    def _construct_definition_uri(self):
        Constructs the State Machine's `DefinitionS3 property`_, from the SAM State Machines's DefinitionUri property.

        :returns: a DefinitionUri dict, containing the S3 Bucket, Key, and Version of the State Machine definition.
        :rtype: dict
        if isinstance(self.definition_uri, dict):
            if not self.definition_uri.get(
                    "Bucket", None) or not self.definition_uri.get(
                        "Key", None):
                # DefinitionUri is a dictionary but does not contain Bucket or Key property
                raise InvalidResourceException(
                    "'DefinitionUri' requires Bucket and Key properties to be specified."
            s3_pointer = self.definition_uri
            # DefinitionUri is a string
            s3_pointer = parse_s3_uri(self.definition_uri)
            if s3_pointer is None:
                raise InvalidResourceException(
                    "'DefinitionUri' is not a valid S3 Uri of the form "
                    "'s3://bucket/key' with optional versionId query parameter.",

        definition_s3 = {
            "Bucket": s3_pointer["Bucket"],
            "Key": s3_pointer["Key"]
        if "Version" in s3_pointer:
            definition_s3["Version"] = s3_pointer["Version"]
        return definition_s3
    def _construct_body_s3_dict(self):
        """Constructs the RestApi's `BodyS3Location property`_, from the SAM Api's DefinitionUri property.

        :returns: a BodyS3Location dict, containing the S3 Bucket, Key, and Version of the Swagger definition
        :rtype: dict
        if isinstance(self.definition_uri, dict):
            if not self.definition_uri.get(
                    "Bucket", None) or not self.definition_uri.get(
                        "Key", None):
                # DefinitionUri is a dictionary but does not contain Bucket or Key property
                raise InvalidResourceException(
                    "'DefinitionUri' requires Bucket and Key properties to be specified"
            s3_pointer = self.definition_uri


            # DefinitionUri is a string
            s3_pointer = parse_s3_uri(self.definition_uri)
            if s3_pointer is None:
                raise InvalidResourceException(
                    '\'DefinitionUri\' is not a valid S3 Uri of the form '
                    '"s3://bucket/key" with optional versionId query parameter.'

        body_s3 = {'Bucket': s3_pointer['Bucket'], 'Key': s3_pointer['Key']}
        if 'Version' in s3_pointer:
            body_s3['Version'] = s3_pointer['Version']
        return body_s3
    def _construct_body_s3_dict(self):
        """Constructs the RestApi's `BodyS3Location property`_, from the SAM Api's DefinitionUri property.

        :returns: a BodyS3Location dict, containing the S3 Bucket, Key, and Version of the Swagger definition
        :rtype: dict
        if isinstance(self.definition_uri, dict):
            if not self.definition_uri.get("Bucket", None) or not self.definition_uri.get("Key", None):
                # DefinitionUri is a dictionary but does not contain Bucket or Key property
                raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id,
                                               "'DefinitionUri' requires Bucket and Key properties to be specified")
            s3_pointer = self.definition_uri


            # DefinitionUri is a string
            s3_pointer = parse_s3_uri(self.definition_uri)
            if s3_pointer is None:
                raise InvalidResourceException(self.logical_id,
                                               '\'DefinitionUri\' is not a valid S3 Uri of the form '
                                               '"s3://bucket/key" with optional versionId query parameter.')

        body_s3 = {
            'Bucket': s3_pointer['Bucket'],
            'Key': s3_pointer['Key']
        if 'Version' in s3_pointer:
            body_s3['Version'] = s3_pointer['Version']
        return body_s3