文件: app.py 项目: astagi/sanic
    def url_for(self, view_name: str, **kwargs):
        """Build a URL based on a view name and the values provided.

        In order to build a URL, all request parameters must be supplied as
        keyword arguments, and each parameter must pass the test for the
        specified parameter type. If these conditions are not met, a
        `URLBuildError` will be thrown.

        Keyword arguments that are not request parameters will be included in
        the output URL's query string.

        There are several _special_ keyword arguments that will alter how the
        URL will be returned:

        1. **_anchor**: ``str`` - Adds an ``#anchor`` to the end
        2. **_scheme**: ``str`` - Should be either ``"http"`` or ``"https"``,
           default is ``"http"``
        3. **_external**: ``bool`` - Whether to return the path or a full URL
           with scheme and host
        4. **_host**: ``str`` - Used when one or more hosts are defined for a
           route to tell Sanic which to use
           (only applies with ``_external=True``)
        5. **_server**: ``str`` - If not using ``_host``, this will be used
           for defining the hostname of the URL
           (only applies with ``_external=True``),
           defaults to ``app.config.SERVER_NAME``

        If you want the PORT to appear in your URL, you should set it in:

        .. code-block::

            app.config.SERVER_NAME = "myserver:7777"

        `See user guide

        :param view_name: string referencing the view name
        :param kwargs: keys and values that are used to build request
            parameters and query string arguments.

        :return: the built URL

        # find the route by the supplied view name
        kw: Dict[str, str] = {}
        # special static files url_for

        if "." not in view_name:
            view_name = f"{self.name}.{view_name}"

        if view_name.endswith(".static"):
            name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
            if name:
                view_name = view_name.replace("static", name)

        route = self.router.find_route_by_view_name(view_name, **kw)
        if not route:
            raise URLBuildError(
                f"Endpoint with name `{view_name}` was not found")

        uri = route.path

        if getattr(route.ctx, "static", None):
            filename = kwargs.pop("filename", "")
            # it's static folder
            if "__file_uri__" in uri:
                folder_ = uri.split("<__file_uri__:", 1)[0]
                if folder_.endswith("/"):
                    folder_ = folder_[:-1]

                if filename.startswith("/"):
                    filename = filename[1:]

                kwargs["__file_uri__"] = filename

        if (uri != "/" and uri.endswith("/") and not route.strict
                and not route.raw_path[:-1]):
            uri = uri[:-1]

        if not uri.startswith("/"):
            uri = f"/{uri}"

        out = uri

        # _method is only a placeholder now, don't know how to support it
        kwargs.pop("_method", None)
        anchor = kwargs.pop("_anchor", "")
        # _external need SERVER_NAME in config or pass _server arg
        host = kwargs.pop("_host", None)
        external = kwargs.pop("_external", False) or bool(host)
        scheme = kwargs.pop("_scheme", "")
        if route.ctx.hosts and external:
            if not host and len(route.ctx.hosts) > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Host is ambiguous: {', '.join(route.ctx.hosts)}")
            elif host and host not in route.ctx.hosts:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Requested host ({host}) is not available for this "
                    f"route: {route.ctx.hosts}")
            elif not host:
                host = list(route.ctx.hosts)[0]

        if scheme and not external:
            raise ValueError("When specifying _scheme, _external must be True")

        netloc = kwargs.pop("_server", None)
        if netloc is None and external:
            netloc = host or self.config.get("SERVER_NAME", "")

        if external:
            if not scheme:
                if ":" in netloc[:8]:
                    scheme = netloc[:8].split(":", 1)[0]
                    scheme = "http"

            if "://" in netloc[:8]:
                netloc = netloc.split("://", 1)[-1]

        # find all the parameters we will need to build in the URL
        # matched_params = re.findall(self.router.parameter_pattern, uri)
        for param_info in route.params.values():
            # name, _type, pattern = self.router.parse_parameter_string(match)
            # we only want to match against each individual parameter

                supplied_param = str(kwargs.pop(param_info.name))
            except KeyError:
                raise URLBuildError(
                    f"Required parameter `{param_info.name}` was not "
                    "passed to url_for")

            # determine if the parameter supplied by the caller
            # passes the test in the URL
            if param_info.pattern:
                passes_pattern = param_info.pattern.match(supplied_param)
                if not passes_pattern:
                    if param_info.cast != str:
                        msg = (f'Value "{supplied_param}" '
                               f"for parameter `{param_info.name}` does "
                               "not match pattern for type "
                               f"`{param_info.cast.__name__}`: "
                        msg = (f'Value "{supplied_param}" for parameter '
                               f"`{param_info.name}` does not satisfy "
                               f"pattern {param_info.pattern.pattern}")
                    raise URLBuildError(msg)

            # replace the parameter in the URL with the supplied value
            replacement_regex = f"(<{param_info.name}.*?>)"
            out = re.sub(replacement_regex, supplied_param, out)

        # parse the remainder of the keyword arguments into a querystring
        query_string = urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True) if kwargs else ""
        # scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment
        out = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, out, "", query_string, anchor))

        return out
文件: app.py 项目: yuan6785/sanic
    def url_for(self, view_name: str, **kwargs):
        """Build a URL based on a view name and the values provided.

        In order to build a URL, all request parameters must be supplied as
        keyword arguments, and each parameter must pass the test for the
        specified parameter type. If these conditions are not met, a
        `URLBuildError` will be thrown.

        Keyword arguments that are not request parameters will be included in
        the output URL's query string.

        :param view_name: string referencing the view name
        :param \*\*kwargs: keys and values that are used to build request
            parameters and query string arguments.

        :return: the built URL

        # find the route by the supplied view name
        kw = {}
        # special static files url_for
        if view_name == 'static':
            kw.update(name=kwargs.pop('name', 'static'))
        elif view_name.endswith('.static'):  # blueprint.static
            kwargs.pop('name', None)

        uri, route = self.router.find_route_by_view_name(view_name, **kw)
        if not (uri and route):
            raise URLBuildError('Endpoint with name `{}` was not found'.format(

        if view_name == 'static' or view_name.endswith('.static'):
            filename = kwargs.pop('filename', None)
            # it's static folder
            if '<file_uri:' in uri:
                folder_ = uri.split('<file_uri:', 1)[0]
                if folder_.endswith('/'):
                    folder_ = folder_[:-1]

                if filename.startswith('/'):
                    filename = filename[1:]

                uri = '{}/{}'.format(folder_, filename)

        if uri != '/' and uri.endswith('/'):
            uri = uri[:-1]

        out = uri

        # find all the parameters we will need to build in the URL
        matched_params = re.findall(
            self.router.parameter_pattern, uri)

        # _method is only a placeholder now, don't know how to support it
        kwargs.pop('_method', None)
        anchor = kwargs.pop('_anchor', '')
        # _external need SERVER_NAME in config or pass _server arg
        external = kwargs.pop('_external', False)
        scheme = kwargs.pop('_scheme', '')
        if scheme and not external:
            raise ValueError('When specifying _scheme, _external must be True')

        netloc = kwargs.pop('_server', None)
        if netloc is None and external:
            netloc = self.config.get('SERVER_NAME', '')

        if external:
            if not scheme:
                if ':' in netloc[:8]:
                    scheme = netloc[:8].split(':', 1)[0]
                    scheme = 'http'

            if '://' in netloc[:8]:
                netloc = netloc.split('://', 1)[-1]

        for match in matched_params:
            name, _type, pattern = self.router.parse_parameter_string(
            # we only want to match against each individual parameter
            specific_pattern = '^{}$'.format(pattern)
            supplied_param = None

            if name in kwargs:
                supplied_param = kwargs.get(name)
                del kwargs[name]
                raise URLBuildError(
                    'Required parameter `{}` was not passed to url_for'.format(

            supplied_param = str(supplied_param)
            # determine if the parameter supplied by the caller passes the test
            # in the URL
            passes_pattern = re.match(specific_pattern, supplied_param)

            if not passes_pattern:
                if _type != str:
                    msg = (
                        'Value "{}" for parameter `{}` does not '
                        'match pattern for type `{}`: {}'.format(
                            supplied_param, name, _type.__name__, pattern))
                    msg = (
                        'Value "{}" for parameter `{}` '
                        'does not satisfy pattern {}'.format(
                            supplied_param, name, pattern))
                raise URLBuildError(msg)

            # replace the parameter in the URL with the supplied value
            replacement_regex = '(<{}.*?>)'.format(name)

            out = re.sub(
                replacement_regex, supplied_param, out)

        # parse the remainder of the keyword arguments into a querystring
        query_string = urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True) if kwargs else ''
        # scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment
        out = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, out, '', query_string, anchor))

        return out
    def url_for(self, view_name: str, **kwargs):
        r"""Build a URL based on a view name and the values provided.

        In order to build a URL, all request parameters must be supplied as
        keyword arguments, and each parameter must pass the test for the
        specified parameter type. If these conditions are not met, a
        `URLBuildError` will be thrown.

        Keyword arguments that are not request parameters will be included in
        the output URL's query string.

        :param view_name: string referencing the view name
        :param \**kwargs: keys and values that are used to build request
            parameters and query string arguments.

        :return: the built URL

        # find the route by the supplied view name
        kw: Dict[str, str] = {}
        # special static files url_for
        if view_name == "static":
            kw.update(name=kwargs.pop("name", "static"))
        elif view_name.endswith(".static"):  # blueprint.static
            kwargs.pop("name", None)

        uri, route = self.router.find_route_by_view_name(view_name, **kw)
        if not (uri and route):
            raise URLBuildError(
                f"Endpoint with name `{view_name}` was not found")

        # If the route has host defined, split that off
        # TODO: Retain netloc and path separately in Route objects
        host = uri.find("/")
        if host > 0:
            host, uri = uri[:host], uri[host:]
            host = None

        if view_name == "static" or view_name.endswith(".static"):
            filename = kwargs.pop("filename", None)
            # it's static folder
            if "<file_uri:" in uri:
                folder_ = uri.split("<file_uri:", 1)[0]
                if folder_.endswith("/"):
                    folder_ = folder_[:-1]

                if filename.startswith("/"):
                    filename = filename[1:]

                uri = f"{folder_}/{filename}"

        if uri != "/" and uri.endswith("/"):
            uri = uri[:-1]

        out = uri

        # find all the parameters we will need to build in the URL
        matched_params = re.findall(self.router.parameter_pattern, uri)

        # _method is only a placeholder now, don't know how to support it
        kwargs.pop("_method", None)
        anchor = kwargs.pop("_anchor", "")
        # _external need SERVER_NAME in config or pass _server arg
        external = kwargs.pop("_external", False)
        scheme = kwargs.pop("_scheme", "")
        if scheme and not external:
            raise ValueError("When specifying _scheme, _external must be True")

        netloc = kwargs.pop("_server", None)
        if netloc is None and external:
            netloc = host or self.config.get("SERVER_NAME", "")

        if external:
            if not scheme:
                if ":" in netloc[:8]:
                    scheme = netloc[:8].split(":", 1)[0]
                    scheme = "http"

            if "://" in netloc[:8]:
                netloc = netloc.split("://", 1)[-1]

        for match in matched_params:
            name, _type, pattern = self.router.parse_parameter_string(match)
            # we only want to match against each individual parameter
            specific_pattern = f"^{pattern}$"
            supplied_param = None

            if name in kwargs:
                supplied_param = kwargs.get(name)
                del kwargs[name]
                raise URLBuildError(
                    f"Required parameter `{name}` was not passed to url_for")

            supplied_param = str(supplied_param)
            # determine if the parameter supplied by the caller passes the test
            # in the URL
            passes_pattern = re.match(specific_pattern, supplied_param)

            if not passes_pattern:
                if _type != str:
                    type_name = _type.__name__

                    msg = (f'Value "{supplied_param}" '
                           f"for parameter `{name}` does not "
                           f"match pattern for type `{type_name}`: {pattern}")
                    msg = (f'Value "{supplied_param}" for parameter `{name}` '
                           f"does not satisfy pattern {pattern}")
                raise URLBuildError(msg)

            # replace the parameter in the URL with the supplied value
            replacement_regex = f"(<{name}.*?>)"

            out = re.sub(replacement_regex, supplied_param, out)

        # parse the remainder of the keyword arguments into a querystring
        query_string = urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True) if kwargs else ""
        # scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment
        out = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, out, "", query_string, anchor))

        return out
    def url_for(
        view_name: str,
        _anchor: str = "",
        _external: bool = False,
        _scheme: str = "",
        _server: str = None,
        _method: object = None,
        # ? i think this should be in the Router
        uri, route = self.router.find_route_by_view_name(view_name)

        if not (uri and route):
            raise URLBuildError(
                "Endpoint with name `{}` was not found".format(view_name)

        if _scheme and not _external:
            raise ValueError("When specifying _scheme, _external must be True")

        if _server is None and _external:
            _server = self.config.get("SERVER_NAME", "")

        if _external:
            if not _scheme:
                if ":" in _server[:8]:
                    _scheme = _server[:8].split(":", 1)[0]
                    _scheme = "http"

            if "://" in _server[:8]:
                _server = _server.split("://", 1)[-1]

        orig_uri = uri
        replaced_vars = []

        for k in kwargs:
            if re.search(r"([:|\*])", str(kwargs[k])):
                raise URLBuildError(
                    "The parameter '{}' passed for URL `{}` with the value of "
                    "'{}' may contain invalid characters that can break the "
                    "URL".format(k, orig_uri, kwargs[k])

            m = re.search(r"([:|\*]{})".format(k), uri)
            if m:
                uri = uri.replace(m.group(0), str(kwargs[k]))
            # else log ?

        for k in replaced_vars:
            del kwargs[k]

        if uri.find(":") > -1 or uri.find("*") > -1:
            raise URLBuildError(
                "Required parameters for URL `{}` was not passed to "

        # parse the remainder of the keyword arguments into a querystring
        query_string = urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True) if kwargs else ""
        # scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment
        return urlunparse((_scheme, _server, uri, "", query_string, _anchor))
文件: app.py 项目: bright-pan/sanic
    def url_for(self, view_name: str, **kwargs):
        """Build a URL based on a view name and the values provided.

        In order to build a URL, all request parameters must be supplied as
        keyword arguments, and each parameter must pass the test for the
        specified parameter type. If these conditions are not met, a
        `URLBuildError` will be thrown.

        Keyword arguments that are not request parameters will be included in
        the output URL's query string.

        :param view_name: string referencing the view name
        :param **kwargs: keys and values that are used to build request
            parameters and query string arguments.

        :return: the built URL

        # find the route by the supplied view name
        uri, route = self.router.find_route_by_view_name(view_name)

        if not uri or not route:
            raise URLBuildError(
                    'Endpoint with name `{}` was not found'.format(

        out = uri

        # find all the parameters we will need to build in the URL
        matched_params = re.findall(
            self.router.parameter_pattern, uri)

        # _method is only a placeholder now, don't know how to support it
        kwargs.pop('_method', None)
        anchor = kwargs.pop('_anchor', '')
        # _external need SERVER_NAME in config or pass _server arg
        external = kwargs.pop('_external', False)
        scheme = kwargs.pop('_scheme', '')
        if scheme and not external:
            raise ValueError('When specifying _scheme, _external must be True')

        netloc = kwargs.pop('_server', None)
        if netloc is None and external:
            netloc = self.config.get('SERVER_NAME', '')

        for match in matched_params:
            name, _type, pattern = self.router.parse_parameter_string(
            # we only want to match against each individual parameter
            specific_pattern = '^{}$'.format(pattern)
            supplied_param = None

            if kwargs.get(name):
                supplied_param = kwargs.get(name)
                del kwargs[name]
                raise URLBuildError(
                    'Required parameter `{}` was not passed to url_for'.format(

            supplied_param = str(supplied_param)
            # determine if the parameter supplied by the caller passes the test
            # in the URL
            passes_pattern = re.match(specific_pattern, supplied_param)

            if not passes_pattern:
                if _type != str:
                    msg = (
                        'Value "{}" for parameter `{}` does not '
                        'match pattern for type `{}`: {}'.format(
                            supplied_param, name, _type.__name__, pattern))
                    msg = (
                        'Value "{}" for parameter `{}` '
                        'does not satisfy pattern {}'.format(
                            supplied_param, name, pattern))
                raise URLBuildError(msg)

            # replace the parameter in the URL with the supplied value
            replacement_regex = '(<{}.*?>)'.format(name)

            out = re.sub(
                replacement_regex, supplied_param, out)

        # parse the remainder of the keyword arguments into a querystring
        query_string = urlencode(kwargs, doseq=True) if kwargs else ''
        # scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment
        out = urlunparse((scheme, netloc, out, '', query_string, anchor))

        return out