def test_find_ids(): """ Test the find_ids() method of the SalespersonDAO class """ session = get_db_session() sp = SalespersonDAO() result = sp.find_ids(session) print(result) session.close()
class SalespersonGUI(): """ GUI class to perform CRUD operations on the Salesperson table in the database. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialise Salesperson class. """ # Data access object self.salesperson_dao = SalespersonDAO() # Validation object self.validator = Validation() # Form fields self.salesperson_id = tk.StringVar() self.title = tk.StringVar() self.firstname = tk.StringVar() self.surname = tk.StringVar() self.position = tk.StringVar() self.work_phone = tk.StringVar() = tk.StringVar() # List of salesperson ids self.lb_ids = None # Messagebox title self.mb_title_bar = "Salesperson CRUD" pass def create_gui(self, root): """ Create the GUI. This is the interface for the user to input data or query the database. It is composed of frames containing widgets (e.g. labels, input fields). Parameters (apart from self): root: main window of application Return: salesperson_frame: the frame containing all the widgets for the salesperson CRUD """ print("Creating Salesperson GUI ...") salesperson_frame = tk.Frame(root) salesperson_frame.pack() # FORM FRAME form_frame = tk.Frame(salesperson_frame) form_frame.pack() # FORM FRAME: ROW 0 # Heading for Salesperson frame tk.Label(form_frame, text="Salesperson", font=('arial', 10)).grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3) # FORM FRAME: ROW 1 # Label and entry field (disabled) for "Salesperson ID" tk.Label(form_frame, text="Salesperson ID", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=1, column=0) tk.Entry(form_frame, textvariable=self.salesperson_id, width=30, bd=1, state=tk.DISABLED).grid(row=1, column=1) # Heading for Listbox to display and select Salesperson IDs tk.Label(form_frame, text="Salesperson IDs", font=('arial', 10)).grid(row=1, column=2) # FORM FRAME: ROW 2 # Label and combobox field for "Title" tk.Label(form_frame, text="Title", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=2, column=0) TITLE_VALUES = ("Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Miss", "Dr") ttk.Combobox(form_frame, state='readonly', textvariable=self.title, values=TITLE_VALUES, width=5).grid(row=2, column=1, sticky='w') # Listbox to display and select Salesperson IDs self.lb_ids = tk.Listbox(form_frame) self.lb_ids.grid(row=2, column=2, rowspan=6) self.lb_ids.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.on_list_select) # FORM FRAME: ROW 3 # Label and entry field for "First Name" tk.Label(form_frame, text="First Name", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=3, column=0) tk.Entry(form_frame, textvariable=self.firstname, width=30, bd=1).grid(row=3, column=1) # FORM FRAME: ROW 4 # Label and entry field for "Surname" tk.Label(form_frame, text="Surname", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=4, column=0) tk.Entry(form_frame, textvariable=self.surname, width=30, bd=1).grid(row=4, column=1) # FORM FRAME: ROW 5 # Label and entry field for "Position" tk.Label(form_frame, text="Position", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=5, column=0) POSITION_VALUES = ("Junior", "Associate", "Senior") ttk.Combobox(form_frame, state='readonly', textvariable=self.position, values=POSITION_VALUES, width=10).grid(row=5, column=1, sticky='w') # FORM FRAME: ROW 6 # Label and entry field for "Work Phone" tk.Label(form_frame, text="Work Phone", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=6, column=0) tk.Entry(form_frame, textvariable=self.work_phone, width=30, bd=1).grid(row=6, column=1) # FORM FRAME: ROW 7 # Label and entry field for "Email" tk.Label(form_frame, text="E-mail", font=('arial', 10), width=20, anchor='e', bd=1, pady=10, padx=10).grid(row=7, column=0) tk.Entry(form_frame,, width=30, bd=1).grid(row=7, column=1) # BUTTON FRAME button_frame = tk.Frame(salesperson_frame, pady=10) button_frame.pack() tk.Button(button_frame, width=10, text="Clear", command=self.clear_fields).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(button_frame, width=10, text="Save", tk.Button(button_frame, width=10, text="Delete", command=self.delete).pack(side=tk.LEFT) tk.Button(button_frame, width=10, text="Load", command=self.load).pack(side=tk.LEFT) return salesperson_frame def clear_fields(self): """ Clear the fields of the form Parameters (apart from self): None Return: None """ self.salesperson_id.set("") self.title.set("") self.firstname.set("") self.surname.set("") self.position.set("") self.work_phone.set("")"") pass def save(self): """ Save the data displayed on the form to the database. Get salesperson data to be saved from the global instance attributes, then validate data by calling validate_fields() If the data is invalid, a message box is presented to the user. If the data is valid, the data is either saved or updated If salesperson_id is present, the data is updated If not, a new salesperson record is created in the database Parameters (apart from self): None Return: None """ print("Saving a salesperson ...") data = self.get_fields() valid_data, message = self.validate_fields(data) if valid_data: if (len(data['salesperson_id']) == 0): print("Calling create() as salesperson_id is absent") self.create(data) else: print("Calling update() as salesperson_id is present") self.update(data) pass else: message_text = "Invalid fields.\n" + message messagebox.showwarning(self.mb_title_bar, message_text, icon='warning') pass def get_fields(self): sp = {} sp['salesperson_id'] = self.salesperson_id.get() sp['title'] = self.title.get() sp['firstname'] = self.firstname.get() sp['surname'] = self.surname.get() sp['position'] = self.position.get() sp['work_phone'] = self.work_phone.get() sp['email'] = return sp def validate_fields(self, data): """ Validate the data entered in the fields of the form Parameters (apart from self): data: dictionary object containing all the information entered on the form Return: valid_data: a boolean indication whether the data is valid (True) or not valid (False) message: a string containing details about the fields that are not valid Returned as a tuple (valid_data, message) """ valid_data = True message_list = [] # Check field is not empty if len(data['title']) == 0: valid_data = False message_list.append("title is empty") if len(data['firstname']) == 0: valid_data = False message_list.append("firstname is empty") if len(data['surname']) == 0: valid_data = False message_list.append("surname is empty") if len(data['position']) == 0: valid_data = False message_list.append("position year is empty") if len(data['work_phone']) == 0: valid_data = False message_list.append("work phone is empty") if len(data['email']) == 0: valid_data = False message_list.append("e-mail is empty") # Position and title are selected from dropdown menu # so no further validation needed # Check that firstname and surname are alphabetic if not self.validator.is_alphabetic(data['firstname']): valid_data = False message_list.append("invalid firstname") if not self.validator.is_alphabetic(data['surname']): valid_data = False message_list.append("invalid surname") # Other checks if not self.validator.is_email(data['email']): valid_data = False message_list.append("invalid email format") if not self.validator.is_phone_number(data['work_phone']): valid_data = False message_list.append("invalid phone number format") message = ', '.join(message_list) return valid_data, message pass def create(self, data): """ Create a new record in the database. A messagebox is used display the outcome (success or failure) of the create operation to the user. Parameters (apart from self): data: dictionary object containing salesperson data to be saved Return: None """ print("Creating a salesperson ...") print(data) session = db.get_db_session() result = self.salesperson_dao.create(session, data) session.close() messagebox.showinfo(self.mb_title_bar, result) pass def update(self, data): """ Update a record in the database. A messagebox is used display the outcome (success or failure) of the update operation to the user. Parameters (apart from self): data: dictionary object containing salesperson data to be saved Return: None """ print("Updating a salesperson ...") print(data) session = db.get_db_session() result = self.salesperson_dao.update(session, data['salesperson_id'], data) session.close() messagebox.showinfo(self.mb_title_bar, result) pass def delete(self): """ Delete a record from the database. The salesperson_id of the record to be deleted is obtained from a global attribute. A messagebox is used display the outcome (success or failure) of the delete operation to the user. Parameters (apart from self): None Return: None """ print("Deleting a salesperson ...") sp_id = self.salesperson_id.get() print(id) session = db.get_db_session() result = self.salesperson_dao.delete(session, sp_id) session.close() messagebox.showinfo(self.mb_title_bar, result) pass def load(self): """ Retrieve a list of IDs from the database and load them into a listbox. Parameters (apart from self): Return: None """ session = db.get_db_session() result = self.salesperson_dao.find_ids(session) session.close() print("result: ", result) if "salesperson_ids" in result: list_ids = result["salesperson_ids"] self.lb_ids.delete(0, tk.END) print("Setting salesperson_id in listbox") for x in list_ids: self.lb_ids.insert(tk.END, x) pass def on_list_select(self, evt): """ Actions to be triggered when a user clicks an item in the listbox. Defined above in create_gui(), where on_list_select is bound to the listbox selection. Parameters (apart from self): evt: object containing information about the mouse click Return: None """ w = evt.widget index = int(w.curselection()[0]) value = w.get(index) print(index) print(value) session = db.get_db_session() result = self.salesperson_dao.find_by_id(session, value) session.close() print("result: ", result) sp = result['salesperson'] self.populate_fields(sp) pass def populate_fields(self, sp): """ Populate the fields of the form with data. Parameters (apart from self): sp: dictionary object containing all the information about a salesperson Return: None """ self.salesperson_id.set(sp['salesperson_id']) self.title.set(sp['title']) self.firstname.set(sp['firstname']) self.surname.set(sp['surname']) self.position.set(sp['position']) self.work_phone.set(sp['work_phone'])['email']) pass