def is_rep(self, image, n, force=False):
        Returns `True` if the map generated by mapping the generators to the matrices defined in
        `image` is an `n`-dimensional representation of `self`, and `False` otherwise. The entries
        of `image` must be `n`-by-`n` matrices with entries in the algebraic closure of the base
        field of `self`. Its length must match the number of generators of `self.`

        Use `force=True` if the function does not recognize the base field as computable, but the
        field is computable.
        if (not force and self.base_field() not in NumberFields
                and self.base_field() not in FiniteFields):
            raise TypeError('Base field must be computable. If %s is' %
                            self.base_field() +
                            '  computable then use force=True to bypass this.')

        if n not in ZZ or n < 1:
            raise ValueError('Dimension must be a positive integer.')

        M = MatrixSpace(self.base_field().algebraic_closure(), n, sparse=True)
        if len(image) != self.ngens():
            raise ValueError(
                'Length of image does not match number of generators.')
        if False in {mat in M for mat in image}:
            raise TypeError('Improper image, must contain elements of %s.' %
        image = [M(image[i]) for i in range(len(image))]

        for rel in self.rels():
            if self._to_matrix(rel, M, image) != return False
        return True