def stats(path, hash_type='md5', follow_symlinks=True):
    Return a dict containing the stats for a given file

    Under Windows, `gid` will equal `uid` and `group` will equal `user`.

    While a file in Windows does have a 'primary group', this rarely used
    attribute generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally
    configured and is only used to support Unix compatibility features (e.g.
    Services For Unix, NFS services).

    Salt, therefore, remaps these properties to keep some kind of
    compatibility with Unix behavior. If the 'primary group' is required, it
    can be accessed in the `pgroup` and `pgid` properties.

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' file.stats /etc/passwd
    ret = {}
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return ret
    if follow_symlinks and sys.getwindowsversion().major >= 6:
        path = _resolve_symlink(path)
    pstat = os.stat(path)
    ret['inode'] = pstat.st_ino
    # don't need to resolve symlinks again because we've already done that
    ret['uid'] = get_uid(path, follow_symlinks=False)
    # maintain the illusion that group is the same as user as states need this
    ret['gid'] = ret['uid']
    ret['user'] = uid_to_user(ret['uid'])
    ret['group'] = ret['user']
    ret['pgid'] = get_pgid(path, follow_symlinks)
    ret['pgroup'] = gid_to_group(ret['pgid'])
    ret['atime'] = pstat.st_atime
    ret['mtime'] = pstat.st_mtime
    ret['ctime'] = pstat.st_ctime
    ret['size'] = pstat.st_size
    ret['mode'] = str(oct(stat.S_IMODE(pstat.st_mode)))
    if hash_type:
        ret['sum'] = get_sum(path, hash_type)
    ret['type'] = 'file'
    if stat.S_ISDIR(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'dir'
    if stat.S_ISCHR(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'char'
    if stat.S_ISBLK(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'block'
    if stat.S_ISREG(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'file'
    if stat.S_ISLNK(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'link'
    if stat.S_ISFIFO(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'pipe'
    if stat.S_ISSOCK(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'socket'
    ret['target'] = os.path.realpath(path)
    return ret
def stats(path, hash_type='md5', follow_symlinks=False):
    Return a dict containing the stats for a given file

    CLI Example:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' file.stats /etc/passwd
    ret = {}
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return ret
    if follow_symlinks:
        pstat = os.stat(path)
        pstat = os.lstat(path)
    ret['inode'] = pstat.st_ino
    ret['uid'] = pstat.st_uid
    ret['gid'] = pstat.st_gid
    ret['group'] = 0
    ret['user'] = 0
    ret['atime'] = pstat.st_atime
    ret['mtime'] = pstat.st_mtime
    ret['ctime'] = pstat.st_ctime
    ret['size'] = pstat.st_size
    ret['mode'] = str(oct(stat.S_IMODE(pstat.st_mode)))
    ret['sum'] = get_sum(path, hash_type)
    ret['type'] = 'file'
    if stat.S_ISDIR(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'dir'
    if stat.S_ISCHR(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'char'
    if stat.S_ISBLK(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'block'
    if stat.S_ISREG(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'file'
    if stat.S_ISLNK(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'link'
    if stat.S_ISFIFO(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'pipe'
    if stat.S_ISSOCK(pstat.st_mode):
        ret['type'] = 'socket'
    ret['target'] = os.path.realpath(path)
    return ret