 def _calc_arrays(self, offset):
     x0, y0 = self.centre[0], self.centre[1]
     A, B = self.x_max, self.y_max
     a, b = self.x_freq, self.y_freq
     d = self.phase_diff
     f = lambda t: y0 + A * np.sin(a * 2 * m.pi * (t+offset)/self.num + d)
     x = f(np.arange(self.num))
     f = lambda t: B * np.sin(b * 2 * m.pi * (t+offset)/self.num)
     y = f(np.arange(self.num))
     return x, y
 def prepare_arrays(self, index_array):
     arrays = {}
     x0, y0 = self.centre[0], self.centre[1]
     A, B = self.x_max, self.y_max
     a, b = self.x_freq, self.y_freq
     d = self.phase_diff
     fx = lambda t: x0 + A * np.sin(a * 2 * m.pi * t / self.size + d)
     fy = lambda t: y0 + B * np.sin(b * 2 * m.pi * t / self.size)
     arrays[self.axes[0]] = fx(index_array)
     arrays[self.axes[1]] = fy(index_array)
     return arrays
 def prepare_arrays(self, index_array):
     # parameterise phi with approximation:
     # phi(t) = k * sqrt(t) (for some k)
     phi = self.alpha * np.sqrt(index_array + 0.5)
     arrays = {
         self.axes[0]: self.centre[0] + self.beta * phi * np.sin(phi),
         self.axes[1]: self.centre[1] + self.beta * phi * np.cos(phi)
     return arrays
 def prepare_arrays(self, index_array):
     arrays = {
       self.axes[0]: self.centre[0] +
                     self.x_max *
                         self.x_freq *
                         self.increment *
                         index_array +
       self.axes[1]: self.centre[1] +
                     self.y_max *
                         self.y_freq *
                         self.increment *
     return arrays
 def prepare_arrays(self, index_array):
     arrays = {}
     b = self.beta
     k = self.alpha
     size = self.size
     # parameterise phi with approximation:
     # phi(t) = k * sqrt(t) (for some k)
     phi_t = lambda t: k * np.sqrt(t + 0.5)
     phi = phi_t(index_array)
     x = self.centre[0] + b * phi * np.sin(phi)
     y = self.centre[1] + b * phi * np.cos(phi)
     arrays[self.axes[0]] = x
     arrays[self.axes[1]] = y
     return arrays
 def _calc_arrays(self, offset):
     # spiral equation : r = b * phi
     # scale = 2 * pi * b
     # parameterise phi with approximation:
     # phi(t) = k * sqrt(t) (for some k)
     # number of possible t is solved by sqrt(t) = max_r / b*k
     b = self.scale / (2 * m.pi)
     k = m.sqrt(4 * m.pi)  # magic scaling factor for our angle steps
     size = (self.radius) / (b * k)
     size *= size
     size = int(size) + 1  # TODO: Why the +1 ???
     phi_t = lambda t: k * np.sqrt(t + offset)
     phi = phi_t(np.arange(size))
     x = self.centre[0] + b * phi * np.sin(phi)
     y = self.centre[1] + b * phi * np.cos(phi)
     return x, y
 def _calc_arrays(self, offset):
     # spiral equation : r = b * phi
     # scale = 2 * pi * b
     # parameterise phi with approximation:
     # phi(t) = k * sqrt(t) (for some k)
     # number of possible t is solved by sqrt(t) = max_r / b*k
     b = self.scale / (2 * m.pi)
     k = m.sqrt(4 * m.pi) # magic scaling factor for our angle steps
     size = (self.radius) / (b * k)
     size *= size
     size = int(size) + 1 # TODO: Why the +1 ???
     phi_t = lambda t: k * np.sqrt(t + offset)
     phi = phi_t(np.arange(size))
     x = self.centre[0] + b * phi * np.sin(phi)
     y = self.centre[1] + b * phi * np.cos(phi)
     return x, y