class CRX1New(Packet): name = "CRX1 New" fields_desc = [ XShortField('start_bit', 0x7878), ConditionalField(ByteField( 'default_packet_length', None, ), lambda pkt: pkt.start_bit == 0x7878), ConditionalField(ShortField( 'extended_packet_length', None, ), lambda pkt: pkt.start_bit == 0x7979), ConditionalField( PacketLenField('default_packet_content', None, CRX1NewPacketContent, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.default_packet_length), lambda pkt: pkt.start_bit == 0x7878), ConditionalField( PacketLenField('extended_packet_content', None, CRX1NewPacketContent, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.extended_packet_length), lambda pkt: pkt.start_bit == 0x7979), XShortField('end_bit', 0x0d0a), ]
class IKEv2_payload_Proposal(IKEv2_class): name = "IKEv2 Proposal" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("next_payload", None, { 0: "last", 2: "Proposal" }), ByteField("res", 0), FieldLenField("length", None, "trans", "H", adjust=lambda pkt, x: x + 8 + (pkt.SPIsize if pkt.SPIsize else 0)), # noqa: E501 ByteField("proposal", 1), ByteEnumField("proto", 1, { 1: "IKEv2", 2: "AH", 3: "ESP" }), FieldLenField("SPIsize", None, "SPI", "B"), ByteField("trans_nb", None), StrLenField("SPI", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.SPIsize), PacketLenField("trans", conf.raw_layer(), IKEv2_payload_Transform, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length - 8 - pkt.SPIsize ), # noqa: E501 ]
class ICMPv6NDOptCGA(_ICMPv6NDGuessPayload, Packet): name = "ICMPv6NDOptCGA" fields_desc = [ ByteField("type", 11), FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="CGA_PARAMS", fmt="B", adjust=lambda pkt, x: (x + pkt.padlength + 4) // 8), # noqa: E501 FieldLenField("padlength", 0, length_of="padding", fmt="B"), ByteField("reserved", 0), PacketLenField("CGA_PARAMS", "", CGA_Params, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len * 8 - pkt.padlength - 4 ), # noqa: E501 StrLenField("padding", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.padlength) ] # noqa: E501 def post_build(self, p, pay): l_ = len(self.CGA_PARAMS) tmp_len = -(4 + l_) % 8 # Pad to 8 bytes p = p[:1] + chb((4 + l_ + tmp_len) // 8) + chb(tmp_len) + p[3:4 + l_] p += b"\x00" * tmp_len + pay return p
class IKEv2_payload_CERT_CRL(IKEv2_payload_CERT): name = "IKEv2 Certificate" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("next_payload", None, IKEv2_payload_type), ByteField("res", 0), FieldLenField("length", None, "x509CRL", "H", adjust=lambda pkt, x: x + len(pkt.x509CRL) + 5), # noqa: E501 ByteEnumField("cert_type", 7, IKEv2CertificateEncodings), PacketLenField("x509CRL", X509_CRL(''), X509_CRL, length_from=lambda x:x.length - 5), # noqa: E501 ]
class IKEv2_payload_SA(IKEv2_class): name = "IKEv2 SA" overload_fields = {IKEv2: {"next_payload": 33}} fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("next_payload", None, IKEv2_payload_type), ByteField("res", 0), FieldLenField("length", None, "prop", "H", adjust=lambda pkt, x:x + 4), PacketLenField("prop", conf.raw_layer(), IKEv2_payload_Proposal, length_from=lambda x:x.length - 4), # noqa: E501 ]
class ISAKMP_payload_SA(ISAKMP_class): name = "ISAKMP SA" fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("next_payload", None, ISAKMP_payload_type), ByteField("res", 0), FieldLenField("length", None, "prop", "H", adjust=lambda pkt, x:x + 12), # noqa: E501 IntEnumField("DOI", 1, {1: "IPSEC"}), IntEnumField("situation", 1, {1: "identity"}), PacketLenField("prop", conf.raw_layer(), ISAKMP_payload_Proposal, length_from=lambda x: x.length - 12), # noqa: E501 ]
class SMBNegotiate_Response_Extended_Security(_SMBNegotiate_Response): name = "SMB Negotiate Extended Security Response (SMB)" WordCount = 0x11 fields_desc = SMBNegotiate_Response_NoSecurity.fields_desc[:12] + [ LEFieldLenField("ByteCount", None, length_of="SecurityBlob", adjust=lambda _, x: x + 16), UUIDField("GUID", None, uuid_fmt=UUIDField.FORMAT_LE), PacketLenField("SecurityBlob", None, GSSAPI_BLOB, length_from=lambda x: x.ByteCount - 16) ]
class ISAKMP_payload_Proposal(ISAKMP_class): name = "IKE proposal" # ISAKMP_payload_type = 0 fields_desc = [ ByteEnumField("next_payload", None, ISAKMP_payload_type), ByteField("res", 0), FieldLenField("length", None, "trans", "H", adjust=lambda pkt, x:x + 8), # noqa: E501 ByteField("proposal", 1), ByteEnumField("proto", 1, {1: "ISAKMP"}), FieldLenField("SPIsize", None, "SPI", "B"), ByteField("trans_nb", None), StrLenField("SPI", "", length_from=lambda x: x.SPIsize), PacketLenField("trans", conf.raw_layer(), ISAKMP_payload_Transform, length_from=lambda x: x.length - 8), # noqa: E501 ]
class SMB2_Negotiate_Protocol_Response(Packet): name = "SMB2 Negotiate Protocol Response" fields_desc = [ XLEShortField("StructureSize", 0), FlagsField("SecurityMode", 0, -16, { 0x1: "Signing Required", 0x2: "Signing Enabled", }), LEShortEnumField("DialectRevision", 0x0, SMB_DIALECTS), FieldLenField("NegotiateCount", None, fmt="<H", count_of="NegotiateContexts"), UUIDField("ServerGUID", 0x0, uuid_fmt=UUIDField.FORMAT_LE), # Capabilities FlagsField("Capabilities", 0, -32, SMB2_CAPABILITIES), LEIntField("MaxTransactionSize", 0), LEIntField("MaxReadSize", 0), LEIntField("MaxWriteSize", 0), UTCTimeField("SystemTime", None, fmt="<Q", epoch=[1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], custom_scaling=1e7), UTCTimeField("ServerStartTime", None, fmt="<Q", epoch=[1601, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], custom_scaling=1e7), XLEShortField("SecurityBlobOffset", 0), FieldLenField("SecurityBlobLength", None, fmt="<H", length_of="SecurityBlob"), XLEIntField("NegotiateContextOffset", 0), PacketLenField("SecurityBlob", None, GSSAPI_BLOB, length_from=lambda x: x.SecurityBlobLength), # Field only exists if Dialect is 0x0311 # Each negotiate context must be 8-byte aligned ConditionalField( FieldListField("NegotiateContexts", [], ReversePadField( PacketField("Context", None, SMB2_Negotiate_Context), 8), count_from=lambda pkt: pkt.NegotiateCount), lambda x: x.DialectRevision == 0x0311), ]
class OpcDaRequestLE(Packet): name = "OpcDaRequest" fields_desc = [ LEIntField('allocHint', 0), LEShortField('contextId', 0), LEShortField('opNum', 0), UUIDField('uuid', str('0001' * 8), uuid_fmt=UUIDField.FORMAT_LE), PacketLenField('subData', None, RequestSubDataLE, length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.allocHint), PacketField('authentication', None, AuthentificationProtocol), ] def extract_padding(self, p): return b"", p
class SMBSession_Setup_AndX_Response_Extended_Security(Packet): name = "Session Setup AndX Extended Security Response (SMB)" WordCount = 7 fields_desc = SMBSession_Setup_AndX_Response.fields_desc[:5] + [ LEFieldLenField("SecurityBlobLength", None, length_of="SecurityBlob"), LEShortField("ByteCount", 25), PacketLenField("SecurityBlob", None, GSSAPI_BLOB, length_from=lambda x: x.SecurityBlobLength), ReversePadField( _SMBStrNullField("NativeOS", "Windows 4.0"), 2, b"\0", ), _SMBStrNullField("NativeLanMan", "Windows 4.0") ]
class OpcDaRequest(Packet): # DCE 1.1 RPC - name = "OpcDaRequest" fields_desc = [ IntField('allocHint', 0), ShortField('contextId', 0), ShortField('opNum', 0), ConditionalField( UUIDField('uuid', str('0001' * 8), uuid_fmt=UUIDField.FORMAT_BE), lambda pkt: OpcDaHeaderMessage in pkt.firstlayer() and pkt.firstlayer()[OpcDaHeaderMessage].pfc_flags & 'objectUuid' ), PacketLenField('stubData', None, RequestStubData, length_from=lambda pkt: _opc_stubdata_length(pkt)), PacketField('authentication', None, AuthentificationProtocol), ] def extract_padding(self, p): return b"", p
class SAPMS(Packet): """SAP Message Server packet This packet is used for the Message Server protocol. """ name = "SAP Message Server" fields_desc = [ StrFixedLenField("eyecatcher", "**MESSAGE**\x00", 12), ByteField("version", 0x04), ByteEnumKeysField("errorno", 0x00, ms_errorno_values), StrFixedLenField("toname", "-" + " " * 39, 40), FlagsField("msgtype", 0, 8, ["DIA", "UPD", "ENQ", "BTC", "SPO", "UP2", "ATP", "ICM"]), ByteField("reserved", 0x00), ByteEnumKeysField("domain", 0x00, ms_domain_values), ByteField("reserved", 0x00), StrFixedLenField("key", "\x00" * 8, 8), ByteEnumKeysField("flag", 0x01, ms_flag_values), ByteEnumKeysField("iflag", 0x01, ms_iflag_values), StrFixedLenField("fromname", "-" + " " * 39, 40), ConditionalField(ShortField("diag_port", 3200), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag == 0x08 and pkt.flag == 0x02), # for MS_REQUEST+MS_LOGIN_2 it's the diag port ConditionalField(ShortField("padd", 0x0000), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag != 0x08 or pkt.flag != 0x02), # OpCode fields ConditionalField(ByteEnumKeysField("opcode", 0x01, ms_opcode_values), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x07]), # extending all those fields with MS_SEND_TYPE and MS_SEND_TYPE_ONCE packets ConditionalField(ByteEnumKeysField("opcode_error", 0x00, ms_opcode_error_values), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x7]), ConditionalField(ByteField("opcode_version", 0x01), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x07]), ConditionalField(ByteField("opcode_charset", 0x03), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x07]), ConditionalField(StrField("opcode_value", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x01] and pkt.opcode not in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1c, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x4a]), ConditionalField(StrField("opcode_trailer", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x01] and pkt.opcode not in [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x11, 0x1c, 0x1e, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2f, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x4a]), # Dispatcher info ConditionalField(ByteField("dp_version", 0x0), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x0 or (pkt.opcode_version == 0x00 and pkt.opcode_charset == 0x00)), ConditionalField(PacketLenField("dp_info1", SAPDPInfo1(), SAPDPInfo1, length_from=lambda x: 507), lambda pkt:(pkt.opcode == 0x0 or (pkt.opcode_version == 0x00 and pkt.opcode_charset == 0x00)) and pkt.dp_version == 0x0d), # 745 kernel ConditionalField(PacketLenField("dp_info2", SAPDPInfo2(), SAPDPInfo2, length_from=lambda x: 203), lambda pkt:(pkt.opcode == 0x0 or (pkt.opcode_version == 0x00 and pkt.opcode_charset == 0x00)) and pkt.dp_version == 0x0b), # 720 kernel ConditionalField(PacketLenField("dp_info3", SAPDPInfo3(), SAPDPInfo3, length_from=lambda x: 179), lambda pkt:(pkt.opcode == 0x0 or (pkt.opcode_version == 0x00 and pkt.opcode_charset == 0x00)) and pkt.dp_version == 0x0e), # 749 kernel # MS ADM layer ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("adm_eyecatcher", "AD-EYECATCH\x00", 12), lambda pkt: pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07] or pkt.opcode == 0x0), ConditionalField(ByteField("adm_version", 0x01), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07] or pkt.opcode == 0x0), ConditionalField(ByteEnumKeysField("adm_type", 0x01, ms_adm_type_values), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07] or pkt.opcode == 0x0), ConditionalField(IntToStrField("adm_recsize", 104, 11), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07] or pkt.opcode == 0x0), ConditionalField(IntToStrField("adm_recno", 1, 11), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07] or pkt.opcode == 0x0), ConditionalField(PacketListField("adm_records", None, SAPMSAdmRecord), lambda pkt:pkt.iflag in [0x00, 0x02, 0x05, 0x07] or pkt.opcode == 0x0), # Server List fields ConditionalField(PacketListField("clients", None, SAPMSClient1), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05] and pkt.opcode_version == 0x01), ConditionalField(PacketListField("clients", None, SAPMSClient2), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05] and pkt.opcode_version == 0x02), ConditionalField(PacketListField("clients", None, SAPMSClient3), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05] and pkt.opcode_version == 0x03), ConditionalField(PacketListField("clients", None, SAPMSClient4), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05] and pkt.opcode_version == 0x04), # Change IP fields ConditionalField(IPField("change_ip_addressv4", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x06), ConditionalField(IP6Field("change_ip_addressv6", "::"), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x06 and pkt.opcode_version == 0x02), # Get/Set Text fields ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("text_name", "", 40), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x22, 0x23]), ConditionalField(FieldLenField("text_length", None, length_of="text_value", fmt="!I"), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x22, 0x23]), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("text_value", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.text_length or 80), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x22, 0x23]), # Counter fields ConditionalField(PacketField("counter", None, SAPMSCounter), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29]), ConditionalField(PacketListField("counters", None, SAPMSCounter), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x2a]), # Security Key 1 fields ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("security_name", None, 40), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x07, 0x08]), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("security_key", None, 256), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x07, 0x08]), # Security Key 2 fields ConditionalField(IPField("security2_addressv4", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x09), ConditionalField(ShortField("security2_port", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x09), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("security2_key", None, 256), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x09), ConditionalField(IP6Field("security2_addressv6", "::"), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x09), # Hardware ID field ConditionalField(StrNullFixedLenField("hwid", "", length=99), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x0a), # Statistics ConditionalField(PacketField("stats", None, SAPMSStat3), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x11 and pkt.flag == 0x03), # Codepage ConditionalField(IntField("codepage", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1c and pkt.flag == 0x03), # Dump Info Request fields ConditionalField(ByteField("dump_dest", 0x02), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1E and pkt.flag == 0x02), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("dump_filler", "\x00\x00\x00", 3), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1E and pkt.flag == 0x02), ConditionalField(ShortField("dump_index", 0x00), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1E and pkt.flag == 0x02), ConditionalField(ShortEnumKeysField("dump_command", 0x01, ms_dump_command_values), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1E and pkt.flag == 0x02), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("dump_name", "\x00" * 40, 40), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1E and pkt.flag == 0x02), # File Reload fields ConditionalField(ByteEnumKeysField("file_reload", 0, ms_file_reload_values), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1f), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("file_padding", "\x00\x00", 2), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x1f), # Get/Set/Del Logon fields ConditionalField(PacketField("logon", None, SAPMSLogon), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d]), # Server Disconnect/Shutdown fields ConditionalField(PacketField("shutdown_client", None, SAPMSClient3), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x4a]), ConditionalField(FieldLenField("shutdown_reason_length", None, length_of="shutdown_reason", fmt="!H"), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x4a]), ConditionalField(StrLenField("shutdown_reason", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.shutdown_reason_length), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x4a]), # Get/Set Property fields ConditionalField(PacketField("property", None, SAPMSProperty), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode in [0x43, 0x44, 0x45]), # IP/Port to name fields ConditionalField(IPField("ip_to_name_address4", ""), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x46 and pkt.opcode_version == 0x01), ConditionalField(IP6Field("ip_to_name_address6", "::"), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x46 and pkt.opcode_version == 0x02), ConditionalField(ShortField("ip_to_name_port", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x46), ConditionalField(FieldLenField("ip_to_name_length", None, length_of="ip_to_name", fmt="!I"), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x46), ConditionalField(StrLenField("ip_to_name", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.logonname_length), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x46), # Check ACL fields ConditionalField(ShortField("error_code", 0), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x47), ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField("acl", "", 46), lambda pkt:pkt.opcode == 0x47), ]