    def __init__(self, n):
        Initialize ``self``.


            sage: G = groups.matrix.BinaryDihedral(4)
            sage: TestSuite(G).run()
        self._n = n

        if n % 2 == 0:
            R = CyclotomicField(2 * n)
            zeta = R.gen()
            i = R.gen()**(n // 2)
            R = CyclotomicField(4 * n)
            zeta = R.gen()**2
            i = R.gen()**n

        MS = MatrixSpace(R, 2)
        zero = R.zero()
        gens = [MS([zeta, zero, zero, ~zeta]), MS([zero, i, i, zero])]

        from sage.libs.gap.libgap import libgap
        gap_gens = [libgap(matrix_gen) for matrix_gen in gens]
        gap_group = libgap.Group(gap_gens)

def reduce_numberfield(a,K):

        a - an element that has the method minpoly. One should multiply a, so it becomes integral, otherwise the result might not be correct.
        K - number field, such that a is in K. If d is a number we set K = Q(zeta_d)


        A representation of a in terms of zeta_d

        sage: zeta294 = CyclotomicField(294).gen()
        sage: a = 2/7*zeta294^77 - 6/7*zeta294^63 - 8/7*zeta294^56 + 5/7*zeta294^42 - 2/7*zeta294^28 - 4/7*zeta294^21 + 8/7*zeta294^7 + 3/7
        sage: reduce_cyclotomic(a*7,7)
        -2*zeta7^5 - 4*zeta7^4 - 6*zeta7^3 - 8*zeta7^2 - 3*zeta7 - 5

    if K in ZZ:
        K = CyclotomicField(K)
    R = PolynomialRing(K, 'X')
    X = R.gen()
    candidates = [-p[0][0] for p in R(a.minpoly()).factor()]
    distances = [abs(CC(x)-CC(a)) for x in candidates]
    if min(distances)>.001:
        return 'Are you sure that a is in {}?'.format(K)
    return candidates[distances.index(min(distances))]
    def to_matrix(self):
        Return a matrix of ``self``.

        The colors are mapped to roots of unity.


            sage: C = ColoredPermutations(4, 3)
            sage: s1,s2,t = C.gens()
            sage: x = s1*s2*t*s2; x.one_line_form()
            [(1, 2), (0, 1), (0, 3)]
            sage: M = x.to_matrix(); M
            [    0     1     0]
            [zeta4     0     0]
            [    0     0     1]

        The matrix multiplication is in the *opposite* order::

            sage: M == s2.to_matrix()*t.to_matrix()*s2.to_matrix()*s1.to_matrix()
        Cp = CyclotomicField(self.parent()._m)
        g = Cp.gen()
        D = diagonal_matrix(Cp, [g**i for i in self._colors])
        return self._perm.to_matrix() * D
    def idft(self):
        A discrete inverse Fourier transform. Only works over `\QQ`.


            sage: J = range(5)
            sage: A = [ZZ(1) for i in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: fs = s.dft(); fs
            Indexed sequence: [5, 0, 0, 0, 0]
                indexed by [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            sage: it = fs.idft(); it
            Indexed sequence: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
                indexed by [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
            sage: it == s
        F = self.base_ring()   ## elements must be coercible into QQ(zeta_N)
        J = self.index_object()   ## must be = range(N)
        N = len(J)
        S = self.list()
        zeta = CyclotomicField(N).gen()
        iFT = [sum([S[i]*zeta**(-i*j) for i in J]) for j in J]
        if not(J[0] in ZZ) or F.base_ring().fraction_field() != QQ:
            raise NotImplementedError("Sorry this type of idft is not implemented yet.")
        return IndexedSequence(iFT,J)*(Integer(1)/N)
def eis_H(a, b, N, k, Q=None, t=1, prec=10):
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(CyclotomicField(N), 'q')
    R = Q.base_ring()
    zetaN = R.zeta(N)
    q = Q.gen()
    a = ZZ(a % N)
    b = ZZ(b % N)
    s = 0

    if k == 1:
        if a == 0 and not b == 0:
            s = -QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**b) / (1 - zetaN**b)
        elif b == 0 and not a == 0:
            s = -QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**a) / (1 - zetaN**a)
        elif a != 0 and b != 0:
            s = -QQ(1) / QQ(2) * ((1 + zetaN**a) / (1 - zetaN**a) +
                                  (1 + zetaN**b) / (1 - zetaN**b))
    elif k > 1:
        s = hurwitz_hat(-b, N, 1 - k, zetaN)

    for m in srange(1, prec / t):
        for n in srange(1, prec / t / m + 1):
            s += (zetaN**(-a * m - b * n) +
                  (-1)**k * zetaN**(a * m + b * n)) * n**(k - 1) * q**(m * n)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
def hurwitz_hat(d, N, l, zetaN=None):
    Computes the function zeta_hat(d/N, l) from Brunaults paper "Regulateurs
    modulaires via la methode de Rogers--Zudilin" as an element of Q(zetaN)
    at a non-positive integer l. We use the formula
    sum_{x in Z/NZ} zetaN**(xu) zeta(x/N, s) = N**s zeta_hat(u/N, s).
    - d - int
    - N - int, positive int
    - l - int, non-positive integer
    - an element of the ring Q(zetaN), equal to zeta_hat(d/N, l)
    if zetaN == None:
        zetaN = CyclotomicField(N).gen()
    d = d % N
    k = 1 - l
    if k < 1:
        raise ValueError, 'k has to be positive'
    if k == 1:
        s = -QQ(1) / QQ(
            2)  # This is the term in the sum corresponding to x = 0
        s += sum([
            zetaN**(x * d) *
            (QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(d) / QQ(N) + floor(QQ(d) / QQ(N)))
            for x in range(1, N)
        s = sum([
            -zetaN**(x * d) *
            (ber_pol(QQ(x) / QQ(N) - floor(QQ(x) / QQ(N)), k)) / k
            for x in range(N)
    return N**(k - 1) * s
 def __init__(self, ray_class_group, base_ring):
     names = tuple([ "chi%i"%i for i in range(ray_class_group.ngens()) ])
     if base_ring is None:
         from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import CyclotomicField
         base_ring = CyclotomicField(LCM(ray_class_group.gens_orders()))
     DualAbelianGroup_class.__init__(self, ray_class_group, names, base_ring)
     """ ray_class_group accessible as self.group() """
def eis_phipsi(phi, psi, k, prec=10, t=1, cmplx=False):
    Return Fourier expansion of Eisenstein series at the cusp oo.


    - ``phi`` -- Dirichlet character.
    - ``psi`` -- Dirichlet character.
    - ``k`` -- integer, the weight of the Eistenstein series.
    - ``prec`` -- integer (default: 10).
    - ``t`` -- integer (default: 1).


    The Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein series $E_k^{\phi,\psi, t}$ (as
    defined by [Diamond-Shurman]).

    sage: phi = DirichletGroup(3)[1]
    sage: psi = DirichletGroup(5)[1]
    sage: E = eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, 4)
    N1, N2 = phi.level(), psi.level()
    N = N1 * N2
    #The Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein series at infinity is in the field Q(zeta_Ncyc)
    Ncyc = lcm([euler_phi(N1), euler_phi(N2)])
    if cmplx == True:
        CC = ComplexField(53)
        pi = ComplexField().pi()
        I = ComplexField().gen()
        R = CC
        zeta = CC(exp(2 * pi * I / Ncyc))
        R = CyclotomicField(Ncyc)
        zeta = R.zeta(Ncyc)
        phi, psi = phi.base_extend(R), psi.base_extend(R)
    Q = PowerSeriesRing(R, 'q')
    q = Q.gen()
    s = O(q**prec)

    #Weight 2 with trivial characters is calculated separately
    if k == 2 and phi.conductor() == 1 and psi.conductor() == 1:
        if t == 1:
            raise TypeError('E_2 is not a modular form.')
        s = 1 / 24 * (t - 1)
        for m in srange(1, prec):
            for n in srange(1, prec / m + 1):
                s += n * (q**(m * n) - t * q**(m * n * t))
        return s + O(q**prec)

    if psi.level() == 1 and k == 1:
        s -= phi.bernoulli(k) / k
    elif phi.level() == 1:
        s -= psi.bernoulli(k) / k

    for m in srange(1, prec / t):
        for n in srange(1, prec / t / m + 1):
            s += 2 * phi(m) * psi(n) * n**(k - 1) * q**(m * n * t)
    return s + O(q**prec)
    def to_cyclotomic_field(self, R=None):
        Return this element as an element of a cyclotomic field.


            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()

            sage: UCF.gen(3).to_cyclotomic_field()
            sage: UCF.gen(3,2).to_cyclotomic_field()
            -zeta3 - 1

            sage: CF = CyclotomicField(5)
            sage: CF(E(5)) # indirect doctest

            sage: CF = CyclotomicField(7)
            sage: CF(E(5)) # indirect doctest
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: Cannot coerce zeta5 into Cyclotomic Field of order 7 and
            degree 6

            sage: CF = CyclotomicField(10)
            sage: CF(E(5)) # indirect doctest

        Matrices are correctly dealt with::

            sage: M = Matrix(UCF,2,[E(3),E(4),E(5),E(6)]); M
            [   E(3)    E(4)]
            [   E(5) -E(3)^2]

            sage: Matrix(CyclotomicField(60),M) # indirect doctest
            [zeta60^10 - 1     zeta60^15]
            [    zeta60^12     zeta60^10]

        Using a non-standard embedding::

            sage: CF = CyclotomicField(5,embedding=CC(exp(4*pi*i/5)))
            sage: x = E(5)
            sage: CC(x)
            0.309016994374947 + 0.951056516295154*I
            sage: CC(CF(x))
            0.309016994374947 + 0.951056516295154*I
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import CyclotomicField
        k = self._obj.Conductor().sage()
        Rcan = CyclotomicField(k)
        if R is None:
            R = Rcan
        obj = self._obj
        if obj.IsRat():
            return R(obj.sage())
        zeta = Rcan.gen()
        coeffs = obj.CoeffsCyc(k).sage()
        return R(sum(coeffs[a] * zeta**a for a in range(1, k)))
    def _rank(self, K) :
        if K is QQ or K in NumberFields() :
            return len(_jacobi_forms_by_taylor_expansion_coords(self.__index, self.__weight, 0))

            ## This is the formula used by Poor and Yuen in Paramodular cusp forms
            if self.__weight == 2 :
                delta = len(self.__index.divisors()) // 2 - 1
            else :
                delta = 0
            return sum( ModularForms(1, self.__weight + 2 * j).dimension() + j**2 // (4 * self.__index)
                        for j in xrange(self.__index + 1) ) \
                   + delta

            ## This is the formula given by Skoruppa in 
            ## Jacobi forms of critical weight and Weil representations
            ##FIXME: There is some mistake here
            if self.__weight % 2 != 0 :
                ## Otherwise the space X(i**(n - 2 k)) is different
                ## See: Skoruppa, Jacobi forms of critical weight and Weil representations
                raise NotImplementedError
            m = self.__index
            K = CyclotomicField(24 * m, 'zeta')
            zeta = K.gen(0)
            quadform = lambda x : 6 * x**2
            bilinform = lambda x,y : quadform(x + y) - quadform(x) - quadform(y)
            T = diagonal_matrix([zeta**quadform(i) for i in xrange(2*m)])
            S =   sum(zeta**(-quadform(x)) for x in xrange(2 * m)) / (2 * m) \
                * matrix([[zeta**(-bilinform(j,i)) for j in xrange(2*m)] for i in xrange(2*m)])
            subspace_matrix_1 = matrix( [ [1 if j == i or j == 2*m - i else 0 for j in xrange(m + 1) ]
                                        for i in xrange(2*m)] )
            subspace_matrix_2 = zero_matrix(ZZ, m + 1, 2*m)
            T = subspace_matrix_2 * T * subspace_matrix_1
            S = subspace_matrix_2 * S * subspace_matrix_1
            sqrt3 = (zeta**(4*m) - zeta**(-4*m)) * zeta**(-6*m) 
            rank =   (self.__weight - 1/2 - 1) / 2 * (m + 1) \
                   + 1/8 * (   zeta**(3*m * (2*self.__weight - 1)) * S.trace()
                             + zeta**(3*m * (1 - 2*self.__weight)) * S.trace().conjugate() ) \
                   + 2/(3*sqrt3) * (   zeta**(4 * m * self.__weight) * (S*T).trace()
                                     + zeta**(-4 * m * self.__weight) * (S*T).trace().conjugate() ) \
                   - sum((j**2 % (m+1))/(m+1) -1/2 for j in range(0,m+1))
            if self.__weight > 5 / 2 :
                return rank
            else :
                raise NotImplementedError
        raise NotImplementedError
 def __init__(self, ray_class_group, base_ring):
     names = tuple(["chi%i" % i for i in range(ray_class_group.ngens())])
     if base_ring is None:
         from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import CyclotomicField
         # FIXME: following is deprecated starting from sage 7.1
         # replace by from sage.arith.all import LCM
         from sage.rings.arith import LCM
         base_ring = CyclotomicField(LCM(ray_class_group.gens_orders()))
     DualAbelianGroup_class.__init__(self, ray_class_group, names,
     """ ray_class_group accessible as self.group() """
 def extract(cls, obj):
     Takes an object extracted by the json parser and decodes the
     special-formating dictionaries used to store special types.
     if isinstance(obj, dict) and 'data' in obj:
         if len(obj) == 2 and '__ComplexList__' in obj:
             return [complex(*v) for v in obj['data']]
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__QQList__' in obj:
             return [QQ(tuple(v)) for v in obj['data']]
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__NFList__' in obj and 'base' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             return [cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj['data']]
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__IntDict__' in obj:
             return {Integer(k): cls.extract(v) for k,v in obj['data']}
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__Vector__' in obj and 'base' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             return vector([cls._extract(base, v) for v in obj['data']])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__Rational__' in obj:
             return Rational(*obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__RealLiteral__' in obj and 'prec' in obj:
             return LmfdbRealLiteral(RealField(obj['prec']), obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__complex__' in obj:
             return complex(*obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__Complex__' in obj and 'prec' in obj:
             return ComplexNumber(ComplexField(obj['prec']), *obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__NFElt__' in obj and 'parent' in obj:
             return cls._extract(cls.extract(obj['parent']), obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 3 and ('__NFRelative__' in obj or '__NFAbsolute__' in obj) and 'vname' in obj:
             poly = cls.extract(obj['data'])
             return NumberField(poly, name=obj['vname'])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__NFCyclotomic__' in obj:
             return CyclotomicField(obj['data'])
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__IntegerRing__' in obj:
             return ZZ
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__RationalField__' in obj:
             return QQ
         elif len(obj) == 3 and '__RationalPoly__' in obj and 'vname' in obj:
             return QQ[obj['vname']]([QQ(tuple(v)) for v in obj['data']])
         elif len(obj) == 4 and '__Poly__' in obj and 'vname' in obj and 'base' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             return base[obj['vname']]([cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj['data']])
         elif len(obj) == 5 and '__PowerSeries__' in obj and 'vname' in obj and 'base' in obj and 'prec' in obj:
             base = cls.extract(obj['base'])
             prec = infinity if obj['prec'] == 'inf' else int(obj['prec'])
             return base[[obj['vname']]]([cls._extract(base, c) for c in obj['data']], prec=prec)
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__date__' in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj['data'], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__time__' in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj['data'], "%H:%M:%S.%f").time()
         elif len(obj) == 2 and '__datetime__' in obj:
             return datetime.datetime.strptime(obj['data'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
     return obj
 def __init__(self, G, names="X", bse_ring=None):
     If G has invariants invs = [n1,...,nk] then the default base_ring
     is CyclotoomicField(N), where N = LCM(n1,...,nk).
     if bse_ring == None:    
         base_ring = CyclotomicField(LCM(G.invariants()))
         base_ring = bse_ring
     self.__group = G
     self._base_ring = base_ring
def eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, k, prec=10, t=1, base_ring=None):
    Return Fourier expansion of Eistenstein series at a cusp.


    - ``phi`` -- Dirichlet character.
    - ``psi`` -- Dirichlet character.
    - ``k`` -- integer, the weight of the Eistenstein series.
    - ``prec`` -- integer (default: 10).
    - ``t`` -- integer (default: 1).


    The Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein series $E_k^{\phi,\psi, t}$ (as
    defined by [Diamond-Shurman]) at the specific cusp.

    sage: phi = DirichletGroup(3)[1]
    sage: psi = DirichletGroup(5)[1]
    sage: E = eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, 4)
    N1, N2 = phi.level(), psi.level()
    N = N1 * N2
    #The Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein series at infinity is in the field Q(zeta_Ncyc)
    Ncyc = lcm([euler_phi(N1), euler_phi(N2)])
    if base_ring == None:
        base_ring = CyclotomicField(Ncyc)
    Q = PowerSeriesRing(base_ring, 'q')
    q = Q.gen()
    s = O(q**prec)

    #Weight 2 with trivial characters is calculated separately
    if k == 2 and phi.conductor() == 1 and psi.conductor() == 1:
        if t == 1:
            raise TypeError('E_2 is not a modular form.')
        s = 1 / 24 * (t - 1)
        for m in srange(1, prec):
            for n in srange(1, prec / m):
                s += n * (q**(m * n) - t * q**(m * n * t))
        return s + O(q**prec)

    if psi.level() == 1 and k == 1:
        s -= phi.bernoulli(k) / k
    elif phi.level() == 1:
        s -= psi.bernoulli(k) / k

    for m in srange(1, prec / t):
        for n in srange(1, prec / t / m + 1):
            s += 2 * base_ring(phi(m)) * base_ring(
                psi(n)) * n**(k - 1) * q**(m * n * t)
    return s + O(q**prec)
def eis_E(cv, dv, N, k, Q=None, param_level=1, prec=10):
    Computes the coefficient of the Eisenstein series for $\Gamma(N)$.
    Not intended to be called by user.
    - cv - int, the first coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - dv - int, the second coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - N - int, the level of the Eisenstein series to be computed
    - k - int, the weight of the Eisenstein seriess to be computed
    - Q - power series ring, the ring containing the q-expansion to be computed
    - param_level - int, the parameter of the returned series will be
    - prec - int, the precision.  The series in q_{param_level} will be truncated
      after prec coefficients
    - an element of the ring Q, which is the Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(CyclotomicField(N), 'q')
    R = Q.base_ring()
    zetaN = R.zeta(N)
    q = Q.gen()

    cv = cv % N
    dv = dv % N

    #if dv == 0 and cv == 0 and k == 2:
    #   raise ValueError("E_2 is not a modular form")

    if k == 1:
        if cv == 0 and dv == 0:
            raise ValueError("that shouldn't have happened...")
        elif cv == 0 and dv != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**dv) / (1 - zetaN**dv)
        elif cv != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(cv) / QQ(N) + floor(QQ(cv) / QQ(N))
    elif k > 1:
        if cv == 0:
            s = hurwitz_hat(QQ(dv), QQ(N), 1 - k, zetaN)
            s = 0
    for n1 in xrange(1, prec):  # this is n/m in DS
        for n2 in xrange(1, prec / n1 + 1):  # this is m in DS
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(cv, N):
                s += n2**(k - 1) * zetaN**(dv * n2) * q**(n1 * n2)
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(-cv, N):
                s += (-1)**k * n2**(k - 1) * zetaN**(-dv * n2) * q**(n1 * n2)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
    def field(self):
        Return a cyclotomic field large enough to
        contain the `2 \ell`-th roots of unity, as well as
        all the S-matrix entries.


            sage: FusionRing("A2",2).field()
            Cyclotomic Field of order 60 and degree 16
            sage: FusionRing("B2",2).field()
            Cyclotomic Field of order 40 and degree 16
        return CyclotomicField(4 * self._cyclotomic_order)
def eis_F(cv, dv, N, k, Q=None, prec=10, t=1):
    Computes the coefficient of the Eisenstein series for $\Gamma(N)$.
    Not indented to be called by user.
    - cv - int, the first coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - dv - int, the second coordinate of the vector determining the \Gamma(N)
      Eisenstein series
    - N - int, the level of the Eisenstein series to be computed
    - k - int, the weight of the Eisenstein seriess to be computed
    - Q - power series ring, the ring containing the q-expansion to be computed
    - param_level - int, the parameter of the returned series will be
    - prec - int, the precision.  The series in q_{param_level} will be truncated
      after prec coefficients
    - an element of the ring Q, which is the Fourier expansion of the Eisenstein
    if Q == None:
        Q = PowerSeriesRing(CyclotomicField(N), 'q{}'.format(N))
    R = Q.base_ring()
    zetaN = R.zeta(N)
    q = Q.gen()
    s = 0
    if k == 1:
        if cv % N == 0 and dv % N != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) * (1 + zetaN**dv) / (1 - zetaN**dv)
        elif cv % N != 0:
            s = QQ(1) / QQ(2) - QQ(cv) / QQ(N) + floor(QQ(cv) / QQ(N))
    elif k > 1:
        s = -ber_pol(QQ(cv) / QQ(N) - floor(QQ(cv) / QQ(N)), k) / QQ(k)
    for n1 in xrange(1, ceil(prec / QQ(t))):  # this is n/m in DS
        for n2 in xrange(1,
                         ceil(prec / QQ(t) / QQ(n1)) + 1):  # this is m in DS
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(cv, N):
                s += N**(1 - k) * n1**(k - 1) * zetaN**(dv * n2) * q**(t * n1 *
            if Mod(n1, N) == Mod(-cv, N):
                s += (-1)**k * N**(1 - k) * n1**(k - 1) * zetaN**(
                    -dv * n2) * q**(t * n1 * n2)
    return s + O(q**floor(prec))
def sage_character_to_magma(chi,N=None,magma=None):
    if magma is None:
        magma = sage.interfaces.magma
    if N is None:
        N = chi.modulus()
        N = ZZ(N)
        chi = chi.extend(N)
    G = chi.parent()
    order = chi.order()
    gens = G.unit_gens()
    ElGm = magma.DirichletGroupFull(N)
    Kcyc = CyclotomicField(ElGm.BaseRing().CyclotomicOrder(),names='z')
    phi = ElGm.BaseRing().sage().hom([Kcyc.gen()])
    target = [chi(g) for g in gens]
    for chim in ElGm.Elements():
        if chim.Order().sage() == order:
            this = [phi(chim.Evaluate(g).sage()) for g in gens]
            if all((u == v for u, v in zip(this, target))):
                return chim
    raise RuntimeError("Should not get to this point")
    def _element_constructor_(self, elt):

            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: UCF(3)
            sage: UCF(3/2)

            sage: C = CyclotomicField(13)
            sage: UCF(C.gen())
            sage: UCF(C.gen() - 3*C.gen()**2 + 5*C.gen()**5)
            E(13) - 3*E(13)^2 + 5*E(13)^5

            sage: C = CyclotomicField(12)
            sage: zeta12 = C.gen()
            sage: a = UCF(zeta12 - 3* zeta12**2)
            sage: a
            -E(12)^7 + 3*E(12)^8
            sage: C(_) == a

            sage: UCF('[[0, 1], [0, 2]]')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2 ] ]
            of type <type 'sage.libs.gap.element.GapElement_List'> not valid
            to initialize an element of the universal cyclotomic field

        Some conversions from symbolic functions are possible::

            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: [UCF(sin(pi/k, hold=True)) for k in range(1,10)]
             -1/2*E(12)^7 + 1/2*E(12)^11,
             1/2*E(8) - 1/2*E(8)^3,
             -1/2*E(20)^13 + 1/2*E(20)^17,
             -1/2*E(28)^19 + 1/2*E(28)^23,
             1/2*E(16)^3 - 1/2*E(16)^5,
             -1/2*E(36)^25 + 1/2*E(36)^29]
            sage: [UCF(cos(pi/k, hold=True)) for k in range(1,10)]
             1/2*E(8) - 1/2*E(8)^3,
             -1/2*E(5)^2 - 1/2*E(5)^3,
             -1/2*E(12)^7 + 1/2*E(12)^11,
             -1/2*E(7)^3 - 1/2*E(7)^4,
             1/2*E(16) - 1/2*E(16)^7,
             -1/2*E(9)^4 - 1/2*E(9)^5]

        .. TODO::

            Implement conversion from QQbar (and as a consequence from the
            symbolic ring)
        elt = py_scalar_to_element(elt)

        if isinstance(elt, (Integer, Rational)):
            return self.element_class(self, libgap(elt))
        elif isinstance(
            (GapElement_Integer, GapElement_Rational, GapElement_Cyclotomic)):
            return self.element_class(self, elt)
        elif not elt:
            return self.zero()

        obj = None
        if isinstance(elt, gap.GapElement):
            obj = libgap(elt)
        elif isinstance(elt, gap3.GAP3Element):
            obj = libgap.eval(str(elt))
        elif isinstance(elt, str):
            obj = libgap.eval(elt)
        if obj is not None:
            if not isinstance(obj, (GapElement_Integer, GapElement_Rational,
                raise TypeError(
                    "{} of type {} not valid to initialize an element of the universal cyclotomic field"
                    .format(obj, type(obj)))
            return self.element_class(self, obj)

        # late import to avoid slowing down the above conversions
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field_element import NumberFieldElement
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import NumberField_cyclotomic, CyclotomicField
        P = parent(elt)
        if isinstance(elt, NumberFieldElement) and isinstance(
                P, NumberField_cyclotomic):
            n = P.gen().multiplicative_order()
            elt = CyclotomicField(n)(elt)
            return sum(c * self.gen(n, i)
                       for i, c in enumerate(elt._coefficients()))

        if hasattr(elt, '_algebraic_'):
            return elt._algebraic_(self)

        raise TypeError(
            "{} of type {} not valid to initialize an element of the universal cyclotomic field"
            .format(elt, type(elt)))
def product_space(chi, k, weights=False, base_ring=None, verbose=False):
    Computes all eisenstein series, and products of pairs of eisenstein series
    of lower weight, lying in the space of modular forms of weight $k$ and
    nebentypus $\chi$.
     - chi - Dirichlet character, the nebentypus of the target space
     - k - an integer, the weight of the target space
     - a matrix of coefficients of q-expansions, which are the products of
     Eisenstein series in M_k(chi).

    WARNING: It is only for principal chi that we know that the resulting
    space is the whole space of modular forms.

    if weights == False:
        weights = srange(1, k / 2 + 1)
    weight_dict = {}
    weight_dict[-1] = [w for w in weights if w % 2]  # Odd weights
    weight_dict[1] = [w for w in weights if not w % 2]  # Even weights

        N = chi.modulus()
    except AttributeError:
        if chi.parent() == ZZ:
            N = chi
            chi = DirichletGroup(N)[0]

    Id = DirichletGroup(1)[0]
    if chi(-1) != (-1)**k:
        raise ValueError('chi(-1)!=(-1)^k')
    sturm = ModularForms(N, k).sturm_bound() + 1
    if N > 1:
        target_dim = dimension_modular_forms(chi, k)
        target_dim = dimension_modular_forms(1, k)
    D = DirichletGroup(N)
    # product_space should ideally be called over number fields. Over complex
    # numbers the exact linear algebra solutions might not exist.
    if base_ring == None:
        base_ring = CyclotomicField(euler_phi(N))

    Q = PowerSeriesRing(base_ring, 'q')
    q = Q.gen()

    d = len(D)
    prim_chars = [phi.primitive_character() for phi in D]
    divs = divisors(N)

    products = Matrix(base_ring, [])
    indexlist = []
    rank = 0
    if verbose:
        print('Sturm bound', sturm)
        #TODO: target_dim needs refinment in the case of weight 2.
        print('Target dimension', target_dim)
    for i in srange(0, d):  # First character
        phi = prim_chars[i]
        M1 = phi.conductor()
        for j in srange(0, d):  # Second character
            psi = prim_chars[j]
            M2 = psi.conductor()
            if not M1 * M2 in divs:
            parity = psi(-1) * phi(-1)
            for t1 in divs:
                if not M1 * M2 * t1 in divs:
                if phi.bar() == psi and not (
                        k == 2):  #and i==0 and j==0 and t1==1):
                    E = eisenstein_series_at_inf(phi, psi, k, sturm, t1,
                        products.T.solve_right(vector(base_ring, E))
                    except ValueError:
                        products = Matrix(products.rows() + [E])
                        indexlist.append([k, i, j, t1])
                        rank += 1
                        if verbose:
                            print('Added ', [k, i, j, t1])
                            print('Rank is now', rank)
                        if rank == target_dim:
                            return products, indexlist
                for t in divs:
                    if not M1 * M2 * t1 * t in divs:
                    for t2 in divs:
                        if not M1 * M2 * t1 * t2 * t in divs:
                        for l in weight_dict[parity]:
                            if l == 1 and phi.is_odd():
                            if i == 0 and j == 0 and (l == 2 or l == k - 2):
                            if l == 2 or l == k - 2:
                            E1 = eisenstein_series_at_inf(
                                phi, psi, l, sturm, t1 * t, base_ring)
                            E2 = eisenstein_series_at_inf(
                                phi**(-1), psi**(-1), k - l, sturm, t2 * t,
                            #If chi is non-principal this needs to be changed to be something like chi*phi^(-1) instead of phi^(-1)
                            E = (E1 * E2 + O(q**sturm)).padded_list()
                                products.T.solve_right(vector(base_ring, E))
                            except ValueError:
                                products = Matrix(products.rows() + [E])
                                indexlist.append([l, k - l, i, j, t1, t2, t])
                                rank += 1
                                if verbose:
                                    print('Added ',
                                          [l, k - l, i, j, t1, t2, t])
                                    print('Rank', rank)
                                if rank == target_dim:
                                    return products, indexlist
    return products, indexlist
    def dft(self, chi = lambda x: x):
        A discrete Fourier transform "over `\QQ`" using exact
        `N`-th roots of unity.


            sage: J = range(6)
            sage: A = [ZZ(1) for i in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: s.dft(lambda x:x^2)
            Indexed sequence: [6, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0]
             indexed by [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
            sage: s.dft()
            Indexed sequence: [6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
             indexed by [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
            sage: G = SymmetricGroup(3)
            sage: J = G.conjugacy_classes_representatives()
            sage: s = IndexedSequence([1,2,3],J) # 1,2,3 are the values of a class fcn on G
            sage: s.dft()   # the "scalar-valued Fourier transform" of this class fcn
            Indexed sequence: [8, 2, 2]
             indexed by [(), (1,2), (1,2,3)]
            sage: J = AbelianGroup(2,[2,3],names='ab')
            sage: s = IndexedSequence([1,2,3,4,5,6],J)
            sage: s.dft()   # the precision of output is somewhat random and architecture dependent.
            Indexed sequence: [21.0000000000000, -2.99999999999997 - 1.73205080756885*I, -2.99999999999999 + 1.73205080756888*I, -9.00000000000000 + 0.0000000000000485744257349999*I, -0.00000000000000976996261670137 - 0.0000000000000159872115546022*I, -0.00000000000000621724893790087 - 0.0000000000000106581410364015*I]
                indexed by Multiplicative Abelian group isomorphic to C2 x C3
            sage: J = CyclicPermutationGroup(6)
            sage: s = IndexedSequence([1,2,3,4,5,6],J)
            sage: s.dft()   # the precision of output is somewhat random and architecture dependent.
            Indexed sequence: [21.0000000000000, -2.99999999999997 - 1.73205080756885*I, -2.99999999999999 + 1.73205080756888*I, -9.00000000000000 + 0.0000000000000485744257349999*I, -0.00000000000000976996261670137 - 0.0000000000000159872115546022*I, -0.00000000000000621724893790087 - 0.0000000000000106581410364015*I]
                indexed by Cyclic group of order 6 as a permutation group
            sage: p = 7; J = range(p); A = [kronecker_symbol(j,p) for j in J]
            sage: s = IndexedSequence(A,J)
            sage: Fs = s.dft()
            sage: c = Fs.list()[1]; [x/c for x in Fs.list()]; s.list()
            [0, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1]
            [0, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1]

        The DFT of the values of the quadratic residue symbol is itself, up to
        a constant factor (denoted c on the last line above).

        .. TODO::

            Read the parent of the elements of S; if `\QQ` or `\CC` leave as
            is; if AbelianGroup, use abelian_group_dual; if some other
            implemented Group (permutation, matrix), call .characters()
            and test if the index list is the set of conjugacy classes.
        J = self.index_object()   ## index set of length N
        N = len(J)
        S = self.list()
        F = self.base_ring()   ## elements must be coercible into QQ(zeta_N)
        if not(J[0] in ZZ):
            G = J[0].parent() ## if J is not a range it is a group G
        if J[0] in ZZ and F.base_ring().fraction_field()==QQ:
            ## assumes J is range(N)
            zeta = CyclotomicField(N).gen()
            FT = [sum([S[i]*chi(zeta**(i*j)) for i in J]) for j in J]
        elif not(J[0] in ZZ) and G.is_abelian() and F == ZZ or (F.is_field() and F.base_ring()==QQ):
            if is_PermutationGroupElement(J[0]):
                ## J is a CyclicPermGp
                n = G.order()
                a = list(factor(n))
                invs = [x[0]**x[1] for x in a]
                G = AbelianGroup(len(a),invs)
            ## assumes J is AbelianGroup(...)
            Gd = G.dual_group()
            FT = [sum([S[i]*chid(G.list()[i]) for i in range(N)])
                  for chid in Gd]
        elif not(J[0] in ZZ) and G.is_finite() and F == ZZ or (F.is_field() and F.base_ring()==QQ):
            ## assumes J is the list of conj class representatives of a
            ## PermuationGroup(...) or Matrixgroup(...)
            chi = G.character_table()
            FT = [sum([S[i]*chi[i,j] for i in range(N)]) for j in range(N)]
            raise ValueError("list elements must be in QQ(zeta_"+str(N)+")")
        return IndexedSequence(FT,J)
    def molien_series(self,
        Compute the Molien series of this finite group with respect to the
        character ``chi``. It can be returned either as a rational function
        in one variable or a power series in one variable. The base field
        must be a finite field, the rationals, or a cyclotomic field.

        Note that the base field characteristic cannot divide the group
        order (i.e., the non-modular case).


        For a finite group `G` in characteristic zero we construct the Molien series as

        .. MATH::

            \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g \in G} \frac{\chi(g)}{\text{det}(I-tg)},

        where `I` is the identity matrix and `t` an indeterminate.

        For characteristic `p` not dividing the order of `G`, let `k` be the base field
        and `N` the order of `G`. Define `\lambda` as a primitive `N`-th root of unity over `k`
        and `\omega` as a primitive `N`-th root of unity over `\QQ`. For each `g \in G`
        define `k_i(g)` to be the positive integer such that
        `e_i = \lambda^{k_i(g)}` for each eigenvalue `e_i` of `g`. Then the Molien series
        is computed as

        .. MATH::

            \frac{1}{|G|}\sum_{g \in G} \frac{\chi(g)}{\prod_{i=1}^n(1 - t\omega^{k_i(g)})},

        where `t` is an indeterminant. [Dec1998]_


        - ``chi`` -- (default: trivial character) a linear group character of this group

        - ``return_series`` -- boolean (default: ``True``) if ``True``, then returns
          the Molien series as a power series, ``False`` as a rational function

        - ``prec`` -- integer (default: 20); power series default precision

        - ``variable`` -- string (default: ``'t'``); Variable name for the Molien series

        OUTPUT: single variable rational function or power series with integer coefficients


            sage: MatrixGroup(matrix(QQ,2,2,[1,1,0,1])).molien_series()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: only implemented for finite groups
            sage: MatrixGroup(matrix(GF(3),2,2,[1,1,0,1])).molien_series()
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            NotImplementedError: characteristic cannot divide group order

        Tetrahedral Group::

            sage: K.<i> = CyclotomicField(4)
            sage: Tetra =  MatrixGroup([(-1+i)/2,(-1+i)/2, (1+i)/2,(-1-i)/2], [0,i, -i,0])
            sage: Tetra.molien_series(prec=30)
            1 + t^8 + 2*t^12 + t^16 + 2*t^20 + 3*t^24 + 2*t^28 + O(t^30)
            sage: mol = Tetra.molien_series(return_series=False); mol
            (t^8 - t^4 + 1)/(t^16 - t^12 - t^4 + 1)
            sage: mol.parent()
            Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Integer Ring
            sage: chi = Tetra.character(Tetra.character_table()[1])
            sage: Tetra.molien_series(chi, prec=30, variable='u')
            u^6 + u^14 + 2*u^18 + u^22 + 2*u^26 + 3*u^30 + 2*u^34 + O(u^36)
            sage: chi = Tetra.character(Tetra.character_table()[2])
            sage: Tetra.molien_series(chi)
            t^10 + t^14 + t^18 + 2*t^22 + 2*t^26 + O(t^30)


            sage: S3 = MatrixGroup(SymmetricGroup(3))
            sage: mol = S3.molien_series(prec=10); mol
            1 + t + 2*t^2 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^4 + 5*t^5 + 7*t^6 + 8*t^7 + 10*t^8 + 12*t^9 + O(t^10)
            sage: mol.parent()
            Power Series Ring in t over Integer Ring

        Octahedral Group::

            sage: K.<v> = CyclotomicField(8)
            sage: a = v-v^3 #sqrt(2)
            sage: i = v^2
            sage: Octa = MatrixGroup([(-1+i)/2,(-1+i)/2, (1+i)/2,(-1-i)/2], [(1+i)/a,0, 0,(1-i)/a])
            sage: Octa.molien_series(prec=30)
            1 + t^8 + t^12 + t^16 + t^18 + t^20 + 2*t^24 + t^26 + t^28 + O(t^30)

        Icosahedral Group::

            sage: K.<v> = CyclotomicField(10)
            sage: z5 = v^2
            sage: i = z5^5
            sage: a = 2*z5^3 + 2*z5^2 + 1 #sqrt(5)
            sage: Ico = MatrixGroup([[z5^3,0, 0,z5^2], [0,1, -1,0], [(z5^4-z5)/a, (z5^2-z5^3)/a, (z5^2-z5^3)/a, -(z5^4-z5)/a]])
            sage: Ico.molien_series(prec=40)
            1 + t^12 + t^20 + t^24 + t^30 + t^32 + t^36 + O(t^40)


            sage: G = MatrixGroup(CyclicPermutationGroup(3))
            sage: chi = G.character(G.character_table()[1])
            sage: G.molien_series(chi, prec=10)
            t + 2*t^2 + 3*t^3 + 5*t^4 + 7*t^5 + 9*t^6 + 12*t^7 + 15*t^8 + 18*t^9 + 22*t^10 + O(t^11)


            sage: K = GF(5)
            sage: S = MatrixGroup(SymmetricGroup(4))
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([matrix(K,4,4,[K(y) for u in m.list() for y in u])for m in S.gens()])
            sage: G.molien_series(return_series=False)
            1/(t^10 - t^9 - t^8 + 2*t^5 - t^2 - t + 1)


            sage: i = GF(7)(3)
            sage: G = MatrixGroup([[i^3,0,0,-i^3],[i^2,0,0,-i^2]])
            sage: chi = G.character(G.character_table()[4])
            sage: G.molien_series(chi)
            3*t^5 + 6*t^11 + 9*t^17 + 12*t^23 + O(t^25)
        if not self.is_finite():
            raise NotImplementedError("only implemented for finite groups")
        if chi is None:
            chi = self.trivial_character()
        M = self.matrix_space()
        R = FractionField(self.base_ring())
        N = self.order()
        if R.characteristic() == 0:
            P = PolynomialRing(R, variable)
            t = P.gen()
            #it is possible the character is over a larger cyclotomic field
            K = chi.values()[0].parent()
            if K.degree() != 1:
                if R.degree() != 1:
                    L = K.composite_fields(R)[0]
                    L = K
                L = R
            mol = P(0)
            for g in self:
                mol += L(chi(g)) / (M.identity_matrix() -
                                    t * g.matrix()).det().change_ring(L)
        elif R.characteristic().divides(N):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "characteristic cannot divide group order")
        else:  #char p>0
            #find primitive Nth roots of unity over base ring and QQ
            F = cyclotomic_polynomial(N).change_ring(R)
            w = F.roots(ring=R.algebraic_closure(), multiplicities=False)[0]
            #don't need to extend further in this case since the order of
            #the roots of unity in the character divide the order of the group
            L = CyclotomicField(N, 'v')
            v = L.gen()
            #construct Molien series
            P = PolynomialRing(L, variable)
            t = P.gen()
            mol = P(0)
            for g in self:
                #construct Phi
                phi = L(chi(g))
                for e in g.matrix().eigenvalues():
                    #find power such that w**n  = e
                    n = 1
                    while w**n != e and n < N + 1:
                        n += 1
                    #raise v to that power
                    phi *= (1 - t * v**n)
                mol += P(1) / phi
        #We know the coefficients will be integers
        mol = mol.numerator().change_ring(ZZ) / mol.denominator().change_ring(
        #divide by group order
        mol /= N
        if return_series:
            PS = PowerSeriesRing(ZZ, variable, default_prec=prec)
            return PS(mol)
        return mol
    def _element_constructor_(self, elt):

            sage: UCF = UniversalCyclotomicField()
            sage: UCF(3)
            sage: UCF(3/2)

            sage: C = CyclotomicField(13)
            sage: UCF(C.gen())
            sage: UCF(C.gen() - 3*C.gen()**2 + 5*C.gen()**5)
            E(13) - 3*E(13)^2 + 5*E(13)^5

            sage: C = CyclotomicField(12)
            sage: zeta12 = C.gen()
            sage: a = UCF(zeta12 - 3* zeta12**2)
            sage: a
            -E(12)^7 + 3*E(12)^8
            sage: C(_) == a

            sage: UCF('[[0, 1], [0, 2]]')
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            TypeError: [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 2 ] ] of type <type
            'sage.libs.gap.element.GapElement_List'> not valid to initialize an
            element of the universal cyclotomic field

        .. TODO::

            Implement conversion from QQbar (and as a consequence from the
            symbolic ring)
        elt = py_scalar_to_element(elt)

        if isinstance(elt, (Integer, Rational)):
            return self.element_class(self, libgap(elt))
        elif isinstance(elt, (GapElement_Integer, GapElement_Rational, GapElement_Cyclotomic)):
            return self.element_class(self, elt)
        elif not elt:
            return self.zero()

        obj = None
        if isinstance(elt, gap.GapElement):
            obj = libgap(elt)
        elif isinstance(elt, gap3.GAP3Element):
            obj = libgap.eval(str(elt))
        elif isinstance(elt, str):
            obj = libgap.eval(elt)
        if obj is not None:
            if not isinstance(obj, (GapElement_Integer, GapElement_Rational, GapElement_Cyclotomic)):
                raise TypeError("{} of type {} not valid to initialize an element of the universal cyclotomic field".format(obj, type(obj)))
            return self.element_class(self, obj)

        # late import to avoid slowing down the above conversions
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field_element import NumberFieldElement
        from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import NumberField_cyclotomic, CyclotomicField
        P = parent(elt)
        if isinstance(elt, NumberFieldElement) and isinstance(P, NumberField_cyclotomic):
            n = P.gen().multiplicative_order()
            elt = CyclotomicField(n)(elt)
            return sum(c * self.gen(n, i)
                       for i, c in enumerate(elt._coefficients()))
            raise TypeError("{} of type {} not valid to initialize an element of the universal cyclotomic field".format(elt, type(elt)))
def attack(m, q, r=4, sigma=3.0, subfield_only=False):
    K = CyclotomicField(m, 'z')
    z = K.gen()
    OK = K.ring_of_integers()
    G = K.galois_group()

    n = euler_phi(m)
    mprime = m / r
    nprime = euler_phi(mprime)
    Gprime = [tau for tau in G if tau(z**r) == z**r]

    R = PolynomialRing(IntegerRing(), 'a')
    a = R.gen()
    phim = a**n + 1
    D = DiscreteGaussianDistributionIntegerSampler(sigma)

    print "sampling f,g"
    while True:
        f = sum([D() * z**i for i in range(n)])
        fx = sum([f[i] * a**i for i in range(n)])

        res = inverse(fx, phim, q)
        if res[0]:
            f_inv = sum([res[1][i] * z**i for i in range(n)])
            print "f_inv * f = %s (mod %d)" % ((f * f_inv).mod(q), q)

    g = sum([D() * z**i for i in range(n)])
    print "done sampling f, g"

    #h = [g*f^{-1)]_q
    h = (g * f_inv).mod(q)

    lognorm_f = log(f.vector().norm(), 2)
    lognorm_g = log(g.vector().norm(), 2)

    print "f*h - g = %s" % (f * h - g).mod(q)
    print "log q = ", log(q, 2).n(precision)
    print "log |f| = %s, log |g| = %s" % (lognorm_f.n(precision),
    print "log |(f,g)| = ", log(
        sqrt(f.vector().norm()**2 + g.vector().norm()**2), 2).n(precision)

    print "begin computing N(f), N(g), N(h), Tr(h), fbar"
    fprime = norm(f, Gprime)
    gprime = norm(g, Gprime)
    hprime = norm(h, Gprime).mod(q)
    htr = trace(h, Gprime)
    fbar = prod([tau(f) for tau in Gprime[1:]])
    print "end computing N(f), N(g), N(h), Tr(h), fbar"

    lognorm_fp = log(fprime.vector().norm(), 2)
    lognorm_gp = log(gprime.vector().norm(), 2)

    print "%d * log |f| - log |f'| = %s" % (r, r * lognorm_f.n(precision) -
    print "log |(f', g')| = ", log(
        sqrt(fprime.vector().norm()**2 + gprime.vector().norm()**2),
    print "log |N(f), Tr(g fbar)| = ", log(
        sqrt(fprime.vector().norm()**2 +
             trace(g * fbar, Gprime).vector().norm()**2), 2).n(precision)

    #(fprime, gprime) lies in the lattice \Lambda_hprime^q
    print "f'*h' - g' = %s " % (hprime * fprime - gprime).mod(q)
    print "N(f) Tr(h) - Tr(g fbar) = %s" % (htr * fprime -
                                            trace(g * fbar, Gprime)).mod(q)

    if not subfield_only:
        ntru_full = NTRU(h, K, q)
        full_sv = ntru_full.shortest_vector()

        print "log |v| = %s" % log(full_sv.norm(), 2).n(precision)

    ntru_subfield = NTRU_subfield(hprime, q, nprime, r)
    ntru_trace_subfield = NTRU_subfield(htr, q, nprime, r)

    print "begin computing Shortest Vector of subfield lattice"
    norm_sv = ntru_subfield.shortest_vector()
    tr_sv = ntru_trace_subfield.shortest_vector()
    print "end computing Shortest Vector of subfield lattice"

    norm_xp = sum(
        [coerce(Integer, norm_sv[i]) * z**(r * i) for i in range(nprime)])
    tr_xp = sum(
        [coerce(Integer, tr_sv[i]) * z**(r * i) for i in range(nprime)])

    print "Norm map: log |(x',y')| = ", log(norm_sv.norm(), 2).n(precision)
    print "Trace map: log |(x', y')| = ", log(tr_sv.norm(), 2).n(precision)
    #test if xprime belongs to <fprime>
    mat = []
    for i in range(nprime):
        coordinate = (fprime * z**(r * i)).vector().list()
        mat.append([coordinate[r * j] for j in range(nprime)])
    FL = IntegerLattice(mat)
    print norm_sv[:nprime] in FL
    print tr_sv[:nprime] in FL

    norm_x = norm_xp
    norm_y = mod_q(norm_x * h, q)

    tr_x = tr_xp
    tr_y = mod_q(tr_x * h, q)

    print "Norm map: log |(x,y)| = ", log(
        sqrt(norm_x.vector().norm()**2 + norm_y.vector().norm()**2),
    print "Trace map: log |(x,y)| = ", log(
        sqrt(tr_x.vector().norm()**2 + tr_y.vector().norm()**2),
def Omega_ge(a, exponents):
    Return `\Omega_{\ge}` of the expression specified by the input.

    To be more precise, calculate

    .. MATH::

        \Omega_{\ge} \frac{\mu^a}{
        (1 - z_0 \mu^{e_0}) \dots (1 - z_{n-1} \mu^{e_{n-1}})}

    and return its numerator and a factorization of its denominator.
    Note that `z_0`, ..., `z_{n-1}` only appear in the output, but not in the


    - ``a`` -- an integer

    - ``exponents`` -- a tuple of integers


    A pair representing a quotient as follows: Its first component is the
    numerator as a Laurent polynomial, its second component a factorization
    of the denominator as a tuple of Laurent polynomials, where each
    Laurent polynomial `z` represents a factor `1 - z`.

    The parents of these Laurent polynomials is always a
    Laurent polynomial ring in `z_0`, ..., `z_{n-1}` over `\ZZ`, where
    `n` is the length of ``exponents``.


        sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.omega import Omega_ge
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, -2))
        (1, (z0, z0^2*z1))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, -3))
        (1, (z0, z0^3*z1))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, -4))
        (1, (z0, z0^4*z1))

        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -1))
        (z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (3, -1))
        (z0*z1^2 + z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^3))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (4, -1))
        (z0*z1^3 + z0*z1^2 + z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^4))

        sage: Omega_ge(0, (1, 1, -2))
        (-z0^2*z1*z2 - z0*z1^2*z2 + z0*z1*z2 + 1, (z0, z1, z0^2*z2, z1^2*z2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -1, -1))
        (z0*z1*z2 + z0*z1 + z0*z2 + 1, (z0, z0*z1^2, z0*z2^2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, 1, -1))
        (-z0*z1*z2^2 - z0*z1*z2 + z0*z2 + 1, (z0, z1, z0*z2^2, z1*z2))


        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -2))
        (-z0*z1 + 1, (z0, z0*z1, z0*z1))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, -3))
        (z0^2*z1 + 1, (z0, z0^3*z1^2))
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (3, 1, -3))
        (-z0^3*z1^3*z2^3 + 2*z0^2*z1^3*z2^2 - z0*z1^3*z2
         + z0^2*z2^2 - 2*z0*z2 + 1,
         (z0, z1, z0*z2, z0*z2, z0*z2, z1^3*z2))


        sage: Omega_ge(0, (3, 6, -1))
        (-z0*z1*z2^8 - z0*z1*z2^7 - z0*z1*z2^6 - z0*z1*z2^5 - z0*z1*z2^4 +
         z1*z2^5 - z0*z1*z2^3 + z1*z2^4 - z0*z1*z2^2 + z1*z2^3 -
         z0*z1*z2 + z0*z2^2 + z1*z2^2 + z0*z2 + z1*z2 + 1,
         (z0, z1, z0*z2^3, z1*z2^6))


        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1))[0].number_of_terms()  # long time
        sage: Omega_ge(0, (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1))[0].number_of_terms()  # not tested (too long, 1 min)


        sage: Omega_ge(1, (2,))
        (1, (z0,))
    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    logger.info('Omega_ge: a=%s, exponents=%s', a, exponents)

    from sage.arith.all import lcm, srange
    from sage.rings.integer_ring import ZZ
    from sage.rings.polynomial.laurent_polynomial_ring import LaurentPolynomialRing
    from sage.rings.number_field.number_field import CyclotomicField

    if not exponents or any(e == 0 for e in exponents):
        raise NotImplementedError

    rou = sorted(set(abs(e) for e in exponents) - set([1]))
    ellcm = lcm(rou)
    B = CyclotomicField(ellcm, 'zeta')
    zeta = B.gen()
    z_names = tuple('z{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(exponents)))
    L = LaurentPolynomialRing(B, ('t', ) + z_names, len(z_names) + 1)
    t = L.gens()[0]
    Z = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ, z_names, len(z_names))
    powers = {i: L(zeta**(ellcm // i)) for i in rou}
    powers[2] = L(-1)
    powers[1] = L(1)
    exponents_and_values = tuple(
        (e, tuple(powers[abs(e)]**j * z for j in srange(abs(e))))
        for z, e in zip(L.gens()[1:], exponents))
    x = tuple(v for e, v in exponents_and_values if e > 0)
    y = tuple(v for e, v in exponents_and_values if e < 0)

    def subs_power(expression, var, exponent):
        Substitute ``var^exponent`` by ``var`` in ``expression``.

        It is assumed that ``var`` only occurs with exponents
        divisible by ``exponent``.
        p = tuple(var.dict().popitem()[0]).index(
            1)  # var is the p-th generator

        def subs_e(e):
            e = list(e)
            assert e[p] % exponent == 0
            e[p] = e[p] // exponent
            return tuple(e)

        parent = expression.parent()
        result = parent(
            {subs_e(e): c
             for e, c in iteritems(expression.dict())})
        return result

    def de_power(expression):
        expression = Z(expression)
        for e, var in zip(exponents, Z.gens()):
            if abs(e) == 1:
            expression = subs_power(expression, var, abs(e))
        return expression

    logger.debug('Omega_ge: preparing denominator')
    factors_denominator = tuple(
        de_power(1 - factor) for factor in _Omega_factors_denominator_(x, y))

    logger.debug('Omega_ge: preparing numerator')
    numerator = de_power(_Omega_numerator_(a, x, y, t))

    logger.info('Omega_ge: completed')
    return numerator, factors_denominator