def correct(x, file):
    if x == 'Delete':
        proceed = 'yes'
        while proceed == 'yes':
            count = 1
            deletingitem = input('Which Item do you want to Delete? ')
            deletingitem = deletingitem - 1
            print 'Ok, deleting the following item: '
            print file[deletingitem]
            checkb4delete = input('Are you sure you want to delete that? ')
            if checkb4delete == 'yes':
                for items in file:
                    print count, items
                    count = count + 1
                proceed = input('Want to delete more items? ')
        #correctingitem = input('Which Ingredient? ')
        count = 1
        for items in file:
            print count, items
            count = count + 1
    if x == 'Edit':
        proceed = 'yes'
        removelist = saveremovelist.open_remove_list_memory()
        addtoremovelist = []
        count = 1
        for items in file:
            print count, items
            count = count + 1
        while proceed == 'yes':
            editingitem = input('Which Item do you want to Edit? ')
            editingitem = editingitem - 1
            print 'Ok, editing the following item: '
            print file[editingitem]
            editeditem = input('What are you changing the item to? ')
            print 'Ok, editing from "', file[editingitem], '" to "', editeditem, '"'
            checkifaddtomemory = input('Do you want to add this edit to your removelist? :')
            if checkifaddtomemory == 'yes':
                payload = diff(editeditem, file[editingitem])
                for items in addtoremovelist:
                    if items not in removelist:
                        addtoremovelist = []
            checkb4edit = input('Are you sure you want to change this? ')
            if checkb4edit == 'yes':
                file[editingitem] = editeditem
            count = 1
            for items in file:
                print count, items
                count = count + 1
            proceed = input('Do you want to edit more items? ')
            #correctingitem = input('Which Ingredient? ')
        count = 1
        for items in file:
            print count, items
            count = count + 1
def get_title_strip_ingredients(x):
    a = getingredients(x) #get raw ingredients
    title = a[0]  #save title
    removelist = saveremovelist.open_remove_list_memory()
    onlyingredients = removestuff(removelist, a[1]) #remove crap from ingredients
    string = str(onlyingredients)
    string = string.replace(']', '')
    string = string.replace('[', '')
    string = string.replace("'", '')
    string = string.split(',')
    ingredientlist = []  #create blank list to add ingredients after cleaning
    for items in string: #run for loop to...
        if items != ' ':
            if items != '':
                a = items.strip()      #strip starting and ending spaces
                ingredientlist.append(a)  #append cleaned items to ingriedentlist
    lowercaseingredients = []
    for items in ingredientlist:
    titleandingredients = {}    #creates blank dict for title and ing.
    titleandingredients[title] = lowercaseingredients #adds title and ingred. to dict
    return titleandingredients      #returns title and list of ingredients