def autoflake() -> None: if SAK_GLOBAL is None: raise Exception("No SAK_GLOBAL defined") paths = [] paths += [str(SAK_GLOBAL / "saklib")] for plugin in plm.getPluginList(): if plugin.plugin_path is None: continue paths += [str(plugin.plugin_path)] for path in paths: cmd = [ "autoflake", "-i", "-r", "--expand-star-imports", "--remove-all-unused-imports", "--remove-duplicate-keys", "--remove-unused-variables", "--verbose", path, ] cwd = path, check=True, cwd=cwd)
def test(coverage: bool = False, pdb: bool = False) -> None: if SAK_GLOBAL is None: raise Exception("No SAK_GLOBAL defined") cmd = ["pytest"] if pdb: cmd += ["--pdb"] if coverage: cmd += ["--cov-report=html", "--cov=saklib", "--cov=plugins"] test_files = [] test_files += [str(x) for x in (SAK_GLOBAL / "saklib").rglob("*")] for plugin in plm.getPluginList(): if plugin.plugin_path is None: continue test_files += [ str(x) for x in Path(plugin.plugin_path).rglob("*") ] cmd += test_files cwd = SAK_GLOBAL normalize_file_path = False if normalize_file_path: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if (p.stdout is None) or (p.stderr is None): raise Exception('Failed to execute "%s" ' % (" ".join(cmd))) def convertPythonTracebackFileToNormalizeFile(line: str) -> str: return re.sub(r'^ *File "(.*?)", line (\d+),', r"\1:\2:", line, re.M) for data in p.stdout: sys.stdout.write( convertPythonTracebackFileToNormalizeFile( data.decode("utf-8"))) sys.stdout.flush() for data in p.stderr: sys.stderr.write( convertPythonTracebackFileToNormalizeFile( data.decode("utf-8"))) sys.stderr.flush() p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: raise Exception('Failed to execute "%s" ret core: %d' % (" ".join(cmd), p.returncode)) else:, check=True, cwd=cwd)
def flake8() -> None: if SAK_GLOBAL is None: raise Exception("No SAK_GLOBAL defined") paths = [] paths += [str(SAK_GLOBAL / "saklib")] for plugin in plm.getPluginList(): if plugin.plugin_path is None: continue paths += [str(plugin.plugin_path)] cmd = ["flake8"] cmd += paths cwd = SAK_GLOBAL, check=True, cwd=cwd)
def mypy() -> None: if SAK_GLOBAL is None: raise Exception("No SAK_GLOBAL defined") paths = [] paths += [str(SAK_GLOBAL / "saklib")] for plugin in plm.getPluginList(): if plugin.plugin_path is None: continue paths += [str(plugin.plugin_path)] cmd = [ "mypy", "--exclude", "python", "--ignore-missing-imports", "--show-absolute-path", "--pretty", ] # Instead of adding --strict directly, I will add the optional flags manually. strict_options = [ "--warn-unused-configs", "--disallow-any-generics", "--disallow-subclassing-any", # "--disallow-untyped-calls", "--disallow-untyped-defs", "--disallow-incomplete-defs", "--check-untyped-defs", "--disallow-untyped-decorators", "--no-implicit-optional", "--warn-redundant-casts", "--warn-unused-ignores", "--warn-return-any", "--no-implicit-reexport", "--strict-equality", ] cmd += strict_options # Add paths to check. cmd += paths cwd = SAK_GLOBAL, check=True, cwd=cwd)
def black(check: bool = False) -> None: if SAK_GLOBAL is None: raise Exception("No SAK_GLOBAL defined") paths = [] paths += [str(SAK_GLOBAL / "saklib")] for plugin in plm.getPluginList(): if plugin.plugin_path is None: continue paths += [str(plugin.plugin_path)] for path in paths: cmd = ["black"] if check: cmd += ["--check", "--diff"] cmd += [path] cwd = path, check=True, cwd=cwd)