def getOutputs(run):
    Get outputs of a given run.
    @type   run: dict
    @param  run: Run returned by getRuns()
    @rtype: list
    @return: List of outputs
#    API : /jobs/{jobid}/runoutput?runid=<valid runid>
#    Method : GET
#    URL structure: https://<servername>/v0/jobs/{jobid}/runoutput?runid=<validrunid>&access_token=<valid access token>
#    Input : runid(required)
#  '''
  path = '/jobs/%s/runoutput' % (str(run['jobId']))
  query = {
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  request = urllib2.Request(url)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getContent(script, version=-1):
    Get script content
    @type   script: dict
    @param  script: Script returned by getScripts()

    @type   version: int
    @param  version: Optional

    @rtype: dict
    @return: Content of script
      - Not changed
    #    API : /scripts/{id}
    #    Method : GET
    #    URL structure : https://<servername>/v0/scripts?access_token=<valid access token>
    #    Input params : version (optional) parameter
    #  '''
    scriptid = script["scriptId"]
    path = "/scripts/%s" % (str(scriptid))
    query = {}
    if version != -1:
        query["version"] = version
    url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
    request = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    returnData = json.loads(response.read())
    return returnData
def getAudits(node, type = 'updates'):
    Get a list of Audit for a single node
    @param node: A node
    @type   type: string
    @param  type: Optional, default value is B{updates}, valid values:
      - B{updates}

    @rtype: list
    @return: list of audits

  agentid = node['agentId']
  path = '/nodes/%s/%s' % (str(agentid), str(type))
  query = {}
#  if type != '':
##    FIXME, add assert
##    assert type in ['script', 'template', 'patch', 'update'], 'type invalid'
#    query['type'] = type
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def createGroup(name, parentGroup):
    FIXME, not finished
  '''  {\"groupType\":0,
  \"groupParent\":\"All Servers\",
  \"groupItemList\":[{\"groupId\":0,  \"companyId\":0,  \"groupItem\":\"124\",  \"organizationId\":0,  \"groupItemType\":0}]
  path = '/groups'
  url = userinfo.geturl(path)
  payload = {
    "groupType": 0,
    "groupId": 0,
    "groupName": None,
    "PacaficServers": arguments,
    "parentGroupId": agents,
    "groupParent": None,
    "companyId": 12,
    "organizationId": startTime,
    "groupItemList": 0,
  postData = json.dumps(payload)
  request = urllib2.Request(url, postData)
  request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getNodes(platform = '', status = ''):
    Get nodes
    @type   platform: string
    @param  platform: optional, valid values are B{Windows} or B{Linux}
    @type   status: string
    @param  status: optional, valid values are B{online} or B{offline}

    @rtype: list
    @return: list of nodes
      - Add parameter platform and status
#    NOTE, not add single node id 
#    API : /nodes or /nodes/{id}
#    Method : GET
#    URL Structure: https://<servername>/v0/nodes?access_token=<valid access token>
#    Input params: 
#    platform (optional), valid values Windows or Linux
#    status (optional), valid values online or offline
  assert platform in ['', 'Windows', 'Linux'], 'wrong platform'
  assert status in ['', 'online', 'offline'], 'wrong status'  
  path = '/nodes'
  query = {}
  if platform != '':
    query['platform'] = platform
  if status != '':
    query['status'] = status
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def delete(script="", type=""):
    Delete a script or a group of scripts
    @todo: Add return info about this API
    @type   script: dict
    @param  script: Script returned by getScripts()
    @type   type: string
    @param  type: Valid values are B{user}, B{org} or B{purchase}
      - Add parameter B{type}, you can delete a group of scripts now.

    #    API : /scripts/1234
    #    Method : DELETE
    #    /scripts?type=user      Delete user scripts
    #    /scripts?type=org       Delete org scripts
    #    /scripts?type=purchase  Delete purchase scripts

    path = "/scripts"
    query = {}
    if script != "":
        path = path + "/" + str(script["scriptId"])
        assert type in ["user", "org", "purchase"], "wrong script type"
        query["type"] = type
    url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
    request = urllib2.Request(url)
    request.get_method = lambda: "DELETE"
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    returnData = json.loads(response.read())
    return returnData
def getRuns(job):
    Get runs of a given job.
    @type   job: dict
    @param  job: Job returned by getJobs()

    @rtype: list
    @return: List of runs
      - Not changed

#    NOTE, no runid
#    API: /jobs/{jobid}/runinfo
#    Method: GET
#    URL structure: https://<servername>/v0/jobs/{jobid}/runinfo?access_token=<valid access token>
#    Input: runid (optional), can specify runid
#    Output:
#    [{"jobId":1814,"taskPropertyBeans":[],"status":"complete","role":"Admin","companyId":40042,"projectId":69,"runId":65,"user":"******","runTimestamp":1339099219184}]
#  '''
  path = '/jobs/%s/runinfo' % (job['jobId'])
  url = userinfo.geturl(path)
  request = urllib2.Request(url)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def create(name, type, content, description="", params=[], tagList=[]):
    Create a script
    @todo: params and tags not implement
    @type   name: string
    @param  name: Script Name 
    @type   type: string
    @param  type: Script type(filename extension)
    @type   content: string
    @param  content: Script content
    @type   description: string
    @param  description: Script description
    @rtype: dict
    @return: script just created
      - Not changed

    # FIXME, no script attachments, no tags, no params
    # ttps://manage.scalextreme.com/library?rid=411C2ECD-BDD0-4F61-9F37-E3718F02E084
    #    API : /scripts
    #    Method : POST
    #    URL Structure: https://<servername>/v0/scripts?access_token=<valid token generated by authentication>
    #    Input : Json payload like
    #    {
    #    "scriptName":"Test script",
    #    "scriptType":"bat",
    #    "scriptDescription":"",
    #    "scriptInputParams":[],
    #    "tagList":[],
    #    "scriptAttachments":[],
    #    "scriptContent":"bGluZTEKbGluZTIKbGluZTMKbGluZTQKbGluZTUKZWNobyAnSGknCg=="
    #    }
    #  '''

    path = "/scripts"
    url = userinfo.geturl(path)
    payload = {
        "scriptName": name,
        "scriptType": type,
        "scriptDescription": base64.b64encode(description),
        "scriptInputParams": params,
        "tagList": tagList,
        "scriptAttachments": [],
        "scriptContent": base64.b64encode(content),
    postData = json.dumps(payload)
    request = urllib2.Request(url, postData)
    request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    returnData = json.loads(response.read())
    return returnData
def getJobs(type = 'script', object = {}):
    Get jobs of a given script
      - getJobs(type='patch') # get applied patch jobs
      - getJobs(type='script', object=script) # get script jobs
    @note: Currently support script jobs only.
    @todo: Add support for update/patch job
    @type   type: string
    @param  type: Job type, default is B{script}. Valid values are:
      - B{script}, get script jobs
      - B{patch}, get applied patch jobs
      - B{update}, get applied update jobs
    @type   object: dict
    @param  object: If type is script, object is the script returned by scalex.script.getScripts()
    @rtype: list
    @return: List of jobs
      - API usage changed.
      - Add parameter B{type}
      - Add parameter B{object}
#    API : /jobs?type=<script, template etc,>&id=<id of script, id of template etc.,>
#    Method : GET
#    URL Structure: https://<servername>/v0/jobs?type=script&id=<script id>& access_token=<valid access token>
#    Input :
#    type (required), valid values are script, template, patch, update etc.,
#    id
#  '''
#  id = str(object['scriptId'])
  assert type in ['script', 'update', 'patch'], 'wrong type'
  path = '/jobs'
  query = {
    'type': type,
  if type in ['script']:
    assert object != {}, 'no script object'
    query['id'] = object['scriptId']
    query['id'] = 0
    query['type'] = 'apply' + type
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  request = urllib2.Request(url)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def deleteGroup(group):
    Delete a server group
    @param group: The group you want to delete
  path = '/groups/' + str(group['groupId'])
  url = userinfo.geturl(path)
  request = urllib2.Request(url)
  request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getGroups():
    Get server groups
    @rtype: list
    @return: list of groups
  path = '/groups'
  query = {}
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getUpdates(node):
    Get updates of a given node
    @param node: A node
    @rtype: list
    @return: list of updates
  agentid = node['agentId']
  path = '/nodes/%s/updates' % (str(agentid))
  query = {}
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getNodesOfGroup(group):
    Get nodes of a given group
    @param  group: A group returned by getGroups()
    @rtype: list
    @return: list of nodes
  groupid = group['groupId']
  path = '/groups/%s/nodes' % (str(groupid))
  query = {}
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def _scheduleUpdateOrPatches(name, targets, arguments, scriptType, startTime):
  if not isinstance(targets, list):
    t = targets
    targets = []
  agents = []
  for n in targets:
  if startTime != 0:
    d = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")
    startTime = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple())*1000)
  payload = {
#    "companyId": userinfo.companyid,
#    "user": str(userinfo.userid),
#    "role": userinfo.rolename,
    "scriptId": 0,
    "version": None,
    "scriptArgs": arguments,
    "targets": agents,
    "destInstallDir": None,
    "scheduleType": 12,
    "startTime": startTime,
    "endTime": 0,
    "repeatCount": 0,
    "repeatInterval": 0,
    "cronExpr": None,
    "timeZone": None,
    "name": name,
    "description": name,
    "jobId": 0,
    "jobName": name,
    "scriptType": scriptType
  path = '/jobs'
  url = userinfo.geturl(path)
  postData = json.dumps(payload)
  request = urllib2.Request(url, postData)
  request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getAllAgentsWithPatch(patch):
    Get a list of machines which have the same patches/updates missing    
    @param patch: Valid values:
      - patch
      - list of patches
      - update
      - list of updates
    @rtype: list
    @return: list of agentId
      - Old API getOtherAgentsWithPatch(node,patch)
  path = '/missingupdates'
  query = {
  if 'updaterelease' in str(patch):
    query['type'] = 'UPDATE'
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  if not isinstance(patch, list):
    p = patch
    patch = []
  patches = []
  for i in patch:
    d = {}
    d['name'] = i['name']
    if query['type'] == 'UPDATE':
      d['arch'] = i['arch']
      d['updateVersion'] = i['updateversion']
      d['updateRelease'] = i['updaterelease']
  postData = json.dumps(patches)
  request = urllib2.Request(url, postData)
  request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
#  print patch
#  print postData
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def cancel(run):
    Cancel future runs
    @param run: The run you want to cancel
#  NOTE, why we need a runID????
#  /jobs/1234/cancel/
  jobid = run['jobId']
  runid = run['runId']
  path = '/jobs/%s/cancel/' % (str(jobid))
  query = {
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  request = urllib2.Request(url, '')
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def delete(job):
    Delete a job
    @param job: The job you want to delete
  path = '/jobs'
  query = {}
#  if script != '':
  path = path + '/' + str(job['jobId'])
#  else:
#    assert type in ['user', 'org', 'purchase'], 'wrong script type'
#    query['type'] = type
  url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
  request = urllib2.Request(url)
  request.get_method = lambda: 'DELETE'
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def getVersions(script):
    Get script content
    @type   script: dict
    @param  script: Script returned by getScripts()
    @rtype: list
    @return: Versions of specific script
      - Not changed
    #    API : /scripts/versions?id=1234
    #    Method : GET
    #  '''
    path = "/scripts/%s/versions" % (str(script["scriptId"]))
    query = {}
    url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
    request = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    returnData = json.loads(response.read())
    return returnData
def getScripts(type=""):
    Get scripts
    @type   type: string
    @param  type: Optional, valid values are B{user}, B{org} or B{purchase}
    @rtype: list
    @return: List of scripts
      - Parameter type now changed. Used to be 0 or 1, now it can be one of B{user}, B{org} and B{purchase}
    #    API : /scripts
    #    Method : GET
    #    URL structure : https://<servername>/v0/scripts?access_token=<valid access token>
    #    Input params :
    #    version (optional) parameter
    #    type (optional)
    #    type=user     Return my scripts
    #    type=org      Return org scripts
    #    type=purchase Return purchase scripts

    assert type in ["", "user", "org", "purchase"], "script type must be one of ['', 'user', 'org', 'purchase']"
    path = "/scripts"
    query = {}
    if type != "":
        query["type"] = type
    #  elif script != '':
    #    path = '/scripts/' + str(script['scriptId'])
    #    if version != 0:
    #      query['version'] = version
    url = userinfo.geturl(path, query)
    request = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    returnData = json.loads(response.read())
    return returnData
def _create_or_update_job(path, name, script = None, targets = None, arguments = [], type = 'script', version = -1, serverGroups = [], scheduleType = 0, startTime = 0, repeatInterval = 60, endTime = 0, repeatCount = 0):
    For Internal Use ONLY
#    For Internal Use ONLY
#    API : /jobs
#    Method : POST
#    URL structure: https://<servername>/v0/jobs
#    Input param: Following json payload
#    {
#    "name":"Sample Job",
#    "scriptId":2446,
#    "targets":[140],
#    "scriptArgs":["Test1","Test2"],
#    "type":"script",
#    "repeatCount":0,
#    "serverGroups":[],
#    "endTime":0,
#    "startTime":1339353250011,
#    "scheduleType":12,
#    "taskParameters":[],
#    "repeatInterval":0
#    }
#    scheduleType: 0, Run Once
#    1, Recurring
#  '''
  _schecule_type = [12, 14, 2]
  if scheduleType == 0:
    if startTime != 0:
      d = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")
      startTime = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple())*1000)
  elif scheduleType == 1:
    if repeatCount == 0 and endTime == 0:
      assert False, 'wrong schedule'
    if endTime != 0:
      d = datetime.datetime.strptime(endTime, "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")
      endTime = int(time.mktime(d.timetuple())*1000)
    assert False, 'wrong schedule type'
  scheduleType = _schecule_type[scheduleType]
  if not isinstance(targets, list):
    t = targets
    targets = []
  agents = []
  for n in targets:
  scriptid = 0
  if type == 'script' and version == -1:
    version = script['version']
    scriptid = script['scriptId']
  payload = {
  postData = json.dumps(payload)
  url = userinfo.geturl(path)
  request = urllib2.Request(url, postData)
  request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
  response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
  returnData = json.loads(response.read())
  return returnData
def update(script, name="", type="", content="", description="", params=[], tagList=[]):
    Update a script
    @todo: params and tags not implement
    @type   script: dict
    @param  script: Script will be updated
    @type   name: string
    @param  name: Script Name 
    @type   type: string
    @param  type: Script type(filename extension)
    @type   content: string
    @param  content: Script content
    @type   description: string
    @param  description: Script description
    @rtype: dict
    @return: script just created
      - Not changed

    #    API : /scripts/1234
    #    Method : POST
    #    URL Structure: https://<servername>/v0/scripts?access_token=<valid token generated by authentication>
    #    Input : Json payload like
    #    {
    #    "scriptName":"Test script",
    #    "scriptType":"bat",
    #    "scriptDescription":"",
    #    "scriptInputParams":[],
    #    "tagList":[],
    #    "scriptAttachments":[],
    #    "scriptContent":"bGluZTEKbGluZTIKbGluZTMKbGluZTQKbGluZTUKZWNobyAnSGknCg=="
    #    }
    #  '''def update(script, name = '', type = '', content = '', description = '', params = [], tags = [] ):
    #  FIXME, no script attachments, incomplete params/tags/attachments
    path = "/scripts/" + str(script["scriptId"])
    parameters = []
    url = userinfo.geturl(path)
    script = getContent(script)
    # script contents
    if name == "":
        name = script["scriptName"]
    if type == "":
        type = script["scriptType"]
    if content == "":
        content = script["scriptContent"]
        content = base64.b64encode(content)
    payload = {
        "scriptName": name,
        "version": script["version"],
        "scriptType": type,
        "scriptDescription": base64.b64encode(description),
        "scriptInputParams": params,
        "tagList": tagList,
        "scriptAttachments": [],
        "scriptContent": content,
    postData = json.dumps(payload)
    request = urllib2.Request(url, postData)
    request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    returnData = json.loads(response.read())
    return returnData