"""Joystick""" joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) joy.init() buttonMap = {0 : HAL.GREEN, 1 : HAL.RED, 2 : HAL.BLUE, 3 : HAL.YELLOW, 4 : HAL.ORANGE, 6 : HAL.BACK, 7 : HAL.START} axisMap = {4 : HAL.WHAMMY, 2 : HAL.EFFECT, 3 : HAL.TILT} hatMap = {0 : { (0, -1) : HAL.STRUM_DOWN, (0, 1) : HAL.STRUM_UP} } axisDefault = {4 : -1.0} hatDefault = {} hal9000 = HAL(buttonMap, axisMap, hatMap, axisDefault, hatDefault) while 1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: guitarState = hal9000.parseButton(joy) for key, value in guitarState.iteritems(): print "{0} is {1}".format(key, value) elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: guitarState = hal9000.parseAxis(joy) for key, value in guitarState.iteritems(): print "{0} is {1}".format(key, value) elif event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION: guitarState = hal9000.parseHat(joy) for key, value in guitarState.iteritems(): print "{0} is {1}".format(key, value)
class MainGame(object): def __init__(self, level, screen=None): """Set the window Size""" self.width = 1100 self.height = 600 """Create the Screen""" if screen == None: pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height)) else: self.screen = screen screen.fill((0,0,0)) # self.statusBar = StatusBar(surface=self.screen,color=(200, 200, 200),width=self.width,height=60,x=0,y=0) """Gameboard Time!""" #load_level = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'songs', 'sexy.txt') self.gameboard = Gameboard(self.screen, self.width, 540, level) self.statusBar = StatusBar(surface=self.screen, color=(200, 200, 200), width=self.width, height=60, x=0, y=0, song_name=self.gameboard.song_name) if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "darwin": # On Windows, the best timer is time.clock() self.default_timer = time.clock else: # On most other platforms, the best timer is time.time() self.default_timer = time.time if sys.platform == "darwin": self.buttonMap = {11 : HAL.GREEN, 12 : HAL.RED, 13 : HAL.BLUE, 14 : HAL.YELLOW, 8 : HAL.ORANGE, 5 : HAL.BACK, 4 : HAL.START, 1 : HAL.STRUM_DOWN, 0 : HAL.STRUM_UP} self.axisMap = {4 : HAL.WHAMMY, 1 : HAL.EFFECT, 5 : HAL.TILT, 2 : HAL.NOTHING, 3 : HAL.NOTHING} self.hatMap = {0 : {} } self.axisDefault = {4 : -1.0} self.hatDefault = {} elif sys.platform == "win32": self.buttonMap = {0 : HAL.GREEN, 1 : HAL.RED, 2 : HAL.BLUE, 3 : HAL.YELLOW, 4 : HAL.ORANGE, 6 : HAL.BACK, 7 : HAL.START} self.axisMap = {4 : HAL.WHAMMY, 2 : HAL.EFFECT, 3 : HAL.TILT} self.hatMap = {0 : { (0, -1) : HAL.STRUM_DOWN, (0, 1) : HAL.STRUM_UP} } self.axisDefault = {4 : -1.0} self.hatDefault = {} full_music_path = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'music', self.gameboard.music_filename) print "Trying to load " + os.path.abspath(full_music_path) load_path = os.path.abspath(full_music_path.strip('\n')) print load_path pygame.mixer.music.load(full_music_path) # Where are the sound effects? self.sound_basic_slash = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'vertical_slash.wav') self.sound_face_melt = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'face_melt.wav') self.sound_fire_sword = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'fire_sword.wav') self.sound_water_spray = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'water_spray.wav') self.sound_mine_explosion = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'mine_explosion.wav') self.sound_mega_sword_get = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'mega_sword_get.wav') self.sound_generic_powerup = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'powerup.wav') self.sound_scream = load_sound_from_folder('sound_effects', 'WilhelmScream.ogg') """Joystick""" self.joy = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) self.joy.init() self.hal = HAL(self.buttonMap, self.axisMap, self.hatMap, self.axisDefault, self.hatDefault) self.is_playing = False # self.health = 100 # wt = WaitTest(self.gameboard) # self.thread = Thread(wt.spawn()) def game_loop(self): # self.thread.start() # for i in range(0, 10): # t = Timer(1+i, self.gameboard.add_bridge) # t.start() # self.gameboard.add_bridge() self.gameboard.add_healthpack(3) full_level_path = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'levels', self.gameboard.level_filename) spawner = Spawner(full_level_path, self.gameboard) spawner.start() start_time = self.default_timer() #print start_time start_music = Timer(1025.0 / self.gameboard.pixels_per_second, self.playSexy) start_music.start() pre_apocalypse = True complete = False while pre_apocalypse: #cur_time = self.default_timer() #print cur_time #print (cur_time - start_time) #print self.gameboard.song_length #if cur_time >= (self.gameboard.song_length + (self.gameboard.width / self.gameboard.pixels_per_second)): # pre_apocalypse = False for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.mixer.music.stop() spawner.stop() pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == Constants.Song_End_Event: pre_apocalypse = False complete = True elif sys.platform == "darwin" and event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: guitarState = self.hal.parseButton(self.joy) self.process_pause(guitarState) self.process_input(guitarState) # elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION: # guitarState = self.hal.parseAxis(self.joy) # self.process_input(guitarState) elif sys.platform == "win32" and event.type == pygame.JOYHATMOTION: guitarState = self.hal.parseAll(self.joy) self.process_input(guitarState) elif sys.platform == "win32" and event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN: guitarState = self.hal.parseButton(self.joy) self.process_pause(guitarState) # if self.is_playing == False and pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.playSexy() # Process attacks before player impacts: enemy_a_collosions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(self.gameboard.attack_group, self.gameboard.enemy_group, False, False).items() if enemy_a_collosions != None: for attack, enemies in enemy_a_collosions: for enemy in enemies: enemy.process_hit(attack.attack_type, self.gameboard.enemy_group, self.statusBar) self.gameboard.attack_group.remove(attack) mine_p_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.mine_group, False) if mine_p_collisions != None: for m in mine_p_collisions: self.gameboard.add_explosion(m.rect.top) self.sound_mine_explosion.play() if not self.gameboard.samurai.is_invincible: m.process_player_hit(self.statusBar) self.gameboard.mine_group.remove(m) if self.statusBar.healthBar.curValue <= 0: pre_apocalypse = False enemy_p_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.enemy_group, False) if enemy_p_collisions != None: for e in enemy_p_collisions: if not self.gameboard.samurai.is_invincible: self.sound_scream.play() e.process_player_hit(self.statusBar, self.gameboard.samurai) self.gameboard.enemy_group.remove(e) if self.statusBar.healthBar.curValue <= 0: pre_apocalypse = False ## check for powerup collisions ## healthpack_p_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.healthpack_group, False) if healthpack_p_collisions != None: for m in healthpack_p_collisions: self.sound_generic_powerup.play() self.gameboard.healthpack_group.remove(m) self.statusBar.healthBar.update(30) ki_potion_p_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.ki_potion_group, False) if ki_potion_p_collisions != None: for m in ki_potion_p_collisions: self.sound_generic_powerup.play() self.gameboard.ki_potion_group.remove(m) self.statusBar.kiBar.update(30) shield_p_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.shield_group, False) if shield_p_collisions != None: for s in shield_p_collisions: self.sound_generic_powerup.play() self.gameboard.samurai.ha_I_am_invincible(self.statusBar) self.gameboard.shield_group.remove(s) sword_p_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.sword_group, False) if sword_p_collisions != None: for s in sword_p_collisions: self.sound_mega_sword_get.play() self.gameboard.samurai.mega_sword_get(self.statusBar) self.gameboard.sword_group.remove(s) #add score! self.gameboard.draw() pygame.display.flip() # spawner.stop() time_played = pygame.mixer.music.get_pos() if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy: pygame.mixer.music.stop() if complete: percent_played = 100 else: percent_played = int(time_played/(10*self.gameboard.song_length)) m = WinScreen(self.screen) m.mainLoop(self.gameboard.level_filename, self.statusBar.score, percent_played) def process_pause(self, state): #check for pause menu if HAL.START in state and state[HAL.START] == True: wasPaused = False if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy: pygame.mixer.music.pause() wasPaused = True m = LevelPauseMenu(self.screen) m.mainLoop() #Constants.sexyMusic.stop() #check to see if we're quitting forever if m.timeToQuit(): pre_apocalypse = False else: #reblit the status info self.statusBar.draw() #redraw this since it won't be blitted again if wasPaused: pygame.mixer.music.unpause(); self.gameboard.last_frame_time = self.gameboard.default_timer() # Hax, don't count the time spent pausing. def process_input(self, state): print state if (HAL.STRUM_DOWN in state and state[HAL.STRUM_DOWN] == True) or (HAL.STRUM_UP in state and state[HAL.STRUM_UP] == True): buttons_down = [] for button in (HAL.GREEN, HAL.RED, HAL.YELLOW, HAL.BLUE, HAL.ORANGE): if button in state and state[button] == True: buttons_down.append(button) num_buttons = len(buttons_down) if num_buttons == 1: # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.gameboard.samurai.move(buttons_down[0]) bridge_collisions = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group, False, None) if bridge_collisions != None: for bridge in bridge_collisions: self.gameboard.samurai.move(buttons_down[0], bridge) if num_buttons == 2: tempSprite = self.gameboard.samurai_sprite_group.sprites() tempRect = tempSprite[0].get_rect() if (HAL.GREEN in state and state[HAL.GREEN] == True) and (HAL.RED in state and state[HAL.RED] == True): # self.statusBar.kiBar.update(-2) my_attack = VerticalSlash(tempRect.centerx,tempRect.centery, self.gameboard.remove_attack) if self.gameboard.samurai.has_mega_sword: my_attack.attack_type = VerticalSlash.TYPE_MEGA_SWORD self.gameboard.add_attack(my_attack) self.sound_basic_slash.play() elif (self.statusBar.kiBar.curValue >= 20) and (HAL.GREEN in state and state[HAL.GREEN] == True) and (HAL.YELLOW in state and state[HAL.YELLOW] == True): self.statusBar.kiBar.update(-20) my_attack = FaceMeltingSolo(tempRect.centerx - 20, tempRect.centery - 20, self.gameboard.remove_attack) if self.gameboard.samurai.has_mega_sword: my_attack.attack_type = VerticalSlash.TYPE_MEGA_SWORD self.gameboard.add_attack(my_attack) self.sound_face_melt.play() elif (self.statusBar.kiBar.curValue >= 20) and (HAL.GREEN in state and state[HAL.GREEN] == True) and (HAL.BLUE in state and state[HAL.BLUE] == True): self.statusBar.kiBar.update(-20) my_attack = WaterSpray(tempRect.centerx + 10, tempRect.centery - 10, self.gameboard.remove_attack) if self.gameboard.samurai.has_mega_sword: my_attack.attack_type = VerticalSlash.TYPE_MEGA_SWORD self.gameboard.add_attack(my_attack) self.sound_water_spray.play() elif (self.statusBar.kiBar.curValue >= 20) and (HAL.RED in state and state[HAL.RED] == True) and (HAL.YELLOW in state and state[HAL.YELLOW] == True): self.statusBar.kiBar.update(-20) my_attack = FireSword(tempRect.centerx, tempRect.centery, self.gameboard.remove_attack) if self.gameboard.samurai.has_mega_sword: my_attack.attack_type = VerticalSlash.TYPE_MEGA_SWORD self.gameboard.add_attack(my_attack) self.sound_fire_sword.play() # if input == HAL.GREEN: # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.gameboard.samurai.curString = 0 # elif input == HAL.RED: # print "Hal RED" # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.gameboard.samurai.curString = 1 # elif input == HAL.YELLOW: # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.gameboard.samurai.curString = 2 # elif input == HAL.BLUE: # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.gameboard.samurai.curString = 3 # elif input == HAL.ORANGE: # if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.gameboard.samurai, self.gameboard.bridge_group) != None: # self.gameboard.samurai.curString = 4 def playSexy(self): self.is_playing = True pygame.mixer.music.set_endevent(Constants.Song_End_Event) pygame.mixer.music.play()