def pVal4mari(tabPath,tTx,tTxDN,tTxUP): """ tTx= total transcripts, tTxUP= total Tx sig up Reg tTxDN= total Tx sig dwn reg, Takes named tuple data table in format: type,total,down,up,tDE Returns list of pValues in format: [(type1,pVal_dwn1,pVal_up1,pVal_tde1), ..., (typeN,pVal_dwnN,pVal_upN,pVal_tdeN)] """ from scipherSrc.defs.files_io import tableFile2namedTuple from scipy.stats import hypergeom def cHgPvl(x,M,n,N): """ x=randVar M=popSize n=totalSuccesses N=samplSize """ return 1-hypergeom.cdf(x,M,n,N)+hypergeom.pmf(x,M,n,N) namdTup = tableFile2namedTuple(tabPath,sep=',') rData = [] for i in range(len(namdTup)): t = namdTup[i] pDwn = cHgPvl(int(t.down),tTx,int(,tTxDN) pUp = cHgPvl(int(t.up),tTx,int(,tTxUP) pDE = cHgPvl(int(t.tDE),tTx,int(,(tTxDN+tTxUP)) rData.append((t.type,pDwn,pUp,pDE)) return rData
help="""REQUIRED - Exact Title of Column holding the name of the chrom on which each block resides. Exp: name -or- Chromosome/plasmid (default=%default)""") parser.add_option('--strand',dest="strand",type="str", default=None, help="""Exact Title of Column holding the strand indicator. Exp: strand. If None: all will be assigned '+' strand. (default=%default)""") parser.add_option('--thkStrt',dest="thkStrt",type="str", default=None, help="""Exact Title of Column holding the position of the thickStart. Exp: start_of_coding (default=%default)""") parser.add_option('--thkEnd',dest="thkEnd",type="str", default=None, help="""Exact Title of Column holding the position of the thickEnd. Exp: end_of_coding (default=%default)""") parser.add_option('--rgb',dest="rgb",type="str", default="0,0,0", help="""Space-less string to assign the color for this track. Exp: 0,0,0=black; 255,0,0=red; 0,255,0=green; 0,0,255=blue (default=%default)""") parser.add_option('--cigars',dest="cigars",type="str", default=False, help="""Exact Title of Column holding the cigar strings. Exp: cigar_string (default=%default)""") cigTypes = ['ensembl','exonerate'] parser.add_option('--cigar-type',dest="cigar_type",type="str", default=False, help="""Type of cigar string. REQUIRED when using '--cigars'. Options: %s (default=%default)""" % (cigTypes)) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() exit() features = tableFile2namedTuple(args[0],sep=opts.sep) rowsByAlgn = groupFeatureAlignments(features,opts) print """track name=%s description="%s" useScore=0""" % (opts.track_name, opts.description) for alnmnt in rowsByAlgn: printBEDline(rowsByAlgn[alnmnt],opts)
dest="cigars", type="str", default=False, help= """Exact Title of Column holding the cigar strings. Exp: cigar_string (default=%default)""" ) cigTypes = ['ensembl', 'exonerate'] parser.add_option( '--cigar-type', dest="cigar_type", type="str", default=False, help= """Type of cigar string. REQUIRED when using '--cigars'. Options: %s (default=%default)""" % (cigTypes)) (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.print_help() exit() features = tableFile2namedTuple(args[0], sep=opts.sep) rowsByAlgn = groupFeatureAlignments(features, opts) print """track name=%s description="%s" useScore=0""" % (opts.track_name, opts.description) for alnmnt in rowsByAlgn: printBEDline(rowsByAlgn[alnmnt], opts)