_mf.pop('embedding_m')] = embedded_mf
            if format in analytic_shift_formats:
                self.analytic_shift = {i : RR(i)**((ZZ(self.weight)-1)/2) for i in self.cc_data.values()[0]['an_normalized'].keys()}
            if format in angles_formats:
                self.character_values = defaultdict(list)
                G = DirichletGroup_conrey(self.level)
                chars = [DirichletCharacter_conrey(G, char) for char in self.conrey_indexes]
                for p in self.cc_data.values()[0]['angles'].keys():
                    if p.divides(self.level):
                        self.character_values[p] = None
                    for chi in chars:
                        c = chi.logvalue(p) * self.char_order
                        angle = float(c / self.char_order)
                        value = CDF(0,2*CDF.pi()*angle).exp()
                        self.character_values[p].append((angle, value))

        if self.embedding_m is not None:
            m = self.embedding_m
            dci = self.cc_data[m].get('dual_conrey_index')
            dei = self.cc_data[m].get('dual_embedding_index')
            self.dual_label = "%s.%s" % (dci, dei)
            x = self.cc_data[m].get('embedding_root_real')
            y = self.cc_data[m].get('embedding_root_imag')
            if x is None or y is None:
                self.embedding_root = None
                self.embedding_root = display_complex(x, y, 6, method='round', try_halfinteger=False)
    def populate_complex_row(Ldbrow):
        row = dict(constant_lf(level, weight, 2))
        chi = int(Ldbrow['chi'])
        j = int(Ldbrow['j'])
        chil, a, n = label(chi, j)
        assert chil == chi

        row['order_of_vanishing'] = int(Ldbrow['rank'])
        zeros_as_int = zeros[(chi, j)][row['order_of_vanishing']:]
        prec = row['accuracy'] = Ldbrow['zeroprec']
        two_power = 2**prec
        double_zeros = [float(z / two_power) for z in zeros_as_int]
        zeros_as_real = [
            RealNumber(z.str() + ".") / two_power for z in zeros_as_int
        real_zeros[(chi, a, n)] = zeros_as_real
        zeros_as_str = [z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_as_real]
        for i, z in enumerate(zeros_as_str):
            assert float(z) == double_zeros[i]
            assert (RealNumber(z) * two_power).round() == zeros_as_int[i]

        row['positive_zeros'] = str(zeros_as_str).replace("'", "\"")

        row['origin'] = origin(chi, a, n)
        row['central_character'] = "%s.%s" % (level, chi)
        row['self_dual'] = self_dual(chi, a, n)
        row['conjugate'] = None
        row['Lhash'] = str((zeros_as_int[0] * 2**(100 - prec)).round())
        if prec < 100:
            row['Lhash'] = '_' + row['Lhash']
        Lhashes[(chi, a, n)] = row['Lhash']
        row['sign_arg'] = float(Ldbrow['signarg'] / (2 * pi))
        for i in range(0, 3):
            row['z' + str(i + 1)] = (RealNumber(str(zeros_as_int[i]) + ".") /

        row['plot_delta'] = Ldbrow['valuesdelta']
        row['plot_values'] = [
            for elt in struct.unpack('{}d'.format(len(Ldbrow['Lvalues']) /
                                                  8), Ldbrow['Lvalues'])

        row['leading_term'] = '\N'
        if row['self_dual']:
            row['root_number'] = str(
                RRR(CDF(exp(2 * pi * I *
            if row['root_number'] == str(1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0
            elif row['root_number'] == str(-1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0.5
            row['root_number'] = str(CDF(exp(2 * pi * I * row['sign_arg'])))
        #row['dirichlet_coefficients'] = [None] * 10
        #print label(chi,j)
        for i, ai in enumerate(coeffs[(chi, j)][2:12]):
            if i + 2 <= 10:
                row['a' + str(i + 2)] = CBF_to_pair(ai)
                # print 'a' + str(i+2), ai_jsonb
            #row['dirichlet_coefficients'][i] = ai_jsonb

        row['coefficient_field'] = 'CDF'

        # only 30
        row['euler_factors'] = map(lambda x: map(CBF_to_pair, x),
                                   euler_factors[(chi, j)][:30])
        row['bad_lfactors'] = map(
            lambda x: [int(x[0]), map(CBF_to_pair, x[1])],
            bad_euler_factors[(chi, j)])

        for key in schema_lf:
            assert key in row, "%s not in row = %s" % (key, row)
        assert len(row) == len(schema_lf), "%s != %s" % (len(row),

        #rewrite row as a list
        rows[(chi, a, n)] = [row[key] for key in schema_lf]
        instances[(chi, a, n)] = tuple_instance(row)
def angles_euler_factors(coeffs, level, weight, chi):
    - ``coeffs`` -- a list of Dirichlet coefficients, as elements of CCC
    - ``level`` -- the level N
    - ``weight`` -- the weight k
    - ``chi`` -- the index of the Dirichlet character in the Conrey labeling
    returns a triple: (angles, euler_factos, bad_euler_factors)
    G = DirichletGroup_conrey(level, CCC)
    char = DirichletCharacter_conrey(G, chi)
    euler = []
    bad_euler = []
    angles = []
    for p in prime_range(to_store):
        b = -coeffs[p]
        c = 1
        if p.divides(level):
            bad_euler.append([p, [c, b]])
            euler.append([c, b])
            a = 0
            charval = CCC(2 * char.logvalue(int(p))).exppii()
            if charval.contains_exact(ZZ(1)):
                charval = 1
            elif charval.contains_exact(ZZ(-1)):
                charval = -1
            a = (p**QQ(weight - 1)) * charval
            euler.append([c, b, a])
            # alpha solves T^2 - a_p T + chi(p)*p^(k-1)
            sqrt_disc = sqrt_hack(b**2 - 4 * a * c)
            thetas = []
            for sign in [1, -1]:
                alpha = (-b + sign * sqrt_disc) / (2 * c)
                theta = (arg_hack(alpha) / (2 * CCC.pi().real())).mid()
                if theta > 0.5:
                    theta -= 1
                elif theta <= -0.5:
                    theta += 1
                assert theta <= 0.5 and theta > -0.5, "%s %s %s" % (
                    theta, arg_hack(alpha), alpha)
        if len(coeffs) > p**2:
            if coeffs[p**2].abs().contains_zero():
                match = (coeffs[p**2] - (b**2 - a)).abs().mid() < 1e-5
                match = ((coeffs[p**2] -
                          (b**2 - a)).abs() / coeffs[p**2].abs()).mid() < 1e-5
            if not match:
                print "coeffs[p**2] doesn't match euler recursion"
                print zip(range(len(coeffs)), map(CDF, coeffs))
                print "(level, weight, chi, p) = %s\n%s != %s\na_p2**2 -  (b**2 - a)= %s\n b**2  - a = %s\na_p2 = %s\na=%s\nb = %s\nap = %s" % (
                    (level, weight, chi, p), CDF(coeffs[p**2]), CDF(b**2 - a),
                    coeffs[p**2] - (b**2 - a), b**2 - a, coeffs[p**2], CDF(a),
                    CDF(b), CDF(coeffs[p]))
                assert False
    an_f = [
        CBF_to_pair(RRR(n)**(QQ(-(weight - 1)) / 2) * c)
        for n, c in enumerate(coeffs[:to_store + 1])
    return an_f, angles, euler, bad_euler
def populate_rational_rows(orbits, euler_factors_cc, rows, instances):
    rational_rows = {}
    order_of_vanishing = schema_lf_dict['order_of_vanishing']
    accuracy = schema_lf_dict['accuracy']
    positive_zeros = schema_lf_dict['positive_zeros']
    sign_arg = schema_lf_dict['sign_arg']
    Lhash = schema_lf_dict['Lhash']
    plot_delta = schema_lf_dict['plot_delta']
    plot_values = schema_lf_dict['plot_values']
    central_character = schema_lf_dict['central_character']
    positive_zeros = schema_lf_dict['positive_zeros']
    leading_term = schema_lf_dict['leading_term']
    root_number = schema_lf_dict['root_number']
    k = 0
    for mf_orbit_label, labels in orbits.iteritems():
            level, weight, char_orbit, hecke_orbit = mf_orbit_label.split(".")
            level, weight = map(int, [level, weight])
            # read and convert zeros to str
            # is important to do this before converting them
            zeros_as_real = []
            root_numbers = []
            for elt in labels:
                zeros_factor = rows[elt][positive_zeros]
                zeros_as_real.extend( zeros_factor )
                # and now convert them to strings
                zeros_factor = [ z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_factor]
                rows[elt][positive_zeros] = str(zeros_factor).replace("'","\"")
                # same for root numbers
                rows[elt][root_number] = rows[elt][root_number].str(style="question").replace('?', '')

            # for now skip degree > 80
            # no more, now the limit is 40
            if len(labels) > 20: # the real limit is 87
            degree = 2*len(labels)
            row = constant_lf(level, weight, degree)
            row['origin'] = "ModularForm/GL2/Q/holomorphic/%d/%d/%s/%s" % (level, weight, char_orbit, hecke_orbit)
            row['self_dual'] = True
            row['conjugate'] = '\N'
            row['order_of_vanishing'] = sum([rows[elt][order_of_vanishing] for elt in labels])
            row['accuracy'] = min([rows[elt][accuracy] for elt in labels])

            zeros_as_str = [ z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_as_real]
            row['positive_zeros'] = str(zeros_as_str).replace("'","\"")
            row['Lhash'] = ",".join(map(str, sorted([int(rows[elt][Lhash]) for elt in labels])))
            for i in range(0,3):
                row['z' + str(i + 1)] = str(zeros_as_real[i])

            # character
            if degree == 2:
                row['central_character'] = rows[labels[0]][central_character]
                G = DirichletGroup_conrey(level)
                chiprod = prod([G[ int(rows[elt][central_character].split(".")[-1]) ] for elt in labels])
                chiprod_index = chiprod.number()
                row['central_character'] = "%s.%s" % (level, chiprod_index)

            row['sign_arg'] = sum([rows[elt][sign_arg] for elt in labels])
            while row['sign_arg'] > 0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] -= 1
            while row['sign_arg'] <= -0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] += 1

            deltas = [rows[elt][plot_delta] for elt in labels]
            values = [rows[elt][plot_values] for elt in labels]
            row['plot_delta'], row['plot_values'] = prod_plot_values(deltas, values)
            row['leading_term'] = (prod(toRRR(rows[elt][leading_term], drop=False) for elt in labels)).str(style="question").replace('?', '')
                row['root_number'] = str(RRR(prod(root_numbers).real()).unique_integer())
                if row['root_number'] == str(1):
                    row['sign_arg'] = 0
                elif row['root_number'] == str(-1):
                    row['sign_arg'] = 0.5
                    assert row['root_number'] in map(str, [1, -1]), "%s" % row['root_number']
            except ValueError:
                # couldn't pin down the unique integer through root_numbers
                row['root_number'] = str(RRR(CDF(exp(2*pi*I*row['sign_arg'])).real()).unique_integer())
            row['coefficient_field'] = ''

            euler_factors = [euler_factors_cc[elt] for elt in labels]
            row['euler_factors'], row['bad_lfactors'], dirichlet = rational_euler_factors(euler_factors, level, weight)

            # fill in ai
            for i, ai in enumerate(dirichlet):
                if i > 1:
                    row['a' + str(i)] = int(dirichlet[i])
                    #print 'a' + str(i), dirichlet[i]

            for key in schema_lf:
                assert key in row, "%s not in row = %s" % (key, row.keys())
            for key in row.keys():
                assert key in schema_lf, "%s unexpected"  % key
            assert len(row) == len(schema_lf), "%s != %s" % (len(row) , len(schema_lf))

            #rewrite row as a list
            rational_rows[mf_orbit_label] = [row[key] for key in schema_lf]
            instances[mf_orbit_label] = (row['origin'], row['Lhash'], 'CMF')

            # if dim == 1, drop row
            if len(labels) == 1:
        except Exception:
            print mf_orbit_label, labels

        k += 1
        if len(orbits) > 10:
            if (k % (len(orbits)//10)) == 0:
                print "populate_rational_rows %.2f%% done" % (k*100./len(orbits))

    print "populate_rational_rows done"
    return rational_rows
 def __repr__(self):
     return '<ApproxAN: %s>' % CDF(self(100))
 def __repr__(self):
     return '<SetOfAAN: %s>' % [CDF(z) for z in self.f(100)]
    def setup_cc_data(self, info):

        - ``info`` -- a dictionary with keys
          - ``m`` -- a string describing the embedding indexes desired
          - ``n`` -- a string describing the a_n desired
          - ``CC_m`` -- a list of embedding indexes
          - ``CC_n`` -- a list of desired a_n
          - ``format`` -- one of 'embed', 'analytic_embed', 'satake', or 'satake_angle'
        an_formats = ['embed','analytic_embed',None]
        angles_formats = ['satake','satake_angle',None]
        m = info.get('m','1-%s'%(min(self.dim,20)))
        n = info.get('n','1-10')
        CC_m = info.get('CC_m', integer_options(m))
        CC_n = info.get('CC_n', integer_options(n))
        # convert CC_n to an interval in [1,an_storage_bound]
        CC_n = ( max(1, min(CC_n)), min(an_storage_bound, max(CC_n)) )
        an_keys = (CC_n[0]-1, CC_n[1])
        # extra 5 primes in case we hit too many bad primes
        angles_keys = (bisect.bisect_left(primes_for_angles, CC_n[0]), bisect.bisect_right(primes_for_angles, CC_n[1]) + 5)
        format = info.get('format')
        cc_proj = ['conrey_label','embedding_index','embedding_m','embedding_root_real','embedding_root_imag']
        an_projection = 'an[%d:%d]' % an_keys
        angles_projection = 'angles[%d:%d]' % angles_keys
        if format in an_formats:
        if format in angles_formats:
        query = {'hecke_orbit_code':self.hecke_orbit_code}
        range_match = INTEGER_RANGE_RE.match(m)
        if range_match:
            low, high = int(range_match.group(1)), int(range_match.group(2))
            query['embedding_m'] = {'$gte':low, '$lte':high}
            query['embedding_m'] = {'$in': CC_m}

        cc_data= list(db.mf_hecke_cc.search(query, projection = cc_proj))
        if not cc_data:
            self.has_complex_qexp = False
            self.cqexp_prec = 0
            self.has_complex_qexp = True
            self.cqexp_prec = an_keys[1] + 1
            self.cc_data = {}
            for embedded_mf in cc_data:
                #as they are stored as a jsonb, large enough elements might be recognized as an integer
                if format in an_formats:
                    # we don't store a_0, thus the +1
                    embedded_mf['an'] = {i: [float(x), float(y)] for i, (x, y) in enumerate(embedded_mf.pop(an_projection), an_keys[0] + 1)}
                if format in angles_formats:
                    embedded_mf['angles'] = {primes_for_angles[i]: theta for i, theta in enumerate(embedded_mf.pop(angles_projection), angles_keys[0])}
                self.cc_data[embedded_mf.pop('embedding_m')] = embedded_mf
            if format in ['analytic_embed',None]:
                self.analytic_shift = {i : float(i)**((1-ZZ(self.weight))/2) for i in self.cc_data.values()[0]['an'].keys()}
            if format in angles_formats:
                self.character_values = defaultdict(list)
                G = DirichletGroup_conrey(self.level)
                chars = [DirichletCharacter_conrey(G, char) for char in self.char_labels]
                for p in self.cc_data.values()[0]['angles'].keys():
                    if p.divides(self.level):
                    for chi in chars:
                        c = chi.logvalue(p) * self.char_order
                        angle = float(c / self.char_order)
                        value = CDF(0,2*CDF.pi()*angle).exp()
                        self.character_values[p].append((angle, value))
def analytically_continue(f, gamma, y0):
    Analytically continues a y-fibre `y0` along the path `gamma`.

    f : complex algebraic curve
    gamma : parameterized complex path
    y0 : y-fibre

    y1 : orded y-fibre above end of gamma
    # first verify that y0 is a y-fibre above x0
    x, y = f.parent().gens()
    x0 = gamma(0)
    f_x0 = f(x0, y).univariate_polynomial()
    y0_test = f_x0.roots(ring=CDF, multiplicities=False)
    phi = matching_permutation(y0, y0_test)  # asserts the permutation exists

    # obtain necessary tools from the curve
    fx = f.derivative(x)
    fy = f.derivative(y)
    ratio = fx / fy
    a = f.polynomial(y).coefficients(sparse=False)
    disc = f.discriminant(y).univariate_polynomial()
    p = a[0] * disc
    rts = p.roots(CDF, multiplicities=False)

    # loop
    T = 0.0
    x1 = x0
    y1 = y0
    while (T < 1.0):
        epsilon = compute_epsilon(y1)

        # determine a sufficient value of rho
        rho = min(abs(x1 - rt) for rt in rts) - 1e-8

        # obtain the parameter Y
        Y = max(ratio(x1, y1j) for y1j in y1)

        # obtian the parameter M
        bounds = [
                abs(coeff) * (abs(x1) + rho)**expon
                for expon, coeff in ak.dict().iteritems()) for ak in a if ak
        M = max(bounds)

        # compute the x-step size, delta
        delta = rho * (sqrt((rho * Y - epsilon)**2 + 4 * epsilon * M) -
                       (rho * Y + epsilon))
        delta /= (2 * (M - rho * Y))
        delta = abs(delta)

        # maximize Ts such that |x(T) - X(Ts)| < delta
        g = lambda Ts: abs(gamma(T) - gamma(Ts)) - delta
        if (T < 1.0):
            T = CDF(scipy.optimize.bisect(g, T + 1e-14, 1))

        # update
        # TODO: this part is still pretty broken
        x1 = gamma(T)
        f_x1 = f(x1, y).univariate_polynomial()
        y1_next = f_x1.roots(ring=CDF, multiplicities=False)
        phi = matching_permutation(y1, y1_next)
        y1 = phi.action(y1_next)

    return y1
        g = lambda Ts: abs(gamma(T) - gamma(Ts)) - delta
        if (T < 1.0):
            T = CDF(scipy.optimize.bisect(g, T + 1e-14, 1))

        # update
        # TODO: this part is still pretty broken
        x1 = gamma(T)
        f_x1 = f(x1, y).univariate_polynomial()
        y1_next = f_x1.roots(ring=CDF, multiplicities=False)
        phi = matching_permutation(y1, y1_next)
        y1 = phi.action(y1_next)

    return y1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    R = QQ['x,y']
    x, y = R.gens()
    f = y**3 - 2 * x**3 * y + x**7

    start = CDF(-1)
    end = CDF(-0.5)
    gamma = lambda s: start * (1 - s) + end * s

    y0 = f(start, y).univariate_polynomial().roots(ring=CDF,

    y1 = analytically_continue(f, gamma, y0)
    print y1
def seriescoeff(coeff, index, seriescoefftype, seriestype, digits):
    # seriescoefftype can be: series, serieshtml, signed, literal, factor
        if isinstance(coeff, string_types):
            if coeff == "I":
                rp = 0
                ip = 1
                coeff = CDF(I)
            elif coeff == "-I":
                rp = 0
                ip = -1
                coeff = CDF(-I)
                coeff = string2number(coeff)
        if type(coeff) == complex:
            rp = coeff.real
            ip = coeff.imag
            rp = real_part(coeff)
            ip = imag_part(coeff)
    except TypeError:     # mostly a hack for Dirichlet L-functions
        if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
            return " +" + coeff + "&middot;" + seriesvar(index, seriestype)
            return coeff
    ans = ""
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml", "signed", "factor"]:
        parenthesis = True
        parenthesis = False
    coeff_display =  display_complex(rp, ip, digits, method="truncate", parenthesis=parenthesis)

    # deal with the zero case
    if coeff_display == "0":
        if seriescoefftype=="literal":
            return "0"
            return ""

    if seriescoefftype=="literal":
        return coeff_display

    if seriescoefftype == "factor":
        if coeff_display == "1":
            return ""
        elif coeff_display == "-1":
            return "-"

    #add signs and fix spacing
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml"]:
        if coeff_display == "1":
            coeff_display = " + "
        elif coeff_display == "-1":
            coeff_display = " - "
        # purely real or complex number that starts with -
        elif coeff_display[0] == '-':
            # add spacings around the minus
            coeff_display = coeff_display.replace('-',' - ')
            ans += " + "
    elif seriescoefftype == 'signed' and coeff_display[0] != '-':
        # add the plus without the spaces
        ans += "+"

    ans += coeff_display

    if seriescoefftype == "serieshtml":
        ans = ans.replace('i',"<em>i</em>").replace('-',"&minus;")
        if coeff_display[-1] not in [')', ' ']:
            ans += "&middot;"
    if seriescoefftype in ["series", "serieshtml", "signed"]:
        ans += seriesvar(index, seriestype)

    return ans
    def populate_rational_rows():
        order_of_vanishing = schema_lf_dict['order_of_vanishing']
        accuracy = schema_lf_dict['accuracy']
        sign_arg = schema_lf_dict['sign_arg']
        Lhash = schema_lf_dict['Lhash']
        plot_delta = schema_lf_dict['plot_delta']
        plot_values = schema_lf_dict['plot_values']
        central_character = schema_lf_dict['central_character']
        # reverse euler factors from the table for  p^d < 1000
        rational_keys = {}
        for chi, a, n in rows.keys():
            orbit_label = orbit_labels[chi]
            if (orbit_label, a) not in rational_keys:
                rational_keys[(orbit_label, a)] = []
            rational_keys[(orbit_label, a)].append((chi, a, n))

        for (orbit_label, a), triples in rational_keys.iteritems():
            # for now skip degree >= 100
            if len(triples) > 80:  # the real limit is 87
            pairs = [original_pair[elt] for elt in triples]
            #print a, pairs, triples
            chi = triples[0][0]
            degree = 2 * len(triples)
            row = constant_lf(level, weight, degree)
            row['origin'] = rational_origin(chi, a)
            print row['origin']
            row['self_dual'] = 't'
            row['conjugate'] = '\N'
            row['order_of_vanishing'] = sum(
                [rows[elt][order_of_vanishing] for elt in triples])
            row['accuracy'] = min([rows[elt][accuracy] for elt in triples])

            zeros_as_real = []
            for elt in triples:
            zeros_as_str = [z.str(truncate=False) for z in zeros_as_real]
            row['positive_zeros'] = str(zeros_as_str).replace("'", "\"")
            zeros_hash = sorted([(rows[elt][Lhash], real_zeros[elt][0])
                                 for elt in triples],
                                key=lambda x: x[1])
            row['Lhash'] = ",".join([elt[0] for elt in zeros_hash])
            # character
            if degree == 2:
                row['central_character'] = rows[triples[0]][central_character]
                G = DirichletGroup_conrey(level)
                chiprod = prod([
                    for elt in triples
                chiprod_index = chiprod.number()
                row['central_character'] = "%s.%s" % (level, chiprod_index)

            row['sign_arg'] = sum([rows[elt][sign_arg] for elt in triples])
            while row['sign_arg'] > 0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] -= 1
            while row['sign_arg'] <= -0.5:
                row['sign_arg'] += 1
            zeros_zi = []
            for i in range(0, 3):
                for elt in triples:
                    zeros_zi.append(rows[elt][schema_lf_dict['z' +
                                                             str(i + 1)]])
            zeros_zi.sort(key=lambda x: RealNumber(x))
            for i in range(0, 3):
                row['z' + str(i + 1)] = zeros_zi[i]

            deltas = [rows[elt][plot_delta] for elt in triples]
            values = [rows[elt][plot_values] for elt in triples]
            row['plot_delta'], row['plot_values'] = prod_plot_values(
                deltas, values)
            row['leading_term'] = '\N'
            row['root_number'] = str(
                RRR(CDF(exp(2 * pi * I *
            if row['root_number'] == str(1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0
            elif row['root_number'] == str(-1):
                row['sign_arg'] = 0.5
            row['coefficient_field'] = ''

            for chi, _, _ in triples:
                if (level, weight, chi) in traces_lists:
                    for elt in traces_lists[(level, weight, chi)]:
                        if set(elt[1]) <= set(pairs):
                            traces = elt[0]
                        print pairs
                        print traces_lists[(level, weight, chi)]
                        assert False
                print pairs
                print traces_lists
                assert False

            euler_factors_cc = [euler_factors[elt] for elt in pairs]
            row['euler_factors'], row[
                'bad_lfactors'], dirichlet = rational_euler_factors(
                    traces, euler_factors_cc, level, weight)
            #handling Nones
            row['euler_factors'] = json.dumps(row['euler_factors'])
            row['bad_lfactors'] = json.dumps(row['bad_lfactors'])

            # fill in ai
            for i, ai in enumerate(dirichlet):
                if i > 1:
                    row['a' + str(i)] = int(dirichlet[i])
                    #print 'a' + str(i), dirichlet[i]

            for key in schema_lf:
                assert key in row, "%s not in row = %s" % (key, row.keys())
            for key in row.keys():
                assert key in schema_lf, "%s unexpected" % key
            assert len(row) == len(schema_lf), "%s != %s" % (len(row),

            #rewrite row as a list
            rational_rows[(orbit_label, a)] = [row[key] for key in schema_lf]
            instances[(orbit_label, a)] = tuple_instance(row)

            # if dim == 1, drop row
            if len(triples) == 1:
def round_CBF_to_half_int(x):
    return CDF(tuple(map(round_RBF_to_half_int, [x.real(), x.imag()])))
def make_label(L, normalized=False):
    GR, GC = L['gamma_factors']
    analytic_normalization = 0 if normalized else L['motivic_weight']/2
    GR = [CDF(elt) + analytic_normalization for elt in GR]
    GC = [CDF(elt) + analytic_normalization for elt in GC]
    b, e = L['conductor'].perfect_power()
    if e == 1:
        conductor = b
        conductor = "{}e{}".format(b, e)
    beginning = "-".join(map(str, [L['degree'], conductor, L['central_character']]))

    GRcount = Counter(GR)
    GCcount = Counter(GC)
    # convert gamma_R to gamma_C
    zero = LmfdbRealLiteral(RR, '0')
    one = LmfdbRealLiteral(RR, '1')
    while GRcount[zero] > 0 and GRcount[one] > 0:
        GCcount[zero] += 1
        GRcount[zero] -= 1
        GRcount[one] -= 1
    GR = sum([[m]*c for m, c in GRcount.items()], [])
    GC = sum([[m]*c for m, c in GCcount.items()], [])
    assert L['degree'] == len(GR) + 2*len(GC)

    L["mu_imag"] = [elt.imag() for elt in GR]
    L["nu_imag"] = [elt.imag() for elt in GC]

    # deal with real parts
    GR_real = [elt.real() for elt in GR]
    GC_real = [elt.real() for elt in GC]
    L["mu_real"] = [x.round() for x in GR_real]
    assert set(L["mu_real"]).issubset(set([0,1]))
    L["nu_real_doubled"] = [(2*x).round() for x in GC_real]
    GRcount = Counter(GR_real)
    GCcount = Counter(GC_real)
    ge = GCD(GCD(list(GRcount.values())), GCD(list(GCcount.values())))
    if ge > 1:
        GR_real = sum(([k]*(v//ge) for k, v in GRcount.items()), [])
        GC_real = sum(([k]*(v//ge) for k, v in GCcount.items()), [])

    rs = ''.join(['r%d' % elt.real().round() for elt in GR_real])
    cs = ''.join(['c%d' % (elt.real()*2).round() for elt in GC_real])
    gammas = "-" + rs + cs
    if ge > 1:
        gammas += "e%d" % ge
    if L['algebraic']:
        end = "-0"
        end = "-"
        for G in [GR, GC]:
            for i, elt in enumerate(G):
                conjugate = False
                if elt.imag() <= 0 and i < len(G) - 1 and elt.conjugate() == G[i + 1]:
                    conjugate = True
                elif elt.imag() >= 0 and i > 0 and elt.conjugate() == G[i - 1]:
                    # we already listed this one as a conjugate
                end += spectral_str(elt.imag(), conjugate=conjugate)
    L["prelabel"] = beginning + gammas + end
    return tuple(GR), tuple(GC)