    def weil_representation(self) :
        - A pair of matrices corresponding to T and S.
        disc_bilinear = lambda a, b: (self._dual_basis * vector(QQ, a.lift())) * self._L * (self._dual_basis * vector(QQ, b.lift()))
        disc_quadratic = lambda a: disc_bilinear(a, a) / ZZ(2)
        zeta_order = ZZ(lcm([8, 12, prod(self.invariants())] + map(lambda ed: 2 * ed, self.invariants())))
        K = CyclotomicField(zeta_order); zeta = K.gen()

        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x'); x = R.gen()
#        sqrt2s = (x**2 - 2).factor()
#        if sqrt2s[0][0][0].complex_embedding().real() > 0 :        
#            sqrt2  = sqrt2s[0][0][0]
#        else : 
#            sqrt2  = sqrt2s[0][1]
        Ldet_rts = (x**2 - prod(self.invariants())).factor()
        if Ldet_rts[0][0][0].complex_embedding().real() > 0 :
            Ldet_rt  = Ldet_rts[0][0][0] 
        else :
            Ldet_rt  = Ldet_rts[0][0][0]
        Tmat  = diagonal_matrix( K, [zeta**(zeta_order*disc_quadratic(a)) for a in self] )
        Smat = zeta**(zeta_order / 8 * self._L.nrows()) / Ldet_rt  \
               * matrix( K,  [ [ zeta**ZZ(-zeta_order * disc_bilinear(gamma,delta))
                                 for delta in self ]
                               for gamma in self ])
        return (Tmat, Smat)
 def _denominator():
     R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, "T")
     T = R.gen()
     denom = R(1)
     lc = self._f.list()[-1]
     if lc == 1:  # MONIC
         for i in range(2, self._delta + 1):
             if self._delta % i == 0:
                 phi = euler_phi(i)
                 G = IntegerModRing(i)
                 ki = G(self._q).multiplicative_order()
                 denom = denom * (T**ki - 1)**(phi // ki)
         return denom
     else:  # Non-monic
         x = PolynomialRing(self._Fq, "x").gen()
         f = x**self._delta - lc
         L = f.splitting_field("a")
         roots = [r for r, _ in f.change_ring(L).roots()]
         roots_dict = dict([(r, i) for i, r in enumerate(roots)])
         rootsfrob = [
             for r in roots
         m = zero_matrix(len(roots))
         for i, r in enumerate(roots):
             m[i, roots_dict[rootsfrob[i]]] = 1
     return R(R(m.characteristic_polynomial()) // (T - 1))
def compute_tau0(v0,gamma,wD,return_exact = False):

     - v0: F -> its localization at p
     - gamma: the image of wD (the generator for an order of F) under an optimal embedding


     The element tau_0 such that gamma * [tau_0,1] = wD * [tau_0,1]

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ,names = 'X')
    X = R.gen()
    F = v0.domain()
    Cp = v0.codomain()
    assert wD.minpoly() == gamma.minpoly()
    a,b,c,d = gamma.list()
    tau0_vec = (c*X**2+(d-a)*X-b).roots(F)
    tau0 = v0(tau0_vec[0][0])
    idx = 0
    if c * tau0 + d != v0(wD):
        tau0 = v0(tau0_vec[1][0])
        idx = 1
    return tau0_vec[idx][0] if return_exact == True else tau0
def compute_tau0(v0,gamma,wD,return_exact = False):

     - v0: F -> its localization at p
     - gamma: the image of wD (the generator for an order of F) under an optimal embedding


     The element tau_0 such that gamma * [tau_0,1] = wD * [tau_0,1]

    R = PolynomialRing(QQ,names = 'X')
    X = R.gen()
    F = v0.domain()
    Cp = v0.codomain()
    assert wD.minpoly() == gamma.minpoly()
    a,b,c,d = gamma.list()
    tau0_vec = (c*X**2+(d-a)*X-b).roots(F)
    tau0 = v0(tau0_vec[0][0])
    idx = 0
    if c * tau0 + d != v0(wD):
        tau0 = v0(tau0_vec[1][0])
        idx = 1
    return tau0_vec[idx][0] if return_exact == True else tau0
    def generator_relations(self, K):
        An ideal `I` in a polynomial ring `R` over `K`, such that the
        associated ring is `R / I` surjects onto the ring of modular forms
        with coefficients in `K`.
            - `K` -- A ring.
            An ideal in a polynomial ring.
            sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.modularforms.modularform_testtype import *
            sage: t = ModularFormTestType_scalar()
            sage: t.generator_relations(QQ)
            Ideal (g1^2 - g2, g1^3 - g3, g1^4 - g4, g1^5 - g5) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 over Rational Field
        if K.has_coerce_map_from(ZZ):
            R = PolynomialRing(K, self._generator_names(K))
            g1 = R.gen(0)
            return R.ideal([
                g1**i - g
                for (i, g) in list(enumerate([None] + list(R.gens())))[2:]

        raise NotImplementedError
def get_basic_integral(G, cocycle, gamma, center, j, prec=None):
    p = G.p
    HOC = cocycle.parent()
    V = HOC.coefficient_module()

    if prec is None:
        prec = V.precision_cap()
    Cp = Qp(p, prec)
    verbose('precision = %s' % prec)
    R = PolynomialRing(Cp, names='t')
    PS = PowerSeriesRing(Cp, names='z')
    t = R.gen()
    z = PS.gen()

    if prec is None:
        prec = V.precision_cap()
        coeff_depth = V.precision_cap()
    except AttributeError:
        coeff_depth = V.coefficient_module().precision_cap()
    resadd = ZZ(0)
    edgelist = G.get_covering(1)[1:]
    for rev, h in edgelist:
        a, b, c, d = [Cp(o) for o in G.embed(h, prec).list()]
            c0val = 0
            pol = PS(d * z + b) / PS(c * z + a)
            pol -= Cp.teichmuller(center)
            pol = pol**j
            pol = pol.polynomial()
            newgamma = G.Gpn(
                G.reduce_in_amalgam(h * gamma.quaternion_rep,
            if rev:  # DEBUG
                newgamma = newgamma.conjugate_by(G.wp())
                print 'reversing'
            if G.use_shapiro():
                mu_e = cocycle.evaluate_and_identity(newgamma)
                mu_e = cocycle.evaluate(newgamma)
            if newgamma.quaternion_rep != 1:
                print 'newgamma = ', newgamma
        except AttributeError:
        if HOC._use_ps_dists:
            tmp = sum(a * mu_e.moment(i)
                      for a, i in izip(pol.coefficients(), pol.exponents())
                      if i < len(mu_e._moments))
            tmp = mu_e.evaluate_at_poly(pol, Cp, coeff_depth)
        resadd += tmp
            if G.use_shapiro():
                tmp = cocycle.get_liftee().evaluate_and_identity(newgamma)
                tmp = cocycle.get_liftee().evaluate(newgamma)
        except IndexError:
    return resadd
文件: lfsr.py 项目: ye-man/sage
def lfsr_connection_polynomial(s):

    - ``s`` -- a sequence of elements of a finite field of even length


    - ``C(x)`` -- the connection polynomial of the minimal LFSR.

    This implements the algorithm in section 3 of J. L. Massey's article


        sage: F = GF(2)
        sage: F
        Finite Field of size 2
        sage: o = F(0); l = F(1)
        sage: key = [l,o,o,l]; fill = [l,l,o,l]; n = 20
        sage: s = lfsr_sequence(key,fill,n); s
        [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]
        sage: lfsr_connection_polynomial(s)
        x^4 + x + 1
        sage: from sage.matrix.berlekamp_massey import berlekamp_massey
        sage: berlekamp_massey(s)
        x^4 + x^3 + 1

    Notice that ``berlekamp_massey`` returns the reverse of the connection
    polynomial (and is potentially must faster than this implementation).
    # Initialization:
    FF = s[0].base_ring()
    R = PolynomialRing(FF, "x")
    x = R.gen()
    C = R(1); B = R(1); m = 1; b = FF(1); L = 0; N = 0

    while N < len(s):
        if L > 0:
            r = min(L+1,C.degree()+1)
            d = s[N] + sum([(C.list())[i]*s[N-i] for i in range(1,r)])
        if L == 0:
            d = s[N]
        if d == 0:
            m += 1
            N += 1
        if d > 0:
            if 2*L > N:
                C = C - d*b**(-1)*x**m*B
                m += 1
                N += 1
                T = C
                C = C - d*b**(-1)*x**m*B
                L = N + 1 - L
                m = 1
                b = d
                B = T
                N += 1
    return C
    def local_coordinates_at_infinity(self, prec=20, name='t'):
        For the genus `g` hyperelliptic curve `y^2 = f(x)`, return
        `(x(t), y(t))` such that `(y(t))^2 = f(x(t))`, where `t = x^g/y` is
        the local parameter at infinity


        - ``prec`` -- desired precision of the local coordinates
        - ``name`` -- generator of the power series ring (default: ``t``)


        `(x(t),y(t))` such that `y(t)^2 = f(x(t))` and `t = x^g/y`
        is the local parameter at infinity


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-5*x^2+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + 5*t^4 - t^8 - 50*t^10 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-5 + 10*t - 2*t^5 - 75*t^7 + 50*t^11 + O(t^12)


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3-x+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + t^2 - t^4 - t^6 + 3*t^8 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-3 + t - t^3 - t^5 + 3*t^7 - 10*t^11 + O(t^12)

        Note: if even degree model, just returns local coordinate above one point

            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        g = self.genus()
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        K = LaurentSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = K.gen()
        K.set_default_prec(prec + 2)
        L = PolynomialRing(K, 'x')
        x = L.gen()
        i = 0
        w = (x**g / t)**2 - pol
        wprime = w.derivative(x)
        if pol.degree() == 2 * g + 1:
            x = t**-2
            x = t**-1
        for i in range((RR(log(prec + 2) / log(2))).ceil()):
            x = x - w(x) / wprime(x)
        y = x**g / t
        return x + O(t**(prec + 2)), y + O(t**(prec + 2))
文件: special.py 项目: merbst/psage
def eisenstein_basis(N, k, verbose=False):
    Find spanning list of 'easy' generators for the subspace of
    `M_k(\Gamma_0(N))` generated by level 1 Eisenstein series and
    their images of even integer weights up to `k`.

        - N -- positive integer
        - k -- positive integer
        - ``verbose`` -- bool (default: False)

        - list of monomials in images of level 1 Eisenstein series
        - prec of q-expansions needed to determine element of


        sage: from psage.modform.rational.special import eisenstein_basis
        sage: eisenstein_basis(5,4)
        ([E4(q^5)^1, E4(q^1)^1, E2^*(q^5)^2], 3)
        sage: eisenstein_basis(11,2,verbose=True)  # warning below because of verbose
        Warning -- not enough series.
        ([E2^*(q^11)^1], 2)
        sage: eisenstein_basis(11,2,verbose=False)
        ([E2^*(q^11)^1], 2)
    assert N > 1
    if k % 2 != 0:
        return []
    # Make list E of Eisenstein series, to enough precision to
    # determine them, until we span space.
    M = ModularForms(N, k)
    prec = M.echelon_basis()[-1].valuation() + 1
    gens = eisenstein_gens(N, k, prec)
    R = PolynomialRing(ZZ, len(gens), ['E%sq%s'%(g[1],g[0]) for g in gens])
    z = [(R.gen(i), g[1]) for i, g in enumerate(gens)]
    m = monomials(z, k)
    A = QQ**prec
    V = A.zero_subspace()
    E = []
    for i, z in enumerate(m):
        d = z.degrees()
        f = prod(g[2]**d[i] for i, g in enumerate(gens) if d[i])
        v = A(f.padded_list(prec))
        if v not in V:
            V = V + A.span([v])
            w = [(gens[i][0],gens[i][1],d[i]) for i in range(len(d)) if d[i]]
            if V.dimension() == M.dimension():
                 return E, prec

    if verbose: print "Warning -- not enough series."
    return E, prec
def integrate_H1(G,
    if prec is None:
        prec = cocycle.parent().coefficient_module().base_ring().precision_cap(
    verbose('precision = %s' % prec)
    Cp = cycle.parent().coefficient_module().base_field()
    R = PolynomialRing(Cp, names='t')
    t = R.gen()
    if method == 'moments':
        integrate_H0 = integrate_H0_moments
        assert method == 'riemann'
        integrate_H0 = integrate_H0_riemann
    jj = 0
    total_integrals = cycle.size_of_support()
    verbose('Will do %s integrals' % total_integrals)
    input_vec = []
    resmul = Cp(1)
    resadd = Cp(0)
    resval = ZZ(0)
    for g, divisor in cycle.get_data():
        jj += 1
        if divisor.degree() != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'Divisor must be of degree 0. Now it is of degree %s. And g = %s.'
                % (divisor.degree(), g.quaternion_rep))
        if twist:
            divisor = divisor.left_act_by_matrix(
                G.embed(G.wp(), prec).change_ring(Cp))
            g = g.conjugate_by(G.wp()**-1)
        newresadd, newresmul, newresval = integrate_H0(G, divisor, cocycle,
                                                       depth, g, prec, jj,
        resadd += newresadd
        resmul *= newresmul
        resval += newresval
    if not multiplicative:
        if return_valuation:
            return resadd, resval, Cp.teichmuller(resmul)
            return resadd
        return Cp.prime()**resval * Cp.teichmuller(resmul) * resadd.exp()
    def local_coordinates_at_infinity(self, prec = 20, name = 't'):
        For the genus `g` hyperelliptic curve `y^2 = f(x)`, return
        `(x(t), y(t))` such that `(y(t))^2 = f(x(t))`, where `t = x^g/y` is
        the local parameter at infinity


        - ``prec`` -- desired precision of the local coordinates
        - ``name`` -- generator of the power series ring (default: ``t``)


        `(x(t),y(t))` such that `y(t)^2 = f(x(t))` and `t = x^g/y`
        is the local parameter at infinity


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-5*x^2+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + 5*t^4 - t^8 - 50*t^10 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-5 + 10*t - 2*t^5 - 75*t^7 + 50*t^11 + O(t^12)


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3-x+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + t^2 - t^4 - t^6 + 3*t^8 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-3 + t - t^3 - t^5 + 3*t^7 - 10*t^11 + O(t^12)

            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        g = self.genus()
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        K = LaurentSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name, default_prec=prec+2)
        t = K.gen()
        L = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(),'x')
        x = L.gen()
        i = 0
        w = (x**g/t)**2-pol
        wprime = w.derivative(x)
        x = t**-2
        for i in range((RR(log(prec+2)/log(2))).ceil()):
            x = x-w(x)/wprime(x)
        y = x**g/t
        return x+O(t**(prec+2)) , y+O(t**(prec+2))
    def local_coordinates_at_infinity(self, prec=20, name="t"):
        For the genus g hyperelliptic curve y^2 = f(x), returns (x(t), y(t)) such that
        (y(t))^2 = f(x(t)), where t = x^g/y is the local parameter at infinity

            - prec: desired precision of the local coordinates
            - name: gen of the power series ring (default: 't')

        (x(t),y(t)) such that y(t)^2 = f(x(t)) and t = x^g/y
        is the local parameter at infinity

            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-5*x^2+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + 5*t^4 - t^8 - 50*t^10 + O(t^12)
            sage: y 
            t^-5 + 10*t - 2*t^5 - 75*t^7 + 50*t^11 + O(t^12)

            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3-x+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + t^2 - t^4 - t^6 + 3*t^8 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-3 + t - t^3 - t^5 + 3*t^7 - 10*t^11 + O(t^12)

            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        g = self.genus()
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        K = LaurentSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = K.gen()
        K.set_default_prec(prec + 2)
        L = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), "x")
        x = L.gen()
        i = 0
        w = (x ** g / t) ** 2 - pol
        wprime = w.derivative(x)
        x = t ** -2
        for i in range((RR(log(prec + 2) / log(2))).ceil()):
            x = x - w(x) / wprime(x)
        y = x ** g / t
        return x + O(t ** (prec + 2)), y + O(t ** (prec + 2))
    def local_coordinates_at_infinity(self, prec=20, name='t'):
        For the genus g hyperelliptic curve y^2 = f(x), returns (x(t), y(t)) such that
        (y(t))^2 = f(x(t)), where t = x^g/y is the local parameter at infinity

            - prec: desired precision of the local coordinates
            - name: gen of the power series ring (default: 't')

        (x(t),y(t)) such that y(t)^2 = f(x(t)) and t = x^g/y
        is the local parameter at infinity

            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-5*x^2+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + 5*t^4 - t^8 - 50*t^10 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-5 + 10*t - 2*t^5 - 75*t^7 + 50*t^11 + O(t^12)

            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^3-x+1)
            sage: x,y = H.local_coordinates_at_infinity(10)
            sage: x
            t^-2 + t^2 - t^4 - t^6 + 3*t^8 + O(t^12)
            sage: y
            t^-3 + t - t^3 - t^5 + 3*t^7 - 10*t^11 + O(t^12)

            - Jennifer Balakrishnan (2007-12)
        g = self.genus()
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        K = LaurentSeriesRing(self.base_ring(), name)
        t = K.gen()
        K.set_default_prec(prec + 2)
        L = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), 'x')
        x = L.gen()
        i = 0
        w = (x**g / t)**2 - pol
        wprime = w.derivative(x)
        x = t**-2
        for i in range((RR(log(prec + 2) / log(2))).ceil()):
            x = x - w(x) / wprime(x)
        y = x**g / t
        return x + O(t**(prec + 2)), y + O(t**(prec + 2))
def standard_form(f, E):
    Q = PolynomialRing(E.base_field(), ['x', 'y'])
    y = Q.gen()
    u, v = Q(f[0].numerator()), Q(f[0].denominator())
    deg = v.degree(y)
    if deg % 2 == 1:
        u *= y
        v *= y
    v = reduce_mod_curve(v, E)
    u = reduce_mod_curve(u, E)
    s, t = Q(f[1].numerator()), Q(f[1].denominator())
    deg = t.degree(y)
    if deg % 2 == 1:
        s *= y
        t *= y
    t = reduce_mod_curve(t, E)
    s = reduce_mod_curve(s, E)
    return normalize_map((u / v, s / t), E)
    def curve_over_ram_extn(self, deg):
        Returns self over $\Q_p(p^(1/deg))$


        - deg: the degree of the ramified extension


        self over $\Q_p(p^(1/deg))$


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)
            sage: K = Qp(11,5)
            sage: HK = H.change_ring(K)
            sage: HL = HK.curve_over_ram_extn(2)
            sage: HL
            Hyperelliptic Curve over Eisenstein Extension of 11-adic Field with capped relative precision 5 in a defined by (1 + O(11^5))*x^2 + (O(11^6))*x + (10*11 + 10*11^2 + 10*11^3 + 10*11^4 + 10*11^5 + O(11^6)) defined by (1 + O(a^10))*y^2 = (1 + O(a^10))*x^5 + (10 + 8*a^2 + 10*a^4 + 10*a^6 + 10*a^8 + O(a^10))*x^3 + (7 + a^2 + O(a^10))*x^2 + (7 + 3*a^2 + O(a^10))*x


        - Jennifer Balakrishnan

        from sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.constructor import HyperellipticCurve

        K = self.base_ring()
        p = K.prime()
        A = PolynomialRing(QQ, "x")
        x = A.gen()
        J = K.extension(x ** deg - p, names="a")
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        H = HyperellipticCurve(A(pol))
        HJ = H.change_ring(J)
        self._curve_over_ram_extn = HJ
        self._curve_over_ram_extn._curve_over_Qp = self
        return HJ
    def curve_over_ram_extn(self, deg):
        Return ``self`` over `\QQ_p(p^(1/deg))`.


        - deg: the degree of the ramified extension


        ``self`` over `\QQ_p(p^(1/deg))`


            sage: R.<x> = QQ['x']
            sage: H = HyperellipticCurve(x^5-23*x^3+18*x^2+40*x)
            sage: K = Qp(11,5)
            sage: HK = H.change_ring(K)
            sage: HL = HK.curve_over_ram_extn(2)
            sage: HL
            Hyperelliptic Curve over Eisenstein Extension in a defined by x^2 - 11 with capped relative precision 10 over 11-adic Field defined by (1 + O(a^10))*y^2 = (1 + O(a^10))*x^5 + (10 + 8*a^2 + 10*a^4 + 10*a^6 + 10*a^8 + O(a^10))*x^3 + (7 + a^2 + O(a^10))*x^2 + (7 + 3*a^2 + O(a^10))*x


        - Jennifer Balakrishnan

        from sage.schemes.hyperelliptic_curves.constructor import HyperellipticCurve
        K = self.base_ring()
        p = K.prime()
        A = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
        x = A.gen()
        J = K.extension(x**deg - p, names='a')
        pol = self.hyperelliptic_polynomials()[0]
        H = HyperellipticCurve(A(pol))
        HJ = H.change_ring(J)
        self._curve_over_ram_extn = HJ
        self._curve_over_ram_extn._curve_over_Qp = self
        return HJ
def is_8_order(E):
    Q = PolynomialRing(E.base_field(), 'x')
    x = Q.gen()
    A = E.a4()
    B = E.a6()
    f = -x**6 - 5 * A * x**4 + 5 * A**2 * x**2 - 20 * B * x**3 + A**3 + 4 * A * B * x + 8 * B**2
    counter = 0
    for r in f.roots():
            P = E.lift_x(r[0])
            counter += 1
            g = -x**4 + 2 * A * x**2 - A**2 + 8 * B * x + 4 * (x**3 + A * x +
                                                               B) * P[0]
            for s in g.roots():
                y1 = (2 * P[1])**(-1) * ((3 * s[0]**2 + A) *
                                         (s[0] - P[0]) - 2 *
                                         (s[0]**3 + A * s[0] + B))
                Q = E(s[0], y1)
                return True
    return counter >= 4
def integrate_H0_riemann(G, divisor, hc, depth, gamma, prec, counter,
                         total_counter, progress_bar, parallelize):
    # verbose('Integral %s/%s...'%(counter,total_counter))
    HOC = hc.parent()
    if prec is None:
        prec = HOC.coefficient_module().precision_cap()
    K = divisor.parent().base_ring()
    R = PolynomialRing(K, names='t').fraction_field()
    t = R.gen()
    phi = lambda t: prod([(t - P)**ZZ(n) for P, n in divisor], K(1))
        hc = hc.get_liftee()
    except AttributeError:
    ans = K(
                    ShapiroImage(G, hc)(gamma.quaternion_rep),
    return ans, ans.log(p_branch=0)
    def weil_representation(self):
        - A pair of matrices corresponding to T and S.
        disc_bilinear = lambda a, b: (self._dual_basis * vector(QQ, a.lift(
        ))) * self._L * (self._dual_basis * vector(QQ, b.lift()))
        disc_quadratic = lambda a: disc_bilinear(a, a) / ZZ(2)

        zeta_order = ZZ(
            lcm([8, 12, prod(self.invariants())] +
                map(lambda ed: 2 * ed, self.invariants())))
        K = CyclotomicField(zeta_order)
        zeta = K.gen()

        R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x')
        x = R.gen()
        #        sqrt2s = (x**2 - 2).factor()
        #        if sqrt2s[0][0][0].complex_embedding().real() > 0 :
        #            sqrt2  = sqrt2s[0][0][0]
        #        else :
        #            sqrt2  = sqrt2s[0][1]
        Ldet_rts = (x**2 - prod(self.invariants())).factor()
        if Ldet_rts[0][0][0].complex_embedding().real() > 0:
            Ldet_rt = Ldet_rts[0][0][0]
            Ldet_rt = Ldet_rts[0][0][0]

        Tmat = diagonal_matrix(
            K, [zeta**(zeta_order * disc_quadratic(a)) for a in self])
        Smat = zeta**(zeta_order / 8 * self._L.nrows()) / Ldet_rt  \
               * matrix( K,  [ [ zeta**ZZ(-zeta_order * disc_bilinear(gamma,delta))
                                 for delta in self ]
                               for gamma in self ])

        return (Tmat, Smat)
 def generator_relations(self, K) :
     An ideal `I` in a polynomial ring `R` over `K`, such that the
     associated ring is `R / I` surjects onto the ring of modular forms
     with coefficients in `K`.
         - `K` -- A ring.
         An ideal in a polynomial ring.
         sage: from psage.modform.fourier_expansion_framework.modularforms.modularform_testtype import *
         sage: t = ModularFormTestType_scalar()
         sage: t.generator_relations(QQ)
         Ideal (g1^2 - g2, g1^3 - g3, g1^4 - g4, g1^5 - g5) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in g1, g2, g3, g4, g5 over Rational Field
     if K.has_coerce_map_from(ZZ) :
         R = PolynomialRing(K, self._generator_names(K))
         g1 = R.gen(0)
         return R.ideal([g1**i - g for (i,g) in list(enumerate([None] + list(R.gens())))[2:]])
     raise NotImplementedError
def _normalize_2x2(G):
    Normalize this indecomposable `2` by `2` block.


    ``G`` - a `2` by `2` matrix over `\ZZ_p`
    with ``type = 'fixed-mod'`` of the form::

        [2a  b]
        [ b 2c] * 2^n

    with `b` of valuation 1.


    A unimodular `2` by `2` matrix ``B`` over `\ZZ_p` with
    ``B * G * B.transpose()``

        [0 1]              [2 1]
        [1 0] * 2^n  or    [1 2] * 2^n


        sage: from sage.quadratic_forms.genera.normal_form import _normalize_2x2
        sage: R = Zp(2, prec = 15, type = 'fixed-mod', print_mode='series', show_prec=False)
        sage: G = Matrix(R, 2, [-17*2,3,3,23*2])
        sage: B =_normalize_2x2(G)
        sage: B * G * B.T
        [2 1]
        [1 2]

        sage: G = Matrix(R,2,[-17*4,3,3,23*2])
        sage: B = _normalize_2x2(G)
        sage: B*G*B.T
        [0 1]
        [1 0]

        sage: G = 2^3 * Matrix(R, 2, [-17*2,3,3,23*2])
        sage: B = _normalize_2x2(G)
        sage: B * G * B.T
        [2^4 2^3]
        [2^3 2^4]
    from sage.rings.all import PolynomialRing
    from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
    B = copy(G.parent().identity_matrix())
    R = G.base_ring()
    P = PolynomialRing(R, 'x')
    x = P.gen()

    # The input must be an even block
    odd1 = (G[0, 0].valuation() < G[1, 0].valuation())
    odd2 = (G[1, 1].valuation() < G[1, 0].valuation())
    if odd1 or odd2:
        raise ValueError("Not a valid 2 x 2 block.")
    scale = 2**G[0, 1].valuation()
    D = Matrix(R, 2, 2, [d // scale for d in G.list()])
    # now D is of the form
    # [2a b ]
    # [b  2c]
    # where b has valuation 1.
    G = copy(D)

    # Make sure G[1, 1] has valuation 1.
    if D[1, 1].valuation() > D[0, 0].valuation():
        B.swap_columns(0, 1)
        D.swap_columns(0, 1)
        D.swap_rows(0, 1)
    if D[1, 1].valuation() != 1:
        # this works because
        # D[0, 0] has valuation at least 2
        B[1, :] += B[0, :]
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
    assert D[1, 1].valuation() == 1

    if mod(D.det(), 8) == 3:
        #  in this case we can transform D to
        #  2 1
        #  1 2
        # Find a point of norm 2
        # solve: 2 == D[1,1]*x^2 + 2*D[1,0]*x + D[0,0]
        pol = (D[1, 1] * x**2 + 2 * D[1, 0] * x + D[0, 0] - 2) // 2
        # somehow else pari can get a hickup see trac #24065
        pol = pol // pol.leading_coefficient()
        sol = pol.roots()[0][0]
        B[0, 1] = sol
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # make D[0, 1] = 1
        B[1, :] *= D[1, 0].inverse_of_unit()
        D = B * G * B.transpose()

        # solve: v*D*v == 2 with v = (x, -2*x+1)
        if D[1, 1] != 2:
            v = vector([x, -2 * x + 1])
            pol = (v * D * v - 2) // 2
            # somehow else pari can get a hickup see trac #24065
            pol = pol // pol.leading_coefficient()
            sol = pol.roots()[0][0]
            B[1, :] = sol * B[0, :] + (-2 * sol + 1) * B[1, :]
            D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # check the result
        assert D == Matrix(G.parent(), 2, 2, [2, 1, 1, 2]), "D1 \n %r" % D
    elif mod(D.det(), 8) == 7:
        # in this case we can transform D to
        #  0 1
        #  1 0
        # Find a point representing 0
        # solve: 0 == D[1,1]*x^2 + 2*D[1,0]*x + D[0,0]
        pol = (D[1, 1] * x**2 + 2 * D[1, 0] * x + D[0, 0]) // 2
        # somehow else pari can get a hickup, see trac #24065
        pol = pol // pol.leading_coefficient()
        sol = pol.roots()[0][0]
        B[0, :] += sol * B[1, :]
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # make the second basis vector have 0 square as well.
        B[1, :] = B[1, :] - D[1, 1] // (2 * D[0, 1]) * B[0, :]
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # rescale to get D[0,1] = 1
        B[0, :] *= D[1, 0].inverse_of_unit()
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # check the result
        assert D == Matrix(G.parent(), 2, 2, [0, 1, 1, 0]), "D2 \n %r" % D
    return B
def _normalize_2x2(G):
    Normalize this indecomposable `2` by `2` block.


    ``G`` - a `2` by `2` matrix over `\ZZ_p`
    with ``type = 'fixed-mod'`` of the form::

        [2a  b]
        [ b 2c] * 2^n

    with `b` of valuation 1.


    A unimodular `2` by `2` matrix ``B`` over `\ZZ_p` with
    ``B * G * B.transpose()``

        [0 1]              [2 1]
        [1 0] * 2^n  or    [1 2] * 2^n


        sage: from sage.quadratic_forms.genera.normal_form import _normalize_2x2
        sage: R = Zp(2, prec = 15, type = 'fixed-mod', print_mode='series', show_prec=False)
        sage: G = Matrix(R, 2, [-17*2,3,3,23*2])
        sage: B =_normalize_2x2(G)
        sage: B * G * B.T
        [2 1]
        [1 2]

        sage: G = Matrix(R,2,[-17*4,3,3,23*2])
        sage: B = _normalize_2x2(G)
        sage: B*G*B.T
        [0 1]
        [1 0]

        sage: G = 2^3 * Matrix(R, 2, [-17*2,3,3,23*2])
        sage: B = _normalize_2x2(G)
        sage: B * G * B.T
        [2^4 2^3]
        [2^3 2^4]
    from sage.rings.all import PolynomialRing
    from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
    B = copy(G.parent().identity_matrix())
    R = G.base_ring()
    P = PolynomialRing(R, 'x')
    x = P.gen()

    # The input must be an even block
    odd1 = (G[0, 0].valuation() < G[1, 0].valuation())
    odd2 = (G[1, 1].valuation() < G[1, 0].valuation())
    if  odd1 or odd2:
            raise ValueError("Not a valid 2 x 2 block.")
    scale = 2 ** G[0,1].valuation()
    D = Matrix(R, 2, 2, [d // scale for d in G.list()])
    # now D is of the form
    # [2a b ]
    # [b  2c]
    # where b has valuation 1.
    G = copy(D)

    # Make sure G[1, 1] has valuation 1.
    if D[1, 1].valuation() > D[0, 0].valuation():
        B.swap_columns(0, 1)
        D.swap_columns(0, 1)
        D.swap_rows(0, 1)
    if D[1, 1].valuation() != 1:
        # this works because
        # D[0, 0] has valuation at least 2
        B[1, :] += B[0, :]
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
    assert D[1, 1].valuation() == 1

    if mod(D.det(), 8) == 3:
        #  in this case we can transform D to
        #  2 1
        #  1 2
        # Find a point of norm 2
        # solve: 2 == D[1,1]*x^2 + 2*D[1,0]*x + D[0,0]
        pol = (D[1,1]*x**2 + 2*D[1,0]*x + D[0,0]-2) // 2
        # somehow else pari can get a hickup see `trac`:#24065
        pol = pol // pol.leading_coefficient()
        sol = pol.roots()[0][0]
        B[0, 1] = sol
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # make D[0, 1] = 1
        B[1, :] *= D[1, 0].inverse_of_unit()
        D = B * G * B.transpose()

        # solve: v*D*v == 2 with v = (x, -2*x+1)
        if D[1, 1] != 2:
            v = vector([x, -2*x + 1])
            pol = (v*D*v - 2) // 2
            # somehow else pari can get a hickup `trac`:#24065
            pol = pol // pol.leading_coefficient()
            sol = pol.roots()[0][0]
            B[1, :] = sol * B[0,:] + (-2*sol + 1)*B[1, :]
            D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # check the result
        assert D == Matrix(G.parent(), 2, 2, [2, 1, 1, 2]), "D1 \n %r" %D
    elif mod(D.det(), 8) == 7:
        # in this case we can transform D to
        #  0 1
        #  1 0
        # Find a point representing 0
        # solve: 0 == D[1,1]*x^2 + 2*D[1,0]*x + D[0,0]
        pol = (D[1,1]*x**2 + 2*D[1,0]*x + D[0,0])//2
        # somehow else pari can get a hickup, see  `trac`:#24065
        pol = pol // pol.leading_coefficient()
        sol = pol.roots()[0][0]
        B[0,:] += sol*B[1, :]
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # make the second basis vector have 0 square as well.
        B[1, :] = B[1, :] - D[1, 1]//(2*D[0, 1])*B[0,:]
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # rescale to get D[0,1] = 1
        B[0, :] *= D[1, 0].inverse_of_unit()
        D = B * G * B.transpose()
        # check the result
        assert D == Matrix(G.parent(), 2, 2, [0, 1, 1, 0]), "D2 \n %r" %D
    return B
    def segre_embedding(self, PP=None, var='u'):
        Return the Segre embedding of this space into the appropriate
        projective space.


        -  ``PP`` -- (default: ``None``) ambient image projective space;
            this is constructed if it is not given.

        - ``var`` -- string, variable name of the image projective space, default `u` (optional).


        Hom -- from this space to the appropriate subscheme of projective space.

        .. TODO::

            Cartesian products with more than two components.


            sage: X.<y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5> = ProductProjectiveSpaces(ZZ, [2, 2])
            sage: phi = X.segre_embedding(); phi
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^2 x P^2 over Integer Ring
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 8 over Integer Ring defined by:
              -u5*u7 + u4*u8,
              -u5*u6 + u3*u8,
              -u4*u6 + u3*u7,
              -u2*u7 + u1*u8,
              -u2*u4 + u1*u5,
              -u2*u6 + u0*u8,
              -u1*u6 + u0*u7,
              -u2*u3 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u3 + u0*u4
              Defn: Defined by sending (y0 : y1 : y2 , y3 : y4 : y5) to
                    (y0*y3 : y0*y4 : y0*y5 : y1*y3 : y1*y4 : y1*y5 : y2*y3 : y2*y4 : y2*y5).


            sage: T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 2], CC, 'z')
            sage: T.segre_embedding()
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^1 x P^2 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 5 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision defined by:
              -u2*u4 + u1*u5,
              -u2*u3 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u3 + u0*u4
              Defn: Defined by sending (z0 : z1 , z2 : z3 : z4) to
                    (z0*z2 : z0*z3 : z0*z4 : z1*z2 : z1*z3 : z1*z4).


            sage: T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 2, 1], QQ, 'z')
            sage: T.segre_embedding()
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^1 x P^2 x P^1 over Rational Field
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 11 over
            Rational Field defined by:
              -u9*u10 + u8*u11,
              -u7*u10 + u6*u11,
              -u7*u8 + u6*u9,
              -u5*u10 + u4*u11,
              -u5*u8 + u4*u9,
              -u5*u6 + u4*u7,
              -u5*u9 + u3*u11,
              -u5*u8 + u3*u10,
              -u5*u8 + u2*u11,
              -u4*u8 + u2*u10,
              -u3*u8 + u2*u9,
              -u3*u6 + u2*u7,
              -u3*u4 + u2*u5,
              -u5*u7 + u1*u11,
              -u5*u6 + u1*u10,
              -u3*u7 + u1*u9,
              -u3*u6 + u1*u8,
              -u5*u6 + u0*u11,
              -u4*u6 + u0*u10,
              -u3*u6 + u0*u9,
              -u2*u6 + u0*u8,
              -u1*u6 + u0*u7,
              -u1*u4 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u2 + u0*u3
              Defn: Defined by sending (z0 : z1 , z2 : z3 : z4 , z5 : z6) to
                    (z0*z2*z5 : z0*z2*z6 : z0*z3*z5 : z0*z3*z6 : z0*z4*z5 : z0*z4*z6
            : z1*z2*z5 : z1*z2*z6 : z1*z3*z5 : z1*z3*z6 : z1*z4*z5 : z1*z4*z6).
        N = self._dims
        M = prod([n + 1 for n in N]) - 1
        CR = self.coordinate_ring()

        vars = list(self.coordinate_ring().variable_names()) + [
            var + str(i) for i in range(M + 1)
        R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(),
                           self.ngens() + M + 1,

        #set-up the elimination for the segre embedding
        mapping = []
        k = self.ngens()
        index = self.num_components() * [0]
        for count in range(M + 1):
                R.gen(k + count) -
                prod([CR(self[i].gen(index[i])) for i in range(len(index))]))
            for i in range(len(index) - 1, -1, -1):
                if index[i] == N[i]:
                    index[i] = 0
                    index[i] += 1
                    break  #only increment once

        #change the defining ideal of the subscheme into the variables
        I = R.ideal(list(self.defining_polynomials()) + mapping)
        J = I.groebner_basis()
        s = set(R.gens()[:self.ngens()])
        n = len(J) - 1
        L = []
        while s.isdisjoint(J[n].variables()):
            n = n - 1

        #create new subscheme
        if PP is None:
            PS = ProjectiveSpace(self.base_ring(), M,
            Y = PS.subscheme(L)
            if PP.dimension_relative() != M:
                raise ValueError(
                    "projective Space %s must be dimension %s") % (PP, M)
            S = PP.coordinate_ring()
            psi = R.hom([0] * k + list(S.gens()), S)
            L = [psi(l) for l in L]
            Y = PP.subscheme(L)

        #create embedding for points
        mapping = []
        index = self.num_components() * [0]
        for count in range(M + 1):
                prod([CR(self[i].gen(index[i])) for i in range(len(index))]))
            for i in range(len(index) - 1, -1, -1):
                if index[i] == N[i]:
                    index[i] = 0
                    index[i] += 1
                    break  #only increment once
        phi = self.hom(mapping, Y)

        return phi
文件: space.py 项目: wdv4758h/sage
    def segre_embedding(self, PP=None, var='u'):
        Return the Segre embedding of ``self`` into the appropriate
        projective space.


        -  ``PP`` -- (default: ``None``) ambient image projective space;
            this is constructed if it is not given.

        - ``var`` -- string, variable name of the image projective space, default `u` (optional)


        Hom -- from ``self`` to the appropriate subscheme of projective space

        .. TODO::

            Cartesian products with more than two components


            sage: X.<y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5> = ProductProjectiveSpaces(ZZ,[2,2])
            sage: phi = X.segre_embedding(); phi
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^2 x P^2 over Integer Ring
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 8 over Integer Ring defined by:
              -u5*u7 + u4*u8,
              -u5*u6 + u3*u8,
              -u4*u6 + u3*u7,
              -u2*u7 + u1*u8,
              -u2*u4 + u1*u5,
              -u2*u6 + u0*u8,
              -u1*u6 + u0*u7,
              -u2*u3 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u3 + u0*u4
              Defn: Defined by sending (y0 : y1 : y2 , y3 : y4 : y5) to
                    (y0*y3 : y0*y4 : y0*y5 : y1*y3 : y1*y4 : y1*y5 : y2*y3 : y2*y4 : y2*y5).


            sage: T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1,2],CC,'z')
            sage: T.segre_embedding()
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^1 x P^2 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 5 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision defined by:
              -u2*u4 + u1*u5,
              -u2*u3 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u3 + u0*u4
              Defn: Defined by sending (z0 : z1 , z2 : z3 : z4) to
                    (z0*z2 : z0*z3 : z0*z4 : z1*z2 : z1*z3 : z1*z4).
        N = self._dims
        if len(N) > 2:
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot have more than two components.")
        M = (N[0]+1)*(N[1]+1)-1

        vars = list(self.coordinate_ring().variable_names()) + [var + str(i) for i in range(M+1)]
        R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(),self.ngens()+M+1, vars, order='lex')

        #set-up the elimination for the segre embedding
        mapping = []
        k = self.ngens()
        for i in range(N[0]+1):
            for j in range(N[0]+1,N[0]+N[1]+2):

        #change the defining ideal of the subscheme into the variables
        I = R.ideal(list(self.defining_polynomials()) + mapping)
        J = I.groebner_basis()
        s = set(R.gens()[:self.ngens()])
        n = len(J)-1
        L = []
        while s.isdisjoint(J[n].variables()):
            n = n-1

        #create new subscheme
        if PP is None:
            PS = ProjectiveSpace(self.base_ring(),M,R.gens()[self.ngens():])
            Y = PS.subscheme(L)
            if PP.dimension_relative()!= M:
                raise ValueError("Projective Space %s must be dimension %s")%(PP, M)
            S = PP.coordinate_ring()
            psi = R.hom([0]*(N[0]+N[1]+2) + list(S.gens()),S)
            L = [psi(l) for l in L]
            Y = PP.subscheme(L)

        #create embedding for points
        mapping = []
        for i in range(N[0]+1):
            for j in range(N[0]+1,N[0]+N[1]+2):
        phi = self.hom(mapping,Y)

        return phi
def rational_type(f, n=ZZ(3), base_ring=ZZ):
    Return the basic analytic properties that can be determined
    directly from the specified rational function ``f``
    which is interpreted as a representation of an
    element of a FormsRing for the Hecke Triangle group
    with parameter ``n`` and the specified ``base_ring``.

    In particular the following degree of the generators is assumed:

    `deg(1) := (0, 1)`
    `deg(x) := (4/(n-2), 1)`
    `deg(y) := (2n/(n-2), -1)`
    `deg(z) := (2, -1)`

    The meaning of homogeneous elements changes accordingly.


    - ``f``              -- A rational function in ``x,y,z,a,b,c,d`` over ``base_ring``.

    - ``n``              -- An integer greater or equal to `3` corresponding
                            to the ``HeckeTriangleGroup`` with that parameter
                            (default: `3`).

    - ``base_ring``      -- The base ring of the corresponding forms ring, resp.
                            polynomial ring (default: ``ZZ``).


    A tuple ``(elem, h**o, k, ep, analytic_type)`` describing the basic
    analytic properties of `f` (with the interpretation indicated above).

    - ``elem``           -- ``True`` if `f` has a homogeneous denominator.

    - ``h**o``           -- ``True`` if `f` also has a homogeneous numerator.

    - ``k``              -- ``None`` if `f` is not homogeneneous, otherwise
                            the weight of `f` (which is the first component
                            of its degree).

    - ``ep``             -- ``None`` if `f` is not homogeneous, otherwise
                            the multiplier of `f` (which is the second component
                            of its degree)

    - ``analytic_type``  -- The ``AnalyticType`` of `f`.

    For the zero function the degree `(0, 1)` is choosen.

    This function is (heavily) used to determine the type of elements
    and to check if the element really is contained in its parent.


        sage: from sage.modular.modform_hecketriangle.constructor import rational_type
        sage: (x,y,z,a,b,c,d) = var("x,y,z,a,b,c,d")

        sage: rational_type(0, n=4)
        (True, True, 0, 1, zero)

        sage: rational_type(1, n=12)
        (True, True, 0, 1, modular)

        sage: rational_type(x^3 - y^2)
        (True, True, 12, 1, cuspidal)

        sage: rational_type(x * z, n=7)
        (True, True, 14/5, -1, quasi modular)

        sage: rational_type(1/(x^3 - y^2) + z/d)
        (True, False, None, None, quasi weakly holomorphic modular)

        sage: rational_type(x^3/(x^3 - y^2))
        (True, True, 0, 1, weakly holomorphic modular)

        sage: rational_type(1/(x + z))
        (False, False, None, None, None)

        sage: rational_type(1/x + 1/z)
        (True, False, None, None, quasi meromorphic modular)

        sage: rational_type(d/x, n=10)
        (True, True, -1/2, 1, meromorphic modular)

        sage: rational_type(1.1 * z * (x^8-y^2), n=8, base_ring=CC)
        (True, True, 22/3, -1, quasi cuspidal)

        sage: rational_type(x-y^2, n=infinity)
        (True, True, 4, 1, modular)

        sage: rational_type(x*(x-y^2), n=infinity)
        (True, True, 8, 1, cuspidal)

        sage: rational_type(1/x, n=infinity)
        (True, True, -4, 1, weakly holomorphic modular)

    from analytic_type import AnalyticType
    AT = AnalyticType()

    # Determine whether f is zero
    if (f == 0):
        #       elem, h**o, k,     ep,    m,     analytic_type
        return (True, True, QQ(0), ZZ(1), QQ(0), AT([]))

    analytic_type = AT(["quasi", "mero", "jacobi"])

    R              = PolynomialRing(base_ring,'x,y,z,a,b,c,d')
    F              = FractionField(R)
    (x,y,z,a,b,c,d)  = R.gens()
    R2             = PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(base_ring, 'd'), 'x,y,z,a,b,c')
    R3             = PolynomialRing(PolynomialRing(base_ring, 'x,y,z,b,c,d'), 'a')
    dhom           = R.hom( R2.gens() + (R2.base().gen(),), R2)
    dhomindex      = R.hom( R3.base().gens()[0:3] + (R3.gen(),) + R3.base().gens()[3:6], R3)

    f              = F(f)

    num            = R(f.numerator())
    denom          = R(f.denominator())
    ep_num         = set([ZZ(1) - 2*(( sum([g.exponents()[0][m] for m in [1,2,4]]) )%2) for g in   dhom(num).monomials()])
    ep_denom       = set([ZZ(1) - 2*(( sum([g.exponents()[0][m] for m in [1,2,4]]) )%2) for g in dhom(denom).monomials()])

    if (n == infinity):
        hom_num    = R(   num.subs(x=x**4, y=y**2, z=z**2) )
        hom_denom  = R( denom.subs(x=x**4, y=y**2, z=z**2) )
        n          = ZZ(n)
        hom_num    = R(   num.subs(x=x**4, y=y**(2*n), z=z**(2*(n-2)), a=a**ZZ(1), b=b**ZZ(2), c=c**ZZ(1)) )
        hom_denom  = R( denom.subs(x=x**4, y=y**(2*n), z=z**(2*(n-2)), a=a**ZZ(1), b=b**ZZ(2), c=c**ZZ(1)) )

    # Determine whether the denominator of f is homogeneous
    if (len(ep_denom) == 1 and dhom(hom_denom).is_homogeneous()):
        elem = True
        #       elem,  h**o,  k,    ep,   m,    analytic_type
        return (False, False, None, None, None, None)

    # Determine whether f is homogeneous
    if (len(ep_num) == 1 and dhom(hom_num).is_homogeneous() and dhomindex(num).is_homogeneous()):
        h**o   = True
        if (n == infinity):
            weight = (dhom(hom_num).degree() - dhom(hom_denom).degree())
            weight = (dhom(hom_num).degree() - dhom(hom_denom).degree()) / (n-2)
            index = (dhomindex(num).degree() - dhomindex(denom).degree()) / ZZ(2)
        ep     = ep_num.pop() / ep_denom.pop()
    # TODO: decompose f (resp. its degrees) into homogeneous parts
        h**o   = False
        weight = None
        ep     = None
        index  = None

    # Note that we intentially leave out the d-factor!
    if (n == infinity):
        finf_pol = (x-y**2)
        finf_pol = x**n-y**2

    # Determine whether f is jacobi or not
    if not any([num.degree(sym) or denom.degree(sym) for sym in (a,b,c)]):
        analytic_type = analytic_type.reduce_to(["mero", "quasi"])

    # Determine whether f is modular
    if not ( (num.degree(z) > 0) or (denom.degree(z) > 0) or (num.degree(c) > 0) or (denom.degree(c) > 0)):
        analytic_type = analytic_type.reduce_to(["mero", "jacobi"])

    # Determine whether f is holomorphic
    if (dhom(denom).is_constant()):
        analytic_type = analytic_type.reduce_to(["quasi", "jacobi", "holo"])
        # Determine whether f is cuspidal in the sense that finf divides it...
        # Bug in singular: finf_pol.dividess(1.0) fails over RR
        if (not dhom(num).is_constant() and finf_pol.divides(num)):
            if (n != infinity or x.divides(num)):
                analytic_type = analytic_type.reduce_to(["quasi", "jacobi", "cusp"])
        # -> Because of a bug with singular in some cases
            while (finf_pol.divides(denom)):
                # a simple "denom /= finf_pol" is strangely not enough for non-exact rings
                # and dividing would/may result with an element of the quotient ring of the polynomial ring
                denom = denom.quo_rem(finf_pol)[0]
                denom = R(denom)
            if (n == infinity):
                while (x.divides(denom)):
                    # a simple "denom /= x" is strangely not enough for non-exact rings
                    # and dividing would/may result with an element of the quotient ring of the polynomial ring
                    denom = denom.quo_rem(x)[0]
                    denom = R(denom)
        except TypeError:

        # Determine whether f is weakly holomorphic in the sense that at most powers of finf occur in denom
        if (dhom(denom).is_constant()):
            analytic_type = analytic_type.reduce_to(["quasi", "jacobi", "weak"])

    return (elem, h**o, weight, ep, index, analytic_type)
def elkies_next_step(j_0, j_1, l, lam):
    Phi = ClassicalModularPolynomialDatabase()[l]
    R = PolynomialRing(j_0.parent(), 'x')
    x = R.gen()
    f = R(Phi(x, j_1) / (x - j_0))
    return f.roots()[0][0]
    def segre_embedding(self, PP=None, var='u'):
        Return the Segre embedding of this space into the appropriate
        projective space.


        -  ``PP`` -- (default: ``None``) ambient image projective space;
            this is constructed if it is not given.

        - ``var`` -- string, variable name of the image projective space, default `u` (optional).


        Hom -- from this space to the appropriate subscheme of projective space.

        .. TODO::

            Cartesian products with more than two components.


            sage: X.<y0,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5> = ProductProjectiveSpaces(ZZ, [2, 2])
            sage: phi = X.segre_embedding(); phi
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^2 x P^2 over Integer Ring
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 8 over Integer Ring defined by:
              -u5*u7 + u4*u8,
              -u5*u6 + u3*u8,
              -u4*u6 + u3*u7,
              -u2*u7 + u1*u8,
              -u2*u4 + u1*u5,
              -u2*u6 + u0*u8,
              -u1*u6 + u0*u7,
              -u2*u3 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u3 + u0*u4
              Defn: Defined by sending (y0 : y1 : y2 , y3 : y4 : y5) to
                    (y0*y3 : y0*y4 : y0*y5 : y1*y3 : y1*y4 : y1*y5 : y2*y3 : y2*y4 : y2*y5).


            sage: T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 2], CC, 'z')
            sage: T.segre_embedding()
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^1 x P^2 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 5 over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision defined by:
              -u2*u4 + u1*u5,
              -u2*u3 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u3 + u0*u4
              Defn: Defined by sending (z0 : z1 , z2 : z3 : z4) to
                    (z0*z2 : z0*z3 : z0*z4 : z1*z2 : z1*z3 : z1*z4).


            sage: T = ProductProjectiveSpaces([1, 2, 1], QQ, 'z')
            sage: T.segre_embedding()
            Scheme morphism:
              From: Product of projective spaces P^1 x P^2 x P^1 over Rational Field
              To:   Closed subscheme of Projective Space of dimension 11 over
            Rational Field defined by:
              -u9*u10 + u8*u11,
              -u7*u10 + u6*u11,
              -u7*u8 + u6*u9,
              -u5*u10 + u4*u11,
              -u5*u8 + u4*u9,
              -u5*u6 + u4*u7,
              -u5*u9 + u3*u11,
              -u5*u8 + u3*u10,
              -u5*u8 + u2*u11,
              -u4*u8 + u2*u10,
              -u3*u8 + u2*u9,
              -u3*u6 + u2*u7,
              -u3*u4 + u2*u5,
              -u5*u7 + u1*u11,
              -u5*u6 + u1*u10,
              -u3*u7 + u1*u9,
              -u3*u6 + u1*u8,
              -u5*u6 + u0*u11,
              -u4*u6 + u0*u10,
              -u3*u6 + u0*u9,
              -u2*u6 + u0*u8,
              -u1*u6 + u0*u7,
              -u1*u4 + u0*u5,
              -u1*u2 + u0*u3
              Defn: Defined by sending (z0 : z1 , z2 : z3 : z4 , z5 : z6) to
                    (z0*z2*z5 : z0*z2*z6 : z0*z3*z5 : z0*z3*z6 : z0*z4*z5 : z0*z4*z6
            : z1*z2*z5 : z1*z2*z6 : z1*z3*z5 : z1*z3*z6 : z1*z4*z5 : z1*z4*z6).
        N = self._dims
        M = prod([n+1 for n in N]) - 1
        CR = self.coordinate_ring()

        vars = list(self.coordinate_ring().variable_names()) + [var + str(i) for i in range(M+1)]
        R = PolynomialRing(self.base_ring(), self.ngens()+M+1, vars, order='lex')

        #set-up the elimination for the segre embedding
        mapping = []
        k = self.ngens()
        index = self.num_components()*[0]
        for count in range(M + 1):
            mapping.append(R.gen(k+count)-prod([CR(self[i].gen(index[i])) for i in range(len(index))]))
            for i in range(len(index)-1, -1, -1):
                if index[i] == N[i]:
                    index[i] = 0
                    index[i] += 1
                    break #only increment once

        #change the defining ideal of the subscheme into the variables
        I = R.ideal(list(self.defining_polynomials()) + mapping)
        J = I.groebner_basis()
        s = set(R.gens()[:self.ngens()])
        n = len(J)-1
        L = []
        while s.isdisjoint(J[n].variables()):
            n = n-1

        #create new subscheme
        if PP is None:
            PS = ProjectiveSpace(self.base_ring(), M, R.variable_names()[self.ngens():])
            Y = PS.subscheme(L)
            if PP.dimension_relative() != M:
                raise ValueError("projective Space %s must be dimension %s")%(PP, M)
            S = PP.coordinate_ring()
            psi = R.hom([0]*k + list(S.gens()), S)
            L = [psi(l) for l in L]
            Y = PP.subscheme(L)

        #create embedding for points
        mapping = []
        index = self.num_components()*[0]
        for count in range(M + 1):
            mapping.append(prod([CR(self[i].gen(index[i])) for i in range(len(index))]))
            for i in range(len(index)-1, -1, -1):
                if index[i] == N[i]:
                    index[i] = 0
                    index[i] += 1
                    break #only increment once
        phi = self.hom(mapping, Y)

        return phi
def double_integral_zero_infty(Phi, tau1, tau2):
    p = Phi.parent().prime()
    K = tau1.parent()
    R = PolynomialRing(K, 'x')
    x = R.gen()
    R1 = PowerSeriesRing(K, 'r1')
    r1 = R1.gen()
    except AttributeError:
    level = Phi._map._manin.level()
    E0inf = [M2Z([0, -1, level, 0])]
    E0Zp = [M2Z([p, a, 0, 1]) for a in range(p)]

    predicted_evals = num_evals(tau1, tau2)

    a, b, c, d = find_center(p, level, tau1, tau2).list()
    h = M2Z([a, b, c, d])
    E = [h * e0 for e0 in E0Zp + E0inf]

    resadd = 0
    resmul = 1
    total_evals = 0
    percentage = QQ(0)
    ii = 0
    f = (x - tau2) / (x - tau1)
    while len(E) > 0:
        ii += 1
        increment = QQ((100 - percentage) / len(E))
            'remaining %s percent (and done %s of %s evaluations)' %
            (RealField(10)(100 - percentage), total_evals, predicted_evals))
        newE = []
        for e in E:
            a, b, c, d = e.list()
            assert ZZ(c) % level == 0
                y0 = f((a * r1 + b) / (c * r1 + d))
                val = y0(y0.parent().base_ring()(0))
                if all([xx.valuation(p) > 0 for xx in (y0 / val - 1).list()]):
                    if total_evals % 100 == 0:
                    pol = val.log(p_branch=0) + (
                        (y0.derivative() / y0).integral())
                    V = [0] * pol.valuation() + pol.shift(

                        phimap = Phi._map(M2Z([b, d, a, c]))
                    except OverflowError:
                        print(a, b, c, d)
                        raise OverflowError, 'Matrix too large?'
                    # mu_e0 = ZZ(phimap.moment(0).rational_reconstruction())
                    mu_e0 = ZZ(Phi._liftee._map(M2Z([b, d, a, c])).moment(0))
                    mu_e = [mu_e0] + [
                        phimap.moment(o).lift() for o in range(1, len(V))
                    resadd += sum(starmap(mul, izip(V, mu_e)))
                    resmul *= val**mu_e0
                    percentage += increment
                    total_evals += 1
                    newE.extend([e * e0 for e0 in E0Zp])
            except ZeroDivisionError:
                #raise RuntimeError,'Probably not enough working precision...'
                newE.extend([e * e0 for e0 in E0Zp])
        E = newE
    verbose('total evaluations = %s' % total_evals)
    val = resmul.valuation()
    return p**val * K.teichmuller(p**(-val) * resmul) * resadd.exp()