def sbaDriver(camname, ptsname, intrname=None, camoname=None, ptsoname=None): logging.debug("sbaDriver() {0} {1}".format(camname, ptsname)) if intrname is None: cameras = sba.Cameras.fromTxt(camname) # Load cameras from file else: # Intrinsic file for all identical cameras not yet implemented logging.warning("Fixed intrinsic parameters not yet implemented") cameras = sba.Cameras.fromTxtWithIntr(camname, intrname) points = sba.Points.fromTxt(ptsname, cameras.ncameras) # Load points options = sba.Options.fromInput(cameras, points) = sba.OPTS_CAMS_NODIST # only use this if passing in 5+3+3 options.nccalib = sba.OPTS_FIX2_INTR # fix all intrinsics # If you wish to fix the intrinsics do so here by setting options options.ncdist = sba.OPTS_FIX5_DIST # fix all distortion coeffs newcameras, newpoints, info = sba.SparseBundleAdjust( cameras, points, options) info.printResults() if camoname: newcameras.toTxt(camoname) if ptsoname: newpoints.toTxt(ptsoname)
def bundleAdjustment(self): np.savetxt('camarasMegaTotales',self.camera_params[:,:],"%4.5f") print self.camera_params[:,5:].shape cameras= sba.Cameras.fromTxt('camarasMegaTotales') print "shapes Pont Params: " print self.pointParams.shape np.savetxt("puntosTotales",self.pointParams,"%4.5f") points = sba.Points.fromTxt('puntosTotales',cameras.ncameras) options = sba.Options.fromInput(cameras,points) options.nccalib=sba.OPTS_FIX5_INTR self.newcams, self.newpts, info = sba.SparseBundleAdjust(cameras,points,options) self.puntos3dTotal=self.newpts.B self.newcams.toTxt('nuevascamaraspro')
def fix(self): print('Found ' + str(self.pts.shape[0]) + ' 3D points') print('Passing points to SBA...') sys.stdout.flush() points = sba.Points.fromDylan(self.pts) cameras = sba.Cameras.fromDylan(np.hstack((self.cams, self.ext))) cameras.toTxt( + '-sba-profile-orig.txt') options = sba.Options.fromInput(cameras, points) = sba.OPTS_CAMS if self.modeString[0] == '0': options.nccalib = sba.OPTS_FIX5_INTR # fix all intrinsics elif self.modeString[0] == '1': options.nccalib = sba.OPTS_FIX4_INTR # optimize focal length elif self.modeString[0] == '2': options.nccalib = sba.OPTS_FIX2_INTR # optimize focal length and principal point if self.modeString[1] == '0': # If you wish to fix the intrinsics do so here by setting options options.ncdist = sba.OPTS_FIX5_DIST # fix all distortion coeffs elif self.modeString[1] == '1': options.ncdist = sba.OPTS_FIX4_DIST # optimize k2 elif self.modeString[1] == '2': options.ncdist = sba.OPTS_FIX3_DIST # optimize k2, k4 elif self.modeString[1] == '3': options.ncdist = sba.OPTS_FIX0_DIST # optimize all distortion coefficients newcameras, newpoints, info = sba.SparseBundleAdjust( cameras, points, options) info.printResults() sys.stdout.flush() key = self.id_generator() # write out temp files as a means of passing data to grapher newcameras.toTxt(self.temp + '/' + key + '_cn.txt') newpoints.toTxt(self.temp + '/' + key + '_np.txt') # write out cameras for the user in the original order camO = np.loadtxt(self.temp + '/' + key + '_cn.txt') if self.order is not None: camO = camO[list(self.order), :] camO = pandas.DataFrame(camO) camO.to_csv( + '-sba-profile.txt', header=False, index=False, sep=' ') # newcameras.toTxt( + '-sba-profile.txt') if self.ppts is not None: npframes = self.ppts.shape[0] else: npframes = None if self.uppts is not None: nupframes = self.uppts.shape[0] else: nupframes = None if self.ref is not None: refBool = True else: refBool = False uvs = list() for k in range(self.ncams): # print self.cams[k] uvs.append( undistort_pts(self.pts[:, 3 + 2 * k:3 + 2 * (k + 1)], self.cams[k])) if self.ref is not None: nRef = self.ref.shape[0] else: nRef = 0 # nppts - Number of triangulatable paired point correspondences in both tracks # nuppts - Number of triangulatable unpaired point correspondences in N tracks # scale - Wand distance # refBool - Are there reference points? # indices - Dictionary for paired and unpaired indices in the original CSV file # ncams - Number of cameras # npframes - Number of frames, columns, in the paired CSV file, not inculding header # nupframes - Number of frames in the unpaired CSV file # name - tag and location for output files # temporary directory # Boolean to decide on graphing # note that wandGrapher also does lots of other tasks: alignment, generating and saving DLT coefficients, etc. grapher = wandGrapher(key, self.nppts, self.nuppts, self.scale, refBool, self.indices, self.ncams, npframes, nupframes,, self.temp, self.display, uvs, nRef, self.order,, self.cams) if self.display: print('Graphing and writing output files...') sys.stdout.flush() if root = Tk() outliers, index = grapher.graph() # outliers = sorted(outliers) nps = np.loadtxt( + '-sba-profile.txt') if self.outputCameraProfiles: for k in range(len(nps)): l = nps[k] l = np.insert(l, 0, 1.) l = np.delete(l, [5] + list(np.arange(11, 18)), axis=0) np.savetxt( + '-camera-' + str(self.order[k] + 1) + '-profile.txt', np.asarray([l]), fmt='%-1.5g') def redo(): if self.display and root.destroy() self.pts = np.delete(self.pts, index, axis=0) # print 'Index length: {0}'.format(len(index)) # a = 0 tmp = self.indices['paired'] # print 'Length of all paired indices: {0}'.format(len(tmp[0]) + len(tmp[1])) if tmp is not None: for k in range(len(outliers)): if '(set 1)' in outliers[k][2]: # print 'removed outlier' try: tmp[0].remove(outliers[k][0] - 1) # a += 1 self.nppts -= 1 except: pass elif '(set 2)' in outliers[k][2]: # print 'removed outlier' try: tmp[1].remove(outliers[k][0] - 1) # a += 1 self.nppts -= 1 except: pass # print 'Number of paired indices removed: {0}'.format(a) # print len(self.pts) self.indices['paired'] = copy.copy(tmp) # print len(self.indices['paired'][0]) + len(self.indices['paired'][0]) tmp = copy.copy(self.indices['unpaired']) if tmp is not None: for k in range(len(outliers)): if 'Unpaired' in outliers[k][2]: try: tmp[outliers[k][-1]].remove(outliers[k][0] - 1) self.nuppts -= 1 except: pass self.indices['unpaired'] = tmp print('\nRunning again with outliers removed...') self.fix() def exitLoop(): if self.display and root.destroy() # sys.exit() if if len(outliers) == 0: root.withdraw() six.moves.tkinter_messagebox.showwarning( "No outliers", "No outliers were found! Exiting...") root.mainloop() else: table = Texttable() table.header([ 'Frame', 'Undistorted Pixel Coordinate', 'Point Type', 'Error' ]) for k in range(len(outliers)): if len(outliers[k]) == 4: table.add_row(outliers[k]) else: table.add_row(outliers[k][:-1]) if self.display: root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE) root.wm_title("Argus - Outlier report") Label(root, text='Found ' + str(len(outliers)) + ' possible outliers:', font="-weight bold").grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W, padx=10, pady=10) scrollbar = Scrollbar(root, width=20) log = Text(root, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set, bg="white", fg="black") log.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=5) scrollbar.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=NS) scrollbar.configure(command=log.yview) # Label(root, text = 'Try again without these outliers?').grid(row = 2, # column = 0, padx = 10, pady = 10, sticky = W) yes = Button(root, text='Try Again', command=redo, padx=5, pady=5) yes.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=5, pady=10) no = Button(root, text='Happy with calibration', command=exitLoop, padx=5, pady=5) no.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=50, sticky=W) log.insert(END, table.draw()) """ f = mplfig.Figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100) a = f.add_subplot(111) x = np.zeros(len(outliers)) y = np.zeros(len(outliers)) for k in range(len(outliers)): x[k] = outliers[k][1][0] y[k] = outliers[k][1][1] a.plot(x, y, 'ro') canvas = tkagg.FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=root) canvas.get_tk_widget().grid(row = 1, column = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5) """ root.mainloop() else: print('Found ' + str(len(outliers)) + ' possible outliers:') print(table.draw()) go_again = input( 'Try again without these outliers? (Y/n): ') if go_again == 'y' or go_again == 'Y': redo() else: exitLoop() else: exitLoop()
def bundle_adjust(self, n): i = len(self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts) - n count = 0 cameras = [] list3d = [] for feats in range(len(self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts[i])): featpt = self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts[i][feats] list3d.append([featpt[0], featpt[1], featpt[2]]) fx = self.camera_matrix[0, 0] fy = self.camera_matrix[1, 1] cx = self.camera_matrix[0, 2] cy = self.camera_matrix[1, 2] ar = fy / fx s = 0 ds1 = self.distortion_coeff[0] ds2 = self.distortion_coeff[1] ds3 = self.distortion_coeff[2] ds4 = self.distortion_coeff[3] ds5 = self.distortion_coeff[4] x = np.zeros((len(list3d), n, 2), dtype=np.double) vmask = np.zeros((len(list3d), n), dtype=np.byte) for j in range(i, len(self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts)): # print 'mat',self.mapmem.rot_mats[j] quat = Quaternion(self.mapmem.rot_mats[j]) # a = Matrix33(quat) # print type(a) # print a # print a[0] # print a[2][1] # print 'quat',quat trans = self.mapmem.trans_mats[j] tx = trans[0] ty = trans[1] tz = trans[2] # trans = self.mapmem.cam_poses[j] # tx = trans[0] # ty = trans[1] # tz = trans[2] q1 = quat[0] q2 = quat[1] q3 = quat[2] # fx cx cy AR s r2 r4 t1 t2 r6 qi qj qk tx ty tz cameras.append((fx, cx, cy, ar, s, ds1, ds2, ds3, ds4, ds5, q1, q2, q3, tx, ty, tz)) for val in range(len(self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts[j])): obj = self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts[j][val] imgpt = self.mapmem.patch_2d_pts[j][val] # ind = np.where(np.all(vals==list3d,axis=1))[0][0] ind = list3d.index([obj[0], obj[1], obj[2]]) x[ind][count][0] = imgpt[0] x[ind][count][1] = imgpt[1] vmask[ind][count] = 1 count += 1 # print sba.Cameras(cameras) # print len(list3d) # print x # print cameras if count != n: print 'count error in bundle adjustment!!' # print vmask.shape sba_points = sba.Points(list3d, x, vmask) sba_cameras = sba.Cameras(cameras) # print sba_cameras.camarray # print 'pts',sba_points.X # print 'cams',sba_cameras # print sba.Options.optsToC # options = sba.Options # print options.optsToC newcams, newpts, info = sba.SparseBundleAdjust(sba_cameras, sba_points) for count, real_idx in enumerate( range(i, len(self.mapmem.patch_3d_pts))): new_cam_tr = np.array([[newcams.camarray[count, 13]], [newcams.camarray[count, 14]], [newcams.camarray[count, 15]]]) quatr = Quaternion() # print 'newcam_',new_cam_tr quatr.x = newcams.camarray[count, 10] quatr.y = newcams.camarray[count, 11] quatr.z = newcams.camarray[count, 12] quatr.w = math.sqrt(1 - float(quatr.x)**2 - float(quatr.y)**2 - float(quatr.z)**2) rot = Matrix33(quatr) rot_mat = np.array([[rot[0][0], rot[0][1], rot[0][2]], [rot[1][0], rot[1][1], rot[1][2]], [rot[2][0], rot[2][1], rot[2][2]]]) pose =[real_idx].T), new_cam_tr) self.mapmem.replace_cam_poses_sba(pose[:, 0], real_idx) print pose # print 'qss',quatr # print newcams.camarray[count] # print math.sqrt(1-0^2-0^2) # new_cam_quat = # print quat.normalised # new_cam_rot = Matrix33(Quaternion()) # print newcams.camarray[count] # print Matrix33(quat) # print new_cam_tr # print newcams.camarray # print sba.Options.optsToC # for camera_array,new_pts in zip(newcams.camarray,newpts.X: # for a in range(n): # new2dpts = newpts.X[:,a,:] # print newpts.X # print info print 'done'