def partition_responses(rmap_bins=36, table='cell_information', quality='None', smooth=True, just_bins=False): from scanr.cluster import PrincipalCellCriteria, get_min_quality_criterion, AND from import get_node pbins = np.array( [1.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.0]) ibins = np.linspace(0, 6, 13) if just_bins: return pbins, ibins N_pbins, N_ibins = len(pbins) - 1, len(ibins) - 1 R = [[[] for j in xrange(N_ibins)] for i in xrange(N_pbins)] cell_table = get_node('/physiology', table) cell_criteria = AND(PrincipalCellCriteria, get_min_quality_criterion(quality)) for cell in cell_table.where('(area=="CA3")|(area=="CA1")'): session = SessionData.get((cell['rat'], cell['day'], cell['session']), load_clusters=False) cluster = session.cluster_data(cell['tc']) if not (cell['N_running'] > 30 and cell_criteria.filter(cluster)): continue pix = (cell['p_value'] <= pbins).nonzero()[0] iix = (cell['I'] >= ibins).nonzero()[0] if not len(pix) or not (0 <= pix[-1] < N_pbins): continue if not len(iix) or not (0 <= iix[-1] < N_ibins): continue pix = pix[-1] iix = iix[-1] R[pix][iix].append( session.get_cluster_ratemap(cluster, bins=rmap_bins, smoothing=smooth, blur_width=360. / rmap_bins, exclude_off_track=True, exclude=session.scan_and_pause_list)) print '...added %s to p-value bin %.4f, info bin %.2f...' % ( cell['tc'], pbins[pix], ibins[iix]) for i, row in enumerate(R): for j, rmap in enumerate(row): R[i][j] = r = np.asarray(rmap) if not len(rmap): continue R[i][j] = r[np.argsort(np.argmax(r, axis=1))] return R
def plot_LFP_example(self, rds=(95,4,1), scan_number=22, margin=2.0): """Plot example LFP traces showing theta power during a head scan """ data = SessionData.get(rds) scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') scan = get_unique_row(scan_table, data.session_query + '&(number==%d)'%scan_number) t_scan = { k: data.T_(scan[k]) for k in ScanPoints } window = t_scan['downshift'] - margin, t_scan['upshift'] + margin plt.ioff() f = self.new_figure('scan_LFP_example', 'Scan LFP Example: Rat %d, Day %d, M%d @ t=%.2f'%(rds + (window[0],))) theta_tt = find_theta_tetrode(rds[:2], condn='(EEG==True)&(area=="CA1")')[0] ts, EEG = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, theta_tt) t_EEG = data.T_(ts) data_file = self.get_data_file() session = get_unique_row(data_file.root.sessions, data.session_query) t_theta, x_theta = Theta.timeseries(t_EEG, EEG) ZP_theta = Z(Theta.power(x_theta, filtered=True)) #data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['ZP_theta']) f_theta = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['f_theta']) traj = data.trajectory t_traj = data.T_(traj.ts) s_traj = time_slice(t_traj, start=window[0], end=window[1]) s_EEG = time_slice(t_EEG, start=window[0], end=window[1]) s_theta = time_slice(t_theta, start=window[0], end=window[1]) y = 0 dy = -2 norm = lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (1.1 * float(np.max(np.abs((x - np.mean(x)))))) ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t_traj[s_traj], y + norm(traj.radius[s_traj]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_EEG[s_EEG], y + norm(EEG[s_EEG]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_theta[s_theta], y + norm(x_theta[s_theta]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_theta[s_theta], y + norm(ZP_theta[s_theta]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.plot(t_theta[s_theta], y + norm(f_theta[s_theta]), 'k-', lw=1, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axvspan(t_scan['downshift'], t_scan['start'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['start'], t_scan['max'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['max'], t_scan['return'], lw=0, fc='y', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['return'], t_scan['end'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['end'], t_scan['upshift'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.set_yticks([0, -2, -4, -6, -8]) ax.set_yticklabels(['r', 'EEG', 'theta', 'ZP_theta', 'f_theta']) ax.set_ylim(-8.75, 1.25) ax.set_xlim(*window) ax.tick_params(top=False, right=False) plt.ion()
def plot_scan_example(self, rds=(95,4,1), scan_number=22, margin=1.0): """Plot example scan with relevant behavior variables and scan phases """ data = SessionData.get(rds) scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') scan = get_unique_row(scan_table, data.session_query + '&(number==%d)'%scan_number) t_scan = { k: data.T_(scan[k]) for k in ScanPoints } window = t_scan['downshift'] - margin, t_scan['upshift'] + margin plt.ioff() f = self.new_figure('scan_example', 'Scan Example: Rat %d, Day %d, M%d @ t=%.2f'%(rds + (window[0],))) traj = data.trajectory t = data.T_(traj.ts) s = time_slice(t, start=window[0], end=window[1]) scan_slice = time_slice(t, start=t_scan['start'], end=t_scan['end']) y = 0 dy = -2 norm = lambda x: x / np.max(np.abs(x)) ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t[s], y + norm(traj.radius[s]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t[s], y + norm(traj.radial_velocity[s]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axhline(y, c='k', ls='-', zorder=0) ax.plot(t[s], y + norm(traj.forward_velocity[s]), 'b-', lw=2, zorder=1); y += dy ax.axvspan(t_scan['downshift'], t_scan['start'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['start'], t_scan['max'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['max'], t_scan['return'], lw=0, fc='y', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['return'], t_scan['end'], lw=0, fc='m', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) ax.axvspan(t_scan['end'], t_scan['upshift'], lw=0, fc='g', alpha=0.3, zorder=-2) for k in ScanPoints: ax.axvline(t_scan[k], c='k', ls='-', zorder=-1) ax.set_yticks([0, -2, -4]) ax.set_yticklabels(['r', 'rs', 'fwd']) ax.set_ylim(-4.75, 1.25) ax.set_xlim(*window) ax.tick_params(top=False, right=False) f = self.new_figure('scan_example_space', 'Scan Example', (4,4)) ax = f.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(traj.x[s], traj.y[s], 'k-', alpha=0.6) ax.plot(traj.x[scan_slice], traj.y[scan_slice], 'r-', lw=2) ax.axis('equal') ax.set_axis_off() plot_track_underlay(ax=ax, ls='dotted') plt.ion()
def show_sample_rates(): fs_list = [] tetrodes = get_node('/metadata', 'tetrodes') for rec in tetrodes.where('EEG==True'): maze = 1 rds = (rec['rat'], rec['day'], maze) fs = get_eeg_sample_rate(rds, rec['tt']) if fs not in fs_list: fs_list.append(fs) if fs is not None and not (990 < fs < 1010): print 'Rat %d, Day %d, M%d, Sc%02d = %.1f Hz' % (rds + (rec['tt'], fs)) return fs_list
def collect_data(self): """Collate ripple and head-scan events across CA3/CA1 datasets """ scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') ripple_table = get_node('/physiology', 'ripples') # Get datasets, sessions, and rats with detected ripples self.results['datasets'] = dataset_list = unique_datasets(ripple_table) self.results['N_datasets'] = len(dataset_list) session_list = [] for dataset in dataset_list: session_list.extend([dataset + (maze,) for maze in get_maze_list(*dataset)]) self.results['sessions'] = session_list self.results['N_sessions'] = len(session_list) self.results['rats'] = rat_list = unique_rats(ripple_table) self.results['N_rats'] = len(rat_list) # Open a new data file data_file = self.open_data_file() array_group = data_file.createGroup('/', 'arrays', title='Array Data') session_table = data_file.createTable('/', 'sessions', SessionDescr, 'Sessions for Scan-Ripple Analysis') # Loop through sessions, detecting ripples and getting head scans id_fmt = 'data_%06d' array_id = 0 session_id = 0 row = session_table.row for rds in session_list: rds_str = 'rat%d-%02d-m%d...'%rds self.out('Loading data for %s'%rds_str) data = SessionData.get(rds) theta_tt = find_theta_tetrode(rds[:2], condn='(EEG==True)&(area=="CA1")') if theta_tt is None: continue theta_tt = theta_tt[0] self.out('Using theta tetrode Sc%02d.'%theta_tt) row['id'] = session_id row['rat'], row['day'], row['session'] = rds if data.attrs['type'] in ('STD', 'MIS'): row['type'] = 'DR' else: row['type'] = 'NOV' # Compute smoothed theta power and frequency time-series ts, EEG = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, theta_tt) t = data.T_(ts) # time represented as elapsed time within session t_theta, x_theta = Theta.timeseries(t, EEG) ZP_theta = Z(Theta.power(x_theta, filtered=True)) f_theta = quick_boxcar(Theta.frequency(x_theta, filtered=True), M=(lambda i: (i % 2 == 0) and (i+1) or i)(int(Theta.fs * THETA_FREQ_SMOOTHING))) # Get scans, pauses, and ripples scans = data.T_([tuple(map(lambda k: rec[k], ScanPoints)) for rec in scan_table.where(data.session_query)]) pauses = data.T_(data.pause_list) ripples = data.T_([(rec['start'], rec['peak'], rec['end']) for rec in ripple_table.where(data.session_query)]) # Save the array data as resources for analysis data_file.createArray(array_group, id_fmt%array_id, t_theta, title='%s t_theta'%rds_str) row['t_theta'] = id_fmt%array_id array_id += 1 data_file.createArray(array_group, id_fmt%array_id, ZP_theta, title='%s ZP_theta'%rds_str) row['ZP_theta'] = id_fmt%array_id array_id += 1 data_file.createArray(array_group, id_fmt%array_id, f_theta, title='%s f_theta'%rds_str) row['f_theta'] = id_fmt%array_id array_id += 1 data_file.createArray(array_group, id_fmt%array_id, scans, title='%s scans'%rds_str) row['scans'] = id_fmt%array_id array_id += 1 data_file.createArray(array_group, id_fmt%array_id, pauses, title='%s pauses'%rds_str) row['pauses'] = id_fmt%array_id array_id += 1 data_file.createArray(array_group, id_fmt%array_id, ripples, title='%s ripples'%rds_str) row['ripples'] = id_fmt%array_id array_id += 1 row.append() if array_id % 10 == 0: session_table.flush() session_id += 1 # Good-bye session_table.flush() self.out('All done!')
def run_ripple_xcorrs(self, lag=4, numbins=71, ripple_lock='peak'): """Compute scan-ripple cross-correlograms """ # Load results data data_file = self.get_data_file() sessions = data_file.root.sessions scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') # Correlogram bins edges = np.linspace(-lag, lag, numbins+1) centers = (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2 # Overall scanning xcorrs self.out("Computing ripple-scan cross-correlations...") r_ix = dict(start=0, peak=1, end=2)[ripple_lock] C = { k: np.zeros(numbins, 'd') for k in ScanPoints } C['pstart'] = np.zeros(numbins, 'd') C['pend'] = np.zeros(numbins, 'd') for session in sessions.iterrows(): scans = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['scans']) pauses = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['pauses']) ripples = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['ripples']) if (len(scans) and len(ripples)): for i, pt in enumerate(ScanPoints): C[pt] += xcorr(scans[:,i], ripples[:,r_ix], maxlag=lag, bins=numbins)[0] if (len(pauses) and len(ripples)): C['pstart'] += xcorr(pauses[:,0], ripples[:,1], maxlag=lag, bins=numbins)[0] C['pend'] += xcorr(pauses[:,1], ripples[:,1], maxlag=lag, bins=numbins)[0] f = self.new_figure('xcorrs', 'Scan-Ripple Correlations', (11,12)) ax = f.add_subplot(321) ax.plot(centers, C['downshift'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='down') ax.plot(centers, C['upshift'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='up') ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set(xlim=(-lag, lag), xticks=[-lag, -lag/2., 0, lag/2., lag], yticks=[]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.tick_params(top=False) quicktitle(ax, 'Gear Shifting x Ripples') ax = f.add_subplot(322) ax.plot(centers, C['start'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='start') ax.plot(centers, C['end'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='end') ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set(xlim=(-lag, lag), xticks=[-lag, -lag/2., 0, lag/2., lag], yticks=[]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.tick_params(top=False) quicktitle(ax, 'Scans x Ripples') ax = f.add_subplot(323) ax.plot(centers, C['max'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='max') ax.plot(centers, C['return'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='return') ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set(xlim=(-lag, lag), xticks=[-lag, -lag/2., 0, lag/2., lag], yticks=[]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.tick_params(top=False) quicktitle(ax, 'Dwells x Ripples') ax = f.add_subplot(324) ax.plot(centers, C['pstart'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='pause start') ax.plot(centers, C['pend'], drawstyle='steps-mid', label='pause end') ax.legend(loc=0) ax.set(xlim=(-lag, lag), xticks=[-lag, -lag/2., 0, lag/2., lag], yticks=[]) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.tick_params(top=False) quicktitle(ax, 'Pauses x Ripples') # Ripple-event fractions across event and experiment types self.out("Computing ripple-event fractions...") event_types = ('gearshifts', 'scans', 'pauses') expt_types = ('DR', 'NOV') frac = np.empty((len(event_types)*len(expt_types),), 'd') frac_rat_mu = np.empty_like(frac) frac_rat_sem = np.empty_like(frac) labels = [] i = 0 for expt in expt_types: for event in event_types: hits = N = 0 hits_rat = {} N_rat = {} for session in sessions.where('type=="%s"'%expt): if event in ('gearshifts', 'scans'): events = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['scans']) if event == 'scans': events = events[:,ScanPhases['scan']] # start -> end elif event == 'gearshifts': events = events[:,ScanPhases['related']] # down -> upshift else: events = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session[event]) ripples = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['ripples']) N_events = events.shape[0] if N_events == 0: continue # Count hits based on ripple peaks and 1) pauses: start->end, # and 2) ripples: down->upshift and start->end H = 0 for v in events: H += int(np.any(np.logical_and( ripples[:,r_ix] >= v[0], ripples[:,r_ix] < v[-1]))) N += N_events hits += H if session['rat'] in N_rat: hits_rat[session['rat']] += H N_rat[session['rat']] += N_events else: hits_rat[session['rat']] = H N_rat[session['rat']] = N_events labels.append('%s %s'%(expt, event)) frac[i] = hits / float(N) frac_rat = [hits_rat[rat] / float(N_rat[rat]) for rat in N_rat] frac_rat_mu[i] = np.mean(frac_rat) frac_rat_sem[i] = np.std(frac_rat) / np.sqrt(len(N_rat)) i += 1 ax = f.add_subplot(325) x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 2.5, 3.0]) fmt = dict(mfc='w', mec='k', mew=1, ms=6) ax.plot(x + 0.075, frac, 'o', label='overall', **fmt) ax.errorbar(x - 0.075, frac_rat_mu, yerr=frac_rat_sem, fmt='s', ecolor='k', elinewidth=1.5, capsize=5, label='across rats', **fmt) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, size='small', rotation=45) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 3.5) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.set_xlabel('Events') ax.set_ylabel('Fraction') ax.tick_params(top=False, right=False) quicktitle(ax, 'Fraction of Events with Ripples', size='small') # Fraction of behavior events across session type containing ripples self.out("Computing ripple-phase distributions...") phase_partition = ('downshift', 'out', 'dwell', 'inb', 'upshift') counts = np.zeros(len(phase_partition)) counts_rat = {} for i, phase in enumerate(phase_partition): for session in sessions.iterrows(): ripples = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['ripples']) scans = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['scans']) if not (len(ripples) and len(scans)): continue phase_events = scans[:,ScanPhases[phase]] hits = np.sum(select_from(ripples[:,r_ix], phase_events)) counts[i] += hits rat = session['rat'] if rat not in counts_rat: counts_rat[rat] = np.zeros(len(phase_partition)) counts_rat[rat][i] += hits N_rats = len(counts_rat) p_phase = np.empty((N_rats, len(phase_partition)), 'd') for i, rat in enumerate(counts_rat.keys()): p_phase[i] = counts_rat[rat] / counts_rat[rat].sum() p_phase_mu = p_phase.mean(axis=0) p_phase_sem = p_phase.std(axis=0) / np.sqrt(N_rats) ax = f.add_subplot(326) x = np.arange(len(phase_partition)) ax.plot(x + 0.1, counts / counts.sum(), 'o', label='overall', **fmt) ax.errorbar(x - 0.1, p_phase_mu, yerr=p_phase_sem, fmt='s', ecolor='k', elinewidth=1.5, capsize=5, label='across rats', **fmt) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(('Downshift', 'Outbound', 'Dwell', 'Inbound', 'Upshift'), size='small', rotation=45) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(phase_partition) - 0.5) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) ax.set_xlabel('Head-Scan Phase') ax.set_ylabel('p[Phase]') ax.tick_params(top=False, right=False) ax.legend(loc=0) quicktitle(ax, 'P[phase|ripple]', size='small') plt.ion()
def collect_data(self, area_query='(area=="CA3")|(area=="CA1")'): """Collate ripple, theta power across head-scan events """ scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') pause_table = get_node('/behavior', 'pauses') tetrode_query = '(%s)&(EEG==True)' % area_query dataset_list = TetrodeSelect.datasets(tetrode_query, allow_ambiguous=True) # Tables and iterators data_file = self.open_data_file() scan_data_table = data_file.createTable('/', 'scan_data', BehDescr, title='Scan Data') pause_data_table = data_file.createTable('/', 'pause_data', BehDescr, title='Pause Data') ripple_data_table = data_file.createTable('/', 'ripple_data', RippleDescr, title='Ripple Data') scan_row = scan_data_table.row pause_row = pause_data_table.row ripple_row = ripple_data_table.row for dataset in dataset_list: rat, day = dataset # Find the tetrode based on the chosen tetrode strategy roi_tt = find_theta_tetrode(dataset, condn=tetrode_query) if type(roi_tt) is tuple: roi_tt = roi_tt[0] self.out('Rat%03d-%02d: using tetrode Sc%d' % (rat, day, roi_tt)) # Loop through sessions for session in get_maze_list(rat, day): rds = rat, day, session data = SessionData.get(rds) ts, EEG = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, roi_tt) ripple_list = Ripple.detect(ts, EEG) if len(ripple_list): ripple_peaks = np.array(ripple_list)[:, 1] else: ripple_peaks = np.array([]) ts_theta, x_theta = Theta.timeseries(ts, EEG) zpow = (lambda x: (x - x.mean()) / x.std())(Theta.power(x_theta, filtered=True)) # Loop through scans and pauses for row, table in [(scan_row, scan_table), (pause_row, pause_table)]: for rec in table.where(data.session_query): theta = zpow[select_from(ts_theta, [rec['tlim']])] row['id'] = rec['id'] row['rat'] = rat row['theta_avg'] = theta.mean() row['theta_max'] = theta.max() row['ripples'] = select_from(ripple_peaks, [rec['tlim']]).sum() row.append() scan_data_table.flush() pause_data_table.flush() # Loop through ripples zpow_t = interp1d(ts_theta, zpow, fill_value=0.0, bounds_error=False) for t_ripple in ripple_peaks: ripple_row['rat'] = rat ripple_row['theta'] = zpow_t( t_ripple) # interpolate z-power at ripple peak ripple_row['running'] = data.velocity_filter(t_ripple) ripple_row['scan'] = np.any( select_from([t_ripple], data.scan_list)) ripple_row['pause'] = np.any( select_from([t_ripple], data.pause_list)) ripple_row.append() ripple_data_table.flush() self.out('All done!')
def collect_data(self): """Collate theta power and head-scan events across CA1 datasets """ tetrode_query = '(area=="CA1")&(EEG==True)' scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') potentiation_table = get_node('/physiology', 'potentiation') dataset_list = TetrodeSelect.datasets(tetrode_query, allow_ambiguous=True) psd_kwds = dict(Fs=1001.0, NFFT=2048, noverlap=1024, scale_by_freq=True) # psd_kwds = dict(Fs=FullBand.fs, NFFT=256, noverlap=0, scale_by_freq=True) scan_psd = {} pause_psd = {} running_psd = {} for rat, day in dataset_list: theta_tt, base_theta = find_theta_tetrode((rat, day), condn=tetrode_query, ambiguous=True) self.out('Rat%03d-%02d: using tetrode Sc%d' % (rat, day, theta_tt)) lfp = np.array([]) scan_lfp = np.array([]) pause_lfp = np.array([]) running_lfp = np.array([]) for session in get_maze_list(rat, day): self.out('Adding data from session %d...' % session) rds = rat, day, session data = SessionData.get(rds, load_clusters=False) ts, EEG = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, theta_tt) ts_full, x_full = ts, EEG #FullBand._downsample(ts), FullBand._decimate(EEG) running_ix = data.filter_tracking_data(ts_full, boolean_index=True, **data.running_filter()) lfp = np.r_[lfp, x_full] scan_lfp = np.r_[scan_lfp, x_full[select_from(ts_full, data.scan_list)]] pause_lfp = np.r_[ pause_lfp, x_full[select_from(ts_full, data.pause_list)]] running_lfp = np.r_[running_lfp, x_full[running_ix]] self.out('Computing and normalizing spectra...') Pxx, freqs = psd(lfp, **psd_kwds) Pxx_scan = np.squeeze(psd(scan_lfp, **psd_kwds)[0]) Pxx_pause = np.squeeze(psd(pause_lfp, **psd_kwds)[0]) Pxx_running = np.squeeze(psd(running_lfp, **psd_kwds)[0]) if 'freqs' not in self.results: self.results['freqs'] = freqs full_power = np.trapz(Pxx, x=freqs) for P in Pxx_scan, Pxx_pause, Pxx_running: P /= full_power if rat in scan_psd: scan_psd[rat] = np.vstack((scan_psd[rat], Pxx_scan)) pause_psd[rat] = np.vstack((pause_psd[rat], Pxx_pause)) running_psd[rat] = np.vstack((running_psd[rat], Pxx_running)) else: scan_psd[rat] = Pxx_scan[np.newaxis] pause_psd[rat] = Pxx_pause[np.newaxis] running_psd[rat] = Pxx_running[np.newaxis] rat_list = sorted(scan_psd.keys()) self.out('Averaging spectra for %d rats...' % len(rat_list)) scan_spectra = np.empty((len(rat_list), len(freqs)), 'd') pause_spectra = np.empty_like(scan_spectra) running_spectra = np.empty_like(scan_spectra) for i, rat in enumerate(rat_list): scan_spectra[i] = scan_psd[rat].mean(axis=0) pause_spectra[i] = pause_psd[rat].mean(axis=0) running_spectra[i] = running_psd[rat].mean(axis=0) self.results['rat_list'] = np.array(rat_list) self.results['scan_psd'] = scan_spectra self.results['pause_psd'] = pause_spectra self.results['running_psd'] = running_spectra self.out('All done!')
def generate_signal_xcorrs(self, lag=3): scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') data_file = self.get_data_file(mode='a') session_table = data_file.root.sessions signals = self.results['signals'] scan_points = self.results['scan_points'] lag_samples = int(lag * Theta.fs) def compute_xcorr_averages(signal): rat_slices = {k: {} for k in scan_points} for session in session_table.iterrows(): rat = session['rat'] session_query = '(rat==%(rat)d)&(day==%(day)d)&(session==%(session)d)' % session t_theta = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session['t_theta']).read() x_theta = data_file.getNode('/arrays', session[signal]).read() # matrix of session timing of scan points (rows) for each scan (columns) t_event_points = stamp_to_time(np.array([ tuple(scan[k] for k in scan_points) for scan in scan_table.where(session_query) ]), zero_stamp=session['start']).T if t_event_points.size == 0: continue for i, point in enumerate(scan_points): t_point_scans = t_event_points[i] for t_scan in t_point_scans: scan_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(t_theta - t_scan)) start_ix, end_ix = scan_ix - lag_samples, scan_ix + lag_samples if start_ix < 0 or end_ix > x_theta.size: continue signal_slice = x_theta[start_ix:end_ix + 1] if rat in rat_slices[point]: if signal_slice.size != rat_slices[point][ rat].shape[1]: continue rat_slices[point][rat] = np.vstack( (rat_slices[point][rat], signal_slice)) else: rat_slices[point][rat] = signal_slice[np.newaxis] self.out.printf('.', color='lightgreen') self.out.printf('\n') def compute_rat_averages(): mu = {} for point in scan_points: N_rats = len(rat_slices[point].keys()) averages = [] for rat in rat_slices[point].keys(): averages.append(rat_slices[point][rat].mean(axis=0)) mu[point] = np.array(averages) return mu return compute_rat_averages() if hasattr(data_file.root, 'xcorr_data'): data_file.removeNode(data_file.root, 'xcorr_data', recursive=True) xcorr_data_group = data_file.createGroup( '/', 'xcorr_data', title='Rat Averages for Continous Signal Cross-Correlations') for signal in signals: self.out('Generating %s xcorr data...' % signal) averages = compute_xcorr_averages(signal) for point in scan_points: data_file.createArray(xcorr_data_group, self._get_xcorr_array_name( signal, point), averages[point], title='Rat Averages for %s and Scan %s' % (signal, point.title())) data_file.flush() xcorr_data_group._v_attrs['lag'] = float(lag) self.close_data_file()
def collect_data(self, test='place', place_field='pass', min_quality='fair', allow_ambiguous=True): """Tally place fields across areas Keyword arguments similar to info_scores.InfoScoreData. Remaining keywords are passed to TetrodeSelect. """ # Metadata for determining valid fields self.results['test'] = test self.results['place_field'] = place_field self.results['min_quality'] = min_quality self.results['allow_ambiguous'] = allow_ambiguous if place_field == 'all': self.test = 'place' # Construct place cell selection criteria based on keyword arguments if test == 'place': SpatialTest = SpatialInformationCriteria elif test == 'skaggs': SpatialTest = SkaggsCriteria elif test == 'olypher': SpatialTest = OlypherCriteria else: raise ValueError, 'bad test value: %s' % test MinQuality = get_min_quality_criterion(min_quality) CellCriteria = AND(PrincipalCellCriteria, SpikeCountCriteria, MinQuality) if place_field == 'pass': CellCriteria = AND(CellCriteria, SpatialTest) elif place_field == 'fail': CellCriteria = AND(CellCriteria, NOT(SpatialTest)) elif place_field != 'all': raise ValueError, 'bad place_field value: %s' % place_field # Walk the tree and count place fields N = {} N_cells = {} N_sessions = {} sessions = set() tetrodes = get_node('/metadata', 'tetrodes') for area in AREAS.keys(): for subdiv in (['all'] + AREAS[area]): self.out('Walking datasets for %s %s...' % (area, subdiv)) key = '%s_%s' % (area, subdiv) N[key] = 0 N_cells[key] = 0 N_sessions[key] = 0 area_query = 'area=="%s"' % area if subdiv != 'all': area_query = '(%s)&(subdiv=="%s")' % (area_query, subdiv) for dataset in TetrodeSelect.datasets( area_query, allow_ambiguous=allow_ambiguous): Criteria = AND( CellCriteria, TetrodeSelect.criterion( dataset, area_query, allow_ambiguous=allow_ambiguous)) dataset_cells = set() for maze in get_maze_list(*dataset): rds = dataset + (maze, ) data = SessionData.get(rds) sessions.add(rds) place_cell_clusters = data.get_clusters( request=Criteria) N[key] += len(place_cell_clusters) dataset_cells.update(place_cell_clusters) N_sessions[key] += 1 N_cells[key] += len(dataset_cells) self.out.timestamp = False self.results['N'] = N self.out('Total number of sessions = %d' % len(sessions)) for key in sorted(N.keys()): self.out('N_cells[%s] = %d cells' % (key, N_cells[key])) self.out('N_sessions[%s] = %d sessions' % (key, N_sessions[key])) self.out('N_cell_sessions[%s] = %d cell-sessions' % (key, N[key])) # Good-bye self.out('All done!')
def collect_data(self, dataset=(57, 1), lag=0.25): """Detect all ripples in dataset and plot EEG, ripple-band, and power signals along with detected event boundaries """ ripple_table = get_node('/physiology', 'ripples') tetrode_query = '(area=="CA1")&(EEG==True)' dataset_query = '(rat==%d)&(day==%d)' % dataset pyr_tetrodes = find_pyramidale_tetrodes(dataset, verbose=False) rat, day = dataset # Initialize accumulators time_slices = [] EEG_slices = [] power_slices = [] events = [] timestamps = [] Ripple = RippleFilter() # Loop through sessions, detecting and storing ripple slices for rds in unique_sessions(ripple_table, condn=dataset_query): data = SessionData.get(rds) self.out('Loading data for rat%03d-%02d-m%d...' % rds) ts = None EEG = None P = None for tt in pyr_tetrodes: X = get_eeg_timeseries(rds, tt) if X is None: continue if ts is None: ts = X[0] if EEG is None: EEG = X[1] else: EEG = np.vstack((EEG, X[1])) if P is None: P = Ripple.power(X[1]) else: P = np.vstack((P, Ripple.power(X[1]))) if P.ndim == 2: P = np.mean(P, axis=0) ts_ripples = [(rec['start'], rec['peak'], rec['end']) for rec in ripple_table.where(data.session_query)] t = data.T_(ts) for timing in ts_ripples: start, peak, end = data.T_(timing) chunk = time_slice(t, peak - lag, peak + lag) time_slices.append(t[chunk] - peak) EEG_slices.append(EEG[..., chunk]) power_slices.append(P[chunk]) events.append((start - peak, end - peak)) timestamps.append(timing[1]) self.out('Plotting EEG traces of ripple events...') LW = 0.4 norm = lambda x: x.astype('d') / float(CLIP) for i, ax in self.get_plot(range(len(time_slices))): t_chunk = time_slices[i] traces = EEG_slices[i] if traces.ndim == 1: ax.plot(t_chunk, norm(traces), 'k-', lw=1.5 * LW, alpha=1, zorder=0) else: ax.plot(t_chunk, norm(traces).T, 'k-', lw=LW, alpha=0.5, zorder=-1) ax.plot(t_chunk, norm(np.mean(traces, axis=0)), 'k-', lw=LW, alpha=1, zorder=0) ax.plot(t_chunk, power_slices[i] / power_slices[i].max(), 'b-', lw=1.5 * LW, alpha=1, zorder=1) ax.axhline(0, ls='-', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=0) ax.axvline(events[i][0], ls='-', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=2) ax.axvline(0, ls=':', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=2, alpha=0.5) ax.axvline(events[i][1], ls='-', c='k', lw=LW, zorder=2) ax.set_xlim(-lag, lag) ax.set_ylim(-1, 1) ax.set_axis_off() quicktitle(ax, '%d' % timestamps[i], size='xx-small') self.out.printf('.') self.out.printf('\n')
def create_outcome_table(self, event_table='potentiation', half_windows=HALF_WINDOWS_DEFAULT): outcome_table_description = dict(scan_cell_id=tb.UInt32Col(pos=1)) window_cols = map(lambda h: 'window_%d' % h, half_windows) def add_halfwindow_column_descriptors(descr): pos = 2 for col in window_cols: descr[col] = tb.BoolCol(pos=pos) pos += 1 add_halfwindow_column_descriptors(outcome_table_description) data_file = self.get_data_file(mode='a') outcome_table = create_table(data_file, '/', 'hit_outcome', outcome_table_description, title='Place-Field Event (Hit) Outcomes') row = outcome_table.row scan_cell_table = data_file.root.scan_cell_info scans = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') potentiation = get_node('/physiology', event_table) outcome_table._v_attrs['event_table'] = event_table # Adjust hit angle for depotentiation hack, in which event is actually last active traversal hit_angle = -360.0 # forward one lap if event_table == 'depotentiation': hti_angle = 0.0 # same lap def precache_sessions(): [ SessionData.get(rds, load_clusters=False) for rds in unique_sessions(scan_cell_table) ] precache_sessions() @memoize def cell_query(session, tc): return '(%s)&(tc=="%s")' % (session.session_query, tc) def print_test_indicator(result): color = result and 'green' or 'red' self.out.printf(u'\u25a1', color=color) def test_for_event_hit(scan_angle, h, bounds): window = tuple(scan_angle + hit_angle + np.array([h, -h])) start_before = bounds[0] >= window[1] end_after = bounds[1] <= window[0] return start_before and end_after for pair in scan_cell_table.iterrows(): self.out.printf('|', color='cyan') rds = pair['rat'], pair['day'], pair['session'] session = SessionData.get(rds, load_clusters=False) event_bounds = lambda t: tuple( session.F_('alpha_unwrapped')(session.T_(t))) scan_angle = pair['angle'] row['scan_cell_id'] = pair['id'] for event in potentiation.where(cell_query(session, pair['tc'])): self.out.printf('|', color='lightgray') bounds = event_bounds(event['tlim']) for h, col in zip(half_windows, window_cols): row[col] = test_for_event_hit(scan_angle, h, bounds) print_test_indicator(row[col]) row.append() if pair['id'] % 100 == 0: outcome_table.flush() self.out.printf(' [flush]\n%d / %d scan-cell pairs\n' % (outcome_table.nrows, scan_cell_table.nrows), color='lightgray') self.out.printf('\n') self.close_data_file()
def generate_index_validation_set(self, N=100): data_file = self.get_data_file(mode='r') scan_cell_table = data_file.root.scan_cell_info scan_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') index = ScanFiringDeviationIndex() def get_subdir(name): subdir = os.path.join(self.datadir, name) if not os.path.isdir(subdir): os.makedirs(subdir) return subdir output_dir = get_subdir('index_validation') figure_dir = get_subdir(os.path.join('index_validation', 'figures')) spreadsheet = DataSpreadsheet( os.path.join(output_dir, 'scan_index_sample.csv'), [('sample', 'd'), ('rat', 'd'), ('day', 'd'), ('session', 'd'), ('cell', 's'), ('scan_number', 'd'), ('scan_start', 'd'), ('surprise', 'f')]) rec = spreadsheet.get_record() sample_ix = np.random.permutation(scan_cell_table.nrows)[:N] scan_index = scan_cell_table.col('S')[sample_ix] sample_ix = sample_ix[np.argsort(scan_index)] plt.ioff() figure_files = [] sample_id = 1 self.out('Generating sample records and figures...') for ix in sample_ix: self.out.printf('.') row = scan_cell_table[ix] rds = row['rat'], row['day'], row['session'] scan = scan_table[row['scan_id']] rec['sample'] = sample_id rec['rat'], rec['day'], rec['session'] = rds rec['cell'] = row['tc'] rec['scan_number'] = scan['number'] rec['scan_start'] = scan['start'] rec['surprise'] = row['S'] spreadsheet.write_record(rec) session = SessionData.get(rds) cluster = session.cluster_data(row['tc']) index.compute(session, scan, cluster, plot=True) figure_fn = os.path.join(figure_dir, 'distros_%03d.pdf' % sample_id) figure_files.append(figure_fn) plt.savefig(figure_fn) plt.close() sample_id += 1 self.out.printf('\n') spreadsheet.close() plt.ion() def concatenate_distro_figures_into_report(): pdftk = '/opt/local/bin/pdftk' if os.path.exists(pdftk): distro_report = os.path.join(output_dir, 'distro_figures.pdf') retcode =[pdftk] + figure_files + ['cat', 'output', distro_report]) if retcode == 0: self.out('Saved distribution figures to:\n%s' % distro_report) else: self.out('Error saving figure report.', error=True) concatenate_distro_figures_into_report()
def create_scan_cell_table(self, scan_phase='scan'): """For every scan–cell pair, compute the relative index of cell firing that occurred during the scan and previous cell firing on the track """ scan_table_description = { 'id': tb.UInt32Col(pos=1), 'scan_id': tb.UInt16Col(pos=2), 'rat': tb.UInt16Col(pos=3), 'day': tb.UInt16Col(pos=4), 'session': tb.UInt16Col(pos=5), 'session_start_angle': tb.FloatCol(pos=6), 'session_end_angle': tb.FloatCol(pos=7), 'tc': tb.StringCol(itemsize=8, pos=8), 'type': tb.StringCol(itemsize=4, pos=9), 'expt_type': tb.StringCol(itemsize=4, pos=10), 'area': tb.StringCol(itemsize=4, pos=11), 'subdiv': tb.StringCol(itemsize=4, pos=12), 'duration': tb.FloatCol(pos=13), 'magnitude': tb.FloatCol(pos=14), 'angle': tb.FloatCol(pos=15) } def add_scan_index_column_descriptors(descr): pos = 16 for name in ScanIndex.AllNames: descr[name] = tb.FloatCol(pos=pos) pos += 1 add_scan_index_column_descriptors(scan_table_description) data_file = self.get_data_file(mode='a') scan_cell_table = create_table(data_file, '/', 'scan_cell_info', scan_table_description, title='Metadata for Scan-Cell Pairs') scan_cell_table._v_attrs['scan_phase'] = scan_phase row = scan_cell_table.row row_id = 0 scans_table = get_node('/behavior', 'scans') sessions_table = get_node('/metadata', 'sessions') tetrodes_table = get_node('/metadata', 'tetrodes') cornu_ammonis_query = '(area=="CA1")|(area=="CA3")' hippocampal_datasets = unique_datasets('/metadata', 'tetrodes', condn=cornu_ammonis_query) quality_place_cells = AND(get_min_quality_criterion(self.min_quality), PlaceCellCriteria) index = ScanIndex(scan_phase=scan_phase) for dataset in hippocampal_datasets: dataset_query = '(rat==%d)&(day==%d)' % dataset hippocampal_tetrodes = unique_values( tetrodes_table, column='tt', condn='(%s)&(%s)' % (dataset_query, cornu_ammonis_query)) cluster_criteria = AND( quality_place_cells, get_tetrode_restriction_criterion(hippocampal_tetrodes)) for maze in get_maze_list(*dataset): rds = dataset + (maze, ) session = SessionData(rds=rds) place_cells = session.get_clusters(cluster_criteria) session_start_angle = np.median( session.trajectory.alpha_unwrapped[:5]) session_end_angle = np.median( session.trajectory.alpha_unwrapped[-5:]) self.out('Computing scan index for %s...' % session.data_group._v_pathname) for scan in scans_table.where(session.session_query): self.out.printf('|', color='cyan') for cell in place_cells: cluster = session.cluster_data(cell) tt, cl = parse_cell_name( tetrode = get_unique_row( tetrodes_table, '(rat==%d)&(day==%d)&(tt==%d)' % (rds[0], rds[1], tt)) row['id'] = row_id row['scan_id'] = scan['id'] row['rat'], row['day'], row['session'] = rds row['session_start_angle'] = session_start_angle row['session_end_angle'] = session_end_angle row['tc'] = row['type'] = session.attrs['type'] row['expt_type'] = get_unique_row( sessions_table, session.session_query)['expt_type'] row['area'] = tetrode['area'] row['subdiv'] = tetrode['area'] + tetrode['subdiv'][:1] row['angle'] = session.F_('alpha_unwrapped')( session.T_(scan['start'])) row['duration'] = scan['duration'] row['magnitude'] = scan['magnitude'] for index_name in ScanIndex.AllNames: row[index_name] = index.compute( index_name, session, scan, cluster) self.out.printf('.', color='green') row_id += 1 row.append() if row_id % 100 == 0: scan_cell_table.flush() self.out.printf('\n') scan_cell_table.flush() self.out('Finished creating %s.' % scan_cell_table._v_pathname)