def compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants(self):
    Compute the (positive) definiteness of a quadratic form by looking
    at the signs of all of its upper-left subdeterminants.  See also
    self.compute_definiteness() for more documentation.




        string describing the definiteness


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1,1])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,0,-1])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,-1])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [-1,-1])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()

    ## Sanity Check
    if not ((self.base_ring() == ZZ) or (self.base_ring() == QQ) or
            (self.base_ring() == RR)):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Oops!  We can only check definiteness over ZZ, QQ, and RR for now."

    ## Some useful variables
    n = self.dim()
    M = self.matrix()

    ## Deal with the zero-diml form
    if n == 0:
        return "zero"

    ## Deal with degenerate forms
    if self.det() == 0:
        return "degenerate"

    ## Check the sign of the ratios of consecutive determinants of the upper triangular r x r submatrices
    first_coeff = self[0, 0]
    for r in range(1, n + 1):
        I = list(range(r))
        new_det = M.matrix_from_rows_and_columns(I, I).det()

        ## Check for a (non-degenerate) zero -- so it's indefinite
        if new_det == 0:
            return "indefinite"

        ## Check for a change of signs in the upper r x r submatrix -- so it's indefinite
        if sgn(first_coeff)**r != sgn(new_det):
            return "indefinite"

    ## Here all ratios of determinants have the correct sign, so the matrix is (pos or neg) definite.
    if first_coeff > 0:
        return "pos_def"
        return "neg_def"
def compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants(self):
    Compute the (positive) definiteness of a quadratic form by looking
    at the signs of all of its upper-left subdeterminants.  See also
    self.compute_definiteness() for more documentation.


        string describing the definiteness

        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1,1,1])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()

        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [])
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()

        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,0,-1]) 
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()

        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,-1]) 
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()

        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [-1,-1]) 
        sage: Q.compute_definiteness_string_by_determinants()

    ## Sanity Check
    if not ((self.base_ring() == ZZ) or (self.base_ring() == QQ) or (self.base_ring() == RR)):
        raise NotImplementedError, "Oops!  We can only check definiteness over ZZ, QQ, and RR for now." 
    ## Some useful variables
    n = self.dim()
    M = self.matrix()

    ## Deal with the zero-diml form
    if n == 0:
        return "zero"

    ## Deal with degenerate forms
    if self.det() == 0:
        return "degenerate"

    ## Check the sign of the ratios of consecutive determinants of the upper triangular r x r submatrices
    first_coeff = self[0,0]
    for r in range(1,n+1):
        I = range(r)
        new_det = M.matrix_from_rows_and_columns(I, I).det()

        ## Check for a (non-degenerate) zero -- so it's indefinite 
        if new_det == 0:        
            return "indefinite"

        ## Check for a change of signs in the upper r x r submatrix -- so it's indefinite
        if sgn(first_coeff)**r != sgn(new_det):
            return "indefinite"

    ## Here all ratios of determinants have the correct sign, so the matrix is (pos or neg) definite.
    if first_coeff > 0:
        return "pos_def"
        return "neg_def"
def Watson_mass_at_2(self):
    Returns the local mass of the quadratic form when `p=2`, according
    to Watson's Theorem 1 of "The 2-adic density of a quadratic form"
    in Mathematika 23 (1976), pp 94--106.




        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q.Watson_mass_at_2()               ## WARNING:  WE NEED TO CHECK THIS CAREFULLY!

    ## Make a 0-dim'l quadratic form (for initialization purposes)
    Null_Form = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Null_Form.__init__(ZZ, 0)

    ## Step 0: Compute Jordan blocks and bounds of the scales to keep track of
    Jordan_Blocks = self.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
    scale_list = [B[0] for B in Jordan_Blocks]
    s_min = min(scale_list)
    s_max = max(scale_list)

    ## Step 1: Compute dictionaries of the diagonal block and 2x2 block for each scale
    diag_dict = dict(
        (i, Null_Form)
        for i in range(s_min - 2, s_max + 4))  ## Initialize with the zero form
    dim2_dict = dict(
        (i, Null_Form)
        for i in range(s_min, s_max + 4))  ## Initialize with the zero form
    for (s, L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        i = 0
        while (i < L.dim() - 1) and (L[i, i + 1]
                                     == 0):  ## Find where the 2x2 blocks start
            i = i + 1
        if i < (L.dim() - 1):
            diag_dict[s] = L.extract_variables(range(i))  ## Diagonal Form
            dim2_dict[s + 1] = L.extract_variables(range(
                i, L.dim()))  ## Non-diagonal Form
            diag_dict[s] = L

    #print "diag_dict = ", diag_dict
    #print "dim2_dict = ", dim2_dict
    #print "Jordan_Blocks = ", Jordan_Blocks

    ## Step 2: Compute three dictionaries of invariants (for n_j, m_j, nu_j)
    n_dict = dict((j, 0) for j in range(s_min + 1, s_max + 2))
    m_dict = dict((j, 0) for j in range(s_min, s_max + 4))
    for (s, L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        n_dict[s + 1] = L.dim()
        if diag_dict[s].dim() == 0:
            m_dict[s + 1] = / ZZ(2) * L.dim()
            m_dict[s + 1] = floor(ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2))
            #print " ==>", ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2), floor(ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2))

    nu_dict = dict((j, n_dict[j + 1] - 2 * m_dict[j + 1])
                   for j in range(s_min, s_max + 1))
    nu_dict[s_max + 1] = 0

    #print "n_dict = ", n_dict
    #print "m_dict = ", m_dict
    #print "nu_dict = ", nu_dict

    ## Step 3: Compute the e_j dictionary
    eps_dict = {}
    for j in range(s_min, s_max + 3):
        two_form = (diag_dict[j - 2] + diag_dict[j] +
        j_form = (two_form + diag_dict[j - 1]).base_change_to(

        if j_form.dim() == 0:
            eps_dict[j] = 1
            iter_vec = [4] * j_form.dim()
            alpha = sum([True for x in mrange(iter_vec) if j_form(x) == 0])
            beta = sum([True for x in mrange(iter_vec) if j_form(x) == 2])
            if alpha > beta:
                eps_dict[j] = 1
            elif alpha == beta:
                eps_dict[j] = 0
                eps_dict[j] = -1

    #print "eps_dict = ", eps_dict

    ## Step 4: Compute the quantities nu, q, P, E for the local mass at 2
    nu = sum([j * n_dict[j] * (ZZ(n_dict[j] + 1) / ZZ(2) + \
              sum([n_dict[r]  for r in range(j+1, s_max+2)]))  for j in range(s_min+1, s_max+2)])
    q = sum([
        sgn(nu_dict[j - 1] * (n_dict[j] + sgn(nu_dict[j])))
        for j in range(s_min + 1, s_max + 2)
    P = prod([
        prod([1 - QQ(4)**(-i) for i in range(1, m_dict[j] + 1)])
        for j in range(s_min + 1, s_max + 2)
    E = prod([
        ZZ(1) / ZZ(2) * (1 + eps_dict[j] * QQ(2)**(-m_dict[j]))
        for j in range(s_min, s_max + 3)

    #print "\nFinal Summary:"
    #print "nu =", nu
    #print "q = ", q
    #print "P = ", P
    #print "E = ", E

    ## Step 5: Compute the local mass for the prime 2.
    mass_at_2 = QQ(2)**(nu - q) * P / E
    return mass_at_2
def Watson_mass_at_2(self):
    Returns the local mass of the quadratic form when `p=2`, according
    to Watson's Theorem 1 of "The 2-adic density of a quadratic form"
    in Mathematika 23 (1976), pp 94--106.


        a rational number


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1])
        sage: Q.Watson_mass_at_2()               ## WARNING:  WE NEED TO CHECK THIS CAREFULLY!

    ## Make a 0-dim'l quadratic form (for initialization purposes)
    Null_Form = copy.deepcopy(self)
    Null_Form.__init__(ZZ, 0)

    ## Step 0: Compute Jordan blocks and bounds of the scales to keep track of
    Jordan_Blocks = self.jordan_blocks_by_scale_and_unimodular(2)
    scale_list = [B[0]  for B in Jordan_Blocks]
    s_min = min(scale_list)
    s_max = max(scale_list)

    ## Step 1: Compute dictionaries of the diagonal block and 2x2 block for each scale
    diag_dict = dict((i, Null_Form)  for i in range(s_min-2, s_max + 4))     ## Initialize with the zero form
    dim2_dict = dict((i, Null_Form)  for i in range(s_min, s_max + 4))       ## Initialize with the zero form
    for (s,L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        i = 0
        while (i < L.dim()-1) and (L[i,i+1] == 0):      ## Find where the 2x2 blocks start
            i = i + 1
        if i < (L.dim() - 1):
            diag_dict[s] = L.extract_variables(range(i))                ## Diagonal Form
            dim2_dict[s+1] = L.extract_variables(range(i, L.dim()))     ## Non-diagonal Form
            diag_dict[s] = L

    #print "diag_dict = ", diag_dict
    #print "dim2_dict = ", dim2_dict
    #print "Jordan_Blocks = ", Jordan_Blocks

    ## Step 2: Compute three dictionaries of invariants (for n_j, m_j, nu_j)
    n_dict = dict((j,0)  for j in range(s_min+1, s_max+2))
    m_dict = dict((j,0)  for j in range(s_min, s_max+4))
    for (s,L) in Jordan_Blocks:
        n_dict[s+1] = L.dim()
        if diag_dict[s].dim() == 0:
            m_dict[s+1] = ZZ(1)/ZZ(2) * L.dim()
            m_dict[s+1] = floor(ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2))
            #print " ==>", ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2), floor(ZZ(L.dim() - 1) / ZZ(2))

    nu_dict = dict((j,n_dict[j+1] - 2*m_dict[j+1])  for j in range(s_min, s_max+1))
    nu_dict[s_max+1] = 0

    #print "n_dict = ", n_dict
    #print "m_dict = ", m_dict
    #print "nu_dict = ", nu_dict

    ## Step 3: Compute the e_j dictionary
    eps_dict = {}
    for j in range(s_min, s_max+3):
        two_form = (diag_dict[j-2] + diag_dict[j] + dim2_dict[j]).scale_by_factor(2)
        j_form = (two_form + diag_dict[j-1]).base_change_to(IntegerModRing(4))

        if j_form.dim() == 0:
            eps_dict[j] = 1
            iter_vec = [4] * j_form.dim()
            alpha = sum([True  for x in mrange(iter_vec)  if j_form(x) == 0])
            beta = sum([True  for x in mrange(iter_vec)  if j_form(x) == 2])
            if alpha > beta:
                eps_dict[j] = 1
            elif alpha == beta:
                eps_dict[j] = 0
                eps_dict[j] = -1

    #print "eps_dict = ", eps_dict

    ## Step 4: Compute the quantities nu, q, P, E for the local mass at 2
    nu = sum([j * n_dict[j] * (ZZ(n_dict[j] + 1) / ZZ(2) + \
              sum([n_dict[r]  for r in range(j+1, s_max+2)]))  for j in range(s_min+1, s_max+2)])
    q = sum([sgn(nu_dict[j-1] * (n_dict[j] + sgn(nu_dict[j])))  for j in range(s_min+1, s_max+2)])
    P = prod([ prod([1 - QQ(4)**(-i)  for i in range(1, m_dict[j]+1)])  for j in range(s_min+1, s_max+2)])
    E = prod([ZZ(1)/ZZ(2) * (1 + eps_dict[j] * QQ(2)**(-m_dict[j]))  for j in range(s_min, s_max+3)])

    #print "\nFinal Summary:"
    #print "nu =", nu
    #print "q = ", q
    #print "P = ", P
    #print "E = ", E

    ## Step 5: Compute the local mass for the prime 2.
    mass_at_2 = QQ(2)**(nu - q) * P / E
    return mass_at_2