
# Flag for tracking the exit status of validate() calls
status_flag = True

pwd = subprocess.check_output('pwd').decode("utf-8").rstrip()
print('pwd: %s' % pwd)
base_uri = "file://" + pwd + "/"
print('base URI: %s' % base_uri)

# Specific JSON file example tests

# Testing valid project JSON example
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
print('Validating project/test_pass_project_0.json JSON against schema')
p1 = get_json_from_file(
if not validate(sv, p1):
    status_flag = False

# Testing invalid project JSON example
# It is missing required project_shortname field
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
    'Validating project/test_fail_project_0.json JSON against schema\n(This should fail, missing project_shortname)'
p1 = get_json_from_file(
Sample test: Are JSON files that are in the 
schema_test* folders valid JSON schema?

# Flag for tracking the exit status of validate() calls
status_flag = True

pwd = subprocess.check_output('pwd').decode("utf-8").rstrip()
base_uri = "file://" + pwd + "/"

print('\nValidating sample.json')
sv = get_validator('sample.json', base_uri)

# Specific schema tests follow

print('\nValidating schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_donor_0.json')
dt1 = get_json_from_file('../schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_donor_0.json')
if not validate(sv, dt1): # will return False if fails (show return value)
    status_flag = False

print('\nValidating schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_sample_0.json')
sfo1 = get_json_from_file('../schema_test_files/10x_pbmc8k_sample_0.json')
if not validate(sv, sfo1):
    status_flag = False

print('\nValidating schema_tests/sample/fail/sample-test-current.json\n(This should fail)')
sf1 = get_json_from_file('../schema_tests/sample/fail/sample-test-current.json')

# Flag for tracking the exit status of validate() calls
status_flag = True

pwd = subprocess.check_output('pwd').decode("utf-8").rstrip()
print('pwd: %s' % pwd)
base_uri = "file://" + pwd + "/"
print('base URI: %s' % base_uri)

# Specific JSON file example tests

# Testing valid project JSON example
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
print('Validating project/test_pass_project_0.json JSON against schema')
p1 = get_json_from_file(
if not validate(sv, p1):
    status_flag = False

# Testing invalid project JSON example
# It is missing required project_shortname field
print('\nValidating type/project/project.json schema')
sv = get_validator('type/project/project.json', base_uri)
    'Validating project/test_fail_project_0.json JSON against schema\n(This should fail, missing project_shortname)'
p1 = get_json_from_file(
 def positive_tests(self):
     v = get_validator('sample.json', self.base_uri)
     validate(v, {})
from schema_test_suite import get_validator
import os
This code tests whether JSON schemas that are in the json_schema/*
directory are valid JSON schema.

schema_path = '../json_schema'

schemas = [
    os.path.join(dirpath, f)
    for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(schema_path) for f in files
    if f.endswith('.json')

print("Checking %d schemas" % len(schemas))

for s in schemas:
    print('Checking %s' % s)