def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. The bounding box is computed to be as minimal as possible. EXAMPLES: An example without an angle:: sage: p = ellipse((-2, 3), 1, 2) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] -3.0 sage: d['xmax'] -1.0 sage: d['ymin'] 1.0 sage: d['ymax'] 5.0 The same example with a rotation of angle `\pi/2`:: sage: p = ellipse((-2, 3), 1, 2, pi/2) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] -4.0 sage: d['xmax'] 0.0 sage: d['ymin'] 2.0 sage: d['ymax'] 4.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data epsilon = 0.000001 cos_angle = cos(self.angle) if abs(cos_angle) > 1-epsilon: xmax = self.r1 ymax = self.r2 elif abs(cos_angle) < epsilon: xmax = self.r2 ymax = self.r1 else: sin_angle = sin(self.angle) tan_angle = sin_angle / cos_angle sxmax = ((self.r2*tan_angle)/self.r1)**2 symax = (self.r2/(self.r1*tan_angle))**2 xmax = ( abs(self.r1 * cos_angle / sqrt(sxmax+1.)) + abs(self.r2 * sin_angle / sqrt(1./sxmax+1.))) ymax = ( abs(self.r1 * sin_angle / sqrt(symax+1.)) + abs(self.r2 * cos_angle / sqrt(1./symax+1.))) return minmax_data([self.x - xmax, self.x + xmax], [self.y - ymax, self.y + ymax], dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: d = polygon([[1,2], [5,6], [5,0]], rgbcolor=(1,0,1))[0].get_minmax_data() sage: d['ymin'] 0.0 sage: d['xmin'] 1.0 :: sage: d = point((3, 3), rgbcolor=hue(0.75))[0].get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 3.0 sage: d['ymin'] 3.0 :: sage: l = line([(100, 100), (120, 120)])[0] sage: d = l.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 100.0 sage: d['xmax'] 120.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data return minmax_data(self.xdata, self.ydata, dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: b = bar_chart([-2.3,5,-6,12]) sage: d = b.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 0 sage: d['xmax'] 4 """ return minmax_data([0, len(self.datalist)], self.datalist, dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: x,y = var('x,y') sage: d = plot_vector_field((.01*x,x+y), (x,10,20), (y,10,20))[0].get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 10.0 sage: d['ymin'] 10.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data return minmax_data(self.xpos_array, self.ypos_array, dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. Notice that, for text, the box is just the location itself. EXAMPLES:: sage: T = text("Where am I?",(1,1)) sage: t=T[0] sage: t.get_minmax_data()['ymin'] 1.0 sage: t.get_minmax_data()['ymax'] 1.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data return minmax_data([self.x], [self.y], dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: x,y = var('x,y') sage: f(x, y) = x^2 + y^2 sage: d = density_plot(f, (3, 6), (3, 6))[0].get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 3.0 sage: d['ymin'] 3.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data return minmax_data(self.xrange, self.yrange, dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Get minimum and maximum horizontal and vertical ranges for the Histogram object. EXAMPLES:: sage: H = histogram([10,3,5], normed=True); h = H[0] sage: h.get_minmax_data() {'xmax': 10.0, 'xmin': 3.0, 'ymax': 0.4761904761904765, 'ymin': 0} sage: G = histogram([random() for _ in range(500)]); g = G[0] sage: g.get_minmax_data() # random output {'xmax': 0.99729312925213209, 'xmin': 0.00013024562219410285, 'ymax': 61, 'ymin': 0} sage: Y = histogram([random()*10 for _ in range(500)], range=[2,8]); y = Y[0] sage: ymm = y.get_minmax_data(); ymm['xmax'], ymm['xmin'] (8.0, 2.0) sage: Z = histogram([[1,3,2,0], [4,4,3,3]]); z = Z[0] sage: z.get_minmax_data() {'xmax': 4.0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 2, 'ymin': 0} """ import numpy options = self.options() opt = dict(range=options.pop('range', None), bins=options.pop('bins', None), normed=options.pop('normed', None), weights=options.pop('weights', None)) #check to see if a list of datasets if not hasattr(self.datalist[0], '__contains__'): ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(self.datalist, **opt) return minmax_data(xdata, [0] + list(ydata), dict=True) else: m = {'xmax': 0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 0, 'ymin': 0} if not options.pop('stacked', None): for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d, **opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = max([m['ymax']] + list(ydata)) return m else: for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d, **opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = m['ymax'] + max(list(ydata)) return m
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Get minimum and maximum horizontal and vertical ranges for the Histogram object. EXAMPLES:: sage: H = histogram([10,3,5], normed=True); h = H[0] sage: h.get_minmax_data() {'xmax': 10.0, 'xmin': 3.0, 'ymax': 0.4761904761904765, 'ymin': 0} sage: G = histogram([random() for _ in range(500)]); g = G[0] sage: g.get_minmax_data() # random output {'xmax': 0.99729312925213209, 'xmin': 0.00013024562219410285, 'ymax': 61, 'ymin': 0} sage: Y = histogram([random()*10 for _ in range(500)], range=[2,8]); y = Y[0] sage: ymm = y.get_minmax_data(); ymm['xmax'], ymm['xmin'] (8.0, 2.0) sage: Z = histogram([[1,3,2,0], [4,4,3,3]]); z = Z[0] sage: z.get_minmax_data() {'xmax': 4.0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 2, 'ymin': 0} """ import numpy options=self.options() opt=dict(range = options.pop('range',None), bins = options.pop('bins',None), normed = options.pop('normed',None), weights = options.pop('weights', None)) #check to see if a list of datasets if not hasattr(self.datalist[0],'__contains__' ): ydata,xdata=numpy.histogram(self.datalist, **opt) return minmax_data(xdata,[0]+list(ydata), dict=True) else: m = { 'xmax': 0, 'xmin':0, 'ymax':0, 'ymin':0} if not options.pop('stacked',None): for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d,**opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = max([m['ymax']] + list(ydata)) return m else: for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d,**opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = m['ymax'] + max(list(ydata)) return m
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: p = circle((3, 3), 1) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 2.0 sage: d['ymin'] 2.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data return minmax_data([self.x - self.r, self.x + self.r], [self.y - self.r, self.y + self.r], dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: m = matrix_plot(matrix([[1,3,5,1],[2,4,5,6],[1,3,5,7]]))[0] sage: list(sorted(m.get_minmax_data().items())) [('xmax', 3.5), ('xmin', -0.5), ('ymax', 2.5), ('ymin', -0.5)] """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data limits = minmax_data(self.xrange, self.yrange, dict=True) # center the matrix so that, for example, the square representing the # (0,0) entry is centered on the origin. for k, v in limits.iteritems(): limits[k] -= 0.5 return limits
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: D = disk((5,4), 1, (pi/2, pi)) sage: d = D.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] 4.0 sage: d['ymin'] 3.0 sage: d['xmax'] 6.0 sage: d['ymax'] 5.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data return minmax_data([self.x - self.r, self.x + self.r], [self.y - self.r, self.y + self.r], dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: m = matrix_plot(matrix([[1,3,5,1],[2,4,5,6],[1,3,5,7]]))[0] sage: list(sorted(m.get_minmax_data().items())) [('xmax', 3.5), ('xmin', -0.5), ('ymax', -0.5), ('ymin', 2.5)] """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data limits= minmax_data(self.xrange, self.yrange, dict=True) if self.options()['origin']!='lower': # flip y-axis so that the picture looks correct. limits['ymin'],limits['ymax']=limits['ymax'],limits['ymin'] # center the matrix so that, for example, the square representing the # (0,0) entry is centered on the origin. for k,v in limits.iteritems(): limits[k]-=0.5 return limits
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. EXAMPLES:: sage: m = matrix_plot(matrix([[1,3,5,1],[2,4,5,6],[1,3,5,7]]))[0] sage: list(sorted(m.get_minmax_data().items())) [('xmax', 3.5), ('xmin', -0.5), ('ymax', -0.5), ('ymin', 2.5)] """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data limits= minmax_data(self.xrange, self.yrange, dict=True) if self.options()['origin']!='lower': # flip y-axis so that the picture looks correct. limits['ymin'],limits['ymax']=limits['ymax'],limits['ymin'] # center the matrix so that, for example, the square representing the # (0,0) entry is centered on the origin. for k, v in iteritems(limits): limits[k] -= 0.5 return limits
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Get minimum and maximum horizontal and vertical ranges for the Histogram object. EXAMPLES:: sage: H = histogram([10,3,5], density=True); h = H[0] sage: h.get_minmax_data() # rel tol 1e-15 {'xmax': 10.0, 'xmin': 3.0, 'ymax': 0.4761904761904765, 'ymin': 0} sage: G = histogram([random() for _ in range(500)]); g = G[0] sage: g.get_minmax_data() # random output {'xmax': 0.99729312925213209, 'xmin': 0.00013024562219410285, 'ymax': 61, 'ymin': 0} sage: Y = histogram([random()*10 for _ in range(500)], range=[2,8]); y = Y[0] sage: ymm = y.get_minmax_data(); ymm['xmax'], ymm['xmin'] (8.0, 2.0) sage: Z = histogram([[1,3,2,0], [4,4,3,3]]); z = Z[0] sage: z.get_minmax_data() {'xmax': 4.0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 2, 'ymin': 0} TESTS:: sage: h = histogram([10,3,5], normed=True)[0] sage: h.get_minmax_data() # rel tol 1e-15 {'xmax': 10.0, 'xmin': 3.0, 'ymax': 0.4761904761904765, 'ymin': 0} """ import numpy # Extract these options (if they are not None) and pass them to # histogram() options = self.options() opt = {} for key in ('range', 'bins', 'normed', 'density', 'weights'): try: value = options[key] except KeyError: pass else: if value is not None: opt[key] = value #check to see if a list of datasets if not hasattr(self.datalist[0], '__contains__'): ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(self.datalist, **opt) return minmax_data(xdata, [0] + list(ydata), dict=True) else: m = {'xmax': 0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 0, 'ymin': 0} if not options.get('stacked'): for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d, **opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = max([m['ymax']] + list(ydata)) return m else: for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d, **opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = m['ymax'] + max(list(ydata)) return m
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Get minimum and maximum horizontal and vertical ranges for the Histogram object. EXAMPLES:: sage: H = histogram([10,3,5], density=True); h = H[0] sage: h.get_minmax_data() # rel tol 1e-15 {'xmax': 10.0, 'xmin': 3.0, 'ymax': 0.4761904761904765, 'ymin': 0} sage: G = histogram([random() for _ in range(500)]); g = G[0] sage: g.get_minmax_data() # random output {'xmax': 0.99729312925213209, 'xmin': 0.00013024562219410285, 'ymax': 61, 'ymin': 0} sage: Y = histogram([random()*10 for _ in range(500)], range=[2,8]); y = Y[0] sage: ymm = y.get_minmax_data(); ymm['xmax'], ymm['xmin'] (8.0, 2.0) sage: Z = histogram([[1,3,2,0], [4,4,3,3]]); z = Z[0] sage: z.get_minmax_data() {'xmax': 4.0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 2, 'ymin': 0} TESTS:: sage: h = histogram([10,3,5], normed=True)[0] doctest:warning...: DeprecationWarning: the 'normed' option is deprecated. Use 'density' instead. See for details. sage: h.get_minmax_data() doctest:warning ...: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Passing `normed=True` on non-uniform bins has always been broken, and computes neither the probability density function nor the probability mass function. The result is only correct if the bins are uniform, when density=True will produce the same result anyway. The argument will be removed in a future version of numpy. {'xmax': 10.0, 'xmin': 3.0, 'ymax': 0.476190476190..., 'ymin': 0} """ import numpy # Extract these options (if they are not None) and pass them to # histogram() options = self.options() opt = {} for key in ('range', 'bins', 'normed', 'density', 'weights'): try: value = options[key] except KeyError: pass else: if value is not None: opt[key] = value #check to see if a list of datasets if not hasattr(self.datalist[0], '__contains__'): ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(self.datalist, **opt) return minmax_data(xdata, [0] + list(ydata), dict=True) else: m = {'xmax': 0, 'xmin': 0, 'ymax': 0, 'ymin': 0} if not options.get('stacked'): for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d, **opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = max([m['ymax']] + list(ydata)) return m else: for d in self.datalist: ydata, xdata = numpy.histogram(d, **opt) m['xmax'] = max([m['xmax']] + list(xdata)) m['xmin'] = min([m['xmin']] + list(xdata)) m['ymax'] = m['ymax'] + max(list(ydata)) return m
def get_minmax_data(self): """ Returns a dictionary with the bounding box data. The bounding box is computed as minimal as possible. EXAMPLES: An example without angle:: sage: p = arc((-2, 3), 1, 2) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] -3.0 sage: d['xmax'] -1.0 sage: d['ymin'] 1.0 sage: d['ymax'] 5.0 The same example with a rotation of angle `\pi/2`:: sage: p = arc((-2, 3), 1, 2, pi/2) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] -4.0 sage: d['xmax'] 0.0 sage: d['ymin'] 2.0 sage: d['ymax'] 4.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data twopi = 2*pi s1 = self.s1 s2 = self.s2 s = s2-s1 s1 = fmod(s1,twopi) if s1 < 0: s1 += twopi s2 = fmod(s1 + s,twopi) if s2 < 0: s2 += twopi r1 = self.r1 r2 = self.r2 angle = fmod(self.angle,twopi) if angle < 0: angle += twopi epsilon = float(0.0000001) cos_angle = cos(angle) sin_angle = sin(angle) if cos_angle > 1-epsilon: xmin=-r1; ymin=-r2 xmax=r1; ymax=r2 axmin = pi; axmax = 0 aymin = 3*pi/2; aymax = pi/2 elif cos_angle < -1+epsilon: xmin=-r1; ymin=-r2 xmax=r1; ymax=r2 axmin=0; axmax=pi aymin=pi/2; aymax=3*pi/2 elif sin_angle > 1-epsilon: xmin=-r2; ymin=-r1 xmax=r2; ymax=r1 axmin = pi/2; axmax = 3*pi/2 aymin = pi; aymax = 0 elif sin_angle < -1+epsilon: xmin=-r2; ymin=-r1 xmax=r2; ymax=r1 axmin = 3*pi/2; axmax = pi/2 aymin = 0; aymax = pi else: tan_angle = sin_angle / cos_angle axmax = atan(-r2/r1*tan_angle) if axmax < 0: axmax += twopi xmax = ( r1 * cos_angle * cos(axmax) - r2 * sin_angle * sin(axmax)) if xmax < 0: xmax = -xmax axmax = fmod(axmax+pi,twopi) xmin = -xmax axmin = fmod(axmax + pi,twopi) aymax = atan(r2/(r1*tan_angle)) if aymax < 0: aymax += twopi ymax = ( r1 * sin_angle * cos(aymax) + r2 * cos_angle * sin(aymax)) if ymax < 0: ymax = -ymax aymax = fmod(aymax+pi,twopi) ymin = -ymax aymin = fmod(aymax + pi, twopi) if s < twopi-epsilon: # bb determined by the sector def is_cyclic_ordered(x1,x2,x3): return ( (x1 < x2 and x2 < x3) or (x2 < x3 and x3 < x1) or (x3 < x1 and x1 < x2)) x1 = cos_angle*r1*cos(s1) - sin_angle*r2*sin(s1) x2 = cos_angle*r1*cos(s2) - sin_angle*r2*sin(s2) y1 = sin_angle*r1*cos(s1) + cos_angle*r2*sin(s1) y2 = sin_angle*r1*cos(s2) + cos_angle*r2*sin(s2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1,s2,axmin): xmin = min(x1,x2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1,s2,aymin): ymin = min(y1,y2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1,s2,axmax): xmax = max(x1,x2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1,s2,aymax): ymax = max(y1,y2) return minmax_data([self.x + xmin, self.x + xmax], [self.y + ymin, self.y + ymax], dict=True)
def get_minmax_data(self): r""" Return a dictionary with the bounding box data. The bounding box is computed as minimal as possible. EXAMPLES: An example without angle:: sage: p = arc((-2, 3), 1, 2) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] -3.0 sage: d['xmax'] -1.0 sage: d['ymin'] 1.0 sage: d['ymax'] 5.0 The same example with a rotation of angle `\pi/2`:: sage: p = arc((-2, 3), 1, 2, pi/2) sage: d = p.get_minmax_data() sage: d['xmin'] -4.0 sage: d['xmax'] 0.0 sage: d['ymin'] 2.0 sage: d['ymax'] 4.0 """ from sage.plot.plot import minmax_data twopi = 2 * pi s1 = self.s1 s2 = self.s2 s = s2 - s1 s1 = fmod(s1, twopi) if s1 < 0: s1 += twopi s2 = fmod(s1 + s, twopi) if s2 < 0: s2 += twopi r1 = self.r1 r2 = self.r2 angle = fmod(self.angle, twopi) if angle < 0: angle += twopi epsilon = float(0.0000001) cos_angle = cos(angle) sin_angle = sin(angle) if cos_angle > 1 - epsilon: xmin = -r1 ymin = -r2 xmax = r1 ymax = r2 axmin = pi axmax = 0 aymin = 3 * pi / 2 aymax = pi / 2 elif cos_angle < -1 + epsilon: xmin = -r1 ymin = -r2 xmax = r1 ymax = r2 axmin = 0 axmax = pi aymin = pi / 2 aymax = 3 * pi / 2 elif sin_angle > 1 - epsilon: xmin = -r2 ymin = -r1 xmax = r2 ymax = r1 axmin = pi / 2 axmax = 3 * pi / 2 aymin = pi aymax = 0 elif sin_angle < -1 + epsilon: xmin = -r2 ymin = -r1 xmax = r2 ymax = r1 axmin = 3 * pi / 2 axmax = pi / 2 aymin = 0 aymax = pi else: tan_angle = sin_angle / cos_angle axmax = atan(-r2 / r1 * tan_angle) if axmax < 0: axmax += twopi xmax = (r1 * cos_angle * cos(axmax) - r2 * sin_angle * sin(axmax)) if xmax < 0: xmax = -xmax axmax = fmod(axmax + pi, twopi) xmin = -xmax axmin = fmod(axmax + pi, twopi) aymax = atan(r2 / (r1 * tan_angle)) if aymax < 0: aymax += twopi ymax = (r1 * sin_angle * cos(aymax) + r2 * cos_angle * sin(aymax)) if ymax < 0: ymax = -ymax aymax = fmod(aymax + pi, twopi) ymin = -ymax aymin = fmod(aymax + pi, twopi) if s < twopi - epsilon: # bb determined by the sector def is_cyclic_ordered(x1, x2, x3): return ((x1 < x2 and x2 < x3) or (x2 < x3 and x3 < x1) or (x3 < x1 and x1 < x2)) x1 = cos_angle * r1 * cos(s1) - sin_angle * r2 * sin(s1) x2 = cos_angle * r1 * cos(s2) - sin_angle * r2 * sin(s2) y1 = sin_angle * r1 * cos(s1) + cos_angle * r2 * sin(s1) y2 = sin_angle * r1 * cos(s2) + cos_angle * r2 * sin(s2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1, s2, axmin): xmin = min(x1, x2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1, s2, aymin): ymin = min(y1, y2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1, s2, axmax): xmax = max(x1, x2) if is_cyclic_ordered(s1, s2, aymax): ymax = max(y1, y2) return minmax_data([self.x + xmin, self.x + xmax], [self.y + ymin, self.y + ymax], dict=True)