def getGradesByStudentId(student_id): sch = schedule.getSchedule() sch = [s for s in sch] ret = [] tab = getTable(TABLE_NAME) for s in sch: g = tab.find_one( { 'grade_list.student_id': str(student_id), 'class_id': s['class_id'], 'date.week': s['date']['week'], 'date.cod': s['date']['cod'], 'date.dow': s['date']['dow'], 'teacher': s['teacher'] }, {'grade_list.$': 1}) if g: grade = g['grade_list'][0]['grade'] teacher_name = teacher.getTeacherById(s['teacher'])['name'] ret.append({ 'date': s['date'], 'teacher': teacher_name, 'content': (s['content'] if ('content' in s) else ''), 'grade': grade }) return ret
def sch(bot, update, args): bot.sendChatAction(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, action=ChatAction.TYPING) day = "завтра" if len(args) == 1: day = args[0].lower() update.message.reply_text(schedule.getSchedule(day))
def recordBoxscore(year, month, path="../data/boxscore"): schedule_table = schedule.getSchedule(year, month) schedule_header = schedule.getHeader(year) schedule_table.columns = schedule_header for _, row in schedule_table.iterrows(): if row["Date"] == "Playoffs": return False dateTokens = row["Date"].replace( ' ', '_').replace(',', '').split("_") date = dateTokens[3] + "_" + \ dateDict[dateTokens[1]] + "_" + dateTokens[2] home = teamDict[row["Home/Neutral"]] away = teamDict[row["Visitor/Neutral"]] url = row["box_score_text"] print("Process " + home + " vs " + away) boxscore_home, boxscore_away = getBoxscoreByUrl(url, home, away) print("Processed " + home + " vs " + away) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) save(boxscore_home, "csv", path + "/boxscore_{}_{}_{}_home.csv".format(date, home, away)) save(boxscore_away, "csv", path + "/boxscore_{}_{}_{}_away.csv".format(date, home, away)) print("Saved " + home + " vs " + away) return True
def getHybrid(group="пр1-15", day="завтра"): zamen = replacements.findChange(group, day).replace(u'\xa0', '').split('\n') rsps = schedule.getSchedule(day).replace(u'\xa0', '').replace( u'\ufeff', '').replace(u'\r', '').split('\n') if zamen[0] == "Расписание не готово.": return zamen[0] elif zamen[0] == "Что-то не так. Проверьте замены вручную.": return zamen[0] elif zamen[0] == "Нет замен.": return schedule.getSchedule(day) elif zamen[0] == "Сервер недоступен.": return zamen[0] if rsps[0] == "Пятница": if replacements.getStar("tomorrow") == 1: del rsps[3] else: del rsps[2] last = "" zm = 0 fr = True for i in range(0, len(rsps) - 1): for j in range(1 + zm, len(zamen)): if zamen[j][0:6] == rsps[i][0:6]: if fr == True: rsps[i] = zamen[j] else: rsps[i] += "\n" + zamen[j] zm += 1 fr = False rsps[i] += "\n" fr = True if len(zamen) - zm != 2: for i in range(1 + zm, len(zamen) - 1): rsps.append(zamen[i] + "\n") ans = ''.join(rsps).rstrip('\n') return ans
def findCommand(lastUpdate): lastTime = int(getTime(lastUpdate)) command = getText(lastUpdate) chatId = getChatId(lastUpdate) if (command == '/schedule'): return getSchedule(chatId, lastTime) elif (command == '/start'): return sendStart(chatId) elif (command == '/help'): return sendHelp(chatId) elif (command == '/timelesson'): return sendTimeLesson(chatId, lastTime) else: return sendMess(chatId, 'Неверная команда. Воспользуйтесь командой /help')
def showEmployeeGantt(wl=[], ws=[]): global start_date, end_date # if do not receive a list of tasks, load example from json if len(wl) == 0: wl = jm.loadJSON_tasks() #load list of tasks from JSON if len(ws) == 0: work_shift = jm.loadJSON_employee_ws( ) #load list of work shifts from JSON #initialize global variables start_date = '' end_date = '' gantt = [] list_tasks = [] full_schedule = [] # aggregate tasks by employee for task in wl['workload']: idx = -1 i = 0 while i < len(list_tasks): if (list_tasks[i]['employee'] == task['employee']): idx = i i += 1 if (idx < 0): list_tasks.append({'employee': task['employee'], 'schedule': []}) list_tasks[-1]['schedule'].append({ 'start': task['start'], 'end': task['end'] }) else: list_tasks[idx]['schedule'].append({ 'start': task['start'], 'end': task['end'] }) # order each list of tasks by start date for i in list_tasks: i['schedule'].sort(key=schedule.sortingRule) # identifies the first and last date at all for i in list_tasks: if (start_date == '' or i['schedule'][0]['start'] < start_date): start_date = i['schedule'][0]['start'] if (end_date == '' or i['schedule'][-1]['end'] > end_date): end_date = i['schedule'][-1]['end'] start_date = start_date[:11] + "00:00" end_date = end_date[:11] + "23:59" # get full schedule (with busy, idle and unavailable time) for i in list_tasks: full_schedule.append({ 'employee': i['employee'], 'schedule': schedule.getSchedule(i['schedule'], schedule.getEmployeeWorkShift(i['employee']), start_date, end_date) }) # add the whole schedule into the gantt chart for emp in full_schedule: for sc in emp['schedule']: for appt in sc['list']: day = sc['day'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + " " new = dict(Task=emp['employee'], Start=(day + appt['start']), Finish=(day + appt['end']), Resource=appt['type']) gantt.append(new) colors = { 'busy': 'rgb(30,144,255)', 'overtime': 'rgb(230,90,90)', 'idle': 'rgb(171,219,123)', 'unavailable': 'rgb(205,205,205)' } # shows the gantt chart on screen fig = ff.create_gantt(gantt, colors=colors, index_col='Resource', show_colorbar=True, group_tasks=True) # plot figure
import pastStats import schedule import dataFunctions from datetime import datetime import dateutil from dateutil.parser import parse from pprint import pprint import time import pdb scheduleOutput = schedule.getSchedule() try: teamStats = dataFunctions.importLocalJSON('teamStats.txt') except: teamStats = {'league': {}} averages1 = ['RYA', 'RTDA', 'PYA', 'PTDA', 'GrossYA'] # teamFields['averages'].update(averages) def loopGames(): for game in scheduleOutput['fullgameschedule']['gameentry']: while True: try: homeTeam = game['homeTeam']['Abbreviation'] awayTeam = game['awayTeam']['Abbreviation'] date = game['date'].replace('-', '') dateDT = dateutil.parser.parse(date)
def calcFitness(self): '''Check constraints and update the fitness value''' # reset fitness value = 0 # check hard constraints, the ones that invalidate the chromosome self.checkHardConstraints() # continue checking the soft constraints only if passed through hard constraints if ( < 0): return # if consider Employee Wage to calc fitness if (config.useEmployeeWage == True): # the soft constraints below are used to calculate the fitness of the solution employees = [] jobs = [] # aggregate them by employee count = 0 for task in self.task_list: idx = search(employees, task['employee']) if idx < 0: employees.append( task['employee'] ) jobs.append( [ {'start': task['start'], 'end': task['end'] } ] ) else: jobs[idx].append( {'start': task['start'], 'end': task['end'] } ) count += 1 # calculate the overtime cost overtime_cost = 0 emp = 0 while emp < (len(employees)): sum_overtime = 0 list_tasks = jobs[emp] list_ws = schedule.getEmployeeWorkShift(employees[emp]) start_date = self.pop.start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end_date = self.pop.end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") emp_schedule = schedule.getSchedule( list_tasks, list_ws, start_date, end_date) for day in emp_schedule: for period in day['list']: if (period['type'] == 'overtime'): p1 = period['start'] p2 = period['end'] tdelta = datetime.strptime(p2, '%H:%M') - datetime.strptime(p1, '%H:%M') sum_overtime += tdelta.seconds / 60 # in minutes hourly_wage = getEmployeeHourlyWage( self, employees[emp] ) overtime_cost += hourly_wage * (sum_overtime / 60) # in hours emp += 1 self.employeeCost = overtime_cost # if consider Equipment Cost to calc fitness if (config.useEquipmentCost == True): equipments = [] jobs = [] # aggregate them by equpiment count = 0 for task in self.task_list: idx = search(equipments, task['equipment']) if idx < 0: equipments.append( task['equipment'] ) jobs.append( [ {'start': task['start'], 'end': task['end'] } ] ) else: jobs[idx].append( {'start': task['start'], 'end': task['end'] } ) count += 1 # calculate the stopped equipment cost overtime_cost = 0 eqp = 0 while eqp < (len(equipments)): sum_overtime = 0 list_tasks = jobs[eqp] list_ws = schedule.getEquipmentWorkShift(equipments[eqp]) start_date = self.pop.start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end_date = self.pop.end_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") eqp_schedule = schedule.getSchedule( list_tasks, list_ws, start_date, end_date) for day in eqp_schedule: for period in day['list']: if (period['type'] == 'busy'): p1 = period['start'] p2 = period['end'] tdelta = datetime.strptime(p2, '%H:%M') - datetime.strptime(p1, '%H:%M') sum_overtime += tdelta.seconds / 60 # in minutes hourly_wage = getEquipmentHourlyCost( self, equipments[eqp] ) overtime_cost += hourly_wage * (sum_overtime / 60) # in hours eqp += 1 self.equipmentCost = overtime_cost # calculate the final fitness value = round( self.employeeCost + self.equipmentCost, 2)