def _get_jail_path(jail):
    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.4

    Return the jail's root directory (path) as shown in jls

        The jid or jail name
    jls = salt.utils.path.which("jls")
    if not jls:
        raise CommandNotFoundError("'jls' command not found")
    jails = __salt__["cmd.run_stdout"]("{} -n jid name path".format(jls))
    for j in jails.splitlines():
        jid, jname, path = (x.split("=")[1].strip() for x in j.split())
        if jid == jail or jname == jail:
            return path.rstrip("/")
    # XΧΧ, TODO, not sure how to handle nonexistent jail
    return ""
def _get_jail_path(jail):
    .. versionadded:: 2016.3.4

    Return the jail's root directory (path) as shown in jls

        The jid or jail name
    jls = salt.utils.path.which('jls')
    if not jls:
        raise CommandNotFoundError('\'jls\' command not found')
    jails = __salt__['cmd.run_stdout']('{0} -n jid name path'.format(jls))
    for j in jails.splitlines():
        jid, jname, path = (x.split('=')[1].strip() for x in j.split())
        if jid == jail or jname == jail:
            return path.rstrip('/')
    # XΧΧ, TODO, not sure how to handle nonexistent jail
    return ''