def test_save_performance_project_types():
    from sasctl.tasks import update_model_performance

    with mock.patch('sasctl._services.model_repository.ModelRepository.get_model') as model:
        with mock.patch('sasctl._services.model_repository.ModelRepository.get_project') as project:
            model.return_value = RestObj(name='fakemodel', projectId=1)

            # Function is required
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                project.return_value = {}
                update_model_performance(None, None, None)

            # Target Level is required
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                project.return_value = {'function': 'Prediction'}
                update_model_performance(None, None, None)

            # Prediction variable required
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                project.return_value = {'function': 'Prediction',
                                        'targetLevel': 'Binary'}
                update_model_performance(None, None, None)
            # Classification variable required
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                project.return_value = {'function': 'classification',
                                        'targetLevel': 'Binary'}
                update_model_performance(None, None, None)
    def test_update_model_performance(self, sklearn_linear_model, cas_session):
        from six.moves import mock
        from sasctl.tasks import update_model_performance

        lm, X, y = sklearn_linear_model

        # Score & set output var
        train_df = X.copy()
        train_df['var1'] = lm.predict(X)
        train_df['Price'] = y

        with mock.patch('swat.CAS') as CAS:
            for period in ('q12019', 'q22019', 'q32019', 'q42019'):
                sample = train_df.sample(frac=0.1)
                update_model_performance(sample, self.MODEL_NAME, period)
    def test_update_model_performance(self, sklearn_linear_model, cas_session):
        from six.moves import mock
        from sasctl.tasks import update_model_performance

        lm, X, y = sklearn_linear_model

        # Score & set output var
        train_df = X.copy()
        train_df['var1'] = lm.predict(X)
        train_df['Price'] = y

        with mock.patch('swat.CAS') as CAS:
            CAS.return_value = cas_session

            # NOTE: can only automate testing of 1 period at a time since
            # upload_model_performance closes the CAS session when it's done.
            for period in ['q12019']:
                sample = train_df.sample(frac=0.1)
                update_model_performance(sample, self.MODEL_NAME, period)
# Call the published module and score the record
result = module_lm.score(**x)

# Build a second model
dt = DecisionTreeRegressor()
dt.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Register the second model in Model Manager
model_dt = register_model(dt, 'Decision Tree', project, input=X)

# Publish from Model Manager -> MAS
module_dt = publish_model(model_dt, 'maslocal')

# Use MAS to score some new data
result = module_dt.score(**x)

# Model Manager can track model performance over time if provided with
# historical model observations & predictions.  SIMULATE historical data by
# repeatedly sampling from the test set.
perf_df = X_test.copy()
perf_df['var1'] = lm.predict(X_test)
perf_df['Price'] = y

# For each (simulated) historical period, upload model results
for period in ('q12019', 'q22019', 'q32019', 'q42019'):
    sample = perf_df.sample(frac=0.2)
    update_model_performance(sample, model_name, period)