def test_rh_spec_humidity(self): """Tests specific humidity -> RH calculation Starting from an RH, an atmospheric pressure and temperature, calculate specific humidity. Then check to see if the tested code can reproduce the RH we started with. """ rh = 25 * u.pct p = 1 * t = 25 * u.deg_C e_sat = vp.calc_vp(t) w_sat = m.mixing_ratio(e_sat, p) w = rh * w_sat # get vapor pressure from definition of RH e = p * w / (m.EPSILON + w) # mixing ratio solved for e # calculate specific humidity using eq 2.19 q = m.EPSILON * (e / (p - (1 - m.EPSILON) * e)) rh_test = m.calc_rh_spec_humidity(q, p, t) self.assertTrue(np.abs(rh - rh_test) < 0.1 * u.pct, msg="test RH: {:3.1} ; calculated RH: {:3.1}".format( rh, rh_test))
def calc_vpd(Tday, vp_act): """Calculate vapor pressure deficit given the measured temperature and actual (modeled) vapor pressure. Returns the VPD in Pa, limited to the range [0-9000Pa].""" vp_sat = vp.calc_vp(Tday) vpd = vp_sat - vp_act np.clip(vpd, 0 * u.Pa, 9000 * u.Pa) return vpd
def calc_rh_spec_humidity(q, p, t): """RH is needed for the various NFDRS fuel moistures. Implements equation 2.20 (p. 17) of [1]. Returns a relative humidity as a fraction 0..1, not as a percent 0..100. [1] Rogers, R. R. A Short Course in Cloud Physics, Third Edition. 3 edition. Oxford ; New York: Pergamon, 1989. """ e = calc_vp_spec_humidity(q, p) w = mixing_ratio(e, p) e_sat = vp.calc_vp(t) w_sat = mixing_ratio(e_sat, p) return (w / w_sat).to(u.pct)
def test_rh_spec_humidity(self) : """Tests specific humidity -> RH calculation Starting from an RH, an atmospheric pressure and temperature, calculate specific humidity. Then check to see if the tested code can reproduce the RH we started with. """ rh = 25 * u.pct p = 1 * t = 25 * u.deg_C e_sat = vp.calc_vp(t) w_sat = m.mixing_ratio(e_sat, p) w = rh * w_sat # get vapor pressure from definition of RH e = p*w/(m.EPSILON + w) # mixing ratio solved for e # calculate specific humidity using eq 2.19 q = m.EPSILON * (e/(p-(1-m.EPSILON)*e)) rh_test = m.calc_rh_spec_humidity(q, p, t) self.assertTrue(np.abs(rh-rh_test) < 0.1 * u.pct, msg="test RH: {:3.1} ; calculated RH: {:3.1}".format(rh, rh_test))