    def __init__(self, homset, imgsH, check=True):
        Group morphism specified by images of generators.

        Some Python code for wrapping GAP's GroupHomomorphismByImages
        function but only for matrix groups. Can be expensive if G is


            sage: F = GF(5); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([MS([1,1,0,1])])
            sage: H = MatrixGroup([MS([1,0,1,1])])
            sage: phi = G.hom(H.gens())
            sage: phi
            Homomorphism : Matrix group over Finite Field of size 5 with 1 generators (
            [1 1]
            [0 1]
            ) --> Matrix group over Finite Field of size 5 with 1 generators (
            [1 0]
            [1 1]
            sage: phi(MS([1,1,0,1]))
            [1 0]
            [1 1]
            sage: F = GF(7); MS = MatrixSpace(F,2,2)
            sage: F.multiplicative_generator()
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([MS([3,0,0,1])])
            sage: a = G.gens()[0]^2
            sage: phi = G.hom([a])


        Check that :trac:`19406` is fixed::

            sage: G = GL(2, GF(3))
            sage: H = GL(3, GF(2))
            sage: mat1 = H([[-1,0,0],[0,0,-1],[0,-1,0]])
            sage: mat2 = H([[1,1,1],[0,0,-1],[-1,0,0]])
            sage: phi = G.hom([mat1, mat2])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: images do not define a group homomorphism
        MatrixGroupMorphism.__init__(self, homset)  # sets the parent
        from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
        G = homset.domain()
        H = homset.codomain()
        gens = [x.gap() for x in G.gens()]
        imgs = [to_libgap(x) for x in imgsH]
        self._phi = phi = libgap.GroupHomomorphismByImages(
            G.gap(), H.gap(), gens, imgs)
        if not phi.IsGroupHomomorphism():
            raise ValueError('the map {}-->{} is not a homomorphism'.format(
                G.gens(), imgsH))
    def _element_constructor_(self, x, check=True, **options):
        Handle conversions and coercions.


            sage: from sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_gap import AbelianGroupGap
            sage: A = AbelianGroupGap([2,4])
            sage: H = A.Hom(A)
            sage: H([g^2 for g in A.gens()])
            Group endomorphism of Abelian group with gap, generator orders (2, 4)
            sage: H(2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: unable to convert 2 to an element of ...

        A group homomorphism between a finitely presented group and a subgroup of a permutation group::

            sage: PG = PGU(6,2)
            sage: g, h = PG.gens()
            sage: p1 = h^-3*(h^-1*g^-1)^2*h*g*h^2*g^-1*h^2*g*h^-5*g^-1
            sage: p2 = g*(g*h)^2*g*h^-4*(g*h)^2*(h^2*g*h^-2*g)^2*h^-2*g*h^-2*g^-1*h^-1*g*h*g*h^-1*g
            sage: p3 = h^-3*g^-1*h*g*h^4*g^-1*h^-1*g*h*(h^2*g^-1)^2*h^-4*g*h^2*g^-1*h^-7*g^-2*h^-2*g*h^-2*g^-1*h^-1*(g*h)^2*h^3
            sage: p4 = h*(h^3*g)^2*h*g*h^-1*g*h^2*g^-1*h^-2*g*h^4*g^-1*h^3*g*h^-2*g*h^-1*g^-1*h^2*g*h*g^-1*h^-2*g*h*g^-1*h^2*g*h^2*g^-1
            sage: p5 = h^2*g*h^2*g^-1*h*g*h^-1*g*h*g^-1*h^2*g*h^-2*g*h^2*g*h^-2*(h^-1*g)^2*h^4*(g*h^-1)^2*g^-1
            sage: UPG = PG.subgroup([p1, p2, p3, p4, p5], canonicalize=False)
            sage: B6 = BraidGroup(6)
            sage: reprB6 = B6.hom(UPG.gens())
            sage: b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = B6.gens()
            sage: reprB6(b1*b2*b3*b4*b5) == p1*p2*p3*p4*p5


        The following input does not define a valid group homomorphism::

            sage: from sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_gap import AbelianGroupGap
            sage: A = AbelianGroupGap([2])
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([Matrix(ZZ, 2, [0,1,-1,0])])
            sage: A.hom([G.gen(0)])
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: images do not define a group homomorphism
        if isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
            # there should be a better way
            from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
            dom = self.domain()
            codom = self.codomain()
            gens = dom.gap().GeneratorsOfGroup()
            imgs = [codom(g).gap() for g in x]
            if check:
                if not len(gens) == len(imgs):
                    raise ValueError("provide an image for each generator")
                phi = libgap.GroupHomomorphismByImages(dom.gap(), codom.gap(), gens, imgs)
                # if it is not a group homomorphism, then
                # self._phi is the gap boolean fail
                if phi.is_bool():     # check we did not fail
                    raise ValueError("images do not define a group homomorphism")
                ByImagesNC = libgap.function_factory("GroupHomomorphismByImagesNC")
                phi = ByImagesNC(dom.gap(), codom.gap(), gens, imgs)
            return self.element_class(self, phi, check=check, **options)
        if isinstance(x, GapElement):
                return self.element_class(self, x, check=True, **options)
            except ValueError:
        return super(GroupHomset_libgap, self)._element_constructor_(x, check=check, **options)