def pthpowers(self, p, Bound):
        Find the indices of proveably all pth powers in the recurrence sequence bounded by Bound.

        Let `u_n` be a binary recurrence sequence.  A ``p`` th power in `u_n` is a solution
        to `u_n = y^p` for some integer `y`.  There are only finitely many ``p`` th powers in
        any recurrence sequence [SS].


        - ``p`` - a rational prime integer (the fixed p in `u_n = y^p`)

        - ``Bound`` - a natural number (the maximum index `n` in `u_n = y^p` that is checked).


        - A list of the indices of all ``p`` th powers less bounded by ``Bound``.  If the sequence is degenerate and there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(1,1)        #the Fibonacci sequence
            sage: R.pthpowers(2, 10**30)        # long time (7 seconds) -- in fact these are all squares, c.f. [BMS06]
            [0, 1, 2, 12]

            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(8,1) #a Lucas sequence
            sage: S.pthpowers(3,10**30)    # long time (3 seconds) -- provably finds the indices of all 3rd powers less than 10^30
            [0, 1, 2]

            sage: Q = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,3,2,1)
            sage: Q.pthpowers(11,10**30)          # long time (7.5 seconds)

        If the sequence is degenerate, and there are are no ``p`` th powers, returns `[]`.  Otherwise, if
        there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: T = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,0,1,2)
            sage: T.is_degenerate()
            sage: T.is_geometric()
            sage: T.pthpowers(7,10**30)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers.

            sage: L = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(4,0,2,2)
            sage: [L(i).factor() for i in range(10)]
            [2, 2, 2^3, 2^5, 2^7, 2^9, 2^11, 2^13, 2^15, 2^17]
            sage: L.is_quasigeometric()
            sage: L.pthpowers(2,10**30)

        NOTE: This function is primarily optimized in the range where ``Bound`` is much larger than ``p``.


        #Thanks to Jesse Silliman for helpful conversations!

        #Reset the dictionary of good primes, as this depends on p
        self._PGoodness = {}
        #Starting lower bound on good primes
        self._ell = 1

        #If the sequence is geometric, then the `n`th term is `a*r^n`.  Thus the
        #property of being a ``p`` th power is periodic mod ``p``.  So there are either
        #no ``p`` th powers if there are none in the first ``p`` terms, or many if there
        #is at least one in the first ``p`` terms.

        if self.is_geometric() or self.is_quasigeometric():
            no_powers = True
            for i in range(1, 6 * p + 1):
                if _is_p_power(self(i), p):
                    no_powers = False
            if no_powers:
                if _is_p_power(self.u0, p):
                    return [0]
                return []
                raise ValueError(
                    "The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers."

        #If the sequence is degenerate without being geometric or quasigeometric, there
        #may be many ``p`` th powers or no ``p`` th powers.

        elif (self.b**2 + 4 * self.c) == 0:

            #This is the case if the matrix F is not diagonalizable, ie b^2 +4c = 0, and alpha/beta = 1.

            alpha = self.b / 2

            #In this case, u_n = u_0*alpha^n + (u_1 - u_0*alpha)*n*alpha^(n-1) = alpha^(n-1)*(u_0 +n*(u_1 - u_0*alpha)),
            #that is, it is a geometric term (alpha^(n-1)) times an arithmetic term (u_0 + n*(u_1-u_0*alpha)).

            #Look at classes n = k mod p, for k = 1,...,p.

            for k in range(1, p + 1):

                #The linear equation alpha^(k-1)*u_0 + (k+pm)*(alpha^(k-1)*u1 - u0*alpha^k)
                #must thus be a pth power.  This is a linear equation in m, namely, A + B*m, where

                A = (alpha**(k - 1) * self.u0 + k *
                     (alpha**(k - 1) * self.u1 - self.u0 * alpha**k))
                B = p * (alpha**(k - 1) * self.u1 - self.u0 * alpha**k)

                #This linear equation represents a pth power iff A is a pth power mod B.

                if _is_p_power_mod(A, p, B):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The degenerate binary recurrence sequence has many pth powers."
            return []

        #We find ``p`` th powers using an elementary sieve.  Term `u_n` is a ``p`` th
        #power if and only if it is a ``p`` th power modulo every prime `\\ell`.  This condition
        #gives nontrivial information if ``p`` divides the order of the multiplicative group of
        #`\\Bold(F)_{\\ell}`, i.e. if `\\ell` is ` 1 \mod{p}`, as then only `1/p` terms are ``p`` th
        #powers modulo `\\ell``.

        #Thus, given such an `\\ell`, we get a set of necessary congruences for the index modulo the
        #the period of the sequence mod `\\ell`.  Then we intersect these congruences for many primes
        #to get a tight list modulo a growing modulus.  In order to keep this step manageable, we
        #only use primes `\\ell` that are have particularly smooth periods.

        #Some congruences in the list will remain as the modulus grows.  If a congruence remains through
        #7 rounds of increasing the modulus, then we check if this corresponds to a perfect power (if
        #it does, we add it to our list of indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers).  The rest of the congruences
        #are transient and grow with the modulus.  Once the smallest of these is greater than the bound,
        #the list of known indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers is complete.


            if Bound < 3 * p:

                powers = []
                ell = p + 1

                while not is_prime(ell):
                    ell = ell + p

                F = GF(ell)
                a0 = F(self.u0)
                a1 = F(self.u1)  #a0 and a1 are variables for terms in sequence
                bf, cf = F(self.b), F(self.c)

                for n in range(Bound):  # n is the index of the a0

                    #Check whether a0 is a perfect power mod ell
                    if _is_p_power_mod(a0, p, ell):
                        #if a0 is a perfect power mod ell, check if nth term is ppower
                        if _is_p_power(self(n), p):

                    a0, a1 = a1, bf * a1 + cf * a0  #step up the variables


                powers = [
                ]  #documents the indices of the sequence that provably correspond to pth powers
                cong = [
                ]  #list of necessary congruences on the index for it to correspond to pth powers
                Possible_count = {
                }  #keeps track of the number of rounds a congruence lasts in cong

                #These parameters are involved in how we choose primes to increase the modulus
                qqold = 1  #we believe that we know complete information coming from primes good by qqold
                M1 = 1  #we have congruences modulo M1, this may not be the tightest list
                M2 = p  #we want to move to have congruences mod M2
                qq = 1  #the largest prime power divisor of M1 is qq

                #This loop ups the modulus.
                while True:

                    #Try to get good data mod M2

                    #patience of how long we should search for a "good prime"
                    patience = 0.01 * _estimated_time(
                        lcm(M2, p * next_prime_power(qq)), M1, len(cong), p)
                    tries = 0

                    #This loop uses primes to get a small set of congruences mod M2.
                    while True:

                        #only proceed if took less than patience time to find the next good prime
                        ell = _next_good_prime(p, self, qq, patience, qqold)
                        if ell:

                            #gather congruence data for the sequence mod ell, which will be mod period(ell) = modu
                            cong1, modu = _find_cong1(p, self, ell)

                            CongNew = [
                            ]  #makes a new list from cong that is now mod M = lcm(M1, modu) instead of M1
                            M = lcm(M1, modu)
                            for k in range(M // M1):
                                for i in cong:
                                    CongNew.append(k * M1 + i)
                            cong = set(CongNew)

                            M1 = M

                            killed_something = False  #keeps track of when cong1 can rule out a congruence in cong

                            #CRT by hand to gain speed
                            for i in list(cong):
                                if not (
                                        i % modu in cong1
                                ):  #congruence in cong is inconsistent with any in cong1
                                    cong.remove(i)  #remove that congruence
                                    killed_something = True

                            if M1 == M2:
                                if not killed_something:
                                    tries += 1
                                    if tries == 2:  #try twice to rule out congruences
                                        cong = list(cong)
                                        qqold = qq
                                        qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                                        M2 = lcm(M2, p * qq)

                            qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                            M2 = lcm(M2, p * qq)
                            cong = list(cong)

                    #Document how long each element of cong has been there
                    for i in cong:
                        if i in Possible_count:
                            Possible_count[i] = Possible_count[i] + 1
                            Possible_count[i] = 1

                    #Check how long each element has persisted, if it is for at least 7 cycles,
                    #then we check to see if it is actually a perfect power
                    for i in Possible_count:
                        if Possible_count[i] == 7:
                            n = Integer(i)
                            if n < Bound:
                                if _is_p_power(self(n), p):

                    #check for a contradiction
                    if len(cong) > len(powers):
                        if cong[len(powers)] > Bound:
                    elif M1 > Bound:

            return powers
    def pthpowers(self, p, Bound):
        Find the indices of proveably all pth powers in the recurrence sequence bounded by Bound.

        Let `u_n` be a binary recurrence sequence.  A ``p`` th power in `u_n` is a solution
        to `u_n = y^p` for some integer `y`.  There are only finitely many ``p`` th powers in
        any recurrence sequence [SS].


        - ``p`` - a rational prime integer (the fixed p in `u_n = y^p`)

        - ``Bound`` - a natural number (the maximum index `n` in `u_n = y^p` that is checked).


        - A list of the indices of all ``p`` th powers less bounded by ``Bound``.  If the sequence is degenerate and there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: R = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(1,1)        #the Fibonacci sequence
            sage: R.pthpowers(2, 10**30)        # long time (7 seconds) -- in fact these are all squares, c.f. [BMS06]
            [0, 1, 2, 12]

            sage: S = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(8,1) #a Lucas sequence
            sage: S.pthpowers(3,10**30)    # long time (3 seconds) -- provably finds the indices of all 3rd powers less than 10^30
            [0, 1, 2]

            sage: Q = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(3,3,2,1)
            sage: Q.pthpowers(11,10**30)          # long time (7.5 seconds)

        If the sequence is degenerate, and there are are no ``p`` th powers, returns `[]`.  Otherwise, if
        there are many ``p`` th powers, raises ``ValueError``.


            sage: T = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(2,0,1,2)
            sage: T.is_degenerate()
            sage: T.is_geometric()
            sage: T.pthpowers(7,10**30)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers.

            sage: L = BinaryRecurrenceSequence(4,0,2,2)
            sage: [L(i).factor() for i in range(10)]
            [2, 2, 2^3, 2^5, 2^7, 2^9, 2^11, 2^13, 2^15, 2^17]
            sage: L.is_quasigeometric()
            sage: L.pthpowers(2,10**30)

        NOTE: This function is primarily optimized in the range where ``Bound`` is much larger than ``p``.


        #Thanks to Jesse Silliman for helpful conversations!

        #Reset the dictionary of good primes, as this depends on p
        self._PGoodness = {}
        #Starting lower bound on good primes
        self._ell = 1

        #If the sequence is geometric, then the `n`th term is `a*r^n`.  Thus the
        #property of being a ``p`` th power is periodic mod ``p``.  So there are either
        #no ``p`` th powers if there are none in the first ``p`` terms, or many if there
        #is at least one in the first ``p`` terms.

        if self.is_geometric() or self.is_quasigeometric():
            no_powers = True
            for i in range(1,6*p+1):
                if _is_p_power(self(i), p) :
                    no_powers = False
            if no_powers:
                if _is_p_power(self.u0,p):
                    return [0]
                return []
            else :
                raise ValueError("The degenerate binary recurrence sequence is geometric or quasigeometric and has many pth powers.")

        #If the sequence is degenerate without being geometric or quasigeometric, there
        #may be many ``p`` th powers or no ``p`` th powers.

        elif (self.b**2+4*self.c) == 0 :

            #This is the case if the matrix F is not diagonalizable, ie b^2 +4c = 0, and alpha/beta = 1.

            alpha = self.b/2

            #In this case, u_n = u_0*alpha^n + (u_1 - u_0*alpha)*n*alpha^(n-1) = alpha^(n-1)*(u_0 +n*(u_1 - u_0*alpha)),
            #that is, it is a geometric term (alpha^(n-1)) times an arithmetic term (u_0 + n*(u_1-u_0*alpha)).

            #Look at classes n = k mod p, for k = 1,...,p.

            for k in range(1,p+1):

                #The linear equation alpha^(k-1)*u_0 + (k+pm)*(alpha^(k-1)*u1 - u0*alpha^k)
                #must thus be a pth power.  This is a linear equation in m, namely, A + B*m, where

                A = (alpha**(k-1)*self.u0 + k*(alpha**(k-1)*self.u1 - self.u0*alpha**k))
                B = p*(alpha**(k-1)*self.u1 - self.u0*alpha**k)

                #This linear equation represents a pth power iff A is a pth power mod B.

                if _is_p_power_mod(A, p, B):
                    raise ValueError("The degenerate binary recurrence sequence has many pth powers.")
            return []

        #We find ``p`` th powers using an elementary sieve.  Term `u_n` is a ``p`` th
        #power if and only if it is a ``p`` th power modulo every prime `\\ell`.  This condition
        #gives nontrivial information if ``p`` divides the order of the multiplicative group of
        #`\\Bold(F)_{\\ell}`, i.e. if `\\ell` is ` 1 \mod{p}`, as then only `1/p` terms are ``p`` th
        #powers modulo `\\ell``.

        #Thus, given such an `\\ell`, we get a set of necessary congruences for the index modulo the
        #the period of the sequence mod `\\ell`.  Then we intersect these congruences for many primes
        #to get a tight list modulo a growing modulus.  In order to keep this step manageable, we
        #only use primes `\\ell` that are have particularly smooth periods.

        #Some congruences in the list will remain as the modulus grows.  If a congruence remains through
        #7 rounds of increasing the modulus, then we check if this corresponds to a perfect power (if
        #it does, we add it to our list of indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers).  The rest of the congruences
        #are transient and grow with the modulus.  Once the smallest of these is greater than the bound,
        #the list of known indices corresponding to ``p`` th powers is complete.


            if Bound < 3 * p :

                powers = []
                ell = p + 1

                while not is_prime(ell):
                    ell = ell + p

                F = GF(ell)
                a0 = F(self.u0); a1 = F(self.u1) #a0 and a1 are variables for terms in sequence
                bf, cf = F(self.b), F(self.c)

                for n in range(Bound): # n is the index of the a0

                    #Check whether a0 is a perfect power mod ell
                    if _is_p_power_mod(a0, p, ell) :
                        #if a0 is a perfect power mod ell, check if nth term is ppower
                        if _is_p_power(self(n), p):

                    a0, a1 = a1, bf*a1 + cf*a0        #step up the variables

            else :

                powers = []        #documents the indices of the sequence that provably correspond to pth powers
                cong = [0]        #list of necessary congruences on the index for it to correspond to pth powers
                Possible_count = {}    #keeps track of the number of rounds a congruence lasts in cong

                #These parameters are involved in how we choose primes to increase the modulus
                qqold = 1        #we believe that we know complete information coming from primes good by qqold
                M1 = 1            #we have congruences modulo M1, this may not be the tightest list
                M2 = p            #we want to move to have congruences mod M2
                qq = 1            #the largest prime power divisor of M1 is qq

                #This loop ups the modulus.
                while True:

                    #Try to get good data mod M2

                    #patience of how long we should search for a "good prime"
                    patience = 0.01 * _estimated_time(lcm(M2,p*next_prime_power(qq)), M1, len(cong), p)
                    tries = 0

                    #This loop uses primes to get a small set of congruences mod M2.
                    while True:

                        #only proceed if took less than patience time to find the next good prime
                        ell = _next_good_prime(p, self, qq, patience, qqold)
                        if ell:

                            #gather congruence data for the sequence mod ell, which will be mod period(ell) = modu
                            cong1, modu = _find_cong1(p, self, ell)

                            CongNew = []        #makes a new list from cong that is now mod M = lcm(M1, modu) instead of M1
                            M = lcm(M1, modu)
                            for k in range(M // M1):
                                for i in cong:
                                    CongNew.append(k * M1 + i)
                            cong = set(CongNew)

                            M1 = M

                            killed_something = False        #keeps track of when cong1 can rule out a congruence in cong

                            #CRT by hand to gain speed
                            for i in list(cong):
                                if not (i % modu in cong1):        #congruence in cong is inconsistent with any in cong1
                                    cong.remove(i)            #remove that congruence
                                    killed_something = True

                            if M1 == M2:
                                if not killed_something:
                                    tries += 1
                                    if tries == 2:            #try twice to rule out congruences
                                        cong = list(cong)
                                        qqold = qq
                                        qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                                        M2 = lcm(M2,p*qq)

                        else :
                            qq = next_prime_power(qq)
                            M2 = lcm(M2,p*qq)
                            cong = list(cong)

                    #Document how long each element of cong has been there
                    for i in cong:
                        if i in Possible_count:
                            Possible_count[i] = Possible_count[i] + 1
                        else :
                            Possible_count[i] = 1

                    #Check how long each element has persisted, if it is for at least 7 cycles,
                    #then we check to see if it is actually a perfect power
                    for i in Possible_count:
                        if Possible_count[i] == 7:
                            n = Integer(i)
                            if n < Bound:
                                if _is_p_power(self(n),p):

                    #check for a contradiction
                    if len(cong) > len(powers):
                        if cong[len(powers)] > Bound:
                    elif M1 > Bound:

            return powers