    def testRank(self):
        X = numpy.random.rand(10, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 1)

        X = numpy.random.rand(10, 12)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 10)

        X = numpy.random.rand(31, 12)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 12)

        K = numpy.dot(X, X.T)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 12)
    def testRank(self):
        X = numpy.random.rand(10, 1)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 1)

        X = numpy.random.rand(10, 12)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 10)

        X = numpy.random.rand(31, 12)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 12)

        K = numpy.dot(X, X.T)
        self.assertEquals(Util.rank(X), 12)
    def testEigenRemove(self):
        tol = 10**-6

        for i in range(10):
            m = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            n = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)

            #How many rows/cols to remove 
            p = numpy.random.randint(1, 5)

            A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            C = A.conj().T.dot(A)

            lastError = 100

            omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eigh(C)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(C-(Q*omega).dot(Q.conj().T)) < tol )
            Cprime = C[0:n-p, 0:n-p]
            for k in range(1,9):
                pi, V, K, Y1, Y2, omega2 = EigenUpdater.eigenRemove(omega, Q, n-p, k, debug=True)
                # V is "orthogonal"
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) - numpy.eye(V.shape[1])) < tol  )

                # The approximation converges to the exact decomposition 
                C_k = (V*pi).dot(V.conj().T)
                error = numpy.linalg.norm(Cprime-C_k)

                if Util.rank(C)<k:
                    self.assertTrue(error <= tol)
                lastError = error
    def addRows(U, s, V, B, k=None):
        Find the SVD of a matrix [A ; B] where  A = U diag(s) V.T. Uses the QR 
        decomposition to find an orthogonal basis on B. 
        :param U: The left singular vectors of A  
        :param s: The singular values of A 
        :param V: The right singular vectors of A 
        :param B: The matrix to append to A 
        if V.shape[0] != B.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("U must have same number of rows as B cols")
        if s.shape[0] != U.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Number of cols of U must be the same size as s")
        if s.shape[0] != V.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Number of cols of V must be the same size as s")

        if k == None:
            k = U.shape[1]
        m, p = U.shape
        r = B.shape[0]

        C = B.T - V.dot(V.T).dot(B.T)
        Q, R = numpy.linalg.qr(C)

        rPrime = Util.rank(C)
        Q = Q[:, 0:rPrime]
        R = R[0:rPrime, :]

        D = numpy.c_[numpy.diag(s), numpy.zeros((p, rPrime))]
        E = numpy.c_[B.dot(V), R.T]
        D = numpy.r_[D, E]

        G1 = numpy.c_[U, numpy.zeros((m, r))]
        G2 = numpy.c_[numpy.zeros((r, p)), numpy.eye(r)]
        G = numpy.r_[G1, G2]

        H = numpy.c_[V, Q]

        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(G.T.dot(G), numpy.eye(G.shape[1]))
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(H.T.dot(H), numpy.eye(H.shape[1]))
            G.dot(D).dot(H.T), numpy.r_[(U * s).dot(V.T), B])

        Uhat, sHat, Vhat = numpy.linalg.svd(D, full_matrices=False)
        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(sHat))[0:k]
        Uhat, sHat, Vhat = Util.indSvd(Uhat, sHat, Vhat, inds)

        #The best rank k approximation of [A ; B]
        Utilde = G.dot(Uhat)
        Stilde = sHat
        Vtilde = H.dot(Vhat)

        return Utilde, Stilde, Vtilde
    def addRows(U, s, V, B, k=None): 
        Find the SVD of a matrix [A ; B] where  A = U diag(s) V.T. Uses the QR 
        decomposition to find an orthogonal basis on B. 
        :param U: The left singular vectors of A  
        :param s: The singular values of A 
        :param V: The right singular vectors of A 
        :param B: The matrix to append to A 
        if V.shape[0] != B.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("U must have same number of rows as B cols")
        if s.shape[0] != U.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Number of cols of U must be the same size as s")
        if s.shape[0] != V.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError("Number of cols of V must be the same size as s")
        if k == None: 
            k = U.shape[1]
        m, p = U.shape
        r = B.shape[0]
        C = B.T - V.dot(V.T).dot(B.T)
        Q, R = numpy.linalg.qr(C)

        rPrime = Util.rank(C)
        Q = Q[:, 0:rPrime]
        R = R[0:rPrime, :]

        D = numpy.c_[numpy.diag(s), numpy.zeros((p, rPrime))]
        E = numpy.c_[B.dot(V), R.T]
        D = numpy.r_[D, E]
        G1 = numpy.c_[U, numpy.zeros((m, r))]
        G2 = numpy.c_[numpy.zeros((r, p)), numpy.eye(r)]
        G = numpy.r_[G1, G2]
        H = numpy.c_[V, Q]
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(G.T.dot(G), numpy.eye(G.shape[1])) 
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(H.T.dot(H), numpy.eye(H.shape[1])) 
        nptst.assert_array_almost_equal(G.dot(D).dot(H.T), numpy.r_[(U*s).dot(V.T), B])

        Uhat, sHat, Vhat = numpy.linalg.svd(D, full_matrices=False)
        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(sHat))[0:k]
        Uhat, sHat, Vhat = Util.indSvd(Uhat, sHat, Vhat, inds)

        #The best rank k approximation of [A ; B]
        Utilde = G.dot(Uhat)
        Stilde = sHat
        Vtilde = H.dot(Vhat)

        return Utilde, Stilde, Vtilde
    def testEigenAdd2(self):
        tol = 10**-6

        for i in range(10):
            m = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            n = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            p = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            Y1 = numpy.random.randn(n, p)
            Y2 = numpy.random.randn(n, p)

            AA = A.conj().T.dot(A)
            Y1Y2 = Y1.dot(Y2.conj().T)
            lastError = 100

            omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eigh(AA)
                numpy.linalg.norm(AA - (Q * omega).dot(Q.conj().T)) < tol)
            C = AA + Y1Y2 + Y1Y2.conj().T
            for k in range(1, 9):
                pi, V, D, DUD = EigenUpdater.eigenAdd2(omega,
                # V is "orthogonal"
                    numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) -
                                      numpy.eye(V.shape[1])) < tol)

                # The approximation converges to the exact decomposition
                C_k = (V * pi).dot(V.conj().T)
                error = numpy.linalg.norm(C - C_k)
                if Util.rank(C) == k:
                    self.assertTrue(error <= tol)
                lastError = error

                # DomegaD corresponds to AA_k
                omega_k, Q_k = Util.indEig(
                    omega, Q,
                DomegakD = (D *
                            numpy.c_[omega_k[numpy.newaxis, :],
                                         (1, max(D.shape[1] - k, 0)))]).dot(
                    numpy.linalg.norm((Q_k * omega_k).dot(Q_k.conj().T) -
                                      DomegakD) < tol)

                # DUD is exactly decomposed
                    numpy.linalg.norm(Y1Y2 + Y1Y2.conj().T -
                                      D.dot(DUD).dot(D.conj().T)) < tol)
    def testEigenRemove(self):
        tol = 10**-6

        for i in range(10):
            m = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            n = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)

            #How many rows/cols to remove
            p = numpy.random.randint(1, 5)

            A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            C = A.conj().T.dot(A)

            lastError = 100

            omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eigh(C)
                numpy.linalg.norm(C - (Q * omega).dot(Q.conj().T)) < tol)
            Cprime = C[0:n - p, 0:n - p]

            for k in range(1, 9):
                pi, V, K, Y1, Y2, omega2 = EigenUpdater.eigenRemove(omega,
                                                                    n - p,
                # V is "orthogonal"
                    numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) -
                                      numpy.eye(V.shape[1])) < tol)

                # The approximation converges to the exact decomposition
                C_k = (V * pi).dot(V.conj().T)
                error = numpy.linalg.norm(Cprime - C_k)

                if Util.rank(C) < k:
                    self.assertTrue(error <= tol)
                lastError = error
    def testEigenAdd(self):
        for i in range(3):
            numCols = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            numXRows = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            numYRows = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)

            A = numpy.random.rand(numXRows, numCols)
            Y = numpy.random.rand(numYRows, numCols)

            AA = A.conj().T.dot(A)
            AA = (AA + AA.conj().T) / 2
            YY = Y.conj().T.dot(Y)

            lastError = 1000

            for k in range(1, min((numXRows, numCols))):
                #Note using eigh since AA is hermatian
                omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eigh(AA)
                pi, V = EigenUpdater.eigenAdd(omega, Q, Y, k)
                Pi = numpy.diag(pi)

                tol = 10**-3
                t = min(k, Util.rank(AA + YY))
                self.assertTrue(pi.shape[0] == t)
                    numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) - numpy.eye(t)) < tol)

                inds2 = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(omega)))
                Q = Q[:, inds2[0:k]]
                omega = omega[inds2[0:k]]
                AAk = Q.dot(numpy.diag(omega)).dot(Q.conj().T)
                AAkpYY = AAk + YY
                AApYYEst = V.dot(Pi.dot(V.conj().T))

                error = numpy.linalg.norm(AApYYEst - (AA + YY))
                self.assertTrue(lastError - error >= -tol)
                lastError = error
    def testEigenAdd2(self):
        tol = 10**-6

        for i in range(10):
            m = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            n = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            p = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            Y1 = numpy.random.randn(n, p)
            Y2 = numpy.random.randn(n, p)

            AA = A.conj().T.dot(A)
            Y1Y2 = Y1.dot(Y2.conj().T)
            lastError = 100

            omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eigh(AA)
            self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(AA-(Q*omega).dot(Q.conj().T)) < tol )
            C = AA + Y1Y2 + Y1Y2.conj().T
            for k in range(1,9):
                pi, V, D, DUD = EigenUpdater.eigenAdd2(omega, Q, Y1, Y2, k, debug = True)
                # V is "orthogonal"
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) - numpy.eye(V.shape[1])) < tol  )

                # The approximation converges to the exact decomposition 
                C_k = (V*pi).dot(V.conj().T)
                error = numpy.linalg.norm(C-C_k)
                if Util.rank(C)==k:
                    self.assertTrue(error <= tol)
                lastError = error
                # DomegaD corresponds to AA_k
                omega_k, Q_k = Util.indEig(omega, Q, numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))[0:k])
                DomegakD = (D*numpy.c_[omega_k[numpy.newaxis,:],numpy.zeros((1,max(D.shape[1]-k,0)))]).dot(D.conj().T)
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm((Q_k*omega_k).dot(Q_k.conj().T)-DomegakD) < tol )
                # DUD is exactly decomposed
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(Y1Y2 + Y1Y2.conj().T - D.dot(DUD).dot(D.conj().T)) < tol )
    def testEigenAdd(self):
        for i in range(3):
            numCols = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            numXRows = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            numYRows = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)

            A = numpy.random.rand(numXRows, numCols)
            Y = numpy.random.rand(numYRows, numCols)

            AA = A.conj().T.dot(A)
            AA = (AA + AA.conj().T)/2
            YY = Y.conj().T.dot(Y)

            lastError = 1000

            for k in range(1, min((numXRows, numCols))):
                #Note using eigh since AA is hermatian 
                omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eigh(AA)
                pi, V = EigenUpdater.eigenAdd(omega, Q, Y, k)
                Pi = numpy.diag(pi)

                tol = 10**-3
                t = min(k, Util.rank(AA+YY))
                self.assertTrue(pi.shape[0] == t)
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) - numpy.eye(t)) < tol)

                inds2 = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(omega)))
                Q = Q[:, inds2[0:k]]
                omega = omega[inds2[0:k]]
                AAk = Q.dot(numpy.diag(omega)).dot(Q.conj().T)
                AAkpYY = AAk + YY
                AApYYEst = V.dot(Pi.dot(V.conj().T))

                error = numpy.linalg.norm(AApYYEst - (AA+YY))
                self.assertTrue(lastError - error >= -tol)
                lastError = error
import numpy
import scipy.sparse
from apgl.graph import GraphUtils
from sandbox.util.Util import Util

numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
n = 10
W1 = scipy.sparse.rand(n, n, 0.5).todense()
W1 = W1.T.dot(W1)
W2 = W1.copy()

W2[1, 2] = 1
W2[2, 1] = 1

print("W1=" + str(W1))
print("W2=" + str(W2))

L1 = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianSym(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W1))
L2 = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianSym(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W2))

deltaL = L2 - L1

print("L1=" + str(L1.todense()))
print("L2=" + str(L2.todense()))
print("deltaL=" + str(deltaL.todense()))

print("rank(deltaL)=" + str(Util.rank(deltaL.todense())))
    def testEigenConcat(self):
        tol = 10**-6

        for i in range(3):
            m = numpy.random.randint(10, 20)
            n = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            p = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            #            A = numpy.zeros((m, n), numpy.complex)
            #            B = numpy.zeros((m, p), numpy.complex)
            #            A.real = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            #            A.imag = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            #            B.real = numpy.random.randn(m, p)
            #            B.imag = numpy.random.randn(m, p)
            A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            B = numpy.random.randn(m, p)

            #logging.debug("m="+str(m)+" n="+str(n)+" p="+str(p))

            AcB = numpy.c_[A, B]
            ABBA = AcB.conj().T.dot(AcB)

            AA = ABBA[0:n, 0:n]
            AB = ABBA[0:n, n:]
            BB = ABBA[n:, n:]

            lastError = 1000
            lastError2 = 1000

            for k in range(1, n):
                #First compute eigen update estimate
                omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(AA)
                pi, V = EigenUpdater.eigenConcat(omega, Q, AB, BB, k)
                ABBAEst = V.dot(numpy.diag(pi)).dot(V.conj().T)

                t = min(k, Util.rank(ABBA))
                self.assertTrue(pi.shape[0] == t)
                    numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) - numpy.eye(t)) < tol)

                #Second compute another eigen update estimate
                omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(AA)
                pi2, V2, D2, D2UD2 = EigenUpdater.lazyEigenConcatAsUpdate(
                    omega, Q, AB, BB, k, debug=True)
                ABBAEst2 = V2.dot(numpy.diag(pi2)).dot(V2.conj().T)

                U = ABBA.copy()
                U[0:n, 0:n] = 0
                    numpy.linalg.norm(U -
                                      D2.dot(D2UD2).dot(D2.conj().T)) < tol)

                t = min(k, Util.rank(ABBA))
                    numpy.linalg.norm(V2.conj().T.dot(V2) -
                                      numpy.eye(pi2.shape[0])) < tol)

                #Compute estimate using eigendecomposition of full matrix
                sfull, Vfull = numpy.linalg.eig(ABBA)
                indsfull = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(sfull)))
                Vfull = Vfull[:, indsfull[0:k]]
                sfull = sfull[indsfull[0:k]]
                ABBAEstfull = Vfull.dot(numpy.diag(sfull)).dot(Vfull.conj().T)

                #The errors should reduce
                error = numpy.linalg.norm(ABBAEst - ABBA)
                if Util.rank(ABBA) == k:
                    self.assertTrue(error <= tol)
                lastError = error

                error = numpy.linalg.norm(ABBAEst2 - ABBA)
                self.assertTrue(error <= lastError2 + tol)
                lastError2 = error
    def clusterFromIterator(self, graphListIterator, verbose=False):
        Find a set of clusters for the graphs given by the iterator. If verbose 
        is true the each iteration is timed and bounded the results are returned 
        as lists.
        The difference between a weight matrix and the previous one should be
        clustersList = []
        decompositionTimeList = [] 
        kMeansTimeList = [] 
        boundList = []
        sinThetaList = []
        i = 0

        for subW in graphListIterator:
            if __debug__:

            if self.logStep and i % self.logStep == 0:
                logging.debug("Graph index: " + str(i))
            logging.debug("Clustering graph of size " + str(subW.shape))
            if self.alg!="efficientNystrom": 
                ABBA = GraphUtils.shiftLaplacian(subW)

            # --- Eigen value decomposition ---
            startTime = time.time()
            if self.alg=="IASC": 
                if i % self.T != 0:
                    omega, Q = self.approxUpdateEig(subW, ABBA, omega, Q)   
                    if self.computeBound:
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        Q = Q[:, inds]
                        omega = omega[inds]
                        bounds = self.pertBound(omega, Q, omegaKbot, AKbot, self.k2)
                        #boundList.append([i, bounds[0], bounds[1]])
                        #Now use accurate values of norm of R and delta   
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        gamma, U = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, rank-1, which="LM", ncv = ABBA.shape[0])
                        #logging.debug("gamma=" + str(gamma))
                        bounds2 = self.realBound(omega, Q, gamma, AKbot, self.k2)                  
                        boundList.append([bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds2[0], bounds2[1]])      
                    logging.debug("Computing exact eigenvectors")
                    self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)

                    if self.computeBound: 
                        #omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k2*2, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(10*self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, rank-1, which="LM", ncv = ABBA.shape[0])
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        omegaKbot = omega[inds[self.k2:]]  
                        QKbot = Q[:, inds[self.k2:]] 
                        AKbot = (QKbot*omegaKbot).dot(QKbot.T)
                        omegaSort = numpy.flipud(numpy.sort(omega))
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(10*self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))
            elif self.alg == "nystrom":
                omega, Q = Nystrom.eigpsd(ABBA, self.k3)
            elif self.alg == "exact": 
                omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k1, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(15*self.k1, ABBA.shape[0]))
            elif self.alg == "efficientNystrom":
                omega, Q = EfficientNystrom.eigWeight(subW, self.k2, self.k1)
            elif self.alg == "randomisedSvd": 
                Q, omega, R = RandomisedSVD.svd(ABBA, self.k4)
                raise ValueError("Invalid Algorithm: " + str(self.alg))

            if self.computeSinTheta:
                omegaExact, QExact = scipy.linalg.eigh(ABBA.todense())
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omegaExact))
                QExactKbot = QExact[:, inds[self.k1:]]
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                QApproxK = Q[:,inds[:self.k1]]
            if self.alg=="IASC":
                self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)
            # --- Kmeans ---
            startTime = time.time()
            inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))

            standardiser = Standardiser()
            #For some very strange reason we get an overflow when computing the
            #norm of the rows of Q even though its elements are bounded by 1.
            #We'll ignore it for now
                V = standardiser.normaliseArray(Q[:, inds[0:self.k1]].real.T).T
            except FloatingPointError as e:
                logging.warn("FloatingPointError: " + str(e))
            V = VqUtils.whiten(V)
            if i == 0:
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(V, self.k1, iter=self.nb_iter_kmeans)
                centroids = self.findCentroids(V, clusters[:subW.shape[0]])
                if centroids.shape[0] < self.k1:
                    nb_missing_centroids = self.k1 - centroids.shape[0]
                    random_centroids = V[numpy.random.randint(0, V.shape[0], nb_missing_centroids),:]
                    centroids = numpy.vstack((centroids, random_centroids))
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(V, centroids) #iter can only be 1
            clusters, distortion = vq.vq(V, centroids)


            #logging.debug("subW.shape: " + str(subW.shape))
            #logging.debug("len(clusters): " + str(len(clusters)))
            #from sandbox.util.ProfileUtils import ProfileUtils
            #logging.debug("Total memory usage: " + str(ProfileUtils.memory()/10**6) + "MB")
            if ProfileUtils.memory() > 10**9:

            i += 1

        if verbose:
            eigenQuality = {"boundList" : boundList, "sinThetaList" : sinThetaList}
            return clustersList, numpy.array((decompositionTimeList, kMeansTimeList)).T, eigenQuality
            return clustersList
import numpy 
import scipy.sparse 
from apgl.graph import GraphUtils 
from sandbox.util.Util import Util 

numpy.set_printoptions(suppress=True, precision=3)
n = 10
W1 = scipy.sparse.rand(n, n, 0.5).todense()
W1 = W1.T.dot(W1)
W2 = W1.copy()

W2[1, 2] = 1 
W2[2, 1] = 1  


L1 = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianSym(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W1))
L2 = GraphUtils.normalisedLaplacianSym(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(W2))

deltaL = L2 - L1 


print("rank(deltaL)=" + str(Util.rank(deltaL.todense()))) 
    def testEigenConcat(self):
        tol = 10**-6
        for i in range(3): 
            m = numpy.random.randint(10, 20)
            n = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
            p = numpy.random.randint(5, 10)
#            A = numpy.zeros((m, n), numpy.complex)
#            B = numpy.zeros((m, p), numpy.complex)
#            A.real = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
#            A.imag = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
#            B.real = numpy.random.randn(m, p)
#            B.imag = numpy.random.randn(m, p)
            A = numpy.random.randn(m, n)
            B = numpy.random.randn(m, p)

            #logging.debug("m="+str(m)+" n="+str(n)+" p="+str(p))

            AcB = numpy.c_[A, B]
            ABBA = AcB.conj().T.dot(AcB)

            AA = ABBA[0:n, 0:n]
            AB = ABBA[0:n, n:]
            BB = ABBA[n:, n:]

            lastError = 1000
            lastError2 = 1000

            for k in range(1,n):
                #First compute eigen update estimate
                omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(AA)
                pi, V = EigenUpdater.eigenConcat(omega, Q, AB, BB, k)
                ABBAEst = V.dot(numpy.diag(pi)).dot(V.conj().T)

                t = min(k, Util.rank(ABBA))
                self.assertTrue(pi.shape[0] == t)
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(V.conj().T.dot(V) - numpy.eye(t)) < tol)

                #Second compute another eigen update estimate
                omega, Q = numpy.linalg.eig(AA)
                pi2, V2, D2, D2UD2 = EigenUpdater.lazyEigenConcatAsUpdate(omega, Q, AB, BB, k, debug=True)
                ABBAEst2 = V2.dot(numpy.diag(pi2)).dot(V2.conj().T)

                U = ABBA.copy()
                U[0:n, 0:n] = 0
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(U - D2.dot(D2UD2).dot(D2.conj().T)) < tol )

                t = min(k, Util.rank(ABBA))
                self.assertTrue(numpy.linalg.norm(V2.conj().T.dot(V2) - numpy.eye(pi2.shape[0])) < tol)

                #Compute estimate using eigendecomposition of full matrix
                sfull, Vfull = numpy.linalg.eig(ABBA)
                indsfull = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(sfull)))
                Vfull = Vfull[:, indsfull[0:k]]
                sfull = sfull[indsfull[0:k]]
                ABBAEstfull = Vfull.dot(numpy.diag(sfull)).dot(Vfull.conj().T)

                #The errors should reduce
                error = numpy.linalg.norm(ABBAEst - ABBA)
                if Util.rank(ABBA)==k:
                    self.assertTrue(error <= tol)
                lastError = error

                error = numpy.linalg.norm(ABBAEst2 - ABBA)
                self.assertTrue(error <= lastError2+tol)
                lastError2 = error
Xhat1 = X1 - numpy.outer(numpy.mean(X, 1), numpy.ones(numExamples1))
Xhat2 = X2 - numpy.outer(numpy.mean(X, 1), numpy.ones(numExamples2))
Xhat = numpy.c_[Xhat1, Xhat2]

sigma = numpy.dot(Xhat.T, Xhat)
sigma1 = numpy.dot(Xhat1.T, Xhat1)
sigma2 = numpy.dot(Xhat1.T, Xhat2)
sigma3 = numpy.dot(Xhat2.T, Xhat2)

d, U = numpy.linalg.eig(sigma1)
inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(d))
indsk = inds[0:k]

#rank k approximation of sigma 
sigma1k = numpy.dot(U[:, indsk], numpy.dot(numpy.diag(d[indsk]), U[:, indsk].T ))
ell = Util.rank(sigma1)

Ptilde1 = numpy.dot(numpy.diag(numpy.sqrt(d[indsk])), U[:, indsk].T)
Ptilde1 = numpy.r_[Ptilde1, numpy.zeros((ell-k, numExamples1))]

LambdaTildeSq = numpy.diag(d[inds[0:ell]] ** -0.5)
Utilde = U[:, inds[0:ell]]

Q1 = numpy.dot(LambdaTildeSq, numpy.dot(Utilde.T, sigma2))
Q2 = numpy.zeros((numExamples2, numExamples1))
#Q3 is zero which is odd 
Q3 = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sigma3 - numpy.dot(Q1.T, Q1))

Ptilde2 = numpy.r_[Ptilde1, Q2]
Y = numpy.r_[Q1, Q3]
    def clusterFromIterator(self, graphListIterator, verbose=False):
        Find a set of clusters for the graphs given by the iterator. If verbose 
        is true the each iteration is timed and bounded the results are returned 
        as lists.
        The difference between a weight matrix and the previous one should be
        clustersList = []
        decompositionTimeList = []
        kMeansTimeList = []
        boundList = []
        sinThetaList = []
        i = 0

        for subW in graphListIterator:
            if __debug__:

            if self.logStep and i % self.logStep == 0:
                logging.debug("Graph index: " + str(i))
            logging.debug("Clustering graph of size " + str(subW.shape))
            if self.alg != "efficientNystrom":
                ABBA = GraphUtils.shiftLaplacian(subW)

            # --- Eigen value decomposition ---
            startTime = time.time()
            if self.alg == "IASC":
                if i % self.T != 0:
                    omega, Q = self.approxUpdateEig(subW, ABBA, omega, Q)

                    if self.computeBound:
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        Q = Q[:, inds]
                        omega = omega[inds]
                        bounds = self.pertBound(omega, Q, omegaKbot, AKbot,
                        #boundList.append([i, bounds[0], bounds[1]])

                        #Now use accurate values of norm of R and delta
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        gamma, U = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA,
                                                             rank - 1,
                        #logging.debug("gamma=" + str(gamma))
                        bounds2 = self.realBound(omega, Q, gamma, AKbot,
                            [bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds2[0], bounds2[1]])
                    logging.debug("Computing exact eigenvectors")
                    self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)

                    if self.computeBound:
                        #omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA, min(self.k2*2, ABBA.shape[0]-1), which="LM", ncv = min(10*self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))
                        rank = Util.rank(ABBA.todense())
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(ABBA,
                                                             rank - 1,
                        inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                        omegaKbot = omega[inds[self.k2:]]
                        QKbot = Q[:, inds[self.k2:]]
                        AKbot = (QKbot * omegaKbot).dot(QKbot.T)

                        omegaSort = numpy.flipud(numpy.sort(omega))
                        boundList.append([0] * 4)
                        omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
                            min(self.k2, ABBA.shape[0] - 1),
                            ncv=min(10 * self.k2, ABBA.shape[0]))

            elif self.alg == "nystrom":
                omega, Q = Nystrom.eigpsd(ABBA, self.k3)
            elif self.alg == "exact":
                omega, Q = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(
                    min(self.k1, ABBA.shape[0] - 1),
                    ncv=min(15 * self.k1, ABBA.shape[0]))
            elif self.alg == "efficientNystrom":
                omega, Q = EfficientNystrom.eigWeight(subW, self.k2, self.k1)
            elif self.alg == "randomisedSvd":
                Q, omega, R = RandomisedSVD.svd(ABBA, self.k4)
                raise ValueError("Invalid Algorithm: " + str(self.alg))

            if self.computeSinTheta:
                omegaExact, QExact = scipy.linalg.eigh(ABBA.todense())
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omegaExact))
                QExactKbot = QExact[:, inds[self.k1:]]
                inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))
                QApproxK = Q[:, inds[:self.k1]]

            decompositionTimeList.append(time.time() - startTime)

            if self.alg == "IASC":
                self.storeInformation(subW, ABBA)

            # --- Kmeans ---
            startTime = time.time()
            inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(omega))

            standardiser = Standardiser()
            #For some very strange reason we get an overflow when computing the
            #norm of the rows of Q even though its elements are bounded by 1.
            #We'll ignore it for now
                V = standardiser.normaliseArray(Q[:, inds[0:self.k1]].real.T).T
            except FloatingPointError as e:
                logging.warn("FloatingPointError: " + str(e))
            V = VqUtils.whiten(V)
            if i == 0:
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(V,
                centroids = self.findCentroids(V, clusters[:subW.shape[0]])
                if centroids.shape[0] < self.k1:
                    nb_missing_centroids = self.k1 - centroids.shape[0]
                    random_centroids = V[numpy.random.randint(
                        0, V.shape[0], nb_missing_centroids), :]
                    centroids = numpy.vstack((centroids, random_centroids))
                centroids, distortion = vq.kmeans(
                    V, centroids)  #iter can only be 1
            clusters, distortion = vq.vq(V, centroids)
            kMeansTimeList.append(time.time() - startTime)


            #logging.debug("subW.shape: " + str(subW.shape))
            #logging.debug("len(clusters): " + str(len(clusters)))
            #from sandbox.util.ProfileUtils import ProfileUtils
            #logging.debug("Total memory usage: " + str(ProfileUtils.memory()/10**6) + "MB")
            if ProfileUtils.memory() > 10**9:

            i += 1

        if verbose:
            eigenQuality = {
                "boundList": boundList,
                "sinThetaList": sinThetaList
            return clustersList, numpy.array(
                (decompositionTimeList, kMeansTimeList)).T, eigenQuality
            return clustersList
Xhat2 = X2 - numpy.outer(numpy.mean(X, 1), numpy.ones(numExamples2))
Xhat = numpy.c_[Xhat1, Xhat2]

sigma = numpy.dot(Xhat.T, Xhat)
sigma1 = numpy.dot(Xhat1.T, Xhat1)
sigma2 = numpy.dot(Xhat1.T, Xhat2)
sigma3 = numpy.dot(Xhat2.T, Xhat2)

d, U = numpy.linalg.eig(sigma1)
inds = numpy.flipud(numpy.argsort(d))
indsk = inds[0:k]

#rank k approximation of sigma
sigma1k = numpy.dot(U[:, indsk], numpy.dot(numpy.diag(d[indsk]), U[:,
ell = Util.rank(sigma1)

Ptilde1 = numpy.dot(numpy.diag(numpy.sqrt(d[indsk])), U[:, indsk].T)
Ptilde1 = numpy.r_[Ptilde1, numpy.zeros((ell - k, numExamples1))]

LambdaTildeSq = numpy.diag(d[inds[0:ell]]**-0.5)
Utilde = U[:, inds[0:ell]]

Q1 = numpy.dot(LambdaTildeSq, numpy.dot(Utilde.T, sigma2))
Q2 = numpy.zeros((numExamples2, numExamples1))
#Q3 is zero which is odd
Q3 = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(sigma3 - numpy.dot(Q1.T, Q1))

Ptilde2 = numpy.r_[Ptilde1, Q2]
Y = numpy.r_[Q1, Q3]