def autorun_get_text_interactive_session(cmds, **kargs):
    ct = conf.color_theme
        conf.color_theme = NoTheme()
        s, res = autorun_get_interactive_session(cmds, **kargs)
        conf.color_theme = ct
    return s, res
def autorun_get_text_interactive_session(cmds, **kargs):
    # type: (str, **Any) -> Tuple[str, Any]
    ct = conf.color_theme
        conf.color_theme = NoTheme()
        s, res = autorun_get_interactive_session(cmds, **kargs)
        conf.color_theme = ct
    return s, res
class Conf(ConfClass):
    """This object contains the configuration of Scapy.
session  : filename where the session will be saved
interactive_shell : can be "ipython", "python" or "auto". Default: Auto
stealth  : if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...)
checkIPID: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and ICMP IP citation received  # noqa: E501
           if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped equals (bug in some IP stacks)  # noqa: E501
           if 2, strictly checks that they are equals
checkIPsrc: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match (bug in some NAT stacks)  # noqa: E501
checkIPinIP: if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do not
             check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer
check_TCPerror_seqack: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the ones in ICMP citation  # noqa: E501
iff      : selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp(). default:"eth0")  # noqa: E501
verb     : level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)
promisc  : default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you spoof on a lan)  # noqa: E501
sniff_promisc : default mode for sniff()
filter   : bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic from analysis  # noqa: E501
histfile : history file
padding  : includes padding in disassembled packets
except_filter : BPF filter for packets to ignore
debug_match : when 1, store received packet that are not matched into debug.recv  # noqa: E501
route    : holds the Scapy routing table and provides methods to manipulate it
warning_threshold : how much time between warnings from the same place
ASN1_default_codec: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects
mib      : holds MIB direct access dictionary
resolve  : holds list of fields for which resolution should be done
noenum   : holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string should NOT be done  # noqa: E501
AS_resolver: choose the AS resolver class to use
extensions_paths: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for
contribs : a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local configuration  # noqa: E501
debug_tls:When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed.
recv_poll_rate: how often to check for new packets. Defaults to 0.05s.
    version = VERSION
    session = ""
    interactive = False
    interactive_shell = ""
    stealth = "not implemented"
    iface = None
    iface6 = None
    layers = LayersList()
    commands = CommandsList()
    dot15d4_protocol = None  # Used in dot15d4.py
    logLevel = LogLevel()
    checkIPID = 0
    checkIPsrc = 1
    checkIPaddr = 1
    checkIPinIP = True
    check_TCPerror_seqack = 0
    verb = 2
    prompt = Interceptor("prompt", ">>> ", _prompt_changer)
    promisc = 1
    sniff_promisc = 1
    raw_layer = None
    raw_summary = False
    default_l2 = None
    l2types = Num2Layer()
    l3types = Num2Layer()
    L3socket = None
    L3socket6 = None
    L2socket = None
    L2listen = None
    BTsocket = None
    USBsocket = None
    min_pkt_size = 60
    histfile = os.getenv(
        os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".scapy_history"))
    padding = 1
    except_filter = ""
    debug_match = 0
    debug_tls = 0
    wepkey = ""
    cache_iflist = {}
    route = None  # Filed by route.py
    route6 = None  # Filed by route6.py
    auto_fragment = 1
    debug_dissector = 0
    color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", NoTheme(), _prompt_changer)
    warning_threshold = 5
    prog = ProgPath()
    resolve = Resolve()
    noenum = Resolve()
    emph = Emphasize()
    use_pypy = isPyPy()
    use_pcap = Interceptor(
        os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_PCAPDNET", "").lower().startswith("y"),
    # XXX use_dnet is deprecated
    use_dnet = os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_PCAPDNET", "").lower().startswith("y")
    use_bpf = Interceptor("use_bpf", False, _socket_changer)
    use_winpcapy = Interceptor("use_winpcapy", False, _socket_changer)
    use_npcap = False
    ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6
    ethertypes = ETHER_TYPES
    protocols = IP_PROTOS
    services_tcp = TCP_SERVICES
    services_udp = UDP_SERVICES
    extensions_paths = "."
    manufdb = MANUFDB
    stats_classic_protocols = []
    stats_dot11_protocols = []
    temp_files = []
    netcache = NetCache()
    geoip_city = None
    load_layers = [
        'bluetooth', 'bluetooth4LE', 'dhcp', 'dhcp6', 'dns', 'dot11',
        'dot15d4', 'eap', 'gprs', 'hsrp', 'inet', 'inet6', 'ipsec', 'ir',
        'isakmp', 'l2', 'l2tp', 'llmnr', 'lltd', 'mgcp', 'mobileip', 'netbios',
        'netflow', 'ntp', 'ppp', 'pptp', 'radius', 'rip', 'rtp', 'sctp',
        'sixlowpan', 'skinny', 'smb', 'snmp', 'tftp', 'vrrp', 'vxlan', 'x509',
    contribs = dict()
    crypto_valid = isCryptographyValid()
    crypto_valid_recent = isCryptographyRecent()
    crypto_valid_advanced = crypto_valid_recent and isCryptographyAdvanced()
    fancy_prompt = True
    auto_crop_tables = True
    recv_poll_rate = 0.05
文件: config.py 项目: zhutony/scapy
class Conf(ConfClass):
    This object contains the configuration of Scapy.
    version = ReadOnlyAttribute("version", VERSION)
    session = ""  #: filename where the session will be saved
    interactive = False
    #: can be "ipython", "python" or "auto". Default: Auto
    interactive_shell = ""
    #: if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...)
    stealth = "not implemented"
    #: selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp().
    iface = Interceptor("iface", None, _iface_changer)
    layers = LayersList()
    commands = CommandsList()
    ASN1_default_codec = None  #: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects
    AS_resolver = None  #: choose the AS resolver class to use
    dot15d4_protocol = None  # Used in dot15d4.py
    logLevel = Interceptor("logLevel", log_scapy.level, _loglevel_changer)
    #: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and
    #: ICMP IP citation received
    #: if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped
    #: equals (bug in some IP stacks)
    #: if 2, strictly checks that they are equals
    checkIPID = False
    #: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match
    #: (bug in some NAT stacks)
    checkIPsrc = True
    checkIPaddr = True
    #: if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do
    #: not check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer
    checkIPinIP = True
    #: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the
    #: ones in ICMP citation
    check_TCPerror_seqack = False
    verb = 2  #: level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)
    prompt = Interceptor("prompt", ">>> ", _prompt_changer)
    #: default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you
    #: spoof on a lan)
    promisc = True
    sniff_promisc = 1  #: default mode for sniff()
    raw_layer = None  # type: Packet_metaclass
    raw_summary = False
    padding_layer = None  # type: Packet_metaclass
    default_l2 = None  # type: Packet_metaclass
    l2types = Num2Layer()
    l3types = Num2Layer()
    L3socket = None
    L3socket6 = None
    L2socket = None
    L2listen = None
    BTsocket = None
    USBsocket = None
    min_pkt_size = 60
    mib = None  #: holds MIB direct access dictionary
    bufsize = 2**16
    #: history file
    histfile = os.getenv(
        os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".scapy_history"))
    #: includes padding in disassembled packets
    padding = 1
    #: BPF filter for packets to ignore
    except_filter = ""
    #: bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic
    #: from analysis
    filter = ""
    #: when 1, store received packet that are not matched into `debug.recv`
    debug_match = False
    #: When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed.
    debug_tls = False
    wepkey = ""
    #: holds the Scapy interface list and manager
    ifaces = None  # type: 'scapy.interfaces.NetworkInterfaceDict'
    #: holds the cache of interfaces loaded from Libpcap
    cache_iflist = {}  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, List[str], int]]
    #: holds the Scapy IPv4 routing table and provides methods to
    #: manipulate it
    route = None  # type: 'scapy.route.Route'
    # `route` will be filed by route.py
    #: holds the Scapy IPv6 routing table and provides methods to
    #: manipulate it
    route6 = None  # type: 'scapy.route6.Route6'
    # 'route6' will be filed by route6.py
    auto_fragment = True
    #: raise exception when a packet dissector raises an exception
    debug_dissector = False
    color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", NoTheme(), _prompt_changer)
    #: how much time between warnings from the same place
    warning_threshold = 5
    prog = ProgPath()
    #: holds list of fields for which resolution should be done
    resolve = Resolve()
    #: holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string
    #: should NOT be done
    noenum = Resolve()
    emph = Emphasize()
    #: read only attribute to show if PyPy is in use
    use_pypy = ReadOnlyAttribute("use_pypy", isPyPy())
    #: use libpcap integration or not. Changing this value will update
    #: the conf.L[2/3] sockets
    use_pcap = Interceptor(
        os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_LIBPCAP", "").lower().startswith("y"),
    use_bpf = Interceptor("use_bpf", False, _socket_changer)
    use_npcap = False
    ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6
    #: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for
    extensions_paths = "."
    stats_classic_protocols = []  # type: List[Packet_metaclass]
    stats_dot11_protocols = []  # type: List[Packet_metaclass]
    temp_files = []  # type: List[str]
    netcache = NetCache()
    geoip_city = None
    # can, tls, http are not loaded by default
    load_layers = [
        'bluetooth', 'bluetooth4LE', 'dhcp', 'dhcp6', 'dns', 'dot11',
        'dot15d4', 'eap', 'gprs', 'hsrp', 'inet', 'inet6', 'ipsec', 'ir',
        'isakmp', 'l2', 'l2tp', 'llmnr', 'lltd', 'mgcp', 'mobileip', 'netbios',
        'netflow', 'ntp', 'ppi', 'ppp', 'pptp', 'radius', 'rip', 'rtp', 'sctp',
        'sixlowpan', 'skinny', 'smb', 'smb2', 'snmp', 'tftp', 'vrrp', 'vxlan',
        'x509', 'zigbee'
    #: a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local
    #: configuration
    contribs = dict()  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    crypto_valid = isCryptographyValid()
    crypto_valid_advanced = isCryptographyAdvanced()
    fancy_prompt = True
    auto_crop_tables = True
    #: how often to check for new packets.
    #: Defaults to 0.05s.
    recv_poll_rate = 0.05
    #: When True, raise exception if no dst MAC found otherwise broadcast.
    #: Default is False.
    raise_no_dst_mac = False
    loopback_name = "lo" if LINUX else "lo0"

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        # type: (str) -> Any
        # Those are loaded on runtime to avoid import loops
        if attr == "manufdb":
            from scapy.data import MANUFDB
            return MANUFDB
        if attr == "ethertypes":
            from scapy.data import ETHER_TYPES
            return ETHER_TYPES
        if attr == "protocols":
            from scapy.data import IP_PROTOS
            return IP_PROTOS
        if attr == "services_udp":
            from scapy.data import UDP_SERVICES
            return UDP_SERVICES
        if attr == "services_tcp":
            from scapy.data import TCP_SERVICES
            return TCP_SERVICES
        if attr == "iface6":
            warnings.warn("conf.iface6 is deprecated in favor of conf.iface",
            attr = "iface"
        return object.__getattribute__(self, attr)
class Conf(ConfClass):
    """This object contains the configuration of Scapy.
session  : filename where the session will be saved
interactive_shell : can be "ipython", "python" or "auto". Default: Auto
stealth  : if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...)
checkIPID: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and ICMP IP citation received
           if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped equals (bug in some IP stacks)
           if 2, strictly checks that they are equals
checkIPsrc: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match (bug in some NAT stacks)
checkIPinIP: if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do not
             check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer
check_TCPerror_seqack: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the ones in ICMP citation
iff      : selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp(). default:"eth0")
verb     : level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)
promisc  : default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you spoof on a lan)
sniff_promisc : default mode for sniff()
filter   : bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic from analysis
histfile : history file
padding  : includes padding in disassembled packets
except_filter : BPF filter for packets to ignore
debug_match : when 1, store received packet that are not matched into debug.recv
route    : holds the Scapy routing table and provides methods to manipulate it
warning_threshold : how much time between warnings from the same place
ASN1_default_codec: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects
mib      : holds MIB direct access dictionary
resolve  : holds list of fields for which resolution should be done
noenum   : holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string should NOT be done
AS_resolver: choose the AS resolver class to use
extensions_paths: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for
contribs : a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local configuration
debug_tls:When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed.
    version = VERSION
    session = ""
    interactive = False
    interactive_shell = ""
    stealth = "not implemented"
    iface = None
    iface6 = None
    layers = LayersList()
    commands = CommandsList()
    logLevel = LogLevel()
    checkIPID = 0
    checkIPsrc = 1
    checkIPaddr = 1
    checkIPinIP = True
    check_TCPerror_seqack = 0
    verb = 2
    prompt = Interceptor("prompt", ">>> ", _prompt_changer)
    promisc = 1
    sniff_promisc = 1
    raw_layer = None
    raw_summary = False
    default_l2 = None
    l2types = Num2Layer()
    l3types = Num2Layer()
    L3socket = None
    L2socket = None
    L2listen = None
    min_pkt_size = 60
    histfile = os.getenv(
        os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".scapy_history"))
    padding = 1
    except_filter = ""
    debug_match = 0
    debug_tls = 0
    wepkey = ""
    route = None  # Filed by route.py
    route6 = None  # Filed by route6.py
    auto_fragment = 1
    debug_dissector = 0
    color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", NoTheme(), _prompt_changer)
    warning_threshold = 5
    warning_next_only_once = False
    prog = ProgPath()
    resolve = Resolve()
    noenum = Resolve()
    emph = Emphasize()
    use_pcap = os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_PCAPDNET", "").lower().startswith("y")
    use_dnet = os.getenv("SCAPY_USE_PCAPDNET", "").lower().startswith("y")
    use_bpf = False
    use_winpcapy = False
    use_npcap = False
    ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6
    ethertypes = ETHER_TYPES
    protocols = IP_PROTOS
    services_tcp = TCP_SERVICES
    services_udp = UDP_SERVICES
    extensions_paths = "."
    manufdb = MANUFDB
    stats_classic_protocols = []
    stats_dot11_protocols = []
    temp_files = []
    netcache = NetCache()
    geoip_city = '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat'
    geoip_city_ipv6 = '/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCityv6.dat'
    load_layers = [
        "l2", "inet", "dhcp", "dns", "dot11", "gprs", "hsrp", "inet6", "ir",
        "isakmp", "l2tp", "mgcp", "mobileip", "netbios", "netflow", "ntp",
        "ppp", "pptp", "radius", "rip", "rtp", "skinny", "smb", "snmp", "tftp",
        "x509", "bluetooth", "dhcp6", "llmnr", "sctp", "vrrp", "ipsec", "lltd",
        "vxlan", "eap"
    contribs = dict()
    crypto_valid = isCryptographyValid()
    crypto_valid_advanced = isCryptographyAdvanced()
    fancy_prompt = True
class Conf(ConfClass):
    """This object contains the configuration of Scapy.
session  : filename where the session will be saved
interactive_shell : can be "ipython", "python" or "auto". Default: Auto
stealth  : if 1, prevents any unwanted packet to go out (ARP, DNS, ...)
checkIPID: if 0, doesn't check that IPID matches between IP sent and ICMP IP citation received
           if 1, checks that they either are equal or byte swapped equals (bug in some IP stacks)
           if 2, strictly checks that they are equals
checkIPsrc: if 1, checks IP src in IP and ICMP IP citation match (bug in some NAT stacks)
checkIPinIP: if True, checks that IP-in-IP layers match. If False, do not
             check IP layers that encapsulates another IP layer
check_TCPerror_seqack: if 1, also check that TCP seq and ack match the ones in ICMP citation
iff      : selects the default output interface for srp() and sendp(). default:"eth0")
verb     : level of verbosity, from 0 (almost mute) to 3 (verbose)
promisc  : default mode for listening socket (to get answers if you spoof on a lan)
sniff_promisc : default mode for sniff()
filter   : bpf filter added to every sniffing socket to exclude traffic from analysis
histfile : history file
padding  : includes padding in disassembled packets
except_filter : BPF filter for packets to ignore
debug_match : when 1, store received packet that are not matched into debug.recv
route    : holds the Scapy routing table and provides methods to manipulate it
warning_threshold : how much time between warnings from the same place
ASN1_default_codec: Codec used by default for ASN1 objects
mib      : holds MIB direct access dictionary
resolve  : holds list of fields for which resolution should be done
noenum   : holds list of enum fields for which conversion to string should NOT be done
AS_resolver: choose the AS resolver class to use
extensions_paths: path or list of paths where extensions are to be looked for
contribs : a dict which can be used by contrib layers to store local configuration
debug_tls:When 1, print some TLS session secrets when they are computed.
    version = VERSION
    session = ""
    interactive = False
    interactive_shell = ""
    stealth = "not implemented"
    iface = None
    iface6 = None
    layers = LayersList()
    commands = CommandsList()
    logLevel = LogLevel()
    checkIPID = 0
    checkIPsrc = 1
    checkIPaddr = 1
    checkIPinIP = True
    check_TCPerror_seqack = 0
    verb = 2
    prompt = Interceptor("prompt", ">>> ", _prompt_changer)
    promisc = 1
    sniff_promisc = 1
    raw_layer = None
    raw_summary = False
    default_l2 = None
    l2types = Num2Layer()
    l3types = Num2Layer()
    L3socket = None
    L2socket = None
    L2listen = None
    BTsocket = None
    min_pkt_size = 60
    histfile = '/dev/null'
    padding = 1
    except_filter = ""
    debug_match = 0
    debug_tls = 0
    wepkey = ""
    cache_iflist = {}
    cache_ipaddrs = {}
    route = None  # Filed by route.py
    route6 = None  # Filed by route6.py
    auto_fragment = 1
    debug_dissector = 0
    color_theme = Interceptor("color_theme", NoTheme(), _prompt_changer)
    warning_threshold = 5
    prog = ProgPath()
    resolve = Resolve()
    noenum = Resolve()
    emph = Emphasize()
    use_pypy = isPyPy()
    use_pcap = False
    use_dnet = False
    use_bpf = False
    use_winpcapy = False
    use_npcap = False
    ipv6_enabled = socket.has_ipv6
    ethertypes = ETHER_TYPES
    protocols = IP_PROTOS
    services_tcp = TCP_SERVICES
    services_udp = UDP_SERVICES
    extensions_paths = "."
    manufdb = MANUFDB
    stats_classic_protocols = []
    stats_dot11_protocols = []
    temp_files = []
    netcache = None
    geoip_city = None
    load_layers = []
    contribs = dict()
    crypto_valid = False
    crypto_valid_advanced = False
    fancy_prompt = True
    auto_crop_tables = True