def callback_scan(self, widget): help_window().help_set_help(["scan.png",_("<big><b>The scan window</b></big><br> Very often it is useful to be able to systematically very a device parameter such as mobility or density of trap states. This window allows you to do just that."),"list-add.png",_("Use the plus icon to add a new scan line to the list."),"youtube",_("<big><b><a href=\"\">Tutorial video</b></big><br>Using the parameter scan window.")]) #self.tb_run_scan.setEnabled(True) if self.scan_window==None: self.scan_window=scan_class(server_get()) if self.scan_window.isVisible()==True: self.scan_window.hide() else:
def callback_scan(self, widget, data=None): help_window().help_set_help(["scan.png",_("<big><b>The scan window</b></big><br> Very often it is useful to be able to systematically very a device parameter such as mobility or density of trap states. This window allows you to do just that."),"add.png",_("Use the plus icon to add a new scan line to the list.")]) self.tb_run_scan.setEnabled(True) if self.scan_window==None: self.scan_window=scan_class(self.my_server) if self.scan_window.isVisible()==True: self.scan_window.hide() else:
def callback_scan(self, widget, data=None): my_help_class.help_set_help(["scan.png",_("<big><b>The scan window</b></big>\n Very often it is useful to be able to systematically very a device parameter such as mobility or density of trap states. This window allows you to do just that."),"add.png",_("Use the plus icon to add a new scan line to the list.")]) self.tb_run_scan.set_sensitive(True) if self.scan_window==None: self.scan_window=scan_class(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.scan_window.init(self.my_server) if self.scan_window.get_property("visible")==True: self.scan_window.hide() else: