 def get_s(self):
     """Returns a single value of s as required for the Elligator map while there may even be two of them, in which case the returned values is the smaller of the two
         return self._s
     except AttributeError:
     s = []
     d = self.__E.get_d()
     if is_square(-d):
         c = ( 2*(d-1) + 4*sqrt(-d) ) / ( 2*(d+1) )
         s_2 = 2/c
         if is_square(s_2):
         c = ( 2*(d-1) - 4*sqrt(-d) ) / ( 2*(d+1) )
         s_2 = 2/c
         if is_square(s_2):
     if len(s) == 0:
         return None
     elif len(s) == 1:
         return s[0]
         if s[0] < s[1]:
             return s[0]
             return s[1]    
 def random_point(self):
         x = self.base_ring().random_element()
         test = (x**2 - 1)/(self._d*(x**2) - 1)
         if is_square(test):
             y = sqrt(test)
             return self([x,y,1])    
    def __init__(self, parent, rdict):
        Create an eta product object. Usually called implicitly via
        EtaGroup_class.__call__ or the EtaProduct factory function.


            sage: EtaGroupElement(EtaGroup(8), {1:24, 2:-24})
            Eta product of level 8 : (eta_1)^24 (eta_2)^-24
            sage: g = _; g == loads(dumps(g))
        MultiplicativeGroupElement.__init__(self, parent)

        self._N = self.parent().level()
        N = self._N

        if isinstance(rdict, EtaGroupElement):
            rdict = rdict._rdict
            # Note: This is needed because the "x in G" test tries to call G(x)
            # and see if it returns an error. So sometimes this will be getting
            # called with rdict being an eta product, not a dictionary.

        if rdict == 1:
            rdict = {}
        # Check Ligozat criteria
        sumR = sumDR = sumNoverDr = 0
        prod = 1

        for d in rdict.keys():
            if N % d:
                raise ValueError("%s does not divide %s" % (d, N))

        for d in rdict.keys():
            if rdict[d] == 0:
            sumR += rdict[d]
            sumDR += rdict[d] * d
            sumNoverDr += rdict[d] * N / d
            prod *= (N / d)**rdict[d]

        if sumR != 0:
            raise ValueError("sum r_d (=%s) is not 0" % sumR)
        if (sumDR % 24) != 0:
            raise ValueError("sum d r_d (=%s) is not 0 mod 24" % sumDR)
        if (sumNoverDr % 24) != 0:
            raise ValueError("sum (N/d) r_d (=%s) is not 0 mod 24" %
        if not is_square(prod):
            raise ValueError("product (N/d)^(r_d) (=%s) is not a square" %

        self._sumDR = sumDR  # this is useful to have around
        self._rdict = rdict
        self._keys = rdict.keys()  # avoid factoring N every time
 def n_random_points(self,n):
     v = []
     while(len(v) < n):
         x = self.base_ring().random_element()
         test = (x**2 - 1)/(self._d*(x**2) - 1)
         if is_square(test):
             y = sqrt(test)
     return v        
    def __init__(self, parent, rdict):
        Create an eta product object. Usually called implicitly via
        EtaGroup_class.__call__ or the EtaProduct factory function.


            sage: EtaGroupElement(EtaGroup(8), {1:24, 2:-24})
            Eta product of level 8 : (eta_1)^24 (eta_2)^-24
            sage: g = _; g == loads(dumps(g))
        MultiplicativeGroupElement.__init__(self, parent)

        self._N = self.parent().level()
        N = self._N

        if isinstance(rdict, EtaGroupElement):
            rdict = rdict._rdict
            # Note: This is needed because the "x in G" test tries to call G(x)
            # and see if it returns an error. So sometimes this will be getting
            # called with rdict being an eta product, not a dictionary.

        if rdict == 1:
            rdict = {}
        # Check Ligozat criteria
        sumR = sumDR = sumNoverDr = 0
        prod = 1

        for d in rdict.keys():
            if N % d:
                raise ValueError("%s does not divide %s" % (d, N))

        for d in rdict.keys():
            if rdict[d] == 0:
            sumR += rdict[d]
            sumDR += rdict[d]*d
            sumNoverDr += rdict[d]*N/d
            prod *= (N/d)**rdict[d]

        if sumR != 0:
            raise ValueError("sum r_d (=%s) is not 0" % sumR)
        if (sumDR % 24) != 0:
            raise ValueError("sum d r_d (=%s) is not 0 mod 24" % sumDR)
        if (sumNoverDr % 24) != 0:
            raise ValueError("sum (N/d) r_d (=%s) is not 0 mod 24" % sumNoverDr)
        if not is_square(prod):
            raise ValueError("product (N/d)^(r_d) (=%s) is not a square" % prod)

        self._sumDR = sumDR # this is useful to have around
        self._rdict = rdict
        self._keys = rdict.keys() # avoid factoring N every time
 def is_image_point(self, point):
     s = self._s
     c = self._c
     r = self._r
     x = point[0]
     y = point[1]
     eta = (y-1) / (2 * (y+1))
     if y + 1 == 0:
         return False
     if not is_square( (1 + eta * r)**2 - 1):
         return False
     if eta*r == -2:
         temp = 2*s*(c - 1)*self.chi(c)/r
         if not x == temp:
             return False
     return True   
 def points(self, limit = False):
         return self.__points
     except AttributeError: pass
     if not self.base_ring().is_finite():
         raise TypeError("points() is defined only for Edwards curve over finite fields")
     v = []
     for x in self.base_ring():
         test = (x**2 - 1)/(self._d*(x**2) - 1)
         if is_square(test):
             y = sqrt(test)
     self.__points = Sequence(v,immutable = True)
     return self.__points
 def __init__( self, q):
     We initialize by a list of integers $[a_1,...,a_N]$. The
     lattice self is then $L = (L,\beta) = (G^{-1}\ZZ^n/\ZZ^n, G[x])$,
     where $G$ is the symmetric matrix
     $G=[a_1,...,a_n;*,a_{n+1},....;..;* ... * a_N]$,
     i.e.~the $a_j$ denote the elements above the diagonal of $G$.
     self.__form = q
     # We compute the rank
     N = len(q)
     assert is_square( 1+8*N)
     n = Integer( (-1+isqrt(1+8*N))/2)
     self.__rank = n
     # We set up the Gram matrix
     self.__G = matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n)
     i = j = 0
     for a in q:
         self.__G[i,j] = self.__G[j,i] = Integer(a)
         if j < n-1:
             j += 1
             i += 1
             j = i
     # We compute the level
     Gi = self.__G**-1
     self.__Gi = Gi
     a = lcm( map( lambda x: x.denominator(), Gi.list()))
     I = Gi.diagonal()
     b =  lcm( map( lambda x: (x/2).denominator(), I))
     self.__level = lcm( a, b)
     # We define the undelying module and the ambient space
     self.__module = FreeModule( IntegerRing(), n)
     self.__space = self.__module.ambient_vector_space()
     # We compute a shadow vector
     self.__shadow_vector = self.__space([(a%2)/2 for a in self.__G.diagonal()])*Gi
     # We define a basis
     M = Matrix( IntegerRing(), n, n, 1)
     self.__basis = self.__module.basis()
     # We prepare a cache
     self.__dual_vectors = None
     self.__values = None
     self.__chi = {}
    def an(self, use_database=False, descent_second_limit=12):
        Returns the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectural order of `Sha`
        as a provably correct integer, unless the analytic rank is > 1,
        in which case this function returns a numerical value.


            - ``use_database`` -- bool (default: ``False``); if ``True``, try to use any
              databases installed to lookup the analytic order of `Sha`, if
              possible.  The order of `Sha` is computed if it cannot be looked up.

            - ``descent_second_limit`` -- int (default: 12); limit to use on
              point searching for the quartic twist in the hard case

        This result is proved correct if the order of vanishing is 0
        and the Manin constant is <= 2.

        If the optional parameter ``use_database`` is ``True`` (default:
        ``False``), this function returns the analytic order of `Sha` as
        listed in Cremona's tables, if this curve appears in Cremona's


        If you come across the following error::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -34874, -2506691])
            sage: E.sha().an()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            RuntimeError: Unable to compute the rank, hence generators, with certainty (lower bound=0, generators found=[]).  This could be because Sha(E/Q)[2] is nontrivial.
            Try increasing descent_second_limit then trying this command again.

        You can increase the ``descent_second_limit`` (in the above example,
        set to the default, 12) option to try again::

            sage: E.sha().an(descent_second_limit=16)  # long time (2s on sage.math, 2011)


            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, -1, 1, -10, -20])   # 11A  = X_0(11)
            sage: E.sha().an()
            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, -1, 1, 0, 0])       # X_1(11)
            sage: E.sha().an()

            sage: EllipticCurve('14a4').sha().an()
            sage: EllipticCurve('14a4').sha().an(use_database=True)   # will be faster if you have large Cremona database installed

        The smallest conductor curve with nontrivial `Sha`::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([1,1,1,-352,-2689])     # 66b3
            sage: E.sha().an()

        The four optimal quotients with nontrivial `Sha` and conductor <= 1000::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, -1, 1, -929, -10595])       # 571A
            sage: E.sha().an()
            sage: E = EllipticCurve([1, 1, 0, -1154, -15345])       # 681B
            sage: E.sha().an()
            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, -1, 0, -900, -10098])       # 960D
            sage: E.sha().an()
            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, 1, 0, -20, -42])            # 960N
            sage: E.sha().an()

        The smallest conductor curve of rank > 1::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, 1, 1, -2, 0])       # 389A (rank 2)
            sage: E.sha().an()

        The following are examples that require computation of the Mordell-Weil
        group and regulator::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -1, 0])                     # 37A  (rank 1)
            sage: E.sha().an()

            sage: E = EllipticCurve("1610f3")
            sage: E.sha().an()

        In this case the input curve is not minimal, and if this function did not
        transform it to be minimal, it would give nonsense::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([0,-432*6^2])
            sage: E.sha().an()

        See :trac:`10096`: this used to give the wrong result 6.0000
        before since the minimal model was not used::

            sage: E = EllipticCurve([1215*1216,0]) # non-minimal model
            sage: E.sha().an()  # long time (2s on sage.math, 2011)
            sage: E.minimal_model().sha().an()  # long time (1s on sage.math, 2011)
        if hasattr(self, '__an'):
            return self.__an
        if use_database:
            d = self.Emin.database_curve()
            if hasattr(d, 'db_extra'):
                self.__an = Integer(round(float(d.db_extra[4])))
                return self.__an

        # it's critical to switch to the minimal model.
        E = self.Emin
        eps = E.root_number()
        if eps == 1:
            L1_over_omega = E.lseries().L_ratio()
            if L1_over_omega == 0: # order of vanishing is at least 2
                return self.an_numerical(use_database=use_database)
            T = E.torsion_subgroup().order()
            Sha = (L1_over_omega * T * T) / Q(E.tamagawa_product())
                Sha = Integer(Sha)
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError("There is a bug in an, since the computed conjectural order of Sha is %s, which is not an integer."%Sha)
            if not arith.is_square(Sha):
                raise RuntimeError("There is a bug in an, since the computed conjectural order of Sha is %s, which is not a square."%Sha)
            E.__an = Sha
            self.__an = Sha
            return Sha

        else:  # rank > 0  (Not provably correct)
            L1, error_bound = E.lseries().deriv_at1(10*sqrt(E.conductor()) + 10)
            if abs(L1) < error_bound:
                s = self.an_numerical()
                E.__an = s
                self.__an = s
                return s

            regulator = E.regulator(use_database=use_database, descent_second_limit=descent_second_limit)
            T = E.torsion_subgroup().order()
            omega = E.period_lattice().omega()
            Sha = Integer(round ( (L1 * T * T) / (E.tamagawa_product() * regulator * omega) ))
                Sha = Integer(Sha)
            except ValueError:
                raise RuntimeError("There is a bug in an, since the computed conjectural order of Sha is %s, which is not an integer."%Sha)
            if not arith.is_square(Sha):
                raise RuntimeError("There is a bug in an, since the computed conjectural order of Sha is %s, which is not a square."%Sha)
            E.__an = Sha
            self.__an = Sha
            return Sha
def radical_difference_set(K, k, l=1, existence=False, check=True):
    Return a difference set made of a cyclotomic coset in the finite field
    ``K`` and with paramters ``k`` and ``l``.

    Most of these difference sets appear in chapter VI.18.48 of the Handbook of
    combinatorial designs.


        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.difference_family import radical_difference_set

        sage: D = radical_difference_set(GF(7), 3, 1); D
        [[1, 2, 4]]
        sage: sorted(x-y for x in D[0] for y in D[0] if x != y)
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        sage: D = radical_difference_set(GF(16,'a'), 6, 2)
        sage: sorted(x-y for x in D[0] for y in D[0] if x != y)
         a + 1,
         a + 1,
         a^3 + a^2 + a + 1,
         a^3 + a^2 + a + 1]

        sage: for (v,k,l) in [(3,2,1), (7,3,1), (7,4,2), (11,5,2), (11,6,3),
        ....:                 (13,4,1), (16,6,2), (19,9,4), (19,10,5)]:
        ....:     assert radical_difference_set(GF(v,'a'), k, l, existence=True), "pb with v={} k={} l={}".format(v,k,l)
    v = K.cardinality()
    one = K.one()
    x = K.multiplicative_generator()

    if l*(v-1) != k*(k-1):
        if existence:
            return False
        raise EmptySetError("l*(v-1) is not equal to k*(k-1)")

    # trivial case
    if (v-1) == k:
        if existence:
            return True
        return K.cyclotomic_cosets(x, [one])

    # q = 3 mod 4
    elif v%4 == 3 and k == (v-1)//2:
        if existence:
            return True
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**2, [one])

    # q = 3 mod 4
    elif v%4 == 3 and k == (v+1)//2:
        if existence:
            return True
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**2, [one])
        D[0].insert(0, K.zero())

    # q = 4t^2 + 1, t odd
    elif v%8 == 5 and k == (v-1)//4 and arith.is_square((v-1)//4):
        if existence:
            return True
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**4, [one])

    # q = 4t^2 + 9, t odd
    elif v%8 == 5 and k == (v+3)//4 and arith.is_square((v-9)//4):
        if existence:
            return True
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**4, [one])

    # one case with k-1 = (v-1)/3
    elif (v,k,l) == (16,6,2):
        if existence:
            return True
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**3, [one])

    # one case with k = (v-1)/8
    elif (v,k,l) == (73,9,1):
        if existence:
            return True
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**8, [one])

        if existence:
            return Unknown
        raise NotImplementedError("no radical difference set is "
                "implemented for the parameters (v,k,l) = ({},{},{}".format(v,k,l))

    if check and not is_difference_family(K, D, v, k, l):
        raise RuntimeError("Sage tried to build a cyclotomic coset with "
                "parameters ({},{},{}) but it seems that it failed! Please "
                "e-mail [email protected]".format(v,k,l))

    return D
def difference_family(v, k, l=1, existence=False, check=True):
    Return a (``k``, ``l``)-difference family on an Abelian group of size ``v``.

    Let `G` be a finite Abelian group. For a given subset `D` of `G`, we define
    `\Delta D` to be the multi-set of differences `\Delta D = \{x - y; x \in D,
    y \in D, x \not= y\}`. A `(G,k,\lambda)`-*difference family* is a collection
    of `k`-subsets of `G`, `D = \{D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_b\}` such that the union
    of the difference sets `\Delta D_i` for `i=1,...b`, seen as a multi-set,
    contains each element of `G \backslash \{0\}` exactly `\lambda`-times.

    When there is only one block, i.e. `\lambda(v - 1) = k(k-1)`, then a
    `(G,k,\lambda)`-difference family is also called a *difference set*.

    See also :wikipedia:`Difference_set`.

    If there is no such difference family, an ``EmptySetError`` is raised and if
    there is no construction at the moment ``NotImplementedError`` is raised.


        sage: K,D = designs.difference_family(73,4)
        sage: D
        [[0, 1, 8, 64],
         [0, 25, 54, 67],
         [0, 41, 36, 69],
         [0, 3, 24, 46],
         [0, 2, 16, 55],
         [0, 50, 35, 61]]

        sage: K,D = designs.difference_family(337,7)
        sage: D
        [[1, 175, 295, 64, 79, 8, 52],
         [326, 97, 125, 307, 142, 249, 102],
         [121, 281, 310, 330, 123, 294, 226],
         [17, 279, 297, 77, 332, 136, 210],
         [150, 301, 103, 164, 55, 189, 49],
         [35, 59, 215, 218, 69, 280, 135],
         [289, 25, 331, 298, 252, 290, 200],
         [191, 62, 66, 92, 261, 180, 159]]

    For `k=6,7` we look at the set of small prime powers for which a
    construction is available::

        sage: def prime_power_mod(r,m):
        ....:     k = m+r
        ....:     while True:
        ....:         if is_prime_power(k):
        ....:             yield k
        ....:         k += m

        sage: from itertools import islice
        sage: l6 = {True:[], False: [], Unknown: []}
        sage: for q in islice(prime_power_mod(1,30), 60):
        ....:     l6[designs.difference_family(q,6,existence=True)].append(q)
        sage: l6[True]
        [31, 151, 181, 211, ...,  3061, 3121, 3181]
        sage: l6[Unknown]
        [61, 121]
        sage: l6[False]

        sage: l7 = {True: [], False: [], Unknown: []}
        sage: for q in islice(prime_power_mod(1,42), 60):
        ....:     l7[designs.difference_family(q,7,existence=True)].append(q)
        sage: l7[True]
        [337, 421, 463, 883, 1723, 3067, 3319, 3529, 3823, 3907, 4621, 4957, 5167]
        sage: l7[Unknown]
        [43, 127, 169, 211, ..., 4999, 5041, 5209]
        sage: l7[False]

    Other constructions for `\lambda > 1`::

        sage: for v in xrange(2,100):
        ....:     constructions = []
        ....:     for k in xrange(2,10):
        ....:         for l in xrange(2,10):
        ....:             if designs.difference_family(v,k,l,existence=True):
        ....:                 constructions.append((k,l))
        ....:                 _ = designs.difference_family(v,k,l)
        ....:     if constructions:
        ....:         print "%2d: %s"%(v, ', '.join('(%d,%d)'%(k,l) for k,l in constructions))
         4: (3,2)
         5: (4,3)
         7: (3,2), (6,5)
         8: (7,6)
         9: (4,3), (8,7)
        11: (5,2), (5,4)
        13: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5)
        15: (7,3)
        16: (3,2), (5,4)
        17: (4,3), (8,7)
        19: (3,2), (6,5), (9,4), (9,8)
        25: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7)
        29: (4,3), (7,6)
        31: (3,2), (5,4), (6,5)
        37: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (9,2), (9,8)
        41: (4,3), (5,4), (8,7)
        43: (3,2), (6,5), (7,6)
        49: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7)
        53: (4,3)
        61: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5)
        64: (3,2), (7,6), (9,8)
        67: (3,2), (6,5)
        71: (5,4), (7,6)
        73: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7), (9,8)
        79: (3,2), (6,5)
        81: (4,3), (5,4), (8,7)
        89: (4,3), (8,7)
        97: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7)


    Check more of the Wilson constructions from [Wi72]_::

        sage: Q5 = [241, 281,421,601,641, 661, 701, 821,881]
        sage: Q9 = [73, 1153, 1873, 2017]
        sage: Q15 = [76231]
        sage: Q4 = [13, 73, 97, 109, 181, 229, 241, 277, 337, 409, 421, 457]
        sage: Q8 = [1009, 3137, 3697]
        sage: for Q,k in [(Q4,4),(Q5,5),(Q8,8),(Q9,9),(Q15,15)]:
        ....:     for q in Q:
        ....:         assert designs.difference_family(q,k,1,existence=True) is True
        ....:         _ = designs.difference_family(q,k,1)

    Check Singer difference sets::

        sage: sgp = lambda q,d: ((q**(d+1)-1)//(q-1), (q**d-1)//(q-1), (q**(d-1)-1)//(q-1))

        sage: for q in range(2,10):
        ....:     if is_prime_power(q):
        ....:         for d in [2,3,4]:
        ....:           v,k,l = sgp(q,d)
        ....:           assert designs.difference_family(v,k,l,existence=True) is True
        ....:           _ = designs.difference_family(v,k,l)

    .. TODO::

        There is a slightly more general version of difference families where
        the stabilizers of the blocks are taken into account. A block is *short*
        if the stabilizer is not trivial. The more general version is called a
        *partial difference family*. It is still possible to construct BIBD from
        this more general version (see the chapter 16 in the Handbook

        Implement recursive constructions from Buratti "Recursive for difference
        matrices and relative difference families" (1998) and Jungnickel
        "Composition theorems for difference families and regular planes" (1978)
    if (l * (v - 1)) % (k * (k - 1)) != 0:
        if existence:
            return False
        raise EmptySetError(
            "A (v,%d,%d)-difference family may exist only if %d*(v-1) = mod %d"
            % (k, l, l, k * (k - 1)))

    from block_design import are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters
    from database import DF_constructions
    if (v, k, l) in DF_constructions:
        if existence:
            return True
        return DF_constructions[(v, k, l)]()

    e = k * (k - 1)
    t = l * (v - 1) // e  # number of blocks

    D = None

    if arith.is_prime_power(v):
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.constructor import GF
        G = K = GF(v, 'z')
        x = K.multiplicative_generator()

        if l == (k - 1):
            if existence:
                return True
            return K, K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**((v - 1) // k))[1:]

        if t == 1:
            # some of the difference set constructions VI.18.48 from the
            # Handbook of combinatorial designs
            # q = 3 mod 4
            if v % 4 == 3 and k == (v - 1) // 2:
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**2, [1])

            # q = 4t^2 + 1, t odd
            elif v % 8 == 5 and k == (v - 1) // 4 and arith.is_square(
                (v - 1) // 4):
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**4, [1])

            # q = 4t^2 + 9, t odd
            elif v % 8 == 5 and k == (v + 3) // 4 and arith.is_square(
                (v - 9) // 4):
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**4, [1])
                D[0].insert(0, K.zero())

        if D is None and l == 1:
            one = K.one()

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 9
            if k % 2 == 1:
                m = (k - 1) // 2
                xx = x**m
                to_coset = {
                    x**i * xx**j: i
                    for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange((v - 1) / m)
                r = x**((v - 1) // k)  # primitive k-th root of unity
                if len(set(to_coset[r**j - one]
                           for j in xrange(1, m + 1))) == m:
                    if existence:
                        return True
                    B = [r**j for j in xrange(k)
                         ]  # = H^((k-1)t) whose difference is
                    # H^(mt) (r^i - 1, i=1,..,m)
                    # Now pick representatives a translate of R for by a set of
                    # representatives of H^m / H^(mt)
                    D = [[x**(i * m) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 10
                m = k // 2
                xx = x**m
                to_coset = {
                    x**i * xx**j: i
                    for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange((v - 1) / m)
                r = x**((v - 1) // (k - 1))  # primitive (k-1)-th root of unity
                if (all(to_coset[r**j - one] != 0 for j in xrange(1, m))
                        and len(set(to_coset[r**j - one]
                                    for j in xrange(1, m))) == m - 1):
                    if existence:
                        return True
                    B = [K.zero()] + [r**j for j in xrange(k - 1)]
                    D = [[x**(i * m) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 11
            if D is None and k == 6:
                r = x**((v - 1) // 3)  # primitive cube root of unity
                r2 = r * r
                xx = x**5
                to_coset = {
                    x**i * xx**j: i
                    for i in xrange(5) for j in xrange((v - 1) / 5)
                for c in to_coset:
                    if c == 1 or c == r or c == r2:
                    if len(
                                for elt in (r - 1, c * (r - 1), c - 1, c - r,
                                            c - r**2))) == 5:
                        if existence:
                            return True
                        B = [one, r, r**2, c, c * r, c * r**2]
                        D = [[x**(i * 5) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

    if D is None and are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters(
            v, k, l):
        _, (q, d) = are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters(
            v, k, l, True)
        if existence:
            return True
            G, D = singer_difference_set(q, d)

    if D is None:
        if existence:
            return Unknown
        raise NotImplementedError("No constructions for these parameters")

    if check and not is_difference_family(G, D, verbose=False):
        raise RuntimeError

    return G, D
def radical_difference_set(K, k, l=1, existence=False, check=True):
    Return a difference set made of a cyclotomic coset in the finite field
    ``K`` and with paramters ``k`` and ``l``.

    Most of these difference sets appear in chapter VI.18.48 of the Handbook of
    combinatorial designs.


        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.difference_family import radical_difference_set

        sage: D = radical_difference_set(GF(7), 3, 1); D
        [[1, 2, 4]]
        sage: sorted(x-y for x in D[0] for y in D[0] if x != y)
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

        sage: D = radical_difference_set(GF(16,'a'), 6, 2)
        sage: sorted(x-y for x in D[0] for y in D[0] if x != y)
         a + 1,
         a + 1,
         a^3 + a^2 + a + 1,
         a^3 + a^2 + a + 1]

        sage: for k in range(2,50):
        ....:     for l in reversed(divisors(k*(k-1))):
        ....:         v = k*(k-1)//l + 1
        ....:         if is_prime_power(v) and radical_difference_set(GF(v,'a'),k,l,existence=True):
        ....:             _ = radical_difference_set(GF(v,'a'),k,l)
        ....:             print "{:3} {:3} {:3}".format(v,k,l)
          3   2   1
          4   3   2
          7   3   1
          5   4   3
          7   4   2
         13   4   1
         11   5   2
          7   6   5
         11   6   3
         16   6   2
          8   7   6
          9   8   7
         19   9   4
         37   9   2
         73   9   1
         11  10   9
         19  10   5
         23  11   5
         13  12  11
         23  12   6
         27  13   6
         27  14   7
         16  15  14
         31  15   7
         41  40  39
         79  40  20
         83  41  20
         43  42  41
         83  42  21
         47  46  45
         49  48  47
        197  49  12
    v = K.cardinality()

    if l*(v-1) != k*(k-1):
        if existence:
            return False
        raise EmptySetError("l*(v-1) is not equal to k*(k-1)")

    # trivial case
    if (v-1) == k:
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = False

    # q = 3 mod 4
    elif v%4 == 3 and k == (v-1)//2:
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = False

    # q = 3 mod 4
    elif v%4 == 3 and k == (v+1)//2:
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = True

    # q = 4t^2 + 1, t odd
    elif v%8 == 5 and k == (v-1)//4 and arith.is_square((v-1)//4):
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = False

    # q = 4t^2 + 9, t odd
    elif v%8 == 5 and k == (v+3)//4 and arith.is_square((v-9)//4):
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = True

    # exceptional case 1
    elif (v,k,l) == (16,6,2):
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = True

    # exceptional case 2
    elif (v,k,l) == (73,9,1):
        if existence:
            return True
        add_zero = False

    # are there more ??
        x = K.multiplicative_generator()
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**((v-1)//k), [K.one()])
        if is_difference_family(K, D, v, k, l):
            print "**  You found a new example of radical difference set **\n"\
                  "**  for the parameters (v,k,l)=({},{},{}).            **\n"\
                  "**  Please contact [email protected]        **\n".format(v,k,l)
            if existence:
                return True
            add_zero = False

            D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**((v-1)//(k-1)), [K.one()])
            if is_difference_family(K, D, v, k, l):
                print "**  You found a new example of radical difference set **\n"\
                      "**  for the parameters (v,k,l)=({},{},{}).            **\n"\
                      "**  Please contact [email protected]        **\n".format(v,k,l)
                if existence:
                    return True
                add_zero = True

            elif existence:
                return False
                raise EmptySetError("no radical difference set exist "
                        "for the parameters (v,k,l) = ({},{},{}".format(v,k,l))

    x = K.multiplicative_generator()
    if add_zero:
        r = x**((v-1)//(k-1))
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(r, [K.one()])
        D[0].insert(0, K.zero())
        r = x**((v-1)//k)
        D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(r, [K.one()])

    if check and not is_difference_family(K, D, v, k, l):
        raise RuntimeError("Sage tried to build a radical difference set with "
                "parameters ({},{},{}) but it seems that it failed! Please "
                "e-mail [email protected]".format(v,k,l))

    return D
def regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n,e,existence=False):
    Return a Regular Symmetric Hadamard Matrix with Constant Diagonal.

    A Hadamard matrix is said to be *regular* if its rows all sum to the same

    When `\epsilon\in\{-1,+1\}`, we say that `M` is a `(n,\epsilon)-RSHCD` if
    `M` is a regular symmetric Hadamard matrix with constant diagonal
    `\delta\in\{-1,+1\}` and row values all equal to `\delta \epsilon
    \sqrt(n)`. For more information, see [HX10]_ or 10.5.1 in


    - ``n`` (integer) -- side of the matrix

    - ``e`` -- one of `-1` or `+1`, equal to the value of `\epsilon`


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal
        sage: regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(4,1)
        [ 1  1  1 -1]
        [ 1  1 -1  1]
        [ 1 -1  1  1]
        [-1  1  1  1]
        sage: regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(4,-1)
        [ 1 -1 -1 -1]
        [-1  1 -1 -1]
        [-1 -1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1  1]

    Other hardcoded values::

        sage: for n,e in [(36,1),(36,-1),(100,1),(100,-1),(196, 1)]:
        ....:     print regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n,e)
        36 x 36 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        36 x 36 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        100 x 100 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        100 x 100 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        196 x 196 dense matrix over Integer Ring

    From two close prime powers::

        sage: print regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(64,-1)
        64 x 64 dense matrix over Integer Ring

    Recursive construction::

        sage: print regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(144,-1)
        144 x 144 dense matrix over Integer Ring


    .. [BH12] A. Brouwer and W. Haemers,
      Spectra of graphs,
      Springer, 2012,

    .. [HX10] W. Haemers and Q. Xiang,
      Strongly regular graphs with parameters `(4m^4,2m^4+m^2,m^4+m^2,m^4+m^2)` exist for all `m>1`,
      European Journal of Combinatorics,
      Volume 31, Issue 6, August 2010, Pages 1553-1559,
    if existence and (n,e) in _rshcd_cache:
        return _rshcd_cache[n,e]

    from sage.graphs.strongly_regular_db import strongly_regular_graph

    def true():
        _rshcd_cache[n,e] = True
        return True

    M = None
    if abs(e) != 1:
        raise ValueError
    if n<0:
        if existence:
            return False
        raise ValueError
    elif n == 4:
        if existence:
            return true()
        if e == 1:
            M = J(4)-2*matrix(4,[[int(i+j == 3) for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)])
            M = -J(4)+2*I(4)
    elif n ==  36:
        if existence:
            return true()
        if e == 1:
            M = strongly_regular_graph(36, 15, 6, 6).adjacency_matrix()
            M = J(36) - 2*M
            M = strongly_regular_graph(36,14,4,6).adjacency_matrix()
            M =  -J(36) + 2*M + 2*I(36)
    elif n == 100:
        if existence:
            return true()
        if e == -1:
            M = strongly_regular_graph(100,44,18,20).adjacency_matrix()
            M = 2*M - J(100) + 2*I(100)
            M = strongly_regular_graph(100,45,20,20).adjacency_matrix()
            M = J(100) - 2*M
    elif n == 196 and e == 1:
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = strongly_regular_graph(196,91,42,42).adjacency_matrix()
        M = J(196) - 2*M
    elif (  e  == 1                 and
          n%16 == 0                 and
          is_square(n)              and
          is_prime_power(sqrt(n)-1) and
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = -rshcd_from_close_prime_powers(int(sqrt(n)))

    # Recursive construction: the kronecker product of two RSHCD is a RSHCD
        from itertools import product
        for n1,e1 in product(divisors(n)[1:-1],[-1,1]):
            e2 = e1*e
            n2 = n//n1
            if (regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n1,e1,existence=True) and
                if existence:
                    return true()
                M1 = regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n1,e1)
                M2 = regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n2,e2)
                M  = M1.tensor_product(M2)

    if M is None:
        from sage.misc.unknown import Unknown
        _rshcd_cache[n,e] = Unknown
        if existence:
            return Unknown
        raise ValueError("I do not know how to build a {}-RSHCD".format((n,e)))

    assert M*M.transpose() == n*I(n)
    assert set(map(sum,M)) == {e*sqrt(n)}

    return M
def difference_family(v, k, l=1, existence=False, check=True):
    Return a (``k``, ``l``)-difference family on an Abelian group of cardinality ``v``.

    Let `G` be a finite Abelian group. For a given subset `D` of `G`, we define
    `\Delta D` to be the multi-set of differences `\Delta D = \{x - y; x \in D,
    y \in D, x \not= y\}`. A `(G,k,\lambda)`-*difference family* is a collection
    of `k`-subsets of `G`, `D = \{D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_b\}` such that the union
    of the difference sets `\Delta D_i` for `i=1,...b`, seen as a multi-set,
    contains each element of `G \backslash \{0\}` exactly `\lambda`-times.

    When there is only one block, i.e. `\lambda(v - 1) = k(k-1)`, then a
    `(G,k,\lambda)`-difference family is also called a *difference set*.

    See also :wikipedia:`Difference_set`.

    If there is no such difference family, an ``EmptySetError`` is raised and if
    there is no construction at the moment ``NotImplementedError`` is raised.


        sage: K,D = designs.difference_family(73,4)
        sage: D
        [[0, 1, 8, 64],
         [0, 25, 54, 67],
         [0, 41, 36, 69],
         [0, 3, 24, 46],
         [0, 2, 16, 55],
         [0, 50, 35, 61]]

        sage: K,D = designs.difference_family(337,7)
        sage: D
        [[1, 175, 295, 64, 79, 8, 52],
         [326, 97, 125, 307, 142, 249, 102],
         [121, 281, 310, 330, 123, 294, 226],
         [17, 279, 297, 77, 332, 136, 210],
         [150, 301, 103, 164, 55, 189, 49],
         [35, 59, 215, 218, 69, 280, 135],
         [289, 25, 331, 298, 252, 290, 200],
         [191, 62, 66, 92, 261, 180, 159]]

    For `k=6,7` we look at the set of small prime powers for which a
    construction is available::

        sage: def prime_power_mod(r,m):
        ....:     k = m+r
        ....:     while True:
        ....:         if is_prime_power(k):
        ....:             yield k
        ....:         k += m

        sage: from itertools import islice
        sage: l6 = {True:[], False: [], Unknown: []}
        sage: for q in islice(prime_power_mod(1,30), 60):
        ....:     l6[designs.difference_family(q,6,existence=True)].append(q)
        sage: l6[True]
        [31, 121, 151, 181, 211, ...,  3061, 3121, 3181]
        sage: l6[Unknown]
        sage: l6[False]

        sage: l7 = {True: [], False: [], Unknown: []}
        sage: for q in islice(prime_power_mod(1,42), 60):
        ....:     l7[designs.difference_family(q,7,existence=True)].append(q)
        sage: l7[True]
        [337, 421, 463, 883, 1723, 3067, 3319, 3529, 3823, 3907, 4621, 4957, 5167]
        sage: l7[Unknown]
        [43, 127, 169, 211, ..., 4999, 5041, 5209]
        sage: l7[False]

    Other constructions for `\lambda > 1`::

        sage: for v in xrange(2,100):
        ....:     constructions = []
        ....:     for k in xrange(2,10):
        ....:         for l in xrange(2,10):
        ....:             if designs.difference_family(v,k,l,existence=True):
        ....:                 constructions.append((k,l))
        ....:                 _ = designs.difference_family(v,k,l)
        ....:     if constructions:
        ....:         print "%2d: %s"%(v, ', '.join('(%d,%d)'%(k,l) for k,l in constructions))
         2: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
         3: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
         4: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
         5: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
         7: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
         8: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
         9: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        11: (3,2), (4,3), (4,6), (5,2), (5,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        13: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (5,5), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        15: (4,6), (5,6), (7,3)
        16: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        17: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (5,5), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        19: (3,2), (4,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,4), (9,5), (9,6), (9,7), (9,8)
        21: (4,3), (6,3), (6,5)
        22: (4,2), (6,5), (7,4), (8,8)
        23: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        25: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (7,7), (8,7), (9,8)
        27: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        28: (3,2), (6,5)
        29: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,3), (7,6), (8,4), (8,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        31: (3,2), (4,2), (4,3), (5,2), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        32: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        33: (5,5), (6,5)
        34: (4,2)
        35: (5,2), (8,4)
        37: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,2), (9,3), (9,8)
        39: (6,5)
        40: (3,2)
        41: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,3), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        43: (3,2), (4,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,2), (7,3), (7,6), (8,4), (8,7), (9,8)
        46: (4,2), (6,2)
        47: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        49: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,3), (9,8)
        51: (5,2), (6,3)
        53: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        55: (9,4)
        57: (7,3)
        59: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        61: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,2), (6,3), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        64: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,2), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        67: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        71: (3,2), (4,3), (5,2), (5,4), (6,5), (7,3), (7,6), (8,4), (8,7), (9,8)
        73: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        75: (5,2)
        79: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        81: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        83: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        85: (7,2), (7,3), (8,2)
        89: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,8)
        97: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5), (7,6), (8,7), (9,3), (9,8)


    Check more of the Wilson constructions from [Wi72]_::

        sage: Q5 = [241, 281,421,601,641, 661, 701, 821,881]
        sage: Q9 = [73, 1153, 1873, 2017]
        sage: Q15 = [76231]
        sage: Q4 = [13, 73, 97, 109, 181, 229, 241, 277, 337, 409, 421, 457]
        sage: Q8 = [1009, 3137, 3697]
        sage: for Q,k in [(Q4,4),(Q5,5),(Q8,8),(Q9,9),(Q15,15)]:
        ....:     for q in Q:
        ....:         assert designs.difference_family(q,k,1,existence=True) is True
        ....:         _ = designs.difference_family(q,k,1)

    Check Singer difference sets::

        sage: sgp = lambda q,d: ((q**(d+1)-1)//(q-1), (q**d-1)//(q-1), (q**(d-1)-1)//(q-1))

        sage: for q in range(2,10):
        ....:     if is_prime_power(q):
        ....:         for d in [2,3,4]:
        ....:           v,k,l = sgp(q,d)
        ....:           assert designs.difference_family(v,k,l,existence=True) is True
        ....:           _ = designs.difference_family(v,k,l)

    Check twin primes difference sets::

        sage: for p in [3,5,7,9,11]:
        ....:     v = p*(p+2); k = (v-1)/2;  lmbda = (k-1)/2
        ....:     G,D = designs.difference_family(v,k,lmbda)

    Check the database:

        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.database import DF
        sage: for v,k,l in DF:
        ....:     df = designs.difference_family(v,k,l,check=True)

    .. TODO::

        Implement recursive constructions from Buratti "Recursive for difference
        matrices and relative difference families" (1998) and Jungnickel
        "Composition theorems for difference families and regular planes" (1978)
    from block_design import are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters

    from database import DF

    if (v, k, l) in DF:
        if existence:
            return True

        vv, blocks = DF[v, k, l].iteritems().next()

        # Build the group
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.integer_mod_ring import Zmod
        if len(vv) == 1:
            G = Zmod(vv[0])
            from sage.categories.cartesian_product import cartesian_product
            G = cartesian_product([Zmod(i) for i in vv])

        df = [[G(i) for i in b] for b in blocks]

        if check:
            assert is_difference_family(
                G, df, v=v, k=k,
                l=l), "Sage built an invalid ({},{},{})-DF!".format(v, k, l)

        return G, df

    e = k * (k - 1)
    t = l * (v - 1) // e  # number of blocks

    D = None

    factorization = arith.factor(v)

    if len(factorization) == 1:  # i.e. is v a prime power
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.constructor import GF
        G = K = GF(v, 'z')
        x = K.multiplicative_generator()

        if l == (k - 1):
            if existence:
                return True
            return K, K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**((v - 1) // k))[1:]

        if t == 1:
            # some of the difference set constructions VI.18.48 from the
            # Handbook of combinatorial designs
            # q = 3 mod 4
            if v % 4 == 3 and k == (v - 1) // 2:
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**2, [1])

            # q = 4t^2 + 1, t odd
            elif v % 8 == 5 and k == (v - 1) // 4 and arith.is_square(
                (v - 1) // 4):
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**4, [1])

            # q = 4t^2 + 9, t odd
            elif v % 8 == 5 and k == (v + 3) // 4 and arith.is_square(
                (v - 9) // 4):
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x**4, [1])
                D[0].insert(0, K.zero())

        if D is None and l == 1:
            one = K.one()

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 9
            if k % 2 == 1:
                m = (k - 1) // 2
                xx = x**m
                to_coset = {
                    x**i * xx**j: i
                    for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange((v - 1) / m)
                r = x**((v - 1) // k)  # primitive k-th root of unity
                if len(set(to_coset[r**j - one]
                           for j in xrange(1, m + 1))) == m:
                    if existence:
                        return True
                    B = [r**j for j in xrange(k)
                         ]  # = H^((k-1)t) whose difference is
                    # H^(mt) (r^i - 1, i=1,..,m)
                    # Now pick representatives a translate of R for by a set of
                    # representatives of H^m / H^(mt)
                    D = [[x**(i * m) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 10
                m = k // 2
                xx = x**m
                to_coset = {
                    x**i * xx**j: i
                    for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange((v - 1) / m)
                r = x**((v - 1) // (k - 1))  # primitive (k-1)-th root of unity
                if (all(to_coset[r**j - one] != 0 for j in xrange(1, m))
                        and len(set(to_coset[r**j - one]
                                    for j in xrange(1, m))) == m - 1):
                    if existence:
                        return True
                    B = [K.zero()] + [r**j for j in xrange(k - 1)]
                    D = [[x**(i * m) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 11
            if D is None and k == 6:
                r = x**((v - 1) // 3)  # primitive cube root of unity
                r2 = r * r
                xx = x**5
                to_coset = {
                    x**i * xx**j: i
                    for i in xrange(5) for j in xrange((v - 1) / 5)
                for c in to_coset:
                    if c == 1 or c == r or c == r2:
                    if len(
                                for elt in (r - 1, c * (r - 1), c - 1, c - r,
                                            c - r**2))) == 5:
                        if existence:
                            return True
                        B = [one, r, r**2, c, c * r, c * r**2]
                        D = [[x**(i * 5) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

    # Twin prime powers construction (see :wikipedia:`Difference_set`)
    # i.e. v = p(p+2) where p and p+2 are prime powers
    #      k = (v-1)/2
    #      lambda = (k-1)/2
    elif (len(factorization) == 2
          and abs(pow(*factorization[0]) - pow(*factorization[1])) == 2
          and k == (v - 1) // 2 and (l is None or 2 * l == (v - 1) // 2 - 1)):

        # A difference set can be built from the set of elements
        # (x,y) in GF(p) x GF(p+2) such that:
        # - either y=0
        # - x and y with x and y     squares
        # - x and y with x and y non-squares
        if existence:
            return True

        from sage.rings.finite_rings.constructor import FiniteField
        from sage.categories.cartesian_product import cartesian_product
        from itertools import product
        p, q = pow(*factorization[0]), pow(*factorization[1])
        if p > q:
            p, q = q, p
        Fp = FiniteField(p, 'x')
        Fq = FiniteField(q, 'x')
        Fpset = set(Fp)
        Fqset = set(Fq)
        Fp_squares = set(x**2 for x in Fpset)
        Fq_squares = set(x**2 for x in Fqset)

        # Pairs of squares, pairs of non-squares
        d = []
            product(Fp_squares.difference([0]), Fq_squares.difference([0])))

        # All (x,0)
        d.extend((x, 0) for x in Fpset)

        G = cartesian_product([Fp, Fq])
        D = [d]

    if D is None and are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters(
            v, k, l):
        _, (q, d) = are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters(
            v, k, l, True)
        if existence:
            return True
            G, D = singer_difference_set(q, d)

    if D is None:
        if existence:
            return Unknown
        raise NotImplementedError("No constructions for these parameters")

    if check and not is_difference_family(G, D, verbose=False):
        raise RuntimeError

    return G, D
def difference_family(v, k, l=1, existence=False, check=True):
    Return a (``k``, ``l``)-difference family on an Abelian group of size ``v``.

    Let `G` be a finite Abelian group. For a given subset `D` of `G`, we define
    `\Delta D` to be the multi-set of differences `\Delta D = \{x - y; x \in D,
    y \in D, x \not= y\}`. A `(G,k,\lambda)`-*difference family* is a collection
    of `k`-subsets of `G`, `D = \{D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_b\}` such that the union
    of the difference sets `\Delta D_i` for `i=1,...b`, seen as a multi-set,
    contains each element of `G \backslash \{0\}` exactly `\lambda`-times.

    When there is only one block, i.e. `\lambda(v - 1) = k(k-1)`, then a
    `(G,k,\lambda)`-difference family is also called a *difference set*.

    See also :wikipedia:`Difference_set`.

    If there is no such difference family, an ``EmptySetError`` is raised and if
    there is no construction at the moment ``NotImplementedError`` is raised.


        sage: K,D = designs.difference_family(73,4)
        sage: D
        [[0, 1, 8, 64],
         [0, 25, 54, 67],
         [0, 41, 36, 69],
         [0, 3, 24, 46],
         [0, 2, 16, 55],
         [0, 50, 35, 61]]

        sage: K,D = designs.difference_family(337,7)
        sage: D
        [[1, 175, 295, 64, 79, 8, 52],
         [326, 97, 125, 307, 142, 249, 102],
         [121, 281, 310, 330, 123, 294, 226],
         [17, 279, 297, 77, 332, 136, 210],
         [150, 301, 103, 164, 55, 189, 49],
         [35, 59, 215, 218, 69, 280, 135],
         [289, 25, 331, 298, 252, 290, 200],
         [191, 62, 66, 92, 261, 180, 159]]

    For `k=6,7` we look at the set of small prime powers for which a
    construction is available::

        sage: def prime_power_mod(r,m):
        ....:     k = m+r
        ....:     while True:
        ....:         if is_prime_power(k):
        ....:             yield k
        ....:         k += m

        sage: from itertools import islice
        sage: l6 = {True:[], False: [], Unknown: []}
        sage: for q in islice(prime_power_mod(1,30), 60):
        ....:     l6[designs.difference_family(q,6,existence=True)].append(q)
        sage: l6[True]
        [31, 151, 181, 211, ...,  3061, 3121, 3181]
        sage: l6[Unknown]
        [61, 121]
        sage: l6[False]

        sage: l7 = {True: [], False: [], Unknown: []}
        sage: for q in islice(prime_power_mod(1,42), 60):
        ....:     l7[designs.difference_family(q,7,existence=True)].append(q)
        sage: l7[True]
        [337, 421, 463, 883, 1723, 3067, 3319, 3529, 3823, 3907, 4621, 4957, 5167]
        sage: l7[Unknown]
        [43, 127, 169, 211, ..., 4999, 5041, 5209]
        sage: l7[False]

    Other constructions for `\lambda > 1`::

        sage: for v in xrange(2,100):
        ....:     constructions = []
        ....:     for k in xrange(2,10):
        ....:         for l in xrange(2,10):
        ....:             if designs.difference_family(v,k,l,existence=True):
        ....:                 constructions.append((k,l))
        ....:                 _ = designs.difference_family(v,k,l)
        ....:     if constructions:
        ....:         print "%2d: %s"%(v, ', '.join('(%d,%d)'%(k,l) for k,l in constructions))
         4: (3,2)
         5: (4,3)
         7: (3,2), (6,5)
         8: (7,6)
         9: (4,3), (8,7)
        11: (5,2), (5,4)
        13: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5)
        15: (7,3)
        16: (3,2), (5,4)
        17: (4,3), (8,7)
        19: (3,2), (6,5), (9,4), (9,8)
        25: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7)
        29: (4,3), (7,6)
        31: (3,2), (5,4), (6,5)
        37: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (9,2), (9,8)
        41: (4,3), (5,4), (8,7)
        43: (3,2), (6,5), (7,6)
        49: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7)
        53: (4,3)
        61: (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5)
        64: (3,2), (7,6), (9,8)
        67: (3,2), (6,5)
        71: (5,4), (7,6)
        73: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7), (9,8)
        79: (3,2), (6,5)
        81: (4,3), (5,4), (8,7)
        89: (4,3), (8,7)
        97: (3,2), (4,3), (6,5), (8,7)


    Check more of the Wilson constructions from [Wi72]_::

        sage: Q5 = [241, 281,421,601,641, 661, 701, 821,881]
        sage: Q9 = [73, 1153, 1873, 2017]
        sage: Q15 = [76231]
        sage: Q4 = [13, 73, 97, 109, 181, 229, 241, 277, 337, 409, 421, 457]
        sage: Q8 = [1009, 3137, 3697]
        sage: for Q,k in [(Q4,4),(Q5,5),(Q8,8),(Q9,9),(Q15,15)]:
        ....:     for q in Q:
        ....:         assert designs.difference_family(q,k,1,existence=True) is True
        ....:         _ = designs.difference_family(q,k,1)

    Check Singer difference sets::

        sage: sgp = lambda q,d: ((q**(d+1)-1)//(q-1), (q**d-1)//(q-1), (q**(d-1)-1)//(q-1))

        sage: for q in range(2,10):
        ....:     if is_prime_power(q):
        ....:         for d in [2,3,4]:
        ....:           v,k,l = sgp(q,d)
        ....:           assert designs.difference_family(v,k,l,existence=True) is True
        ....:           _ = designs.difference_family(v,k,l)

    .. TODO::

        There is a slightly more general version of difference families where
        the stabilizers of the blocks are taken into account. A block is *short*
        if the stabilizer is not trivial. The more general version is called a
        *partial difference family*. It is still possible to construct BIBD from
        this more general version (see the chapter 16 in the Handbook

        Implement recursive constructions from Buratti "Recursive for difference
        matrices and relative difference families" (1998) and Jungnickel
        "Composition theorems for difference families and regular planes" (1978)
    if (l * (v - 1)) % (k * (k - 1)) != 0:
        if existence:
            return False
        raise EmptySetError(
            "A (v,%d,%d)-difference family may exist only if %d*(v-1) = mod %d" % (k, l, l, k * (k - 1))

    from block_design import are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters
    from database import DF_constructions

    if (v, k, l) in DF_constructions:
        if existence:
            return True
        return DF_constructions[(v, k, l)]()

    e = k * (k - 1)
    t = l * (v - 1) // e  # number of blocks

    D = None

    if arith.is_prime_power(v):
        from sage.rings.finite_rings.constructor import GF

        G = K = GF(v, "z")
        x = K.multiplicative_generator()

        if l == (k - 1):
            if existence:
                return True
            return K, K.cyclotomic_cosets(x ** ((v - 1) // k))[1:]

        if t == 1:
            # some of the difference set constructions VI.18.48 from the
            # Handbook of combinatorial designs
            # q = 3 mod 4
            if v % 4 == 3 and k == (v - 1) // 2:
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x ** 2, [1])

            # q = 4t^2 + 1, t odd
            elif v % 8 == 5 and k == (v - 1) // 4 and arith.is_square((v - 1) // 4):
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x ** 4, [1])

            # q = 4t^2 + 9, t odd
            elif v % 8 == 5 and k == (v + 3) // 4 and arith.is_square((v - 9) // 4):
                if existence:
                    return True
                D = K.cyclotomic_cosets(x ** 4, [1])
                D[0].insert(0, K.zero())

        if D is None and l == 1:
            one = K.one()

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 9
            if k % 2 == 1:
                m = (k - 1) // 2
                xx = x ** m
                to_coset = {x ** i * xx ** j: i for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange((v - 1) / m)}
                r = x ** ((v - 1) // k)  # primitive k-th root of unity
                if len(set(to_coset[r ** j - one] for j in xrange(1, m + 1))) == m:
                    if existence:
                        return True
                    B = [r ** j for j in xrange(k)]  # = H^((k-1)t) whose difference is
                    # H^(mt) (r^i - 1, i=1,..,m)
                    # Now pick representatives a translate of R for by a set of
                    # representatives of H^m / H^(mt)
                    D = [[x ** (i * m) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 10
                m = k // 2
                xx = x ** m
                to_coset = {x ** i * xx ** j: i for i in xrange(m) for j in xrange((v - 1) / m)}
                r = x ** ((v - 1) // (k - 1))  # primitive (k-1)-th root of unity
                if (
                    all(to_coset[r ** j - one] != 0 for j in xrange(1, m))
                    and len(set(to_coset[r ** j - one] for j in xrange(1, m))) == m - 1
                    if existence:
                        return True
                    B = [K.zero()] + [r ** j for j in xrange(k - 1)]
                    D = [[x ** (i * m) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

            # Wilson (1972), Theorem 11
            if D is None and k == 6:
                r = x ** ((v - 1) // 3)  # primitive cube root of unity
                r2 = r * r
                xx = x ** 5
                to_coset = {x ** i * xx ** j: i for i in xrange(5) for j in xrange((v - 1) / 5)}
                for c in to_coset:
                    if c == 1 or c == r or c == r2:
                    if len(set(to_coset[elt] for elt in (r - 1, c * (r - 1), c - 1, c - r, c - r ** 2))) == 5:
                        if existence:
                            return True
                        B = [one, r, r ** 2, c, c * r, c * r ** 2]
                        D = [[x ** (i * 5) * b for b in B] for i in xrange(t)]

    if D is None and are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters(v, k, l):
        _, (q, d) = are_hyperplanes_in_projective_geometry_parameters(v, k, l, True)
        if existence:
            return True
            G, D = singer_difference_set(q, d)

    if D is None:
        if existence:
            return Unknown
        raise NotImplementedError("No constructions for these parameters")

    if check and not is_difference_family(G, D, verbose=False):
        raise RuntimeError

    return G, D
def regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n,e,existence=False):
    Return a Regular Symmetric Hadamard Matrix with Constant Diagonal.

    A Hadamard matrix is said to be *regular* if its rows all sum to the same

    When `\epsilon\in\{-1,+1\}`, we say that `M` is a `(n,\epsilon)-RSHCD` if
    `M` is a regular symmetric Hadamard matrix with constant diagonal
    `\delta\in\{-1,+1\}` and row values all equal to `\delta \epsilon
    \sqrt(n)`. For more information, see [HX10]_ or 10.5.1 in


    - ``n`` (integer) -- side of the matrix

    - ``e`` -- one of `-1` or `+1`, equal to the value of `\epsilon`


        sage: from sage.combinat.matrices.hadamard_matrix import regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal
        sage: regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(4,1)
        [ 1  1  1 -1]
        [ 1  1 -1  1]
        [ 1 -1  1  1]
        [-1  1  1  1]
        sage: regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(4,-1)
        [ 1 -1 -1 -1]
        [-1  1 -1 -1]
        [-1 -1  1 -1]
        [-1 -1 -1  1]

    Other hardcoded values::

        sage: for n,e in [(36,1),(36,-1),(100,1),(100,-1),(196, 1)]:
        ....:     print regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n,e)
        36 x 36 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        36 x 36 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        100 x 100 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        100 x 100 dense matrix over Integer Ring
        196 x 196 dense matrix over Integer Ring

    From two close prime powers::

        sage: print regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(64,-1)
        64 x 64 dense matrix over Integer Ring

    Recursive construction::

        sage: print regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(144,-1)
        144 x 144 dense matrix over Integer Ring


    .. [BH12] A. Brouwer and W. Haemers,
      Spectra of graphs,
      Springer, 2012,

    .. [HX10] W. Haemers and Q. Xiang,
      Strongly regular graphs with parameters `(4m^4,2m^4+m^2,m^4+m^2,m^4+m^2)` exist for all `m>1`,
      European Journal of Combinatorics,
      Volume 31, Issue 6, August 2010, Pages 1553-1559,
    if existence and (n,e) in _rshcd_cache:
        return _rshcd_cache[n,e]

    from sage.graphs.strongly_regular_db import strongly_regular_graph

    def true():
        _rshcd_cache[n,e] = True
        return True

    M = None
    if abs(e) != 1:
        raise ValueError
    if n<0:
        if existence:
            return False
        raise ValueError
    elif n == 4:
        if existence:
            return true()
        if e == 1:
            M = J(4)-2*matrix(4,[[int(i+j == 3) for i in range(4)] for j in range(4)])
            M = -J(4)+2*I(4)
    elif n ==  36:
        if existence:
            return true()
        if e == 1:
            M = strongly_regular_graph(36, 15, 6, 6).adjacency_matrix()
            M = J(36) - 2*M
            M = strongly_regular_graph(36,14,4,6).adjacency_matrix()
            M =  -J(36) + 2*M + 2*I(36)
    elif n == 100:
        if existence:
            return true()
        if e == -1:
            M = strongly_regular_graph(100,44,18,20).adjacency_matrix()
            M = 2*M - J(100) + 2*I(100)
            M = strongly_regular_graph(100,45,20,20).adjacency_matrix()
            M = J(100) - 2*M
    elif n == 196 and e == 1:
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = strongly_regular_graph(196,91,42,42).adjacency_matrix()
        M = J(196) - 2*M
    elif (  e  == 1                 and
          n%16 == 0                 and
          is_square(n)              and
          is_prime_power(sqrt(n)-1) and
        if existence:
            return true()
        M = -rshcd_from_close_prime_powers(int(sqrt(n)))

    # Recursive construction: the kronecker product of two RSHCD is a RSHCD
        from itertools import product
        for n1,e1 in product(divisors(n)[1:-1],[-1,1]):
            e2 = e1*e
            n2 = n//n1
            if (regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n1,e1,existence=True) and
                if existence:
                    return true()
                M1 = regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n1,e1)
                M2 = regular_symmetric_hadamard_matrix_with_constant_diagonal(n2,e2)
                M  = M1.tensor_product(M2)

    if M is None:
        from sage.misc.unknown import Unknown
        _rshcd_cache[n,e] = Unknown
        if existence:
            return Unknown
        raise ValueError("I do not know how to build a {}-RSHCD".format((n,e)))

    assert M*M.transpose() == n*I(n)
    assert set(map(sum,M)) == {e*sqrt(n)}

    return M