def optimize_openopt(self, omega_min, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, max_power, fluid_type): def optimize_force_resolution(x): c = cantilever_divingboard(self.freq_min, self.freq_max, *x) return c.force_resolution()*1e12 # We always want power dissipation to be less than max_power def enforce_max_power(x): c = cantilever_divingboard(self.freq_min, self.freq_max, *x) return c.power_dissipation() - max_power # We always want the natural frequency to be greater than the minimum allowed def enforce_minimum_natural_frequency(x): c = cantilever_divingboard(self.freq_min, self.freq_max, *x) if fluid_type == 'vacuum': return omega_min - c.omega_vacuum_hz() elif fluid_type == 'water': return omega_min - c.omega_damped_hz() else: return -c.omega_vacuum_hz() # Our initial guess is based upon the existing cantilever dimensions initial_guess = (self.l, self.w, self.t, self.l_pr_ratio, self.w_pr_ratio, self.w_gap_ratio, self.t_pr_ratio, self.V_bias, self.N) # Setup the solver p = NLP(optimize_force_resolution, initial_guess) = lower_bounds p.ub = upper_bounds p.scale=(1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1e2, 1e19) # c(x) <= 0 constraints (use these if the solver supports NL constraints) # p.c = (enforce_minimum_natural_frequency, # enforce_max_power) # Solving parameters p.ftol = 1e-12 # one of stop criteria, default 1e-6 p.xtol = 1e-12 # one of stop criteria, default 1e-6 p.gradtol = 1e-7 p.contol = 1e-7 # Set limits of how long to solve for p.maxIter = 1e4 p.maxFunEvals = 1e8 p.maxTime = 1e4 # p.plot = 1 # p.debug=1 r = p.solve('algencan') (self.l, self.w, self.t, self.l_pr_ratio, self.w_pr_ratio, self.w_gap_ratio, self.t_pr_ratio, self.V_bias, self.N) = r.xf
def max_log_marginal_likelihood(self, hyp_initial_guess, maxiter=1, optimization_algorithm="scipy_cg", ftol=1.0e-3, fixedHypers=None, use_gradient=False, logscale=False): """ Set up the optimization problem in order to maximize the log_marginal_likelihood. :Parameters: parametric_model : Classifier the actual parameteric model to be optimized. hyp_initial_guess : numpy.ndarray set of hyperparameters' initial values where to start optimization. optimization_algorithm : string actual name of the optimization algorithm. See for a comprehensive/updated list of available NLP solvers. (Defaults to 'ralg') ftol : float threshold for the stopping criterion of the solver, which is mapped in OpenOpt NLP.ftol (Defaults to 1.0e-3) fixedHypers : numpy.ndarray (boolean array) boolean vector of the same size of hyp_initial_guess; 'False' means that the corresponding hyperparameter must be kept fixed (so not optimized). (Defaults to None, which during means all True) NOTE: the maximization of log_marginal_likelihood is a non-linear optimization problem (NLP). This fact is confirmed by Dmitrey, author of OpenOpt. """ self.problem = None self.use_gradient = use_gradient self.logscale = logscale # use log-scale on hyperparameters to enhance numerical stability self.optimization_algorithm = optimization_algorithm self.hyp_initial_guess = N.array(hyp_initial_guess) self.hyp_initial_guess_log = N.log(self.hyp_initial_guess) if fixedHypers is None: fixedHypers = N.zeros(self.hyp_initial_guess.shape[0],dtype=bool) pass self.freeHypers = -fixedHypers if self.logscale: self.hyp_running_guess = self.hyp_initial_guess_log.copy() else: self.hyp_running_guess = self.hyp_initial_guess.copy() pass self.f_last_x = None def f(x): """ Wrapper to the log_marginal_likelihood to be maximized. """ # XXX EO: since some OpenOpt NLP solvers does not # implement lower bounds the hyperparameters bounds are # implemented inside PyMVPA: (see dmitrey's post on # [SciPy-user] 20080628). # # XXX EO: OpenOpt does not implement optimization of a # subset of the hyperparameters so it is implemented here. # # XXX EO: OpenOpt does not implement logrithmic scale of # the hyperparameters (to enhance numerical stability), so # it is implemented here. self.f_last_x = x.copy() self.hyp_running_guess[self.freeHypers] = x # REMOVE print "guess:",self.hyp_running_guess,x try: if self.logscale: self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(N.exp(self.hyp_running_guess)) else: self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(self.hyp_running_guess) pass except InvalidHyperparameterError: if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL","WARNING: invalid hyperparameters!") return -N.inf try: self.parametric_model.train(self.dataset) except (N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, SL.basic.LinAlgError, ValueError): # Note that ValueError could be raised when Cholesky gets Inf or Nan. if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: Cholesky failed! Invalid hyperparameters!") return -N.inf log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_log_marginal_likelihood() # REMOVE print log_marginal_likelihood return log_marginal_likelihood def df(x): """ Proxy to the log_marginal_likelihood first derivative. Necessary for OpenOpt when using derivatives. """ self.hyp_running_guess[self.freeHypers] = x # REMOVE print "df guess:",self.hyp_running_guess,x # XXX EO: Most of the following lines can be skipped if # df() is computed just after f() with the same # hyperparameters. The partial results obtained during f() # are what is needed for df(). For now, in order to avoid # bugs difficult to trace, we keep this redunundancy. A # deep check with how OpenOpt works or using memoization # should solve this issue. try: if self.logscale: self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(N.exp(self.hyp_running_guess)) else: self.parametric_model.set_hyperparameters(self.hyp_running_guess) pass except InvalidHyperparameterError: if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: invalid hyperparameters!") return -N.inf # Check if it is possible to avoid useless computations # already done in f(). According to tests and information # collected from OpenOpt people, it is sufficiently # unexpected that the following test succeed: if N.any(x!=self.f_last_x): if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL","UNEXPECTED: recomputing train+log_marginal_likelihood.") try: self.parametric_model.train(self.dataset) except (N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, SL.basic.LinAlgError, ValueError): if __debug__: debug("MOD_SEL", "WARNING: Cholesky failed! Invalid hyperparameters!") # XXX EO: which value for the gradient to return to # OpenOpt when hyperparameters are wrong? return N.zeros(x.size) log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_log_marginal_likelihood() # recompute what's needed (to be safe) REMOVE IN FUTURE! pass if self.logscale: gradient_log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_gradient_log_marginal_likelihood_logscale() else: gradient_log_marginal_likelihood = self.parametric_model.compute_gradient_log_marginal_likelihood() pass # REMOVE print "grad:",gradient_log_marginal_likelihood return gradient_log_marginal_likelihood[self.freeHypers] if self.logscale: # vector of hyperparameters' values where to start the search x0 = self.hyp_initial_guess_log[self.freeHypers] else: x0 = self.hyp_initial_guess[self.freeHypers] pass self.contol = 1.0e-20 # Constraint tolerance level # XXX EO: is it necessary to use contol when self.logscale is # True and there is no lb? Ask dmitrey. if self.use_gradient: # actual instance of the OpenOpt non-linear problem self.problem = NLP(f, x0, df=df, contol=self.contol, goal='maximum') else: self.problem = NLP(f, x0, contol=self.contol, goal='maximum') pass = "Max LogMargLikelihood" if not self.logscale: # set lower bound for hyperparameters: avoid negative # hyperparameters. Note: problem.n is the size of # hyperparameters' vector = N.zeros(self.problem.n)+self.contol pass # max number of iterations for the optimizer. self.problem.maxiter = maxiter # check whether the derivative of log_marginal_likelihood converged to # zero before ending optimization self.problem.checkdf = True # set increment of log_marginal_likelihood under which the optimizer stops self.problem.ftol = ftol self.problem.iprint = _openopt_debug() return self.problem