    def genus(self):
        Return the genus of this function field
        For now, the genus is computed using singular


            sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(QQ); R.<y> = K[]
            sage: L.<y> = K.extension(y^3 - (x^3 + 2*x*y + 1/x))
            sage: L.genus()
        # unfortunately singular can not compute the genus with the polynomial_ring()._singular_
        # object because genus method only accepts a ring of transdental degree 2 over a prime field
        # not a ring of transdental degree 1 over a rational function field of one variable

        if is_RationalFunctionField(self._base_field) and self._base_field.constant_field().is_prime_field():

            #Making the auxiliary ring which only has polynomials with integral coefficients.
            tmpAuxRing = PolynomialRing(self._base_field.constant_field(), str(self._base_field.gen())+','+str(self._ring.gen()))
            intMinPoly, d = self._make_monic_integral(self._polynomial)
            curveIdeal = tmpAuxRing.ideal(intMinPoly)

            singular.lib('normal.lib') #loading genus method in singular
            return int(curveIdeal._singular_().genus())

            raise NotImplementedError("Computation of genus over this rational function field not implemented yet")
    def genus(self):
        Return the genus of this function field
        For now, the genus is computed using singular


            sage: K.<x> = FunctionField(QQ); R.<y> = K[]
            sage: L.<y> = K.extension(y^3 - (x^3 + 2*x*y + 1/x))
            sage: L.genus()
        # unfortunately singular can not compute the genus with the polynomial_ring()._singular_
        # object because genus method only accepts a ring of transdental degree 2 over a prime field
        # not a ring of transdental degree 1 over a rational function field of one variable

        if is_RationalFunctionField(
                self._base_field) and self._base_field.constant_field(

            #Making the auxiliary ring which only has polynomials with integral coefficients.
            tmpAuxRing = PolynomialRing(
                str(self._base_field.gen()) + ',' + str(self._ring.gen()))
            intMinPoly, d = self._make_monic_integral(self._polynomial)
            curveIdeal = tmpAuxRing.ideal(intMinPoly)

            singular.lib('normal.lib')  #loading genus method in singular
            return int(curveIdeal._singular_().genus())

            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Computation of genus over this rational function field not implemented yet"
    def is_complete_intersection(self):
        Return whether this projective curve is or is not a complete intersection.

        OUTPUT: Boolean.


            sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: C = Curve([x*y - z*w, x^2 - y*w, y^2*w - x*z*w], P)
            sage: C.is_complete_intersection()


            sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: C = Curve([y*w - x^2, z*w^2 - x^3], P)
            sage: C.is_complete_intersection()

            sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: C = Curve([z^2 - y*w, y*z - x*w, y^2 - x*z], P)
            sage: C.is_complete_intersection()
        I = singular.simplify(self.defining_ideal(), 10)
        L = singular.is_ci(I).sage()
        return len(self.ambient_space().gens()) - len(I.sage().gens()) == L[-1]
    def is_complete_intersection(self):
        Return whether this projective curve is or is not a complete intersection.

        OUTPUT: Boolean.


            sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: C = Curve([x*y - z*w, x^2 - y*w, y^2*w - x*z*w], P)
            sage: C.is_complete_intersection()


            sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: C = Curve([y*w - x^2, z*w^2 - x^3], P)
            sage: C.is_complete_intersection()

            sage: P.<x,y,z,w> = ProjectiveSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: C = Curve([z^2 - y*w, y*z - x*w, y^2 - x*z], P)
            sage: C.is_complete_intersection()
        I = singular.simplify(self.defining_ideal(), 10)
        L = singular.is_ci(I).sage()
        return len(self.ambient_space().gens()) - len(I.sage().gens()) == L[-1]
    def riemann_roch_basis(self, D):
        Return a basis for the Riemann-Roch space corresponding to

        This uses Singular's Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``D`` - a divisor


        A list of function field elements that form a basis of the Riemann-Roch space
            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(2)[]
            sage: f = x^3*y + y^3*z + x*z^3
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (4, pts[0]), (4, pts[2]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [x/y, 1, z/y, z^2/y^2, z/x, z^2/(x*y)]
            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(5)[]
            sage: f = x^7 + y^7 + z^7
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (3, pts[0]), (-1,pts[1]), (10, pts[5]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [(-2*x + y)/(x + y), (-x + z)/(x + y)]

        .. NOTE::
            Currently this only works over prime field and divisors supported on rational points.
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError), s:
            raise RuntimeError, str(
            ) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the Brill-Noether Singular package to compute all points (see above)."
    def riemann_roch_basis(self, D):
        Return a basis for the Riemann-Roch space corresponding to

        This uses Singular's Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``D`` - a divisor


        A list of function field elements that form a basis of the Riemann-Roch space
            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(2)[]
            sage: f = x^3*y + y^3*z + x*z^3
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (4, pts[0]), (4, pts[2]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [x/y, 1, z/y, z^2/y^2, z/x, z^2/(x*y)]
            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(5)[]
            sage: f = x^7 + y^7 + z^7
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (3, pts[0]), (-1,pts[1]), (10, pts[5]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [(-2*x + y)/(x + y), (-x + z)/(x + y)]

        .. NOTE::
            Currently this only works over prime field and divisors supported on rational points.
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError), s:
            raise RuntimeError, str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the Brill-Noether Singular package to compute all points (see above)."
    def _points_via_singular(self, sort=True):
        Return all rational points on this curve, computed using Singular's
        Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``sort`` - bool (default: True), if True return the
           point list sorted. If False, returns the points in the order
           computed by Singular.


            sage: x, y, z = PolynomialRing(GF(5), 3, 'xyz').gens()
            sage: f = y^2*z^7 - x^9 - x*z^8
            sage: C = Curve(f); C
            Projective Curve over Finite Field of size 5 defined by
            -x^9 + y^2*z^7 - x*z^8
            sage: C._points_via_singular()
            [(0 : 0 : 1), (0 : 1 : 0), (2 : 2 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1),
             (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1)]
            sage: C._points_via_singular(sort=False)     #random
            [(0 : 1 : 0), (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1), (2 : 2 : 1),
             (0 : 0 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1)]

        .. note::

           The Brill-Noether package does not always work (i.e., the
           'bn' algorithm. When it fails a RuntimeError exception is
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError), s:
            raise RuntimeError, str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the\
    def _points_via_singular(self, sort=True):
        Return all rational points on this curve, computed using Singular's
        Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``sort`` - bool (default: True), if True return the
           point list sorted. If False, returns the points in the order
           computed by Singular.


            sage: x, y, z = PolynomialRing(GF(5), 3, 'xyz').gens()
            sage: f = y^2*z^7 - x^9 - x*z^8
            sage: C = Curve(f); C
            Projective Curve over Finite Field of size 5 defined by
            -x^9 + y^2*z^7 - x*z^8
            sage: C._points_via_singular()
            [(0 : 0 : 1), (0 : 1 : 0), (2 : 2 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1),
             (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1)]
            sage: C._points_via_singular(sort=False)     #random
            [(0 : 1 : 0), (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1), (2 : 2 : 1),
             (0 : 0 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1)]

        .. note::

           The Brill-Noether package does not always work (i.e., the
           'bn' algorithm. When it fails a RuntimeError exception is
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError), s:
            raise RuntimeError, str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the\
    def rational_points(self, algorithm="enum"):
        Return sorted list of all rational points on this curve.


        -  ``algorithm`` - string:

           +  ``'enum'`` - straightforward enumeration

           +  ``'bn'`` - via Singular's Brill-Noether package.

           +  ``'all'`` - use all implemented algorithms and
              verify that they give the same answer, then return it

        .. note::

           The Brill-Noether package does not always work. When it
           fails a RuntimeError exception is raised.


            sage: x, y = (GF(5)['x,y']).gens()
            sage: f = y^2 - x^9 - x
            sage: C = Curve(f); C
            Affine Curve over Finite Field of size 5 defined by -x^9 + y^2 - x
            sage: C.rational_points(algorithm='bn')
            [(0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 4)]
            sage: C = Curve(x - y + 1)
            sage: C.rational_points()
            [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 0)]

        We compare Brill-Noether and enumeration::

            sage: x, y = (GF(17)['x,y']).gens()
            sage: C = Curve(x^2 + y^5 + x*y - 19)
            sage: v = C.rational_points(algorithm='bn')
            sage: w = C.rational_points(algorithm='enum')
            sage: len(v)
            sage: v == w
        if algorithm == "enum":

            return AffineCurve_finite_field.rational_points(self,

        elif algorithm == "bn":
            f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
            singular = f.parent()
                X1 = f.Adj_div()
            except (TypeError, RuntimeError), s:
                raise RuntimeError, str(
                ) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the Brill-Noether Singular package to compute all points (see above)."

            X2 = singular.NSplaces(1, X1)
            R = X2[5][1][1]

            # We use sage_flattened_str_list since iterating through
            # the entire list through the sage/singular interface directly
            # would involve hundreds of calls to singular, and timing issues
            # with the expect interface could crop up.  Also, this is vastly
            # faster (and more robust).
            v = singular('POINTS').sage_flattened_str_list()
            pnts = [
                self(int(v[3 * i]), int(v[3 * i + 1]))
                for i in range(len(v) / 3) if int(v[3 * i + 2]) != 0
            # remove multiple points
            pnts = list(set(pnts))
            return pnts
    def rational_points(self, algorithm="enum"):
        Return sorted list of all rational points on this curve.


        -  ``algorithm`` - string:

           +  ``'enum'`` - straightforward enumeration

           +  ``'bn'`` - via Singular's Brill-Noether package.

           +  ``'all'`` - use all implemented algorithms and
              verify that they give the same answer, then return it

        .. note::

           The Brill-Noether package does not always work. When it
           fails a RuntimeError exception is raised.


            sage: x, y = (GF(5)['x,y']).gens()
            sage: f = y^2 - x^9 - x
            sage: C = Curve(f); C
            Affine Curve over Finite Field of size 5 defined by -x^9 + y^2 - x
            sage: C.rational_points(algorithm='bn')
            [(0, 0), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 4)]
            sage: C = Curve(x - y + 1)
            sage: C.rational_points()
            [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 0)]

        We compare Brill-Noether and enumeration::

            sage: x, y = (GF(17)['x,y']).gens()
            sage: C = Curve(x^2 + y^5 + x*y - 19)
            sage: v = C.rational_points(algorithm='bn')
            sage: w = C.rational_points(algorithm='enum')
            sage: len(v)
            sage: v == w
        if algorithm == "enum":

            return AffineCurve_finite_field.rational_points(self, algorithm="enum")

        elif algorithm == "bn":
            f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
            singular = f.parent()
                X1 = f.Adj_div()
            except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as s:
                raise RuntimeError(str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the Brill-Noether Singular package to compute all points (see above).")

            X2 = singular.NSplaces(1, X1)
            R = X2[5][1][1]

            # We use sage_flattened_str_list since iterating through
            # the entire list through the sage/singular interface directly
            # would involve hundreds of calls to singular, and timing issues
            # with the expect interface could crop up.  Also, this is vastly
            # faster (and more robust).
            v = singular('POINTS').sage_flattened_str_list()
            pnts = [self(int(v[3*i]), int(v[3*i+1])) for i in range(len(v)/3) if int(v[3*i+2])!=0]
            # remove multiple points
            pnts = sorted(set(pnts))
            return pnts

        elif algorithm == "all":

            S_enum = self.rational_points(algorithm = "enum")
            S_bn = self.rational_points(algorithm = "bn")
            if S_enum != S_bn:
                raise RuntimeError("Bug in rational_points -- different algorithms give different answers for curve %s!"%self)
            return S_enum

            raise ValueError("No algorithm '%s' known"%algorithm)
    def riemann_roch_basis(self, D):
        Return a basis for the Riemann-Roch space corresponding to

        This uses Singular's Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``D`` - a divisor


        A list of function field elements that form a basis of the Riemann-Roch space


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(2)[]
            sage: f = x^3*y + y^3*z + x*z^3
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (4, pts[0]), (4, pts[2]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [x/y, 1, z/y, z^2/y^2, z/x, z^2/(x*y)]


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(5)[]
            sage: f = x^7 + y^7 + z^7
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (3, pts[0]), (-1,pts[1]), (10, pts[5]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [(-2*x + y)/(x + y), (-x + z)/(x + y)]

        .. NOTE::
            Currently this only works over prime field and divisors supported on rational points.
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as s:
            raise RuntimeError(str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the Brill-Noether Singular package to compute all points (see above).")
        X2 = singular.NSplaces(1, X1)
        # retrieve list of all computed closed points (possibly of degree >1)
        v = X2[3].sage_flattened_str_list()    # We use sage_flattened_str_list since iterating through
                                               # the entire list through the sage/singular interface directly
                                               # would involve hundreds of calls to singular, and timing issues with
                                               # the expect interface could crop up.  Also, this is vastly
                                               # faster (and more robust).
        v = [ v[i].partition(',') for i in range(len(v)) ]
        pnts = [ ( int(v[i][0]), int(v[i][2])-1 ) for i in range(len(v))]
        # retrieve coordinates of rational points
        R = X2[5][1][1]
        v = singular('POINTS').sage_flattened_str_list()
        coords = [self(int(v[3*i]), int(v[3*i+1]), int(v[3*i+2])) for i in range(len(v)//3)]
        # build correct representation of D for singular
        Dsupport = D.support()
        Dcoeffs = []
        for x in pnts:
            if x[0] == 1:
        Dstr = str(tuple(Dcoeffs))
        G = singular(','.join([str(x) for x in Dcoeffs]), type='intvec')
        # call singular's brill noether routine and return
        T = X2[1][2]
        LG = G.BrillNoether(X2)
        LG = [X.split(',\n') for X in LG.sage_structured_str_list()]
        x,y,z = self.ambient_space().coordinate_ring().gens()
        vars = {'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z}
        V = [(sage_eval(a, vars)/sage_eval(b, vars)) for a, b in LG]
        return V
    def _points_via_singular(self, sort=True):
        Return all rational points on this curve, computed using Singular's
        Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``sort`` - bool (default: True), if True return the
           point list sorted. If False, returns the points in the order
           computed by Singular.


            sage: x, y, z = PolynomialRing(GF(5), 3, 'xyz').gens()
            sage: f = y^2*z^7 - x^9 - x*z^8
            sage: C = Curve(f); C
            Projective Curve over Finite Field of size 5 defined by
            -x^9 + y^2*z^7 - x*z^8
            sage: C._points_via_singular()
            [(0 : 0 : 1), (0 : 1 : 0), (2 : 2 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1),
             (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1)]
            sage: C._points_via_singular(sort=False)     #random
            [(0 : 1 : 0), (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1), (2 : 2 : 1),
             (0 : 0 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1)]

        .. note::

           The Brill-Noether package does not always work (i.e., the
           'bn' algorithm. When it fails a RuntimeError exception is
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as s:
            raise RuntimeError(str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the\
                                          Brill-Noether Singular package to\
                                          compute all points (see above).")

        X2 = singular.NSplaces(1, X1)
        R = X2[5][1][1]

        # We use sage_flattened_str_list since iterating through
        # the entire list through the sage/singular interface directly
        # would involve hundreds of calls to singular, and timing issues with
        # the expect interface could crop up.  Also, this is vastly
        # faster (and more robust).
        v = singular('POINTS').sage_flattened_str_list()
        pnts = [self(int(v[3*i]), int(v[3*i+1]), int(v[3*i+2]))
                for i in range(len(v)//3)]
        # singular always dehomogenizes with respect to the last variable
        # so if this variable divides the curve equation, we need to add
        # points at infinity
        F = self.defining_polynomial()
        z = F.parent().gens()[-1]
        if z.divides(F):
            pnts += [self(1,a,0) for a in self.base_ring()]
            pnts += [self(0,1,0)]
        # remove multiple points
        pnts = list(set(pnts))
        if sort:
        return pnts
    def riemann_roch_basis(self, D):
        Return a basis for the Riemann-Roch space corresponding to

        This uses Singular's Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``D`` - a divisor


        A list of function field elements that form a basis of the Riemann-Roch space


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(2)[]
            sage: f = x^3*y + y^3*z + x*z^3
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (4, pts[0]), (4, pts[2]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [x/y, 1, z/y, z^2/y^2, z/x, z^2/(x*y)]


            sage: R.<x,y,z> = GF(5)[]
            sage: f = x^7 + y^7 + z^7
            sage: C = Curve(f); pts = C.rational_points()
            sage: D = C.divisor([ (3, pts[0]), (-1,pts[1]), (10, pts[5]) ])
            sage: C.riemann_roch_basis(D)
            [(-2*x + y)/(x + y), (-x + z)/(x + y)]

        .. NOTE::
            Currently this only works over prime field and divisors supported on rational points.
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as s:
            raise RuntimeError(
                str(s) +
                "\n\n ** Unable to use the Brill-Noether Singular package to compute all points (see above)."
        X2 = singular.NSplaces(1, X1)
        # retrieve list of all computed closed points (possibly of degree >1)
        v = X2[3].sage_flattened_str_list(
        )  # We use sage_flattened_str_list since iterating through
        # the entire list through the sage/singular interface directly
        # would involve hundreds of calls to singular, and timing issues with
        # the expect interface could crop up.  Also, this is vastly
        # faster (and more robust).
        v = [v[i].partition(',') for i in range(len(v))]
        pnts = [(int(v[i][0]), int(v[i][2]) - 1) for i in range(len(v))]
        # retrieve coordinates of rational points
        R = X2[5][1][1]
        v = singular('POINTS').sage_flattened_str_list()
        coords = [
            self(int(v[3 * i]), int(v[3 * i + 1]), int(v[3 * i + 2]))
            for i in range(len(v) // 3)
        # build correct representation of D for singular
        Dsupport = D.support()
        Dcoeffs = []
        for x in pnts:
            if x[0] == 1:
        Dstr = str(tuple(Dcoeffs))
        G = singular(','.join([str(x) for x in Dcoeffs]), type='intvec')
        # call singular's brill noether routine and return
        T = X2[1][2]
        LG = G.BrillNoether(X2)
        LG = [X.split(',\n') for X in LG.sage_structured_str_list()]
        x, y, z = self.ambient_space().coordinate_ring().gens()
        vars = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}
        V = [(sage_eval(a, vars) / sage_eval(b, vars)) for a, b in LG]
        return V
    def _points_via_singular(self, sort=True):
        Return all rational points on this curve, computed using Singular's
        Brill-Noether implementation.


        -  ``sort`` - bool (default: True), if True return the
           point list sorted. If False, returns the points in the order
           computed by Singular.


            sage: x, y, z = PolynomialRing(GF(5), 3, 'xyz').gens()
            sage: f = y^2*z^7 - x^9 - x*z^8
            sage: C = Curve(f); C
            Projective Curve over Finite Field of size 5 defined by
            -x^9 + y^2*z^7 - x*z^8
            sage: C._points_via_singular()
            [(0 : 0 : 1), (0 : 1 : 0), (2 : 2 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1),
             (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1)]
            sage: C._points_via_singular(sort=False)     #random
            [(0 : 1 : 0), (3 : 1 : 1), (3 : 4 : 1), (2 : 2 : 1),
             (0 : 0 : 1), (2 : 3 : 1)]

        .. note::

           The Brill-Noether package does not always work (i.e., the
           'bn' algorithm. When it fails a RuntimeError exception is
        f = self.defining_polynomial()._singular_()
        singular = f.parent()
            X1 = f.Adj_div()
        except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as s:
            raise RuntimeError(
                str(s) + "\n\n ** Unable to use the\
                                          Brill-Noether Singular package to\
                                          compute all points (see above).")

        X2 = singular.NSplaces(1, X1)
        R = X2[5][1][1]

        # We use sage_flattened_str_list since iterating through
        # the entire list through the sage/singular interface directly
        # would involve hundreds of calls to singular, and timing issues with
        # the expect interface could crop up.  Also, this is vastly
        # faster (and more robust).
        v = singular('POINTS').sage_flattened_str_list()
        pnts = [
            self(int(v[3 * i]), int(v[3 * i + 1]), int(v[3 * i + 2]))
            for i in range(len(v) // 3)
        # singular always dehomogenizes with respect to the last variable
        # so if this variable divides the curve equation, we need to add
        # points at infinity
        F = self.defining_polynomial()
        z = F.parent().gens()[-1]
        if z.divides(F):
            pnts += [self(1, a, 0) for a in self.base_ring()]
            pnts += [self(0, 1, 0)]
        # remove multiple points
        pnts = list(set(pnts))
        if sort:
        return pnts
    def intersection_multiplicity(self, X, P):
        Return the intersection multiplicity of this subscheme and the subscheme ``X`` at the point ``P``.

        The intersection of this subscheme with ``X`` must be proper, that is `\mathrm{codim}(self\cap
        X) = \mathrm{codim}(self) + \mathrm{codim}(X)`, and must also be finite. We use Serre's Tor
        formula to compute the intersection multiplicity. If `I`, `J` are the defining ideals of ``self``, ``X``,
        respectively, then this is `\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}(-1)^i\mathrm{length}(\mathrm{Tor}_{\mathcal{O}_{A,p}}^{i}
        (\mathcal{O}_{A,p}/I,\mathcal{O}_{A,p}/J))` where `A` is the affine ambient space of these subschemes.


        - ``X`` -- subscheme in the same ambient space as this subscheme.

        - ``P`` -- a point in the intersection of this subscheme with ``X``.

        OUTPUT: An integer.


            sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ, 2)
            sage: C = Curve([y^2 - x^3 - x^2], A)
            sage: D = Curve([y^2 + x^3], A)
            sage: Q = A([0,0])
            sage: C.intersection_multiplicity(D, Q)


            sage: R.<a> = QQ[]
            sage: K.<b> = NumberField(a^6 - 3*a^5 + 5*a^4 - 5*a^3 + 5*a^2 - 3*a + 1)
            sage: A.<x,y,z,w> = AffineSpace(K, 4)
            sage: X = A.subscheme([x*y, y*z + 7, w^3 - x^3])
            sage: Y = A.subscheme([x - z^3 + z + 1])
            sage: Q = A([0, -7*b^5 + 21*b^4 - 28*b^3 + 21*b^2 - 21*b + 14, -b^5 + 2*b^4 - 3*b^3 \
            + 2*b^2 - 2*b, 0])
            sage: X.intersection_multiplicity(Y, Q)


            sage: A.<x,y,z> = AffineSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: X = A.subscheme([z^2 - 1])
            sage: Y = A.subscheme([z - 1, y - x^2])
            sage: Q = A([1,1,1])
            sage: X.intersection_multiplicity(Y, Q)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: the intersection of this subscheme and (=Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 3
            over Rational Field defined by: z - 1, -x^2 + y) must be proper and finite


            sage: A.<x,y,z,w,t> = AffineSpace(QQ, 5)
            sage: X = A.subscheme([x*y, t^2*w, w^3*z])
            sage: Y = A.subscheme([y*w + z])
            sage: Q = A([0,0,0,0,0])
            sage: X.intersection_multiplicity(Y, Q)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: the intersection of this subscheme and (=Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 5
            over Rational Field defined by: y*w + z) must be proper and finite
        AA = self.ambient_space()
        if AA != X.ambient_space():
            raise TypeError(
                "this subscheme and (=%s) must be defined in the same ambient space"
                % X)
        W = self.intersection(X)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                "(=%s) must be a point in the intersection of this subscheme and (=%s)"
                % (P, X))
        if AA.dimension() != self.dimension() + X.dimension() or W.dimension(
        ) != 0:
            raise TypeError(
                "the intersection of this subscheme and (=%s) must be proper and finite"
                % X)
        I = self.defining_ideal()
        J = X.defining_ideal()
        # move P to the origin and localize
        chng_coords = [
            AA.gens()[i] + P[i] for i in range(AA.dimension_relative())
        R = AA.coordinate_ring().change_ring(order="negdegrevlex")
        Iloc = R.ideal([f(chng_coords) for f in I.gens()])
        Jloc = R.ideal([f(chng_coords) for f in J.gens()])
        # compute the intersection multiplicity with Serre's Tor formula using Singular
        i = 0
        s = 0
        t = sum(singular.Tor(i, Iloc, Jloc).std().hilb(2).sage())
        while t != 0:
            s = s + ((-1)**i) * t
            i = i + 1
            t = sum(singular.Tor(i, Iloc, Jloc).std().hilb(2).sage())
        return s
    def intersection_multiplicity(self, X, P):
        Return the intersection multiplicity of this subscheme and the subscheme ``X`` at the point ``P``.

        The intersection of this subscheme with ``X`` must be proper, that is `\mathrm{codim}(self\cap
        X) = \mathrm{codim}(self) + \mathrm{codim}(X)`, and must also be finite. We use Serre's Tor
        formula to compute the intersection multiplicity. If `I`, `J` are the defining ideals of ``self``, ``X``,
        respectively, then this is `\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}(-1)^i\mathrm{length}(\mathrm{Tor}_{\mathcal{O}_{A,p}}^{i}
        (\mathcal{O}_{A,p}/I,\mathcal{O}_{A,p}/J))` where `A` is the affine ambient space of these subschemes.


        - ``X`` -- subscheme in the same ambient space as this subscheme.

        - ``P`` -- a point in the intersection of this subscheme with ``X``.

        OUTPUT: An integer.


            sage: A.<x,y> = AffineSpace(QQ, 2)
            sage: C = Curve([y^2 - x^3 - x^2], A)
            sage: D = Curve([y^2 + x^3], A)
            sage: Q = A([0,0])
            sage: C.intersection_multiplicity(D, Q)


            sage: R.<a> = QQ[]
            sage: K.<b> = NumberField(a^6 - 3*a^5 + 5*a^4 - 5*a^3 + 5*a^2 - 3*a + 1)
            sage: A.<x,y,z,w> = AffineSpace(K, 4)
            sage: X = A.subscheme([x*y, y*z + 7, w^3 - x^3])
            sage: Y = A.subscheme([x - z^3 + z + 1])
            sage: Q = A([0, -7*b^5 + 21*b^4 - 28*b^3 + 21*b^2 - 21*b + 14, -b^5 + 2*b^4 - 3*b^3 \
            + 2*b^2 - 2*b, 0])
            sage: X.intersection_multiplicity(Y, Q)


            sage: A.<x,y,z> = AffineSpace(QQ, 3)
            sage: X = A.subscheme([z^2 - 1])
            sage: Y = A.subscheme([z - 1, y - x^2])
            sage: Q = A([1,1,1])
            sage: X.intersection_multiplicity(Y, Q)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: the intersection of this subscheme and (=Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 3
            over Rational Field defined by: z - 1, -x^2 + y) must be proper and finite


            sage: A.<x,y,z,w,t> = AffineSpace(QQ, 5)
            sage: X = A.subscheme([x*y, t^2*w, w^3*z])
            sage: Y = A.subscheme([y*w + z])
            sage: Q = A([0,0,0,0,0])
            sage: X.intersection_multiplicity(Y, Q)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: the intersection of this subscheme and (=Closed subscheme of Affine Space of dimension 5
            over Rational Field defined by: y*w + z) must be proper and finite
        AA = self.ambient_space()
        if AA != X.ambient_space():
            raise TypeError("this subscheme and (=%s) must be defined in the same ambient space"%X)
        W = self.intersection(X)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError("(=%s) must be a point in the intersection of this subscheme and (=%s)"%(P,X))
        if AA.dimension() != self.dimension() + X.dimension() or W.dimension() != 0:
            raise TypeError("the intersection of this subscheme and (=%s) must be proper and finite"%X)
        I = self.defining_ideal()
        J = X.defining_ideal()
        # move P to the origin and localize
        chng_coords = [AA.gens()[i] + P[i] for i in range(AA.dimension_relative())]
        R = AA.coordinate_ring().change_ring(order="negdegrevlex")
        Iloc = R.ideal([f(chng_coords) for f in I.gens()])
        Jloc = R.ideal([f(chng_coords) for f in J.gens()])
        # compute the intersection multiplicity with Serre's Tor formula using Singular
        i = 0
        s = 0
        t = sum(singular.Tor(i, Iloc, Jloc).std().hilb(2).sage())
        while t != 0:
            s = s + ((-1)**i)*t
            i = i + 1
            t = sum(singular.Tor(i, Iloc, Jloc).std().hilb(2).sage())
        return s