def count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(self, p, m):
    Return the number of solutions of `Q(x) = m (mod p)` of a
    non-degenerate quadratic form over the finite field `Z/pZ`,
    where `p` is a prime number > 2.

    .. NOTE::

        We adopt the useful convention that a zero-dimensional
        quadratic form has exactly one solution always (i.e. the empty

    These are defined in Table 1 on p363 of Hanke's "Local Densities..." paper.


    - `p` -- a prime number > 2

    - `m` -- an integer

    OUTPUT: an integer >= 0


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1])
        sage: [Q.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(3, m)  for m in range(3)]
        [9, 6, 12]

        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,2])
        sage: [Q.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(3, m)  for m in range(3)]
        [9, 12, 6]
    if self.dim() == 0:
        return 1
    return count_modp__by_gauss_sum(self.dim(), p, m, self.Gram_det())
def count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(self, p, m):
    Returns the number of solutions of `Q(x) = m (mod p)` of a
    non-degenerate quadratic form over the finite field `Z/pZ`,
    where `p` is a prime number > 2.

    Note: We adopt the useful convention that a zero-dimensional
    quadratic form has exactly one solution always (i.e. the empty

    These are defined in Table 1 on p363 of Hanke's "Local
    Densities..." paper.


        `p` -- a prime number > 2

        `m` -- an integer


        an integer >= 0


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,1])
        sage: [Q.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(3, m)  for m in range(3)]
        [9, 6, 12]


        sage: Q = DiagonalQuadraticForm(ZZ, [1,1,2])
        sage: [Q.count_modp_solutions__by_Gauss_sum(3, m)  for m in range(3)]
        [9, 12, 6]

    if self.dim() == 0:
        return 1
        return count_modp__by_gauss_sum(self.dim(), p, m, self.Gram_det())