def gen_parc_masks(rois, roiNums, parcVol, outDir, doVolStats=True, redo=False, logFN=None): import os import numpy as np from import savemat as savemat from scai_utils import check_bin_path, check_file, \ cmd_stdout, saydo, info_log, error_log check_bin_path("fslstats", logFN=logFN) volStats = {"roiName": [], "nVoxels": [], "mm3": []} for (i0, roi) in enumerate(rois): roiNum = roiNums[i0] maskFN = os.path.join(outDir, "%s.diff.nii.gz" % roi) binCmd = "mri_binarize --i %s --match %d --o %s" % \ (parcVol, roiNum, maskFN) if not os.path.isfile(maskFN) or redo: saydo(binCmd, logFN=logFN) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFN) #= Volume stats =# (so, se) = cmd_stdout("fslstats %s -V" % maskFN) assert(len(se) == 0) so = so.split(" ") assert(len(so) >= 2) volStats["nVoxels"].append(int(so[0])) volStats["mm3"].append(float(so[1])) volStats["roiName"].append(roi) if doVolStats: volStats["roiName"] = np.array(volStats["roiName"]) volStats["nVoxels"] = np.array(volStats["nVoxels"]) volStats["mm3"] = np.array(volStats["mm3"]) volStatsFN = os.path.join(outDir, "vol_stats.mat") savemat(volStatsFN, volStats) check_file(volStatsFN, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: %s: Saved volume stats of the mask files at\n\t%s" \ % (gen_parc_masks.__name__, volStatsFN), logFN=logFN)
def check_bedp_complete(bedpDir): import os from scai_utils import info_log #print("Checking bedp completion in directory: %s" % bedpDir) # Removed: mean_f1samples, mean_S0samples r = True r = r and os.path.isdir(bedpDir) for (i0, efn) in enumerate(expectFiles): r = r and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bedpDir, efn)) if not r: info_log("INFO: Cannot find expected file: %s" % efn) return r return r
def format_bvals_bvecs(bvalsFN, bvecsFN, logFN=None): from scai_utils import cmd_stdout, info_log, error_log import numpy as np #=== Check the format of bvals and bvecs ===# import numpy as np (so, se) = cmd_stdout("wc -l %s" % bvecsFN) if len(se) > 0 or len(so) == 0: error_log("Cannot perform wc on bvecs file: %s" % bvecsFN, logFN=logFN) ln = int(so.split(" ")[0]) info_log("ln = %d" % ln, logFN=logFN) if ln < 3: error_log("Unrecognized format in bvecs file: %s" % bvecsFN, \ logFN=logFN) elif ln == 3: #== Convert bvecs file ==# bvecs = np.genfromtxt(bvecsFN) assert(len(bvecs) == ln) bvecs = bvecs.T np.savetxt(bvecsFN, bvecs, fmt="%.15f") bvecs = np.genfromtxt(bvecsFN) lbv = len(bvecs) assert(lbv > 3) info_log("INFO: Swapped rows and columns in bvecs file: %s\n" \ % bvecsFN, logFN=logFN) #== Convert bvals file ==# bvals = np.genfromtxt(bvalsFN).T np.savetxt(bvalsFN, bvals, fmt="%.15f") info_log("INFO: Swapped rows and columns in bvecs file: %s\nc" \ % bvecsFN, logFN=logFN)
def format_bvals_bvecs(bvalsFN, bvecsFN, logFN=None): from scai_utils import cmd_stdout, info_log, error_log import numpy as np #=== Check the format of bvals and bvecs ===# import numpy as np (so, se) = cmd_stdout("wc -l %s" % bvecsFN) if len(se) > 0 or len(so) == 0: error_log("Cannot perform wc on bvecs file: %s" % bvecsFN, logFN=logFN) ln = int(so.split(" ")[0]) info_log("ln = %d" % ln, logFN=logFN) if ln < 3: error_log("Unrecognized format in bvecs file: %s" % bvecsFN, \ logFN=logFN) elif ln == 3: #== Convert bvecs file ==# bvecs = np.genfromtxt(bvecsFN) assert (len(bvecs) == ln) bvecs = bvecs.T np.savetxt(bvecsFN, bvecs, fmt="%.15f") bvecs = np.genfromtxt(bvecsFN) lbv = len(bvecs) assert (lbv > 3) info_log("INFO: Swapped rows and columns in bvecs file: %s\n" \ % bvecsFN, logFN=logFN) #== Convert bvals file ==# bvals = np.genfromtxt(bvalsFN).T np.savetxt(bvalsFN, bvals, fmt="%.15f") info_log("INFO: Swapped rows and columns in bvecs file: %s\nc" \ % bvecsFN, logFN=logFN)
help="Verbose mode") if len(sys.argv) == 1: ap.print_help() sys.exit(0) args = ap.parse_args() studyIDs = args.studyIDs.split(",") subjIDs = args.subjIDs.split(",") if len(studyIDs) != len(subjIDs): raise Exception, "Unequal number of entries in studyIDs and subjIDs" if args.bVerbose: info_log("# of subjects queried = %d" % len(subjIDs)) #=== Establish SQL server connection ===# sqlSettingsFN = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), SQL_SETTINGS_FN) check_file(sqlSettingsFN) sf = open(sqlSettingsFN, "rt") settings ="\r", "\n").split("\n") sf.close() sqlSettings = {"SQL_SERVER": settings[0], "DATABASE_NAME": settings[1], "SQL_USER": settings[2], "pw": settings[3]} masterCodes = get_subject_master_code(sqlSettings, studyIDs, subjIDs,
WM_DEPTHS = [1, 2, 3] # List of tensor measures to be extracted in steps including roi_tensor # Need to match dtifit_*.nii.gz file names in dmri directory (generated by dtifit) TENSOR_MEASURES = ["FA", "MD"] SUBJECT_MASTER_CODE_FILE = "/speechlab/2/jtour/SID/Master_Code.xls" FNIRT_TEMPLATE = "/speechlab/software/fsl64/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz" FNIRT_CNF = "/speechlab/5/scai/RHY/rhythm-fmri/fmri_code/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.cnf" SUBCORT_LABEL_LIST = "ASAP_subcortical_labels.txt" SUBCORT_TRACT_SEEDS = ["Left-Thalamus-Proper", "Left-Caudate", "Left-Putamen", "Left-Pallidum", "Right-Thalamus-Proper", "Right-Caudate", "Right-Putamen", "Right-Pallidum"] if __name__ == "__main__": from import savemat from scai_utils import check_file, info_log matFN = __file__.replace(".py", ".mat") analysisSettings = {"DWI_ANALYSIS_DIR": DWI_ANALYSIS_DIR, "BASE_TRACULA_CFG": BASE_TRACULA_CFG, "SUBJECT_MASTER_CODE_FILE": SUBJECT_MASTER_CODE_FILE} savemat(matFN, analysisSettings) check_file(matFN) info_log("Saved analysis settings to mat file: %s" % matFN)
def get_parc_stats(fsDir, subjID, parcName, bVerbose=False): import sys, os import tempfile from scai_utils import ( check_dir, check_file, check_bin_path, info_log, cmd_stdout, saydo, read_text_file, remove_empty_strings, ) # === Constants ===# hemis = ["lh", "rh"] segStatsBin = "mri_segstats" # === Implementation ===# check_bin_path(segStatsBin) sDir = os.path.join(fsDir, subjID) check_dir(sDir) lblDir = os.path.join(sDir, "label") check_dir(sDir) if bVerbose: info_log("Label directory = %s" % lblDir) morphInfo = {} rois = [] area_mm2 = [] for (i0, hemi) in enumerate(hemis): if bVerbose: info_log("Working on hemisphere: %s" % hemi) annot = os.path.join(lblDir, "%s.%s.annot" % (hemi, parcName)) check_file(annot) tmpSum = tempfile.mktemp() cmd = "%s --annot %s %s %s --sum %s" % (segStatsBin, subjID, hemi, parcName, tmpSum) saydo(cmd) check_file(tmpSum) if bVerbose: print("Intermediate results saved at: %s" % tmpSum) t = read_text_file(tmpSum) for (i0, tline) in enumerate(t): tline = tline.strip() if len(tline) == 0: continue elif tline.startswith("#"): continue t_items = remove_empty_strings(tline.split()) if len(t_items) != 5: continue t_roi = t_items[4] if t_roi.lower() == "none": continue rois.append("%s_%s" % (hemi, t_roi)) area_mm2.append(float(t_items[3])) saydo("rm -rf %s" % tmpSum) morphInfo["rois"] = rois morphInfo["area_mm2"] = area_mm2 return morphInfo
def get_dpath_track_data(trackDir): # List of data fields to extract dataFlds = [ "Count", "Volume", "Len_Min", "Len_Max", "Len_Avg", "Len_Center", "AD_Avg", "AD_Avg_Weight", "AD_Avg_Center", "RD_Avg", "RD_Avg_Weight", "RD_Avg_Center", "MD_Avg", "MD_Avg_Weight", "MD_Avg_Center", "FA_Avg", "FA_Avg_Weight", "FA_Avg_Center" ] dat = {} import os from scai_utils import check_dir, check_file, read_text_file, info_log check_dir(trackDir) # Read from pathstats.overall.txt pso = os.path.join(trackDir, "pathstats.overall.txt") check_file(pso) txt = read_text_file(pso) for (i0, t_line) in enumerate(txt): t_line = t_line.strip() if t_line.startswith("#"): continue t_items = t_line.split(" ") if len(t_items) == 2: if dataFlds.count(t_items[0]) == 1: dat[t_items[0]] = float(t_items[1]) # Check for completeness for (i0, t_fld) in enumerate(dataFlds): if not (t_fld in dat): info_log("WARNING: could not find data field %s in file %s" % \ (t_fld, pso), bWarn=True) # Read from pathstats.byvoxel.txt vso = os.path.join(trackDir, "pathstats.byvoxel.txt") check_file(vso) txt = read_text_file(vso) import numpy as np bvDat = {} cols = {} # Determine the number of data points npts = 0 lidx0 = -1 bFoundHeader = False for (i0, t_line) in enumerate(txt): t_line = t_line.strip() if len(t_line) == 0: continue if not (t_line.startswith("#") or t_line.startswith("x")): npts += 1 if lidx0 == -1: lidx0 = i0 if t_line.startswith("x"): bFoundHeader = True t_items = t_line.split(" ") cols["x"] = t_items.index("x") cols["y"] = t_items.index("y") cols["z"] = t_items.index("z") cols["AD"] = t_items.index("AD") cols["RD"] = t_items.index("RD") cols["MD"] = t_items.index("MD") cols["FA"] = t_items.index("FA") cols["AD_Avg"] = t_items.index("AD_Avg") cols["RD_Avg"] = t_items.index("RD_Avg") cols["MD_Avg"] = t_items.index("MD_Avg") cols["FA_Avg"] = t_items.index("FA_Avg") if not bFoundHeader: raise Exception, "Cannot find header column in file %s" % vso txt = txt[lidx0:lidx0 + npts] #print(txt) # Allocate space bvDat["x"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["y"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["z"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["AD"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["RD"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["MD"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["FA"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["AD_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["RD_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["MD_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["FA_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) keys = bvDat.keys() for (i0, t_line) in enumerate(txt): t_items = t_line.split(" ") for t_fld in keys: bvDat[t_fld][i0] = float(t_items[cols[t_fld]]) dat["byVoxel"] = bvDat return dat
ds.sort() for (i0, dn) in enumerate(ds): subjIDs.append(os.path.split(dn)[1]) #== Check the existence of the FreeSurfer directory ==# check_dir(os.path.join(args.fsDir, subjIDs[-1])) if bAll: if subjIDs[-1].startswith("AWS_"): subjIsAWS.append(1) elif subjIDs[-1].startswith("ANS_"): subjIsAWS.append(0) else: error_log("Unrecognized subject ID prefix in %s" % subjIDs[-1]) info_log("Found %d subjects" % len(subjIDs)) if bAll: info_log("Number of AWS = %d" % subjIsAWS.count(1)) info_log("Number of ANS = %d" % subjIsAWS.count(0)) # Determine if between-group comparison is to be performed bGrpComp = not (subjIsAWS.count(1) == 0 or subjIsAWS.count(0) == 0) if args.bVol: #=== Prepare volumetric registered 4D ===# cvConFNs = [] # Common-volume contrast files check_file(VOL_TEMPLATE) templateSuffix = os.path.split(VOL_TEMPLATE)[1]\ .replace(".nii.gz", "").replace(".mgz", "").replace(".nii", "") else:
def generate_conn_mat(roiList, sc_roiList, parcTypeDir, parcTracksDir, hemi, arg_bSpeech, maskType, connFN, logFN=None): import os import sys import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from scai_utils import check_file, check_dir, info_log, error_log bSC = sc_roiList != None # Subcortical mode flag # Process cortical ROIs (this is needed for both SC and C matrix types) mask_shapes = [] roiNames = [] nzIdx = [] bSpeech = [] for (i0, troi) in enumerate(roiList): targROI = troi[0] maskFN = os.path.join(parcTypeDir, \ "%s_%s.diff.nii.gz" % (hemi, targROI)) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFN) t_img = nb.load(maskFN) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() mask_shapes.append(np.shape(t_img_dat)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) nzIdx.append(np.nonzero(t_img_dat)[0]) roiNames.append(troi[0]) if troi[2] == 'N': bSpeech.append(0) else: bSpeech.append(1) roiNames = np.array(roiNames) bSpeech = np.array(bSpeech) nzIdx = np.array(nzIdx) if arg_bSpeech: roiNames = roiNames[np.nonzero(bSpeech)[0]] nzIdx = nzIdx[np.nonzero(bSpeech)[0]] #print(roiNames) # DEBUG #print(bSpeech) # DEBUG # Process subcortical ROIs if bSC: parcSCDir = os.path.join(os.path.split(parcTypeDir)[0], "subcort") check_dir(parcSCDir) sc_roiNames = [] sc_nzIdx = [] for (i0, troi) in enumerate(sc_roiList): if (hemi == "lh" and troi.startswith("Left-")) or \ (hemi == "rh" and troi.startswith("Right")): sc_roiNames.append(troi) maskFN = os.path.join(parcSCDir, \ "%s.diff.nii.gz" % (troi)) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFN) t_img = nb.load(maskFN) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() mask_shapes.append(np.shape(t_img_dat)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) sc_nzIdx.append(np.nonzero(t_img_dat)[0]) #print(sc_nzIdx[-1]) # DEBUG #print(maskFN) # DEBUG sc_roiNames = np.array(sc_roiNames) sc_nzIdx = np.array(sc_nzIdx) #print(sc_roiNames) # DEBUG nROIs = len(roiNames) assert(len(nzIdx) == nROIs) if len(np.unique(mask_shapes)) != 1: error_log("Non-unique matrix size among the mask files", logFN=logFN) imgShape = np.unique(mask_shapes)[0] if bSC: nROIs_sc = len(sc_roiNames) #=== Check the completion of seed-only probtrackx ===# #=== and calculate the conn matrix ===# if not bSC: d1_roiNames = roiNames d2_roiNames = roiNames else: d1_roiNames = sc_roiNames d2_roiNames = np.array(list(sc_roiNames) + list(roiNames)) connMat = np.zeros([len(d1_roiNames), len(d2_roiNames)]) #print(d2_roiNames) # DEBUG #print(len(connMat)) # DEBUG #print(len(connMat[0])) # DEBUG #print(parcTracksDir) # DEBUG if bSC: tmp_dir = os.path.split(parcTracksDir)[1] parcTracksSCDir = os.path.split(os.path.split(parcTracksDir)[0])[0] parcTracksSCDir = os.path.join(parcTracksSCDir, "tracks_sc", tmp_dir) #print(parcTracksSCDir) # DEBUG check_dir(parcTracksSCDir) for (i0, troi) in enumerate(d1_roiNames): seedROI = troi if not bSC: trackResDir = os.path.join(parcTracksDir, "%s_%s_%s" % \ (hemi, seedROI, maskType)) else: trackResDir = os.path.join(parcTracksSCDir, seedROI) check_probtrackx_complete(trackResDir, "seedOnly", doSeedNorm=True, doSize=True, logFN=logFN) fdt_norm = os.path.join(trackResDir, "fdt_paths_norm.nii.gz") t_img = nb.load(fdt_norm) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() assert(list(np.shape(t_img_dat)) == list(imgShape)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) for (i1, troi1) in enumerate(d2_roiNames): if not bSC: connMat[i0, i1] = np.mean(t_img_dat[nzIdx[i1]]) else: if i1 < nROIs_sc: connMat[i0, i1] = np.mean(t_img_dat[sc_nzIdx[i1]]) else: connMat[i0, i1] = np.mean(t_img_dat[nzIdx[i1 - nROIs_sc]]) #=== Make symmetric ===# if not bSC: connMat = 0.5 * (connMat + connMat.T) #print(connMat) ## DEBUG #=== Write result .mat file ===# from import savemat if not bSC: res = {"roiNames": roiNames, "connMat": connMat} else: res = {"d1_roiNames": d1_roiNames, "d2_roiNames": d2_roiNames, "connMat": connMat} savemat(connFN, res) print("connFN = " + connFN) check_file(connFN, logFN=logFN) info_log("Connectivity matrix and associated data were saved at: %s" \ % (connFN), logFN=logFN)
def get_subject_master_code(sqlSettings, studyIDs, subjIDs, bVerbose): import MySQLdb SQL_SERVER = sqlSettings["SQL_SERVER"] DATABASE_NAME = sqlSettings["DATABASE_NAME"] SQL_USER = sqlSettings["SQL_USER"] pw = sqlSettings["pw"] if bVerbose: info_log("SQL settings:") info_log("\tSQL_SERVER = %s" % SQL_SERVER) info_log("\tDATABASE_NAME = %s" % DATABASE_NAME) info_log("\tSQL_USER = %s" % SQL_USER) db = MySQLdb.connect(host=SQL_SERVER, db=DATABASE_NAME, user=SQL_USER, passwd=pw) if bVerbose: info_log("Connectoin to database %s at %s under user name %s has been established successfully." % (DATABASE_NAME, SQL_SERVER, SQL_USER)) #=== SQL Query ===# cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("""SELECT `Study Code`, `Lab Code` FROM `Master Code`""") qRes = cursor.fetchall() #=== (Conditional) load the "Total Scans" table for SDAP ===# if studyIDs.count("SDAP") > 0: cursor.execute("""SELECT `Subject Data Directory Name`, `Lab Code` FROM `Total Scans`""") tsRes = cursor.fetchall() #print(tsRes) #=== SQL clean up ===# db.close() if bVerbose: info_log("Database connect closed.") #=== Get master codes ===# from get_alt_ids import get_alt_ids masterCodes = [] for (i0, t_studyID) in enumerate(studyIDs): t_subjID = subjIDs[i0] altIDs = get_alt_ids(t_studyID, t_subjID) bFound = False for (i1, t_row) in enumerate(qRes): if t_row[0] == None or t_row[1] == None: continue for (i2, t_altID) in enumerate(altIDs): if t_row[0] == t_altID: bFound = True foundRow = t_row break if bFound: break if (not bFound) and t_studyID == "SDAP": # Try "Total Scans" entries for (i1, t_row) in enumerate(tsRes): if t_row[0] == None or t_row[1] == None: continue for (i2, t_altID) in enumerate(altIDs): if t_row[0] == t_altID: bFound = True foundRow = t_row break if bFound: break if not bFound: masterCodes.append(-1) continue masterCodes.append(int(foundRow[1].replace("SL", ""))) return masterCodes
def get_dpath_track_data(trackDir): # List of data fields to extract dataFlds = ["Count", "Volume", "Len_Min", "Len_Max", "Len_Avg", "Len_Center", "AD_Avg", "AD_Avg_Weight", "AD_Avg_Center", "RD_Avg", "RD_Avg_Weight", "RD_Avg_Center", "MD_Avg", "MD_Avg_Weight", "MD_Avg_Center", "FA_Avg", "FA_Avg_Weight", "FA_Avg_Center"] dat = {} import os from scai_utils import check_dir, check_file, read_text_file, info_log check_dir(trackDir) # Read from pathstats.overall.txt pso = os.path.join(trackDir, "pathstats.overall.txt") check_file(pso) txt = read_text_file(pso) for (i0, t_line) in enumerate(txt): t_line = t_line.strip() if t_line.startswith("#"): continue t_items = t_line.split(" ") if len(t_items) == 2: if dataFlds.count(t_items[0]) == 1: dat[t_items[0]] = float(t_items[1]) # Check for completeness for (i0, t_fld) in enumerate(dataFlds): if not (t_fld in dat): info_log("WARNING: could not find data field %s in file %s" % \ (t_fld, pso), bWarn=True) # Read from pathstats.byvoxel.txt vso = os.path.join(trackDir, "pathstats.byvoxel.txt") check_file(vso) txt = read_text_file(vso) import numpy as np bvDat = {} cols = {} # Determine the number of data points npts = 0 lidx0 = -1 bFoundHeader = False for (i0, t_line) in enumerate(txt): t_line = t_line.strip() if len(t_line) == 0: continue if not (t_line.startswith("#") or t_line.startswith("x")): npts += 1 if lidx0 == -1: lidx0 = i0 if t_line.startswith("x"): bFoundHeader = True t_items = t_line.split(" ") cols["x"] = t_items.index("x") cols["y"] = t_items.index("y") cols["z"] = t_items.index("z") cols["AD"] = t_items.index("AD") cols["RD"] = t_items.index("RD") cols["MD"] = t_items.index("MD") cols["FA"] = t_items.index("FA") cols["AD_Avg"] = t_items.index("AD_Avg") cols["RD_Avg"] = t_items.index("RD_Avg") cols["MD_Avg"] = t_items.index("MD_Avg") cols["FA_Avg"] = t_items.index("FA_Avg") if not bFoundHeader: raise Exception, "Cannot find header column in file %s" % vso txt = txt[lidx0 : lidx0 + npts] #print(txt) # Allocate space bvDat["x"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["y"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["z"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["AD"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["RD"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["MD"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["FA"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["AD_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["RD_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["MD_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) bvDat["FA_Avg"] = np.zeros(npts) keys = bvDat.keys() for (i0, t_line) in enumerate(txt): t_items = t_line.split(" ") for t_fld in keys: bvDat[t_fld][i0] = float(t_items[cols[t_fld]]) dat["byVoxel"] = bvDat return dat
def calculate_roi_tensor_measures(parcName, roiList, wmDepths, TENSOR_MEASURES, HEMIS, dmriDir, annotDir, tensMeasMatFN, logFileName): #=== Load masks (gm and wm of different depths) ===# import os import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from scai_utils import check_file, check_dir, info_log, error_log mask_shapes = [] nDepths = len(wmDepths) roiNames = [] nzIdx = [] for i0 in range(nDepths): nzIdx.append([]) bSpeech = [] parcDir = os.path.join(annotDir, parcName) for (i0, wmDepth) in enumerate(wmDepths): if wmDepth == -1: parcTypeDir = os.path.join(parcDir, "gm") info_log("Loading gray-matter masks") else: parcTypeDir = os.path.join(parcDir, "wm%dmm" % wmDepth) info_log("Loading white-matter masks of %d-mm depth" \ % wmDepth) for (i1, troi) in enumerate(roiList): for (i2, hemi) in enumerate(HEMIS): maskFN = os.path.join(parcTypeDir, \ "%s_%s.diff.nii.gz" % (hemi, troi[0])) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFileName) t_img = nb.load(maskFN) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() mask_shapes.append(np.shape(t_img_dat)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) nzIdx[i0].append(np.nonzero(t_img_dat)[0]) if wmDepth == -1: if troi[2] == 'N': bSpeech.append(0) else: bSpeech.append(1) roiNames.append("%s_%s" % (hemi, troi[0])) #=== Check that the dimensions of all mask images match ===# if len(np.unique(mask_shapes)) != 1: error_log("Non-unique matrix size among the mask files", logFN=logFN) #=== Load the dtifit_* files and extract the measures ===# nROIs = len(roiNames) assert (len(bSpeech) == nROIs) tensMeas = {} mask_shape = np.unique(mask_shapes) check_dir(dmriDir, logFN=logFileName) for (i0, measName) in enumerate(TENSOR_MEASURES): tensMeas[measName] = np.zeros([nROIs, nDepths]) for (i1, t_depth) in enumerate(wmDepths): if t_depth == -1: info_log("Extracting tensor measure %s from gray matter" \ % measName) else: info_log( "Extracting tensor measure %s from %d-mm deep white matter" % (measName, t_depth)) assert (len(nzIdx[i1]) == nROIs) for (i2, troi) in enumerate(roiNames): measImg = os.path.join(dmriDir, \ "dtifit_%s.nii.gz" % measName) check_file(measImg, logFN=logFileName) t_img = nb.load(measImg) if not list(mask_shape[0]) == list(np.shape(t_img)): error_log("The diffusion tensor measure volume %s (%s) does not have a dimension that matches those of the mask files" \ % (measImg, measName)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img.get_data()) tensMeas[measName][i2, i1] = \ np.mean(t_img_dat[nzIdx[i1][i2]]) #=== Write data to file ===# from import savemat res = { "roiNames": roiNames, "bSpeech": bSpeech, "parcName": parcName, "maskShape": mask_shape, "wmDepths": wmDepths, "tensMeas": tensMeas } savemat(tensMeasMatFN, res) check_file(tensMeasMatFN, logFN=logFileName) info_log( "Tensor measures (%d types) and associated data were saved at: %s" % (len(TENSOR_MEASURES), tensMeasMatFN), logFN=logFileName)
if __name__ == "__main__": ap = argparse.ArgumentParser("Prepare for batch analysis of RHY fMRI data") ap.add_argument("subjID", help="Subject ID, with the prefix MRI_ included (e.g., MRI_AWS_M01)") ap.add_argument("--run-batch", dest="runBatch", type=str, help="Run the batch commands automatically (any of the steps or all)") if len(sys.argv) == 1: ap.print_help() sys.exit(0) args = ap.parse_args() machInfo = cmd_stdout("uname -a") hostName = machInfo[0].split(" ")[1] info_log("hostName = %s" % hostName) #=== Check the validity of subjID ===# if not args.subjID.startswith("MRI_"): info_log("subjID should usually start with the prefix MRI_. This is not the case in the entered subject ID (%s)" % (args.subjID), bWarn=True) sID = args.subjID.replace("MRI_", "") if machineSettings.keys().count(hostName) == 0: info_log("Cannot find host name %s in machineSettings. _default_ settings will be used" % hostName) hostName = "_default_" #=== Set up some paths ===# dataDir = machineSettings[hostName]["dataDir"] batchDataDir = machineSettings[hostName]["batchDataDir"]
def generate_conn_mat(roiList, sc_roiList, parcTypeDir, parcTracksDir, hemi, arg_bSpeech, maskType, connFN, logFN=None): import os import sys import numpy as np import nibabel as nb from scai_utils import check_file, check_dir, info_log, error_log bSC = sc_roiList != None # Subcortical mode flag # Process cortical ROIs (this is needed for both SC and C matrix types) mask_shapes = [] roiNames = [] nzIdx = [] bSpeech = [] for (i0, troi) in enumerate(roiList): targROI = troi[0] maskFN = os.path.join(parcTypeDir, \ "%s_%s.diff.nii.gz" % (hemi, targROI)) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFN) t_img = nb.load(maskFN) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() mask_shapes.append(np.shape(t_img_dat)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) nzIdx.append(np.nonzero(t_img_dat)[0]) roiNames.append(troi[0]) if troi[2] == 'N': bSpeech.append(0) else: bSpeech.append(1) roiNames = np.array(roiNames) bSpeech = np.array(bSpeech) nzIdx = np.array(nzIdx) if arg_bSpeech: roiNames = roiNames[np.nonzero(bSpeech)[0]] nzIdx = nzIdx[np.nonzero(bSpeech)[0]] #print(roiNames) # DEBUG #print(bSpeech) # DEBUG # Process subcortical ROIs if bSC: parcSCDir = os.path.join(os.path.split(parcTypeDir)[0], "subcort") check_dir(parcSCDir) sc_roiNames = [] sc_nzIdx = [] for (i0, troi) in enumerate(sc_roiList): if (hemi == "lh" and troi.startswith("Left-")) or \ (hemi == "rh" and troi.startswith("Right")): sc_roiNames.append(troi) maskFN = os.path.join(parcSCDir, \ "%s.diff.nii.gz" % (troi)) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFN) t_img = nb.load(maskFN) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() mask_shapes.append(np.shape(t_img_dat)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) sc_nzIdx.append(np.nonzero(t_img_dat)[0]) #print(sc_nzIdx[-1]) # DEBUG #print(maskFN) # DEBUG sc_roiNames = np.array(sc_roiNames) sc_nzIdx = np.array(sc_nzIdx) #print(sc_roiNames) # DEBUG nROIs = len(roiNames) assert (len(nzIdx) == nROIs) if len(np.unique(mask_shapes)) != 1: error_log("Non-unique matrix size among the mask files", logFN=logFN) imgShape = np.unique(mask_shapes)[0] if bSC: nROIs_sc = len(sc_roiNames) #=== Check the completion of seed-only probtrackx ===# #=== and calculate the conn matrix ===# if not bSC: d1_roiNames = roiNames d2_roiNames = roiNames else: d1_roiNames = sc_roiNames d2_roiNames = np.array(list(sc_roiNames) + list(roiNames)) connMat = np.zeros([len(d1_roiNames), len(d2_roiNames)]) #print(d2_roiNames) # DEBUG #print(len(connMat)) # DEBUG #print(len(connMat[0])) # DEBUG #print(parcTracksDir) # DEBUG if bSC: tmp_dir = os.path.split(parcTracksDir)[1] parcTracksSCDir = os.path.split(os.path.split(parcTracksDir)[0])[0] parcTracksSCDir = os.path.join(parcTracksSCDir, "tracks_sc", tmp_dir) #print(parcTracksSCDir) # DEBUG check_dir(parcTracksSCDir) for (i0, troi) in enumerate(d1_roiNames): seedROI = troi if not bSC: trackResDir = os.path.join(parcTracksDir, "%s_%s_%s" % \ (hemi, seedROI, maskType)) else: trackResDir = os.path.join(parcTracksSCDir, seedROI) check_probtrackx_complete(trackResDir, "seedOnly", doSeedNorm=True, doSize=True, logFN=logFN) fdt_norm = os.path.join(trackResDir, "fdt_paths_norm.nii.gz") t_img = nb.load(fdt_norm) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() assert (list(np.shape(t_img_dat)) == list(imgShape)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) for (i1, troi1) in enumerate(d2_roiNames): if not bSC: connMat[i0, i1] = np.mean(t_img_dat[nzIdx[i1]]) else: if i1 < nROIs_sc: connMat[i0, i1] = np.mean(t_img_dat[sc_nzIdx[i1]]) else: connMat[i0, i1] = np.mean(t_img_dat[nzIdx[i1 - nROIs_sc]]) #=== Make symmetric ===# if not bSC: connMat = 0.5 * (connMat + connMat.T) #print(connMat) ## DEBUG #=== Write result .mat file ===# from import savemat if not bSC: res = {"roiNames": roiNames, "connMat": connMat} else: res = { "d1_roiNames": d1_roiNames, "d2_roiNames": d2_roiNames, "connMat": connMat } savemat(connFN, res) print("connFN = " + connFN) check_file(connFN, logFN=logFN) info_log("Connectivity matrix and associated data were saved at: %s" \ % (connFN), logFN=logFN)
def run_probtrackx(seedMask, targMask, bedpBase, brainMask, outDir, doSeedNorm=True, doSize=True, doTargMaskedFDT=True, ccStop=False, bRedo=False, logFN=None): #=========================================================# # Mode 1: from seed to targ # Specify both seedMask and targMask # # Mode 2: from seed to all # Specify only seedMask; set targMask=None # # Options: # ccStop: Use corpus callosum stop mask # #=========================================================# import os from scai_utils import check_file, check_dir, check_bin_path, \ saydo, cmd_stdout, info_log, error_log from mri_utils import nz_voxels #== Get seed and targ nvox ==# check_file(seedMask, logFN=logFN) (seed_nVoxels, seed_mm3) = nz_voxels(seedMask) seed_nVoxels = float(seed_nVoxels) #assert(seed_nVoxels > 0) if targMask != None: check_file(targMask, logFN=logFN) (targ_nVoxels, targ_mm3) = nz_voxels(targMask) targ_nVoxels = float(targ_nVoxels) assert (targ_nVoxels > 0) check_bin_path("probtrackx", logFN=logFN) check_dir(outDir, logFN=logFN) if targMask != None: #= Prepare waypoint file =# wpfn = os.path.join(outDir, "waypoints.txt") wptext = os.path.abspath(targMask) + "\n" wpf = open(wpfn, "w") wpf.write(wptext) wpf.close() check_file(wpfn, logFN=logFN) cmd = 'probtrackx --mode=seedmask -x %s ' % seedMask + \ '-s %s ' % bedpBase + \ '-m %s ' % brainMask + \ '-l -c 0.2 -S 2000 --steplength=0.5 ' + \ '-P 5000 ' + \ '--forcedir --opd --pd --dir=%s ' % outDir if targMask != None: cmd += "--stop=%s --waypoints=%s " % (targMask, wpfn) fdt_paths_fn = os.path.join(outDir, "fdt_paths.nii.gz") #== Get the size of fdt_paths.nii.gz. If the size is zero, start over. ==# if not os.path.isfile(fdt_paths_fn) \ or os.path.getsize(fdt_paths_fn) <= 1 \ or bRedo: saydo(cmd, logFN=logFN) #== Check for probtrackx completion ==# check_file(fdt_paths_fn, logFN=logFN) #== Save probtrackx command ==# cmd_fn = os.path.join(outDir, "command.txt") cmd_f = open(cmd_fn, "wt") cmd_f.write("%s\n" % cmd) cmd_f.close() check_file(cmd_fn, logFN=logFN) #== Generate seed size-normalized fdt_paths ==# fdt_paths_norm_fn = os.path.join(outDir, "fdt_paths_norm.nii.gz") check_bin_path("fslmaths", logFN=logFN) norm_cmd = "fslmaths -dt float %s -div %d %s -odt float" % \ (fdt_paths_fn, seed_nVoxels, fdt_paths_norm_fn) if not os.path.isfile(fdt_paths_norm_fn) or bRedo: saydo(norm_cmd, logFN=logFN) check_file(fdt_paths_norm_fn, logFN=logFN) if doSize: #== Write to seed size file ==# seed_size_fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'seed_size.txt') seed_size_f = open(seed_size_fn, 'w') seed_size_f.write("%d %f" % (int(seed_nVoxels), seed_mm3)) seed_size_f.close() check_file(seed_size_fn, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: Saved seed size data to file: %s" % seed_size_fn, logFN=logFN) if targMask != None: #== Write to targ size file ==# targ_size_fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'targ_size.txt') targ_size_f = open(targ_size_fn, 'w') targ_size_f.write("%d %f" % (int(targ_nVoxels), targ_mm3)) targ_size_f.close() check_file(targ_size_fn, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: Saved targ size data to file: %s" % targ_size_fn, logFN=logFN) if (targMask != None) and doTargMaskedFDT: #== Get target masked tract density ==# check_bin_path("fslstats", logFN=logFN) (so, se) = cmd_stdout("fslstats %s -k %s -m" \ % (fdt_paths_norm_fn, targMask)) assert (len(se) == 0) so = so.split() assert (len(so) >= 1) targ_masked_norm_fdt = float(so[0]) targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn = \ os.path.join(outDir, "targ_masked_norm_fdt.txt") tmnff = open(targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn, "wt") tmnff.write("%f" % targ_masked_norm_fdt) tmnff.close() check_file(targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: Saved target-masked normalized FDT value tofile: %s" \ % targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn, logFN=logFN)
def calculate_roi_tensor_measures(parcName, roiList, wmDepths, TENSOR_MEASURES, HEMIS, dmriDir, annotDir, tensMeasMatFN, logFileName): #=== Load masks (gm and wm of different depths) ===# import os import nibabel as nb import numpy as np from scai_utils import check_file, check_dir, info_log, error_log mask_shapes = [] nDepths = len(wmDepths) roiNames = [] nzIdx = [] for i0 in range(nDepths): nzIdx.append([]) bSpeech = [] parcDir = os.path.join(annotDir, parcName) for (i0, wmDepth) in enumerate(wmDepths): if wmDepth == -1: parcTypeDir = os.path.join(parcDir, "gm") info_log("Loading gray-matter masks") else: parcTypeDir = os.path.join(parcDir, "wm%dmm" % wmDepth) info_log("Loading white-matter masks of %d-mm depth" \ % wmDepth) for (i1, troi) in enumerate(roiList): for (i2, hemi) in enumerate(HEMIS): maskFN = os.path.join(parcTypeDir, \ "%s_%s.diff.nii.gz" % (hemi, troi[0])) check_file(maskFN, logFN=logFileName) t_img = nb.load(maskFN) t_img_dat = t_img.get_data() mask_shapes.append(np.shape(t_img_dat)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img_dat) nzIdx[i0].append(np.nonzero(t_img_dat)[0]) if wmDepth == -1: if troi[2] == 'N': bSpeech.append(0) else: bSpeech.append(1) roiNames.append("%s_%s" % (hemi, troi[0])) #=== Check that the dimensions of all mask images match ===# if len(np.unique(mask_shapes)) != 1: error_log("Non-unique matrix size among the mask files", logFN=logFN) #=== Load the dtifit_* files and extract the measures ===# nROIs = len(roiNames) assert(len(bSpeech) == nROIs) tensMeas = {} mask_shape = np.unique(mask_shapes) check_dir(dmriDir, logFN=logFileName) for (i0, measName) in enumerate(TENSOR_MEASURES): tensMeas[measName] = np.zeros([nROIs, nDepths]) for (i1, t_depth) in enumerate(wmDepths): if t_depth == -1: info_log("Extracting tensor measure %s from gray matter" \ % measName) else: info_log("Extracting tensor measure %s from %d-mm deep white matter" % (measName, t_depth)) assert(len(nzIdx[i1]) == nROIs) for (i2, troi) in enumerate(roiNames): measImg = os.path.join(dmriDir, \ "dtifit_%s.nii.gz" % measName) check_file(measImg, logFN=logFileName) t_img = nb.load(measImg) if not list(mask_shape[0]) == list(np.shape(t_img)): error_log("The diffusion tensor measure volume %s (%s) does not have a dimension that matches those of the mask files" \ % (measImg, measName)) t_img_dat = np.ndarray.flatten(t_img.get_data()) tensMeas[measName][i2, i1] = \ np.mean(t_img_dat[nzIdx[i1][i2]]) #=== Write data to file ===# from import savemat res = {"roiNames": roiNames, "bSpeech": bSpeech, "parcName": parcName, "maskShape": mask_shape, "wmDepths": wmDepths, "tensMeas": tensMeas} savemat(tensMeasMatFN, res) check_file(tensMeasMatFN, logFN=logFileName) info_log("Tensor measures (%d types) and associated data were saved at: %s" % (len(TENSOR_MEASURES), tensMeasMatFN), logFN=logFileName)
#=== Discover subjects ===# check_dir(args.fsDir) ds = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.fsDir, args.sNameWC)) ds.sort() skipIDs = [] if args.skipSubj != None: skipIDs = args.skipSubj.split(",") sIDs = [] grps = [] for (i0, d) in enumerate(ds): t_sID = os.path.split(d)[1] if skipIDs.count(t_sID) > 0: info_log("Skipping subject: %s" % t_sID) continue sIDs.append(t_sID) grps.append(get_qdec_info(t_sID, "diagnosis")) ugrps = list((np.unique(np.array(grps)))) ugrps.sort() info_log("Discovered %s subjects" % len(sIDs)) info_log("The subjects belong to %d groups:" % (len(ugrps))) for (i0, grp) in enumerate(ugrps): info_log("\t%s" % grp) matFile = __file__.replace(".py", ".mat") from import savemat, loadmat
def run_probtrackx(seedMask, targMask, bedpBase, brainMask, outDir, doSeedNorm=True, doSize=True, doTargMaskedFDT=True, ccStop=False, bRedo=False, logFN=None): #=========================================================# # Mode 1: from seed to targ # Specify both seedMask and targMask # # Mode 2: from seed to all # Specify only seedMask; set targMask=None # # Options: # ccStop: Use corpus callosum stop mask # #=========================================================# import os from scai_utils import check_file, check_dir, check_bin_path, \ saydo, cmd_stdout, info_log, error_log from mri_utils import nz_voxels #== Get seed and targ nvox ==# check_file(seedMask, logFN=logFN) (seed_nVoxels, seed_mm3) = nz_voxels(seedMask) seed_nVoxels = float(seed_nVoxels) #assert(seed_nVoxels > 0) if targMask != None: check_file(targMask, logFN=logFN) (targ_nVoxels, targ_mm3) = nz_voxels(targMask) targ_nVoxels = float(targ_nVoxels) assert(targ_nVoxels > 0) check_bin_path("probtrackx", logFN=logFN) check_dir(outDir, logFN=logFN) if targMask != None: #= Prepare waypoint file =# wpfn = os.path.join(outDir, "waypoints.txt") wptext = os.path.abspath(targMask) + "\n" wpf = open(wpfn, "w") wpf.write(wptext) wpf.close() check_file(wpfn, logFN=logFN) cmd = 'probtrackx --mode=seedmask -x %s ' % seedMask + \ '-s %s ' % bedpBase + \ '-m %s ' % brainMask + \ '-l -c 0.2 -S 2000 --steplength=0.5 ' + \ '-P 5000 ' + \ '--forcedir --opd --pd --dir=%s ' % outDir if targMask != None: cmd += "--stop=%s --waypoints=%s " % (targMask, wpfn) fdt_paths_fn = os.path.join(outDir, "fdt_paths.nii.gz") #== Get the size of fdt_paths.nii.gz. If the size is zero, start over. ==# if not os.path.isfile(fdt_paths_fn) \ or os.path.getsize(fdt_paths_fn) <= 1 \ or bRedo: saydo(cmd, logFN=logFN) #== Check for probtrackx completion ==# check_file(fdt_paths_fn, logFN=logFN) #== Save probtrackx command ==# cmd_fn = os.path.join(outDir, "command.txt") cmd_f = open(cmd_fn, "wt") cmd_f.write("%s\n" % cmd) cmd_f.close() check_file(cmd_fn, logFN=logFN) #== Generate seed size-normalized fdt_paths ==# fdt_paths_norm_fn = os.path.join(outDir, "fdt_paths_norm.nii.gz") check_bin_path("fslmaths", logFN=logFN) norm_cmd = "fslmaths -dt float %s -div %d %s -odt float" % \ (fdt_paths_fn, seed_nVoxels, fdt_paths_norm_fn) if not os.path.isfile(fdt_paths_norm_fn) or bRedo: saydo(norm_cmd, logFN=logFN) check_file(fdt_paths_norm_fn, logFN=logFN) if doSize: #== Write to seed size file ==# seed_size_fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'seed_size.txt') seed_size_f = open(seed_size_fn, 'w') seed_size_f.write("%d %f" % (int(seed_nVoxels), seed_mm3)) seed_size_f.close() check_file(seed_size_fn, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: Saved seed size data to file: %s" % seed_size_fn, logFN=logFN) if targMask != None: #== Write to targ size file ==# targ_size_fn = os.path.join(outDir, 'targ_size.txt') targ_size_f = open(targ_size_fn, 'w') targ_size_f.write("%d %f" % (int(targ_nVoxels), targ_mm3)) targ_size_f.close() check_file(targ_size_fn, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: Saved targ size data to file: %s" % targ_size_fn, logFN=logFN) if (targMask != None) and doTargMaskedFDT: #== Get target masked tract density ==# check_bin_path("fslstats", logFN=logFN) (so, se) = cmd_stdout("fslstats %s -k %s -m" \ % (fdt_paths_norm_fn, targMask)) assert(len(se) == 0) so = so.split() assert(len(so) >= 1) targ_masked_norm_fdt = float(so[0]) targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn = \ os.path.join(outDir, "targ_masked_norm_fdt.txt") tmnff = open(targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn, "wt") tmnff.write("%f" % targ_masked_norm_fdt) tmnff.close() check_file(targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn, logFN=logFN) info_log("INFO: Saved target-masked normalized FDT value tofile: %s" \ % targ_masked_norm_fdt_fn, logFN=logFN)