    def random_key(self, lbound, ubound, ntries=100):
        Return a pair of random public and private keys.


        - ``lbound`` -- positive integer; the lower bound on how small each
          random Blum prime `p` and `q` can be. So we have
          ``0 < lower_bound <= p, q <= upper_bound``. The lower bound must
          be distinct from the upper bound.

        - ``ubound`` -- positive integer; the upper bound on how large each
          random Blum prime `p` and `q` can be. So we have
          ``0 < lower_bound <= p, q <= upper_bound``. The lower bound must
          be distinct from the upper bound.

        - ``ntries`` -- (default: ``100``) the number of attempts to generate
          a random public/private key pair. If ``ntries`` is a positive
          integer, then perform that many attempts at generating a random
          public/private key pair.


        - A random public key and its corresponding private key. Each
          randomly chosen `p` and `q` are guaranteed to be Blum primes. The
          public key is `n = pq`, and the private key is `(p, q, a, b)` where
          `\gcd(p, q) = ap + bq = 1`.


        The key generation algorithm is described in Algorithm 8.55,
        page 308 of [MvOV1996]_. The algorithm works as follows:

        #. Let `p` and `q` be distinct large random primes, each congruent
           to 3 modulo 4. That is, `p` and `q` are Blum primes.
        #. Let `n = pq` be the product of `p` and `q`.
        #. Use the extended Euclidean algorithm to compute integers `a` and
           `b` such that `\gcd(p, q) = ap + bq = 1`.
        #. The public key is `n` and the corresponding private key is
           `(p, q, a, b)`.

        .. NOTE::

            Beware that there might not be any primes between the lower and
            upper bounds. So make sure that these two bounds are
            "sufficiently" far apart from each other for there to be primes
            congruent to 3 modulo 4. In particular, there should
            be at least two distinct primes within these bounds, each prime
            being congruent to 3 modulo 4.


        Choosing a random pair of public and private keys. We then test to see
        if they satisfy the requirements of the Blum-Goldwasser scheme::

            sage: from sage.crypto.public_key.blum_goldwasser import BlumGoldwasser
            sage: from sage.crypto.util import is_blum_prime
            sage: bg = BlumGoldwasser()
            sage: pubkey, prikey = bg.random_key(10**4, 10**5)
            sage: p, q, a, b = prikey
            sage: is_blum_prime(p); is_blum_prime(q)
            sage: p == q
            sage: pubkey == p*q
            sage: gcd(p, q) == a*p + b*q == 1


        Make sure that there is at least one Blum prime between the lower and
        upper bounds. In the following example, we have ``lbound=24`` and
        ``ubound=30`` with 29 being the only prime within those bounds. But
        29 is not a Blum prime. ::

            sage: from sage.crypto.public_key.blum_goldwasser import BlumGoldwasser
            sage: bg = BlumGoldwasser()
            sage: pubkey, privkey = bg.random_key(24, 30)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: No Blum primes within the specified closed interval.
        # choosing distinct random Blum primes
        p = random_blum_prime(lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound, ntries=ntries)
        q = random_blum_prime(lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound, ntries=ntries)
        while p == q:
            q = random_blum_prime(lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound, ntries=ntries)
        # compute the public key
        n = p * q
        # compute the private key; here gcd(p, q) = 1 = a*p + b*q
        bezout = xgcd(p, q)
        a = bezout[1]
        b = bezout[2]
        return (n, (p, q, a, b))
# This file was *autogenerated* from the file create_challenge.sage
from sage.all_cmdline import *  # import sage library

_sage_const_2 = Integer(2)
_sage_const_127 = Integer(127)
_sage_const_129 = Integer(129)
_sage_const_0x10001 = Integer(0x10001)
_sage_const_16 = Integer(16)
import json
from sage.crypto.util import random_blum_prime

p = random_blum_prime(_sage_const_2**_sage_const_127,
q = random_blum_prime(_sage_const_2**_sage_const_127,

N = p * q

e = _sage_const_0x10001

flag = b'dvCTF{rs4_f4ctor1z4t10n!!!}'
flag = int(flag.hex(), _sage_const_16)

print(flag, Integer(flag).nbits())

ct = pow(flag, e, N)

challenge = {"N": int(N), "e": int(e), "ct": int(ct)}

    def random_key(self, lbound, ubound, ntries=100):
        Return a pair of random public and private keys.


        - ``lbound`` -- positive integer; the lower bound on how small each
          random Blum prime `p` and `q` can be. So we have
          ``0 < lower_bound <= p, q <= upper_bound``. The lower bound must
          be distinct from the upper bound.

        - ``ubound`` -- positive integer; the upper bound on how large each
          random Blum prime `p` and `q` can be. So we have
          ``0 < lower_bound <= p, q <= upper_bound``. The lower bound must
          be distinct from the upper bound.

        - ``ntries`` -- (default: ``100``) the number of attempts to generate
          a random public/private key pair. If ``ntries`` is a positive
          integer, then perform that many attempts at generating a random
          public/private key pair.


        - A random public key and its corresponding private key. Each
          randomly chosen `p` and `q` are guaranteed to be Blum primes. The
          public key is `n = pq`, and the private key is `(p, q, a, b)` where
          `\gcd(p, q) = ap + bq = 1`.


        The key generation algorithm is described in Algorithm 8.55,
        page 308 of [MenezesEtAl1996]_. The algorithm works as follows:

        #. Let `p` and `q` be distinct large random primes, each congruent
           to 3 modulo 4. That is, `p` and `q` are Blum primes.
        #. Let `n = pq` be the product of `p` and `q`.
        #. Use the extended Euclidean algorithm to compute integers `a` and
           `b` such that `\gcd(p, q) = ap + bq = 1`.
        #. The public key is `n` and the corresponding private key is
           `(p, q, a, b)`.

        .. NOTE::

            Beware that there might not be any primes between the lower and
            upper bounds. So make sure that these two bounds are
            "sufficiently" far apart from each other for there to be primes
            congruent to 3 modulo 4. In particular, there should
            be at least two distinct primes within these bounds, each prime
            being congruent to 3 modulo 4.


        Choosing a random pair of public and private keys. We then test to see
        if they satisfy the requirements of the Blum-Goldwasser scheme::

            sage: from sage.crypto.public_key.blum_goldwasser import BlumGoldwasser
            sage: from sage.crypto.util import is_blum_prime
            sage: bg = BlumGoldwasser()
            sage: pubkey, prikey = bg.random_key(10**4, 10**5)
            sage: p, q, a, b = prikey
            sage: is_blum_prime(p); is_blum_prime(q)
            sage: p == q
            sage: pubkey == p*q
            sage: gcd(p, q) == a*p + b*q == 1


        Make sure that there is at least one Blum prime between the lower and
        upper bounds. In the following example, we have ``lbound=24`` and
        ``ubound=30`` with 29 being the only prime within those bounds. But
        29 is not a Blum prime. ::

            sage: from sage.crypto.public_key.blum_goldwasser import BlumGoldwasser
            sage: bg = BlumGoldwasser()
            sage: pubkey, privkey = bg.random_key(24, 30)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: No Blum primes within the specified closed interval.
        # choosing distinct random Blum primes
        p = random_blum_prime(lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound, ntries=ntries)
        q = random_blum_prime(lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound, ntries=ntries)
        while p == q:
            q = random_blum_prime(lbound=lbound, ubound=ubound, ntries=ntries)
        # compute the public key
        n = p * q
        # compute the private key; here gcd(p, q) = 1 = a*p + b*q
        bezout = xgcd(p, q)
        a = bezout[1]
        b = bezout[2]
        return (n, (p, q, a, b))
def blum_blum_shub(length, seed=None, p=None, q=None,
                   lbound=None, ubound=None, ntries=100):
    The Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) pseudorandom bit generator.

    See the original paper by Blum, Blum and Shub [BlumBlumShub1986]_. The
    BBS algorithm is also discussed in section 5.5.2 of [MenezesEtAl1996]_.


    - ``length`` -- positive integer; the number of bits in the output
      pseudorandom bit sequence.

    - ``seed`` -- (default: ``None``) if `p` and `q` are Blum primes, then
      ``seed`` is a quadratic residue in the multiplicative group
      `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}` where `n = pq`. If ``seed=None``, then the function
      would generate its own random quadratic residue in `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`.
      If you provide a value for ``seed``, then it is your responsibility to
      ensure that the seed is a quadratic residue in the multiplicative group

    - ``p`` -- (default: ``None``) a large positive prime congruent to 3
      modulo 4. Both ``p`` and ``q`` must be distinct. If ``p=None``, then
      a value for ``p`` will be generated, where
      ``0 < lower_bound <= p <= upper_bound``.

    - ``q`` -- (default: ``None``) a large positive prime congruence to 3
      modulo 4. Both ``p`` and ``q`` must be distinct. If ``q=None``, then
      a value for ``q`` will be generated, where
      ``0 < lower_bound <= q <= upper_bound``.

    - ``lbound`` -- (positive integer, default: ``None``) the lower
      bound on how small each random primes `p` and `q` can be. So we
      have ``0 < lbound <= p, q <= ubound``. The lower bound must be
      distinct from the upper bound.

    - ``ubound`` -- (positive integer, default: ``None``) the upper
      bound on how large each random primes `p` and `q` can be. So we have
      ``0 < lbound <= p, q <= ubound``. The lower bound must be distinct
      from the upper bound.

    - ``ntries`` -- (default: ``100``) the number of attempts to generate
      a random Blum prime. If ``ntries`` is a positive integer, then
      perform that many attempts at generating a random Blum prime. This
      might or might not result in a Blum prime.


    - A pseudorandom bit sequence whose length is specified by ``length``.

    Here is a common use case for this function. If you want this
    function to use pre-computed values for `p` and `q`, you should pass
    those pre-computed values to this function. In that case, you only need
    to specify values for ``length``, ``p`` and ``q``, and you do not need
    to worry about doing anything with the parameters ``lbound`` and
    ``ubound``. The pre-computed values `p` and `q` must be Blum primes.
    It is your responsibility to check that both `p` and `q` are Blum primes.

    Here is another common use case. If you want the function to generate
    its own values for `p` and `q`, you must specify the lower and upper
    bounds within which these two primes must lie. In that case, you must
    specify values for ``length``, ``lbound`` and ``ubound``, and you do
    not need to worry about values for the parameters ``p`` and ``q``. The
    parameter ``ntries`` is only relevant when you want this function to
    generate ``p`` and ``q``.

    .. NOTE::

        Beware that there might not be any primes between the lower and
        upper bounds. So make sure that these two bounds are
        "sufficiently" far apart from each other for there to be primes
        congruent to 3 modulo 4. In particular, there should be at least
        two distinct primes within these bounds, each prime being congruent
        to 3 modulo 4. This function uses the function
        :func:`random_blum_prime() <sage.crypto.util.random_blum_prime>` to
        generate random primes that are congruent to 3 modulo 4.


    The BBS algorithm as described below is adapted from the presentation
    in Algorithm 5.40, page 186 of [MenezesEtAl1996]_.

    #. Let `L` be the desired number of bits in the output bit sequence.
       That is, `L` is the desired length of the bit string.
    #. Let `p` and `q` be two large distinct primes, each congruent to 3
       modulo 4.
    #. Let `n = pq` be the product of `p` and `q`.
    #. Select a random seed value `s \in (\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}`, where
       `(\ZZ/n\ZZ)^{\ast}` is the multiplicative group of `\ZZ/n\ZZ`.
    #. Let `x_0 = s^2 \bmod n`.
    #. For `i` from 1 to `L`, do

       #. Let `x_i = x_{i-1}^2 \bmod n`.
       #. Let `z_i` be the least significant bit of `x_i`.

    #. The output pseudorandom bit sequence is `z_1, z_2, \dots, z_L`.


    A BBS pseudorandom bit sequence with a specified seed::

        sage: from sage.crypto.stream import blum_blum_shub
        sage: blum_blum_shub(length=6, seed=3, p=11, q=19)

    You could specify the length of the bit string, with given values for
    ``p`` and ``q``::

        sage: blum_blum_shub(length=6, p=11, q=19)  # random

    Or you could specify the length of the bit string, with given values for
    the lower and upper bounds::

        sage: blum_blum_shub(length=6, lbound=10**4, ubound=10**5)  # random

    Under some reasonable hypotheses, Blum-Blum-Shub [BlumBlumShub1982]_
    sketch a proof that the period of the BBS stream cipher is equal to
    `\lambda(\lambda(n))`, where `\lambda(n)` is the Carmichael function of
    `n`. This is verified below in a few examples by using the function
    :func:`lfsr_connection_polynomial() <sage.crypto.lfsr.lfsr_connection_polynomial>`
    (written by Tim Brock) which computes the connection polynomial of a
    linear feedback shift register sequence. The degree of that polynomial
    is the period. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.stream import blum_blum_shub
        sage: from sage.crypto.util import carmichael_lambda
        sage: carmichael_lambda(carmichael_lambda(7*11))
        sage: s = [GF(2)(int(str(x))) for x in blum_blum_shub(60, p=7, q=11, seed=13)]
        sage: lfsr_connection_polynomial(s)
        x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
        sage: carmichael_lambda(carmichael_lambda(11*23))
        sage: s = [GF(2)(int(str(x))) for x in blum_blum_shub(60, p=11, q=23, seed=13)]
        sage: lfsr_connection_polynomial(s)
        x^19 + x^18 + x^17 + x^16 + x^15 + x^14 + x^13 + x^12 + x^11 + x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1


    Make sure that there is at least one Blum prime between the lower and
    upper bounds. In the following example, we have ``lbound=24`` and
    ``ubound=30`` with 29 being the only prime within those bounds. But 29
    is not a Blum prime. ::

        sage: from sage.crypto.stream import blum_blum_shub
        sage: blum_blum_shub(6, lbound=24, ubound=30, ntries=10)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: No Blum primes within the specified closed interval.

    Both the lower and upper bounds must be greater than 2::

        sage: blum_blum_shub(6, lbound=2, ubound=3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: blum_blum_shub(6, lbound=3, ubound=2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.
        sage: blum_blum_shub(6, lbound=2, ubound=2)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: Both the lower and upper bounds must be > 2.

    The lower and upper bounds must be distinct from each other::

        sage: blum_blum_shub(6, lbound=3, ubound=3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower and upper bounds must be distinct.

    The lower bound must be less than the upper bound::

        sage: blum_blum_shub(6, lbound=4, ubound=3)
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        ValueError: The lower bound must be less than the upper bound.


    .. [BlumBlumShub1982] L. Blum, M. Blum, and M. Shub.
      Comparison of Two Pseudo-Random Number Generators.
      *Advances in Cryptology: Proceedings of Crypto '82*,
      pp.61--78, 1982.

    .. [BlumBlumShub1986] L. Blum, M. Blum, and M. Shub.
      A Simple Unpredictable Pseudo-Random Number Generator.
      *SIAM Journal on Computing*, 15(2):364--383, 1986.
    # sanity checks
    if length < 0:
        raise ValueError("The length of the bit string must be positive.")
    if (p is None) and (p == q == lbound == ubound):
        raise ValueError("Either specify values for p and q, or specify values for the lower and upper bounds.")
    # Use pre-computed Blum primes. Both the parameters p and q are
    # assumed to be Blum primes. No attempts are made to ensure that they
    # are indeed Blum primes.
    randp = 0
    randq = 0
    if (p is not None) and (q is not None):
        randp = p
        randq = q
    # generate random Blum primes within specified bounds
    elif (lbound is not None) and (ubound is not None):
        randp = random_blum_prime(lbound, ubound, ntries=ntries)
        randq = random_blum_prime(lbound, ubound, ntries=ntries)
        while randp == randq:
            randq = random_blum_prime(lbound, ubound, ntries=ntries)
    # no pre-computed primes given, and no appropriate bounds given
        raise ValueError("Either specify values for p and q, or specify values for the lower and upper bounds.")
    # By now, we should have two distinct Blum primes.
    n = randp * randq
    # If no seed is provided, select a random seed.
    x0 = seed
    if seed is None:
        zmod = IntegerModRing(n)
        s = zmod.random_element().lift()
        while gcd(s, n) != 1:
            s = zmod.random_element().lift()
        x0 = power_mod(s, 2, n)
    # start generating pseudorandom bits
    z = []
    for i in xrange(length):
        x1 = power_mod(x0, 2, n)
        z.append(x1 % 2)
        x0 = x1
    bin = BinaryStrings()
    return bin(z)