文件: gmm.py 项目: zed/statsmodels
        #using GMM and IV2SLS classes

        mod = IVGMM(endog, exog, instrument, nmoms=instrument.shape[1])
        res = mod.fit()
        modgmmols = IVGMM(endog, exog, exog, nmoms=exog.shape[1])
        resgmmols = modgmmols.fit()
        #the next is the same as IV2SLS, (Z'Z)^{-1} as weighting matrix
        modgmmiv = IVGMM(endog, exog, instrument, nmoms=instrument.shape[1]) #same as mod
        resgmmiv = modgmmiv.fitgmm(np.ones(exog.shape[1], float),
                        weights=np.linalg.inv(np.dot(instrument.T, instrument)))
        modls = IV2SLS(endog, exog, instrument)
        resls = modls.fit()
        modols = OLS(endog, exog)
        resols = modols.fit()

        print '\nIV case'
        print 'params'
        print 'IV2SLS', resls.params
        print 'GMMIV ', resgmmiv # .params
        print 'GMM   ', res.params
        print 'diff  ', res.params - resls.params
        print 'OLS   ', resols.params
        print 'GMMOLS', resgmmols.params

        print '\nbse'
        print 'IV2SLS', resls.bse
        print 'GMM   ', mod.bse   #bse currently only attached to model not results
        print 'diff  ', mod.bse - resls.bse
        print '%-diff', resls.bse / mod.bse * 100 - 100