    def startElement(self, name, attributes):
        table = self.table
        if name == "route":
            route = attributes["tag"]
            self.currentRoute = route

            for stop_row in self.gtfs_map.find_all_stops():
                # Probably some overwriting here but the parent stations shouldn't change
                self.parent_stations[stop_row["stop_id"]] = stop_row["parent_station"]
            table.routes.route.value = attributes["tag"]
            table.routes.routetitle.value = attributes["title"]
            table.routes.color.value = int(attributes["color"], 16)
            table.routes.oppositecolor.value = int(attributes["oppositeColor"], 16)
            table.routes.listorder.value = self.startingOrder
            table.routes.agencyid.value = schema.BusAgencyId

        elif name == "stop":
            tag = attributes["tag"]
            if not self.currentDirection:
                if tag not in self.sharedStops:
                    self.sharedStops[tag] = True
                    table.stops.tag.value = tag
                    table.stops.lat.value = attributes["lat"]
                    table.stops.lon.value = attributes["lon"]
                    table.stops.title.value = attributes["title"]

                    stop_id = tag.split("_")[0]
                    if stop_id not in self.parent_stations:
                        print("WARNING: tag {tag} not in GTFS".format(tag=tag))
                        parent = ""
                        parent = self.parent_stations[stop_id]
                    table.stops.parent.value = parent
                table.stopmapping.route.value = self.currentRoute
                table.stopmapping.tag.value = tag
        elif name == "direction": #band attributes["useForUI"] == "true":
            dirTag = attributes["tag"]
            self.currentDirection = dirTag
            if self.currentRoute:
                table.directions.dirTag.value = dirTag
                table.directions.dirTitleKey.value = attributes["title"]
                table.directions.dirRouteKey.value = self.currentRoute
                table.directions.dirNameKey.value = attributes["name"]
                table.directions.useAsUI.value = schema.getIntFromBool(attributes["useForUI"])
        elif name == "path":
            self.inPath = True
            self.currentPathPoints = []
        elif name == "point":
            lat = float(attributes["lat"])
            lon = float(attributes["lon"])
            self.currentPathPoints.append((lat, lon))
    def startElement(self, name, attributes):
        table = self.table
        if name == "route":
            route = attributes["tag"]
            self.currentRoute = route
            table.routes.route.value = attributes["tag"]
            routetitle, order = self.routeKeysToTitles[route]
            table.routes.routetitle.value = routetitle
            table.routes.color.value = int(attributes["color"], 16)
            table.routes.oppositecolor.value = int(attributes["oppositeColor"], 16)
            table.routes.listorder.value = self.startingOrder + order
            table.routes.agencyid.value = schema.BusAgencyId

        elif name == "stop":
            tag = attributes["tag"]
            if not self.currentDirection:
                if tag not in self.sharedStops:
                    self.sharedStops[tag] = True
                    table.stops.tag.value = tag
                    table.stops.lat.value = attributes["lat"]
                    table.stops.lon.value = attributes["lon"]
                    table.stops.title.value = attributes["title"]
                table.stopmapping.route.value = self.currentRoute
                table.stopmapping.tag.value = tag
                table.stopmapping.dirTag.value = None
                #table.directionsStops.dirTag.value = self.currentDirection
                #table.directionsStops.tag.value = tag
        elif name == "direction": #band attributes["useForUI"] == "true":
            dirTag = attributes["tag"]
            self.currentDirection = dirTag
            if self.currentRoute:
                table.directions.dirTag.value = dirTag
                table.directions.dirTitleKey.value = attributes["title"]
                table.directions.dirRouteKey.value = self.currentRoute
                table.directions.dirNameKey.value = attributes["name"]
                table.directions.useAsUI.value = schema.getIntFromBool(attributes["useForUI"])
        elif name == "path":
            self.inPath = True
            self.currentPathPoints = []
        elif name == "point":
            lat = float(attributes["lat"])
            lon = float(attributes["lon"])
            self.currentPathPoints.append((lat, lon))
def write_sql(data, routeTitles, startOrder):
    lines = data.split("\n")
    indexes = {}
    first_line = lines[0].strip()
    header_items = first_line.split(",")
    for i in xrange(len(header_items)):
        indexes[header_items[i]] = i
    obj = schema.getSchemaAsObject()
    routes_done = {}
    orderedStations = {}
    paths = {}
    for line in filter(lambda x: x, (line.strip() for line in lines[1:])):
        items = line.split(",")
        routeName = items[indexes["Line"]]
        if routeName not in routes_done:
            routeTitle, order = routeTitles[routeName]

            routes_done[routeName] = {"route":routeName,
                                      "listorder":startOrder + order,

        platformOrder = int(items[indexes["PlatformOrder"]])
        latitudeAsDegrees = float(items[indexes["stop_lat"]])
        longitudeAsDegrees = float(items[indexes["stop_lon"]])
        tag = items[indexes["PlatformKey"]]
        title = items[indexes["stop_name"]]
        branch = items[indexes["Branch"]]

        obj.stops.tag.value = tag
        obj.stops.title.value = title
        obj.stops.lat.value = latitudeAsDegrees
        obj.stops.lon.value = longitudeAsDegrees

        obj.subway.platformorder.value = platformOrder
        obj.subway.branch.value = branch
        obj.subway.tag.value = tag

        obj.stopmapping.route.value = routeName
        obj.stopmapping.tag.value = tag
        obj.stopmapping.dirTag.value = None

        if routeName not in orderedStations:
            orderedStations[routeName] = {}
            paths[routeName] = []
        innerMapping = orderedStations[routeName]

        direction = items[indexes["Direction"]]
        combinedDirectionHash = createDirectionHash(direction, branch)
        if combinedDirectionHash not in innerMapping:
            innerMapping[combinedDirectionHash] = {}

        innerInnerMapping = innerMapping[combinedDirectionHash]
        innerInnerMapping[platformOrder] = (latitudeAsDegrees, longitudeAsDegrees)

    # workaround
    directions = {RedNorthToAlewife : Direction("North toward Alewife", "", RedLine, True),
                  RedNorthToAlewife2 : Direction("North toward Alewife", "", RedLine, True),
                  RedSouthToBraintree : Direction("South toward Braintree", "", RedLine, True),
                  RedSouthToAshmont : Direction("South toward Ashmont", "", RedLine, True),
                  BlueEastToWonderland : Direction("East toward Wonderland", "", BlueLine, True),
                  BlueWestToBowdoin : Direction("West toward Bowdoin", "", BlueLine, True),
                  OrangeNorthToOakGrove : Direction("North toward Oak Grove", "", OrangeLine, True),
                  OrangeSouthToForestHills : Direction("South toward Forest Hills", "", OrangeLine, True)}

    for dirKey, direction in directions.iteritems():
        obj.directions.dirTag.value = dirKey
        obj.directions.dirNameKey.value = direction.name
        obj.directions.dirTitleKey.value = direction.title
        obj.directions.dirRouteKey.value = direction.route
        obj.directions.useAsUI.value = schema.getIntFromBool(direction.useForUI)
    for route, innerMapping in orderedStations.iteritems():
        for directionHash, stations in innerMapping.iteritems():
            floats = []
            for platformOrder in sorted(stations.keys()):

            #this is kind of a hack. We need to connect the southern branches of the red line
            if directionHash == "NBAshmont" or directionHash == "NBBraintree":
                jfkNorthBoundOrder = 5
                jfkStation = innerMapping["NBTrunk"][jfkNorthBoundOrder]
                jfkLat, jfkLon = jfkStation

    for route, routedata in routes_done.iteritems():
        for key, value in routedata.iteritems():
            getattr(obj.routes, key).value = value

        if route in paths:
            obj.routes.pathblob.value = schema.Box(paths[route]).get_blob_string()
