def check_model(args, loader, model): num_samples = 0 model.forward_D = False model.eval() img_dir = makedir(args.output_dir, 'test' if args.use_gt_textures else 'test_patch') gt_img_dir = makedir(args.output_dir, 'test_real', args.save_gt_imgs) with torch.no_grad(): for batch in loader: result = model[batch] imgs, imgs_pred = result.imgs, result.imgs_pred imgs_gt = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs) imgs_pred = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred) for i in range(imgs_pred.size(0)): img_filename = '%04d.png' % num_samples if args.save_gt_imgs: img_gt = imgs_gt[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_gt_path = os.path.join(gt_img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_gt_path, img_gt) img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) num_samples += 1 print('Saved %d images' % num_samples) if num_samples >= args.num_val_samples: break
def write_images(self, t, imgs, imgs_pred, layout_one_hot, layout_pred_one_hot, d_real_crops, d_fake_crops): writer = self.writer index = int(t / self.args.print_every) imgs_print = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs) writer.add_image( 'img/real', torchvision.utils.make_grid(imgs_print, normalize=True, scale_each=True), index) if imgs_pred is not None: imgs_pred_print = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred) writer.add_image( 'img/pred', torchvision.utils.make_grid(imgs_pred_print, normalize=True, scale_each=True), index) if self.obj_discriminator is not None: d_real_crops_print = imagenet_deprocess_batch(d_real_crops) writer.add_image( 'objs/d_real', torchvision.utils.make_grid(d_real_crops_print, normalize=True, scale_each=True), index) g_fake_crops_print = imagenet_deprocess_batch(d_fake_crops) writer.add_image( 'objs/g_fake', torchvision.utils.make_grid(g_fake_crops_print, normalize=True, scale_each=True), index) layout_one_hot_3d = self.one_hot_to_rgb(layout_one_hot) writer.add_image( 'img/layout', torchvision.utils.make_grid(layout_one_hot_3d.cpu().data, normalize=True, scale_each=True), index) layout_pred_one_hot_3d = self.one_hot_to_rgb(layout_pred_one_hot) writer.add_image( 'img/layout_pred', torchvision.utils.make_grid(layout_pred_one_hot_3d.cpu().data, normalize=True, scale_each=True), index)
def check_model(args, loader, model): num_samples = 0 model.forward_D = False model.eval() img_dir = makedir( args.output_dir, 'test_noise' if args.use_gt_textures else 'test_noise_patch') crops_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, args.features_file_name[:-4] + "") print(crops_path) if os.path.isfile(crops_path): crops_dict = torch.load(crops_path) else: crops_dict = None print('No crops file !!!!!!!!!!!!!') image_size = 256 use_gt_textures = args.use_gt_textures args.use_gt_textures = True with torch.no_grad(): for _batch in loader: for noise_index in range(args.num_diff_noise): if noise_index > 0: args.use_gt_textures = use_gt_textures batch = deepcopy(_batch) result = model[batch] imgs, imgs_pred = result.imgs, result.imgs_pred objs = result.objs change_indexes = result.change_indexes crop_indexes = result.crop_indexes boxes = result.boxes obj_to_img = result.obj_to_img imgs_pred = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred) for i in range(imgs_pred.size(0)): this_img_dir = makedir(img_dir, "%d" % (num_samples + i)) img_filename = '%04d.png' % noise_index img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(this_img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) if args.save_layout: # draw bbox and class image = torch.ones(3, image_size, image_size) image = transforms.ToPILImage()(image).convert("RGB") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) index = (obj_to_img == i).nonzero()[:, 0] for ind in index: box = boxes[ind] cls = objs[ind] color_style = 'normal' draw = draw_box( draw, box * image_size, loader.dataset.ind_to_classes[cls + 1], color_style) # draw box of changed object and save used object patch if change_indexes is not None: if args.save_layout: change_index = change_indexes[i] box = boxes[change_index] cls = objs[change_index] color_style = 'special' draw = draw_box( draw, box * image_size, loader.dataset.ind_to_classes[cls + 1], color_style) if args.save_crop and crops_dict is not None: crop = crops_dict[cls][crop_indexes[i]] crop = crop.numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) crop_path = os.path.join( this_img_dir, "%04d_crop.png" % noise_index) imsave(crop_path, crop) if args.save_layout: os.path.join(this_img_dir, "%04d_layout.png" % noise_index)) num_samples += imgs.shape[0] print('Saved %d images' % num_samples) if num_samples >= args.num_val_samples: break
def run_model(args, checkpoint, output_dir, loader=None): if args.save_graphs: from scene_generation.vis import draw_scene_graph dirname = os.path.dirname(args.checkpoint) features = None if not args.use_gt_textures: features_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'features_clustered_001.npy') print(features_path) if os.path.isfile(features_path): features = np.load(features_path, allow_pickle=True).item() else: raise ValueError('No features file') with torch.no_grad(): vocab = checkpoint['model_kwargs']['vocab'] model = build_model(args, checkpoint) if loader is None: loader = build_loader(args, checkpoint, vocab['is_panoptic']) accuracy_model = None if args.accuracy_model_path is not None and os.path.isfile( args.accuracy_model_path): accuracy_model = load_model(args.accuracy_model_path) img_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'images') graph_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'graphs', args.save_graphs) gt_img_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'images_gt', args.save_gt_imgs) layout_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'layouts', args.save_layout) img_idx = 0 total_iou = 0 total_boxes = 0 r_05 = 0 r_03 = 0 corrects = 0 real_objects_count = 0 num_objs = model.num_objs colors = torch.randint(0, 256, [num_objs, 3]).float() for batch in loader: imgs, objs, boxes, masks, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, attributes = [ x.cuda() for x in batch ] imgs_gt = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs) if args.use_gt_masks: masks_gt = masks else: masks_gt = None if args.use_gt_textures: all_features = None else: all_features = [] for obj_name in objs: obj_feature = features[obj_name.item()] random_index = randint(0, obj_feature.shape[0] - 1) feat = torch.from_numpy(obj_feature[random_index, :]).type( torch.float32).cuda() all_features.append(feat) if not args.use_gt_attr: attributes = torch.zeros_like(attributes) # Run the model with predicted masks model_out = model(imgs, objs, triples, obj_to_img, boxes_gt=boxes, masks_gt=masks_gt, attributes=attributes, test_mode=True, use_gt_box=args.use_gt_boxes, features=all_features) imgs_pred, boxes_pred, masks_pred, _, layout, _ = model_out if accuracy_model is not None: if args.use_gt_boxes: crops = crop_bbox_batch(imgs_pred, boxes, obj_to_img, 224) else: crops = crop_bbox_batch(imgs_pred, boxes_pred, obj_to_img, 224) outputs = accuracy_model(crops) if type(outputs) == tuple: outputs, _ = outputs _, preds = torch.max(outputs, 1) # statistics for pred, label in zip(preds, objs): if label.item() != 0: real_objects_count += 1 corrects += 1 if pred.item() == label.item() else 0 # Remove the __image__ object boxes_pred_no_image = [] boxes_gt_no_image = [] for o_index in range(len(obj_to_img)): if o_index < len(obj_to_img) - 1 and obj_to_img[ o_index] == obj_to_img[o_index + 1]: boxes_pred_no_image.append(boxes_pred[o_index]) boxes_gt_no_image.append(boxes[o_index]) boxes_pred_no_image = torch.stack(boxes_pred_no_image) boxes_gt_no_image = torch.stack(boxes_gt_no_image) iou, bigger_05, bigger_03 = jaccard(boxes_pred_no_image, boxes_gt_no_image) total_iou += iou r_05 += bigger_05 r_03 += bigger_03 total_boxes += boxes_pred_no_image.size(0) imgs_pred = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred) obj_data = [objs, boxes_pred, masks_pred] _, obj_data = split_graph_batch(triples, obj_data, obj_to_img, triple_to_img) objs, boxes_pred, masks_pred = obj_data obj_data_gt = [] if masks is not None: obj_data_gt.append( triples, obj_data_gt = split_graph_batch(triples, obj_data_gt, obj_to_img, triple_to_img) layouts_3d = one_hot_to_rgb(layout, colors, num_objs) for i in range(imgs_pred.size(0)): img_filename = '%04d.png' % img_idx if args.save_gt_imgs: img_gt = imgs_gt[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_gt_path = os.path.join(gt_img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_gt_path, img_gt) if args.save_layout: layout_3d = layouts_3d[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) layout_path = os.path.join(layout_dir, img_filename) imsave(layout_path, layout_3d) img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) if args.save_graphs: graph_img = draw_scene_graph(objs[i], triples[i], vocab) graph_path = os.path.join(graph_dir, img_filename) imsave(graph_path, graph_img) img_idx += 1 print('Saved %d images' % img_idx) avg_iou = total_iou / total_boxes print('avg_iou {}'.format(avg_iou.item())) print('r0.5 {}'.format(r_05 / total_boxes)) print('r0.3 {}'.format(r_03 / total_boxes)) if accuracy_model is not None: print('Accuracy {}'.format(corrects / real_objects_count))
def run_model(args, checkpoint, output_dir, loader=None): device = torch.device("cuda:0") vocab = checkpoint['model_kwargs']['vocab'] model = build_model(args, checkpoint) if loader is None: loader = build_loader(args, checkpoint) img_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'images') graph_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'graphs', args.save_graphs) gt_img_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'images_gt', args.save_gt_imgs) data_path = os.path.join(output_dir, '') data = { 'vocab': vocab, 'objs': [], 'masks_pred': [], 'boxes_pred': [], 'masks_gt': [], 'boxes_gt': [], 'filenames': [], } f = open("./" + output_dir + "/result_ids.txt", "w") img_idx = 0 for batch in loader: masks = None batch = [ for tensor in batch] masks = None if len(batch) == 6: imgs, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img = batch elif len(batch) == 7: imgs, objs, boxes, masks, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img = batch elif len(batch) == 12: imgs, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, \ objs_r, boxes_r, triples_r, obj_to_img_r, triple_to_img_r, imgs_in = batch elif len(batch) == 13: imgs, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, attributes, \ objs_r, boxes_r, triples_r, obj_to_img_r, triple_to_img_r, imgs_in = batch else: assert False #triple_pos = batch[-1] #print(objs, triples) imgs_gt = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs) boxes_gt = None masks_gt = None if args.use_gt_boxes: boxes_gt = boxes if args.use_gt_masks: masks_gt = masks #print(imgs_in.shape) imgs_in_ = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_in[:, :3, :, :]) #print(objs) #print(triples) #print("triple pos: ", triple_pos) img_in_ = np.array(imgs_in_[0].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)) mask = np.concatenate([ imgs_in[:, 3:, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy(), imgs_in[:, 3:, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy(), imgs_in[:, 3:, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy() ], 1) mask = np.transpose(mask, [0, 2, 3, 1]) mask = np.squeeze(mask, 0) #print(mask.shape, np.max(mask), np.min(mask)) img_masked = (1 - mask / 255) * img_in_[:, :, :3] + mask * np.ones_like( img_in_[:, :, :3]) temp = img_masked[:, :, 2] img_masked[:, :, 2] = img_masked[:, :, 0] img_masked[:, :, 0] = temp #cv2.imwrite("./output_sameid/images_gt/" + str(img_idx).zfill(4) + "_masked.png", img_masked) #img_gt = imgs_gt[0].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) #graph_img = draw_scene_graph(objs, triples, vocab) #cv2.imshow('graph', graph_img) #cv2.imshow('img', cv2.resize(img_gt, (128, 128))) #cv2.imshow('img masked', cv2.resize(img_in, (128, 128))) #k = cv2.waitKey(0) if True: #k == ord('c'): #change the id of a node #print("enter new obj id: ") #id_node = input() #print("you entered: ", id_node) #objs[0] = torch.tensor(np.int64(int(id_node)), dtype=torch.long) # change a relationship #print("enter new relationship id: ") #id_edge = input() #print("you entered: ", id_edge) #if triple_pos != -1: # triples[triple_pos, 1] = torch.tensor(np.int64(int(id_edge)), dtype=torch.long) #else: # print("no relationship found") img_filename = '%04d_gt.png' % img_idx if args.save_graphs: graph_img = draw_scene_graph(objs, triples, vocab) graph_path = os.path.join(graph_dir, img_filename) imsave(graph_path, graph_img) target_predicate = 15 #31 source_predicate = 31 #15 valid_triples = [] #mode = 'reposition' #mode = 'auto' assert args.mode in ['auto', 'reposition', 'replace', 'remove'] mode = args.mode if mode == 'replace': if boxes_gt[0, 2] - boxes_gt[0, 0] < 0.1 or boxes_gt[ 0, 3] - boxes_gt[0, 1] < 0.15: img_idx += 1 continue new_ids = change_id_constrained(objs[0], boxes_gt[0]) elif mode == 'reposition': #triple_pos = -1 #obj_pos = -1 for j in range(triples.size(0)): # if image not one of the objects and predicate is the type we want if triples[j,0] != objs.size(0)-1 and triples[j,2] != objs.size(0)-1 \ and triples[j,1] == source_predicate: valid_triples.append(j) new_ids = valid_triples #change_relationship(triples[triple_pos, 1]) elif mode == 'remove': id_removed = objs[0].item() box_removed = boxes_gt[0] has_other_instance = False for iii in range(objs_r.shape[0]): if objs[0] == objs_r[iii]: # we want an image that contains no more instances of the removed category for the user study has_other_instance = True if has_other_instance or \ box_removed[3] - box_removed[1] < 0.2 or \ box_removed[2] - box_removed[0] < 0.2 or \ (box_removed[3] - box_removed[1] > 0.8 and box_removed[2] - box_removed[0] > 0.8): img_idx += 1 continue objs = objs_r boxes = boxes_r triples = triples_r obj_to_img = obj_to_img_r triple_to_img = triple_to_img_r new_ids = [objs[0]] else: # auto new_ids = [objs[0]] query_feats = None if args.with_image_query: img, box = query_image_by_semantic_id(new_ids, img_idx, loader) query_feats = model.forward_visual_feats(img, box) img_filename_query = '%04d_query.png' % (img_idx) img = imagenet_deprocess_batch(img) img_np = img[0].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_filename_query) imsave(img_path, img_np) img_subid = 0 for obj_new_id in new_ids: boxes_gt = None masks_gt = None if args.use_gt_boxes: boxes_gt = boxes if args.use_gt_masks: masks_gt = masks drop_box_idx = torch.ones_like(objs.unsqueeze(1), dtype=torch.float) drop_feat_idx = torch.ones_like(objs.unsqueeze(1), dtype=torch.float) if mode == 'reposition': #if len(valid_triples) == 0: # continue #print("obj_pos ", obj_pos, triple_pos) triples_changed = triples.clone() triple_to_img_changed = triple_to_img.clone() triples_changed[obj_new_id, 1] = torch.tensor( np.int64(int(target_predicate), dtype=torch.long)) subject_node = triples_changed[obj_new_id, 0] object_node = triples_changed[obj_new_id, 2] indexes = [] print("subject, object ", subject_node, object_node) for t_index in range(triples_changed.size(0)): if triples_changed[t_index, 1] == source_predicate and (triples_changed[t_index, 0] == subject_node \ or triples_changed[t_index, 2] == object_node) and obj_new_id != t_index: indexes.append(t_index) if len(indexes) > 0: triples_changed, triple_to_img_changed = remove_dub( triples_changed, triple_to_img_changed, indexes) img_gt_filename = '%04d_gt.png' % (img_idx) img_pred_filename = '%04d_%d_64_norel_auto.png' % ( img_idx, img_subid) img_filename_noised = '%04d_%d_64_noise_norel_auto.png' % ( img_idx, img_subid) triples_ = triples_changed triple_to_img_ = triple_to_img_changed if not args.drop_obj_only: drop_box_idx[subject_node] = 0 if not args.drop_subj_only: drop_box_idx[object_node] = 0 else: objs[0] = torch.tensor(np.int64(int(obj_new_id)), dtype=torch.long) #drop_box_idx[0] = 0 #drop_feat_idx = obj_pos = -1 img_gt_filename = '%04d_%d_gt.png' % (img_idx, img_subid) img_pred_filename = '%04d_%d_64.png' % (img_idx, img_subid) img_filename_noised = '%04d_%d_64.png' % (img_idx, img_subid) triples_ = triples triple_to_img_ = triple_to_img subject_node = 0 if mode == 'replace': drop_feat_idx[subject_node] = 0 # TODO with combined or pred box? if mode == 'auto': if not args.with_image_query: drop_feat_idx[subject_node] = 0 # if mode is remove, do nothing #imgs = None triples_new = [] for t in triples: s, p, o = t if p != 0: triples_new.append(t) triples = torch.stack(triples_new, 0) objs[-1] = objs[-2] boxes[:, -1] = boxes[:, -2] attributes[:, -1] = attributes[:, -2] print(attributes.shape, objs.shape) model_out = model(imgs, objs, triples, obj_to_img, boxes_gt=boxes, masks_gt=masks_gt, attributes=attributes, gt_train=False, test_mode=False, use_gt_box=True, features=None, drop_box_idx=drop_box_idx, drop_feat_idx=drop_feat_idx, src_image=imgs_in) #model(objs, triples_, obj_to_img, # boxes_gt=boxes_gt, masks_gt=masks_gt, src_image=imgs_in, mode=args.mode, # query_feats=query_feats, drop_box_idx=drop_box_idx, drop_feat_idx=drop_feat_idx) imgs_pred, boxes_pred, masks_pred, _, _, _ = model_out # modify bboxes #boxes_combined = boxes_gt #combine_boxes(boxes_gt, boxes_pred) #model_out = model(objs, triples_, obj_to_img, # boxes_gt=boxes_combined, masks_gt=masks_gt, src_image=imgs_in) #imgs_pred, _, _, _, _ = model_out imgs_pred = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred) #noised_srcs = imagenet_deprocess_batch(noised_srcs) obj_data = [objs, boxes_pred, masks_pred] _, obj_data = split_graph_batch(triples_, obj_data, obj_to_img, triple_to_img_) objs, boxes_pred, masks_pred = obj_data obj_data_gt = [] if masks is not None: obj_data_gt.append( triples_, obj_data_gt = split_graph_batch( triples_, obj_data_gt, obj_to_img, triple_to_img_) objs = triples_ = boxes_gt, masks_gt = obj_data_gt[0], None if masks is not None: masks_gt = obj_data_gt[1] for i in range(imgs_pred.size(0)): if args.save_gt_imgs: img_gt = imgs_gt[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_gt_path = os.path.join(gt_img_dir, img_gt_filename) imsave(img_gt_path, img_gt) userStudy = False # user study ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if mode == 'replace': img_pred_filename = '%04d_%d.png' % \ (img_idx, img_subid) f.write( str(img_idx) + "_" + str(img_subid) + " " + vocab['object_idx_to_name'][objs[0].item()] + "\n") img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_pred_filename) #imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) if userStudy: img_pred_np = cv2.resize(img_pred_np, (128, 128)) img_gt = imgs_gt[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_gt = cv2.resize(img_gt, (128, 128)) wspace = np.zeros([img_pred_np.shape[0], 10, 3]) text = np.zeros( [30, img_pred_np.shape[1] * 2 + 10, 3]) text = cv2.putText(text, " Before After", (17, 25), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) img_pred_gt = np.concatenate( [img_gt, wspace, img_pred_np], axis=1).astype('uint8') img_pred_gt = np.concatenate( [text, img_pred_gt], axis=0).astype('uint8') imsave(img_path, img_pred_gt) else: imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) elif mode == 'remove': img_pred_filename = '%04d_%d.png' % \ (img_idx, img_subid) f.write( str(img_idx) + "_" + str(img_subid) + " " + vocab['object_idx_to_name'][id_removed] + "\n") img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_pred_filename) #imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) if userStudy: img_pred_np = cv2.resize(img_pred_np, (128, 128)) img_gt = imgs_gt[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_gt = cv2.resize(img_gt, (128, 128)) wspace = np.zeros([img_pred_np.shape[0], 90, 3]) text = np.zeros( [30, img_pred_np.shape[1] + 2 * 90, 3]) text = cv2.putText( text, "Is there a " + vocab['object_idx_to_name'][id_removed] + " in the image?", (17, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) img_pred_gt = np.concatenate( [wspace, img_pred_np, wspace], axis=1).astype('uint8') img_pred_gt = np.concatenate( [text, img_pred_gt], axis=0).astype('uint8') imsave(img_path, img_pred_gt) else: imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- else: #print(vocab['pred_idx_to_name'][target_predicate]) img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_pred_filename) imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) #noised_src_np = noised_srcs[i,:3,:,:].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) #img_path_noised = os.path.join(img_dir, img_filename_noised) #imsave(img_path_noised, noised_src_np) data['objs'].append(objs[i].cpu().clone()) data['masks_pred'].append(masks_pred[i].cpu().clone()) data['boxes_pred'].append(boxes_pred[i].cpu().clone()) data['boxes_gt'].append(boxes_gt[i].cpu().clone()) data['filenames'].append(img_filename) cur_masks_gt = None if masks_gt is not None: cur_masks_gt = masks_gt[i].cpu().clone() data['masks_gt'].append(cur_masks_gt) #print(objs[i], objs) if args.save_graphs: graph_img = draw_scene_graph(objs, triples_, vocab) graph_path = os.path.join(graph_dir, img_pred_filename) imsave(graph_path, graph_img) img_subid += 1 img_idx += 1, data_path) print('Saved %d images' % img_idx) f.close()
def run_model(args, checkpoint, output_dir, loader=None): dirname = os.path.dirname(args.checkpoint) features = None if args.sample_features: features_path = os.path.join(dirname, 'features_clustered_001.npy') print(features_path) if os.path.isfile(features_path): features = np.load(features_path).item() else: raise ValueError('No features file') with torch.no_grad(): vocab = checkpoint['model_kwargs']['vocab'] model = build_model(args, checkpoint) if loader is None: loader = build_loader(args, checkpoint) img_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'images') graph_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'graphs', args.save_graphs) gt_img_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'images_gt', args.save_gt_imgs) layout_dir = makedir(output_dir, 'layouts', args.save_layout) img_idx = 0 total_iou = 0 total_boxes = 0 r_05 = 0 r_03 = 0 num_objs = model.num_objs colors = torch.randint(0, 256, [num_objs, 3]).float() for batch in loader: imgs, objs, boxes, masks, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, attributes = [ x.cuda() for x in batch ] imgs_gt = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs) masks_gt = None gt_train = False if args.use_gt_masks: masks_gt = masks if args.use_gt_textures: gt_train = True if not args.use_gt_attr: attributes = torch.zeros_like(attributes) if features is not None: all_features = [] for obj_name in objs: obj_feature = features[obj_name.item()] random_index = randint(0, obj_feature.shape[0] - 1) feat = torch.from_numpy(obj_feature[random_index, :]).type( torch.float32).cuda() all_features.append(feat) else: all_features = None # Run the model with predicted masks model_out = model(imgs, objs, triples, obj_to_img, boxes_gt=boxes, masks_gt=masks_gt, attributes=attributes, gt_train=gt_train, test_mode=True, use_gt_box=args.use_gt_boxes, features=all_features) imgs_pred, boxes_pred, masks_pred, _, layout, _ = model_out iou, bigger_05, bigger_03 = jaccard(boxes_pred, boxes) total_iou += iou r_05 += bigger_05 r_03 += bigger_03 total_boxes += boxes_pred.size(0) imgs_pred = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred) obj_data = [objs, boxes_pred, masks_pred] _, obj_data = split_graph_batch(triples, obj_data, obj_to_img, triple_to_img) objs, boxes_pred, masks_pred = obj_data obj_data_gt = [] if masks is not None: obj_data_gt.append( triples, obj_data_gt = split_graph_batch(triples, obj_data_gt, obj_to_img, triple_to_img) boxes_gt, masks_gt = obj_data_gt[0], None if masks is not None: masks_gt = obj_data_gt[1] layouts_3d = one_hot_to_rgb(layout, colors, num_objs) for i in range(imgs_pred.size(0)): img_filename = '%04d.png' % img_idx if args.save_gt_imgs: img_gt = imgs_gt[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_gt_path = os.path.join(gt_img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_gt_path, img_gt) if args.save_layout: layout_3d = layouts_3d[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) layout_path = os.path.join(layout_dir, img_filename) imsave(layout_path, layout_3d) img_pred_np = imgs_pred[i].numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) img_path = os.path.join(img_dir, img_filename) imsave(img_path, img_pred_np) cur_masks_gt = None if masks_gt is not None: cur_masks_gt = masks_gt[i].cpu().clone() if args.save_graphs: graph_img = draw_scene_graph(objs[i], triples[i], vocab) graph_path = os.path.join(graph_dir, img_filename) imsave(graph_path, graph_img) img_idx += 1 print('Saved %d images' % img_idx) avg_iou = total_iou / total_boxes print(avg_iou) print('r0.5 {}'.format(r_05 / total_boxes)) print('r0.3 {}'.format(r_03 / total_boxes))
def eval_model(args, model, loader, device, use_gt=False, use_feats=False, filter_box=False): all_losses = defaultdict(list) all_boxes = defaultdict(list) total_iou = [] total_boxes = 0 num_batches = 0 num_samples = 0 mae_per_image = [] mae_roi_per_image = [] roi_only_iou = [] ssim_per_image = [] ssim_rois = [] rois = 0 margin = 2 ## Initializing the perceptual loss model lpips_model = models.PerceptualLoss(model='net-lin', net='alex', use_gpu=True) perceptual_error_image = [] perceptual_error_roi = [] # --------------------------------------- with torch.no_grad(): for batch in tqdm.tqdm(loader): num_batches += 1 # if num_batches > 10: # break batch = [ for tensor in batch] masks = None if len(batch) == 6: imgs, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img = batch elif len(batch) == 7: imgs, objs, boxes, masks, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img = batch elif len(batch) == 12: imgs, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, \ objs_r, boxes_r, triples_r, obj_to_img_r, triple_to_img_r, imgs_in = batch elif len(batch) == 13: imgs, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, attributes, \ objs_r, boxes_r, triples_r, obj_to_img_r, triple_to_img_r, imgs_in = batch else: assert False predicates = triples[:, 1] # #EVAL_ALL = True if EVAL_ALL: imgs, imgs_in, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, \ dropbox_indices, dropfeats_indices = process_batch( imgs, imgs_in, objs, boxes, triples, obj_to_img, triple_to_img, device, use_feats=use_feats, filter_box=filter_box) else: dropbox_indices = None dropfeats_indices = None # # if use_gt: # gt boxes # model_out = model(objs, triples, obj_to_img, boxes_gt=boxes, masks_gt=masks, src_image=imgs_in, # drop_box_idx=None, drop_feat_idx=dropfeats_indices, mode='eval') # else: # model_out = model(objs, triples, obj_to_img, boxes_gt=boxes, src_image=imgs_in, # drop_box_idx=dropbox_indices, drop_feats_idx=dropfeats_indices, mode='eval') masks_gt = None gt_train = False attributes = torch.zeros_like(attributes) all_features = None # Run the model with predicted masks model_out = model(imgs, objs, triples, obj_to_img, boxes_gt=boxes, masks_gt=masks_gt, attributes=attributes, gt_train=gt_train, test_mode=False, use_gt_box=True, features=all_features, drop_box_idx=dropbox_indices, drop_feat_idx=dropfeats_indices, src_image=imgs_in) #imgs_pred, boxes_pred, masks_pred, _, layout, _ = model_out # OUTPUT imgs_pred, boxes_pred, masks_pred, predicate_scores, layout, _ = model_out # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #imgs_pred *= 3 #print(imgs_pred.min(), imgs_pred.max()) # Save all box predictions all_boxes['boxes_gt'].append(boxes) all_boxes['objs'].append(objs) all_boxes['boxes_pred'].append(boxes_pred) all_boxes['drop_targets'].append(dropbox_indices) # IoU over all total_iou.append(jaccard(boxes_pred, boxes).cpu().numpy()) #.detach() total_boxes += boxes_pred.size(0) # IoU over targets only pred_dropbox = boxes_pred[dropbox_indices.squeeze() == 0, :] gt_dropbox = boxes[dropbox_indices.squeeze() == 0, :] roi_only_iou.append( jaccard(pred_dropbox, gt_dropbox).detach().cpu().numpy()) rois += pred_dropbox.size(0) # assert(pred_dropbox.size(0) == imgs.size(0)) num_samples += imgs.shape[0] imgs = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs).float() imgs_pred = imagenet_deprocess_batch(imgs_pred).float() # Uncomment to plot images (for debugging purposes) #visualize_imgs_boxes(imgs, imgs_pred, boxes, boxes) # MAE per image mae_per_image.append( torch.mean( torch.abs(imgs - imgs_pred).view(imgs.shape[0], -1), 1).cpu().numpy()) for s in range(imgs.shape[0]): # get coordinates of target left, right, top, bottom = bbox_coordinates_with_margin( boxes[s, :], margin, imgs) # calculate errors only in RoI one by one - good, i wanted to check this too since the errors were suspicious pheww mae_roi_per_image.append( torch.mean( torch.abs(imgs[s, :, top:bottom, left:right] - imgs_pred[s, :, top:bottom, left:right])).cpu().item()) ssim_per_image.append( pytorch_ssim.ssim(imgs[s:s + 1, :, :, :] / 255.0, imgs_pred[s:s + 1, :, :, :] / 255.0, window_size=3).cpu().item()) ssim_rois.append( pytorch_ssim.ssim( imgs[s:s + 1, :, top:bottom, left:right] / 255.0, imgs_pred[s:s + 1, :, top:bottom, left:right] / 255.0, window_size=3).cpu().item()) imgs_pred_norm = imgs_pred[ s:s + 1, :, :, :] / 127.5 - 1 # = util.im2tensor(imgs_pred[s:s+1, :, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy()) imgs_gt_norm = imgs[ s:s + 1, :, :, :] / 127.5 - 1 # util.im2tensor(imgs[s:s+1, :, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy()) #perceptual_error_roi.append(lpips_model.forward(imgs_pred_norm[:,:, top:bottom, left:right], # imgs_gt_norm[:,:, top:bottom, left:right])) #print(imgs_pred_norm.shape) perceptual_error_image.append( lpips_model.forward(imgs_pred_norm, imgs_gt_norm).detach().cpu().numpy()) if num_batches % PRINT_EVERY == 0: calculate_scores(mae_per_image, mae_roi_per_image, total_iou, roi_only_iou, ssim_per_image, ssim_rois, perceptual_error_image, perceptual_error_roi) if num_batches % SAVE_EVERY == 0: save_results(mae_per_image, mae_roi_per_image, total_iou, roi_only_iou, ssim_per_image, ssim_rois, perceptual_error_image, perceptual_error_roi, all_boxes, num_batches) # mean_losses = {k: np.mean(v) for k, v in all_losses.items()} save_results(mae_per_image, mae_roi_per_image, total_iou, roi_only_iou, ssim_per_image, ssim_rois, perceptual_error_image, perceptual_error_roi, all_boxes, 'final') # masks_to_store = masks # if masks_to_store is not None: # masks_to_store = # masks_pred_to_store = masks_pred # if masks_pred_to_store is not None: # masks_pred_to_store = # batch_data = { # 'objs': objs.detach().cpu().clone(), # 'boxes_gt': boxes.detach().cpu().clone(), # 'masks_gt': masks_to_store, # 'triples': triples.detach().cpu().clone(), # 'obj_to_img': obj_to_img.detach().cpu().clone(), # 'triple_to_img': triple_to_img.detach().cpu().clone(), # 'boxes_pred': boxes_pred.detach().cpu().clone(), # 'masks_pred': masks_pred_to_store # } # out = [mean_losses, samples, batch_data, avg_iou] # out = [mean_losses, mean_L1, avg_iou] return # mae_per_image, mae_roi_per_image, total_iou, roi_only_iou