def objective(pArgs): if pArgs['dimensionsPCA'] <= pArgs['umap_n_components']: return 1 intraChromosomalContactsOnly = '' noPCA = '' noUMAP = '' if pArgs['intraChromosomalContactsOnly']: intraChromosomalContactsOnly = '-ic' if pArgs['noPCA']: noPCA = '--noPCA' args = "-m {} -c {} -cm {} -o ramani_1mb_kmeans_c5.txt -t {} -k {} -nh {} -dim_pca {} " \ " -cct {} --colorMap glasbey_dark {} {} {} "\ "--umap_n_neighbors {} " \ "--umap_n_components {} " \ "--umap_min_dist {}".format( pArgs['matrixFile'], pArgs['numberOfClusters'], pArgs['clusterMethod'], pArgs['threads'], pArgs['numberOfNearestNeighbors'], pArgs['numberOfHashFunctions'], pArgs['dimensionsPCA'], pArgs['cell_coloring_type'], intraChromosomalContactsOnly, noPCA, noUMAP, pArgs['umap_n_neighbors'], pArgs['umap_n_components'], pArgs['umap_min_dist']).split() scHicClusterMinHash.main(args) with open('correct_associated', 'r') as file: error_score = 1 - float(file.readline().strip()) print('Error score: {}'.format(error_score)) return error_score
def test_kmeans_exact(): outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt', delete=False) outfile.close() args = "--matrix {} --numberOfClusters {} --clusterMethod {} \ --outFileName {} -t {} -nh {} --exactModeMinHash".format( ROOT + 'test_matrix.mcool', 3, 'kmeans',, 2, 800).split() scHicClusterMinHash.main(args) assert are_files_equal( ROOT + "scHicClusterMinHash/cluster_kmeans_exact.txt",
def test_spectral_chromosomes(): outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt', delete=False) outfile.close() args = "--matrix {} --numberOfClusters {} --clusterMethod {} \ --outFileName {} -t {} -nh {} --chromosomes {} ".format( ROOT + 'test_matrix.mcool', 3, 'spectral',, 2, 800, "chr1 chr2").split() scHicClusterMinHash.main(args) assert are_files_equal( ROOT + "scHicClusterMinHash/cluster_spectral_chromosomes.txt",
def test_version(): args = "--version".split() with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e: scHicClusterMinHash.main(args) assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 0