    def __init__(self, file, grid=None, time=None, monthbegin=False):
        """Open the file and try to understand it.

        file: path to the netcdf file
        grid: a Grid object. This will override the normal behavior of
        GeoNetcdf, which is to try to understand the grid automatically.
        time: a time array. This will override the normal behavior of
        GeoNetcdf, which is to try to understand the time automatically.
        monthbegin: set to true if you are sure that your data is monthly
        and that the data provider decided to tag the date as the center of
        the month (stupid)

        self._nc = netCDF4.Dataset(file)
        self.variables = self._nc.variables
        if grid is None:
            grid = sio.grid_from_dataset(self._nc)
        if time is None:
            time = sio.netcdf_time(self._nc, monthbegin=monthbegin)
        dn = self._nc.dimensions.keys()
        self.x_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])[0]
        self.y_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])[0]
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['t_dim'])
        self.t_dim = dim[0] if dim else None
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['z_dim'])
        self.z_dim = dim[0] if dim else None

        GeoDataset.__init__(self, grid, time=time)
def _salem_grid_from_dataset(ds):
    """Seek for coordinates that Salem might have created.

    Current convention: x_coord, y_coord, pyproj_srs as attribute

    # Projection
        proj = ds.pyproj_srs
    except AttributeError:
        proj = None
    proj = gis.check_crs(proj)
    if proj is None:
        return None

    # Do we have some standard names as variable?
    vns = ds.variables.keys()
    xc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])
    yc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])

    # Sometimes there are more than one coordinates, one of which might have
    # more dims (e.g. lons in WRF files): take the first one with ndim = 1:
    x = None
    for xp in xc:
        if len(ds.variables[xp].shape) == 1:
            x = xp
    y = None
    for yp in yc:
        if len(ds.variables[yp].shape) == 1:
            y = yp
    if (x is None) or (y is None):
        return None

    # OK, get it
    x = ds.variables[x][:]
    y = ds.variables[y][:]

    # Make the grid
    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    dy = y[1] - y[0]
    args = dict(nxny=(x.shape[0], y.shape[0]),
                dxdy=(dx, dy),
                x0y0=(x[0], y[0]))
    return gis.Grid(**args)
文件: sio.py 项目: fmaussion/salem
def _salem_grid_from_dataset(ds):
    """Seek for coordinates that Salem might have created.

    Current convention: x_coord, y_coord, pyproj_srs as attribute

    # Projection
        proj = ds.pyproj_srs
    except AttributeError:
        proj = None
    proj = gis.check_crs(proj)
    if proj is None:
        return None

    # Do we have some standard names as variable?
    vns = ds.variables.keys()
    xc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])
    yc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])

    # Sometimes there are more than one coordinates, one of which might have
    # more dims (e.g. lons in WRF files): take the first one with ndim = 1:
    x = None
    for xp in xc:
        if len(ds.variables[xp].shape) == 1:
            x = xp
    y = None
    for yp in yc:
        if len(ds.variables[yp].shape) == 1:
            y = yp
    if (x is None) or (y is None):
        return None

    # OK, get it
    x = ds.variables[x][:]
    y = ds.variables[y][:]

    # Make the grid
    dx = x[1]-x[0]
    dy = y[1]-y[0]
    args = dict(nxny=(x.shape[0], y.shape[0]), proj=proj, dxdy=(dx, dy))
    args['corner'] = (x[0], y[0])
    return gis.Grid(**args)
def _lonlat_grid_from_dataset(ds):
    """Seek for longitude and latitude coordinates."""

    # Do we have some standard names as variable?
    vns = ds.variables.keys()
    xc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])
    yc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])

    # Sometimes there are more than one coordinates, one of which might have
    # more dims (e.g. lons in WRF files): take the first one with ndim = 1:
    x = None
    for xp in xc:
        if len(ds.variables[xp].shape) == 1:
            x = xp
    y = None
    for yp in yc:
        if len(ds.variables[yp].shape) == 1:
            y = yp
    if (x is None) or (y is None):
        return None

    # OK, get it
    lon = ds.variables[x][:]
    lat = ds.variables[y][:]

    # double check for dubious variables
    if not utils.str_in_list([x], utils.valid_names['lon_var']) or \
            not utils.str_in_list([y], utils.valid_names['lat_var']):
        # name not usual. see if at least the range follows some conv
        if (np.max(np.abs(lon)) > 360.1) or (np.max(np.abs(lat)) > 90.1):
            return None

    # Make the grid
    dx = lon[1] - lon[0]
    dy = lat[1] - lat[0]
    args = dict(nxny=(lon.shape[0], lat.shape[0]),
                dxdy=(dx, dy),
                x0y0=(lon[0], lat[0]))
    return gis.Grid(**args)
    def __init__(self, xarray_obj):

        self._obj = xarray_obj

        if isinstance(xarray_obj, xr.DataArray):
            xarray_obj = xarray_obj.to_dataset(name='var')
            try:  # maybe there was already some georef
                xarray_obj.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = xarray_obj['var'].pyproj_srs

        self.grid = grid_from_dataset(xarray_obj)
        if self.grid is None:
            raise RuntimeError('dataset Grid not understood.')

        dn = xarray_obj.dims.keys()
        self.x_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])[0]
        self.y_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])[0]
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['t_dim'])
        self.t_dim = dim[0] if dim else None
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['z_dim'])
        self.z_dim = dim[0] if dim else None
文件: sio.py 项目: fmaussion/salem
    def __init__(self, xarray_obj):

        self._obj = xarray_obj

        if isinstance(xarray_obj, xr.DataArray):
            xarray_obj = xarray_obj.to_dataset(name='var')
            try:  # maybe there was already some georef
                xarray_obj.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = xarray_obj['var'].pyproj_srs

        self.grid = grid_from_dataset(xarray_obj)
        if self.grid is None:
            raise RuntimeError('dataset Grid not understood.')

        dn = xarray_obj.dims.keys()
        self.x_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])[0]
        self.y_dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])[0]
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['t_dim'])
        self.t_dim = dim[0] if dim else None
        dim = utils.str_in_list(dn, utils.valid_names['z_dim'])
        self.z_dim = dim[0] if dim else None
文件: sio.py 项目: fmaussion/salem
def _lonlat_grid_from_dataset(ds):
    """Seek for longitude and latitude coordinates."""

    # Do we have some standard names as variable?
    vns = ds.variables.keys()
    xc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['x_dim'])
    yc = utils.str_in_list(vns, utils.valid_names['y_dim'])

    # Sometimes there are more than one coordinates, one of which might have
    # more dims (e.g. lons in WRF files): take the first one with ndim = 1:
    x = None
    for xp in xc:
        if len(ds.variables[xp].shape) == 1:
            x = xp
    y = None
    for yp in yc:
        if len(ds.variables[yp].shape) == 1:
            y = yp
    if (x is None) or (y is None):
        return None

    # OK, get it
    lon = ds.variables[x][:]
    lat = ds.variables[y][:]

    # double check for dubious variables
    if not utils.str_in_list([x], utils.valid_names['lon_var']) or \
            not utils.str_in_list([y], utils.valid_names['lat_var']):
        # name not usual. see if at least the range follows some conv
        if (np.max(np.abs(lon)) > 360.1) or (np.max(np.abs(lat)) > 90.1):
            return None

    # Make the grid
    dx = lon[1]-lon[0]
    dy = lat[1]-lat[0]
    args = dict(nxny=(lon.shape[0], lat.shape[0]), proj=wgs84, dxdy=(dx, dy))
    args['corner'] = (lon[0], lat[0])
    return gis.Grid(**args)
def netcdf_time(ncobj, monthbegin=False):
    """Check if the netcdf file contains a time that Salem understands."""

    import pandas as pd

    time = None
        vt = utils.str_in_list(ncobj.variables.keys(),
    except IndexError:
        # no time variable
        return None

    if hasattr(ncobj, 'TITLE') and 'GEOGRID' in ncobj.TITLE:
        # geogrid file
    elif ncobj[vt].dtype in ['|S1', '|S19']:
        # WRF file
        time = []
            stimes = ncobj.variables['Times'][:].values
        except AttributeError:
            stimes = ncobj.variables['Times'][:]
        for t in stimes:
    elif vt is not None:
        # CF time
        var = ncobj.variables[vt]
            # We want python times because pandas doesn't understand
            # CFtime
            time = cftime.num2date(var[:],
        except TypeError:
            # Old versions of cftime did return python times when possible
            time = cftime.num2date(var[:], var.units)

        if monthbegin:
            # sometimes monthly data is centered in the month (stupid)
            time = [datetime(t.year, t.month, 1) for t in time]

    return time
文件: sio.py 项目: fmaussion/salem
def netcdf_time(ncobj, monthbegin=False):
    """Check if the netcdf file contains a time that Salem understands."""

    import pandas as pd

    time = None
        vt = utils.str_in_list(ncobj.variables.keys(),
    except IndexError:
        # no time variable
        return None

    if hasattr(ncobj, 'TITLE') and 'GEOGRID' in ncobj.TITLE:
        # geogrid file
    elif ncobj[vt].dtype in ['|S1', '|S19']:
        # WRF file
        time = []
            stimes = ncobj.variables['Times'][:].values
        except AttributeError:
            stimes = ncobj.variables['Times'][:]
        for t in stimes:
    elif vt is not None:
        # CF time
        var = ncobj.variables[vt]
        time = netCDF4.num2date(var[:], var.units)

        if monthbegin:
            # sometimes monthly data is centered in the month (stupid)
            time = [datetime(t.year, t.month, 1) for t in time]

    return time
    def _apply_transform(self, transform, grid, other, return_lut=False):
        """Common transform mixin"""

        was_dataarray = False
        if not isinstance(other, xr.Dataset):
                other = other.to_dataset(name=other.name)
                was_dataarray = True
            except AttributeError:
                # must be a ndarray
                if return_lut:
                    rdata, lut = transform(other, grid=grid, return_lut=True)
                    rdata = transform(other, grid=grid)
                # let's guess
                sh = rdata.shape
                nd = len(sh)
                if nd == 2:
                    dims = (self.y_dim, self.x_dim)
                elif nd == 3:
                    newdim = 'new_dim'
                    if self.t_dim and sh[0] == self._obj.dims[self.t_dim]:
                        newdim = self.t_dim
                    if self.z_dim and sh[0] == self._obj.dims[self.z_dim]:
                        newdim = self.z_dim
                    dims = (newdim, self.y_dim, self.x_dim)
                    raise NotImplementedError('more than 3 dims not ok yet.')

                coords = {}
                for d in dims:
                    if d in self._obj:
                        coords[d] = self._obj[d]

                out = xr.DataArray(rdata, coords=coords, dims=dims)
                out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs
                if return_lut:
                    return out, lut
                    return out

        # go
        out = xr.Dataset()
        for v in other.data_vars:
            var = other[v]
            if return_lut:
                rdata, lut = transform(var, return_lut=True)
                rdata = transform(var)

            # remove old coords
            dims = [d for d in var.dims]
            coords = {}
            for c in var.coords:
                n = utils.str_in_list([c], utils.valid_names['x_dim'])
                if n:
                    dims = [self.x_dim if x in n else x for x in dims]
                n = utils.str_in_list([c], utils.valid_names['y_dim'])
                if n:
                    dims = [self.y_dim if x in n else x for x in dims]
                coords[c] = var.coords[c]
            # add new ones
            coords[self.x_dim] = self._obj[self.x_dim]
            coords[self.y_dim] = self._obj[self.y_dim]

            rdata = xr.DataArray(rdata,
            rdata.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs
            out[v] = rdata

        if was_dataarray:
            out = out[v]
            out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs

        if return_lut:
            return out, lut
            return out
    def transform(self, other, grid=None, interp='nearest', ks=3):
        """Reprojects an other Dataset or DataArray onto this grid.

        other: Dataset, DataArray or ndarray
            the data to project onto self
        grid: salem.Grid
            in case the input dataset does not carry georef info
        interp : str
            'nearest' (default), 'linear', or 'spline'
        ks : int
            Degree of the bivariate spline. Default is 3.

        a dataset or a dataarray

        was_dataarray = False
        if not isinstance(other, xr.Dataset):
                other = other.to_dataset(name=other.name)
                was_dataarray = True
            except AttributeError:
                # must be a ndarray
                rdata = self.grid.map_gridded_data(other, grid=grid,
                                                   interp=interp, ks=ks)
                # let's guess
                sh = rdata.shape
                nd = len(sh)
                if nd == 2:
                    dims = (self.y_dim, self.x_dim)
                elif nd == 3:
                    newdim = 'new_dim'
                    if self.t_dim and sh[0] == self._obj.dims[self.t_dim]:
                        newdim = self.t_dim
                    if self.z_dim and sh[0] == self._obj.dims[self.z_dim]:
                        newdim = self.z_dim
                    dims = (newdim, self.y_dim, self.x_dim)
                    raise NotImplementedError('more than 3 dims not ok yet.')

                coords = {}
                for d in dims:
                    if d in self._obj:
                        coords[d] = self._obj[d]

                out = xr.DataArray(rdata, coords=coords, dims=dims)
                out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs
                return out

        # go
        out = xr.Dataset()
        for v in other.data_vars:
            var = other[v]
            rdata = self.grid.map_gridded_data(var, interp=interp, ks=ks)

            # remove old coords
            dims = [d for d in var.dims]
            coords = {}
            for c in var.coords:
                n = utils.str_in_list([c], utils.valid_names['x_dim'])
                if n:
                    dims = [self.x_dim if x in n else x for x in dims]
                n = utils.str_in_list([c], utils.valid_names['y_dim'])
                if n:
                    dims = [self.y_dim if x in n else x for x in dims]
                coords[c] = var.coords[c]
            # add new ones
            coords[self.x_dim] = self._obj[self.x_dim]
            coords[self.y_dim] = self._obj[self.y_dim]

            rdata = xr.DataArray(rdata, coords=coords, attrs=var.attrs, dims=dims)
            rdata.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs
            out[v] = rdata

        if was_dataarray:
            out = out[v]
            out.attrs['pyproj_srs'] = self.grid.proj.srs
        return out