aquariumBorder = bs.Shape([], []) for i in range(X.shape[0] - 1): for j in range(X.shape[1] - 1): for k in range(X.shape[2] - 1): if ((i == 0 or i == X.shape[0] - 2) and ( j == 0 or j == X.shape[1] - 2 or k == 0 or k == X.shape[2] - 2)) or ( (j == 0 or j == X.shape[1] - 2) and ( i == 0 or i == X.shape[0] - 2 or k == 0 or k == X.shape[2] - 2)) or ( (j == 0 or j == X.shape[1] - 2 or i == 0 or i == X.shape[0] - 2) and ( k == 0 or k == X.shape[2] - 2)): temp_shape = createColorCube2(i, j, k, X, Y, Z, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) merge(aquariumBorder, 6, temp_shape) gpu_surfaceA = es.toGPUShape(isosurfaceA) surfaceA = sg.SceneGraphNode('surfaceA') surfaceA.transform = tr.translate(-20, -10, -10) surfaceA.childs += [gpu_surfaceA] scaledSurfaceA = sg.SceneGraphNode('scaledSurfaceA') scaledSurfaceA.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.5) scaledSurfaceA.childs += [surfaceA] gpu_surfaceB = es.toGPUShape(isosurfaceB) surfaceB = sg.SceneGraphNode('surfaceB') surfaceB.transform = tr.translate(-20, -10, -10) surfaceB.childs += [gpu_surfaceB] scaledSurfaceB = sg.SceneGraphNode('scaledSurfaceB') scaledSurfaceB.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.5) scaledSurfaceB.childs += [surfaceB] gpu_surfaceC = es.toGPUShape(isosurfaceC)
def __init__(self, color, radius, distance, velocity, satellites, parent=None): self.selected = False self.color = color self.radius = radius self.distance = distance self.velocity = velocity self.parent = parent if parent is None: self.parent_x = 0 self.parent_y = 0 else: self.parent_x = parent.get_x() self.parent_y = parent.get_y() self.satellites = satellites # Lista de jsons self.satellites_objects = [] self.satellites_nodes = [] self.orbit_color = [x / 2 for x in color] self.x = 0 + self.parent_x self.x2 = self.x self.y = 1 * distance + self.parent_y self.y2 = self.y self.zoom = 1 # Figuras básicas gpu_body_circle = es.toGPUShape(s.createColorCircle(*self.color)) gpu_orbit_circumference = es.toGPUShape( s.createColorCircumference(*self.orbit_color)) gpu_selection = es.toGPUShape(s.createColorCircle(1, 1, 1)) # Create Satellites if satellites != "Null": for cuerpo in satellites: new_cuerpo = Cuerpo(cuerpo['Color'], cuerpo['Radius'], cuerpo['Distance'], cuerpo['Velocity'], cuerpo['Satellites'], self) self.satellites_objects.append(new_cuerpo) self.satellites_nodes.append(new_cuerpo.get_model()) # Orbita # The circumference and it's scale orbit_circumference = sg.SceneGraphNode('orbit') orbit_circumference.transform = tr.uniformScale(distance) orbit_circumference.childs += [gpu_orbit_circumference] # Then the translation orbit = sg.SceneGraphNode('orbit') orbit.transform = tr.translate(self.parent_x, self.parent_y, 0) orbit.childs += [orbit_circumference] # Selection circle selection = sg.SceneGraphNode('selection_circle') selection.transform = tr.uniformScale(0) selection.childs += [gpu_selection] # Cuerpo # The circle and it's scale body_circle = sg.SceneGraphNode('body_circle') body_circle.transform = tr.uniformScale(self.radius) body_circle.childs += [gpu_body_circle] # Then the translation body = sg.SceneGraphNode('body') body.transform = tr.translate(self.x, self.y, 0) body.childs += [selection, body_circle] # Satellites satellites_node = sg.SceneGraphNode('satellites') satellites_node.transform = tr.translate(self.parent_x, self.parent_y, 0) satellites_node.childs += [*self.satellites_nodes] # Ensamble planeta = sg.SceneGraphNode('Planeta') planeta.childs += [orbit, body, satellites_node] transform_planeta = sg.SceneGraphNode('planetaTR') transform_planeta.childs += [planeta] self.model = transform_planeta
def crearCurso(cubo): cuboRojo = cubo #Aqui se comienzan a crear los cursos #Primer año TDP_101 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDP_101") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDP_101.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,2.1,0) TDP_101.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DP_101')] DP_101 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DP_101") #Se crea el cubo completo DP_101.childs += [TDP_101] CDP_101 = cc.Curso('DP_101',[],-2.1,2.1,0,['DGP_201','DG_701','DG_702']) TDP_102 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDP_102") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDP_102.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,2.1,0) TDP_102.childs += [cuboRojo,tc.TapaCursoNorm('DP_102')] DP_102 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DP_102") #Se crea el cubo completo DP_102.childs += [TDP_102] CDP_102 = cc.Curso('DP_102',[],-1.5,2.1,0,['DGP_202','DG_701','DG_702']) TDP_103 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDP_103") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDP_103.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,2.1,0) TDP_103.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DP_103')] DP_103 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DP_103") #Se crea el cubo completo DP_103.childs += [TDP_103] CDP_103 = cc.Curso('DP_103',[],-0.9,2.1,0,['DGP_203','DG_701','DG_702']) TDT_104 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDT_104") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDT_104.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,2.1,0) TDT_104.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DT_104')] DT_104 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DT_104") #Se crea el cubo completo DT_104.childs += [TDT_104] CDT_104 = cc.Curso('DT_104',[],-0.3,2.1,0,['DGT_303','DG_701','DG_702']) TDT_105 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDT_105") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la pisicion correcta TDT_105.transform = tr.translate(0.3,2.1,0) TDT_105.childs += [cuboRojo,tc.TapaCursoNorm('DT_105')] DT_105 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DT_105") #Se crea el cubo completo DT_105.childs += [ TDT_105] CDT_105 = cc.Curso('DT_105',[],0.3,2.1,0,['DGT_205','DG_701','DG_702']) TDH_106 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDH_106") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDH_106.transform = tr.translate(0.9,2.1,0) TDH_106.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DH_106')] DH_106 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DH_106") #Se crea el cubo completo DH_106.childs += [TDH_106] CDH_106 = cc.Curso('DH_106',[],0.9,2.1,0,['DGH_206','DG_701','DG_702']) TDH_107 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDH_107") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDH_107.transform = tr.translate(1.5,2.1,0) TDH_107.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DH_107')] DH_107 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DH_107") #Se crea el cubo completo DH_107.childs += [TDH_107] CDH_107 = cc.Curso('DH_107',[],1.5,2.1,0,['DGH_305','DG_701','DG_702']) TDH_108 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDH_108") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDH_108.transform = tr.translate(2.1,2.1,0) TDH_108.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DH_108')] DH_108 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DH_108") #Se crea el cubo completo DH_108.childs += [TDH_108] CDH_108 = cc.Curso('DH_108',[],2.1,2.1,0,['DGH_208','DG_701','DG_702']) #Segundo año TDGP_201 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_201") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_201.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,1.5,0) TDGP_201.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_201')] DGP_201 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_201") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_201.childs += [TDGP_201] CDGP_201 = cc.Curso('DGP_201',['DP_101'],-2.1,1.5,0,['DGP_301','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGP_202 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_202") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_202.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,1.5,0) TDGP_202.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_202')] DGP_202 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_202") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_202.childs += [TDGP_202] CDGP_202 = cc.Curso('DGP_202',['DP_102'],-1.5,1.5,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGP_203 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_203") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_203.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,1.5,0) TDGP_203.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_203')] DGP_203 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_203") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_203.childs += [TDGP_203] CDGP_203 = cc.Curso('DGP_203',['DP_103'],-0.9,1.5,0,['DGP_301','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_204 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_204") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_204.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,1.5,0) TDGT_204.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_204')] DGT_204 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_204") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_204.childs += [TDGT_204] CDGT_204 = cc.Curso('DGT_204',[],-0.3,1.5,0,['DGT_304','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_205 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_205") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_205.transform = tr.translate(0.3,1.5,0) TDGT_205.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_205')] DGT_205 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_205") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_205.childs += [TDGT_205] CDGT_205 = cc.Curso('DGT_205',['DT_105'],0.3,1.5,0,['DGT_303', 'DGT_302','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_206 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_206") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_206.transform = tr.translate(0.9,1.5,0) TDGH_206.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_206')] DGH_206 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_206") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_206.childs += [TDGH_206] CDGH_206 = cc.Curso('DGH_206',['DH_106'],0.9,1.5,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_207 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_207") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_207.transform = tr.translate(1.5,1.5,0) TDGH_207.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_207')] DGH_207 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_207") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_207.childs += [TDGH_207] CDGH_207 = cc.Curso('DGH_207',[],1.5,1.5,0,['DGP_301', 'DGH_306','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_208 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_208") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_208.transform = tr.translate(2.1,1.5,0) TDGH_208.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_208')] DGH_208 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_208") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_208.childs += [TDGH_208] CDGH_208 = cc.Curso('DGH_208',['DH_108'],0.9,1.5,0,['DGH_307','DG_701','DG_702']) #Quinto Semestre TDGP_301 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_301") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_301.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,0.9,0) TDGP_301.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_301')] DGP_301 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_301") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_301.childs += [TDGP_301] CDGP_301 = cc.Curso('DGP_301',['DGP_201','DGP_203','DGH_207'],-2.1,0.9,0,['DGP_401','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_302 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_302") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_302.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,0.9,0) TDGT_302.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_302')] DGT_302 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_302") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_302.childs += [TDGT_302] CDGT_302 = cc.Curso('DGT_302',['DGT_205'],-1.5,0.9,0,['DGT_402','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_303 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_303") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_303.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,0.9,0) TDGT_303.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_303')] DGT_303 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_303") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_303.childs += [TDGT_303] CDGT_303 = cc.Curso('DGT_303',['DGT_205','DT_104'],-0.9,0.9,0,['DGT_403','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_304 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_304") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_304.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,0.9,0) TDGT_304.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_304')] DGT_304 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_304") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_304.childs += [TDGT_304] CDGT_304 = cc.Curso('DGT_304',['DGT_204'],-0.3,0.9,0,['DGT_404','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_305 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_305") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_305.transform = tr.translate(0.3,0.9,0) TDGH_305.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_305')] DGH_305 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_305") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_305.childs += [TDGH_305] CDGH_305 = cc.Curso('DGH_305',['DH_107'],0.3,0.9,0,['DGH_505','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_306 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_306") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_306.transform = tr.translate(0.9,0.9,0) TDGH_306.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_306')] DGH_306 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_306") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_306.childs += [TDGH_306] CDGH_306 = cc.Curso('DGH_306',['DGH_207'],0.9,0.9,0,['DGP_401', 'DGH_406','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_307 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_307") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_307.transform = tr.translate(1.5,0.9,0) TDGH_307.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_307')] DGH_307 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_307") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_307.childs += [TDGH_307] CDGH_307 = cc.Curso('DGH_307',['DGH_208'],1.5,0.9,0, ['DGP_401', 'DGH_407','DG_701','DG_702']) TDE_1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_1") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDE_1.transform = tr.translate(2.1,0.9,0) TDE_1.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DE_1')] DE_1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_1") #Se crea el cubo completo DE_1.childs += [TDE_1] CDE_1 = cc.Curso('DE_1',[],2.1,0.9,0,['DE_3','DE_4','DG_701','DG_702']) #Sexto Semestre TDGP_401 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_401") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_401.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,0.3,0) TDGP_401.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_401')] DGP_401 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_401") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_401.childs += [TDGP_401] CDGP_401 = cc.Curso('DGP_401',['DGH_307','DGP_301','DGH_306'],-2.1,0.3,0,['DGP_501','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_402 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_402") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_402.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,0.3,0) TDGT_402.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_402')] DGT_402 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_402") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_402.childs += [TDGT_402] CDGT_402 = cc.Curso('DGT_402',['DGT_302'],-1.5,0.3,0,['DGH_507','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_403 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_403") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_403.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,0.3,0) TDGT_403.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_403')] DGT_403 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_403") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_403.childs += [TDGT_403] CDGT_403 = cc.Curso('DGT_403',['DGT_303'],-0.9,0.3,0,['DGP_501', 'DGP_502','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_404 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_404") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_404.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,0.3,0) TDGT_404.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_404')] DGT_404 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_404") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_404.childs += [TDGT_404] CDGT_404 = cc.Curso('DGT_404',['DGT_304'],-0.3,0.3,0,['DGT_503','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_405 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_405") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_405.transform = tr.translate(0.3,0.3,0) TDGH_405.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_405')] DGH_405 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_405") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_405.childs += [TDGH_405] CDGH_405 = cc.Curso('DGH_405',[],0.3,0.3,0,['DGH_504','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_406 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_406") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_406.transform = tr.translate(0.9,0.3,0) TDGH_406.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_406')] DGH_406 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_406") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_406.childs += [TDGH_406] CDGH_406 = cc.Curso('DGH_406',['DGH_306'],0.9,0.3,0,['DGP_501','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_407 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_407") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_407.transform = tr.translate(1.5,0.3,0) TDGH_407.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_407')] DGH_407 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_407") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_407.childs += [TDGH_407] CDGH_407 = cc.Curso('DGH_407',['DGH_307'],1.5,0.3,0,['DGP_501','DGH_506','DG_701','DG_702']) TDE_2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_2") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDE_2.transform = tr.translate(2.1,0.3,0) TDE_2.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DE_2')] DE_2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_2") #Se crea el cubo completo DE_2.childs += [TDE_2] CDE_2 = cc.Curso('DE_2',[],2.1,0.3,0,['DE_4','DG_701','DG_702']) #Septimo Semestre TDGP_501 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_501") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_501.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-0.3,0) TDGP_501.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_501')] DGP_501 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_501") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_501.childs += [TDGP_501] CDGP_501 = cc.Curso('DGP_501',['DGT_403','DGH_407','DGH_406','DGP_401'],-2.1,-0.3,0,['DGP_601','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGP_502 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_502") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_502.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,-0.3,0) TDGP_502.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_502')] DGP_502 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_502") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_502.childs += [TDGP_502] CDGP_502 = cc.Curso('DGP_502',['DGT_403'],-1.5,-0.3,0,['DGP_602','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_503 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_503") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_503.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,-0.3,0) TDGT_503.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_503')] DGT_503 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_503") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_503.childs += [TDGT_503] CDGT_503 = cc.Curso('DGT_503',['DGT_404'],-0.9,-0.3,0,['DGT_603','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_504 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_504") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_504.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,-0.3,0) TDGH_504.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_504')] DGH_504 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_504") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_504.childs += [TDGH_504] CDGH_504 = cc.Curso('DGH_504',['DGH_405'],-0.3,-0.3,0,['DGH_604','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_505 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_505") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_505.transform = tr.translate(0.3,-0.3,0) TDGH_505.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_505')] DGH_505 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_505") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_505.childs += [TDGH_505] CDGH_505 = cc.Curso('DGH_505',['DGH_305'],0.3,-0.3,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_506 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_506") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_506.transform = tr.translate(0.9,-0.3,0) TDGH_506.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_506')] DGH_506 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_506") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_506.childs += [TDGH_506] CDGH_506 = cc.Curso('DGH_506',['DGH_407'],0.9,-0.3,0,['DGP_601','DGH_606','DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_507 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_507") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_507.transform = tr.translate(1.5,-0.3,0) TDGH_507.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_507')] DGH_507 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_507") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_507.childs += [TDGH_507] CDGH_507 = cc.Curso('DGH_507',['DGT_402'],1.5,-0.3,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDE_3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_3") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDE_3.transform = tr.translate(2.1,-0.3,0) TDE_3.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DE_3')] DE_3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_3") #Se crea el cubo completo DE_3.childs += [TDE_3] CDE_3 = cc.Curso('DE_3',['DE_1'],2.1,-0.3,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) #Octavo Semestre TDGP_601 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_601") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_601.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-0.9,0) TDGP_601.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_601')] DGP_601 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_601") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_601.childs += [TDGP_601] CDGP_601 = cc.Curso('DGP_601',['DGH_506','DGP_501'],-2.1,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGP_602 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGP_602") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGP_602.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,-0.9,0) TDGP_602.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGP_602')] DGP_602 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGP_602") #Se crea el cubo completo DGP_602.childs += [TDGP_602] CDGP_602 = cc.Curso('DGP_602',['DGP_502'],-1.5,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGT_603 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGT_603") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGT_603.transform = tr.translate(-0.9,-0.9,0) TDGT_603.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGT_603')] DGT_603 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGT_603") #Se crea el cubo completo DGT_603.childs += [TDGT_603] CDGT_603 = cc.Curso('DGT_603',['DGT_503'],-0.9,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_604 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_604") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_604.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,-0.9,0) TDGH_604.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_604')] DGH_604 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_604") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_604.childs += [TDGH_604] CDGH_604 = cc.Curso('DGH_604',['DGH_504'],-0.3,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_605 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_605") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_605.transform = tr.translate(0.3,-0.9,0) TDGH_605.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_605')] DGH_605 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_605") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_605.childs += [TDGH_605] CDGH_605 = cc.Curso('DGH_605',[],0.3,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDGH_606 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDGH_606") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDGH_606.transform = tr.translate(0.9,-0.9,0) TDGH_606.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DGH_606')] DGH_606 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DGH_606") #Se crea el cubo completo DGH_606.childs += [TDGH_606] CDGH_606 = cc.Curso('DGH_606',['DGH_506'],0.9,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) TDE_4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDE_4") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDE_4.transform = tr.translate(1.5,-0.9,0) TDE_4.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DE_4')] DE_4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DE_4") #Se crea el cubo completo DE_4.childs += [TDE_4] CDE_4 = cc.Curso('DE_4',['DE_1','DE_2'],1.5,-0.9,0,['DG_701','DG_702']) Licenciatura_P_Prof = ['DP_101','DP_102','DP_103','DT_104','DT_105','DH_106','DH_107','DH_108', 'DGP_201','DGP_202','DGP_203','DGT_204','DGT_205','DGH_206','DGH_207','DGH_208', 'DGP_301','DGT_302','DGT_303','DGT_304','DGH_305','DGH_306','DGH_307','DE_1', 'DGP_401','DGT_402','DGT_403','DGT_404','DGH_405','DGH_406','DGH_407','DE_2', 'DGP_501','DGP_502','DGT_503','DGH_504','DGH_505','DGH_506','DGH_507','DE_3', 'DGP_601','DGP_602','DGT_603','DGH_604','DGH_605','DGH_606','DE_4'] #Noveno semestre TDG_701 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDG_701") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDG_701.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-1.5,0) TDG_701.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DG_701')] DG_701 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DG_701") #Se crea el cubo completo DG_701.childs += [TDG_701] CDG_701 = cc.Curso('DG_701',Licenciatura_P_Prof,-2.1,-1.5,0,['DG_801']) TDG_702 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDG_702") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDG_702.transform = tr.translate(-1.5,-1.5,0) TDG_702.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DG_702')] DG_702 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DG_702") #Se crea el cubo completo DG_702.childs += [TDG_702] CDG_702 = cc.Curso('DG_702',Licenciatura_P_Prof,-1.5,-1.5,0,['DG_801']) #Decimo semestre TDG_801 = sg.SceneGraphNode("TDG_801") #Se crea el cubo completo ubicado en la posicion correcta TDG_801.transform = tr.translate(-2.1,-2.1,0) TDG_801.childs += [cuboRojo, tc.TapaCursoNorm('DG_801')] DG_801 = sg.SceneGraphNode("DG_801") #Se crea el cubo completo DG_801.childs += [TDG_801] CDG_801 = cc.Curso('DG_801',['DG_701','DG_702'],-2.1,-2.1,0) #Aqui se comienzan a crear los cursos en un mismo plano semestre1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre1") semestre1.childs += [DP_101,DP_102,DP_103,DT_104,DT_105,DH_106,DH_107,DH_108] semestre2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre2") semestre2.childs += [DGP_201,DGP_202,DGP_203,DGT_204,DGT_205,DGH_206,DGH_207,DGH_208] semestre3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre3") semestre3.childs += [DGP_301,DGT_302,DGT_303,DGT_304,DGH_305,DGH_306,DGH_307,DE_1] semestre4 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre4") semestre4.childs += [DGP_401,DGT_402,DGT_403,DGT_404,DGH_405,DGH_406,DGH_407,DE_2] semestre5 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre5") semestre5.childs += [DGP_501,DGP_502,DGT_503,DGH_504,DGH_505,DGH_506,DGH_507,DE_3] semestre6 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre6") semestre6.childs += [DGP_601,DGP_602,DGT_603,DGH_604,DGH_605,DGH_606,DE_4] semestre7 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre7") semestre7.childs += [DG_701,DG_702] semestre8 = sg.SceneGraphNode("semestre8") semestre8.childs += [DG_801] Csemestre1 = [CDP_101,CDP_102,CDP_103,CDT_104,CDT_105,CDH_106,CDH_107,CDH_108] Csemestre2 = [CDGP_201,CDGP_202,CDGP_203,CDGT_204,CDGT_205,CDGH_206,CDGH_207,CDGH_208] Csemestre3 = [CDGP_301,CDGT_302,CDGT_303,CDGT_304,CDGH_305,CDGH_306,CDGH_307,CDE_1] Csemestre4 = [CDGP_401,CDGT_402,CDGT_403,CDGT_404,CDGH_405,CDGH_406,CDGH_407,CDE_2] Csemestre5 = [CDGP_501,CDGP_502,CDGT_503,CDGH_504,CDGH_505,CDGH_506,CDGH_507,CDE_3] Csemestre6 = [CDGP_601,CDGP_602,CDGT_603,CDGH_604,CDGH_605,CDGH_606,CDE_4] Csemestre7 = [CDG_701,CDG_702] Csemestre8 = [CDG_801] Cmalla = [Csemestre1,Csemestre2,Csemestre3,Csemestre4,Csemestre5,Csemestre6,Csemestre7,Csemestre8] malla = sg.SceneGraphNode("malla") malla.childs = [semestre1,semestre2,semestre3,semestre4,semestre5,semestre6,semestre7,semestre8] return malla , Cmalla
def createTree(rule="F[RF]F[LF]F", order=1, size=1.0, skip=0): # The different parts of the tree with different materials woodGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("wood") leavesGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("leaves") # Scene graph that will contain the whole tree treeGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("tree") treeGraph.childs += [woodGraph, leavesGraph] # String used to construct the tree blueprint = "F" # Variables used to keep the size consistent counter = 0 lockCounter = 0 # Applies the rule to the blueprint, increasing the complexity for _ in range(order): newBlueprint = "" for character in blueprint: newBlueprint += rule if character == "F" else character blueprint = newBlueprint blueprint += "]" # Counts how many times the rule is applied, reducing the size of the # branches in order to make a tree of the given size for character in rule: if character == "F" and lockCounter == 0: counter += 1 elif character == "[": lockCounter += 1 elif character == "]": lockCounter -= 1 size /= counter**order # Base gpu shapes gpuBranch = es.toGPUShape(createBranch(size, 0.05)) gpuLeaf = es.toGPUShape(createLeaf()) # Lists that store the information necessary to put new branches phiList = [0] thetaList = [0] decayList = [0.8] xList = [0] yList = [0] zList = [0] allLists = [phiList, thetaList, decayList, xList, yList, zList] # Creating the tree for character in blueprint: # Creating a new branch considering the lists of properties if character == "F": phi = phiList[-1] theta = thetaList[-1] decay = decayList[-1] x = xList[-1] y = yList[-1] z = zList[-1] # Adding the wood branchGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("branch") branchGraph.childs += [gpuBranch] rotation = tr.matmul([tr.rotationZ(theta), tr.rotationY(phi)]) branchGraph.transform = tr.matmul( [rotation, tr.uniformScale(decay)]) branchGraph.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(x, y, z), branchGraph.transform]) woodGraph.childs += [branchGraph] # Changing the position of the next branch localSize = size * decay xList[-1] += localSize * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(theta) yList[-1] += localSize * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(theta) zList[-1] += localSize * np.cos(phi) # Changing the angle of the next branch using a spherical system elif character == "L": phiList[-1] += BRANCH_ANGLE elif character == "R": phiList[-1] -= BRANCH_ANGLE elif character == "U": thetaList[-1] += BRANCH_ANGLE elif character == "D": thetaList[-1] -= BRANCH_ANGLE # Setting up a new path for the branches elif character == "[": for ls in allLists: ls.append(ls[-1]) decayList[-1] **= 2 # Closing a path, sometimes with a leaf elif character == "]": if skip > 0: skip -= 1 else: x = xList[-1] y = yList[-1] z = zList[-1] # Adding a leaf at the end of a path leafGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("leaf") leafGraph.childs += [gpuLeaf] leafSize = tr.uniformScale(0.2 * size * decayList[-1]) leafGraph.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(x, y, z), leafSize]) leavesGraph.childs += [leafGraph] for ls in allLists: ls.pop() return treeGraph
def setupEnemies(image, main_node, enemies_amount): global enemy0_animations, enemy1_animations, enemy2_animations, ENEMIES_LEFT, CURRENT_ENEMY # ENEMY0 SETUP enemy0_flying_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [64, 64], [0, 0], [4], [0, 0]) #se recorta la imagen enemy0_explote_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [64, 64], [0, 0], [9], [0, 1]) #se crean las animaciones enemy0_flying_anim = anim.Animation(enemy0_flying_frames, 12, True, False) enemy0_explote_anim = anim.Animation(enemy0_explote_frames, 12, False, False) #se crea la agrupacion de animaciones enemy0_animations = {"flying" : enemy0_flying_anim, "explote" : enemy0_explote_anim} #ENEMY1 SETUP enemy1_flying_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [64, 64], [0, 0], [4], [0, 4]) #se recorta la imagen enemy1_explote_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [64, 64], [0, 0], [9], [0, 5]) # se crean las animaciones enemy1_flying_anim = anim.Animation(enemy1_flying_frames, 12, True, False) enemy1_explote_anim = anim.Animation(enemy1_explote_frames, 12, False, False) # se crea la agrupacion de animaciones enemy1_animations = {"flying": enemy1_flying_anim, "explote": enemy1_explote_anim} # ENEMY2 SETUP enemy2_flying_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [64, 64], [0, 0], [4], [0, 8]) #se recorta la imagen enemy2_explote_frames = anim.createFrames(image, [64, 64], [0, 0], [9], [0, 9]) # se crean las animaciones enemy2_flying_anim = anim.Animation(enemy2_flying_frames, 12, True, False) enemy2_explote_anim = anim.Animation(enemy2_explote_frames, 12, False, False) # se crea la agrupacion de animaciones enemy2_animations = {"flying": enemy2_flying_anim, "explote": enemy2_explote_anim} #se crea la coleccion de enmigos y se agrega al nodo principal enemies_collection = sg.SceneGraphNode("enemies") main_node.childs += [enemies_collection] Enemies = go.findNode(main_node, "enemies") #se define la cantidad de enemigos restantes ENEMIES_LEFT = enemies_amount #se elige un tipo de enemigos aleatoriamente random_enemy = random.randint(0, ENEMIES - 1) if enemies_amount <=5: #si la cantidad de enemigos es menor a 5 apaarece un grupo de enemy1 addEnemies1(Enemies, enemies_amount) ENEMIES_LEFT -= enemies_amount CURRENT_ENEMY = 1 elif random_enemy == 0: #aparece un grupo de enemy0 y se actualizan las variables addEnemies0(Enemies, ENEMY0_AMOUNT) ENEMIES_LEFT -= ENEMY0_AMOUNT CURRENT_ENEMY = 0 elif random_enemy == 1: # aparece un grupo de enemy1 y se actualizan las variables addEnemies1(Enemies, ENEMY1_AMOUNT) ENEMIES_LEFT -= ENEMY1_AMOUNT CURRENT_ENEMY = 1 elif random_enemy == 2: # aparece un grupo de enemy2 y se actualizan las variables addEnemies2(Enemies, ENEMY2_AMOUNT) ENEMIES_LEFT -= ENEMY2_AMOUNT CURRENT_ENEMY = 2 #retorna una referencia a la coleccion de enemigos return Enemies
# Using the same view and projection matrices in the whole application projection = tr.perspective(45, float(width) / float(height), 0.1, 100) camera_theta = 0.0 camera_phi = np.pi / 4 camera_r = 3 ltime = 0 # FOREST GENERATION # Terrain dimension f_width = 4 f_lenght = 4 # Create forest terrain fz = generate_random_terrain_fun(args.gauss_num, args.spikyness) terrain = create_terrain(width=f_width, lenght=f_lenght, spu=7, fz=fz) terrain_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("terrain_node") terrain_node.childs = [es.toGPUShape(terrain.to_shape((0, 0.5, 0.3)))] # Create trees trees, leaves = generate_tree_models(num=args.species_num, rec_level=3) treesGPU = [] for i in range(len(trees)): treesGPU.append( tree.get_tree_model_sg(tree_obj=trees[i], leaves_obj=leaves[i], tree_color=(0.59, 0.29, 0.00), leaves_color=(0, 0.7, 0))) area = f_width * f_lenght tree_rad = 0.2 tree_area = np.pi * (tree_rad**2) num_trees = int((area / tree_area) * args.tree_den)
def createWoz(advanced = False): # Variable used to change the colors # I preferred to use this over a different shader program # because I also need to use a different logic for the # advanced ships and they had a slighty different model channel = 1- int(advanced) gpuVariantTriangle = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTriangle(channel, 0.6, 0)) gpuBlueTrapeze = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(0, 0, 1)) gpuVariantTrapeze0 = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(channel, 1 - channel, 0)) gpuVariantTrapeze1 = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(channel, 0.4, 0)) # Creating the cannon of the ship cannon = sg.SceneGraphNode("cannon") cannon.transform = tr.translate(0, -1.22, 1) cannon.childs += [createCannon()] # Creating the motor of the ship motor = sg.SceneGraphNode("motor") motor.transform = tr.translate(0, 0.62, 0) motor.childs += [createMotor()] # Creating the front of the ship front = sg.SceneGraphNode("front") front.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, -0.87, 0.5), tr.scale(0.6, -0.75, 1)]) front.childs += [gpuVariantTriangle] # Creating the center of the ship center = sg.SceneGraphNode("center") center.transform = tr.scale(1, -1, 1) center.childs += [gpuVariantTrapeze0] # Creating the cabin of the ship cabin = sg.SceneGraphNode("cabin") cabin.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0, 1), tr.uniformScale(-0.5)]) cabin.childs += [gpuBlueTrapeze] # Creating the wings of the ship wing0 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing0") wing0.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(0.5), tr.rotationZ(math.pi / 2)]) wing0.transform = tr.matmul([tr.shearing(0, 1.2, 0, 0, 0, 0), wing0.transform]) wing0.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-0.6, -0.25, 0), tr.rotationZ(0.2), wing0.transform]) wing0.childs += [gpuVariantTrapeze1] wing1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing1") wing1.transform = tr.matmul([tr.scale(-1, 1, 1), wing0.transform]) wing1.childs += [gpuVariantTrapeze1] woz = sg.SceneGraphNode("woz") woz.childs += [wing0, wing1] woz.childs += [motor, center, front] woz.childs += [cabin] woz.childs += [cannon] # Upgrading the Woz if advanced: extraCannon0 = sg.SceneGraphNode("extraCannon0") extraCannon0.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0.75, 0.5, 0), cannon.transform]) extraCannon0.childs += [createCannon()] extraCannon1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("extraCannon1") extraCannon1.transform = tr.matmul([tr.scale(-1, 1, 1), extraCannon0.transform]) extraCannon1.childs += [createCannon()] woz.childs += [extraCannon0, extraCannon1] return woz
def createAvelyn(): gpuGrayTriangle = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTriangle(0.4, 0.6, 0.4)) gpuGrayTrapeze = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(0.6, 0.8, 0.6)) gpuYellowTrapeze = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(1, 1, 0)) gpuGrayQuad0 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.4, 0.6, 0.4)) gpuGrayQuad1 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.6, 0.8, 0.6)) gpuGrayQuad2 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.5, 0.7, 0.5)) # Creating the cannon of the ship cannon = sg.SceneGraphNode("cannon") cannon.transform = tr.translate(0, -1.22, 1) cannon.childs += [createCannon()] # Creating the motor of the ship motor = sg.SceneGraphNode("motor") motor.transform = tr.translate(0, 0.95, 0) motor.childs += [createMotor()] # Creating the front of the ship front = sg.SceneGraphNode("front") front.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, -0.87, 0.5), tr.scale(0.6, -0.75, 1)]) front.childs += [gpuGrayTriangle] # Creating the center of the ship center = sg.SceneGraphNode("center") center.transform = tr.scale(1, -1, 1) center.childs += [gpuGrayTrapeze] # Creating the cabin of the ship cabin = sg.SceneGraphNode("cabin") cabin.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0, 1), tr.uniformScale(-0.5)]) cabin.childs += [gpuYellowTrapeze] # Creating extensions of the ship extension0 = sg.SceneGraphNode("extension0") extension0.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.60, 0), tr.scale(1, 0.2, 1)]) extension0.childs += [gpuGrayQuad0] extension1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("extension1") extension1.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.75, 0), tr.scale(1, 0.2, 1)]) extension1.childs += [gpuGrayQuad1] # Creating shapes to decorate the wings rectangle = sg.SceneGraphNode("rectangle") rectangle.transform = tr.scale(0.75, 1.5, 1) rectangle.childs += [gpuGrayQuad2] decorated = sg.SceneGraphNode("decorated") decorated.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.5, 0), tr.scale(0.8, 0.2, 1)]) decorated.childs += [gpuGrayQuad0] # Creating the wings of the ship wing0 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing0") wing0.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-0.6, 0.4, 0), tr.rotationZ(math.pi / 4)]) wing0.childs += [rectangle] wing0.childs += [decorated] wing1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing1") wing1.transform = tr.scale(-1, 1, 1) wing1.childs += [wing0] # Joining all the parts avelyn = sg.SceneGraphNode("avelyn") avelyn.childs += [wing0, wing1] avelyn.childs += [motor, center, front] avelyn.childs += [extension0, extension1] avelyn.childs += [cabin] avelyn.childs += [cannon] return avelyn
# As we work in 3D, we need to check which part is in front, # and which one is at the back glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # Filling the shapes glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) # Getting the contours x, y = np.mgrid[:shapeSol[0], :shapeSol[1]] cnt = mpl.contour(x, y, solution, 12) cnt_list = get_contour_verts(cnt)[1:11] cnt_levels = cnt.levels[1:11] # Creating the graphs roofGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("roof") roofGraph.transform = tr.translate(0, 0, 1) roofGraph.childs += [es.toGPUShape(createRoof())] floorGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("floor") floorGraph.childs += [es.toGPUShape(createFloor())] wallGraph = sg.SceneGraphNode("wall") wallGraph.childs += [es.toGPUShape(createWalls())] curvesGpu = [] for contour, level in zip(cnt_list, cnt_levels): curvesGpu.append(es.toGPUShape(createCurve(contour[0], level))) arrowGpu = es.toGPUShape(createArrowMap())
def createRollercoaster(puntos): #creando los cuadrados gpuBlackQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0, 0)) gpuRedQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0, 0)) gpuSkinQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.98,0.82,0.77)) gpuGreenQuad= es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0,1,0)) gpuBlueQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0, 1)) #creando la curva riel,subcurvas=createRiel(puntos) #creando las barras bars=createMetalBars(subcurvas) riel.childs+=[bars] riel.transform = np.matmul(tr.uniformScale(1.7), tr.translate(-0.29, -0.025, 0)) curva=[] for subcurva in subcurvas: for punto in subcurva: curva.append(punto) #creando el carrito con los cuadrados body1scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("body1scaled") body1scaled.transform = tr.scale(0.03,0.05,0) body1scaled.childs += [gpuRedQuad] body1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('body1') body1.transform=tr.translate(-0.005,0.05,0) body1.childs+=[body1scaled] head1scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode('head1scaled') head1scaled.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.025) head1scaled.childs += [gpuSkinQuad] head1=sg.SceneGraphNode('head1') head1.transform = tr.translate(-0.005,0.087,0) head1.childs += [head1scaled] person1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('person1') person1.transform= tr.translate(-0.04,0.005,0) person1.childs += [head1, body1] body2scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("body2scaled") body2scaled.transform = tr.scale(0.03, 0.05, 0) body2scaled.childs += [gpuBlueQuad] body2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('body2') body2.transform = tr.translate(-0.0025, 0.05, 0) body2.childs += [body2scaled] head2scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode('head2scaled') head2scaled.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.025) head2scaled.childs += [gpuSkinQuad] head2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('head1') head2.transform = tr.translate(-0.0025, 0.087, 0) head2.childs += [head2scaled] person2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('person2') person2.transform = tr.translate(-0.003, 0.005, 0) person2.childs += [head2, body2] body3scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("body3scaled") body3scaled.transform = tr.scale(0.03, 0.05, 0) body3scaled.childs += [gpuGreenQuad] body3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('body3') body3.transform = tr.translate(-0.0025, 0.05, 0) body3.childs += [body3scaled] head3scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode('head3scaled') head3scaled.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.025) head3scaled.childs += [gpuSkinQuad] head3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('head3') head3.transform = tr.translate(-0.0035, 0.087, 0) head3.childs += [head3scaled] person3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('person2') person3.transform = tr.translate(0.04, 0.005, 0) person3.childs += [head3, body3] wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheel") wheel.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.025) wheel.childs += [gpuBlackQuad] frontWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("frontWheel") frontWheel.transform = tr.translate(0.0375, -0.0375, 0) frontWheel.childs += [wheel] backWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWheel") backWheel.transform = tr.translate(-0.0375, -0.0375, 0) backWheel.childs += [wheel] chasis = sg.SceneGraphNode("chasis") chasis.transform = tr.scale(0.125, 0.0625, 0.0625) chasis.childs += [gpuRedQuad] rollercoaster = sg.SceneGraphNode("rollercoaster") rollercoaster.childs += [chasis] rollercoaster.childs += [frontWheel] rollercoaster.childs += [backWheel] rollercoaster.childs += [person1, person2, person3] rollercoaster.transform=tr.uniformScale(0.8) traslatedRollercoaster = sg.SceneGraphNode("traslatedRollercoaster") traslatedRollercoaster.transform = tr.translate(-0.9, 0, 0) traslatedRollercoaster.childs += [rollercoaster] final= sg.SceneGraphNode("final") final.transform=tr.translate(0,-0.3,0) final.childs += [traslatedRollercoaster,riel] return final,curva
def createSky(): skyTexture = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("sky.jpg"), GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST) sky = sg.SceneGraphNode("sky") sky.transform=tr.uniformScale(2) sky.childs += [skyTexture] return sky
def __init__(self): self.gpu_body = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.8, 0.8, 0.0)) self.gpu_upper_wing = es.toGPUShape( bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.8, 0.8, 0.0)) self.gpu_fore_wing = es.toGPUShape( bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)) self.gpu_neck = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)) self.gpu_head = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)) self.gpu_back_wing = es.toGPUShape( bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)) self.gpu_paw = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorNormalsCube(0.0, 0.5, 1.0)) # Body of the bird self.body = sg.SceneGraphNode("body") self.body.transform = tr.scale(1, 0.7, 0.5) self.body.childs += [self.gpu_body] # Creating a single upper wing self.upperWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("upperWing") self.upperWing.transform = tr.scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.1) self.upperWing.childs += [self.gpu_upper_wing] # Creating a single fore wing self.foreWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("foreWing") self.foreWing.transform = tr.scale(0.5, 0.7, 0.1) self.foreWing.childs += [self.gpu_fore_wing] # Creating the right wing of the bird self.upperRight = sg.SceneGraphNode("upperRight") self.upperRight.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(0, -0.5, 0), tr.rotationX(5 * np.pi / 6)]) self.upperRight.childs += [self.upperWing] self.upperRightRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("upperRightRotation") self.upperRightRotation.childs += [self.upperRight] self.foreRight = sg.SceneGraphNode("foreRight") self.foreRight.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(0, -1, 0.285), tr.rotationX(5 * np.pi / 6)]) self.foreRight.childs += [self.foreWing] self.foreRightRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("foreRightRotation") self.foreRightRotation.childs += [self.foreRight] # Creating the left wing of the bird self.upperLeft = sg.SceneGraphNode("upperLeft") self.upperLeft.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(0, 0.5, 0), tr.rotationX(np.pi / 6)]) self.upperLeft.childs += [self.upperWing] self.upperLeftRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("upperLeftRotation") self.upperLeftRotation.childs += [self.upperLeft] self.foreLeft = sg.SceneGraphNode("foreLeft") self.foreLeft.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(0, 1, 0.285), tr.rotationX(np.pi / 6)]) self.foreLeft.childs += [self.foreWing] self.foreLeftRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("foreLeftRotation") self.foreLeftRotation.childs += [self.foreLeft] # Creating the neck of the bird self.neck = sg.SceneGraphNode("neck") self.neck.transform = tr.matmul([ tr.translate(0.5, 0, 0.2), tr.rotationY(2.5 * np.pi / 3), tr.scale(0.6, 0.3, 0.3) ]) self.neck.childs += [self.gpu_neck] # Creating the head of the bird self.head = sg.SceneGraphNode("head") self.head.transform = tr.matmul( [tr.translate(0.8, 0, 0.5), tr.uniformScale(0.5)]) self.head.childs += [self.gpu_head] self.headAndNeckRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("headAndNeckRotation") self.headAndNeckRotation.childs += [self.head, self.neck] # Creating the back wing of the bird self.backWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWing") self.backWing.transform = tr.matmul([ tr.translate(-0.6, 0, 0.1), tr.rotationY(-2.5 * np.pi / 3), tr.scale(0.6, 0.3, 0.1) ]) self.backWing.childs += [self.gpu_back_wing] self.backWingRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWingRotation") self.backWingRotation.childs += [self.backWing] # Creating a single paw self.paw = sg.SceneGraphNode("paw") self.paw.transform = tr.scale(0.1, 0.1, 1) self.paw.childs += [self.gpu_paw] # Creating both paws self.rightPaw = sg.SceneGraphNode("rightPaw") self.rightPaw.transform = tr.translate(0, -0.2, -0.3) self.rightPaw.childs += [self.paw] self.leftPaw = sg.SceneGraphNode("leftPaw") self.leftPaw.transform = tr.translate(0, 0.2, -0.3) self.leftPaw.childs += [self.paw] # Creating the bird self.bird = sg.SceneGraphNode("bird") self.bird.childs += [self.body] self.bird.childs += [self.upperRightRotation] self.bird.childs += [self.foreRightRotation] self.bird.childs += [self.upperLeftRotation] self.bird.childs += [self.foreLeftRotation] self.bird.childs += [self.headAndNeckRotation] self.bird.childs += [self.backWingRotation] self.bird.childs += [self.leftPaw] self.bird.childs += [self.rightPaw]
def updatePlayer(delta_time , player, controller, bullets, enemy_bullets, hearts, en_amount): global player_bullet_counter #Si quedan enemigos, se ejecuta la actualizacion normal de la nave(se puede mover, recibe daño, dispara, etc) if en_amount > 0: #si se ha borrado/ muerto, no hace nada if player == None: return #si al player no se le han acabado las vidas y esta explotando if not player.isExploding: #se actualiza las variables de posicion con los valores de traslacion player.position[0] = player.transform[0][3] player.position[1] = player.transform[1][3] player.position[2] = player.transform[2][3] #se crea la refencia al AnimController del player anim_player = player.childs[0].childs[0] #controla el tiempo en que el jugador no puede recibir daño luego de recibir un disparo if player.time_counter > HURTED_TIME and player.isHurted: player.isHurted = False anim_player.Play("slow") player.time_counter = 0 else: player.time_counter += delta_time #se cambia la velocidad segun el input y se cambia la animacion si esta avanzando o retrocediendo if controller.is_up_pressed: player.velocity[1] += PLAYER_ACC if anim_player.current_anim == "slow" : if not player.isHurted: anim_player.Play("fast") if controller.is_down_pressed: player.velocity[1] -= PLAYER_ACC if anim_player.current_anim == "fast" : if not player.isHurted: anim_player.Play("slow") if controller.is_right_pressed: player.velocity[0]+= PLAYER_ACC elif controller.is_left_pressed: player.velocity[0] -= PLAYER_ACC #controla el disparo y el tiempo de recarga if player.time_counter2 > BULLET_RELOAD_TIME and controller.is_space_press: player.shoot(bullets, player_bullet_counter) player_bullet_counter += 1 player.time_counter2 = 0 else: player.time_counter2 += delta_time #se normaliza la velocidad y se limita vel_sqr_mag= player.velocity[0]**2 + player.velocity[1]**2 if vel_sqr_mag > PLAYER_MAX_SPEED**2: player.velocity[0] = (player.velocity[0] / math.sqrt(vel_sqr_mag)) * PLAYER_MAX_SPEED player.velocity[1] = (player.velocity[1] / math.sqrt(vel_sqr_mag)) * PLAYER_MAX_SPEED #si no recibe input que mueva la nave, la velocidad se interpola para que no frene de inmediato if not(controller.is_up_pressed or controller.is_down_pressed or controller.is_left_pressed or controller.is_right_pressed): player.velocity[0] = go.lerp(player.velocity[0], 0, PLAYER_FRICC) player.velocity[1] = go.lerp(player.velocity[1], 0, PLAYER_FRICC) #la nueva posicion corresponde a la anterior mas la velocidad por un delta de tiempo vx = player.position[0] + player.velocity[0] * delta_time vy = player.position[1] + player.velocity[1] * delta_time * WIDTH / HEIGHT #se multiplica por esta razon debido a las dimensiones de la pantalla vz = player.position[2] + player.velocity[2] * delta_time #controla que la nave no se salga de los bordes de la ventana if vx < -0.95: vx = player.position[0] player.velocity[0] = 0 if vx > 0.95: vx = player.position[0] player.velocity[0] = 0 if vy < -0.95: vy = player.position[1] player.velocity[1] = 0 if vy > 0.92: vy = player.position[1] player.velocity[1] = 0 #actualiza la posicion de la nave con los valores calculador player.transform = tr.translate(vx, vy, vz) #deteccion de colisiones if player.childs[1].canCollide: #funcion que entrega una referencia al nodo colisionado (o un None si no hay) collide_bullet = player.childs[1].collidingWith(enemy_bullets) if collide_bullet != None and ( not player.isHurted): #la nave detecta colisiones si no esta herida collide_bullet.velocity = np.zeros(3) #la bala enemiga se detiene collide_bullet.childs[1].canCollide = False #la bala enemiga ya no puede ser detectada collide_bullet.childs[0].childs[0].Play("explote") #la bala enemiga explota collide_bullet.isExploding = True -= 1 #player pierde 1 vida del(hearts.childs[-1]) # se elimina un corazon # si al player le queda vida, se encuentra herido por el tiempo correspondiente if > 0: player.isHurted = True player.time_counter = 0 anim_player.Play("hurt") else: #si no le queda vida, explota y no puede ser detectado player.childs[1].canCollide = False anim_player.Play("explode") player.isExploding = True player.time_counter = 0 #si se le acabaron las vidas y esta explotando elif not player.isDead: if player.childs[0].childs[0].isFinished: #si ha terminado la animacion de explotar, esta muerto player.isDead = True if player.isDead: #si esta muerto se elimina player.childs[0] = sg.SceneGraphNode("None") else: #si no quedan mas enemigos, player ha ganado por lo que abandona la pantalla por arriba if player.childs[0].childs[0].current_anim != "fast": player.childs[0].childs[0].Play("fast") if player.position[1] < 1.5: player.position[0] = player.transform[0][3] player.position[1] = player.transform[1][3] player.position[2] = player.transform[2][3] vx = player.position[0] vy = player.position[1] + PLAYER_LEAVE_SPEED * delta_time * WIDTH / HEIGHT vz = player.position[2] player.transform = tr.translate(vx, vy, vz)