def is_quotient(M, sym, rank):
    symbol = GenusSymbol_global_ring(MatrixSpace(ZZ, rank, rank).one())
    symbol._local_symbols = [
        Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(p, syms) for p, syms in sym.iteritems()
    s = get_symbol_string(symbol)
    print s
    N = FiniteQuadraticModule(s)
    t = N.order() / M.order()
    if not Integer(t).is_square():
        return False
        t = sqrt(t)
    for p in Integer(N.order()).prime_factors():
        if not N.signature(p) == M.signature(p):
            return False
    # if not N.signature() == M.signature():
    #    return False
    for G in N.subgroups():
        if G.order() == t and G.is_isotropic():
            Q = G.quotient()
            if Q.is_isomorphic(M):
                print Q
                return N
                del Q
    del N
    return False
文件: Bsets.py 项目: s-opitz/sfqm
def dict_to_genus_symbol_string(sym):
    symbol = GenusSymbol_global_ring(MatrixSpace(ZZ, 1, 1).one())
    symbol._local_symbols = [
        Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(p, syms) for p, syms in sym.iteritems()
    s = get_symbol_string(symbol)
    return s
def search_global_symbols(n, D):
    rank = 2 + n
    sign = 2 - n
    csymbols = list()  # a list of canonical symbols to avoid duplicates
    D = (-1)**n * D
    symbols = all_symbols(sign, rank, D)
    global_symbols = []
    for sym in symbols:
        #print sym
        for p in sym.keys():
            prank = sum([s[1] for s in sym[p]])
            v = sum([s[0] * s[1] for s in sym[p]])
            Dp = D // (p**v)
            if prank != rank:
                eps = (Dp * Integer(prod([s[2] for s in sym[p]]))).kronecker(p)
                if p == 2:
                    if eps == -1:
                        eps = 3
                    sym[p].insert(0, [0, rank - prank, eps, 0, 0])
                    if eps == -1:
                        for x in Zmod(p):
                            if not x.is_square():
                                eps = x
                    sym[p].insert(0, [0, rank - prank, eps])
        symbol = GenusSymbol_global_ring(MatrixSpace(ZZ, rank, rank).one())
        symbol._local_symbols = [
            Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(p, syms) for p, syms in sym.iteritems()
        symbol._signature = (2, n)
        #print symbol._local_symbols
        isglob = is_GlobalGenus(symbol)
        if isglob:
            #print "GLOBAL SYMBOL:"
            #print symbol._local_symbols
            #return symbol
            #for s in symbol._local_symbols:
            #    s = s.canonical_symbol()
            append = True
            for j, s in enumerate(symbol._local_symbols):
                if s._prime == 2:
                    sc = deepcopy(symbol)
                    sc._local_symbols[j] = sc._local_symbols[
                    if csymbols.count(sc) > 0:
                        append = False
            if append:
    return global_symbols
def is_global(M, r, s, return_symbol=False):
    Test if the FiniteQuadraticModule M can be represented by a Z-lattice
    of signature ``(r,s)``.


        -``M`` -- FiniteQuadraticModule
        - ``r`` -- positive integer
        - ``s`` -- positive integer
        - boolean

    J = M.jordan_decomposition()
    symbols = {}
    n = r + s
    sig = r - s
    for A in J:
        p = A[1][0]
        if not symbols.has_key(p):
            symbols[p] = list()
        sym = list(A[1][1:len(A[1])])
        if p == 2:
            if len(A[1]) == 4:
                if sym[3].kronecker(2) == sym[2]:
                    det = sym[3] % 8
                    if sym[2] == -1:
                        det = 3
                        det = 1
                sym = [sym[0], sym[1], det, 1, sym[3] % 8]
                #print sym
                #if sym[1]==1:
                #    if  sym[2].kronecker(2)==sym[4].kronecker(2):
                #        sym[2]=sym[4]
                #    else:
                #        return False
        #print p, sym
    D = M.order() * (-1)**s
    print D
    for p in symbols.keys():
        prank = sum([sym[1] for sym in symbols[p]])
        v = sum([sym[0] * sym[1] for sym in symbols[p]])
        Dp = D // (p**v)
        print Dp
        if prank != n:
            eps = (Dp).kronecker(p) * Integer(
                prod([sym[2] for sym in symbols[p]]))
            print eps
            if p == 2:
                if eps == -1:
                    eps = 3
                symbols[p].append([0, n - prank, eps, 0, 0])
                #if eps==-1:
                #    for x in Zmod(p):
                #        if not x.is_square():
                #            eps=x
                #            break
                symbols[p].append([0, n - prank, eps])
    symbol = GenusSymbol_global_ring(MatrixSpace(ZZ, r + s, r + s).one())
    symbol._local_symbols = [
        Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(p, syms) for p, syms in symbols.iteritems()
    symbol._signature = (r, s)
    #print r,s, symbol._local_symbols
    isglob = is_GlobalGenus(symbol)
    if return_symbol:
        return symbol, isglob
        return isglob
def search_global_symbols(n, D):
    rank = 2 + n
    sign = 2 - n
    csymbols = list()  # a list of canonical symbols to avoid duplicates
    symbols = list()
    #print D
    D = (-1)**n * D
    fac = Integer(D).factor()
    symbols = list()
    for p, v in fac:
        psymbols = list()
        parts = partitions(v)
        Dp = D // (p**v)
        for vs in parts:
            #print "partition:", vs
            l = list()  # list of p-symbols corresponding to the partition vs
            if len(vs) <= rank:
                exponents = Set(list(vs))
                # now we set up a list ll for each vv in the partition vs
                # that contains an entry for each possibility
                # and then update l with ll (see below)
                if p == 2:
                    for vv in exponents:
                        mult = vs.count(vv)
                        ll = list()
                        for t in [0, 1]:  # even(0) or odd(1) type
                            for det in [1, 3, 5,
                                        7]:  # the possible determinants
                                if mult % 2 == 0 and t == 0:
                                    ll.append([vv, mult, det, 0, 0])
                                if mult == 1:
                                    odds = [det]
                                elif mult == 2:
                                    if det in [1, 7]:
                                        odds = [0, 2, 6]
                                        odds = [2, 4, 6]
                                    odds = [
                                        o for o in range(8)
                                        if o % 2 == mult % 2
                                for oddity in odds:
                                    if t == 1:
                                        ll.append([vv, mult, det, 1, oddity])
                                    #if mult % 2 == 0 and mult>2:
                                    #    for x in range(1,Integer(mult)/Integer(2)):
                                    #        if mult-2*x==2 and det in [1,7] and oddity not in [0,2,6]:
                                    #            continue
                                    #        elif mult-2*x==2 and det in [3,5] and oddity not in [2,4,6]:
                                    #            continue
                                    #        ll.append([[vv,2*x,det,0,0],[vv,mult-2*x,det,1,oddity]])
                        #print "ll:\n",ll
                        if len(l) == 0:
                            for t in ll:
                                if type(t[0]) == list:
                                    l.append({p: t})
                                    l.append({p: [t]})
                            newl = list()
                            for t in ll:
                                for sym in l:
                                    newsym = deepcopy(sym)
                                    #print newsym
                                    if type(t[0]) == list:
                                        newsym[p] = newsym[p] + t
                                    #print newsym
                                    #print l
                            l = newl
                        #print "l:\n",l
                    for vv in exponents:
                        ll = [[vv, vs.count(vv), 1], [vv, vs.count(vv), -1]]
                        if len(l) == 0:
                            for t in ll:
                                l.append({p: [t]})
                            newl = list()
                            for t in ll:
                                for sym in l:
                            l = newl
                #print "l=\n",l
                #print "psymbols=\n",psymbols
                #print psymbols+l
                psymbols = psymbols + l
        if len(symbols) == 0:
            symbols = psymbols
            symbols_new = list()
            for sym in symbols:
                for psym in psymbols:
                    newsym = deepcopy(sym)
            symbols = symbols_new
    global_symbols = []
    for sym in symbols:
        #print sym
        for p in sym.keys():
            prank = sum([s[1] for s in sym[p]])
            v = sum([s[0] * s[1] for s in sym[p]])
            Dp = D // (p**v)
            if prank != rank:
                eps = (Dp * Integer(prod([s[2] for s in sym[p]]))).kronecker(p)
                if p == 2:
                    if eps == -1:
                        eps = 3
                    sym[p].insert(0, [0, rank - prank, eps, 0, 0])
                    if eps == -1:
                        for x in Zmod(p):
                            if not x.is_square():
                                eps = x
                    sym[p].insert(0, [0, rank - prank, eps])
        symbol = GenusSymbol_global_ring(MatrixSpace(ZZ, rank, rank).one())
        symbol._local_symbols = [
            Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(p, syms) for p, syms in sym.items()
        symbol._signature = (2, n)
        #print symbol._local_symbols
        isglob = is_GlobalGenus(symbol)
        if isglob:
            #print "GLOBAL SYMBOL:"
            #print symbol._local_symbols
            #return symbol
            #for s in symbol._local_symbols:
            #    s = s.canonical_symbol()
            append = True
            for j, s in enumerate(symbol._local_symbols):
                if s._prime == 2:
                    sc = deepcopy(symbol)
                    sc._local_symbols[j] = sc._local_symbols[
                    if csymbols.count(sc) > 0:
                        append = False
            if append:
    return global_symbols
    def genus(self, signature_pair):
        Return the genus defined by ``self`` and the ``signature_pair``.

        If no such genus exists, raise a ``ValueError``.


        [Nik1977]_ Corollary 1.9.4 and 1.16.3.


            sage: L = IntegralLattice("D4").direct_sum(IntegralLattice("A2"))
            sage: D = L.discriminant_group()
            sage: genus = D.genus(L.signature_pair())
            sage: genus
            Genus of
            Signature:  (6, 0)
            Genus symbol at 2:    1^4:2^-2
            Genus symbol at 3:     1^-5 3^-1
            sage: genus == L.genus()

        Let `H` be an even unimodular lattice of signature `(9, 1)`.
        Then `L = D_4 + A_2` is primitively embedded in `H`. We compute the discriminant
        form of the orthogonal complement of `L` in `H`::

            sage: DK = D.twist(-1)
            sage: DK
            Finite quadratic module over Integer Ring with invariants (2, 6)
            Gram matrix of the quadratic form with values in Q/2Z:
            [  1 1/2]
            [1/2 1/3]

        We know that  `K` has signature `(5, 1)` and thus we can compute
        the genus of `K` as::

            sage: DK.genus((3,1))
            Genus of
            Signature:  (3, 1)
            Genus symbol at 2:    1^2:2^-2
            Genus symbol at 3:     1^-3 3^1

        We can also compute the genus of an odd lattice
        from its discriminant form::

            sage: L = IntegralLattice(matrix.diagonal(range(1,5)))
            sage: D = L.discriminant_group()
            sage: D.genus((4,0))
            Genus of
            Signature:  (4, 0)
            Genus symbol at 2:    [1^-2 2^1 4^1]_6
            Genus symbol at 3:     1^-3 3^1


            sage: L.genus() == D.genus((4,0))
            sage: D.genus((1,0))
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: this discriminant form and signature do not define a genus

        A systematic test of lattices of small ranks and determinants::

            sage: from sage.quadratic_forms.genera.genus import genera
            sage: signatures = [(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(3,0),(0,4)]
            sage: dets = range(1,33)
            sage: genera = flatten([genera(s, d, even=False) for d in dets for s in signatures])    # long time
            sage: all(g == g.discriminant_form().genus(g.signature_pair()) for g in genera)  # long time
        from sage.quadratic_forms.genera.genus import (Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring,
        from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
        s_plus = signature_pair[0]
        s_minus = signature_pair[1]
        rank = s_plus + s_minus
        if len(self.invariants()) > rank:
            raise ValueError("this discriminant form and " +
                             "signature do not define a genus")
        disc = self.cardinality()
        determinant = (-1)**s_minus * disc
        local_symbols = []
        for p in (2 * disc).prime_divisors():
            D = self.primary_part(p)
            if len(D.invariants()) != 0:
                G_p = D.gram_matrix_quadratic().inverse()
                # get rid of denominators without changing the local equivalence class
                G_p *= G_p.denominator()**2
                G_p = G_p.change_ring(ZZ)
                local_symbol = p_adic_symbol(G_p, p, D.invariants()[-1].valuation(p))
                local_symbol = []

            rk = rank - len(D.invariants())
            if rk > 0:
                if p == 2:
                    det = determinant.prime_to_m_part(2)
                    det *= prod([di[2] for di in local_symbol])
                    det = det % 8
                    local_symbol.append([ZZ(0), rk, det, ZZ(0), ZZ(0)])
                    det = legendre_symbol(determinant.prime_to_m_part(p), p)
                    det = (det * prod([di[2] for di in local_symbol]))
                    local_symbol.append([ZZ(0), rk, det])
            local_symbol = Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(p, local_symbol)

        # This genus has the right discriminant group
        # but it may be empty
        genus = GenusSymbol_global_ring(signature_pair, local_symbols)
        sym2 = local_symbols[0].symbol_tuple_list()

        if sym2[0][0] != 0:
            sym2 = [[ZZ(0), ZZ(0), ZZ(1), ZZ(0), ZZ(0)]] + sym2
        if len(sym2) <= 1 or sym2[1][0] != 1:
            sym2 = sym2[:1] + [[ZZ(1), ZZ(0), ZZ(1), ZZ(0), ZZ(0)]] + sym2[1:]
        if len(sym2) <= 2 or sym2[2][0] != 2:
            sym2 = sym2[:2] + [[ZZ(2), ZZ(0), ZZ(1), ZZ(0), ZZ(0)]] + sym2[2:]

        if self.value_module_qf().n == 1:
            # in this case the blocks of scales 1, 2, 4 are under determined
            # make sure the first 3 symbols are of scales 1, 2, 4
            # i.e. their valuations are 0, 1, 2

            # the form is odd
            block0 = [b for b in _blocks(sym2[0]) if b[3] == 1]

            o = sym2[1][3]
            # no restrictions on determinant and
            # oddity beyond existence
            # but we know if even or odd
            block1 = [b for b in _blocks(sym2[1]) if b[3] == o]

            d = sym2[2][2]
            o = sym2[2][3]
            t = sym2[2][4]
            # if the jordan block of scale 2 is even we know it
            if o == 0:
                block2 = [sym2[2]]
            # if it is odd we know det and oddity mod 4 at least
                block2 = [b for b in _blocks(sym2[2]) if b[3] == o
                          and (b[2] - d) % 4 == 0
                          and (b[4] - t) % 4 == 0
                          and (b[2] - d) % 8 == (b[4] - t) % 8  # if the oddity is altered by 4 then so is the determinant
        elif self.value_module_qf().n == 2:
            # the form is even
            block0 = [b for b in _blocks(sym2[0]) if b[3] == 0]

            # if the jordan block of scale 2 is even we know it
            d = sym2[1][2]
            o = sym2[1][3]
            t = sym2[1][4]
            if o == 0:
                block1 = [sym2[1]]
                # the block is odd and we know det and oddity mod 4
                block1 = [b for b in _blocks(sym2[1])
                          if b[3] == o
                          and (b[2] - d) % 4 == 0
                          and (b[4] - t) % 4 == 0
                          and (b[2] - d) % 8 == (b[4] - t) % 8 # if the oddity is altered by 4 then so is the determinant
            # this is completely determined
            block2 = [sym2[2]]
            raise ValueError("this is not a discriminant form")

        # figure out which symbol defines a genus and return that
        for b0 in block0:
            for b1 in block1:
                for b2 in block2:
                    sym2[:3] = [b0, b1, b2]
                    local_symbols[0] = Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(2, sym2)
                    genus = GenusSymbol_global_ring(signature_pair, local_symbols)
                    if is_GlobalGenus(genus):
                        # make the symbol sparse again.
                        i = 0
                        k = 0
                        while i < 3:
                            if sym2[k][1] == 0:
                                k = k + 1
                            i = i + 1
                        local_symbols[0] = Genus_Symbol_p_adic_ring(2, sym2)
                        genus = GenusSymbol_global_ring(signature_pair, local_symbols)
                        return genus
        raise ValueError("this discriminant form and signature do not define a genus")