    def apply_TT(self, j):
        Apply the matrix `TT=[-1,-1,0,1]` to the `j`-th Manin symbol.


        - ``j`` - (int) a symbol index

        OUTPUT: see documentation for apply()


            sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
            sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
            sage: m.apply_TT(4)
            [(38, 1)]
            sage: [m.apply_TT(i) for i in range(10)]
            [[(37, 1)],
            [(41, 1)],
            [(39, 1)],
            [(40, 1)],
            [(38, 1)],
            [(36, 1)],
            [(31, -1), (37, 1)],
            [(35, -1), (41, 1)],
            [(33, -1), (39, 1)],
            [(34, -1), (40, 1)]]
        k = self._weight
        i, u, v = self._symbol_list[j]
        u, v = self.__syms.normalize(-u - v, u)
        if (k - 2 - i) % 2 == 0:
            s = 1
            s = -1
        z = []
        a = Integer(i)
        for j in range(i + 1):
            m = self.index((k - 2 - i + j, u, v))
            z.append((m, s * a.binomial(j)))
            s *= -1
        return z
    def apply_T(self, j):
        Apply the matrix `T=[0,1,-1,-1]` to the `j`-th Manin symbol.


        - ``j`` - (int) a symbol index

        OUTPUT: see documentation for apply()


            sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
            sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
            sage: m.apply_T(4)
            [(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)]
            sage: [m.apply_T(i) for i in range(10)]
            [[(5, 1), (11, -6), (17, 15), (23, -20), (29, 15), (35, -6), (41, 1)],
            [(0, 1), (6, -6), (12, 15), (18, -20), (24, 15), (30, -6), (36, 1)],
            [(4, 1), (10, -6), (16, 15), (22, -20), (28, 15), (34, -6), (40, 1)],
            [(2, 1), (8, -6), (14, 15), (20, -20), (26, 15), (32, -6), (38, 1)],
            [(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)],
            [(1, 1), (7, -6), (13, 15), (19, -20), (25, 15), (31, -6), (37, 1)],
            [(5, 1), (11, -5), (17, 10), (23, -10), (29, 5), (35, -1)],
            [(0, 1), (6, -5), (12, 10), (18, -10), (24, 5), (30, -1)],
            [(4, 1), (10, -5), (16, 10), (22, -10), (28, 5), (34, -1)],
            [(2, 1), (8, -5), (14, 10), (20, -10), (26, 5), (32, -1)]]
        k = self._weight
        i, u, v = self._symbol_list[j]
        u, v = self.__syms.normalize(v, -u - v)
        if (k - 2) % 2 == 0:
            s = 1
            s = -1
        z = []
        a = Integer(k - 2 - i)
        for j in range(k - 2 - i + 1):
            m = self.index((j, u, v))
            z.append((m, s * a.binomial(j)))
            s *= -1
        return z
    def apply_TT(self, j):
        Apply the matrix `TT=[-1,-1,0,1]` to the `j`-th Manin symbol.


        - ``j`` - (int) a symbol index

        OUTPUT: see documentation for apply()


            sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
            sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
            sage: m.apply_TT(4)
            [(38, 1)]
            sage: [m.apply_TT(i) for i in xrange(10)]
            [[(37, 1)],
            [(41, 1)],
            [(39, 1)],
            [(40, 1)],
            [(38, 1)],
            [(36, 1)],
            [(31, -1), (37, 1)],
            [(35, -1), (41, 1)],
            [(33, -1), (39, 1)],
            [(34, -1), (40, 1)]]
        k = self._weight
        i, u, v = self._symbol_list[j]
        u, v = self.__syms.normalize(-u-v,u)
        if (k-2-i) % 2 == 0:
            s = 1
            s = -1
        z = []
        a = Integer(i)
        for j in range(i+1):
            m = self.index((k-2-i+j, u, v))
            z.append((m, s * a.binomial(j)))
            s *= -1
        return z
    def apply_T(self, j):
        Apply the matrix `T=[0,1,-1,-1]` to the `j`-th Manin symbol.


        - ``j`` - (int) a symbol index

        OUTPUT: see documentation for apply()


            sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_gamma0
            sage: m = ManinSymbolList_gamma0(5,8)
            sage: m.apply_T(4)
            [(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)]
            sage: [m.apply_T(i) for i in xrange(10)]
            [[(5, 1), (11, -6), (17, 15), (23, -20), (29, 15), (35, -6), (41, 1)],
            [(0, 1), (6, -6), (12, 15), (18, -20), (24, 15), (30, -6), (36, 1)],
            [(4, 1), (10, -6), (16, 15), (22, -20), (28, 15), (34, -6), (40, 1)],
            [(2, 1), (8, -6), (14, 15), (20, -20), (26, 15), (32, -6), (38, 1)],
            [(3, 1), (9, -6), (15, 15), (21, -20), (27, 15), (33, -6), (39, 1)],
            [(1, 1), (7, -6), (13, 15), (19, -20), (25, 15), (31, -6), (37, 1)],
            [(5, 1), (11, -5), (17, 10), (23, -10), (29, 5), (35, -1)],
            [(0, 1), (6, -5), (12, 10), (18, -10), (24, 5), (30, -1)],
            [(4, 1), (10, -5), (16, 10), (22, -10), (28, 5), (34, -1)],
            [(2, 1), (8, -5), (14, 10), (20, -10), (26, 5), (32, -1)]]
        k = self._weight
        i, u, v = self._symbol_list[j]
        u, v = self.__syms.normalize(v,-u-v)
        if (k-2) % 2 == 0:
            s = 1
            s = -1
        z = []
        a = Integer(k-2-i)
        for j in range(k-2-i+1):
            m = self.index((j, u, v))
            z.append((m, s * a.binomial(j)))
            s *= -1
        return z
    def apply_TT(self, j):
        Apply the matrix `TT=[-1,-1,0,1]` to the `j`-th Manin symbol.


        - ``j`` - (integer) a symbol index


        A list of pairs `(j, c_i)`, where each `c_i` is an
        integer, `j` is an integer (the `j`-th Manin symbol), and the
        sum `c_i*x_i` is the image of self under the right action
        of the matrix `T^2`.


            sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
            sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
            sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
            Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
            sage: m.apply_TT(4)
            [(0, 1)]
            sage: [m.apply_TT(i) for i in range(len(m))]
            [[(1, -1)], [(4, -1)], [(5, 1)], [(2, 1)], [(0, 1)], [(3, 1)]]
        k = self._weight
        i, u, v = self._symbol_list[j]
        u, v, r = self.__P1.normalize_with_scalar(-u - v, u)
        r = self.__character(r)
        if (k - 2 - i) % 2 == 0:
            s = r
            s = -r
        z = []
        a = Integer(i)
        for j in range(i + 1):
            m, r = self.index((k - 2 - i + j, u, v))
            z.append((m, s * r * a.binomial(j)))
            s *= -1
        return z
    def apply_TT(self, j):
        Apply the matrix `TT=[-1,-1,0,1]` to the `j`-th Manin symbol.


        - ``j`` - (integer) a symbol index


        A list of pairs `(j, c_i)`, where each `c_i` is an
        integer, `j` is an integer (the `j`-th Manin symbol), and the
        sum `c_i*x_i` is the image of self under the right action
        of the matrix `T^2`.


            sage: eps = DirichletGroup(4).gen(0)
            sage: from sage.modular.modsym.manin_symbol_list import ManinSymbolList_character
            sage: m = ManinSymbolList_character(eps,2); m
            Manin Symbol List of weight 2 for Gamma1(4) with character [-1]
            sage: m.apply_TT(4)
            [(0, 1)]
            sage: [m.apply_TT(i) for i in xrange(len(m))]
            [[(1, -1)], [(4, -1)], [(5, 1)], [(2, 1)], [(0, 1)], [(3, 1)]]
        k = self._weight
        i, u, v = self._symbol_list[j]
        u, v, r = self.__P1.normalize_with_scalar(-u-v,u)
        r = self.__character(r)
        if (k-2-i) % 2 == 0:
            s = r
            s = -r
        z = []
        a = Integer(i)
        for j in range(i+1):
            m, r = self.index((k-2-i+j, u, v))
            z.append((m, s * r * a.binomial(j)))
            s *= -1
        return z