    def __classcall__(cls, W, k=1, coxeter_element=None, algorithm="inductive"):
        Standardize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: S1 = ClusterComplex(['B',2])
            sage: W = CoxeterGroup(['B',2])
            sage: S2 = ClusterComplex(W)
            sage: S3 = ClusterComplex(CoxeterMatrix('B2'), coxeter_element=(1,2))
            sage: w = W.from_reduced_word([1,2])
            sage: S4 = ClusterComplex('B2', coxeter_element=w, algorithm="inductive")
            sage: S1 is S2 and S2 is S3 and S3 is S4
        if k not in NN:
            raise ValueError("the additional parameter must be a "
                             "nonnegative integer")

        if W not in CoxeterGroups:
            W = CoxeterGroup(W)

        if not W.is_finite():
            raise ValueError("the Coxeter group must be finite")

        if coxeter_element is None:
            coxeter_element = W.index_set()
        elif hasattr(coxeter_element, "reduced_word"):
            coxeter_element = coxeter_element.reduced_word()
        coxeter_element = tuple(coxeter_element)

        return super(SubwordComplex, cls).__classcall__(cls, W=W, k=k,
    def __classcall__(cls, W, k=1, coxeter_element=None, algorithm="inductive"):
        Standardize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: S1 = ClusterComplex(['B',2])
            sage: W = CoxeterGroup(['B',2])
            sage: S2 = ClusterComplex(W)
            sage: S3 = ClusterComplex(CoxeterMatrix('B2'), coxeter_element=(1,2))
            sage: w = W.from_reduced_word([1,2])
            sage: S4 = ClusterComplex('B2', coxeter_element=w, algorithm="inductive")
            sage: S1 is S2 and S2 is S3 and S3 is S4
        if k not in NN:
            raise ValueError("the additional parameter must be a "
                             "nonnegative integer")

        if W not in CoxeterGroups:
            W = CoxeterGroup(W)

        if not W.is_finite():
            raise ValueError("the Coxeter group must be finite")

        if coxeter_element is None:
            coxeter_element = W.index_set()
        elif hasattr(coxeter_element, "reduced_word"):
            coxeter_element = coxeter_element.reduced_word()
        coxeter_element = tuple(coxeter_element)

        return super(SubwordComplex, cls).__classcall__(cls, W=W, k=k,
    def __init__(self, coxeter_matrix, names):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3], ['x','y','z'])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
        self._coxeter_group = CoxeterGroup(coxeter_matrix)
        free_group = FreeGroup(names)
        rels = []
        # Generate the relations based on the Coxeter graph
        I = coxeter_matrix.index_set()
        for ii, i in enumerate(I):
            for j in I[ii + 1:]:
                m = coxeter_matrix[i, j]
                if m == Infinity:  # no relation
                elt = [i, j] * m
                for ind in range(m, 2 * m):
                    elt[ind] = -elt[ind]
        FinitelyPresentedGroup.__init__(self, free_group, tuple(rels))
    def __init__(self, coxeter_matrix, names):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3], ['x','y','z'])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
        self._coxeter_group = CoxeterGroup(coxeter_matrix)
        free_group = FreeGroup(names)
        rels = []
        # Generate the relations based on the Coxeter graph
        I = coxeter_matrix.index_set()
        for ii,i in enumerate(I):
            for j in I[ii+1:]:
                m = coxeter_matrix[i,j]
                if m == Infinity:  # no relation
                elt = [i,j]*m
                for ind in range(m, 2*m):
                    elt[ind] = -elt[ind]
        FinitelyPresentedGroup.__init__(self, free_group, tuple(rels))
    def __init__(self, G, names):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: G = RightAngledArtinGroup(graphs.CycleGraph(5))
            sage: TestSuite(G).run()
        self._graph = G
        F = FreeGroup(names=names)
        CG = Graph(G).complement()  # Make sure it's mutable
        CG.relabel()  # Standardize the labels
        cm = [[-1] * CG.num_verts() for _ in range(CG.num_verts())]
        for i in range(CG.num_verts()):
            cm[i][i] = 1
        for u, v in CG.edge_iterator(labels=False):
            cm[u][v] = 2
            cm[v][u] = 2
        self._coxeter_group = CoxeterGroup(
            CoxeterMatrix(cm, index_set=G.vertices()))
        rels = tuple(
            F([i + 1, j + 1, -i - 1, -j - 1])
            for i, j in CG.edge_iterator(labels=False))  # +/- 1 for indexing
        FinitelyPresentedGroup.__init__(self, F, rels)
    def __classcall_private__(cls, data):

            sage: from sage.combinat.fully_commutative_elements import FullyCommutativeElements
            sage: x1 = FullyCommutativeElements(CoxeterGroup(['B', 3])); x1
            Fully commutative elements of Finite Coxeter group over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - 2 with a = 1.414213562373095? with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 3 2]
            [3 1 4]
            [2 4 1]
            sage: x2 = FullyCommutativeElements(['B', 3]); x2
            Fully commutative elements of Finite Coxeter group over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - 2 with a = 1.414213562373095? with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 3 2]
            [3 1 4]
            [2 4 1]
            sage: x3 = FullyCommutativeElements(CoxeterMatrix([[1, 3, 2], [3, 1, 4], [2, 4, 1]])); x3
            Fully commutative elements of Finite Coxeter group over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - 2 with a = 1.414213562373095? with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 3 2]
            [3 1 4]
            [2 4 1]
            sage: x1 is x2 is x3
            sage: FullyCommutativeElements(CartanType(['B', 3]).relabel({1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1}))
            Fully commutative elements of Finite Coxeter group over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 - 2 with a = 1.414213562373095? with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 4 2]
            [4 1 3]
            [2 3 1]
            sage: m = CoxeterMatrix([(1, 5, 2, 2, 2), (5, 1, 3, 2, 2), (2, 3, 1, 3, 2), (2, 2, 3, 1, 3), (2, 2, 2, 3, 1)]); FullyCommutativeElements(m)
            Fully commutative elements of Coxeter group over Universal Cyclotomic Field with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 5 2 2 2]
            [5 1 3 2 2]
            [2 3 1 3 2]
            [2 2 3 1 3]
            [2 2 2 3 1]
        if data in CoxeterGroups():
            group = data
            group = CoxeterGroup(data)
        return super(cls, FullyCommutativeElements).__classcall__(cls, group)
class ArtinGroup(FinitelyPresentedGroup):
    An Artin group.

    Fix an index set `I`. Let `M = (m_{ij})_{i,j \in I}` be a
    :class:`Coxeter matrix
    An *Artin group* is a group `A_M` that has a presentation
    given by generators `\{ s_i \mid i \in I \}` and relations

    .. MATH::

        \underbrace{s_i s_j s_i \cdots}_{m_{ij}}
        = \underbrace{s_j s_i s_j \cdots}_{\text{$m_{ji}$ factors}}

    for all `i,j \in I` with the usual convention that `m_{ij} = \infty`
    implies no relation between `s_i` and `s_j`. There is a natural
    corresponding Coxeter group `W_M` by imposing the additional
    relations `s_i^2 = 1` for all `i \in I`. Furthermore, there is
    a natural section of `W_M` by sending a reduced word
    `s_{i_1} \cdots s_{i_{\ell}} \mapsto s_{i_1} \cdots s_{i_{\ell}}`.

    Artin groups `A_M` are classified based on the Coxeter data:

    - `A_M` is of *finite type* or *spherical* if `W_M` is finite;
    - `A_M` is of *affine type* if `W_M` is of affine type;
    - `A_M` is of *large type* if `m_{ij} \geq 4` for all `i,j \in I`;
    - `A_M` is of *extra-large type* if `m_{ij} \geq 5` for all `i,j \in I`;
    - `A_M` is *right-angled* if `m_{ij} \in \{2,\infty\}` for all `i,j \in I`.

    Artin groups are conjectured to have many nice properties:

    - Artin groups are torsion free.
    - Finite type Artin groups have `Z(A_M) = \ZZ` and infinite type
      Artin groups have trivial center.
    - Artin groups have solvable word problems.
    - `H_{W_M} / W_M` is a `K(A_M, 1)`-space, where `H_W` is the
      hyperplane complement of the Coxeter group `W` acting on `\CC^n`.

    These conjectures are known when the Artin group is finite type and a
    number of other cases. See, e.g., [GP2012]_ and references therein.


    - ``coxeter_data`` -- data defining a Coxeter matrix

    - ``names`` -- string or list/tuple/iterable of strings
      (default: ``'s'``); the generator names or name prefix


        sage: A.<a,b,c> = ArtinGroup(['B',3]);  A
        Artin group of type ['B', 3]
        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',3])
        Artin group of type ['B', 3]

    The input must always include the Coxeter data, but the ``names``
    can either be a string representing the prefix of the names or
    the explicit names of the generators. Otherwise the default prefix
    of ``'s'`` is used::

        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',2]).generators()
        (s1, s2)
        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',2], 'g').generators()
        (g1, g2)
        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',2], 'x,y').generators()
        (x, y)


    - :wikipedia:`Artin_group`

    .. SEEALSO::

    def __classcall_private__(cls, coxeter_data, names=None):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: A1 = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A2 = ArtinGroup(['B',3], 's')
            sage: A3 = ArtinGroup(['B',3],  ['s1','s2','s3'])
            sage: A1 is A2 and A2 is A3

            sage: A1 = ArtinGroup(['B',2], 'a,b')
            sage: A2 = ArtinGroup([[1,4],[4,1]], 'a,b')
            sage: A3.<a,b> = ArtinGroup('B2')
            sage: A1 is A2 and A2 is A3

            sage: ArtinGroup(['A',3]) is BraidGroup(4, 's1,s2,s3')

            sage: G = graphs.PathGraph(3)
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1,2],[-1,1,-1],[2,-1,1]], index_set=G.vertices())
            sage: A = groups.misc.Artin(CM)
            sage: Ap = groups.misc.RightAngledArtin(G, 's')
            sage: A is Ap
        coxeter_data = CoxeterMatrix(coxeter_data)
        if names is None:
            names = 's'
        if isinstance(names, six.string_types):
            if ',' in names:
                names = [x.strip() for x in names.split(',')]
                names = [names + str(i) for i in coxeter_data.index_set()]
        names = tuple(names)
        if len(names) != coxeter_data.rank():
            raise ValueError("the number of generators must match"
                             " the rank of the Coxeter type")
        if all(m == Infinity
               for m in coxeter_data.coxeter_graph().edge_labels()):
            from sage.groups.raag import RightAngledArtinGroup
            return RightAngledArtinGroup(coxeter_data.coxeter_graph(), names)
        if not coxeter_data.is_finite():
            raise NotImplementedError
        if coxeter_data.coxeter_type().cartan_type().type() == 'A':
            from sage.groups.braid import BraidGroup
            return BraidGroup(coxeter_data.rank() + 1, names)
        return FiniteTypeArtinGroup(coxeter_data, names)

    def __init__(self, coxeter_matrix, names):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3], ['x','y','z'])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
        self._coxeter_group = CoxeterGroup(coxeter_matrix)
        free_group = FreeGroup(names)
        rels = []
        # Generate the relations based on the Coxeter graph
        I = coxeter_matrix.index_set()
        for ii, i in enumerate(I):
            for j in I[ii + 1:]:
                m = coxeter_matrix[i, j]
                if m == Infinity:  # no relation
                elt = [i, j] * m
                for ind in range(m, 2 * m):
                    elt[ind] = -elt[ind]
        FinitelyPresentedGroup.__init__(self, free_group, tuple(rels))

    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            Artin group of type ['B', 3]
            sage: ArtinGroup(['D',4], 'g')
            Artin group of type ['D', 4]
            data = self.coxeter_type().cartan_type()
            return "Artin group of type {}".format(data)
        except AttributeError:
        return "Artin group with Coxeter matrix:\n{}".format(

    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of elements of ``self``.




            sage: Gamma = graphs.CycleGraph(5)
            sage: G = RightAngledArtinGroup(Gamma)
            sage: G.cardinality()

            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['A',1])
            sage: A.cardinality()
        from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
        return Infinity

    order = cardinality

    def as_permutation_group(self):
        Return an isomorphic permutation group.

        Raises a ``ValueError`` error since Artin groups are infinite
        and have no corresponding permutation group.


            sage: Gamma = graphs.CycleGraph(5)
            sage: G = RightAngledArtinGroup(Gamma)
            sage: G.as_permutation_group()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: the group is infinite

            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4], 'g')
            sage: A.as_permutation_group()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: the group is infinite
        raise ValueError("the group is infinite")

    def coxeter_type(self):
        Return the Coxeter type of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: A.coxeter_type()
            Coxeter type of ['D', 4]
        return self._coxeter_group.coxeter_type()

    def coxeter_matrix(self):
        Return the Coxeter matrix of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A.coxeter_matrix()
            [1 3 2]
            [3 1 4]
            [2 4 1]
        return self._coxeter_group.coxeter_matrix()

    def coxeter_group(self):
        Return the Coxeter group of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: A.coxeter_group()
            Finite Coxeter group over Integer Ring with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 3 2 2]
            [3 1 3 3]
            [2 3 1 2]
            [2 3 2 1]
        return self._coxeter_group

    def index_set(self):
        Return the index set of ``self``.


        A tuple.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['E',7])
            sage: A.index_set()
            (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        return self._coxeter_group.index_set()

    def _element_constructor_(self, x):

            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A([2,1,-2,3,3,3,1])
        if x in self._coxeter_group:
            return self._standard_lift(x)
        return self.element_class(self, x)

    def an_element(self):
        Return an element of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',2])
            sage: A.an_element()
        return self.gen(0)

    def some_elements(self):
        Return a list of some elements of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A.some_elements()
            [s1, s1*s2*s3, (s1*s2*s3)^3]
        rank = self.coxeter_matrix().rank()
        elements_list = [self.gen(0)]
        elements_list.append(elements_list[-1]**min(rank, 3))
        return elements_list

    def _standard_lift_Tietze(self, w):
        Return a Tietze word representing the Coxeter element ``w``
        under the natural section.


        - ``w`` -- an element of the Coxeter group of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A._standard_lift_Tietze(A.coxeter_group().long_element())
            [3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1]
        return w.reduced_word()

    def _standard_lift(self, w):
        Return the element of ``self`` that corresponds to the given
        Coxeter element ``w`` under the natural section.


        - ``w`` -- an element of the Coxeter group of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A._standard_lift(A.coxeter_group().long_element())

            sage: B = BraidGroup(5)
            sage: P = Permutation([5, 3, 1, 2, 4])
            sage: B._standard_lift(P)
        return self(self._standard_lift_Tietze(w))

    Element = ArtinGroupElement
class ArtinGroup(FinitelyPresentedGroup):
    An Artin group.

    Fix an index set `I`. Let `M = (m_{ij})_{i,j \in I}` be a
    :class:`Coxeter matrix
    An *Artin group* is a group `A_M` that has a presentation
    given by generators `\{ s_i \mid i \in I \}` and relations

    .. MATH::

        \underbrace{s_i s_j s_i \cdots}_{m_{ij}}
        = \underbrace{s_j s_i s_j \cdots}_{\text{$m_{ji}$ factors}}

    for all `i,j \in I` with the usual convention that `m_{ij} = \infty`
    implies no relation between `s_i` and `s_j`. There is a natural
    corresponding Coxeter group `W_M` by imposing the additional
    relations `s_i^2 = 1` for all `i \in I`. Furthermore, there is
    a natural section of `W_M` by sending a reduced word
    `s_{i_1} \cdots s_{i_{\ell}} \mapsto s_{i_1} \cdots s_{i_{\ell}}`.

    Artin groups `A_M` are classified based on the Coxeter data:

    - `A_M` is of *finite type* or *spherical* if `W_M` is finite;
    - `A_M` is of *affine type* if `W_M` is of affine type;
    - `A_M` is of *large type* if `m_{ij} \geq 4` for all `i,j \in I`;
    - `A_M` is of *extra-large type* if `m_{ij} \geq 5` for all `i,j \in I`;
    - `A_M` is *right-angled* if `m_{ij} \in \{2,\infty\}` for all `i,j \in I`.

    Artin groups are conjectured to have many nice properties:

    - Artin groups are torsion free.
    - Finite type Artin groups have `Z(A_M) = \ZZ` and infinite type
      Artin groups have trivial center.
    - Artin groups have solvable word problems.
    - `H_{W_M} / W_M` is a `K(A_M, 1)`-space, where `H_W` is the
      hyperplane complement of the Coxeter group `W` acting on `\CC^n`.

    These conjectures are known when the Artin group is finite type and a
    number of other cases. See, e.g., [GP2012]_ and references therein.


    - ``coxeter_data`` -- data defining a Coxeter matrix

    - ``names`` -- string or list/tuple/iterable of strings
      (default: ``'s'``); the generator names or name prefix


        sage: A.<a,b,c> = ArtinGroup(['B',3]);  A
        Artin group of type ['B', 3]
        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',3])
        Artin group of type ['B', 3]

    The input must always include the Coxeter data, but the ``names``
    can either be a string representing the prefix of the names or
    the explicit names of the generators. Otherwise the default prefix
    of ``'s'`` is used::

        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',2]).generators()
        (s1, s2)
        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',2], 'g').generators()
        (g1, g2)
        sage: ArtinGroup(['B',2], 'x,y').generators()
        (x, y)


    - :wikipedia:`Artin_group`

    .. SEEALSO::

    def __classcall_private__(cls, coxeter_data, names=None):
        Normalize input to ensure a unique representation.


            sage: A1 = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A2 = ArtinGroup(['B',3], 's')
            sage: A3 = ArtinGroup(['B',3],  ['s1','s2','s3'])
            sage: A1 is A2 and A2 is A3

            sage: A1 = ArtinGroup(['B',2], 'a,b')
            sage: A2 = ArtinGroup([[1,4],[4,1]], 'a,b')
            sage: A3.<a,b> = ArtinGroup('B2')
            sage: A1 is A2 and A2 is A3

            sage: ArtinGroup(['A',3]) is BraidGroup(4, 's1,s2,s3')

            sage: G = graphs.PathGraph(3)
            sage: CM = CoxeterMatrix([[1,-1,2],[-1,1,-1],[2,-1,1]], index_set=G.vertices())
            sage: A = groups.misc.Artin(CM)
            sage: Ap = groups.misc.RightAngledArtin(G, 's')
            sage: A is Ap
        coxeter_data = CoxeterMatrix(coxeter_data)
        if names is None:
            names = 's'
        if isinstance(names, six.string_types):
            if ',' in names:
                names = [x.strip() for x in names.split(',')]
                names = [names + str(i) for i in coxeter_data.index_set()]
        names = tuple(names)
        if len(names) != coxeter_data.rank():
            raise ValueError("the number of generators must match"
                             " the rank of the Coxeter type")
        if all(m == Infinity for m in coxeter_data.coxeter_graph().edge_labels()):
            from sage.groups.raag import RightAngledArtinGroup
            return RightAngledArtinGroup(coxeter_data.coxeter_graph(), names)
        if not coxeter_data.is_finite():
            raise NotImplementedError
        if coxeter_data.coxeter_type().cartan_type().type() == 'A':
            from sage.groups.braid import BraidGroup
            return BraidGroup(coxeter_data.rank()+1, names)
        return FiniteTypeArtinGroup(coxeter_data, names)

    def __init__(self, coxeter_matrix, names):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3], ['x','y','z'])
            sage: TestSuite(A).run()
        self._coxeter_group = CoxeterGroup(coxeter_matrix)
        free_group = FreeGroup(names)
        rels = []
        # Generate the relations based on the Coxeter graph
        I = coxeter_matrix.index_set()
        for ii,i in enumerate(I):
            for j in I[ii+1:]:
                m = coxeter_matrix[i,j]
                if m == Infinity:  # no relation
                elt = [i,j]*m
                for ind in range(m, 2*m):
                    elt[ind] = -elt[ind]
        FinitelyPresentedGroup.__init__(self, free_group, tuple(rels))

    def _repr_(self):
        Return a string representation of ``self``.


            sage: ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            Artin group of type ['B', 3]
            sage: ArtinGroup(['D',4], 'g')
            Artin group of type ['D', 4]
            data = self.coxeter_type().cartan_type()
            return "Artin group of type {}".format(data)
        except AttributeError:
        return "Artin group with Coxeter matrix:\n{}".format(self.coxeter_matrix())

    def cardinality(self):
        Return the number of elements of ``self``.




            sage: Gamma = graphs.CycleGraph(5)
            sage: G = RightAngledArtinGroup(Gamma)
            sage: G.cardinality()

            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['A',1])
            sage: A.cardinality()
        from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity
        return Infinity

    order = cardinality

    def as_permutation_group(self):
        Return an isomorphic permutation group.

        Raises a ``ValueError`` error since Artin groups are infinite
        and have no corresponding permutation group.


            sage: Gamma = graphs.CycleGraph(5)
            sage: G = RightAngledArtinGroup(Gamma)
            sage: G.as_permutation_group()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: the group is infinite

            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4], 'g')
            sage: A.as_permutation_group()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: the group is infinite
        raise ValueError("the group is infinite")

    def coxeter_type(self):
        Return the Coxeter type of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: A.coxeter_type()
            Coxeter type of ['D', 4]
        return self._coxeter_group.coxeter_type()

    def coxeter_matrix(self):
        Return the Coxeter matrix of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A.coxeter_matrix()
            [1 3 2]
            [3 1 4]
            [2 4 1]
        return self._coxeter_group.coxeter_matrix()

    def coxeter_group(self):
        Return the Coxeter group of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['D',4])
            sage: A.coxeter_group()
            Finite Coxeter group over Integer Ring with Coxeter matrix:
            [1 3 2 2]
            [3 1 3 3]
            [2 3 1 2]
            [2 3 2 1]
        return self._coxeter_group

    def index_set(self):
        Return the index set of ``self``.


        A tuple.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['E',7])
            sage: A.index_set()
            (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
        return self._coxeter_group.index_set()

    def _element_constructor_(self, x):

            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A([2,1,-2,3,3,3,1])
        if x in self._coxeter_group:
            return self._standard_lift(x)
        return self.element_class(self, x)

    def an_element(self):
        Return an element of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',2])
            sage: A.an_element()
        return self.gen(0)

    def some_elements(self):
        Return a list of some elements of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A.some_elements()
            [s1, s1*s2*s3, (s1*s2*s3)^3]
        rank = self.coxeter_matrix().rank()
        elements_list = [self.gen(0)]
        elements_list.append(elements_list[-1] ** min(rank,3))
        return elements_list

    def _standard_lift_Tietze(self, w):
        Return a Tietze word representing the Coxeter element ``w``
        under the natural section.


        - ``w`` -- an element of the Coxeter group of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A._standard_lift_Tietze(A.coxeter_group().long_element())
            [3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1]
        return w.reduced_word()

    def _standard_lift(self, w):
        Return the element of ``self`` that corresponds to the given
        Coxeter element ``w`` under the natural section.


        - ``w`` -- an element of the Coxeter group of ``self``.


            sage: A = ArtinGroup(['B',3])
            sage: A._standard_lift(A.coxeter_group().long_element())

            sage: B = BraidGroup(5)
            sage: P = Permutation([5, 3, 1, 2, 4])
            sage: B._standard_lift(P)
        return self(self._standard_lift_Tietze(w))

    Element = ArtinGroupElement