def print_inheritance(doc, stream):
    # type: (List[Dict[Text, Any]], IO) -> None
    stream.write("digraph {\n")
    for d in doc:
        if d["type"] == "record":
            label = shortname(d["name"])
            if len(d.get("fields", [])) > 0:
                label += "\\n* %s\\l" % ("\\l* ".join(shortname(f["name"]) for f in d.get("fields", [])))
            stream.write("\"%s\" [shape=%s label=\"%s\"];\n" % (shortname(d["name"]), "ellipse" if d.get("abstract") else "box", label))
            if "extends" in d:
                for e in aslist(d["extends"]):
                    stream.write("\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" % (shortname(e), shortname(d["name"])))
def print_inheritance(doc, stream):
    # type: (List[Dict[Text, Any]], IO) -> None
    stream.write("digraph {\n")
    for d in doc:
        if d["type"] == "record":
            label = shortname(d["name"])
            if len(d.get("fields", [])) > 0:
                label += "\\n* %s\\l" % ("\\l* ".join(
                    shortname(f["name"]) for f in d.get("fields", [])))
            stream.write("\"%s\" [shape=%s label=\"%s\"];\n" % (shortname(
                d["name"]), "ellipse" if d.get("abstract") else "box", label))
            if "extends" in d:
                for e in aslist(d["extends"]):
                    stream.write("\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" %
                                 (shortname(e), shortname(d["name"])))
def print_inheritance(doc: List[Dict[str, Any]], stream: IO[Any]) -> None:
    """Write a Grapviz inheritance graph for the supplied document."""
    stream.write("digraph {\n")
    for entry in doc:
        if entry["type"] == "record":
            label = name = shortname(entry["name"])
            fields = entry.get("fields", [])
            if fields:
                label += "\\n* {}\\l".format("\\l* ".join(
                    shortname(field["name"]) for field in fields))
            shape = "ellipse" if entry.get("abstract") else "box"
            stream.write(f'"{name}" [shape={shape} label="{label}"];\n')
            if "extends" in entry:
                for target in aslist(entry["extends"]):
                    stream.write(f'"{shortname(target)}" -> "{name}";\n')
def print_inheritance(doc, stream):
    # type: (List[Dict[Text, Any]], IO[Any]) -> None
    """Write a Grapviz inheritance graph for the supplied document."""
    stream.write("digraph {\n")
    for entry in doc:
        if entry["type"] == "record":
            label = name = shortname(entry["name"])
            fields = entry.get("fields", [])
            if fields:
                label += "\\n* %s\\l" % ("\\l* ".join(
                    shortname(field["name"]) for field in fields))
            shape = "ellipse" if entry.get("abstract") else "box"
            stream.write("\"%s\" [shape=%s label=\"%s\"];\n" %
                         (name, shape, label))
            if "extends" in entry:
                for target in aslist(entry["extends"]):
                    stream.write("\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" %
                                 (shortname(target), name))
def extend_and_specialize(
    items: List[Dict[str, Any]], loader: Loader
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Apply 'extend' and 'specialize' to fully materialize derived record types.

    items2 = deepcopy_strip(items)
    types = {i["name"]: i for i in items2}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    results = []

    for stype in items2:
        if "extends" in stype:
            specs = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
            if "specialize" in stype:
                for spec in aslist(stype["specialize"]):
                    specs[spec["specializeFrom"]] = spec["specializeTo"]

            exfields = []  # type: List[str]
            exsym = []  # type: List[str]
            for ex in aslist(stype["extends"]):
                if ex not in types:
                    raise ValidationException(
                        "Extends {} in {} refers to invalid base type.".format(
                            stype["extends"], stype["name"]

                basetype = copy.copy(types[ex])

                if stype["type"] == "record":
                    if specs:
                        basetype["fields"] = replace_type(
                            basetype.get("fields", []), specs, loader, set()

                    for field in basetype.get("fields", []):
                        if "inherited_from" not in field:
                            field["inherited_from"] = ex

                    exfields.extend(basetype.get("fields", []))
                elif stype["type"] == "enum":
                    exsym.extend(basetype.get("symbols", []))

            if stype["type"] == "record":
                stype = copy.copy(stype)
                exfields.extend(stype.get("fields", []))
                stype["fields"] = exfields

                fieldnames = set()  # type: Set[str]
                for field in stype["fields"]:
                    if field["name"] in fieldnames:
                        raise ValidationException(
                            "Field name {} appears twice in {}".format(
                                field["name"], stype["name"]
            elif stype["type"] == "enum":
                stype = copy.copy(stype)
                exsym.extend(stype.get("symbols", []))
                stype["symbol"] = exsym

            types[stype["name"]] = stype


    ex_types = {}
    for result in results:
        ex_types[result["name"]] = result

    extended_by = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
    for result in results:
        if "extends" in result:
            for ex in aslist(result["extends"]):
                if ex_types[ex].get("abstract"):
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, ex, ex_types[result["name"]])
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, avro_name(ex), ex_types[ex])

    for result in results:
        if result.get("abstract") and result["name"] not in extended_by:
            raise ValidationException(
                "{} is abstract but missing a concrete subtype".format(result["name"])

    for result in results:
        if "fields" in result:
            result["fields"] = replace_type(
                result["fields"], extended_by, loader, set()

    return results
def extend_and_specialize(items, loader):
    # type: (List[Dict[Text, Any]], Loader) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]
    """Apply 'extend' and 'specialize' to fully materialize derived record

    items = deepcopy_strip(items)
    types = {t["name"]: t for t in items}  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
    n = []

    for t in items:
        if "extends" in t:
            spec = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Text]
            if "specialize" in t:
                for sp in aslist(t["specialize"]):
                    spec[sp["specializeFrom"]] = sp["specializeTo"]

            exfields = []  # type: List[Text]
            exsym = []  # type: List[Text]
            for ex in aslist(t["extends"]):
                if ex not in types:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Extends %s in %s refers to invalid base type" %
                        (t["extends"], t["name"]))

                basetype = copy.copy(types[ex])

                if t["type"] == "record":
                    if len(spec) > 0:
                        basetype["fields"] = replace_type(
                            basetype.get("fields", []), spec, loader, set())

                    for f in basetype.get("fields", []):
                        if "inherited_from" not in f:
                            f["inherited_from"] = ex

                    exfields.extend(basetype.get("fields", []))
                elif t["type"] == "enum":
                    exsym.extend(basetype.get("symbols", []))

            if t["type"] == "record":
                t = copy.copy(t)
                exfields.extend(t.get("fields", []))
                t["fields"] = exfields

                fieldnames = set()  # type: Set[Text]
                for field in t["fields"]:
                    if field["name"] in fieldnames:
                        raise validate.ValidationException(
                            "Field name %s appears twice in %s" %
                            (field["name"], t["name"]))
            elif t["type"] == "enum":
                t = copy.copy(t)
                exsym.extend(t.get("symbols", []))
                t["symbol"] = exsym

            types[t["name"]] = t


    ex_types = {}
    for t in n:
        ex_types[t["name"]] = t

    extended_by = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Text]
    for t in n:
        if "extends" in t:
            for ex in aslist(t["extends"]):
                if ex_types[ex].get("abstract"):
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, ex, ex_types[t["name"]])
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, avro_name(ex), ex_types[ex])

    for t in n:
        if t.get("abstract") and t["name"] not in extended_by:
            raise validate.ValidationException(
                "%s is abstract but missing a concrete subtype" % t["name"])

    for t in n:
        if "fields" in t:
            t["fields"] = replace_type(t["fields"], extended_by, loader, set())

    return n
def extend_and_specialize(items: List[Dict[str, Any]],
                          loader: Loader) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Apply 'extend' and 'specialize' to fully materialize derived record types.

    items2 = deepcopy_strip(items)
    types = {i["name"]: i for i in items2}  # type: Dict[str, Any]
    results = []

    for stype in items2:
        if "extends" in stype:
            specs = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
            if "specialize" in stype:
                for spec in aslist(stype["specialize"]):
                    specs[spec["specializeFrom"]] = spec["specializeTo"]

            exfields = []  # type: List[Any]
            exsym = []  # type: List[str]
            for ex in aslist(stype["extends"]):
                if ex not in types:
                    raise ValidationException(
                        "Extends {} in {} refers to invalid base type.".format(
                            stype["extends"], stype["name"]))

                basetype = copy.copy(types[ex])

                if stype["type"] == "record":
                    if specs:
                        basetype["fields"] = replace_type(
                            basetype.get("fields", []), specs, loader, set())

                    for field in basetype.get("fields", []):
                        if "inherited_from" not in field:
                            field["inherited_from"] = ex

                    exfields.extend(basetype.get("fields", []))
                elif stype["type"] == "enum":
                    exsym.extend(basetype.get("symbols", []))

            if stype["type"] == "record":
                stype = copy.copy(stype)
                combined_fields = []
                fields = stype.get("fields", [])
                # We use short names here so that if a type inherits a field
                # (e.g. Child#id) from a parent (Parent#id) we avoid adding
                # the same field twice (previously we had just
                # ``exfields.extends(stype.fields)``).
                sns_fields = {
                    shortname(field["name"]): field
                    for field in fields
                sns_exfields = {
                    shortname(exfield["name"]): exfield
                    for exfield in exfields

                # N.B.: This could be simpler. We could have a single loop
                #       to create the list of fields. The reason for this more
                #       convoluted solution is to make sure we keep the order
                #       of ``exfields`` first, and then the type fields. That's
                #       because we have unit tests that rely on the order that
                #       fields are written. Codegen output changes as well.
                #       We are relying on the insertion order preserving
                #       property of python dicts (i.e. relyig on Py3.5+).

                # First pass adding the exfields.
                for sn_exfield, exfield in sns_exfields.items():
                    field = sns_fields.get(sn_exfield, None)
                    if field is None:
                        field = exfield
                        # make sure field name has not been used yet
                        if not is_subtype(exfield["type"], field["type"]):
                            raise SchemaParseException(
                                f"Field name {field['name']} already in use with "
                                "incompatible type. "
                                f"{field['type']} vs {exfield['type']}.")
                # Second pass, now add the ones that are specific to the subtype.
                for field in sns_fields.values():
                    if field not in combined_fields:

                stype["fields"] = combined_fields

                fieldnames = set()  # type: Set[str]
                for field in stype["fields"]:
                    if field["name"] in fieldnames:
                        raise ValidationException(
                            "Field name {} appears twice in {}".format(
                                field["name"], stype["name"]))
            elif stype["type"] == "enum":
                stype = copy.copy(stype)
                exsym.extend(stype.get("symbols", []))
                stype["symbols"] = exsym

            types[stype["name"]] = stype


    ex_types = {}
    for result in results:
        ex_types[result["name"]] = result

    extended_by = {}  # type: Dict[str, str]
    for result in results:
        if "extends" in result:
            for ex in aslist(result["extends"]):
                if ex_types[ex].get("abstract"):
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, ex, ex_types[result["name"]])
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, validate.avro_type_name(ex),

    for result in results:
        if result.get("abstract") and result["name"] not in extended_by:
            raise ValidationException(
                "{} is abstract but missing a concrete subtype".format(

    for result in results:
        if "fields" in result:
            result["fields"] = replace_type(result["fields"], extended_by,
                                            loader, set())

    return results
def process_type(t,             # type: Dict[str, Any]
                 g,             # type: Graph
                 context,       # type: ContextType
                 defaultBase,   # type: str
                 namespaces,    # type: Dict[str, rdflib.namespace.Namespace]
                 defaultPrefix  # type: str
    # type: (...) -> None
    if t["type"] not in ("record", "enum"):

    if "name" in t:
        recordname = t["name"]

        _logger.debug("Processing %s %s\n", t.get("type"), t)

        classnode = URIRef(recordname)
        g.add((classnode, RDF.type, RDFS.Class))

        split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(recordname)
        predicate = recordname
        if t.get("inVocab", True):
            if split.scheme:
                (ns, ln) = rdflib.namespace.split_uri(six.text_type(recordname))
                predicate = recordname
                recordname = ln
                predicate = "%s:%s" % (defaultPrefix, recordname)

        if context.get(recordname, predicate) != predicate:
            raise Exception("Predicate collision on '%s', '%s' != '%s'" % (
                recordname, context[recordname], predicate))

        if not recordname:
            raise Exception()

        _logger.debug("Adding to context '%s' %s (%s)",
                      recordname, predicate, type(predicate))
        context[recordname] = predicate

    if t["type"] == "record":
        for i in t.get("fields", []):
            fieldname = i["name"]

            _logger.debug("Processing field %s", i)

            v = pred(t, i, fieldname, context, defaultPrefix,
                    namespaces)  # type: Union[Dict[Any, Any], Text, None]

            if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
                v = v if v[0] != "@" else None
            elif v is not None:
                v = v["_@id"] if v.get("_@id", "@")[0] != "@" else None

            if bool(v):
                (ns, ln) = rdflib.namespace.split_uri(six.text_type(v))
                if ns[0:-1] in namespaces:
                    propnode = namespaces[ns[0:-1]][ln]
                    propnode = URIRef(v)

                g.add((propnode, RDF.type, RDF.Property))
                g.add((propnode, RDFS.domain, classnode))

                # TODO generate range from datatype.

            if isinstance(i["type"], dict):
                process_type(i["type"], g, context, defaultBase,
                             namespaces, defaultPrefix)

        if "extends" in t:
            for e in aslist(t["extends"]):
                g.add((classnode, RDFS.subClassOf, URIRef(e)))
    elif t["type"] == "enum":
        _logger.debug("Processing enum %s", t.get("name"))

        for i in t["symbols"]:
            pred(t, None, i, context, defaultBase, namespaces)
def process_type(
        t,  # type: Dict[str, Any]
        g,  # type: Graph
        context,  # type: ContextType
        defaultBase,  # type: str
        namespaces,  # type: Dict[str, rdflib.namespace.Namespace]
        defaultPrefix  # type: str
    # type: (...) -> None
    if t["type"] not in ("record", "enum"):

    if "name" in t:
        recordname = t["name"]

        _logger.debug("Processing %s %s\n", t.get("type"), t)

        classnode = URIRef(recordname)
        g.add((classnode, RDF.type, RDFS.Class))

        split = urllib.parse.urlsplit(recordname)
        predicate = recordname
        if t.get("inVocab", True):
            if split.scheme:
                 ln) = rdflib.namespace.split_uri(six.text_type(recordname))
                predicate = recordname
                recordname = ln
                predicate = "%s:%s" % (defaultPrefix, recordname)

        if context.get(recordname, predicate) != predicate:
            raise Exception("Predicate collision on '%s', '%s' != '%s'" %
                            (recordname, context[recordname], predicate))

        if not recordname:
            raise Exception()

        _logger.debug("Adding to context '%s' %s (%s)", recordname, predicate,
        context[recordname] = predicate

    if t["type"] == "record":
        for i in t.get("fields", []):
            fieldname = i["name"]

            _logger.debug("Processing field %s", i)

            v = pred(t, i, fieldname, context, defaultPrefix,
                     namespaces)  # type: Union[Dict[Any, Any], Text, None]

            if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
                v = v if v[0] != "@" else None
            elif v is not None:
                v = v["_@id"] if v.get("_@id", "@")[0] != "@" else None

            if bool(v):
                (ns, ln) = rdflib.namespace.split_uri(six.text_type(v))
                if ns[0:-1] in namespaces:
                    propnode = namespaces[ns[0:-1]][ln]
                    propnode = URIRef(v)

                g.add((propnode, RDF.type, RDF.Property))
                g.add((propnode, RDFS.domain, classnode))

                # TODO generate range from datatype.

            if isinstance(i["type"], dict):
                process_type(i["type"], g, context, defaultBase, namespaces,

        if "extends" in t:
            for e in aslist(t["extends"]):
                g.add((classnode, RDFS.subClassOf, URIRef(e)))
    elif t["type"] == "enum":
        _logger.debug("Processing enum %s", t.get("name"))

        for i in t["symbols"]:
            pred(t, None, i, context, defaultBase, namespaces)
def extend_and_specialize(items, loader):
    # type: (List[Dict[Text, Any]], Loader) -> List[Dict[Text, Any]]
    """Apply 'extend' and 'specialize' to fully materialize derived record

    items = deepcopy_strip(items)
    types = {t["name"]: t for t in items}  # type: Dict[Text, Any]
    n = []

    for t in items:
        if "extends" in t:
            spec = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Text]
            if "specialize" in t:
                for sp in aslist(t["specialize"]):
                    spec[sp["specializeFrom"]] = sp["specializeTo"]

            exfields = []  # type: List[Text]
            exsym = []  # type: List[Text]
            for ex in aslist(t["extends"]):
                if ex not in types:
                    raise Exception("Extends %s in %s refers to invalid base type" % (
                        t["extends"], t["name"]))

                basetype = copy.copy(types[ex])

                if t["type"] == "record":
                    if len(spec) > 0:
                        basetype["fields"] = replace_type(
                            basetype.get("fields", []), spec, loader, set())

                    for f in basetype.get("fields", []):
                        if "inherited_from" not in f:
                            f["inherited_from"] = ex

                    exfields.extend(basetype.get("fields", []))
                elif t["type"] == "enum":
                    exsym.extend(basetype.get("symbols", []))

            if t["type"] == "record":
                t = copy.copy(t)
                exfields.extend(t.get("fields", []))
                t["fields"] = exfields

                fieldnames = set()  # type: Set[Text]
                for field in t["fields"]:
                    if field["name"] in fieldnames:
                        raise validate.ValidationException(
                            "Field name %s appears twice in %s" % (field["name"], t["name"]))
            elif t["type"] == "enum":
                t = copy.copy(t)
                exsym.extend(t.get("symbols", []))
                t["symbol"] = exsym

            types[t["name"]] = t


    ex_types = {}
    for t in n:
        ex_types[t["name"]] = t

    extended_by = {}  # type: Dict[Text, Text]
    for t in n:
        if "extends" in t:
            for ex in aslist(t["extends"]):
                if ex_types[ex].get("abstract"):
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, ex, ex_types[t["name"]])
                    add_dictlist(extended_by, avro_name(ex), ex_types[ex])

    for t in n:
        if t.get("abstract") and t["name"] not in extended_by:
            raise validate.ValidationException(
                "%s is abstract but missing a concrete subtype" % t["name"])

    for t in n:
        if "fields" in t:
            t["fields"] = replace_type(t["fields"], extended_by, loader, set())

    return n