def _stackX(self, k_ar, trend): """ Private method to build the RHS matrix for estimation. Columns are trend terms then lags. """ endog = self.endog X = lagmat(endog, maxlag=k_ar, trim='both') k_trend = util.get_trendorder(trend) if k_trend: X = add_trend(X, prepend=True, trend=trend) self.k_trend = k_trend return X
def _make_arma_exog(endog, exog, trend): k_trend = 1 # overwritten if no constant if exog is None and trend == 'c': # constant only exog = np.ones((len(endog),1)) elif exog is not None and trend == 'c': # constant plus exogenous exog = add_trend(exog, trend='c', prepend=True) elif exog is not None and trend == 'nc': # make sure it's not holding constant from last run if exog.var() == 0: exog = None k_trend = 0 if trend == 'nc': k_trend = 0 return k_trend, exog
def _make_arma_exog(endog, exog, trend): k_trend = 1 # overwritten if no constant if exog is None and trend == 'c': # constant only exog = np.ones((len(endog), 1)) elif exog is not None and trend == 'c': # constant plus exogenous exog = add_trend(exog, trend='c', prepend=True) elif exog is not None and trend == 'nc': # make sure it's not holding constant from last run if exog.var() == 0: exog = None k_trend = 0 if trend == 'nc': k_trend = 0 return k_trend, exog
def get_var_endog(y, lags, trend='c'): """ Make predictor matrix for VAR(p) process Z := (Z_0, ..., Z_T).T (T x Kp) Z_t = [1 y_t y_{t-1} ... y_{t - p + 1}] (Kp x 1) Ref: Lutkepohl p.70 (transposed) """ nobs = len(y) # Ravel C order, need to put in descending order Z = np.array([y[t - lags:t][::-1].ravel() for t in xrange(lags, nobs)]) # Add constant, trend, etc. if trend != 'nc': Z = tsa.add_trend(Z, prepend=True, trend=trend) return Z
def get_var_endog(y, lags, trend='c'): """ Make predictor matrix for VAR(p) process Z := (Z_0, ..., Z_T).T (T x Kp) Z_t = [1 y_t y_{t-1} ... y_{t - p + 1}] (Kp x 1) Ref: Lutkepohl p.70 (transposed) """ nobs = len(y) # Ravel C order, need to put in descending order Z = np.array([y[t-lags : t][::-1].ravel() for t in xrange(lags, nobs)]) # Add constant, trend, etc. if trend != 'nc': Z = tsa.add_trend(Z, prepend=True, trend=trend) return Z
def _stackX(self, k_ar, trend): """ Private method to build the RHS matrix for estimation. Columns are trend terms, then exogenous, then lags. """ endog = self.endog exog = self.exog X = lagmat(endog, maxlag=k_ar, trim='both') if exog is not None: X = np.column_stack((exog[k_ar:, :], X)) # Handle trend terms if trend == 'c': k_trend = 1 elif trend == 'nc': k_trend = 0 elif trend == 'ct': k_trend = 2 elif trend == 'ctt': k_trend = 3 if trend != 'nc': X = add_trend(X, prepend=True, trend=trend) self.k_trend = k_trend return X
def _stackX(self, k_ar, trend): """ Private method to build the RHS matrix for estimation. Columns are trend terms, then exogenous, then lags. """ endog = self.endog exog = self.exog X = lagmat(endog, maxlag=k_ar, trim='both') if exog is not None: X = np.column_stack((exog[k_ar:,:], X)) # Handle trend terms if trend == 'c': k_trend = 1 elif trend == 'nc': k_trend = 0 elif trend == 'ct': k_trend = 2 elif trend == 'ctt': k_trend = 3 if trend != 'nc': X = add_trend(X,prepend=True, trend=trend) self.k_trend = k_trend return X
def fit( self, order, start_params=None, trend="c", method="css-mle", transparams=True, solver=None, maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=5, callback=None, **kwargs ): """ Fits ARMA(p,q) model using exact maximum likelihood via Kalman filter. Parameters ---------- start_params : array-like, optional Starting parameters for ARMA(p,q). If None, the default is given by ARMA._fit_start_params. See there for more information. transparams : bool, optional Whehter or not to transform the parameters to ensure stationarity. Uses the transformation suggested in Jones (1980). If False, no checking for stationarity or invertibility is done. method : str {'css-mle','mle','css'} This is the loglikelihood to maximize. If "css-mle", the conditional sum of squares likelihood is maximized and its values are used as starting values for the computation of the exact likelihood via the Kalman filter. If "mle", the exact likelihood is maximized via the Kalman Filter. If "css" the conditional sum of squares likelihood is maximized. All three methods use `start_params` as starting parameters. See above for more information. trend : str {'c','nc'} Whehter to include a constant or not. 'c' includes constant, 'nc' no constant. solver : str or None, optional Solver to be used. The default is 'l_bfgs' (limited memory Broyden- Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno). Other choices are 'bfgs', 'newton' (Newton-Raphson), 'nm' (Nelder-Mead), 'cg' - (conjugate gradient), 'ncg' (non-conjugate gradient), and 'powell'. The limited memory BFGS uses m=30 to approximate the Hessian, projected gradient tolerance of 1e-7 and factr = 1e3. These cannot currently be changed for l_bfgs. See notes for more information. maxiter : int, optional The maximum number of function evaluations. Default is 35. tol : float The convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-08. full_output : bool, optional If True, all output from solver will be available in the Results object's mle_retvals attribute. Output is dependent on the solver. See Notes for more information. disp : bool, optional If True, convergence information is printed. For the default l_bfgs_b solver, disp controls the frequency of the output during the iterations. disp < 0 means no output in this case. callback : function, optional Called after each iteration as callback(xk) where xk is the current parameter vector. kwargs See Notes for keyword arguments that can be passed to fit. Returns ------- `scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima.ARMAResults` class See also -------- for more information on using the solvers. Notes ------ If fit by 'mle', it is assumed for the Kalman Filter that the initial unkown state is zero, and that the inital variance is P = dot(inv(identity(m**2)-kron(T,T)),dot(R,R.T).ravel('F')).reshape(r, r, order = 'F') The below is the docstring from `` """ # enforce invertibility self.transparams = transparams self.method = method.lower() # get model order k_ar, k_ma = map(int, order) k_lags = max(k_ar, k_ma + 1) self.k_ar = k_ar self.k_ma = k_ma self.k_lags = k_lags endog = self.endog exog = self.exog k_exog = self.k_exog self.nobs = len(endog) # this is overwritten if method is 'css' # handle exogenous variables k_trend = 1 # overwritten if no constant if exog is None and trend == "c": # constant only exog = np.ones((len(endog), 1)) elif exog is not None and trend == "c": # constant plus exogenous exog = add_trend(exog, trend="c", prepend=True) elif exog is not None and trend == "nc": # make sure it's not holding constant from last run if exog.var() == 0: exog = None k_trend = 0 if trend == "nc": k_trend = 0 self.k_trend = k_trend self.exog = exog # overwrites original exog from __init__ k = k_trend + k_exog # choose objective function if method.lower() in ["mle", "css-mle"]: loglike = lambda params: -self.loglike_kalman(params) self.loglike = self.loglike_kalman if method.lower() == "css": loglike = lambda params: -self.loglike_css(params) self.loglike = self.loglike_css self.nobs = len(endog) - k_ar # nobs for CSS excludes pre-sample if start_params is not None: start_params = np.asarray(start_params) else: if method.lower() != "css-mle": # use Hannan-Rissanen start_params start_params = self._fit_start_params((k_ar, k_ma, k)) else: # use Hannan-Rissanen to get CSS start_params func = lambda params: -self.loglike_css(params) # start_params = [.1]*(k_ar+k_ma+k_exog) # different one for k? start_params = self._fit_start_params((k_ar, k_ma, k)) if transparams: start_params = self._invtransparams(start_params) bounds = [(None,) * 2] * (k_ar + k_ma + k) mlefit = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b( func, start_params, approx_grad=True, m=12, pgtol=1e-7, factr=1e3, bounds=bounds, iprint=-1 ) start_params = self._transparams(mlefit[0]) if transparams: # transform initial parameters to ensure invertibility start_params = self._invtransparams(start_params) if solver is None: # use default limited memory bfgs bounds = [(None,) * 2] * (k_ar + k_ma + k) mlefit = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b( loglike, start_params, approx_grad=True, m=12, pgtol=1e-8, factr=1e2, bounds=bounds, iprint=disp ) self.mlefit = mlefit params = mlefit[0] else: # call the solver from LikelihoodModel mlefit = super(ARMA, self).fit( start_params, method=solver, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback=callback, **kwargs ) self.mlefit = mlefit params = mlefit.params if transparams: # transform parameters back params = self._transparams(params) self.transparams = False # set to false so methods don't expect transf. normalized_cov_params = None # TODO: fix this return ARMAResults(self, params, normalized_cov_params)
def fit(self, order, start_params=None, trend='c', method = "css-mle", transparams=True, solver=None, maxiter=35, full_output=1, disp=5, callback=None, **kwargs): """ Fits ARMA(p,q) model using exact maximum likelihood via Kalman filter. Parameters ---------- start_params : array-like, optional Starting parameters for ARMA(p,q). If None, the default is given by ARMA._fit_start_params. See there for more information. transparams : bool, optional Whehter or not to transform the parameters to ensure stationarity. Uses the transformation suggested in Jones (1980). If False, no checking for stationarity or invertibility is done. method : str {'css-mle','mle','css'} This is the loglikelihood to maximize. If "css-mle", the conditional sum of squares likelihood is maximized and its values are used as starting values for the computation of the exact likelihood via the Kalman filter. If "mle", the exact likelihood is maximized via the Kalman Filter. If "css" the conditional sum of squares likelihood is maximized. All three methods use `start_params` as starting parameters. See above for more information. trend : str {'c','nc'} Whehter to include a constant or not. 'c' includes constant, 'nc' no constant. solver : str or None, optional Solver to be used. The default is 'l_bfgs' (limited memory Broyden- Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno). Other choices are 'bfgs', 'newton' (Newton-Raphson), 'nm' (Nelder-Mead), 'cg' - (conjugate gradient), 'ncg' (non-conjugate gradient), and 'powell'. The limited memory BFGS uses m=30 to approximate the Hessian, projected gradient tolerance of 1e-7 and factr = 1e3. These cannot currently be changed for l_bfgs. See notes for more information. maxiter : int, optional The maximum number of function evaluations. Default is 35. tol : float The convergence tolerance. Default is 1e-08. full_output : bool, optional If True, all output from solver will be available in the Results object's mle_retvals attribute. Output is dependent on the solver. See Notes for more information. disp : bool, optional If True, convergence information is printed. For the default l_bfgs_b solver, disp controls the frequency of the output during the iterations. disp < 0 means no output in this case. callback : function, optional Called after each iteration as callback(xk) where xk is the current parameter vector. kwargs See Notes for keyword arguments that can be passed to fit. Returns ------- `scikits.statsmodels.tsa.arima.ARMAResults` class See also -------- for more information on using the solvers. Notes ------ If fit by 'mle', it is assumed for the Kalman Filter that the initial unkown state is zero, and that the inital variance is P = dot(inv(identity(m**2)-kron(T,T)),dot(R,R.T).ravel('F')).reshape(r, r, order = 'F') The below is the docstring from `` """ # enforce invertibility self.transparams = transparams self.method = method.lower() # get model order k_ar,k_ma = map(int,order) k_lags = max(k_ar,k_ma+1) self.k_ar = k_ar self.k_ma = k_ma self.k_lags = k_lags endog = self.endog exog = self.exog k_exog = self.k_exog self.nobs = len(endog) # this is overwritten if method is 'css' # handle exogenous variables k_trend = 1 # overwritten if no constant if exog is None and trend == 'c': # constant only exog = np.ones((len(endog),1)) elif exog is not None and trend == 'c': # constant plus exogenous exog = add_trend(exog, trend='c', prepend=True) elif exog is not None and trend == 'nc': # make sure it's not holding constant from last run if exog.var() == 0: exog = None k_trend = 0 if trend == 'nc': k_trend = 0 self.k_trend = k_trend self.exog = exog # overwrites original exog from __init__ k = k_trend + k_exog # choose objective function if method.lower() in ['mle','css-mle']: loglike = lambda params: -self.loglike_kalman(params) self.loglike = self.loglike_kalman if method.lower() == 'css': loglike = lambda params: -self.loglike_css(params) self.loglike = self.loglike_css self.nobs = len(endog) - k_ar #nobs for CSS excludes pre-sample if start_params is not None: start_params = np.asarray(start_params) else: if method.lower() != 'css-mle': # use Hannan-Rissanen start_params start_params = self._fit_start_params((k_ar,k_ma,k)) else: # use Hannan-Rissanen to get CSS start_params func = lambda params: -self.loglike_css(params) #start_params = [.1]*(k_ar+k_ma+k_exog) # different one for k? start_params = self._fit_start_params((k_ar,k_ma,k)) if transparams: start_params = self._invtransparams(start_params) bounds = [(None,)*2]*(k_ar+k_ma+k) mlefit = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(func, start_params, approx_grad=True, m=12, pgtol=1e-7, factr=1e3, bounds = bounds, iprint=-1) start_params = self._transparams(mlefit[0]) if transparams: # transform initial parameters to ensure invertibility start_params = self._invtransparams(start_params) if solver is None: # use default limited memory bfgs bounds = [(None,)*2]*(k_ar+k_ma+k) mlefit = optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b(loglike, start_params, approx_grad=True, m=12, pgtol=1e-8, factr=1e2, bounds=bounds, iprint=disp) self.mlefit = mlefit params = mlefit[0] else: # call the solver from LikelihoodModel mlefit = super(ARMA, self).fit(start_params, method=solver, maxiter=maxiter, full_output=full_output, disp=disp, callback = callback, **kwargs) self.mlefit = mlefit params = mlefit.params if transparams: # transform parameters back params = self._transparams(params) self.transparams = False # set to false so methods don't expect transf. normalized_cov_params = None #TODO: fix this return ARMAResults(self, params, normalized_cov_params)