def sniff(self, target=None, iface=None): def _process(pkt): match_ip = pkt.haslayer(IP) and (pkt[IP].src==target[0] or pkt[IP].dst==target[0]) if target else True match_port = pkt.haslayer(TCP) and (pkt[TCP].sport==target[1] or pkt[TCP].dport==target[1]) if len(target)==2 else True if match_ip and match_port: self.capabilities.insert(pkt, client=False) events = self.capabilities.get_events() # misuse get_events :/ if events: strconn = {'src':None, 'dst':None, 'sport':None, 'dport':None} if pkt.haslayer(IP): strconn['src'] = pkt[IP].src strconn['dst'] = pkt[IP].dst if pkt.haslayer(TCP): strconn['sport'] = pkt[TCP].sport strconn['dport'] = pkt[TCP].dport print "Connection: %(src)s:%(sport)d <==> %(dst)s:%(dport)d"%strconn print "* EVENT - " + "\n* EVENT - ".join(e[0] for e in events) return if iface: conf.iface=iface while True: bpf = None if len(target): bpf = "host %s"%target[0] if len(target)==2: bpf += " and tcp port %d"%target[1] sniff(filter=bpf, prn=_process, store=0, timeout=3)
def __sniff_sessionkey_and_salt__(self,ip=None,port=None): ''' To sniff the session key and the salt in an Oracle connection thanks to scapy ''' def customAction(packet): global sessionKey, salt if packet[0].haslayer(IP)==True and packet[1].src == ip : #print if packet[2].haslayer(scapyall.Raw)==True: raw = repr(packet[2].getlayer(scapyall.Raw).load) if "AUTH_SESSKEY" in raw and "AUTH_VFR_DATA" in raw: sessionKey = re.findall(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{96}" ,raw[raw.index("AUTH_SESSKEY"):raw.index("AUTH_VFR_DATA")]) if sessionKey != [] : sessionKey = sessionKey[0] try : authVFRindex = raw.index("AUTH_VFR_DATA") except : logging.warning("The following string doesn't contain AUTH_VFR_DATA: {0}".format(raw)) else: try: authGloIndex = raw.index("AUTH_GLOBALLY_UNIQUE_DBID") except : logging.warning("The following string doesn't contain AUTH_GLOBALLY_UNIQUE_DBID: {0}".format(raw)) else: salt = re.findall(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{22}" ,raw[authVFRindex:authGloIndex]) if salt != [] : salt = salt[0][2:] finally: return True return False self.__resetSessionKeyValueAndSalt__() #print "Run with tcp and host {0} and port {1}".format(ip,port) scapyall.sniff(filter="tcp and host {0} and port {1}".format(ip,port), count=self.MAX_PACKET_TO_CAPTURE, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, stop_filter=customAction,store=False) return sessionKey, salt
def main(): ''' Main function ''' global log, FTP_LOG, debugMode, consoleMode, printCookies, expr, LOGFILE log=logging.getLogger(APP_NAME) #if consoleMode: # handler = logging.StreamHandler() #else: handler = logging.FileHandler(LOGFILE) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) if debugMode==False: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) printMessage("Listening on "+expr) if debugMode: printMessage("Debug mode activated") if consoleMode: printMessage("Console mode activated") else: daemonize() try: sniff(filter=expr, prn=http_monitor_callback, store=0) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit(0)
def __init__(self): # Parameters interface = 'mon0' freq = '2442 MHz' # Mhz (channel 7) #Shared Variables self.mac_list = [[]] # [time, mac addr, signal level] self.white_list = [] # whitelist of mac addr self.dt = 1 # sample time in minutes # Init wifi print "Init wifi..." while(1): try: Wireless(interface).setMode('Monitor') Wireless(interface).setFrequency(freq) break except: os.system("sh") return "Wifi Initialisation failed!" self.loadWhiteList() # Init interrupt sniff(iface=interface, prn=self.handler, store=0)
def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--interface', '-i', default='mon0', help='monitor mode enabled interface') args = parser.parse_args() sniff(iface=args.interface, prn=handle_packet)
def run(self): """Run the sniffer""" try: sniff(filter="arp", prn=self._arp_callback, store=False, stop_filter=self._stopper) except TypeError: print("Ok! This error likely happened because you are not using scapy version 2.2 or above") raise
def run(self): if self.pcap: self.parse_pcap() else: shownMessage = False while not self.STOP_SNIFFING: if self.enable_monitor_mode: self.iface=mm.enable_monitor_mode(self.iface) if not self.iface: if not shownMessage: logging.error("No suitable monitor interface available. Will check every 5 seconds, but not display this message again.") shownMessage = True time.sleep(5) if not self.iface and self.enable_monitor_mode: continue if not self.iface:"No interface specified. Will sniff *all* interfaces.") else:"Starting sniffing on interface '%s'"%self.iface) try: self.ready_status = True shownMessage = False sniff(store=0, iface=self.iface, prn=self.packeteer, filter=self.bfilter, stopperTimeout=1, stopper=self.stopperCheck) except Exception, e: logging.error(("Scapy exception whilst sniffing. " "Will back off for 5 seconds, " "and try restart '%s' plugin") % __name__) logging.error(e) self.sniffErrors+=1 if self.sniffErrors >3 : logging.error("Restarting module '%s' after 5 failed attempts" %__file__) time.sleep(5)
def run(self): """ Starts the kitchen. This blocks and will run forever. """ # Start the chef poking thread. if self.chef_poke_interval is not None: "{0}: Starting interval poker thread".format( interval_poker = Thread( target=self._poke_chefs, kwargs={'interval': self.chef_poke_interval} ) interval_poker.start() else: "{0}: Interval poker thread disabled".format( # Start the sniffer."{0}: Starting sniffer thread".format( if self.interface == 'all': sniff(filter=self.filter, prn=self._process_packet, store=0) else: sniff(iface=self.interface, filter=self.filter, prn=self._process_packet, store=0)
def _sniff(self): """ Wrapper for packet sniffing. """ while True: if self._sniffing is False: return sniff(iface=self._wireless_interface, prn=self._process, filter=FILTER + self._mac_address, store=0, timeout=SNIFF_TIMEOUT)
def __sniff_sessionkey_and_salt__(self, ip=None, port=None): """ To sniff the session key and the salt in an Oracle connection thanks to scapy """ def customAction(packet): global sessionKey, salt if packet[0].haslayer(IP) == True and packet[1].src == ip: # print if packet[2].haslayer(scapyall.Raw) == True: raw = repr(packet[2].getlayer(scapyall.Raw).load) if "AUTH_SESSKEY" in raw and "AUTH_VFR_DATA" in raw: sessionKey = re.findall( r"[0-9a-fA-F]{96}", raw[raw.index("AUTH_SESSKEY") : raw.index("AUTH_VFR_DATA")] ) if sessionKey != []: sessionKey = sessionKey[0] salt = re.findall( r"[0-9a-fA-F]{22}", raw[raw.index("AUTH_VFR_DATA") : raw.index("AUTH_GLOBALLY_UNIQUE_DBID")] ) if salt != []: salt = salt[0][2:] return True return False self.__resetSessionKeyValueAndSalt__() # print "Run with tcp and host {0} and port {1}".format(ip,port) scapyall.sniff( filter="tcp and host {0} and port {1}".format(ip, port), count=self.MAX_PACKET_TO_CAPTURE, timeout=self.TIMEOUT, stop_filter=customAction, store=False, ) return sessionKey, salt
def __init__(self, listenInt, interface, freq, essid, psswd, ip, nm, discoverOnce=True): self.robotName = os.getenv('HOSTNAME') self.tolerance = 20 self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.client = WiFiTrilatClient() self.discoverOnce = discoverOnce rospy.init_node(self.robotName + "_wifitrilat_server") #self.rssiPub = rospy.Publisher('/' + self.robotName + '/WiFiRSSI', WiFiRSSIMsg, queue_size=10) self.service = rospy.Service("/" + self.robotName + "/WiFiTrilat", WiFiTrilat, self.handle_Trilat) self.listenInt = listenInt self.interface = interface #self.mac = mac.lower() self.freq = int(freq) self.msgs = [] cli.execute_shell("ifconfig %s down" % self.listenInt) #self.wifi = Wireless(self.interface).setFrequency("%.3f" % (float(self.freq) / 1000)) self.connectToNet(essid, psswd,ip, nm) cli.execute_shell("ifconfig %s up" % self.listenInt) self.purge = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(2), self.msgPurge) self.heartbeat = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self.heartbeat_call) self.discoverTimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(20), self.findSelfPos) sniff(iface=self.listenInt, prn=self.handler, store=0) rospy.spin()
def main(): if not len(sys.argv[1:]): usage() arp_watcher_db_file = "/Users/kenyadoit/Desktop/arpwatcher.db" ip_mac = {} #Save ARP table on shutdown def sig_int_handler(signum, frame): print "Got SIGINT. Saving ARP dtabase..." try: f = open(arp_watcher_db_file, "w") for (ip, mac) in ip_mac.items(): f.write(ip + " " + mac + "\n") f.close() print "Done." except IOError: print "Cannot write file. YOU F****D IT UP AGAIN DUMMY " +_watcher_db_file sys.exit(1) def watch_arp(pkt): #got is-at pkt (ARP resposne) if pkt[ARP].op == 2: print pkt[ARP].hwsrc + " " + pkt[ARP].psrc #Remember new device if ip_mac.get(pkt[ARP].psrc) == None: print "Found new device " + \ pkt[ARP].hwsc + " " + \ pkt[ARP].psrc ip_mac[pkt[ARP].psrc] = pkt[ARP].hwsrc #Known device but different IP elif ip_mac.get(pkt[ARP].psrc) and ip_mac[pkt[ARP].psrc] != pkt[ARP].hwsrc: print pkt[ARP].hwsrc + \ " has got new ip " + \ " (old " + ip_mac[pkt[ARP].psrc] + ")" ip_mac[pkt[ARP].psrc] = pkt[ARP].hwsrc signal(SIGINT, sig_int_handler) if len(sys.argv) < 2: print sys.argv[0] + " <iface>" sys.exit(0) try: fh = open(arp_watcher_db_file, "r") except IOError: print "Cannot read file " + arp_watcher_db_file sys.exit(1) for line in fh: line.chomp() (ip, mac) = line.split (" ") ip_mac[ip] = mac sniff(prn = watch_arp, filter="arp", iface=sys.argv[1], store= 0)
def _load_testdata(self, file_path): packets = [] def _add_packet(pkt): packets.append(pkt) path = '../testdata/dhcp/' + file_path sniff(prn=_add_packet, store=0, offline=path) return packets
def __call__(cls): from scapy.all import sniff try: sniff(iface=cls.iface, store=0, prn=cls._prn_) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise except Exception as e: print e
def _do_sniff(self, timeout=None, lfilter=None): lfilter = lfilter or (lambda packet: True) sniff(iface=self.interface, prn=lambda packet: self.packet_queue.put(packet), store=0, lfilter=lambda packet: lfilter(packet) and packet.haslayer(Dot11), stop_filter=lambda packet: self.stopped, timeout=timeout)
def run(self): """Starts sniffing for incoming ARP packets with scapy. Actions after receiving a packet ar defines via _packet_handler. """ # the filter argument in scapy's sniff function seems to be applied too late # therefore some unwanted packets are processed (e.g. tcp packets of ssh session) # but it still decreases the number of packets that need to be processed by the lfilter function sniff(prn=self._packet_handler, filter=self._SNIFF_FILTER, lfilter=self._LFILTER, store=0, iface=self.interface)
def main(): running = True while running: try: filter = "tcp dst port 6969" sniff(filter = filter,prn=analyse,count=10,store=0) except KeyboardInterrupt: running = False
def start(self): printLogMsg(logging.INFO, "start", "start new sniffering for hostId: %s on mac address: %s" %(str(self.hostId), str(self.macAddress))) while True: try: scapy.sniff(store=0, filter="tcp", prn=self.checkPacketType, count=1) except ValueError: pass
def main(): args = parse_args() simpNetMon = SimpleNetworkMonitor(args.filename) if args.show_known: simpNetMon.show_known() return sniff(prn=simpNetMon.arp_monitor_callback, filter='arp', store=0, iface=args.interface)
def _handle_sniffing(): global _iface, _sniffer print_d("sniffer started") if _iface is None: raise RuntimeError("no monitoring interface specified yet. call set_interface() first") sniff(iface=_iface, store=0, stop_filter=_handle_packet) _sniffer = None print_d("sniffer stopped")
def traffic_sniffer(self): """ Sniff traffic with the given filter. If sniff_filter is not set, an exception is raised """ if self.sniff_filter is None: raise NotImplementedError, "sniff_filter not initialized!" sniff(filter=self.sniff_filter, store=0, prn=self.dump, stopper=self.stop_callback, stopperTimeout=3)
def start_credential_sniffing(self): # TODO map packets to interface with threads try: sniff( store = 0, prn = self.extract_credential_info, stop_filter = self._stop) except Exception as e: print "Error Occurred while sniffing." print str(e)
def run(self): # scapy - with config initialised #scapy.sendrecv.sniff(count=self.packetCount,timeout=self.timeout,store=0,filter=self.filterRules,prn=self.cbSSHPacket) from scapy.all import sniff'Using L2listen = %s'%(scapy.config.conf.L2listen)) # XXX TODO, define iface from saddr and daddr // scapy.all.read_routes() sniff(count=self.packetCount, timeout=self.timeout, store=0, filter=self.filterRules, prn=self.enqueue, iface='any') log.warning('============ SNIFF Terminated ====================') return
def main(): args = command_parser() interface = args.interface host = port = int(args.port) filter_str = "tcp and port {} and host {}".format(port, host) print("[*] Beginning sniff") conf.verb = 0 sniff(iface=interface, store=0, filter=filter_str, prn=handle_packet)
def main(): from sys import argv if len(argv) < 2: print "Usage [host number]" return iface = "h%s-eth0" % (argv[1], ) print "Listen on %s" % (iface, ) sniff(iface = iface, prn = lambda x: handle_pkt(x))
def debug(iface, pkt_type, pkt_subtype): print "DEBUG", pkt_type, pkt_subtype sniff( iface = iface, count = 1, prn = lambda pkt:, lfilter = lambda pkt: pkt.haslayer(Dot11) and pkt[Dot11].type == pkt_type and pkt[Dot11].subtype == pkt_subtype )
def run(self): try: Wireless(self.interface).setFrequency("%.3f" % (float(self.freq)/1000)) except IOError: print >>sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc() print >>sys.stderr, "meh" return self.hist = [] #print >>sys.stderr, "looking for %s on %s chan: %s (%s)" % (self.mac, self.interface, chanmap[self.freq[0]+self.freq[2:5]], self.freq) sniff(iface=self.interface, prn=self.handler, store=0)
def sniff(self): try: sniff(*self.args, **self.kwargs) except Exception as e: if not self._once: print 'Exception on thread:', repr(e), '\n', self.args, '\n', self.kwargs, '\n\n' print 'Since I didn\'t have a single success you should probably be reminded to use sudo' raise self.stop() self.queue.put(None) # make sure things have an iteration after thread stops
def runIds(self, mrules = False): try: if not mrules: from rules import rules mrules = rules self.realRules = mrules for rule in mrules: self.rules.append(re.compile(rule["data"], re.IGNORECASE)) if snortSupport: try: snortRuleParser = CSnortRuleParser() snortRuleParser.parse("oracle.rules") for rule in snortRuleParser.rules: if rule.pcre != "" or len(rule.contents) > 0: try: if rule.pcre != "": data = rule.pcre else: continue # Ignore. At the moment there is no good support for content and content! rules data = ".*" + rule.contents[0] + ".*" p = re.compile(data, re.IGNORECASE) arule = {} arule["data"] = data arule["name"] = rule.msg arule["description"] = rule.msg arule["type"] = rule.classtype arule["attack"] = rule.msg arule["tip"] = "" arule["ids"] = "" arule["default_port"] = "" self.rules.append(p) self.realRules.append(arule) except: print "Rule does not compile:", sys.exc_info()[1] except: # # Ignore the exception, we can continue anyway # print "Snort:", sys.exc_info()[1] except: print "Can't read file. No rules." print sys.exc_info()[1] return print "Running Intrusion Detection System ... " scapy.sniff(iface = self.iface, filter = self.filter, prn= self.checkRule)
def sniff_packets(interface): scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=packet_sniffed)
def sniff(interface): scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=analyze_packet)
from scapy.all import sniff from scapy.all import wrpcap from import show_interfaces import os import livepredict import pyshark # cap = pyshark.LiveCapture(interface='ethernet',output_file='data.pcap') # cap.set_debug() # cap.sniff(timeout=20) # show_interfaces() pkts = sniff(timeout=15,iface="Npcap Loopback Adapter") # pkts = sniff(timeout=15,iface="Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller") os.chdir(os.getcwd()+'/livepcap') wrpcap('data.pcap',pkts) os.chdir('..') os.chdir('C:/Users/user/Desktop/prj/cicflowmeter-4/CICFlowMeter-4.0/bin') os.system("cfm.bat \"C:/Users/user/Desktop/prj/livepcap\" \"C:/Users/user/Desktop/prj/livedata\"") os.chdir('C:/Users/user/Desktop/prj') livepredict.predict()
def main(): iface = 'eth0' print "sniffing on %s" % iface sys.stdout.flush() sniff(filter="udp and port 4321", iface=iface, prn=lambda x: handle_pkt(x))
def sniff(interface): scapy.sniff(iface = interface, store = False, prn = process_sniffed_packet,filter = "port 80" or "port 443")
def main(): bind_layers(GTP_U_Header, dl_pdu_session, E=1) #sniff(iface=["eth1","eth2"], prn=lambda x: x.sniffed_on+": "+x.summary()) #sniff(iface=["eth1","eth2"], prn=lambda x: updownlink(x)) sniff(iface="eth1", prn=lambda x: updownlink(x))
def run(self): sniff(iface=self.iface, prn=lambda x: self.handler(x, self.iface))
def sniff(interface): # scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=processSniffedPacket, filter="udp") scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=processSniffedPacket)
def child(pipeout): def search(search_key): for k in features: for v in features[k]: if search_key in v: return k return None def is_http(packet): packet = str(packet) return "HTTP" in packet and any(method in packet for method in methods) def filter_packets(load): # filters the payload on basis of only the attributes required to us lv = load.split('\r\n') for i in lv: p = i.find(':') if p != -1: key = i[:p] value = i[p + 1:] # provide numerical value to content-type if key == 'Content-Type': # eval converts string to preexisting variable name try: dictionary[key] = str(eval(search(key)).index(value) + 1) except ValueError as ex: dictionary[key] = str(int(math.log10(len(value)))) pass elif key == 'Host': try: dictionary[key] = str(eval(search(key)).index(value) + 1) except ValueError as ex: dictionary[key] = str(int(math.log10(len(value)))) pass elif key in attributes: dictionary[key] = str(value) # assign default value for k in attributes: if k not in dictionary: dictionary[k] = str('10000') # calculation of Payload if dictionary['Method'] == '0': try: start = load.index('?') end = load.index('HTTP/') dictionary['Payload'] = str(len(load[start:end - 2])) except ValueError: return "" else: dictionary['Payload'] = dictionary['Content-Length'] feature_keys = ['Host', 'Payload', 'Content-Type', 'Content-Length', 'Method'] values = [dictionary.get(feature) for feature in feature_keys] os.write(pipeout, str(values) + 'a') def start_sniff(packet): if is_http(packet): for att in methods: if att in str(packet): dictionary['Method'] = str(methods.index(att) + 1) filter_packets(packet.load) sniff(prn=start_sniff)
def main(): ifaces = filter(lambda i: 'eth' in i, os.listdir('/sys/class/net/')) iface = ifaces[0] sys.stdout.flush() sniff(iface=iface, prn=lambda x: handle_pkt(x))
hasher[fields].append(packet.getlayer(scapy.DNSRR)[i].rdata) i -= 1 if count == 10: # print("Renewing hash") hasher = {} count = 0 def hostfile_parser(hostfile): host = dict() with open(hostfile, 'r') as file: for line in file: ip, sep, domain = line.partition(" ") host[ip] = domain return host if __name__ == "__main__": cmdLineOptions = "i:r:" options, bpf = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], cmdLineOptions) dev = ni.gateways()['default'][ni.AF_INET][1] filter = " ".join(bpf) #+= str(bpf) for op in options: if "-i" in op[0]: dev = op[1] scapy.sniff(iface=dev, filter=filter, prn=handle) elif "-r" in op[0]: tracefile = op[1] scapy.sniff(offline=tracefile, filter=filter, prn=handle)
def main(): args = parse_args() if os.getuid() != 0: print( "This program requires RAW sockets and must be started as \"root\".", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Formatting and pointing all messages to standard error (or a file) at the root logger level # ensures everything gets a timestamp and doesn't get lost in some console that nobody reads... format = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s") handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler( args.log) if args.log else logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setFormatter(format) logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler) # Leaving the root logger with the default level, and setting it in our own logging hierarchy # instead, prevents accidental triggering of third-party logging, just like $DEITY intended... log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, signal_handler) trigger = args.trigger.encode("utf-8") if args.trigger else None if args.text: # ...text and file arguments are mutually exclusive. payload = args.text.encode("utf-8") elif args.filename: try: with open(args.filename, "rb") as f: payload = except OSError as e: log.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) else: payload = None # ...just echo back what the requestor sent. if payload: # We don't modify the response payloads, not even to filter out blank/empty lines... payload = payload.replace( b"\r\n", b"\n").split(b"\n") if args.randomize else [payload] if any(len(p) > MAX_ICMP_PAYLOAD_SIZE for p in payload): log.error("Custom ICMP payload(s) must not exceed %d bytes!", MAX_ICMP_PAYLOAD_SIZE) sys.exit(1) # Be quiet and don't use promiscuous mode, ever... scapy.config.conf.verb = 0 scapy.config.conf.promisc = False scapy.config.conf.sniff_promisc = False if args.iface: # ...use this network interface instead of the default. scapy.config.conf.iface = args.iface # Resolving the default route's MAC address after dropping privileges isn't allowed, # preventing ICMP replies from reaching their destination. Of course, obtaining it once # at startup assumes it won't ever change while we're running. We'll be fine, though... gw_ip = scapy.config.conf.route.route("")[2] gw_mac = scapy.layers.l2.getmacbyip(gw_ip) gw = {"ip": gw_ip, "mac": gw_mac} # We need to create the sending socket before dropping root privileges... raw_socket = scapy.config.conf.L3socket(iface=scapy.config.conf.iface) capture_cb = lambda packet: send_icmp_echo_reply( raw_socket, gw, packet, payload, trigger, fuzzy_match=args.fuzzy) started_cb = lambda: drop_privileges(args.user,"Starting capture on %s...", scapy.config.conf.iface) # Using a BPF filter reduces CPU usage considerably but needs elevated # privileges (because scapy uses "tcpdump" for filtering). These privileges # must be dropped immediately after capture has started for better security... sniff(filter="icmp and icmp[icmptype] == 8", prn=capture_cb, started_callback=started_cb, store=0)
def sniff(interface): scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store = False , prn = process_sniffed_packet )
# Display print("{} ({}) - {}".format(MAC, vendor, ", ".join(SSID))) # Definition of the packets to found and manipulate def handle_packet(packet): if packet.haslayer(Dot11): # We take care only to probe requests frames (subtype = 4) if packet.type == 0 and packet.subtype == 4: # Discard frames without SSID if != "": # Check if the client is known or not if packet.addr2 in listClients: # Check if the SSID of this client is known or not if not in mapClients[packet.addr2]: # Add the new SSID and display it mapClients[packet.addr2].add( #print("Adding a SSID to a MAC client") myPrint(packet.addr2, mapClients[packet.addr2]) else: # Add the new client and his SSID listClients.append(packet.addr2) mapClients[packet.addr2] = {} #print("Adding a MAC client") myPrint(packet.addr2, mapClients[packet.addr2]) # Launch the sniffer sniff(iface="wlan0mon", prn=handle_packet)
def _sniff(e): a = scapy.sniff(filter="tcp", prn=parse, stop_filter=lambda p: e.is_set())
def threadListen(): sniff(filter="icmp", count=0, prn=handleTraffic)
def main(): global iface print("start to sniff!!\n") sniff(iface=iface, prn=lambda x: handle_pkt(x))
def main(): # The filter can be change to sniff at the moment it focuses on mail server ports FTP port 21 # store 0 makes sure scapy doesn't keep the packets in memory. sniff(filter='tcp port 110 or tcp port 25 or tcp port 143', prn=packet_callback, store=0)
def listen(self): sniff(prn=self.process)
def extract_from_pcap(path, fields): """ Search in pcap-file for specified information path: Path to pcap file fields: Array of fields that should be extracted If a field is not found, FieldNotFoundError is raised """ results = dict() for field in fields: if not isinstance(field, WifiInfo): raise TypeError("Invalid field") subtypes = set() if field == WifiInfo.BSSID: from scapy.all import Dot11Beacon, Dot11ProbeResp, Dot11AssoReq, Dot11ReassoReq, Dot11, sniff subtypes.add('beacon') bpf_filter = " or ".join( [f"wlan type mgt subtype {subtype}" for subtype in subtypes]) packets = sniff(offline=path, filter=bpf_filter) try: for packet in packets: if packet.haslayer(Dot11Beacon): if hasattr(packet[Dot11], 'addr3'): results[field] = packet[Dot11].addr3 break else: # magic raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [BSSID]") except Exception: raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [BSSID]") elif field == WifiInfo.ESSID: from scapy.all import Dot11Beacon, Dot11ReassoReq, Dot11AssoReq, Dot11, sniff, Dot11Elt subtypes.add('beacon') subtypes.add('assoc-req') subtypes.add('reassoc-req') bpf_filter = " or ".join( [f"wlan type mgt subtype {subtype}" for subtype in subtypes]) packets = sniff(offline=path, filter=bpf_filter) try: for packet in packets: if packet.haslayer(Dot11Elt) and hasattr( packet[Dot11Elt], 'info'): results[field] = packet[Dot11Elt].info.decode('utf-8') break else: # magic raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [ESSID]") except Exception: raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [ESSID]") elif field == WifiInfo.ENCRYPTION: from scapy.all import Dot11Beacon, sniff subtypes.add('beacon') bpf_filter = " or ".join( [f"wlan type mgt subtype {subtype}" for subtype in subtypes]) packets = sniff(offline=path, filter=bpf_filter) try: for packet in packets: if packet.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) and hasattr( packet[Dot11Beacon], 'network_stats'): stats = packet[Dot11Beacon].network_stats() if 'crypto' in stats: results[field] = stats[ 'crypto'] # set with encryption types break else: # magic raise FieldNotFoundError( "Could not find field [ENCRYPTION]") except Exception: raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [ENCRYPTION]") elif field == WifiInfo.CHANNEL: from scapy.all import sniff, RadioTap from pwnagotchi.mesh.wifi import freq_to_channel packets = sniff(offline=path, count=1) try: results[field] = freq_to_channel( packets[0][RadioTap].ChannelFrequency) except Exception: raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [CHANNEL]") elif field == WifiInfo.RSSI: from scapy.all import sniff, RadioTap from pwnagotchi.mesh.wifi import freq_to_channel packets = sniff(offline=path, count=1) try: results[field] = packets[0][RadioTap].dBm_AntSignal except Exception: raise FieldNotFoundError("Could not find field [RSSI]") return results
def sniff(interface): print("Sniffing on: ", interface) scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=process_sniffed_packet)
imsitracker.sqlite_file(options.sqlite) imsitracker.show_all_tmsi=options.show_all_tmsi imsi_to_track="" if options.imsi: imsi="9"+options.imsi.replace(" ", "") imsi_to_track_len=len(imsi) if imsi_to_track_len%2 == 0 and imsi_to_track_len > 0 and imsi_to_track_len <17: for i in range(0, imsi_to_track_len-1, 2): imsi_to_track+=chr(int(imsi[i+1])*16+int(imsi[i])) imsi_to_track_len=len(imsi_to_track) else: print("Wrong size for the IMSI to track!") print("Valid sizes :") print("123456789101112") print("1234567891011") print("12345678910") print("123456789") print("1234567") print("12345") print("123") exit(1) imsitracker.track_this_imsi(imsi_to_track) if options.sniff: from scapy.all import sniff, UDP imsitracker.header() sniff(iface=options.iface, filter="port {} and not icmp and udp".format(options.port), prn=find_imsi_from_pkg, store=0) else: imsitracker.header() udpserver(port=options.port, prn=find_imsi)
# spoof the packet. if site_in_list: # Create a spoofed packet spf_resp = IP( src=DNS_SERVER_IP, dst=pkt[IP].src) / UDP() / DNS(an=DNSRR( rrname=pkt[DNSQR].qname, ttl=299, rdata='')) # Print for demo purposes print( "******************** SITE IN BANNED LIST *****************" ) print( "****************** SPOOFED PACKET BELOW ******************" ) # Send spoofed packet send(spf_resp, verbose=2, iface=IFACE) return f"Spoofed DNS Response Sent: {pkt[IP].src}" else: # Send the real response packet return forward_dns(pkt) return get_response sniff(filter=BPF_FILTER, prn=dns_responder(DNS_SERVER_IP), iface=IFACE)
def sniff(interface): scapy.sniff( iface=interface, store=False, prn=process_sniffed_packet ) #prn is for call back function at every packet sniff function captures it will call process_sniffed_packet
def run(self): ''' to sniff tcp packets on the desired interface''' sniff(iface=self.interface, filter='tcp', prn=self.sniff_urls)
import scapy.all as spy import Wireshark_utils as WsU print("Scapy is Imported") rd_packets = spy.rdpcap("example_network_traffic.pcap") print(len(rd_packets)) for one in rd_packets: p = WsU.get_show_data(one) for i in p: print(i) spy.hexdump(rd_packets[0]) print("Start Sniffing") packets = spy.sniff(filter="", timeout=10) for i in packets: print(i.summary()) print(len(packets))
print "\nDecoded message is:" print processcookies(cookies) break if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-s": ## Standalone sniffing mode from scapy.all import sniff print "Entering standalone sniffing mode" print "Warning! Can not send responses in this mode!" sniff(filter="tcp and dst port 80", prn=standalone_process) elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-h": ## Usage message print "Client: [server] [message]" print "Server: -s" elif len(sys.argv) == 3: ## Client mode import urllib2 print "Sending message to " + sys.argv[1] + "..." l = 0 while l < len(sys.argv[2]): orig = sys.argv[2][l:l+33] l += 33
def sniff(self): # start sniffing for probe requests"Sniff starting...") sniff(iface=self.iface, prn=self.sniffCallback)
def sniff(interface): # iface: interface # store: store packets # prn: callback function scapy.sniff(iface=interface, store=False, prn=process_sniffed_packet)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('--tun-addr', dest='taddr', help='set tunnel local address') parser.add_option('--tun-dstaddr', dest='tdstaddr', help='set tunnel destination address') parser.add_option('--tun-netmask', default='', dest='tmask', help='set tunnel netmask') parser.add_option('--tun-mtu', type='int', default=1500, dest='tmtu', help='set tunnel MTU') parser.add_option('--local-addr', default='', dest='laddr', help='set local address [%default]') parser.add_option('--remote-addr', dest='raddr', help='set remote address [%default]') parser.add_option('--role', default='client', dest='role', help='set role client or server [%default]') parser.add_option('--password', default='password', dest='password', help='set password used to encrypt [%default]') opt, args = parser.parse_args() ntpPort = 123 if not (opt.taddr and opt.tdstaddr): parser.print_help() return 1 # The client has to specify a remote address if opt.role == "client" and not opt.raddr: parser.print_help() return 1 try: ntpFieldLength = b'\x00\x12' ntpFieldTypeRequest = b'\xFF\x00' ntpFieldTypeResponse = b'\x00\xFF' padding = b'\xFF' * 16 if (opt.role == "client"): # Send tunnel request ntpHeader = bytes( NTP(leap=3, version=4, mode=3, stratum=0, poll=3, precision=250, delay=1, dispersion=1, id="", ref=0, orig=0, recv=0, sent=None)) # Build encapsulated packet encapsulatedPacket = IP(dst=opt.raddr, src=opt.laddr)/UDP(sport=ntpPort,dport=ntpPort)/ \ (ntpHeader + ntpFieldTypeRequest + ntpFieldLength + padding) print("Sending tunnel request to %s." % (opt.raddr)) send(encapsulatedPacket) # Wait for tunnel response coming in print("Waiting for reply.") while True: # Wait for tunnel request coming in packet = sniff(filter="udp port 123", count=1) # Check if it is a tunnel request if packet[0]["IP"]["UDP"]["NTP"][ "Raw"].load[:2] == ntpFieldTypeResponse: break # Set up tunnel print("Set up tunnel.") server = TunnelServer(opt.taddr, opt.tdstaddr, opt.tmask, opt.tmtu, opt.laddr, ntpPort, opt.raddr, ntpPort, opt.role, opt.password) else: print("Waiting for request.") requestAddress = None while requestAddress == None: # Wait for tunnel request coming in packet = sniff(filter="udp port 123", count=1) # Check if it is a tunnel request if packet[0]["IP"]["UDP"]["NTP"][ "Raw"].load[:2] == ntpFieldTypeRequest: requestAddress = packet[0]["IP"].src print("Got request from %s." % (requestAddress)) break # We need to sleep for a second here to wait for the sniffer # to start at the client side. sleep(1) # Send response to requestAddress ntpHeader = bytes( NTP(leap=0, version=4, mode=4, stratum=2, poll=3, precision=236, delay=(0.1 * random.random()), dispersion=(0.002 + 0.001 * random.random()), id=opt.laddr, ref=None, orig=None, recv=None, sent=None)) # Build encapsulated packet encapsulatedPacket = IP(dst=requestAddress, src=opt.laddr) / UDP( sport=ntpPort, dport=ntpPort) / (ntpHeader + ntpFieldTypeResponse + ntpFieldLength + padding) print("Sending response to %s." % (requestAddress)) send(encapsulatedPacket) # Set up tunnel print("Set up tunnel.") server = TunnelServer(opt.taddr, opt.tdstaddr, opt.tmask, opt.tmtu, opt.laddr, ntpPort, requestAddress, ntpPort, opt.role, opt.password) except (pytun.Error, socket.error) as e: print >> sys.stderr, str(e) return 1 return 0
def sniff(self): if self.options.pcap_file == 'None':"Using network interface: %s" % (self.options.listen_interface)) try: scapy.sniff(iface = self.options.listen_interface, prn = self.pkt_callback, lfilter = self.pkt_check, filter = self.options.filter, store = 0) except socket.error, e: self.logger.error("Sniffer error on %s: %s" % (self.options.listen_interface, e))