def abort(self): """Abort any queued up calls. Can still be reused afterwards. """ if self.dirty: GLib.source_remove(self._id) self.dirty = False self.args = None
def call(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """Runs the function in the main loop and blocks until it is finshed or abort() was called. In case this is called from the main loop the function gets executed immediately. The priority kwargs defines the event source priority and will not be passed to func. In case a timeout kwarg is given the call will raise MainRunnerTimeoutError in case the function hasn't been scheduled (doesn't mean returned) until that time. timeout is a float in seconds. Can raise MainRunnerError in case the function raises an exception. Raises MainRunnerAbortedError in case the runner was aborted. Raises MainRunnerTimeoutError in case the timeout was reached. """ with self._lock: if self._aborted: # Make sure we have a debug statment if we catch this error accidently logger.debug( "Ran {}| self.aborted={}".format( sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self._aborted ) ) raise self._error # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type self._error = None # XXX: ideally this should be GLib.MainContext.default().is_owner() # but that's not available in older pygobject if is_main_thread(): kwargs.pop("priority", None) self._run(func, *args, **kwargs) else: assert self._source_id is None assert self._call_id is None timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None) call_event = threading.Event() self._call_id = object() self._source_id = GLib.idle_add( self._idle_run, self._call_id, call_event, func, *args, **kwargs ) # only wait for the result if we are sure it got scheduled if call_event.wait(timeout): self._cond.wait() self._call_id = None if self._source_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._source_id) self._source_id = None raise MainRunnerTimeoutError("timeout: %r" % timeout) if self._error is not None: raise self._error # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type return self._return
def PropertiesChanged(self, interface_name, changed_properties, invalidated_properties): self.con.emit_signal( None, "/org/scarlett/Listener", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "PropertiesChanged", GLib.Variant.new_tuple( GLib.Variant("s", interface_name), GLib.Variant("a{sv}", changed_properties), GLib.Variant("as", invalidated_properties), ), )
def create_glib_main_loop(): mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() timed_out = False def quit_cb(unused): # source: # source: # # Now, by adding nonlocal timed_out to the top of quit_cb, # Python knows that when it sees an assignment to timed_out, # it should assign to the variable from the outer scope # instead of declaring a new variable that shadows its name. nonlocal timed_out timed_out = True mainloop.quit() def run(timeout_seconds=5): source = GLib.timeout_source_new_seconds(timeout_seconds) source.set_callback(quit_cb) source.attach() source.destroy() if timed_out: raise Exception("Timed out after %s seconds" % timeout_seconds) = run return mainloop
def on_method_call( self, connection, sender, object_path, interface_name, method_name, parameters, invocation, ): args = list(parameters.unpack()) for i, sig in enumerate(self.method_inargs[method_name]): if sig is "h": msg = invocation.get_message() fd_list = msg.get_unix_fd_list() args[i] = fd_list.get(args[i]) result = getattr(self, method_name)(*args) # out_args is atleast (signature1). We therefore always wrap the result # as a tuple. Refer to result = (result, ) out_args = self.method_outargs[method_name] if out_args != "()": variant = GLib.Variant(out_args, result) invocation.return_value(variant) else: invocation.return_value(None)
def __runner(self): self.__gloop = GLib.MainLoop() try: # Definition: GLib.MainLoop.get_context # The GLib.MainContext with which the source is associated, # or None if the context has not yet been added to a source. # Return type: GLib.MainContext or None # Gets the GLib.MainContext with which the source is associated. # You can call this on a source that has been destroyed, # provided that the GLib.MainContext it was attached to still # exists (in which case it will return that GLib.MainContext). # In particular, you can always call this function on the # source returned from GLib.main_current_source(). # But calling this function on a source whose # GLib.MainContext has been destroyed is an error. context = self.__gloop.get_context() while self.__active: context.iteration(False) if not context.pending(): time.sleep(.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.__active = False
def run(self): """Run the process.""" # NOTE: DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD: the child will not be automatically reaped; # you must use g_child_watch_add yourself (or call waitpid or handle `SIGCHLD` yourself), # or the child will become a zombie. # source: #!api=glib-2.0/GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD # NOTE: SEARCH_PATH: argv[0] need not be an absolute path, it will be looked for in the user's PATH # source: #, self.stdin, self.stdout, self.stderr = self.spawn_command() logger.debug("command: {}".format(self.command)) logger.debug("stdin: {}".format(self.stdin)) logger.debug("stdout: {}".format(self.stdout)) logger.debug("stderr: {}".format(self.stderr)) logger.debug("pid: {}".format( # close file descriptor print(self.stderr) # NOTE: GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH = -100 # Use this for high priority event sources. # It is not used within GLib or GTK+. watch = GLib.child_watch_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH,, self.exited_cb) return
def run(timeout_seconds=5): source = GLib.timeout_source_new_seconds(timeout_seconds) source.set_callback(quit_cb) source.attach() source.destroy() if timed_out: raise Exception("Timed out after %s seconds" % timeout_seconds)
def abort(self): """After this call returns no function will be executed anymore and a currently blocking call will fail with MainRunnerAbortedError. Can be called multiple times and can not fail. call() will always fail after this was called. """ with self._lock: if self._aborted: return if self._source_id is not None: GLib.source_remove(self._source_id) self._source_id = None self._aborted = True self._call_id = None self._error = MainRunnerAbortedError("aborted") self._cond.notify()
def GetAll(self, interface_name): if interface_name == ScarlettListener.LISTENER_IFACE: return { "CanQuit": GLib.Variant("b", True), "Fullscreen": GLib.Variant("b", False), "HasTrackList": GLib.Variant("b", True), "Identity": GLib.Variant("s", "Scarlett"), "DesktopEntry": GLib.Variant("s", "scarlett-listener"), } elif interface_name == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties": return {} elif interface_name == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable": return {} else: raise Exception( "org.scarlett.ScarlettListener1", "This object does not implement the %s interface" % interface_name, )
def __init__(self, func, timeout=None, owner=None, priority=None): """Timeout in milliseconds""" self.func = func self.dirty = False self.args = None if owner: def destroy_cb(owner): self.abort() owner.connect("destroy", destroy_cb) if priority is None: priority = GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT if timeout is None: self.do_idle_add = lambda f: GLib.idle_add(f, priority=priority) else: self.do_idle_add = lambda f: GLib.timeout_add(timeout, f, priority=priority)
def ListenerReadySignal(self, message, scarlett_sound): logger.debug(" sending message: {}".format(message)) bus = self.dbus_stack[0] # (ss) - struct/tuple containing 2 strings. listener_rdy_status = GLib.Variant("(ss)", (message, scarlett_sound)) bus.emit_signal( None, "/org/scarlett/Listener", "org.scarlett.Listener", "ListenerReadySignal", listener_rdy_status, )
def CommandRecognizedSignal(self, message, scarlett_sound, scarlett_cmd): logger.debug(" sending message: {}".format(message)) bus = self.dbus_stack[0] # (sss) - struct/tuple containing 3 strings. cmd_rec_status = GLib.Variant("(sss)", (message, scarlett_sound, scarlett_cmd)) bus.emit_signal( None, "/org/scarlett/Listener", "org.scarlett.Listener", "CommandRecognizedSignal", cmd_rec_status, )
def run_emitter_signal(request, get_environment, sig_name="ready"): print("Setting up emitter") print("[Emit]: {}".format(sig_name)) # Return return code for running shell out command def cb(pid, status): """ Set return code for emitter shell script. """ print("status code: {}".format(status)) # Send [ready] signal to dbus service # FIXME: THIS IS THE CULPRIT argv = [sys.executable, "-m", "scarlett_os.emitter", "-s", sig_name] # convert environment dict -> list of strings env_dict_to_str = ["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in get_environment.items()] # Async background call. Send a signal to running process. pid, stdin, stdout, stderr = GLib.spawn_async( argv, envp=env_dict_to_str, working_directory=PROJECT_ROOT, flags=GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, ) print("run_emitter_signal: stdout") print(stdout) print("run_emitter_signal: stderr") print(stderr) print("run_emitter_signal: stdin") print(stdin) # Close file descriptor when finished running scarlett emitter pid.close() # NOTE: We give this PRIORITY_HIGH to ensure callback [cb] runs before dbus signal callback id = GLib.child_watch_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, pid, cb)
def KeywordRecognizedSignal(self, message, scarlett_sound): logger.debug(" sending message: {}".format(message)) bus = self.dbus_stack[0] logger.debug("Inside KeywordRecognizedSignal. Dump bus object") pp.pprint(bus) # (ss) - struct/tuple containing 2 strings. kw_rec_status = GLib.Variant("(ss)", (message, scarlett_sound)) bus.emit_signal( None, "/org/scarlett/Listener", "org.scarlett.Listener", "KeywordRecognizedSignal", kw_rec_status, )
def ConnectedToListener(self, scarlett_plugin): logger.debug(" Client Connected: {}".format(scarlett_plugin)) bus = self.dbus_stack[0] # s - dbus.String a subclass of unicode logger.debug(" Client Type: {}".format(type(scarlett_plugin))) # GLib-GIO-CRITICAL fix s -> (s) # source: conn_to_lis_status = GLib.Variant("(s)", (scarlett_plugin, )) bus.emit_signal( None, "/org/scarlett/Listener", "org.scarlett.Listener", "ConnectedToListener", conn_to_lis_status, )
def spawn_command(self): """Return: Tuple (pid(int), stdin, stdout, stderr)""" # TODO: Add this so we can toggle stdout/error returned to variable # return GLib.spawn_async(self.command, # flags=GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, # standard_input=standard_input, # standard_output=standard_output, # standard_error=standard_error # ) # DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD # Don't reap process automatically so it is possible to detect when it is closed. return GLib.spawn_async( self.command, flags=GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD, )
def create_main_loop(): """Create isolated GLibMainloop for testing.""" mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() timed_out = False def quit_cb(unused): nonlocal timed_out # noqa timed_out = True mainloop.quit() def run(timeout_seconds=5): source = GLib.timeout_source_new_seconds(timeout_seconds) source.set_callback(quit_cb) source.attach() source.destroy() if timed_out: raise Exception("Timed out after %s seconds" % timeout_seconds) = run return mainloop
def spawn(argv, stdout=False): """Asynchronously run a program. argv[0] is the executable name, which must be fully qualified or in the path. If stdout is True, return a file object corresponding to the child's standard output; otherwise, return the child's process ID. argv must be strictly str objects to avoid encoding confusion. """ types = map(type, argv) if not (min(types) == max(types) == str): raise TypeError("executables and arguments must be str objects") logger.debug("Running %r" % " ".join(argv)) args = GLib.spawn_async( argv=argv, flags=GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH, standard_output=stdout ) if stdout: return os.fdopen(args[2]) else: return args[0]
faulthandler.register(signal.SIGUSR2, all_threads=True) from scarlett_os.internal.debugger import init_debugger init_debugger() from scarlett_os.internal.debugger import enable_remote_debugging enable_remote_debugging() from scarlett_os.logger import setup_logger setup_logger() loop = GLib.MainLoop() to_complete = 2 class TestThread(SuspendableThread): def do_run(self): for n in range(1000): time.sleep(0.01) self.emit("progress", n / 1000.0, "%s of 1000" % n) self.check_for_sleep() class TestError(SuspendableThread): def do_run(self): for n in range(1000): time.sleep(0.01) if n == 100:
def test_ThreadManager_TThread(self, tmanager): blacklist_threads = [ "MainThread", "HistorySavingThread", "IPythonHistorySavingThread", "Dummy", "Thread", ] whitelist_threads = [ "SuspendableMainLoopThread", "NTsafeThread", "TInterminable", "TError", "TThread", ] # MainThread # IPythonHistorySavingThread # SuspendableMainLoopThread # IPythonHistorySavingThread # Dummy-6 # Thread-1 tm = tmanager assert (str(type(tm)) == "<class 'scarlett_os.utility.threadmanager.ThreadManager'>") assert tm.active_count == 0 assert tm.completed_threads == 0 assert tm.count == 0 assert tm.max_concurrent_threads == 2 assert tm.thread_queue == [] assert tm.threads == [] # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() loop = GLib.MainLoop() to_complete = 2 for desc, thread in [("Linear 1", TThread()), ("Linear 2", TThread())]: tm.add_thread(thread) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() def get_tm_active_count(*args): print("time.sleep(3)") time.sleep(3) if int(tm.completed_threads) < to_complete: print("tm.completed_threads < to_complete: {} < {} friends.". format(tm.completed_threads, to_complete)) # NOTE: keep running callback return True else: print("tm.completed_threads <= to_complete: {} < {} friends.". format(tm.completed_threads, to_complete)) # tm.completed_threads < to_complete: 0 < 2 friends. # tm.completed_threads <= to_complete: 2 < 2 friends. # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [MainThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [IPythonHistorySavingThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [IPythonHistorySavingThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [Dummy-5] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [Dummy-2] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [SuspendableMainLoopThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [Thread-1] # Another process is in progress ######################################################################################### # Return a list of all Thread objects currently alive. The list includes daemonic threads, # dummy thread objects created by current_thread(), and the main thread. # It excludes terminated threads and threads that have not yet been started. ######################################################################################### threads = threading.enumerate() # source: filtered_threads = [ elem for elem in threads if elem.getName() in whitelist_threads ] print("threads = threading.enumerate(): {}".format( filtered_threads)) for t_print in filtered_threads: print("****************************") print(t_print) print(t_print.getName()) print("****************************") if len(filtered_threads) > 1: msg = "Another process is in progress" for t_in_progress_intgr in filtered_threads: print( "Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [{}]" .format(t_in_progress_intgr.getName())) if "SuspendableMainLoopThread" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName( ): msg = _( "An SuspendableMainLoopThread is in progress.") if "export" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("An export is in progress.") if "delete" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("A delete is in progress.") if "TThread" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("A TThread delete is in progress.") # source: print(msg) # Normally this is a diaologe where someone selects "yes i'm sure" quit_anyway = True if quit_anyway: for (t_quit_anyway_intgr) in filtered_threads: # pylint: disable=C0103 if t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() in whitelist_threads: try: print( "QUIT ANYWAY t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [{}]" .format(t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName())) t_quit_anyway_intgr.terminate() except BaseException as t_quit_anyway_intgr_exec: # pylint: disable=C0103 print("Unable to terminate thread %s" % t_quit_anyway_intgr) print( "[t_quit_anyway_intgr.terminate()] Recieved: {}" .format(str(t_quit_anyway_intgr_exec))) # try not to lose data if this is going to # end up in a force quit return True else: print( "t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() in whitelist_threads == FALSE, continue callback" ) # thread is not part of the whitelist threads list, continue callback return True # end - if t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() in whitelist_threads: else: print("quit_anyway set to false. continue callback") # continue callback return True print(__name__ + ".loop.quit()") loop.quit() # remove callback print(__name__ + ": remove callback") return False GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, get_tm_active_count)
def test_SuspendableMainLoopThread( self, listener_mocker_stopall, listener_monkeyfunc ): def my_signal_handler_cb(*args): assert len(args) == 5 assert isinstance(args[0], C) assert args[0] == inst assert isinstance(args[1], int) assert args[1] == 42 assert args[2:] == (1, 2, 3) def quit(*args): print( "timeout reached, lets close out SuspendableMainLoopThread in [test_SuspendableMainLoopThread]" ) with _loop_thread_lock: time.sleep(0.5) print( "SuspendableMainLoopThread attempting to terminate in [test_SuspendableMainLoopThread]" ) print("running: _shared_loop_thread.terminate()") _shared_loop_thread.terminate() # print('running: stop_event.set()') # stop_event.set() # FIXME: DISABLED 5/9/2017 # SINCE YOU CAN'T JOIN CURRENT THREAD # print('SuspendableMainLoopThread attempting to join in [test_SuspendableMainLoopThread]') # FIXME: DISABLED 5/9/2017 # SINCE YOU CAN'T JOIN CURRENT THREAD # _shared_loop_thread.join(2) _shared_loop_thread = None _loop_thread_lock = threading.RLock() # stop_event = threading.Event() with _loop_thread_lock: print( "SuspendableMainLoopThread _loop_thread_lock acquired in [test_SuspendableMainLoopThread]" ) if not _shared_loop_thread: print( "SuspendableMainLoopThread if not _shared_loop_thread in [test_SuspendableMainLoopThread]" ) # Start a new thread. print("[start] new listener.SuspendableMainLoopThread()") # _shared_loop_thread = listener.SuspendableMainLoopThread(stop_event) _shared_loop_thread = listener.SuspendableMainLoopThread() # get MainLoop print("[start] _shared_loop_thread.get_loop()") _ = _shared_loop_thread.get_loop() # disable daemon thread for testing # that way thread dies after .terminate() is called # instead of during garbage collection during exit() of python interperter print( "[start] listener_monkeyfunc.setattr(__name__ + '.listener.SuspendableMainLoopThread.daemon', False)" ) listener_monkeyfunc.setattr( __name__ + ".listener.SuspendableMainLoopThread.daemon", False ) # validate monkeypatch worked assert _shared_loop_thread.daemon is False # start thread print("[start] _shared_loop_thread.start()") _shared_loop_thread.start() # this should simply return print("[start] _shared_loop_thread.do_run()") _shared_loop_thread.do_run() # FIXME: This is still returning a Mock # assert str(type(_shared_loop_thread.get_loop())) == "<class 'gi.overrides.GLib.MainLoop'>" inst = C() inst.connect("my_signal", my_signal_handler_cb, 1, 2, 3) inst.emit("my_signal", 42) assert inst.arg == 42 # Create a timeout that checks how many # tasks have been completed. When 2 have finished, # kill threads and finish. # GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, quit, _shared_loop_thread, _loop_thread_lock, stop_event) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, quit, _shared_loop_thread, _loop_thread_lock)
def notify_observers(self, info): for obs in self._observers: event = threading.Event() GLib.idle_add(obs.update, event, info)
def test_ThreadManager_TThread(self, tmanager): blacklist_threads = [ "MainThread", "HistorySavingThread", "IPythonHistorySavingThread", "Dummy", "Thread", ] whitelist_threads = [ "SuspendableMainLoopThread", "NTsafeThread", "TInterminable", "TError", "TThread", ] # MainThread # IPythonHistorySavingThread # SuspendableMainLoopThread # IPythonHistorySavingThread # Dummy-6 # Thread-1 tm = tmanager assert ( str(type(tm)) == "<class 'scarlett_os.utility.threadmanager.ThreadManager'>" ) assert tm.active_count == 0 assert tm.completed_threads == 0 assert tm.count == 0 assert tm.max_concurrent_threads == 2 assert tm.thread_queue == [] assert tm.threads == [] # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() loop = GLib.MainLoop() to_complete = 2 for desc, thread in [("Linear 1", TThread()), ("Linear 2", TThread())]: tm.add_thread(thread) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() def get_tm_active_count(*args): print("time.sleep(3)") time.sleep(3) if int(tm.completed_threads) < to_complete: print( "tm.completed_threads < to_complete: {} < {} friends.".format( tm.completed_threads, to_complete ) ) # NOTE: keep running callback return True else: print( "tm.completed_threads <= to_complete: {} < {} friends.".format( tm.completed_threads, to_complete ) ) # tm.completed_threads < to_complete: 0 < 2 friends. # tm.completed_threads <= to_complete: 2 < 2 friends. # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [MainThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [IPythonHistorySavingThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [IPythonHistorySavingThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [Dummy-5] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [Dummy-2] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [SuspendableMainLoopThread] # Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [Thread-1] # Another process is in progress ######################################################################################### # Return a list of all Thread objects currently alive. The list includes daemonic threads, # dummy thread objects created by current_thread(), and the main thread. # It excludes terminated threads and threads that have not yet been started. ######################################################################################### threads = threading.enumerate() # source: filtered_threads = [ elem for elem in threads if elem.getName() in whitelist_threads ] print("threads = threading.enumerate(): {}".format(filtered_threads)) for t_print in filtered_threads: print("****************************") print(t_print) print(t_print.getName()) print("****************************") if len(filtered_threads) > 1: msg = "Another process is in progress" for t_in_progress_intgr in filtered_threads: print( "Current Thread via t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [{}]".format( t_in_progress_intgr.getName() ) ) if "SuspendableMainLoopThread" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("An SuspendableMainLoopThread is in progress.") if "export" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("An export is in progress.") if "delete" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("A delete is in progress.") if "TThread" in t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): msg = _("A TThread delete is in progress.") # source: print(msg) # Normally this is a diaologe where someone selects "yes i'm sure" quit_anyway = True if quit_anyway: for ( t_quit_anyway_intgr ) in filtered_threads: # pylint: disable=C0103 if t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() in whitelist_threads: try: print( "QUIT ANYWAY t_in_progress_intgr.getName(): [{}]".format( t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() ) ) t_quit_anyway_intgr.terminate() except BaseException as t_quit_anyway_intgr_exec: # pylint: disable=C0103 print( "Unable to terminate thread %s" % t_quit_anyway_intgr ) print( "[t_quit_anyway_intgr.terminate()] Recieved: {}".format( str(t_quit_anyway_intgr_exec) ) ) # try not to lose data if this is going to # end up in a force quit return True else: print( "t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() in whitelist_threads == FALSE, continue callback" ) # thread is not part of the whitelist threads list, continue callback return True # end - if t_quit_anyway_intgr.getName() in whitelist_threads: else: print("quit_anyway set to false. continue callback") # continue callback return True print(__name__ + ".loop.quit()") loop.quit() # remove callback print(__name__ + ": remove callback") return False GLib.timeout_add_seconds(10, get_tm_active_count)
def main_loop(): loop = GLib.MainLoop() timeout = GLib.Timeout(RUN_TIMEOUT) timeout.set_callback(lambda loop: loop.quit(), loop) timeout.attach() return loop
####################################################################### # Init logging as early as possible so we can log startup code # enable_color = not os.environ.get( # 'PITIVI_DEBUG_NO_COLOR', '0') in ('', '1') # # Let's show a human-readable Pitivi debug output by default, and only # # show a crazy unreadable mess when surrounded by gst debug statements. # enable_crack_output = "GST_DEBUG" in os.environ # loggable.init('PITIVI_DEBUG', enable_color, enable_crack_output) # #'starting up') ####################################################################### # Pitivi logging setup - END ####################################################################### ####################################################################### loop = GLib.MainLoop() _INSTANCE = st = ScarlettTasker() # NOTE: OLD WAY OF DOING THINGS # st.prepare(player_cb, command_cb, connected_to_listener_cb) st.prepare(on_signal_recieved, on_signal_recieved, on_signal_recieved) st.configure() ####################################################################### if os.environ.get("TRAVIS_CI"): # Close application silently try: except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warning("***********************************************") logger.warning( 'Note: Added an exception "pass" for KeyboardInterrupt')
def setup_method(self, method): """Set up called automatically before every test_XXXX method.""" super(IntegrationTestbaseMainloop, self).setup_method(method) self.mainloop = GLib.MainLoop() self.quit_count = 0
def run_mainloop(self, timeout=5): """Start the MainLoop, set Quit-Counter to Zero""" self.quit_count = 0 GLib.timeout_add_seconds(timeout, self.quit_mainloop)